I Used AI to Create a New Pokemon Of Every Type

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recently I found a website that generates Pokemon designs just off the words I type into the prompt what is this so I wanted to use this website to see if I could create a brand new Pokemon for every single type I know the perfect place to start let's get a new frog Pokemon actually I'm gonna do shiny frog what do they think a shiny frog Pokemon would look like hello I don't know if I love it or if I hate it I love the colors it has like fairy wings I think what's throwing me off is why is the mouth green if it if it the entire face was purple I feel like I would love it it would be such an incredible fairy type poison dart frog my favorite kind of frog they're beautiful no way they can mess this up oh it's kind of like a superhero frog [Music] I kind of love this with the blue and the yellow I love the black on the tail it has to be our brand new poison type Pokemon but I don't know if it should be poison dark or poison fighting and I'm actually gonna give you guys the power to make that decision what dual typing this should be it's name ability stats any of that give these new Pokemon a story submit them in the comments below the subreddit Twitter Instagram I'd love to react to them in the future and maybe eventually you make our own bm7 Pokedex either way we have a bunch more Pokemon to create and I have a good idea for a Pokemon we absolutely need me one of my good friends mnjtv absolutely hates it when I tell them that Squirtle is part squirrel and part Turtle Sandy because Sandy Cheeks it's another famous squirrel squirrel is not a squirrel it's a squirrel from Texas like Sandy Cheeks oh my God John it's squirt Turtle no it's squirrel Turtle no it's not and we will finally prove to him that it is the superior Pokemon combination why is there an arm coming out of its neck like I don't like what what why is like what what it kind of looks like Lapras but just with funky arms you know what no I will perfect this wait a second Turtle squirrel Mikey this is the secret sauce this is what we need to get the Pokemon we're looking for very [Music] I've been looking for the turtle squirrel Mikey the squirrel Turtle will absolutely be the normal type Pokemon in the Pokedex but if I'm gonna do this there's one thing that I've wanted in Pokemon for way too long we need a moose Pokemon we're gonna put moose and we're gonna put winter no no no no that sauce Statler mushed okay let's try something else you're really letting me down here all right no no no no new moose we already have a normal type Pokemon but I'm going to save this picture because if we make a big Pokedex this will be included I was also told to type Mecca moose whoa this thing is crazy it looks like a legendary I absolutely love this thing whatever that last Pokemon was maybe that's the Moose for the final deck someday for now this is our Steel type Pokemon I think it's time to make an elephant Pokemon elephants are my favorite animals of all time and I've desperately wanted a starter Pokemon to be an elephant line for so long let's make it a reality ah it's not an elephant it's like a gopher with tusks there are other starter typings we can see what the fire starter typing will be they massacred my boy why one more option elephant starter water why no no I think we're on to something keep the legs fire on top could go crazy this is awful in every way if I could kill it I would we're getting close we're not there yet though I want an elephant I'll take a woolly mammoth I want it to be a starter hey give me some sparkles little Sparky Sparky hey who knows what happens you're hurting my feelings at this point I will revisit elephants we've been struggling to get a new Pokemon for a while so let's let's go with Old Reliable Cyber Dragon guaranteed to be cool this thing is insane yes a million times yes we're absolutely keeping this and it's going to be our dark type I would like to get another Dragon type Pokemon because dragons look very cool and there's nothing you can do about it so you know what if you just subscribe to the channel if you're enjoying the video huh that'll show me that'll absolutely show me I I actually kind of want to see praying mantis I could probably look up a cooler bug but let's start here it's like it's like a flying bug but its body is also a circle let's try a few other bugs the internet told me that Picasso moths are cool wait a minute I'm feeling very silly right now and I have a sneaky suspicion that we already have a Picasso moth Pokemon I'm staring right at it ladybug but this one is not horrible come on let's shoot the bill on again what are we doing the red-spotted jewel beetle is a cool looking beetle but it's also just for buzzwords and I think that could work pretty well with what we're trying to do here uh oh are you kidding me why are they all the Villa what about bugs like that was a movie I loved as a kid well it's the villain without it being the villain completely again I don't think this is in Bug's Life though I think we're on to something though this can't possibly be the Villard right wait it actually kind of did something Buzz Lightyear and Woody finally teaming up this is the Pokemon Fusion we've all been waiting for whoa this thing is insane the delicious KFC 20 fill up we are absolutely keeping this I don't know how Buzz Light your Woody Toy Story turned into this but I love it so much and this is gonna be our new bug type I don't know how we won up that you know what I think it's time to find a famous elephant or a famous woolly mammoth and pretend like I never saw that and we're gonna keep moving we stick with Ice Age we go with dodo bird that is not a dodo bird ooh this is this is kind of crazy I was really married to the dodo bird idea but I kind of feel like I I have to go with this it's difficult I I know it's not the most unique bird out there but there's something about the beak that's so interesting the circle on top the tail this is gonna be the new flying Pokemon let's do something completely different rock crystal shiny cyber I'm just hoping for a very unique very cool looking Rock okay maybe we get rid of the Cyber part let's try pet raw I got exactly what I typed into the search bar and at this point I'm a little desperate and I want to take a Pokemon but there's one thing that I have to try it's about drive it's about power we stay hungry I'm not keeping that Dwayne the pet rock there it is in all of its beauty and all of its Glory I think it evolves into something special and I think I need to make this the new rock type so we can find out what this little guy turns into I gotta try my little puppy Ginger she's technically part Chihuahua part Dachshund and some people do call those chiweenies but I'm very scared to type Chiweenie into this I love this the two Stouts like it's I don't know it not very dog-like the way at least it's this is the fire type it has to be the fire type I love it the next melning I don't care how long it takes I'm gonna get a brand new elephant Pokemon today I gotta go with a famous elephant from a cartoon so we're gonna go with Dumbo just just make Dumbo cool make it my friend make it look like an elephant that's all I want it's all I need we have some work to do I still believe in dumbo it was my favorite ride in Disneyland when I was a Wee child this isn't going the way I hoped it would clearly I can't be trusted to come up with a new elephant so I've recruited my good friend Katie and she has thrown some different words for me to try and I'm gonna trust her because I need some help elephant Dumbo blue purple trunk nose cute tusks come on I need an elephant and I need it so badly oh that looks busting busting on God oh boy that's a mouse we're nearing an hour of unusable elephant attempts that are gonna be left on The Cutting Room floor but I will not give up I'll come back to this my incredibly talented editor he's a cowboy and he also loves Marvel they're gonna be the strongest Pokemon yet I'm gonna be the next Hokage that's kind of sick wait a minute I think there's something here Marvel Cowboy deserts this could be our ground type Pokemon I see the vision I don't know why he became a centaur yes I am absolutely taking this this is absolutely going to be our ground type Pokemon I I love it so much we need a fighting type Pokemon why not just me punting weak Pokemon to the Moon I've talked about it many times on this channel I think we should see it in action and nothing can go wrong I know I don't like it I don't like it oh what have I done desperate times calls for desperate measures I need a starter Pokemon let me just throw in some starter Pokemon buzzwords need to be cute and small and adorable and either grass or water you choose [Music] oh wait a second cutest animal ever created the quokka it's adorable exactly what I wanted to wanted this other foot there is or if it's just a guaca and then the back of it is a plan you know what I have to trust the vision it is mine I love it and I will protect it to the end of the Earth only had Arlo for a day and a half but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone in this room and then myself this is absolutely the new grass Pokemon spooky scary skeleton Pokemon please don't be bad I kind of love it but it might be a little bit too spooky but I'm not sure I have a hunch spoopy that will make it slightly less scary oh what kind of just want to throw these buzzwords a few times till we get the right one I'm just so thrown off after the last two were so ridiculous but anger and I honestly really love the design of like the the two faces I think they look crazy so this is gonna be the ghost as a kid I always try to make an alligator Pokemon or Yu-Gi-Oh card and I try to put like spikes or saws on it or like make it a robot I don't know let's see oh that's kind of crazy let's get rid of the Cyber part of that this is kind of interesting I I do kind of want like an electric alligator and this kind of feels like a dragon but I can work with this this is a lot of buzzwords and I don't think they're gonna fit together okay wait a minute this thing is like flying and there's like electricity going around it and the Tails like just it's a tail but it can flop I'm keeping this as my new electric type Pokemon Ice Ice Baby I only need this to be a one hit wonder I don't need anything else did they try to make that stupid butterfly again saber tooth tiger ice snow what how do we go for the last one to this cyber tooth tiger ice fangs blue the free limit and a bit of a technical issue but I have a plan for ice types coolest ice type Pokemon ever smiley it'll understand that actually worked out way better than I expected I assume these guys live in icy caves I'm not here to say this is the best Pokemon I've created but I asked it for the coolest ice type Pokemon ever smiley face and I feel like I have no other choice but to accept that this is the new ice type Pokemon let's keep it simple I need a fairy Pokemon and it's it's always difficult to figure out exactly what you mean by that I think if I just combine frogs which I love and fairy Pokemon I have a Pokemon that I love that's a Fairy Type wait a minute this is very simple it's just another frog and it's my favorite color but it has wings which makes it a fairy in this world yeah I'm sold stamp it that's the fairy type this is a big one dragon Pokemon I'm being cereal super cereal Patrick that's a blue eyes white dragon oh okay you were being super cereal AI weren't you and honestly I'm here for it the colors are kind of crazy and I'll take that's the new dragon type I'm not giving up on this YouTuber kicks Pokemon what is coming out of where there's got to be censored man this this is crazy this is this was a mistake I don't know what I was thinking oh my God new idea random small creature punts Pokemon to the moon for me it does my interesting okay so this is this is a fighting type rodent it's tail is a cannonball but it's strong enough to carry the Cannonball and it takes its Cannonball tail and then it throws it at Pokemon I honestly love this this is the new fighting type for sure we've tried a few different water type Pokemon but it's Gotta Be pirate buccaneer water Pizza Time what what are we talking about come on all right that's fine that's fine Pirates water Tom Brady yeah we're definitely not going with this mutant I this is this is half a pirate and half a Pokemon I don't know what happened man pirate starter water it's definitely not a pirate it is a cute random water creature with a fun hat we all love fun hats come on you know what you look like a Pokemon that could evolve into something crazy and maybe you'll get that opportunity someday little guy you're the brand new water type Pokemon and then there was only one I know exactly what I want to do we're gonna make a psychic frog elephant I have nothing for this wait a second I had the answer here the entire time elephants KT purple psychic friendship ladies and gentlemen we got him there it is it has elephant ears and an elephant body instead of trying our dusks it has two trunks that fires psychic cannons this is everything I've Ever Needed this is the psychic Pokemon and there it is I made a brand new Pokemon for every single type and maybe these are really just the beginning of a brand new Pokedex we make together laugh to see
Channel: PM7 Plus
Views: 972,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pm7, pokemon, pm7 plus, new pokemon, pokemon ai, pokemon gen 9, creating new pokemon, fake pokemon, pokemon violet, pokemon generation 9, pokemon scarlet and violet, pm7 new pokemon, i used ai to create new pokemon, i used ai to create a new pokemon of every type, new pokemon of every type, ai generated pokemon challenge, ai generated pokemon art, ai generated pokemon, using ai to create pokemon, making new pokemon, gen 9, artificial intelligence, gen 9 pokemon, gen 9 leaks
Id: 8rL_YM89Bik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 28sec (868 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 09 2022
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