Ranking Every SORCERER In D&D 5e

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we are breaking down every sorcerer in D and D to find out who's the best any subclass can be badass if it's a play style that you enjoy or it fits your character backstory but in this video we're talking mechanics only let's do this aberant mind cthulu's just misunderstood guys come on let me psychically eat your brain yeah aberant mind Sorcerers are the eldrich psychics of DnD D level one you get some nice warlock type spells with your psionic spells feature you also get the option to to swap out any of these spells with options from the enchantment or divination School of magic options like sleep hold person silvery barbs suggestion and command are all awesome you can also speak telepathically to an ally from level one it costs a bonus action to set up the connection but you can do it as many times as you like this can let you act as a psychic relay allowing the entire party to communicate telepathically through you at sixth level you get a defensive flourish with advantage on saves against being Charmed or frightened and resistance to psychic damage you also get psionic sorcery letting you cast spells from your psionic spells list using sorcery points instead of spell slots when you cast a spell using sorcery points it also requires no verbal or sematic components and no material components unless they are consumed in the casting of the spell that is fantastic for stealth casting an undetectable silvery barbs is as powerful as it is annoying but so are options like un detectable hold person detect thoughts or antagonize 14th level lets you spend a number of sorcery points to transform as a bonus action and gain a number of traits equal to the amount of sorcery points you expend you can see invisible creatures gain a flying speed gain a swimming speed equal to twice your walking speed or turn into goo you always wanted to turn into goo right the transformation lasts for 10 minutes and you can do it as many times as you like finally at level 18 you can teleport while leaving behind a collapsing black hole it sounds cool and it is but it's kind of low damage and you'd usually be better off using that action to cast the ninth level spell most of the time still aberant mind Sorcerers are awesome there's a bunch of flavor you can pack into your backstory and the extra flexible spells give you a ton to play with they are solid s tier Clockwork Soul if you're the type of person who dies a little inside when someone leaves the lid off the milk you might be a Clockwork Soul Clockwork soul is all about order represented by giving you a few lawful and defensive Spells at first level just like aberant mind you can swap these spells out for other options but they have to be from the abjuration or transmutation School of magic stuff like Shield counter spell enlarg ruce and haste are nice to have you also get restore balance which is the good guy version of silvery barbs whenever a creature you can see is about to roll with advantage or disadvantage you can use a reaction to make that roll a a normal role instead you can do this a few times per long rest and it's okay handy for removing advantage on enemy attacks and saving throws or removing disadvantage from your own Bastion of law at sixth level lets you spend up to five sorcery points to give yourself or another creature a shield and The Shield is made of a number of d8s equal to the number of sorcery points you spend when you take damage you can expend and roll any number of those diates and reduce the incoming damage by the result basically it's an extremely complicated way of giving someone a pseudo temporary hit point Shield not particularly exciting but pretty decent as a defensive tool 14th level is another bonus action transformation feature this time it lasts a minute and any attack roles cannot have advantage against you and anytime you roll a nine or lower on an attack roll ability check or saving throw you can treat the roll on a D20 as a 10 this means every attack roll you make should be hitting unless you're striking a real High AC enemy and you should basically be passing every concentration check finally at 18th level you can use an action to summon a bunch of spirits in a 30ft aura around you they can do a few cool things including restoring 100 hit points divided as you choose among creatures within range they can also repair any damaged objects in the cube and end any sixth level or lower spells on creatures in that area that you choose the healing is really nice and the spell immunity can be good all around a pretty decent defensive feature you'd think a so class based all around Law and Order would be boring but in this case it kind of is yeah I'd have loved to have seen at least one awesome offensive feature in here but that doesn't mean the Clockwork soul is bad they can go in high B tier it's a really nice role to have if there's no healer in the party although if that is the case you might be better with the next option hey dude I what the hell is this oh hey man you wouldn't happen to have any more of them spell Scrolls line around would you dude you have a problem no no no no I I don't have a problem you're a spell hoarder man no you don't understand I need spells you need an intervention wrong you need torrent of the spell hoarder Torrance of the spell holder is a colossal 500 page highlevel seafaring Adventure taking characters from 16th to 20th level featuring puzzles rules for Naval Combat 25 dungeon and ship Maps 55 new monsters 22 spells and Feats 20 magic items and a spectacular 24 new sub classes 24 sub classes and there's a 120 page long completely free module sample you can grab right now you can watch the live play on Elder brain's YouTube channel to see the adventure in action and you can use my discount code D and D shorts 10 off for a 10% discount on all products products at the link below look we're even in the book wow they made us sexy I was always sexy grab Torrance of the spell hoarder today on the roll 20 VT or as a hardcover book with booster cards DM screen and custom dice in a discounted bundle don't forget the 10% discount with my code and the free sample module all at the link below Divine soul for people who want to play cleric but are addicted to metamagic this is the choice at first level you get access to the entire cleric spell list in addition to the sorcery one great spells like guidance healing word bless and guiding bolt are Now options you also get favored by the gods a once per short rest super guidance effects buffing an attack roll or saving throw by 2D 4 save this for failed saves trust me passing a failed wisdom save can be gamechanging keeping the cleric Vibes at sixth level gets you empowered healing but it's kind of M basically you can spend one sorcery point to roll the dice for your healing spells then in sorcerer tradition you get a transformation at 14th level this time giving you spectral wings and a flying speed the wings last until you're incapacitated or you die so this is just a permanent flying speed it's good but it's useless if you can already fly so bear that in mind when choosing your race finally at 18th level you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to half your hit point maximum once per long rest that's some decent healing and it's a bonus action so it's easy to throw down on paper this is a solid B tier subass but in practice throwing metamagic behind cleric spells is Just Awesome every time I see this class in action it exceeds expectations Divine Sorcerers go in high a tier draconic bloodline this might be the second most iconic sorcerer in the game and for good reason dragons are cool as hell at first level you get draconic ancestry which is going to come in handy later you can also double your proficiency bonus when making Charisma checks to interact with Dragons the main early feature is draconic resilience giving you an additional one hit point for every level you have in this class and a base AC of 13 plus your dexterity modifier couple this with the hill dwarf race and you are a sorcerer that is as tanky as a fighter this is the thickest sorcerer in the game and the boosted AC gives you a spell slot that would otherwise have to go on Ma J at sixth level you can add your charisma modifier to one damage roll of a spell that deals damage of a type associated with your draconic ancestry if you're gold it's a boost to fire spells if you're black it's a boost to acid Etc you can also spend one sorcery point to gain a resistance to that damage type so you're best off going with damage types that are pretty common like fire or cold 14th level like Divine Soul lets you sprout wings and gain a permanent flying speed finally at 18th level you can spend an action and five sorcery points to create a massive 60t Aura of or or fear for one minute all hostile creatures that enter that aura or start their turn there have to succeed on a wisdom save and on a fail they are either Charmed or frightened of you it costs your concentration and once a creature passes it is immune for the next 24 hours but still this is a pretty dope ability as always just casting a ninth level spell is probably a better use of your action and concentration but still this isn't bad draconic Sorcerers are cool flavorful and above all simple this is the best option for newer players they're also a little on the weaker side so they can go in B tier for power but they get bonus points if you're looking for something to ease you in to playing a full Caster Luna sorcery oh oh I'm sorry I fell asleep just trying to read this freaking subass so Luna Sorcerers are the most complicated sorcerer subass and they require a decent amount of management the gimmick is that your abilities and spells change depending on the Luna phase that you are in here's the table with all the Spells you receive for each moon phase you decide the phase of the moon you're in when you finish a long rest this Luna shifting ability lets you adjust your spells and your abilities depending on what you're going to need that day and some of the Spells are pretty good then at sixth level and with one sorcery point you can use a bonus action to change the current phase of the moon you're in once per long rest you can also cast one first level spell from the moon phase you're in without expending a spell slot so that's either Shield Ray of sickness or color spray also at sixth level you can reduce the sorcery points you spend on metamagic for certain spells the Spells have to be from schools of magic related to your current Moon phase as shown here I hope you can see how this subclass has a ton to keep track of 14th level gives you a new permanent Boon depend depending on the phase of the moon that you're in you can get advantage on investigation and perception checks resistance to necrotic and radiant damage or advantage on stealth checks finally at 18th level you can use a bonus action to do a special thing again depending on the phase of the moon you're in Full Moon lets you burst with light potentially blinding creatures around you and healing one creature for 3d8 hit points Cresent Moon lets you teleport up to 60 ft and bring along a willing creature as well both teleporting creatures or also resist all damage until the start of your next turn new moon is probably the best it deals 3d10 necrotic damage to creatures nearby and reduces their speed to zero on a failed save and then it turns you invisible until the start of your next turn none of these are amazing and you can only do them once per long rest unless you spend five sorcery points to use them again at least they are only a bonus action to use but they're probably not worth five sorcery points this subclass is incredibly versatile but it pays for it because any individual path you take as you level up is kind of meh none of its individual abilities are especially exciting either so I'm putting it in high B tier Shadow Magic I've spoken about Shadow sorcery before it is criminally underrated first level grabs you eyes of the dark which is dark vision out to 120 ft starting from third level you learn the darkness spell and can cast it using two sorcery points instead of a spell slot when you cast it using sorcery points you can see through the magical Darkness created in this way that is amazing even creatures with dark vision can't see through magical Darkness letting you heavily obscure yourself to like 95% of creatures in the game the players can even build a full party based on this mechanic alone a warlock with devil sight a fighter and a paladin each with the blind fighting style and you to set up the magical darkness and tear through every creature in the game you also get strength of the grave at level one giving you Charisma save to avoid being knocked down when you would fall to zero hit points on a success you fall to one hit point instead it's only a once per long rest feature but sometimes getting one extra turn is all you need to win or at the very least get the hell out of there from sixth level you get an adorable bonus action hellhound Pera and it only cost three S three points to summon it uses the direwolf stat block which is a pretty decent cr1 creature plus some bonus hit points the monstrosity creature type and a slightly smaller size it can also move through creatures and objects as though they were difficult terrain and you can sick it on a creature when you summon it this lets the Hound always know where that creature is even if the creature is otherwise hidden finally while the Hound is within 5 ft of the creature that you sick it on that creature has disadvantage on saving throws against your spells that is wild having disadvantage on your big spells like hypnotic patn banishment and dominate person is a death sentence 14th level gives you a free bonus action teleport up to 120 ft from any area of dimlight or Darkness to another area of dim light or darkness that you can see it's good finally at 18th level you get another classic sorcer transformation umbrell form costs six sorcery points and a bonus action and gives you resistance to all damage except force and Radiance and lets you move through creatures and objects as though they were difficult terrain you become a ghost basically and because it's only a bonus action you can do it on the same turn as firing off a powerful spell am I biased maybe but I really like this subclass I'm putting it in a tier next to Divine soul look at this hellhound it's a good dog storm sorcery fun fact this is the build that Boulders Gate 3 speedrunners use for their glitchless any% runs that's because of the tempestuous magic feature immediately before or after you cast a leveled spell you can use a bonus action to fly up to 10 ft without provoking opportunity attacks The Boulders gate version of this ability is a little bit better and they use it to Traverse the map faster but it's still a good feature in 5e at sixth level you get resistance to lightning and thunder damage and whenever you cast a spell that deals one of these damage types you can explode the explosion deals damage equal to half your sorcerer level to All Creatures within 10 ft of you of your choice no saving throw required you also get some cute weather control powers like manipulating the wind if you're on a ship this could be incredibly useful but otherwise it's probably going to be flavor only Storm's Fury at 14th level lets you use a reaction to deal lightning damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack the damage equals your sorcerer level again no attack roll or save required the target then makes a strength save and on a fail they are pushed 20 ft away from you finally at 18th level you just become straight up immune to lightning and thunder damage you get a 60t flying speed which you can shave in half to give the entire party a 30ft flying speed for 1 hour you can only do this once per short rest but having everyone fly is pretty good in case you can't tell I like this subass I like that it gives you the tools to launch yourself into combat explode and punish creatures that attack you back but you are still a sorcerer and you don't have any defensive features that buff your hit points storm sorcery is really cool but it's definitely not safe and it's not particular particularly powerful either it can chill in low B tier wild magic are you ready for a depressing hot and completely accurate take wild magic is the most iconic sorcerer in DND D it might be the most iconic subclass in DND D conceptually It's amazing in practice let's take a look the big feature is wild magic surge let's talk about it once per turn the GM can choose to have you roll 1 D20 immediately after you cast a leveled spell if you roll a one you then roll again this time on the wild magic surge table and creates a random magical effect this table is Awesome with options like casting Fireballs centered on yourself turning yourself into a pot plant growing a beard of feathers or gaining resistance to all damage there are community-made wild magic tables with literally thousands of potential effects it's really fun the problem is rules is written your GM has to remember to tell you to roll and even then you only have a one in 20 of actually getting a wild magic search it is totally realistic that you could go three to four sessions of normal gameplay without Ever Getting to use this feature most tables HW this to be different and we'll talk about options for that later but let's keep going for now you also get tides of chaos at first level netting you advantage on one attack roll ability check or saving throw once per long rest your GM can also have you roll on the wild Magic Table after you cast a leveled spell and if you do you gain a use of this feature back if your GM is an agent of chaos and has you roll on the wild magic Table after every single spell this feature is amazing it's essentially rechargeable inspiration so bend luck at sixth level is baby's first silvery bars letting you spend a reaction and two sorcery points to impose 1 D4 as a penalty on an attack roll ability check or saving throw you can also use it like everyone uses the guide spell to give a 1 D4 bonus instead either way a 1 D4 penalty on an enemy's crucial saving throw can be brutal so this is pretty decent even at a high sorcery Point cost at 14th level you get to roll twice on the wild magic search table and choose the results you want to keep this makes it more likely you're going to get something good it's good finally at 18th level you get a little buff to the power of your spells when you roll maximum on a spell damage die it's not particularly good but it's a free permanent buff so fine you've probably noticed that this subass is garbage if the GM doesn't let you roll on the wild magic table a lot in fact a forgetful GM or just a GM who follows the rules down to the letter could easily make it feel like this subass does nothing as such the effectiveness and fun Factor varies massively from table to table if you want my advice forget the whole roll 1 D20 and on a natural one roll on the wild magic table thing that's way too much rolling just let it fly on the wild magic surge Table after every leveled spell you cast if you do that the chaos and hilarity that you're craving is going to happen if that's too often just flip a coin to see if you roll wild magic after every spell obviously a class about producing random effects is not going to be consistent in fact in terms of raw power it's actually kind of mid wild magic Sorcerers are definitely the highest cause of tpk in history with the self-inflicted fire B wild magic search the potential downsides of wild magic probably outweigh the upsides in terms of pure optimization honestly but if you're just looking for fun and your GM lets you reuse your tides of chaos a bunch of times then it's really good which kind of makes it difficult to rank going by the strictest rules as written it's probably only a c tier class but going by Common Sense and a cool GM it might be as good as a tier let's compromise and put it in High B tier for mechanics and S tier in our hearts because it's funny to be turned into a potted plant but you know what else is funny a gelatinous terask melting the flesh from your bones as your allies lock on in horror and I've made one pick up the gelatinous terask stat block for free and download and print the beautiful epic teras boss mini from my link below take your game to the next level with awesome stat blocks and Minis and support 3D artists and the channel at the same time remember to like And subscribe check out other videos on the channel and yeah that's all I got I'll see you next time
Channel: DnD Shorts
Views: 141,538
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QinLAH0beEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 5sec (1265 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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