The Unknown Side of WoW: Secrets of the Burning Crusade

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in the unknown side of wow we will be going over hidden things npc references allure and bits and pieces of the history of the game lots of interesting small things which wouldn't fit in their own video first up let's go with an unknown npc located on a small tube of land just east of the fire wing point in the tarakar forest is an npc named david wayne unless you have the quest chain which would send you to him then he simply has a couple of dialogue options which basically state that he was part of the sons of lothar and then decided to head on his own as he thought he should be part of something larger if you do his quest chain it's a very long series of events which send you into four separate dungeons to collect items which will eventually culminate in creating a weapon that has a lot of extra attack power when fighting against demons and the stats on the weapon are about equivalent to an epic quality item when fighting demons despite the fact that all of the weapons are of blue quality although with how many dungeons you have to run in order to forge the weapon there's a good chance you would have found a better weapon by the time you've completed the question so it was never a necessary thing to do or even really that good once you got to the content that involved killing demons in the burning crusade and there's a hearthstone card called the master swordsmith which shows david wayne crafting the demonic blade in his artwork now here's what's notable about this npc he was theorized to be the second son of alexandros morgrain in vanilla wow there were some pieces of lore that stated that the second son of alexandros was living in the outland and would be able to reform the ashbringer because remember they had originally planned on giving players the ashbringer and vanilla wow before changing their mind so there was a lot of groundwork laid for the eventual reveal of the ashbringer that they eventually abandoned and never did anything with until legion so players speculated that this master blacksmith who helped to create weapons that are really good against demons was the most likely candidate to be the second son of the previous wielder of the ashbringer based on those rumors however once wrath of lich king came out it was real that darian morgrain was actually the second son and we meet him immediately upon doing the death knight intro scenario now let's look over the hidden story of caretaker delandres located near honor hold is an npc who tends the gravestones which many alliance players will be familiar with if they've ever died in the outlands there are no quests that send you to cure tiger delandros and there's no special lore associated to him either he just simply walks around the gravestones and occasionally will place flowers on top of them if you go up and talk to him he'll tell you that he was actually born in outlands and as a boy he always dreamed about going back to his homeland of azeroth and had heard all kinds of stories about how much nicer it was with actual grass oceans and big blue skies unfortunately both of his parents passed away when he was young and as he grew up he joined the sons of lothar and took it upon himself to take care of his parents gravestones as well as all the others from the family members lost at honorhold and he laments that he no longer wishes to leave this place as it's his duty to take care of this one little job as there's even piles of gravestones nearby waiting to be used as outlands is a pretty dangerous place now there's nothing really else known about keretanger delandrus there's not even really a reason to talk to him he was basically put in by blizzard in order to fill out the world more and there's lots of npcs like this which is one of the joys at looking at the unknown side of wow and now for some information about the earliest versions of the game did you know paladins did not have a taunt in vanilla wow at all and the reason they didn't have a taunt is actually kind of funny some blizzard class designers from the time said they intended for the protection paladin to have the ability to tank but they were afraid that it would be too powerful you see paladins were kind of rushed out in wow's launch as they had a whole bunch of reworks right as the game went live and they had no time to actually test any of them so paladins were kind of infamous for being incredibly weak on the damage front but even with this they thought paladins were going to be too strong because they could heal themselves and they said that the biggest reason they didn't give them a taunt is because they thought a paladin would just tank everything and then heal themselves up and they would be too overpowered once they saw players and raids though they knew this wasn't actually a concern at all that's why the burning crews say they gave them the ever so important taunt abilities and even allowed them to have the nisha being the aoe tank which made paladins one of the best tanks to have for dungeon runs it's kind of funny that they thought having the ability to heal would make them too good as a tank but really that cast time on healing made it not really a viable thing to do at all and a paladin wouldn't heal themselves unless it was an instant cast or they had some way to bubble or literally crowd control an entire group of mobs first as you can't use any of your passive mitigation while casting either which means you take extra damage while channeling or casting abilities because you can't dodge parry or block and now let's take a look at a forgotten and named npc located in the southern portion of the hellfire peninsula walking back and forth on a broken bridge segment that is not accessible until you get a flying mount is an npc named war boss nekrok it's just a lone fell orc that walks back and forth doesn't have any dialogues or quests associated to him his name isn't a reference to anything and he's not important to lore however he did have a quest associated to him in the burning crusade's beta there was actually a whole question surrounding this area and a couple of the quests in that 10 quest long chain directly involved interacting with war boss nekrok basically he was a leader of some of the felt works in the area and had taken a scout captive so what you were supposed to do was build the bomb and use it in order to get his attention which would cause him to climb down from the bridge in order to investigate which then would allow you to attack him in order to recover the key necessary to free the scout and seeing as there were horde and alliance versions of this quest chain it's kind of a wonder why they removed it from the live version of the game it could be because the lore is kind of spotty warboss nekrog is said to be a commander of some of the fel orcs in the area even though they all work under the shattered had clan in kargath bladefest or it could be because the quest was kind of complicated in order to obtain the questline you had to find a random item and then use a bomb when the npc was close to the area since it did patrol back and forth which maybe caused some pathing issues with having to climb down from an inaccessible vantage point from really high up he's like 50 yards in the air or it could be any number of reasons we don't actually know why it was removed just that when it was removed they left the named npc in the game still walking in his pathing location it probably even still has the programming from the quest on the npc but since there's no way to trigger it it's relegated to lost and forgotten status kind of out of the way too for people to even notice him and not an npc you can even fight until higher levels when you unlock flying when he's no longer even a challenge and now for the hidden side of wow located on the southern edge of the hellfire peninsula is an object called the jar of ashes right in front of a skeleton the skeleton is commonly called the hellfire peon in the wow community and if you click on the jar of ashes in front of him you'll get a bit of flavor text which reads here is a jar of ashes these are the ashes of my sanity my passion and my drive all utterly destroyed by themselves may all those who look upon these desolated lands of hellfire remember this fallen peon he shed blood for the alliance and sacrifice for the horde only to be driven utterly mad by the wicked and soulless ones who devoured what he held most dear as they feast from his toils may they suffer his wrath maybe not in this world but in every world hereafter it is my declaration my solemn oath and my everlasting promise i will avenge my suffering now this little piece of flavor tax doesn't really relate to anything specific in lore and it's just another piece of flavor added to give more personality to the zone that you can discover as this little jar is located way out of the way and while it is accessible to players without flying mounts it's hard-pressed to actually go to this location accidentally so it's just a nice little easter egg of someone in hellfire peninsula who probably died in some terrible way that made him just hate the world and write a very lengthy passionate letter there is some speculation about what this could be relating to though shortly before the burning crusade launched aseam on the wow forums left the company after going on a bit of a rant you see in the era of the end of classic and the hype for the new first expansion the burning crusade world of warcraft was receiving a lot of attention way more than the wow development team probably expected they would ever get as it just continuously got bigger every month and wouldn't stop growing until cataclysm when it hit its peak and so during the early transition period when they were having a huge wave of people hitting the forums before they'd hired the appropriate amount of staff to deal with them the people who were there before weren't really expecting to have to deal with a massive amount of trolls and so it caused a couple of incidents with some of the cms and the cm tesseract in particular wrote out the following in response to people calling him a douchebag in a way that circumvented the profanity filter and he lashed out at that person when some of the other people in the forums then started making fun of him for defending himself this was his response you can't help it posted impassionately they say you don't care posting nothing they say you ignore posting with passion you incite trolls posting fluff you say nonsense post with facts you have they whittled down with rationale there is no win there is only slow degradation take note it is the first and only time you'll see someone in my position make that position you can be me when i'm gone and then after this he was called out for being unprofessional and this was his response to those lines of messages when you can understand how a group of belligerent and angry posters can drive away people from this game with an uncrafted and improvisational campaign of misery and spin doctoring then perhaps you can understand the decisions i make until you face mobs of psychology you will not see my side until you see some bright eye player coming into the forms wanting to know what they should spec as this class and see them shat on and driven away by petty and selfish people who are simply leveraging for game buffs you will not understand you will not understand until you see it daily for years until you understand that many people will trot over you to get where they're going or to get what they want until you understand that so many people will agree completely 100 with a loud vulgar and assertive individual not because he is right but because he is taking a stand against the man to take no critical thought in what they say but simply to hop on board until you actually try to acknowledge those who do not speak on the forums for whatever reason they have you will not understand if you think an archaic business formula like the customer is always right works you fail to understand customers not a customer it is a collective no one person even myself is truly above the whole i simply have the unfortunate quality of being easily singled out now while nothing he said is quoted directly in the flavor text it is pretty easy to see where the parallels come with people thinking this line of flavor text is in response to tess rick as it's really easy to associate the wickedness and soulless ones who devoured what they held most dear to just be a parallel to the trolls and the wow forms and the second line about how they destroyed his sanity and passion is also pretty similar to his post about passion and seeing as the burning crusade launched shortly after tesseric left the company it could be easy to assume that this was put in game by a fellow game developer who agreed with the things he said in the wow forms it's doubtful that his cm had the power to put this in the game himself before leaving which is what a lot of people theorize and we also don't know if he was fired or left on his own terms but it is a popular theory that this is in reference to tess reckon as a rant on the forums and it's pretty easy to see the parallels after reading all of his dialogues of which i only posted a small handful and what's also pretty hilarious about this rant is how much it relates to world of warcraft even in the modern day if you heard someone say what he said today it wouldn't seem out of place at all which is kind of funny that even in the golden era of wow people were very angry about the game all the time and the constant toxic post in the wow forums drove the cms crazy alright and that's it for the unknown side of wow make sure you watch your plays with all the other videos in the series or the history playlist if you want to learn more about the game how you used to play and also remember to not subscribe
Channel: hirumaredx
Views: 134,548
Rating: 4.9166203 out of 5
Keywords: Battle, For, Azeroth, World Of Warcraft (Video Game), hirumaredx, history, wow, worl, vanilla, bc, burning crusade, wrath, wrath of the lich king, linch king, Video Game (Industry), World Warcraft, facts, Warcraft (Fictional Universe), how did doom work before wrath, before cata, how it use to work, funny, 8.3, 2020
Id: fTWHAvMzud0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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