If Mario Odyssey Captures Were REAL Tier List

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today I'm ranking every Mario Odyssey capture if it was real and I was stuck as it forever oh how I dream to one day be a frog he just looks magical you can hop around without a care in the world and jump super high and swim around in your own little Pond forever heck yeah man I mean there's not much else to say about being a frog it's freaking epic it's it's a frog I feel like in life I actually aspire to want to have a simple life like a frog so the frog is obviously going to be S tier H it's not it's not as good as a frog I don't think I'd ever want to be a Goomba you're like made to hate Goombas because they're stinky and they suck at least this one can fly so it's a little bit better but like a little bit better than the worst is still pretty close to being the worst I mean you still get to fly and that sounds like a lot of fun I don't really want to be a glomba but I guess I'll put it in C this looks like a horrible time being stuck as a spark of electricity forever and like look at Mario's face he looks so unhappy spend the rest of my life going down the same power line over and over definitely worse than the glomba you can only move a little bit back and forth that's all you can do forever I guess you can like see things pretty far with binoculars but other than that would you want to be binoculars for the rest of your life I guess you could examine your surrounding areas up close but you can't really do anything or go anywhere you're just binoculars binoculars being a T-Rex would be awesome but you get really tiny arms you're also massive and you smash everything you saw in the thumbnail but imagine if you're at the grocery store just trying to buy groceries as a T-Rex wouldn't work out very well not to mention everybody would probably be terrified of you I need perfect sized arms to pet cats and I cannot pet cats as a T-Rex I mean I can't pet cats but I get to smash things I get to run around be crazy cause mass destruction and let all my frustrations out I don't think it's terrible and I don't think it's great I think it's going in b what the heck man I just said I need something to have proper arms to pet cats and then this Fella's got no arms at all chain chomp might as well call him stuck to a chain fella what I'm so stupid his name literally has chain in it he pretty much is called stuck to a chain fella what the heck I don't know about you but I don't want to be a stuck to a chain fella this must be some kind of joke this is just a parag Goomba but worse and you get to stack on top of other ones worse stacked on top of worse is still worst I'm not going to be a stupid Goomba forever now hear me out you get to fly and you have arms that can pet cats so what if you go a little too far and explode like who cares we're not going to get anything above a bee other than the Frog aren't we you can't even live as a Bullet Bill you you die either way no it wouldn't be very good to be a cactus okay this guy's pretty cool this guy's pretty chill yeah he's got some sunglasses he's got a got a little earrings going on he can see things others cannot see with his cool designer glasses that's not too bad that seems pretty peaceful as long as you don't fall off a cliff like I did yeah not bad I'm going to say a yes what do I even say about this you're a you're a mini Rocket I don't know you're you're a rocket you're not really anything you're just you just PE you just go I'm not mad at it um I really don't know it's just going to go an F oh heck yeah gliding lizard F that's awesome you can just Glide around wherever you feel like you have arm for petting cats you look kind of cute haven't mentioned this before but I think my fiance would have left me if I became most of these things but maybe she would stay if I was a gliding lizard fella maybe just maybe I mean if I had to be one of these things I think this is this is going up there what is up with me and reptiles amphibians lizards and all that kind of stuff I think I like lizards is game game Grove secet l a reptile that's really funny considering my next video is about Minecraft Godzilla here's a sneak peek whoa subscribe so you can see when that video comes out this is this poor man's hand give this man his hand back you better give him his hand back right now bigger Bill bigger destruction bigger destruction bigger explosion there only two things you can do as a boulder thing number one is be a boulder and thing number two is scare lizards I'm a reptile person so I would never want to scare a lizard I do want a peaceful life it'd be pretty peaceful to be a rock in the middle of forest with some lizards next to you it's better than f a coin purse money frog that can spit out money at first I was thinking that would suck to have to waste your money by spinning it out but I think that would be an awesome way to pay for for something like hello sir you're here to pay for this burger bow have a dollar you know what I kind of like it I kind of like it doesn't have any arms just going to have to go and be dang it there's always a catch okay you could be a turtle that throws fire it's pretty humanoid so I could see it being kind of similar to how it is to have a life as a human I don't think that's bad really and you get fir Powers things seem to be turning around I'm actually going to put that s tier because it's pretty similar to being a human isn't it terrible that s tier is things that are similar to humans I want to be like a human what what am I saying is a tree I'm I'm drinking coffee that's some pretty good coffee oh my God is that a tank was that bit funny uh click click on the screen 0 to 10 how funny that was I promise that works okay get to drive around blast things you shoot like confetti balls so you can bring the party wherever you go that's pretty cool I could get behind being a tank you don't have arms though so obviously it's going in a it'd be pretty cool to be an onion fella have really stretchy legs and be an onion it's not as bad as being a Goomba am I right you probably already know this but I do not want to stay as something that sits in one position for forever that it just gives me anxiety I hate that oh yeah and you spit poison I don't know if I'd ever really want to spit poison no thank you I do not want to be stuck in one spot forever you know being a fish is not as bad as some of the other things you can swim around and it seems nice and peaceful and calm and like a pretty good life you get nasty ugly lips but hey you're not a bullet that EXP loods it's not amazing it's not awful I think it's B all right a big piece of rock and I'm going to be honest when I was recording the footage I actually was trying to solve this puzzle and I have no idea how I ended up solving the puzzle before because I probably recorded for 20 minutes trying to solve this puzzle and I actually couldn't I think I got stupid what am I even supposed to say about that it's just stupid it's just a big old chunk of rock but then again this is literally Rock and it's in sea but then this you know I'm going to put it up here I I got to be consistent yeah cuz you know me always so consistent with my rankings laud just makes me so happy you get to be a guy floating on a cloud fishing in a little pond that's just so awesome you got arms you probably can get out of the cloud and go and do other things if you want to but just a fella fishing I know some of you have already commented why does he always keep saying things about arms what do arms have to do with it you're going to be stuck like that forever you want to be stuck forever without arms that does not sound like a very good time think about it it's logical I would love to be lat I don't order these like the front is the best but I'm going to put lacat 2 in the front it's only going up the next one's going to be really good I bet oh it's a zipper yeah that's great no it's not I really shouldn't have said it was going to be better than laca 2 you know what this one might be the worst one because you are stuck to a confined area but if you go through the whole zipper you just kill yourself what the freak that sucks get to be a little cute picture of a Goomba I actually did try and create the glomba as good as I could and I didn't do too bad kind of really stupid you're just a picture of a glomba I'm going to put it in F we got a big old F tier this time oh you get to be funny and colorful and stretchy this is definitely another one of those where it's not as bad as some of the other ones so it's just kind of right in the middle it's a b actually you know what you do kind of have like arms and legs and you can move around so I'm going to put in a there honestly something kind of scary about a giant letter running around this is another inanimate object and it's just so weird I'm going to have to put it in C know what I said about inanimate objects being weird a pole you can like spin around though that's kind of funny okay this one's really weird because you're technically an RC car but you're really just a person and so would being a person be worse or better than the other ones man this is so difficult because on one hand this could be F because being a human could be the worst thing on the list but also this can be an s tier because I don't want to change I just want to be a human I think I'm going to put it as s and I know some of you will be saying they're not actually humans but I'm just going to pretend that they are human so I think it would be S tier to be a human because what if you had to be a picture match Goomba part you know what I mean I think I found an F tier why is everything in the Metro Kingdom an inanimate object are they just playing prop hunt in New York yeah this one's definitely F here what the heck I didn't rate the poll see why didn't I rate the poll did I really become stupid like I said earlier it would be kind of fun to be a car you can v v drive around this is so weird but be all right another puzzle part like before this one's a battery but this time I actually completed the puzzle really fast so I'm smart yeah yeah yeah yeah watch just watch just watch oh look at how smart I am it's like the puzzle pie piece from the other one but I'm smarter no I need to be correct I'll put it where it belongs just because I'm smarter doesn't mean it's any better or worse I'll be fair this is a cheap cheep that's purple and can swim in cold water I think it's pretty much the same as the other cheap chep honestly similar to the other cheap Jeep I'm going to put it right next to it looks really fun but dizzying to bounce around and jump around like this it does really look like a lot of fun to do that but truly the best part of being a sharian is you can do that yeah look at that wiggling and moving and rolling around pretty awesome to me it's weird because on one hand I don't want to be a giant Cloud that just blows cold air onto things but also it's not as bad as some of the other things like you're not restricted you can fly around wherever you want so in that way it's pretty cool it's not s tier it's not a tier I think it's just B tier it'd be cool to be this little squid flying around in the water but when you don't have water oh oh that's not very good but flying around and swimming around in the water is so cool to have this little like water bubble around you all the time that's awesome I think I got to put it in a an octopus surrounded by a bubble of water and you can fly around wherever you want yeah yeah a tier you can only capture this once you can never recapture it so this is just a video from YouTube of someone doing it it's just meat I don't want to be a slab of meat someone might think I'm dinner this is like the fire bro but instead of fire you have an unlimited supply of frying pans that's kind of awesome just like in a comedy sense you could be somewhere and like hey it's a joke throw out a frying pan I don't know it's funny this is also going in s tier but I don't know what it says about me that I think it's better to have frying pan Powers than fire powers so a piranha plant but it's fire instead of the poison one if you know me and you've watched my other videos you know I'm not that big into fire and heat so this is actually worse than the poison one for me it's going in the same tier but just remember the fire one's worse I'd hate to live a life of being lava you can't touch anything other than lava you can't do anything you're just a lava bubble that sucks lava bubble kind of sucks this dude's just a fork put the fork guy and see the ruined kingdom is normally like this but it technically is the first Kingdom where you see the next guy this is like being a Koopa but instead of having fire or frying pan Powers you're just strong and you have arms that can pet cats with yeah I freaking love pet and cats an inanime object statue thingy but at least you get to move around and you have some free will so it's better than some of the other ones I guess it's going to go in C as well it's the paragoomba but you're a Koopa but you're a skeleton and you're dead um I'm I don't want to be a skeleton and dead honestly it's worse than the paragoomba so it's going to have to be f pokeo is freaking awesome you can be a bird with a nose that can attack and stick into walls and that's really cool I mean you can do this though and it looks like it hurts really bad I don't think pokeo is the best thing but it's definitely a tier a statue of Bowser it's not Bowser it's just a statue it's exactly like the Boulder and the tree and all those other ones yeah I'm just going to put it in C okay now you get to B Bowser which is freaking awesome you get the claws you get the spikes on the back you get to breathe fire I will say it's bad that you are an evil King that rules over an evil Kingdom but if you take over Bowser and your Bowser forever you can turn it into a good Kingdom and you can be a good guy that's the best thing out of all this stuff that we've done today I'm going to start the good guy Bowser Arc Bowser is going to become Mario's best friend this is the same thing as the Goomba one but it's Mario and I want you guys to see just how good I did it's a monster can someone please make fan art of this Mario and send it to the Discord Link in the description I'm going to just put you right next to the Goomba yeah you guys can be buddies okay Yoshi definitely has to be the best one you can run around you can flutter jump you can pet cats you also have a tongue which you can use to punch robots and stuff not to mention you can use use your tongue to grab things you can use it to attach yourself to stuff and for some reason Yoshi can hang on walls in this game so that's pretty cool the last ranking and it's number one I'm even going to put it in the front Yoshi's the best one yes what a good ending thanks so much for watching if you want to watch another tier list video I have a whole playlist that's popped up on the screen probably right now and if you don't want to watch a tier list there's also other thinger things that you can watch there's another video on the screen or something I don't know goodbye
Channel: Game Game Grove
Views: 110,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mario Odyssey, Mario odyssey tier list, ranking mario games, nintendo tier list, mario odyssey theories, super mario odyssey, mario odyssey secrets, mario odyssey easter eggs, ranking mario odyssey captures, mario odyssey capture tier list, If Mario Odyssey Captures Were REAL Tier List, game game grove, nintendo secrets, nintendo easter eggs, rankind mario odyssey, mario odyssey, nintendo switch
Id: 7m-A50tMaWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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