Ranking Every Starter Pokemon - Tier List

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[Music] hey guys Ron here and to kick off the year 2020 I thought it would make sense to see my perspective on a bunch of Pokemon and nowadays that means a tier list I have a bunch of Pokemon categories that I've ranked for you guys and I'll basically present them with my various reasons and justifications in upcoming videos I'll do pokémon like evolutions Legendary's Giganta max Pokemon etc but there were also be separate videos in which I go in depth and rank every single Pokemon of every generation but the first video in the series will be dedicated to starters and they will be split into first middle and final stage lists each tier list will have different rules and criteria except for the first one first stage starters okay this is gonna be the most subjective category in this video I like every single first stage starter at least and they're all between bees and asses so no DS no C's but I do love the esses way more than the bees so let's start with meteor um v tier is I like this pokemon a lot there are eight point four s out of tens cyndaquil is actually my least favorite the pokemon the right is a pokemon i like less than a pokemon i like on the left in within the same tier but in general they're basically the same tier cynical just I guess my least favorite first stage starter just because I can't connect with it that much it doesn't show as much emotion is literally any other starter that's basically the only reason I love it's designed though as a kid I was freaked out by its long nose and I am freaked out by long noses apparently in animals like ant eaters they make me uncomfortable but I'm I love sin Dickens color scheme same thing with tefik Tepig is there's nothing to dislike about it it's just for some reason not my favorite first one is basically Papa Leo I actually didn't like it whoa let's not say he didn't like it I didn't love it the first time I saw it but literally a day after once I saw a lot of part of it I fell in love with it it's personality and the an anime I like it I like it a lot next is B plus 2 B plus is more than I love this Pokemon it's 8.8 it's this Pokemon is an amazing Pokemon fennekin is the first one on the tier I love fennekin a lot I just it's just not like the kind of starter I take honestly that's really the only criticism written is I think cooler than fennekin but I like fennekin personality way more than Linton but Linton Linton's fine linens really cool I just don't think it's a great example of a starter because it's not as friendly as the others other that great Pokemon definitely Sabo is another example of it doesn't have the widest amount of emotions is all the other Pokemon and I guess that's what I cook the only criteria I have for a starter has to be believable in terms of its ability to express every sort of personality but Zabul is different it's I love that it's I love that it's sad I mean I I love its personality I love Samba for what it is it's just not the type personality I'm drawn to and that's the only negative for starter pokémon that have one general personality a short section my least favorite in terms of design I think I love his personality and I love its concept of its design makes sense it's its design is great it's just not the designs that I'm drawn to for some reasons now it's time for a - anything here and above is a 9 at least a nine point one out of ten that means they're amazing Pokemon their Pokemon that are way above average that includes froakie again love froakie just not my cup of tea in terms of this order I would pick I definitely pick it if I and love it if I had two Chikorita is I think my least favorite grass is harder but I love to carita I love its personality its personalities a little too much in the anime it's a cool design very cute a rank is 9.4 a rank is there is nothing better than this Pokemon these are basically perfect Pokemon just not my absolute not in my favorites you to put one that I love that I think you can't improve honestly something that I would want to improve about them they just isola just so happened not to be my absolute favorites of the starters chespin is one of them I would love if chespin was my favorite grass-type daughter it just isn't and I don't know what it needs to do to improve that same thing with Chim Chim Chim chars awesome I love the other starters more that's literally it same thing with Piplup Piplup is way more cute than cool i guess i do prefer cool starters then cute for at least ones that are up for anything in terms of battling or what does that look like you know they'd be fun to hang around this Piplup isn't one of that but it's definitely the cutest of the starters so far score bunny really perfect starter in my opinion perfect starter just in terms of design not my favorite Turtwig is also amazing again just maybe the most relaxed of the grass starters so not too I up there but again a it's perfect same with Bulbasaur Bulbasaur I love literally again perfect can't think of a flop turn out to I think total dolls here mostly because I love its final evolution out of all the johto starters alligators my favorite Jojo starter now it's time for a plus tear these are among my favorite starter Pokemon of all time Str is gonna be reserved for the absolute favorite those are the ones that are I'm attached to those are the ones that I love more than any pokemon in general but Mudkip is Mudkip that's really it's there's so much to love about it's a great concept probably the most unique of the starters since it's the least and it's the most ambiguous in terms of the animal that it is and it's just a great personality Falls it has a great line next for Pokemon kind of time including a Charmander but uh Charmander is great personality great design great literally everything it just isn't green and that my you know my bias is I'm just gonna bring them up here guys honestly it's close games amazing it's blue eyes really complement it orange skin yeah I guess I'm just not attached to it it's literally the only reason Stein s tear is because I'm not attached to it at all Snivy even though its personality is basically OneNote I love its design I love its house design conveys its personality with its nose all snooty like up up there in the air like it doesn't care so and his color scheme is great it's just a cool concept in terms of the line itself Torchic is literally the cutest Pokemon this list and it gets all the points for that it's a it's actually the pokeman that looks like the starter the least out of every Pokemon ear cuz it looks like a just a cute little chicken that's not a criticism honestly that's just my opinion on Torchic while looking at it Torchic is perfect squirtle is I think it's honestly one of the most underrated ly cute pokémon in existence I just want to Pat its head on brookey has fully become one of my favorite starter Pokemon ever it's the top choice in the ape last year if that means to me it's a perfect Pokemon not attached to it as much as the Pokemon and sta they wall because the Pokemon and STR Pokemon I think are perfect and I'm attached to groupies is exactly what I wanted in a grass monkey and just and I didn't even come up with haha it's stick becoming you know a drum stick the concept uh if technically its concept is better than any other starter it actually has a thing that it does and a gimmick which I like gimmick is not a negative in this aspect and in terms of its personality it's the best it can come believably complain any personality i believe it if we was sad I'd believe it if it was happy I believe it if it wants to play I believe it's hard to imagine a happy Lyn but that's just my my own biases s tear is a tie between Treecko and Rollins yeah it's a tie I definitely their final Aleutians are at a tie but in terms of their first stage I love them I love everything about like I used to think that I disliked RAL it's lack of me but I love in that brown that is a soothing Brown combination with that that greens might literally my favorite green on round while Treecko technically doesn't have my favorite green on it but it's way more green than round but that's a stupid that's a stupid reason for liking a Pokemon I don't love them because of the color I love them because of their personality and their concept - Treecko has the best personality in terms of starter it's just the coolest it hasn't have the widest range as GRU I think Ruby does but it's definitely as my favorite set of personality and rally is just a really cool concept again just like kooky has to do it shoots a little arrow leaves out of its wings it's time for middle stage starters that's what this was harder to rank because these are all transitional Pokemon it's hard to know if I should rank them based on their previous stage and how they've gone through evolution since the previous stage or where they're going maybe both but also I may be also very lenient because some of these Pokemon are intentionally awkward and it makes sense because they're in the middle stage a lot of them are supposed to represent the teenage years so I think at the end of the day I'm gonna rank them based on how much I still like their partnership how much I would still want to be best friends with this Pokemon Marshtomp don't hate it not even close to dislike it means my bad Pokemon out for starters dt r is fine it's a good thing in general it those Pokemon are like and eat here I guess it's just its eyes or two bTW it's my least favorite of the designs that's I guess that's it I love its color scheme its color scheme is super nostalgic and refreshing it's a great color scheme but it's the most Awkward of the designs not awkward in terms of teenage awkwardness it doesn't look like a teenager to me I definitely wanted to fully evolve while other Pokemon here I wouldn't I wouldn't mind having them perpetually in this in the in their current stage prim plop is another example of an implement just doesn't look cool privilege is not as cute as Piplup and it's far from as cool as Empoleon it's just there but it's the middle stage starter I would be the least attached to then I got seats here these are below average male stage starters but they're still fine we got quilladin its face is honestly my least favorite part of it I love that it's round I love that it's kind of chubby it's just faces my least favorite out of in terms of faces my least favorite in this list grano is great I just think it's yellow or shell kind of looks like a hard hat like it's in a construction site I don't love its design as much as turtling I'm not gonna spoil anything that I'll kind of love toward Tara so if a Pokemon is the least favorite of the stage it's in C or D tier survive its little head spike is weird looking to me a Kyle it's painful don't want to touch its head and I also don't like the personality of a survived superior they could judge anybody because it's superior this Irvine looks like the most spoiled brat time for beat here these are average middle stage starters we love them I can change a few things about them but wouldn't complain about them first it says I'm I get it it makes sense it makes sense for a shy pokemon to withdraw and become a bit like a sad boy I just wish the green was a little more yellow that's the first time I'd say that for any green but the purple hair streaked makes a lot of sense that way again wouldn't mind a few yellow it would still make sense of his yellow but as purple it makes sense croc enough I love its caveman miss I just don't understand why it looks like a caveman what I guess because it's more primitive and more rambunctious than the rest of its group and it's so cool how its little caveman clothes kind of looks like an egg so that's a very smart it's very cool design wise it's just chunky on fur no is great I can't think of a flaw I guess I just don't like it as much as Chimchar and in front it's got a little too much on the face but again it makes sense and I wouldn't generally say that it needs to have less in the face I guess it just has too much in the face and for me personally it's not the best I love pig night I think pig night is better than temping honestly and I love its little wrestler outfits and it also makes sense for it to be chubby it's a pig so I honestly don't get why people who dislike pig night as much as they do Charmeleon is the most awkward of the middle stage Cantrill starters I definitely like Charmander and Charizard more literally it's a perfect transition between Charmander and Charizard one of the best examples of them it would be useless to have tiny wings and it would be even more uses to have one wing Brianna's great I actually love the concept I love it's a b-plus for me I wouldn't use it but I like it I loved its existence it's very energetic and I love its presence it's just more divisive and I don't think starters should be as divisive as they can time for a tear these are great middle stage starters I would say that they're above average these are way above average starter middle stages guard tricks I like it a lot again people like I looks like a teenager kind of the point even if it is the point it doesn't mean that it's good in my opinion it is the case here it's point is good Combusken I loved since I was a kid I think even though I never picked the torchwick I love combusken Combusken I think is a fine clear transition between the two toric at another great transition between Linton and in sinner more it has the personality of a teenager maybe of a rambunctious jock or something but it doesn't look awkward at all it's great that it's still on its feet and I love its buff arms it's fire Bell makes total sense and it's a great way to transition into the fire belt do what I used to hate I would have put it on us in the in the seat here but then I fell in love with Japanese culture and I get it I used to just hate the color scheme honestly but again great transition from in terms of color from Oshawa to Samurai people have a lot of gripes that samraat isn't standing but again that was never a problem for me and even if it was a problem it's not do watch problems would be more of a sandbox deal then we have Wartortle a perfect example of middle stage starter it's I think Blastoise fault for not carrying on a lot of the motifs that Wartortle has but warp travels a great Pokemon frogadier and it looks super aerodynamic it looks like it's a great frog pokémon it's a great design it's great Kalama is great too it's definitely my least favorite in terms of personality I don't know what this thing's personality is it looks like the most animalistic it looks like it just has no personality honestly but if there's a design this is a cool pokemon i love its color scheme I love the color scheme of its entire line and now it's time for a plus middle stage stars I think are perfect these are among my favorite again Str is for the pokémon that are my favorite anime we got slack I wouldn't mind a less yellow-green but it's it's not a thing that hurts the Pokemon is designed in my opinion cuz everything else is perfect the callers transitioning to its later brass collars in its final stage the two sticks instead of one that it puts in its hair oh my god it's personality how it just rocks out in battle design I love it's top-heavy design I don't know why some people don't like that I was very satisfied when I saw the leaks then we have Ivysaur a perfect middle stage start literally no flaw its colors are beautiful definitely the best in terms of transition between personalities braixen I love his personality I like it's designed not to witchy while still have it which it which vibes its ear things aren't too long like its final evolution honestly literally can't think of anything that I would I just like about it it's just a fine Pokemon it's very peppy and and fun to be around in terms of watching in the anime or even in the game same thing with bay leaf it's a fun Pokemon in the anime it's a very interesting design there's no starter that looks like this that looks like a straight-up dinosaur I mean yes there are I guess there are Pokemon that look like straight-up dinosaurs but they're more vague well this one's definitely diamonds were like you can't be anything about a dinosaur bay leaf is one of those few middle stages that you love more than the final evolution I guess Str has two Pokemon one of which I liked way more than the other s3 Pokemon a goddamn do I love the the the first sto Pokemon which is rabbit I'm a huge fan of Naruto it's been a recent thing I started in 2016 this thing looks like the kid version of Kakashi one of the characters one of the most important characters and one of the most likeable characters in that show it's very endearing he adds so cool that he could put his hand in his pockets I love that the the black makes sense for fire-type I love black on fire type I love black and yellow on fire types you know representing ash or smoke random ninja na it attracts - it's a track suit with a headband you know that you know a sweatband but final evolution but the final STR is but one that actually is probably the most popular mill stage starter it just happens to be the middle stage of my favorite starter line and that is Grovyle don't love it as much as its final evolution and all the it all the pokemon in this stage have the same personality which is great it never feels like I'm changing Pokemon it feels like it's just the same Pokemon growing up and that's awesome to me time for final evolutions this one if you're a fan you kind of know what what's coming up but if you're not home you'll be surprised because I do not have the same opinion as everybody else see tear delphox is just okay I don't hate it as much people think but it is definitely my least favorite I just wish its ear things weren't that big I love its concept I love it its direction he just looked awkward to me and I like the fact that it has a one that is on fire it's a great Pokemon just find these favorite be tier is beat here it's slightly above average in terms of all Pokemon but average in terms of started and that's only goes to Meganium it's pretty it's just relatively boring now it's time for b-plus and most of them are just cool that's how I would describe them for example b-plus is and tell young it's cool I love the concept I love us design more than the others I do wish it was less than I love its water pistol I love its cape honestly I love it's my flight tale I love the Eiffel film that it has that's it and it would be one of my food be an A+ maybe the guy has more and more gripes then Meganium fine definitely have more than Meganium next is pre marina I like pre we know a lot honestly I used to like him more than in center war not too much of a flaw just not a Pokemon I would necessarily use now just not I used a bunch a bunch I've used the two times because I only played X&Y you know two times and I love using it it's just the most underwhelming of the grass-type starters other than the gingham but it definitely looks too different than its prevalence it honestly barely looks like a grass type but that's not a flaw again just the one that I'm least excited by for example even mmm well I'm more excited by then chestnut I think em boys design is perfect it's Chinese inspirations its beard made of fire it's perfect in terms of what they try to convey it makes sense that it's fat I love its actual over design this but finally is in center or would have been be in the past but I really like his personality now I understand it fully I understand what this Pokemon supposed to be a heel wrestler makes a total sense especially for a tiger like Pokemon I guess I would have preferred a quadrupedal tiger but for what they went with it was done perfectly a tear these are awesome Pokemon they are awesome starters there's literally in my opinion no reason to judge anybody who thinks these Pokemon are their favorite firstly a Swampert it's amazing it's just not my the thing that I like I love everything about I wouldn't change anything maybe it's the most feral looking of all the starters it looks like it's the one that would attack you the most and polygon is the most regal again in terms of personality I think it's the one that has is most static I can't believe ibly see it you know be super excited for something but that's just part of what this thing the concept of this Pokemon and I love it a is for awesome and that's what Empoleon is it has a weapon on it has a trident try it it's a weapon right Infernape is almost tied with employee on honestly I used to think they were equal but then I used both of them and I guess Infernape is better introduced they basically feel like they're both part of the same starter trio because of the the yellow is basically the same yellow Infernape is one of the coolest pokemon in existence I love when fire techs have white on them it shows purity and I see this book when I think of a god and then when that's that's like the best compliment you can give to anything next is Typhlosion again can't see have so many personalities until I did see it in the anime and legends of Thunder it a great partner Pokemon I think I understand if someone thinks this is the best book cinder race the slow becoming the starter that I think has the most personality it can be said I'd imagine it being a little let down by it some match that in had I can imagine it being so happy and and just celebrating a win and that's awesome to have as a starter I suppose it's a perfect partner Pokemon this is this pokemon looks like a partner is but what looks like it wants to train and that's Auto always a cool thing in a Pokemon and I think it's arm should be a little longer and I don't get with the white the yellow things are here I guess they represent the yellow part of the flame they're a little clunky to me but other than that I love its fire to fire like hair and even ears I have no flaw with Serperior it's exactly what it should be it looks beautiful it's a probably the most beautiful out of all of them of the following Pokemon again I don't want to be that that kind of person's like oh you should smile more but superior should superior is arrogant that's part of its personality so yeah it should it should think a little owner of itself even though it shouldn't because it's kind of one of the best starters in my opinion Venusaur is great it is a bit ugly but that's just what it is it's the most believable animal out of here I I can believably imagine that this Pokemon is roaming a forest but that's what's so cool about grass-type stars they can be intimidating also being beautiful it's a gentle giant and that's my favorite trope users actually kind of tied with Blastoise and Charizard I guess I like the final evolutions of this Kandra stars equally this weird cuz other people don't find them equal again I'm not the kind of person that hates Pokemon is because it's overrated that's why I did put Charizard in a I used to dislike it as a kid because it was overrated it would have been a B I'm an adult now and um I can't I can admit that Charizard is an awesome Pokemon now it's time for a plus these are epic Pokemon these aren't pulling that are just awesome that are wow this is amazing Pokemon these are Pokemon that wow I can't believe they came up with this Pokemon I am jazzed No first pokemon today plus his greninja it used to be before I like ninjas it was beaten maybe b-plus now I love ninjas greineder's A+ to me I love it I love it tongue I'm only the few that actually really loves his tongue scoffs I don't love that its tongue scarf wasn't a thing in his previous previous forms and that also it completely does away with the whole troubles around a snake but for what it is if it's fine if other Pokemon in its line didn't have the frubbles I would be perfectly fine with the tongue scarf because I think the tongue scarf is a wicked idea freyal gaiters my favorite odors starter I've always wanted for Alligator before I even had a joto game because I didn't play gold and silver as a kid buy a new alligator and it was until HeartGold and SoulSilver way finally used one it's epic and that's why it's in the epic tier Blaziken though wow yeah this is a super cool pokémon everybody agrees this is a super cool Pokemon even I agree the super cool Pokemon and it isn't my favorite little starter it's just one of the coolest pokemon in existence there I said I'm attached to Blaziken and I've never used the Blaziken I think Blaziken is the most justified final evolution to love I truly do next in the a cluster is real boom it's perfect it's a it's it's exactly what I wanted grupe to finally evolve into and when you hat when you're so satisfied with the final evolution you gotta put in an A+ I love how it puts the drum on his back and his drum is on his back and it's just walking around on its fists that thing is the coolest thing ever is a perfect gorilla Pokemon Sam Wright is just a personal favorite of mine a samurai otter how can you go wrong with that and they didn't I love its whiskers I love this whisker like beard I love its shell swords it just takes them out of its body which is a thing that actual samurai um that actual otters do they place objects in their furs like clams and shells and they take them out and you know date and it's just so cool a shell helmet shell swords Nexus Torterra a world turtle a turtle with a biome on its back that is a hope that we've seen many places and is done perfectly in this game I understand a samurai salt literally perfect Torterra is literally perfect though I mean nine stats it's pretty slow man that may be why it's not the best it's definitely a Pokemon I would show anybody who wants to understand why I like Pokemon it's a gentle giant exactly what I want in any sort of fictional animal honestly s tier is for the best it goes to the decidua it's my second favorite shorter Pokemon it slowly became well in my top ten I think it's in my top ten so it has my favorite green out of any Pokemon perfectly executed design and the concept and inspiration and lore and give me anything that I like in a Pokemon this Pokemon has I'm so lucky to have it I feel bad for people who don't have Pokemon like this in their lives but it's not SSST they are for Pokemon that are my favorite Pokemon of all time and that is sceptile I'm just gonna say I love how its personality is consistent throughout the tow line love its color it's cool it's honourable its loyal it's a hero among heroes it's has leaf blades it has a tree tail it has nutrients on its back Pokemon and the S&S SSD air is the reason I play this game to encounter and fall in love with and bond with designs like these and that's that's what started Pokemon are they are the Pokemon you are attached to the most they really do shape the kind of Pokemon fan you are if you like starters leave a like in this video and make sure to subscribe if you haven't check out my previous videos and the description for the music I used the t-shirts I made you guys my patreon or even click join to become a member and receive cool rewards like seeing my videos days early or discounts on my merch and more make sure to follow me on Twitter and now Instagram and I'll see you guys very soon
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 608,326
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Starter Pokemon, Max raids, Pokemon camp, Gigantamax, Zacian, Zamazanta, Wild Area, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Wooloo, Let's Go, Let's Go Pikachu, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Pokemon Red and Blue, Legendary Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Sobble, Grookey, Scorbunny, Dynamax, Game Freak, Shiny Pokemon, Pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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