Ranking All The Hearthstone Expansions

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hearthstone has a lot of expansions some are good some are bad some are questionable but let's do a tea list for all of them the way that i'm rating this tier list is based on how much enjoyment i got out of them and make sure you do your own to your list i'll leave a link in the description down below and while you're down there make sure you subscribe a lot of you aren't and i would appreciate it for this tier list i'm not including the basic set as well as the demon hunter initiate set because even though they're like kind of expansions they're not really so the basic set will be included in classic and the demon hunter initiate set will be included in ashes of outlands starting off with hearthstone classic so hearthstone classic was cool because when they first released the game it was a complete game so a lot of the meta was already kind of solved in itself where there was a lot of back and forth a lot of interesting stuff to try out it was a really well designed game now some of this stuff was pretty broken like miracle rogue is still extremely good power overwhelming zero man of soul fire was gross but overall there was a lot of broken stuff in that expansion or i guess in the classic set so i'm kind of for putting it as an a but i will be honest i do think that hearthstone classic gets a little bit of a pass because it was the very first time hearthstone came out and i think a lot of us were just having fun regardless because it was a brand new game the first expansion we had was curse of naxxramus and even though it was a really small adventure it did have a really big impact on what the game was with nerubian egg lotheb sludge belcher most importantly undertaker hunter was an extremely dominant deck and i think honestly because of how dominant it was it kind of ruined the expansion a lot of people look back at curse of next frame as like a really good moment in hearthstone but really was it i i don't remember it being like the best thing ever it was really fun and i think the solo adventure was one of the best aspects of it the class challenges were great but like overall cursiveness rammus doesn't really like hold a really high bar for me i think undertaker hunter really made me not want to play it as much as possible and i'm going to put it at like a b i do think it had a lot of really good qualities it wasn't like the best adventure that we've ever had and quite frankly i think a lot of people overhyped curse of max rammus next we have goblins vs gnomes and this set was really interesting because it had a really powerful neutral set dr boom piloted shredder oh mech warper it basically enabled a lot of tempo decks and some of the tempo decks were absolutely insane there's a lot of poorly designed cards in this set implosion crackle the boom bots of doctor boom i do remember the game be extremely hectic and i think that's what made the game a little bit more fun it was because it was just such a wacky experience at the time compared to what classic hearthstone was but i don't think the enjoyment was as good as classic hearthstone probably about the same f curse as naxxramus just a really ridiculous meta game next we have black rock mountain and i'm gonna take a really big leap here and say this is one of the best times in hearthstone even though most people will remember this as the patron warrior days and even though that deck was extremely good there was still a lot of variety and a lot of really cool things to try out emperor thorson dragon priest the whole idea of going through the molten core was just so fun and it made you just really appreciate the flavor that they put into this adventure this is an easy eight year for me next we have the grand tournament and i think overall the grand tournament was okay wasn't super great wasn't super bad but i think the keywords failing was a huge aspect of it but there was a lot of secret paladin due to mysterious challenger it also really brought dragon priest into fruition which was really cool did have justicar true heart which i was an absolute huge fan of so because of justice archery art alone i'm gonna put this at a high c one of the more weaker expansions we've seen in hearthstone next we have the league of explorers and i think overall the league of explorers was actually a really well done expansion it wasn't super broken and it kind of came out of nowhere which was really nice and i really hope that blizzard does that more often where they just kind of drop random expansions because it made the meta game a lot more interesting now this is also the first time you saw reno jackson really fun idea for highlander at least star seeker was cool we got sir finley which helped a lot of decks try different stuff this was a really cool expansion i think this is actually one of the more eight-year adventures for sure whispers of the old gods was arguably one of the best time in hearthstone now the reason why whispers was so good is because this is the rotation of standard and wild where they rotated knacks in gvg out of standard which opened the metagame so much more whispers of the old gods was a really well done expansion too the old gods themselves were really powerful and really unique it really brought the game into a complete different direction there was something for everyone that met it was so varied and what it could do control decks for their aggro decks for there not a lot of combo really well done expansion and i honestly wish we could go back and try that expansion again for the first time because it was that good ass tier next we have one night in karazhan and honestly when it comes to adventures the flavor here was really well done but the expansion itself was i i mean it was definitely a really scary expansion the problem with this is that there was a lot of really good cards that were super polarizing and a lot of cards that didn't do anything spirit clause was a really good card barnes was an extremely frustrating card we saw the rise of discard lock secret mage secret hunter unicorn priest am i right i think generally speaking like a lot of the cards were cool this expansion was really really powerful in the wrong ways and i don't really remember being it super good so i'm gonna give it like a c main streets of gadgets in is the next expansion and this expansion was extremely powerful the cabal with all the highlander stuff we saw the rise of pirates with patches the pirates we saw a really interesting archetype of jade golems which you know probably wasn't for the best and we saw grimey goons which didn't really do anything because it was just ridiculously slow this was a really ridiculous expansion and druid and warrior really took charge of the whole metagame oh my god this expansion was not super fun and it was super ridiculous this is a seat next we have journey to angoro and just like whispers of the old gods the flavor in this expansion was legitimately one of the best ones i thought the quest mechanic was really fun even though a lot of them were extremely powerful it didn't feel like it was unfun to play against unless it was quest rogue which i know i know question was ridiculous even the quest mage one was but again it just felt like a brand new game and the meta was just wide open there was so much things you can do silence priest was a deck so that was kind of cool i just remember this expansion being really fun it's an ass tier for me next we have knights of the frozen throne and honestly people really like this expansion but i don't remember it being super fun because a lot of it felt like it was just covered by shadow reaper anduin and we also got prince keleseth in this expansion so it wasn't a super great time to be playing the game spreading plague was also introduced but i will give credit where credit is due adding the lich king was really fun adding the new death knights was a really interesting mechanic because that was the first time we got hero cards so there's definitely a lot of really cool stuff in this expansion and i do think it was more fun than main streets of gaddison so i will put it at b even though there was some really powerful stuff so next we have cobalt and catacombs and i think cobalt and catacombs was just a really powerful expansion that was i guess testing the limits of what power creeping can do because this expansion was just bonkers right recruit was really good they introduced the weapons with kingsbane and skull benari the cube was really cool i like that thing spiteful summoner sucks there was just a lot of really powerful stuff that made the game feel just absolutely ridiculous for no reason whatsoever and i don't remember this expansion being super great because of how ridiculous it was and i think recruiting is a little bit questionable especially if you don't do it in the right way i do think that this was worse than means using gadgets and though out of seat next we have the witchwood and the witchwood will be forever remembered as baku and gen and that's virtually it sure shadow walk was there but that's not really what you are worried about in this expansion i think this is one of the worst expansions we've ever seen i actually did a whole video on it that i recommend you watch i'll leave it in the description down below but the main reason was just because baku again really set the stage of what the year was gonna be like the expansion itself was rather weak it didn't really have a lot of really redeeming qualities i do think monster hunt was pretty fun i remember playing that a lot but standard absolutely sucked this is the first d of the whole tier list next we have the boomsday project and the boomsday project was an interesting one there was a lot of really powerful stuff in this expansion dr boom genius zilliax mech hunter was a huge aspect of it we did get mechathune which did introduce a lot of interesting combo decks in the format we also got the puzzle labs which i think is one of the most fun additions to hearthstone ever but generally speaking the boomsday project actually managed to have an impact after what the witchwood brought to us with gen and baku even though there was still a bunch of odd decks in the format i do think that the boomsday project was like kind of in the middle of the pack it had something for everything i don't think it was necessarily broken i don't think it was necessarily weak i thought it was just a pretty good expansion overall next we have rastakhan's rumble and honestly rostakon's rumble is just so forgettable overkill was just what a mistake of a mechanic that was a lot of the stuff in this expansion was just really bad didn't make an impact whatsoever and it basically just took the best cards of this set and just kind of put them into the already good decks that we already had i will say akar and shavala are two of my favorite legendaries of all time but the set was just too weak to see any play the flavor was really good but unfortunately for ross the cons it's a d next we have rise of shadows and rise of shadows was a really cool expansion flavor-wise and introduced this year-long thing between the league of evil in the league of explorers which i thought was really cool but the biggest issue with this expansion was that it introduced lackeys i hated that mechanic i legitimately thought that mechanic was one of the worst ones we've ever seen it just led to a lot of really ridiculous games because they were super impactful and then the metagame was like the first half was all aggro rogue with evil miscreant f5 health and then we got control warrior for the rest of the expansion not super great i actually think it's one of the worst expansions i've ever played next we have savers of uldum which introduced us back into highlander cards we saw zephyrus we saw a bunch of quests again which were really fun and honestly this was a really good expansion in terms of what it brought to the game a lot of variety different ways of playing the game there was combo priest which was like an aggro deck that was pretty fun to play against but it had a lot of moments where it would just win the game but once that deck was kind of nerfed we saw the meta game kind of open up a bit and i think even though there was a lot of rough moments in savers of uldum it ended up being a really fun expansion at the end and i really enjoyed it i actually think it's one of the a tier expansions also the cinematic is beautiful next we have descent of dragons and i think a lot of people forget how powerful this expansion was it introduced us to gallicron and gallacron shaman was really good for a couple weeks there it introduced us to dragon queen alexstrasza which was just ridiculously powerful remember when it could discover itself that was something there was necrom apothecary rogue which was extremely ridiculous to play against and it felt horrible to lose to generally speaking this expansion was just insanely powerful but there was a lot of really fun stuff to do and i think even though the decks were just extreme and there was so much chaos this expansion was fun it reminded me a lot of knights of the frozen throne just a completely wacky expansion where there was just a lot of stuff to do so it's going in the b tier next we have ashes of outlands and quite honestly this expansion was just demon hunter or you're playing in rage warrior for a majority of it and i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing considering that well demon hunter was a brand new class and it added a lot new qualities to the game but if you did not like demon hunter you were probably not playing hearthstone at the time so it's an extremely polarizing expansion especially because while demon hunter was a really good for a lot of it so because of how strong demon hunter was and because there wasn't a lot of variety to this expansion uh it's probably like a high c i would say they added a new class what can i say so skull man's academy is our next expansion and this expansion in my opinion is the strongest expansion we've ever received there was so many good quality cards almost every single class had a unique archetype to try and i feel like even though the game was so extreme this is when hearthstone was almost at its most fun in a very long time just so much ridiculous stuff to do it felt like every single type of archetype had a chance maybe not as much attrition anymore it was kind of wacky garden animals dominated but because of the new development team they were nerfing extremely quickly so there was just a lot of different stuff to try and i don't know there's something special about skull man's academy maybe it's the flavor maybe it's the spellburst keyboard which i really thought was a well-designed keyword i hope they bring that one back by the way i really like spellburst really powerful and don't get me wrong i think there was a lot of stupid stuff in it but the stupid stuff really just you know match the other stupid stuff and i think if everything is just stupid nothing stupid right so i'm gonna give skull man's academy an a maybe a b actually a b sounds better our next expansion is darkmoon faire and honestly darkmoon pharaoh was just not really an expansion because all it really did was just add to existing archetypes it did bring back the old gods which i think was really fun but because the powerhouse that was like demon hunter and basically the really good decks from scomet's academy stayed around they didn't really get a huge chance to the shine it felt like this expansion was just kind of padding existing decks almost like rastakhan's rumble the corrupt mechanic i think was kind of cool theme was fine it added some interesting stuff like silas darkmoon but overall it wasn't super impactful and i felt like it just kind of was there so probably around ac i don't know i think like i could maybe put it as a b but i think it's around to see i think it's around here forge the barons is our next expansion this introduced us to the frenzy keyword we saw the mercenaries for the first time and generally speaking this expansion was a lot more wide open than darkmoon faire was it felt like there was a lot of different stuff to try but it ended up being a really weird meta game because control priest which generated card after card after card was the top dog for an extremely long period of time which a lot of people did not like and i think the idea was that they wanted to go away a little bit from like what skal man's academy was but it wasn't a super enjoyable expansion at the end even though you could try a bunch of stuff with the limited carpool and basically what the game was doing at the time i think a lot of people stopped playing near the end to forge the barons yeah i don't think ford's the barons was a super well done expansion but it was definitely not the worst it was probably like a c it was basically like demon hunter but like the reverse of it united storm is our next expansion and this introduced us to the questline mechanic and it basically introduced us into a metagame where it felt like you had to kill someone or you were just gonna die there was no room for slow type decks and this was a metagame that was purely based on combo decks if you like combo decks then this was probably a really good expansion for you but my overall enjoyment was at probably the lowest it's ever been because i did not want to play hearthstone at all during this time and i think a lot of the casual people could probably agree with me that this expansion felt like there wasn't a lot of room to do anything you really wanted to this is probably a d for me this actually is probably worse than the which would for me honestly fractured in alturak valley is the last expansion on this list and honestly frosh and alterac valley was a lot better than i expected it to be because while united stormwind was just ridiculous this tried its absolute hardest to probably you know bring control decks back into the game and i think it succeeded the metagame at the moment is really well done and there's a lot of variety in this expansion a lot of powerful and fun stuff to do a lot of creativity can be done this was a really good expansion it was also the ending of the mercenaries campaign or storyline and i honestly think that they did a really good job this is probably an aid here for me that's my tier list i hope you guys enjoyed it and if you disagree with me that's completely fine let me know yours with a comment down below and i'll see you guys the next one you look fantastic
Channel: Rarran
Views: 122,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, hearthstone gameplay, hs, hs gameplay, best hearthstone deck, hearthstone new, hs new, hearthstone expansion, hearthstone cards, Hearthstone cards you forgot existed, hearthstone best legendary to craft, hearthstone best cards, The Best Hearthstone Deck of All Time, The Most Hated Hearthstone Cards, Most hated hs cards, zeddy, most hated hearthstone, The Worst Designed Hearthstone Cards, Ranking All The Hearthstone Expansions, hearthstone expansion tier list
Id: PUOhH0yuN3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 16 2022
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