More things that SUCK about Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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before we get into it today this video is sponsored by Factor 75. you ever watch those online videos I'd say something like if you're hungry but don't feel like cooking here's something quick and easy you can make first lightly saute some diced onions which is obviously not what you want to do so you just go order some takeout instead and then it comes in an hour too late and it's not even that good well luckily there's a way more convenient alternative and that is Factor 75. these guys have professional chefs that make pre-prepared meals for you that get sent to your house and not just a single meal but instead a whole slew of meals for seven days they come in these neat little trays that you just heat up in either your oven or standard microwave quick easy and leaves no messes once every week you get sent a new box and they shift around their menus each week as well so it's not like you'll be getting the same stuff forever and it tastes good too which I say is someone that doesn't even have a mouth for eating so you know it's good they even got different options depending on your diet keto protein heavy vegan Etc and if used by special code POG Jiggles May 40 you'll get 40 off your first month and 20 off your second month which is a damn good deal but it doesn't last forever so you better be fast and no I didn't come up with that code myself but it's hilarious so I don't mind when using this code or the link in my description not only will the counter there actually go up by one but you'll also be supporting me directly as well so big thanks again to factor 75 for supporting the channel like this and now let's get on with the video so in the long-running Super Smash Brothers series ultimate is not only the newest one but also the best selling one like by far it alone makes up almost half the total sales of the series this means that there are a lot of people that have played ultimate but not any of their previous entries which is a shame as they're all great games in their own right but if you ask me ultimate is the best one so it's totally okay to just have played that one however there was a very big feature in those previous games that isn't an ultimate at all and that would be the trophies for those who don't know these were in-game collectible figurines that represented characters objects all sorts of things from the many different franchises the game featured Mario Zelda Sonic Pokemon Street Fighter Captain rainbow you name it like I said trophies were a big part of the franchise they technically weren't any original but it did have these character profiles you could check out which provided info on each character and let you view their model which was later turned into proper trophies in the sequel Smash Bros melee the opening cinematic of melee suggested that each fighter was just a trophy brought to life which was fully realized in the story mode of brawl where them being trophies played a major role in the plot obviously the developers had to painstakingly create all these 3D models and with each game having more trophies than the last I'm sure it took up a lot of development time each game so much so that they sadly chose to completely omit them from Ultimate making it the first game since the original to not have them at all instead making something new called spirits like I said the trophies took up a lot of development time so I completely understand them not making them for ultimate and I would have been totally fine with this if it wasn't for one little problem and that is that Spirits are boring as all hell personally my favorite part of trophies wasn't even the fact that they're neat little 3D models to look at it was that each and every one of them came with a little description of what the character or whatever was all about giving a quick little rundown of who they are and what they're like it even listed what games they came from this was especially cool considering how big of a crossover game smash is you'd be extremely hard-pressed to find someone that's deeply familiar with every franchise featured I personally know very little about Metal Gear Solid especially when I was a kid playing brawl but I knew whose snake was because of his trophy it taught me that he has an insanely high IQ and that he speaks six languages that's cool and it stuck with me as I got older ultimate replaces this with nothing Spirits are literally just pngs of things that teach you nothing the only bit of information it provides you is what series they come from you can fight against these spirits in the game which means you play a battle against CPUs that are supposed to invoke their Spirit if you will the tales fight from Sonic the Hedgehog is against the yellow Fox with a jet pack and a laser gun because tails is a yellow Fox that makes inventions and can fly hence the jetpack and the laser gun if you're familiar with these characters these references will make you go oh neat that's clever but if you don't know who these characters are which is very likely with just how many there are these references will fly completely over your head for example I have no idea who this is why is she represented by the brunette Zelda alt why is she accompanied by a cyan Falco a blue Charizard and a white and sin or why does it take place on the reset the bomb Factory stage why did you start with the cocoa item is it because of the birds in the artwork well what is the significance of her and birds I don't know and the game sure as hell isn't interested in letting me know it doesn't even tell me what game I'd have to play to find out I know she's from the Castlevania series but which one it really does bear for me that there are no descriptions here it can have been that hard to write one for each Spirit right especially considering a lot of them already have descriptions via their trophies in previous Smash games just for those that would have taken too long if you've never played Xenoblade Chronicles you'd have no idea who this guy is and what his Spirit battle is supposed to represent well here's an easy fix boom a description that took me less than a minute to write it lets you know who he is what he does what he's like and so on so if you then go to fight his Spirit battle you'll know that he's Ryu because he's strong he has super armor because he defends people in battle and that he loves to taunt because he's a goofy fella even spirits that don't have a CPU battle could have had a description letting you know stuff about them learning is something as humans naturally enjoy and smash ultimate has such a ridiculously large amount of spirits it would have been really nice if the game also bothered to let you know who they are and what they're from this is just one of those things that bugged me about smesh ultimate I made a video a while back going over some stuff Twitter told me they don't like about the game and I got a lot of requests to do more of this so here I am except this time I wanted to make a smaller video that's more focused on my personal opinions though I feel like most of you will agree with me anyways so first let's start with more stuff that doesn't have anything to do with gameplay because who actually plays this game not me that's for certain in a big crossover game like smash you need a quick and easy way to tell what franchise any given character or stage is from for the people that don't know every series by heart you can go into the tips menu where every character has a small paragraph going over their origin but I mean something quicker and easier to see luckily smash already has a good solution being the series icons that accompany every character and stage on the character select screen you see them behind the render and on the stage select screen there to the left of the stage's name when in battle they appear to the right of the character's battle UI and overall it looks pretty slick now I really don't have an issue with these existing obviously but what book me is that for some of these franchises they picked something really dumb to represent it most of these are completely serviceable Super Mario is represented by the most standard power up the mushroom The Legend of Zelda has the Triforce which is literally the main logo for the series they make sense but then you have stuff like the Minecraft series icon that's not Minecraft bro that's Dropbox obviously it's just supposed to be a block like a grass block or something since that's pretty much always been the main icon for the Minecraft launcher on PC but in that case why not make it look a little more like this you know with grass and stuff better yet why not have it be a creeper face easily the most recognizable Minecraft mob there is probably the most merchandise Minecraft being there is and it's in the game's logo itself like come on it was right there another stupid one is the Final Fantasy icon hey guys want to see me recreate it wow I'm a graphic designer every Mainline Final Fantasy game has their own piece of artwork in their logo and are all completely disconnected and different from each other so to represent all of them they just took the initials of the series name FF and I get that but uh oh the Final Fantasy representation in Smash is infamously only stuff from seven and what's in Seven's logo the meteor that plays a big role in The Game's plot so the logo in Smash obviously should have been that meteor kind of the exact opposite is true for the Persona series icon it's the logo of the Phantom thieves which is the group of rebels Joker is a part of in Persona 5. this icon has absolutely nothing to do with any other persona game other than 5. and unlike with Final Fantasy other games in the Persona series are actually represented in Smash 3 and 4 specifically Esther's music tracks skins for mementos and me costumes from Persona 3 and 4. in this case I don't really mind it though because one each Persona game has wildly different themes and such so it's hard to pick a unified logo two this icon actually looks good and three what most Persona fans agree on would have probably been the series icon if it was more generalized is this which is ugly so it's fine in my book and finally a really interesting case is the Xenoblade stage icon back when Smash 4 released there was only one Cinema game so there was no unified symbol for the series yet and thus they just used the main object The Game's plot revolves around the monado and I think it looks pretty great actually but since then Cena latest on a bunch more games than even another smash character which don't really feature the monado at all so it doesn't make a whole lot of sense for pyra amitra from Cinema Chronicles 2 to be represented by it in Ultimate the obvious answer would be to change it to the core crystal pyramid or half on their chest but that doesn't really make sense to represent Xenoblade 1 AKA shulk with okay in that case just make it the X from student Blade's text logo right well each Xenoblade game has a different stylized logo as well one is inspired by a brush stroke two has flames coming off it and three has these little dots coming from it and you already know that in the next smash game Xenoblade 3's main character is getting a free pass to the playable roster and so that's our dilemma there isn't really a clear logo to represent each game with and they're probably gonna have to think of something for the next smash game so what solution do I propose screw it just happened to be the X but slightly different on each character it would be cool and neat and I don't really care all that much about this to be honest they could just keep it estimated for all I care so let's just move on all right next topic here's something quick this Yoshi alt oh my God it's so bad I know this isn't anything new to complain about I mean I remember hearing about this even before the game released in late 2018 but my God this alternate costume is horrible and I don't think anyone likes it and worst of all they removed the fan favorite Black Yoshi all to make room for it for those who don't know this costume is a reference to the switch game Yoshi's crafted World which has a big arts and crafts theme in its visuals Yoshi himself seems to be made out of uh I don't know the buzz you find on tennis balls this game actually released after smash ultimate meaning this alt was put in kind of as a promotion for that game which makes its thing just a little bit more that this beloved Yoshi old was removed for it I didn't play this game and from what I've heard it's not all that great kind of a whatever forgettable release so the main thing I think of when I see this alt is in that game but rather just how ugly it looks like have you ever seen this alt's Victory screen oh my God that's bad if I ever make a video where I rank every alt in the game spoilers this one is probably going to be at the very bottom and hey speaking of arts and crafts Yoshi stuff do you remember the woolly World stage in Smash 4 from the aptly titled Yoshi's woolly World while I don't think this stage is all too fun its Omega form was one of my favorites in Smash 4. I just really like the aesthetic of it and I love that the ground sinks in a little bit where the characters are standing neat touch similar to the craft that Yoshi Alton ultimate Smash 4 came out before Yoshi's woolly world meaning this Sage's inclusion was also a promotion for an upcoming arts and crafts themed Yoshi game now you may have guessed it already but the part I'm not a fan of is that this stage is not an ultimate it's actually one of only 15 stages in the series not on this game and unlike most of the others this one doesn't really seem to have a good reason for being excluded when they revealed every stage in the game and that woolly world wasn't going to be one of them I had a personal theory that they were gonna eventually announce a new Yoshi stage based on crafted worlds to promote that upcoming game like what they did with woolly world and Smash 4 but no all we got was this ugly alt and the stage was cut for no reason now like I said there are 15 stages in the series not an ultimate and for most of them I can see why they aren't here some were vertical scrolling stages which was just a horrible and not fun idea some are too similar to other stages and some are cut for other reasons the switch doesn't support me first so that stage had to be cut but at least now a playable character so pyrosphere couldn't be in and pack maze relied on each character having their own screen like with smash for 3DS which is why it's not an ultimate but then you have woolly World Pokey float and Rainbow Road Three Stages where I really don't see the reason why they were cut poker floats in particular was a huge fan favorite in melee that never made it back in any following smash game huge shame considering the final stage like screen and ultimate has three empty slots bringing back these three stages could have been a perfect way of filling it out you know what's also super confusing why is orbital gate assault not an ultimate it was a super flashy Smash 4 stage based on Star Fox assault for the GameCube it is by far the most visually impressive smash stage ever made evident by the fact that according to Sakurai this stage alone took a year to complete which is insane when you think about it a whole year for one stage crazy if you look at it with that in mind this stage not being an ultimate is a huge shame the leading theory as to why this stage might have been cut is that it's frankly not a very fun stage to play on but in that case yeah we can't do without 75 meter am I right everyone loves that stage speaking of sages here's something you'll never hear anyone but me complain about I hate that small Battlefield and big Battlefield literally look the exact same as regular Battlefield visually just with a different size or amount of platforms I know they're just meant to be different versions of battlefields but that they really have to use the exact same aesthetic for them all if you play on any of these stages in Omega or Battlefield form they are literally the exact same I always thought having them take place in different seasons could have been cool like small Battlefield is snowy and big Battlefield has Autumn colored foliage but what I personally would have preferred is if small and big Battlefield were locked at different points in time so the battlefield stages have a day and night cycle okay technically it isn't a day night cycle because when it turns dark it's actually because of a solar eclipse happening in the background but nonetheless the stage Cycles between being dark and being bright what I would have loved is if small Battlefield was locked at daytime and big Battlefield was locked at night time or vice versa if you've watched my videos in the past you'll know that when I'm not recording something on the training mode stage I'm recording it on Omega Battlefield I just see it as the most default stage in the game and perfect for making videos on well it's really annoying having to sit through the eclipse sometimes waiting for it to be bright again especially outside of training mode where I can't simply reset if small Battlefield was always bright I could just use the Omega version of that stage and I wouldn't have to worry about the time of day easy fix plus I think having access to a version of Battlefield that's always an eclipse mode would have been cool so yeah those were some of my small gripes about this game but do you want to know what my biggest issue with special ultimate is well the last piece of content they ever added to the game was the evil review Spirit which made it so that there's just seven empty slots at the end of the full Spirit list absolutely abhorrent okay just kidding I mean it's dumb but I don't really care my actual least favorite thing about this game is how lacking The Legend of Zelda representation is mostly in how scuffed the characters are we got Link Link Zelda Zelda and Captain Falcon's dad and besides that the stages and music are also a little lacking in certain aspects among other things but and you're gonna hate me for this I'm Gonna Save this discussion for next time I feel pretty strongly about this topic so I think it deserves its own video I've been wanting to talk about this forever now and with tears of the Kingdom about to release I can't think of no better time than now I know that this means I'll be making two negatively focused videos in a row and that's right after I just made one I promise I'm not gonna start being a hater Channel or something my video plans just kind of happen to line up this way schedule wise sorry big shout outs to Super Pig eggs cpj giant firing coal Sylveon 700 write the Yoshi Sheen for the win clerk milk and frogs the game DD the flying fire noso quote is cool lion the chef blur effects one and all my other lovely patreon supporters after that's all the representation sucks video I have something very out there planned for my channel and if you want to know what that is beforehand well you can find out now by also becoming a patreon supporter as they already know thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed tears of the Kingdom if you decide to buy it and please have a great rest of your day goodbye
Channel: PJiggles
Views: 234,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PJiggles, PJiggs, PJ, Super, Smash, Bros, Brother, Brothers, SSBU, SSB, Ultimate, spirits, zelda, missed, potential, stages, yoshi, starfox
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Thu May 11 2023
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