Ranking Every Enemy in Super Mario Odyssey by How DANGEROUS They Are

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today we rank every enemy in Super Mario Odyssey by how dangerous they are some classic some new some capturable some not but they have one thing in common they don't like you but if we encountered them on an adventure would we be able to protect ourselves well we're going to find out let's rank all of these enemies from most safe to most dangerous let's go 38 klepto yes he is considered an enemy by the game but you might not realize it because all he does is take Cappy off your head and then fly away Cappy might seem really scared while he's being taken but the bird never actually tries to hurt anyone and you can't take damage from him because he never even lets you touch him what is safer than that actually no I can think of one thing safer this YouTube channel so you should totally hit that subscribe button if you want to help fix this little issue we got going on here thanks now back to it 37 coin Coffer guess what you can't take damage from this guy either and as you get close to him he just straight up runs away from you so pretty easy to defeat and take all the coins from him wait an enemy that gives you money yes please 36 tropical wiggler the most dangerous part about them is they hang around the poison all the time but as for the enemy itself you should have nothing to worry about because they just m their own business going back and forth North they could very easily stretch out to attack you but instead we can just sit back and listen to the nice and relaxing music they create the 35 cheap cheap pretty much the same thing here there's quite a lot of them underwater but they just move back and forth in their designated area they don't actually try to chase you like in other games I guess having to go underwater might be a concern but I'm really nitpicking here 34 Koopa Troopa so interestingly the main Koopas here are actually good guys all they do is host a couple of races and events for you to compete in but the Koopas in 2D are still bad guys that's what we're looking at and yeah I think it's pretty safe to say they're one of the least threatening enemies of all time danger only seems to happen if you jump on them and kick the shell which you're just doing it to yourself at that point 33 paragoomba yet another enemy just doing its own thing at first they might seem a little intimidating and the boners are definitely scared of them but they clearly want to do no harm to you 32 Moon snake yeah apparently this is also an enemy I couldn't even tell you if this is a living creature and to be completely honest I've never even noticed them that much they do have a lot of spikes on them but that's really all I can say 31 fuzzy okay we're taking a step up here they also seem like an enemy just minding their own business but it always always does seem like they're moving in a way to mess up your path that is not something I can say about the previous ones also we have seen in other games that a lot of fuzzies can do a lot of damage to you thankfully there's not that many here but still 30 tyfu blowy Joey's baby here's a similar issue as before they can hurt you and are trying to do so just very minimally all they can do is blow you off whatever platform you're standing on sometimes this can result in a pretty high fall probably would be a little scary to walk sometimes but at the end of the day how dangerous can a puff of air really be 29 lava bubble here's the Last Enemy that doesn't actively try to attack you they just jump up out of the lava whenever they want to but if you do happen to touch these while they're doing that you are going to get burned it would not be a good idea it would be pretty painful simply by just existing these creatures become a huge threat 28 mini Goomba so these are a smaller Yellow Version of the classic first enemy now they do try to run towards you and they can damage you so points for that the thing is though they can pretty much be defeated with any attack even just a ground pound in their vicinity will take them out 27 combo or seaweed as everyone calls it personally I never understood this why do you you take damage from these they're walking plants like just plain branches and leaves those don't hurt those are soft especially underwater they do so much damage in game but in real life I don't think I would have a problem with this 26 Goomba now here's the real deal well kind of it's still a pretty unthreatening enemy they just casually walk around and when you get close I guess to try to run into you they would be more threatening if they made it a giant can't stack with themselves but taking them all out would still be no problem 25 parab bones all right now we have a flying enemy that actually does go after you they move pretty slowly towards you though and doesn't look like they have any attacks on them this is just another instance where it's way too easy to jump on them 24 spiny well you can't jump on these guys slight upgrade here with the spikes on their head really does make these guys super annoying to get out of the way but still it's all defense here I'm not seeing any offense yet 23 upro okay these guys do appear to be a little more intimidating the fact that they can stretch to such a tall size and then jump on your head would be a little scary I think it's got a much better attack on paper but they also move really slowly because of that they always stretch their legs and then hop when moving they never just walk around so if they started coming for you you could get away easily 22 burbo the spiky little balls that hop around just one of them seems like hardly a threat but that's never the case there's always a bunch of them grouped up going for the kill at the same time that is how you be effective in becoming more dangerous there's always so many of them that taking them out with Cappy can get a little overwhelming and it's pretty likely you're going to get hit 21 gushan these squid creatures create a ball of water around them and then and try to shoot it all directly at you so here's the thing water can hurt if it's shot fast enough at you but is that really the case here it looks a little sharp while it's in the air and it is still pretty concentrated but I feel like the speed of it makes it so that it would hurt a little bit but not too much 20 Astro lancier the moon version of the squid boss once again it looks like a pretty big and intimidating enemy but then you see all it does to you is shoot this really slow moving spiky missile it's still a good attack in it of itself considering it explodes if it does hit you but that's a pretty big if way too easy to dodge 19 chain chomp okay here's where we get a lot more dangerous giant metal balls that bite no thank you but at least you can avoid that by staying far enough away they're on a leash and if you're at a safe distance they can't get to you so this one's only dangerous if you let it be dangerous dangerous 18 bite Frost these things pop out from under the snow lift you up and try to bite at the peak this one's a little bit more dangerous because if you activate them then you're definitely not at a safe distance so a bite of your foot could be taken here but you also got to consider you're given plenty of time after they're activated to move out of the way well I guess if you're not expecting it that might not be the case but I could say that same thing for a lot of other enemies here 17 chincho or mummies whenever these guys appear you need to always be moving they pop up from the ground very suddenly and again there's always huge groups of them this makes them really hard to defeat and move past you probably will not be left unscathed when they appear 16 euo or should I just say UFO either way there's a lot going on here a ton of goombas are spat out wherever they are it has giant spiky arms and it's definitely not the easiest enemy to jump on I feel like any kind of UFO in the real world would be pretty scary so I would not want to deal with this 15 charge and Chuck what happens when an aggressive football player charges at you you get hurt that's what happens considering how fast these guys run and how small Mario is compared to them I feel like a lot of injuries would happen here 14 Hammer bro come on given their reputation from all the way back in the first game how can you not think these guys are super dangerous just think about it if a full-on hammer or in luncheon case a frying pan is thrown at you that is going to hurt really bad and they're not slow projectiles either you really have to watch out for these 13 pokeo so here's a bird that has a very sharp beak and if you get too close to this thing it's coming for you the fact that the beak moves fast enough to poke it into a wall means it would hurt a lot if it hit you these birds show no Mercy 12 magato this spicy hot potato rolls around on platforms and can even turn into a circle of lava on the floor kind of like the lava bubbles before but this is what it would be like if they chased you and I don't want to touch them so that's dangerous 11 fire piranha plant yet another enemy with a lot of heat I certainly wouldn't want to get close to this guy because you would definitely get burned from that and even beyond that the Fireballs do travel in the air for a good while I'll be it pretty slowly but still I want to stay away from Fireballs being shot 10 fire bro oh well not staying away from it yet this bro has even more Fireball shots they move a lot faster and they can bounce on the ground along their path to hitting you this is definitely the most dangerous fire enemy there is nine poison piranha plant the same thing as before but now they spit poison balls both of these plants are really dangerous but personally I'd be more scared of the poison it always seems to be used as the more threatening option throughout all these games thankfully these plants don't spit very far but you still really have to watch your step when around them eight trap eatle these guys steal Cappy from you and then charge at you to explode yep here come the exploding enemies in terms of this guy they do move really fast but you're given such a warning before they take off that I can't imagine it would be too hard to dodge this guy flying at you seven Bullet Bill once again they follow you around and they explode when they hit you so these guys do move a little bit slower but they are always tracking your position it's not just one direct shot like the last guy and also I'm including Bonsai bills with this and that definitely brings this up a little bit considering how long these guys fly at you before they run out of juice six Urban sting by or the Flies these guys always do a ton of damage and I can't imagine it would be any different in real life once again they fly at you and explode but there's even more now they have a giant Stinger on the front of them so they could just charge right at you to give you a huge sting and then explode right after I don't even want to think about that five shm what is one of the most dangerous weapons ever a tank so all of these tanks firing giant projectiles at you yeah no thanks this would easily make the biggest explosion out of everything we just talked about and I know I couldn't take it four starface ogre hm what do you get when you give a giant fast-moving angry enemy a massive hunk of wood you get being crushed to death once again his size comparison to Mario means he would be way too difficult for a human to deal with like come on why is this guy so mad three Donkey Kong he gave Mario a a lot of trouble back in the day and things are no different here at the festival so many barrels are rolled toward you as you try to climb up this structure considering how easily you got taken out by these in the original game that's probably something to worry about also have you ever seen Donkey Kong in a fight before he is super strong and super fast he is not going to lose two Mar did anyone else just have to pause the game for a second when you saw these for the first time no just me okay but yeah these guys just look especially evil everyone thought the eel from Mario 64 was scary no no that's nothing compared to this they could probably just gulp down an entire person in one bite and there'd be no way to stop it I'm definitely not going underwater to find them and number one is the T-Rex so here's the thing the first time you encounter the dinosaur he's sleeping and is completely harmless so he's not not really an enemy here if he's not doing anything but he is definitely awake and alert in Deep Woods and in Metro and he chases after you like there is no tomorrow you're pretty Limited in both of these areas and if you get caught you are done absolutely no questions asked this T-Rex will have his sight set on you and apparently always have the anger to want to make sure you do not survive it's a good thing we did not coexist with this species phw that was a lot to talk about once again I really hope you enjoyed smash that like button if you did and let me know if you agree or if I miss something if you're not sick of my voice yet go ahead and check out this video right here thank you all so much for watching and I will see you next time
Channel: O3
Views: 37,482
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: super mario odyssey, mario odyssey, nintendo switch, super mario, nintendo direct, mario odyssey captures, super mario odyssey captures, top 10, switch stop, zxmany, nintendo switch games, super mario bros, super mario 64, mario, mario top 10, mario odyssey captures ranked, ranking super mario odyssey, super mario odyssey all captures, super mario odyssey 2, mario odyssey top 10, nathaniel bandy, super mario wonder, super mario odyssey hide and seek, super mario odyssey ost
Id: dl5tPqc6JSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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