Attempting A Pokemon Crane Game Challenge

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I've always loved playing crane machines but I've never attempted any online ones before that all changes today as I'm ready to win some Pokemon prizes starting with this Mudkip this isn't a crane at all this is a ping pong ball picker upper you gotta drop the ping pong ball in the center start oh that's so crazy wait okay okay okay you hold it you don't click it oh you got a ping pong ball that's mine am I the goat [Laughter] no part of me can under understand the fact that we just won that Mudkip on the very first try but it's in my cart it's ready to be delivered but that's only the first thing on this checklist that I'm gonna be trying to get today there's still so much more to get including the shiny plushie that we just absolutely need to get we won that Mudkip so quickly let's get another starter I feel like Fuego's the call let's go Gen 9. all right what is going on here I figured out how the last one worked immediately and then through strategy and skill one on my first try but this one so you gotta grab this and then you know what I'm just gonna see what happens [Laughter] you can't win them all in the first try but that's okay because it's first is the worst second is the best oh no no no no my brain is not understanding how this is gonna work the challenge okay this is what I needed I I have no idea if I'm learning that's gotta be come on that felt perfect no no try asking again I miss the ping pong balls I'm almost paused if I have to spin the top thing so it turns and then it will follow through I just don't get how you spin it all right I'm gonna hit the bar on purpose they grab a different that was so dumb that didn't make any sense I feel like I am just doing the same thing hoping for a different result repeatedly and now I I just I put I I'm not addicted to this you are give me that angle come on yeah Fab Five Freddy told me everybody's flying DJ spin and I said my my flash is back this is impossible this is impossible I don't get it I don't get it one final attempt I needed the pressure we're leaving after this attempt perfectly in the middle perfectly after the bar he he hit the bar but look at that I left onto another machine the water starter we got in one try the fire starter feels impossible I think we need to go for a grass starter now and after failing with Gen 9 we gotta go back to the past and Chikorita that means we're gonna have to put aside our differences bury the hatchet shikarita you are a pair I will be punting you directly to the moon and there's nothing anyone can say that's going to stop me what is this okay so there's there's a blue ball over over here play start okay what does this even do okay okay no no John you can figure this out you're an adult so the blue ball you need to try to get to fall out of the machine so if I start I want to move it all the way over here and then over here to push down the machine to make the ball move oh I was right oh I did it oh learning it's so cool we got the mud Cup in one try we got the chickarita in two tries all that's left to do is get the Charmander in three try so we can be on our way to get that incredible shiny Celebi and there it is Charmander it's time to complete the trifecta someone else is playing oh no assault theft fraud DUI they stole my Charmander how could they do this I had to watch someone else win the Charizard right before my very eyes now it's time for me to win the Charizard it seemed like they were trying to angle it over the edge oh no okay there's a learning curve here all right let's try middle of the Box just pick it up pick up the box can you knock it over either way okay we're really grabbing the edge of this box oh the issue I having right now is I'm not really going in with a plan I go in with a tentative plan and then as soon as I start moving it I I start coming up with a new one which is not a great strategy so let's just try to do exactly what I saw that other person do because I clearly do not know what I'm doing I I don't think I did exactly what I saw them do at all oh maybe I did actually wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute okay that wasn't perfect but I think that's progress this could be a really really dumb move for exactly what we need to do I don't know man I don't even know what I'm doing anymore what do I do with this this is new oh okay oh I'm so nervous I'm so nervous I want to win this so bad no okay okay it's still it's still there oh God [Music] foreign I got it stuck I I have I have to move on right I have to move on will they help will they ever help is it over am I I no I'm gonna do one more we're just gonna mess it up for everybody I'm gonna mess it up for everybody or win okay oh my God I I I can't handle these get me out of here [Laughter] oh man what do I even go for next I know what you should go for next Nicholas no Nicholas Nicholas Nicholas no no so now I have to win a waifu figure wait the added into the checklist why did I hire this guy a ball drop game Nicholas I think you're on to something I think you also just just want this figure but this is how I get my mojo back oh this thing can scoop up multiples I didn't know that because we won so quickly last time but it doesn't matter because this is the winning drop two for two no I don't really feel like it oh oh no we have a Crowd Oh no no no I no no no I can't let this down this is the one droppeth the ping pong ball from the heavens it's sad really why would you do such a thing to me okay just just grab a ping pong ball you just gotta grab one I think at some point it's a mercy rule okay at some point there's a mercy rule it just landed oh my God it's win the prize when there are ping pong ball remaining but it doesn't say how many ping pong balls okay no this is it ladies and gentlemen we got him yes Nicholas you must show me what game to play next bestow upon me the luck of the Gods wait a second Torchic that's new Torchic hasn't been here the whole time ping pong balls oh my God I train for this moment come on come on Torchic oh no wait wait did that just block the middle keep the faith John keep the faith there's people waiting on the machine now but I cannot give up hope this is where I get my mojo jojo back and with my mojo jojo no one can stop me and I'll become a prize-winning machine [Applause] one kiss is all it takes [Music] no it wasn't even close it wasn't even close did I ever tell you the definition of insanity what oh boy no we were so close what was that no no oh no [Music] I may never choose another Fire Starter again how were there only three ping pong balls left [Music] I think that's perfectly centered over them okay there's only one big oh wow okay it's perfect oh that doesn't look perfect oh it doesn't look perfect oh my God okay that's that's right over it that's right over it there it is come on yeah [Music] it we did it yeah I got all the starters my mojo JoJo's back and we only got one more thing to cross off before I can finally go after that shiny Sullivan that's a pretty big sign up and he has a berry I think we have a new Pokemon we must acquire you select the toy and then you choose the game this one looks like you could get it pretty easily come on it it looks like it's just waiting for someone very skilled to win it and what am I if not skilled stop the cap okay I feel really good about this barely perfect I got that exactly where I wanted it oh that's actually perfect if I nail this move we're not in a horrible spot we're not in a horrible spot at all okay I just have to stick the landing here does this make sense kinda yeah that kind of did exactly what I wanted it to do all right grab right there grab the corner no okay but it's closed it's really close okay perfect that's exactly what I needed yes I think I did it perfect so close no no okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay come on come on Redemption Redemption is named Psyduck holding a berry oh my God we are so close this is the closest I've gotten on one of these everybody is waiting now come on this is it this is it flipping enough flip it enough no it's not enough oh this is so I'm so close but so freaking bar I wish I had played these crane machines before I have no idea what to do here as this time yeah assistant oh my God I was going insane thank you wait wait what how did how did it get over there is that how they assisted me oh so stressed oh no Nicholas what do I do I come with wise words please just try to like push the corner down my legs was it all worth it I don't know it is a really big Psyduck with a berry though there's been some ups there's been some downs but none of that matters as long as I can get this final prize shiny Celebi not only is it a shiny not only is it a mythical but it's a pink onion fairy and what could be more glorious than that I will win this I only have 32 plays left but I will get this Celebi I will make this all worth it there we go easy all right perfect now if we can okay I know exactly where I need to go my brain actually understands this one and that's important from what we've seen okay that wasn't ideal but it's okay oh okay okay there's a good chance here there's a really good chance I see exactly what I have to do right there if I'm right no oh I was so close smash the table bash it no it hit both sides wow we're getting so close right there bash the table oh oh my God it's so close there's only one thing left to do I buttoned the bm7 guarantee down I'm gonna get this so help me I'm gonna get this there's no force in this world that could stop me from getting the shiny Celebi it's not just a guarantee it's a promise drop it [Music] [Applause] yeah you could get it I knew we could get it there's a pm7 guarantee ever failed now now it hasn't
Channel: PM7 Plus
Views: 313,604
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, crane game, pokemon crane game, crane games, japanese crane game, pm7, pokemon challenge, pokemon claw machine, pokemon crane machine, pokemon crane game challenge, attempting a pokemon crane game challenge, winning pokemon plushies, pokemon plush, pokemon plushies, pokemon game, crane game win, claw game win, i won pokemon plushies, i tried pokemon crane games, trying pokemon crane games, online crane game, crane game japan, japanese crane games, pm7 crane game
Id: nVKNqLZGtro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 35sec (875 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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