Blind Spicy Chicken Sandwich Taste Test

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- What's the best fast food spicy chicken sandwich? - Let's talk about that. (gentle upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - When it comes to fast food chicken sandwiches, we've had our fair share the cream of the coop, so to speak, but what is the best spicy chicken sandwich on the fast food market? We must know! - Now, we did a blindfolded regular fast food chicken sandwich taste test a while back, but there was no ranking involved. Plus, the spiciness gives the chicken sandwich a certain je ne sais quoi. - Yeah. - A little zhuzh, a little oomph, a little razzle dazzle that makes it its own thing. - And our mouth holes are ready to be zhuzhed and oomphed and dazzled with the full force of the best spicy chicken sandwich you can snatch at a drive through. It's time for, "Can We Tell Where These Spicy Chicken Sandwiches are From? And More Importantly, Which Ones Don't Taste Like Great Uncle John's Bum?" - Today, we'll be sampling spicy sandwiches from Popeye's. - Wendy's. - Burger King. - KFC. - McDonald's. - And Jack in the Box. - We're gonna be competing to see who can correctly match the most sandwiches to their respective restaurants and scoring each one on a scale of one to 10 to determine the best by their combined score. - Now, it is about five years ago, half a decade. - Right. - When I became the chicken genius. - Yeah, it was impressive. - With the unspicy ones by getting a queen sweep. - Five years later, can you do it again? - I don't know. The spicy ones. Whoever guesses the most chicken sandwiches correctly will be named the mother clucking bonafide spicy chick king and will take home the coveted hot bird handbag. - I'm intrigued. (words whooshing) (gentle upbeat music) - As you can see, we can't. - Each one of these hot spy chicken sandwiches. - Is it real hot? - It's real hot. - Is it gonna be real hot? - It's gonna be brought to us in a patent pending chic beak. (laughs) Fancy. - All right, bring it in. Let's get chic with it. Okay. - Oh, my goodness. - That took a little work. - I feel like I was kissing a chicken. - It's got a nice crunch, but it's a thin crunch. - I mean, you like this? - I didn't get any sauce in my bite. Did you get any sauce in your bite? - I don't know. Is it on my face? - It seems like the spicy is in the chicken itself. - It's pretty spicy. I don't know if I recognize that. - I don't, but in terms of how good it is, the spice definitely builds. It's more of like a- - It's kind of a small patty. Is it not? - It's a peppery spice. - It's hot. - They're bringing the spice. - But it's almost like a black peppery spice, you know? It's not like, it doesn't have a lot of flavor to it. I'm not impressed with the filet, either. - It's sort of just like spice for the sake of spice. Just to be like, hey, we're competing. - Let rank how good we like it first. - I feel like it's leaving a lot on the table for me. I'm gonna give it just a solid five. - I'm giving it to four, man. - [Stevie] But do you know where it's from? - I'm bored. - Hold on. - Oh, crap. - Hold on. Don't confuse me. (laughs) Don't confuse me, Stevie. - Let me think. All right, I'm ready. - [Rhett] I don't know. - This is tough. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Jack in the Box. - Burger King. You think it's the Jack? - Well, hold on. Here's the thing. Here's the question I have. Is the Burger King sandwich that we're gonna be tasting, is it the Spicy Ch'King or is it the original sandwich made spicy? Because I'm gonna revise my answer, depending on the answer to that question. Is it the Ch'King? - [Stevie] It's the Ch'King, I've been told. - Okay. All right. I'm gonna stay with my answer. - Okay. - I don't know if I'm right. - Because you didn't change your answer, I'm okay with it. (words whooshing) (gentle upbeat music) Come home to roost, baby. (groaning) Oh, hello. Soft bun. - [Stevie] Well, that's a big sandwich. - The breading of the chickens kind of soft, too. - Can I get another bite? - You getting another one? - Oh, hey. - Man, where is the heat? Compared to the first one, this one's a lot less spicy. Do you agree? - It's moist. I'm still feeling the spice from the first one. - Right. - Oh, oh, oh! There it is. There it is. Delayed reaction. - Yeah. I mean, it's not spicier than the first one. - It is not spicier, but it tastes better. - It does build up. Yeah. - It's got some moisture in. - I agree with that. I feel like the chicken is better. I feel like the breading is better. I'm gonna give it a five. - I'm gonna go up to a six on this. - You know what this is, man? - [Stevie] How confident are we feeling? - I was confident five years ago and I think I got like, one right. So listen, I always bring confidence. - [Stevie] But you did like, a hand dance move. - You have to bring confidence, Stevie, even if you're gonna be wrong. - All right. - [Stevie] Are you ready? - Yeah. - [Stevie] three, two, one. - [Both] McDonald's! - We agree, man! - That has to be right, right? - Yeah, buddy. - Hey, I knew that. I could feel it. I could feel it. - People be like, "They can see. I know they can through their things!" - Maybe it's the, is it the breath directed towards you? - I could feel your head turning and then you got quiet, which made me think that he's leaving me. I'm about to leave him hanging. Gotta get up there. Oh, he's still there! Hey! (words whooshing) (gentle upbeat music) Let's keep kissing this chicken. - Got a pickle. I got a pickle! - Good Lord. That is a good sandwich. Whoa! - That's a big one. - I gotta give some more of that. - Really crunchy. I got that pickle surprise. - Man, that's like they just, that's an intact piece of chicken. You know what I'm saying? - Mm-hmm. It's huge. There was so much to wrap your mouth around. Trying to wrap my mind around it now. Woo! - I really like this. - So much better than the previous two. I would say it's not as hot as the first one, but a little bit hot than in the second one, I think. - It's so flavorful, though. - So much. - The flavor's really coming- - So much, so much better. I definitely know what this is, but to rank it? - I feel- - Shoot, man. - I'm hovering between an eight and a nine. - Me, too. Me, too. A nine is like big time. - I don't know, man. - Nine. - I'm going there, as well! Nine! I'm gonna do it. - Because we know what this is. - I'm doing it! - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - [Both] Popeye's! - Yeah, you did it again. - Yeah. I sure did! - You slow forearmed cagey man. - I sure did! Yeah, I did it. We did it! - We did it, man. - We did it! - We did it. - [Both] We did it! - Man, listen. - I'm just toying with you, man. - I was waiting for you to hit me up, man! - I know. I'm sorry, man. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Thanks. Thank you. - Sorry. - Give me some consolation scrubs. (both laughing) (words whooshing) (gentle upbeat music) Mythical Kitchener Trevor has a podcast called, "Trevor Talks Too Much" and Trevor has been talking too much to some pretty impressive people. - Yeah, Trevor's our boy! - Just some big internet folks out there. - Yeah, our boy! - Like YouTuber Larray. - Oh, yeah? - Yeah, he talked to him! - What about TikTok barista-er, MorganDrinksCoffee? - Talked to her, too! - Lots of other people. He'll make a fan out of you and he'll make you a fan of the people on his podcast. - He sure will. - And he will talk your ear off. - He does. - Woo! He's our boy! (Rhett laughs) Like, not- - He's our boy, yeah. - But we're not his daddies. - No, he's not. - Bring in the chicken! (Rhett laughs) - Oh, hello. - Good gracious! It's huge! - Can I have that again? I'm a double bite man today. - Oh, this is pretty good. This one's mostly about the chicken itself, not the breading. I'm getting a little pickle. - Man, I'm a little bit confused by this because I don't know who's done what. You know what I'm saying? - Yeah. - I don't know who's done what? I'm just talking about life. - I'm trying to get... - I'm confused about who does things. - I'm trying to get like, the bun. Like, it's a soft bun. - That's pretty dangerous. - Huge chicken. The heat. Where would you put the heat, compared to the other ones? - Again- - [Link] It's not Popeye's. - They're all sneaking up on me a little bit. - Yeah. - I'd say this is a medium heat. A mid-range heat. - It's about the same as the Popeye's. - I like it and I feel like they're trying to do the same thing that Popeye's is doing. - But it's not nearly as crunchy as the Popeye's. - No. Yeah. Man. Oh, man. I don't know. - There's no way we were wrong about the Popeye's, right? Because we're humiliated ourselves right now, if we are. There's no- - It tastes the chicken from a certain place that I want it to be my guess, but then I don't know if they've done this on this level, so I'm very confused right now. - But you need to rate it on a scale of one to 10. - It's solid. It's solid without the crispiness. I'm gonna give it a seven. - I'm gonna give it a, I'll give it a seven, too. Yeah, it's decent. It's pretty good. - A 7.2? - No, seven, as well. - Oh, okay. - [Stevie] Do you need some more thinking time? - Nope. I'm ready. - Oh, man. Okay. - [Link] I'm torn. - Should I go with my gut or should I? No. - I'm torn between the and the. - I'm not going with my gut. I'm going with my mind. - [Stevie] Three, two, one. - Burger King. - Jack in the Box. What? I don't think that was Burger King. - Well, I don't know. - That's why I didn't say it. - Maybe it was. (gentle upbeat music) (words whooshing) - Flutter, flutter, flutter fly into my mouth. - Suck that clucker! What? - That's a mushy chicken. - That's pretty good, though. I'm gonna have to get another bite. (crew laughing) - Interesting. The breading is kind of subtle. The pickle is there. - The pickle is there. - Y'all must be putting the pickle right there where I'll get it. - Pickle placement. - Perfect pickle placement- - It's on par. - For my petty little buddy. - It's my expectations. - Perfect pickle placement for my petty little buddy. - I don't like this one as much. - I don't love it. - I appreciate what they're trying to do and I appreciate the softness of the bread. I feel like I could take a nap on it. - There's not a lot of heat. There's not a lot of bread. - This is the least spicy one thus far. - Yeah and the aftertaste is just kind of, dare I say, manufactured. Manipulated. - Wow. - Dare you say that. You said that. I don't even have any. I don't even know, man. I'm gonna give it a six because I like what they're trying, but I don't like what's actually happening. - I'm gonna give this one a three. - Oh, my goodness. - Because I am not holding back! (mimicking chicken) - [Stevie] Ready to guess? - Yeah. - [Stevie] three, two, one. - Wendy's. - KFC. - I was torn between KFC and Wendy's. - Oh, yeah, I think it's the K and the F and the C. - I was torn between those two. - Kentucky Fried Chicken. (gentle upbeat music) (words whooshing) How many chicken sandwiches equivalent do you think we're eating today? One? - I'm about three quarters of the way through one. Oh! Oh! - Buttery bun. I'm gonna focus on that bun for a second because that's buttery. - That was big. I feel like I got some paint. - I think. (crew laughing) Do you think there was paint on your chicken sandwich? - Probably not. It's probably from the chic beak, but I went so deep, I got paint feedback. - That's got a good taste to it and it's not- - It's pretty spicy, too. - Yeah. I think it's the third biggest, is what it felt like to me. Of course, I can't see anything. - Yeah, I don't even feel like I got my whole mouth around it. - It's got a good after taste. It's had a decent crunch. - And it's getting into that peppery place. There is a peppery approach to the spicier. - I'm gonna give it a seven. - I'm not gonna go all the way to eight, but it is better than a six. I'm gonna agree with you on this. I'm gonna go with seven. - Now, I haven't guessed Wendy's yet. Which one have you not guessed? - I haven't guessed- - [Both] KFC. - But I know that that's not KFC. - Oh, really? - I had to be wrong. - I actually think it might be KFC, now that you're telling me you don't think it is. I don't know why I'm telling you why I think it is. It's tasty and I don't like throwing KFC under the bus. - I actually feel good about this guess. - I gotta say Wendy's to go for the queen sweep and I want that. I want to be a double chicken genius. Of course, you know whether I am even in the running for it and it bothers me. - Well, here's the interesting thing is that I'm gonna guess Wendy's on this one, too, because- - Okay. - I actually feel like that's what it is. - All right. - [Stevie] So you both guessing Wendy's? - No, hey, you don't know that! - [Stevie] Okay, three, two, one. - [Both] Wendy's. (crew laughing) - And we're out. Okay, guys. Let's do Good Mythical More. - [Stevie] Wow. Wow, guys. - We're out of the. - [Stevie] Rhett, you have one correct. (bell dinging) - No! You gotta be kidding me! One? - And it better be Wendy's. - [Stevie] Link. - Queen sweep. - [Stevie] You have zero correct. (buzzer ringing) (Rhett and crew laughing) - We didn't get Popeye's correct? - You got zero! You went from sweep to Jeep!. I mean nothing! I can't believe this. - [Stevie] Okay, Rhett, before you get your prize, I will say that your runner up sandwich was a tie between Popeye's and KFC. But by far, your favorite sandwich was from Burger King. - I told you that Ch'King was good, man! It's big and it's good. They did good job. - We thought that was Popeye and we looked like fools! - But I look like a chicken man. - So we both thought that the Burger King was the best? - [Stevie] We'll unpack it More. But for now, Rhett, you are the mother clucking bonafide spicy chick king and you get to take home the coveted hot bird handbag. - I can't believe this. - How'd you get no right? - Who are we? - I expected to get one right. I didn't think it would make me win, though. - I'm embarrassed. I'm embarrassed. Thanks for subscribing and click in that bell. - You know what time it is. - I'm Shea. - And I'm Adam. - And we're at the Vancouver aquarium and that is a sea lion. - [Both] And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - A little kiss. - How sweet. - A little peck on the cheek in front of the sea lions. - Click the top link to watch us answer Reddit's spiciest, most interesting questions in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Hey, we wanna let you know about a brand new podcast hosted very own Mythical Kitchener Trevor called, "Trevor Talks Too Much." Check it out on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 5,099,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: P_WiPh9Cyas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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