The Official Tier List of Every Hearthstone Cinematic

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today we're gonna go through every hearthstone expansion cinematic to see which expansion had the best cinematic the way that i'm grading a cinematic is completely based on how excited it gets me to actually play the expansion and also how in flavor it is with that set make sure you subscribe upon the anvil of honor that's pretty good dude for our first trailer this is pog but of course you could forget all that and just have fun it's the very first one here in chat it's the very first one you guys are giving it a c you guys are out of your mind it's not that bad they did wow trailer for years all right i agree with it i think it's a c yeah beagle you make a very good point that they did wow trailers before this so yeah i would agree with the c it's good enough it's good enough i think i think for blizzard they didn't really have to try hard for this one right people were going to play this game regardless they're always dying to get in alpha beta anyways yeah so i agreed to see i think i think it did what it had to do definitely wasn't like the greatest thing on the planet knocks out pogba i like the c music i actually think that one's definitely one of the better ones you guys think it's c bro it's definitely better than the first one i think it's a b i like the music i think the music is really good i love the rhyming scheme you feel the spookiness of max ramus i think they did a really good job so i'm gonna go with the b next is goblins vs gnomes [Music] [Music] i'm gonna be honest that one's pretty lackluster it's so goddamn cat guys no way no shot it's a b it's not as memorable as max nax was so much better we just saw an axe no shot it's even close i don't think it was as memorable as this one i'm gonna go with the c i'll put hearthstone first because it was it was the original pro rather disappointing i'm gonna be honest for the first expansion [Music] a hearthstone adventure i legit think that was the best one so far if we're comparing that trailer to these two it's definitely better the question is was it better than max rammus i don't know i think max was really good too i'm i'm tempted to put these pretty close together max is better i agree than is better basically we'll know a d when we see a chat i think that's fair grand tournament let's go [Music] i was expecting that trailer not to be as what do you guys mean c and d that's at least a b you guys are coping out of your mind if you guys think that's a c that is that was way better than these two i don't know if it's better than curse it's probably here maybe put it in there i'll put it in b i'll put it in b i like the song i like how it's corky this is when hearthstone started to become corky like this is the turning point here just kidding because i think the next one's actually pretty no the next one's quirky i'm gonna say this right now before we even watch the cinematic this one is at least a b because of the way that it's done the world cries out for heroes as a new evil rises there will be danger who will answer the call bold statement here i know some of you are going to be a little triggered about this i'm just saying that one was perfect at the moment the most flavorful expansion trailer we've seen so far that was fantastic you could tell the budget for this game is going up it's an s and that's what it is all right whispers [Music] their voices are made of poison you can knock your lures you can't say your prayers no creature can resist their wicked words of the whispers of the old gods this one's hard man because i think this they did a pretty good job flavor-wise and i do think the song is very minimal it really suits the theme of what whispers of the old god was so i'm i think it's an a i think it really set the stage for what the expansion was and i think they did a good job this one has the highest chance at the moment to be moved down a slot but at the moment this will be an a what do you mean that was weak this one's an absolute joke i could put this one here tarzan all right kerosene's pog your magus host invites you back to party down with me coming before you take your stuff to our musical [Music] [Applause] that one's spicy i like the beets do we think as a collective unit that it was better than whispers of the old gods and i would think it would be right so i think already it's already an added egg the question is is it on par to league of explorers and that's the question man is it as good as this different themes hard to say true gotta be an s worse but still s okay okay i'll get behind that mean streets [Music] [Music] survival and the dirt that belongs to your planet maybe i'm five years old but i i didn't think that one was super great i do think it's still better than these two and i think i'm at the point now where i'm comfortable saying this is a d i think it's like that i'm pretty confident with that right it's nowhere close to these three it's nowhere close yet that was sake expedition this will be far more ambitious all right let's be earlier i don't even have to watch the we'll still watch the rest of this but my god this is already an a this is like a documentary [Music] see you because their powers of adaptation are devastating [Music] okay all of you guys are saying trash i think you guys are literally out of your mind that was a really well done cinematic for what this is you don't need a song i think it's an a but i'm going to keep it here you got to be coping so hard with an a bro you guys are out of your mind if you think i'm coping all right next to the frozen nerd that power is a double-edged blade when you are most desperate when victory seems worth any sacrifice the bargain is pretty cool this one's a little harder to evaluate because they definitely went a little bit more serious with this one compared to the previous one i think that's pretty good uh just kidding it's actually absolutely garbage all right now that it's going to take a couple seconds for things to load people are going to get triggered it's actually you know it's like it's probably a little bit better than unguro oh cobalt and catacombs i like this one for worthy adventurers [Music] this one sag i think you steal the light you then must take flight eluding each hazard and each strike it's a chaotic race as the monsters give chase lose all your health to kobolds and catacombs you know what dude you know what i liked about that one a lot is that they even fit the expansion name into the uh the cinematic i think that's really hard to do and make it not awkward so i think it's very good i liked it more than these ones the question is is it up here i think it's very good i'm gonna be very real with you guys we haven't actually hit the peak of hearthstone expansions yet oh i love the witchwood [Music] the monsters i remember it being better best trailer in the whole game you sir are coping i think it's all part of whispers i don't think it i don't think it's necessarily better but i i'll agree that i think i think it's fine i don't remember this one at all hey there i'm dr boom i live to build things big bombs mostly so come work with me and we'll create all kinds of new inventions [Music] ginormous mechanical pneumatic gorilla robot arms for smashing everything we're exploding with opportunity dr boone is not responsible for severed exploder to lost body parts revealing location of semi secret lab is punishable by dead so bad that it's good i think that's where i put it to it was definitely a little wacky i do think it's like here singing it's so bad that it's good so i'd give it a b chat i need you guys to pay attention real fast we're about to hit one of the best cinematics ever i'm gonna say this right now if i see any season chat any see or below in chat for this trailer you're banned [Music] [Music] oh let's be real here nothing's touched that that's the best one that one's actually picante this one's a little longer because this one's setting up a story so this one's a little longer but i do think this one's also very it good those medals and mortals who mocked up our missions we finally feel some of our pain [Music] one's really hard to evaluate man i don't think it's necessarily a great cinematic but i do think it was fine so i'll give it like a i'll give it like a here i think it's around here i don't think it's a b this expression is hard because they were setting up the entire year with this expansion right all right chad this one's one of the other goats this one is actually pogba [Music] mysticism [Music] [Applause] yeah controversial but worse than rostagon after watching both of them pretty close together i think that one's better the son of dragons [Music] legends [Music] i thought that was pretty good i don't think it's better than cairo's hand though yeah i think it's an act better than uldum all right kirk you're done when i first watched this trailer i didn't think it was actually that good we're re-watching it now i think it's pretty good all right i'll go with this i think this is good it's very safe to say that this is the worst cinematic of all time where you must scavenge what you need to you survive enter my realm you are not [Music] legitimately the logic for this one was like demoner came out and they're like we don't even have to try for this one let's be real here uh i would say it's probably on par like with this i don't think it was as bad as goblins versus gnomes crash no d d okay i don't think that's super good it's kind of lackluster i like the murloc [Music] i'm here for him it's kind of nice [Music] [Music] they're kidding of course [Music] okay i liked it more than i remembered it i do think it was better than the original hearthstone cinematic so i think at least it deserves a b the thing is is like i don't think that they're necessarily supposed to hype you for the game i think it's supposed to set the sage for the expansion i would say that it's probably around here not the biggest fan of this one when i first saw it [Music] you may think that your dreams all right loki take it back it's pretty good [Music] i was actually more boring than remember i'm a complete opposite i thought that was great controversial opinion in the chat here but i actually legitimately think this one was really good i would put it like here this one probably should be up here you know what i'm gonna make this one up here now that we've seen more that's much better than i remember it being all right for some parents i love this one i think this one's really cool and honor [Music] thought that one was really good kind of baffled on how good it was and i'm tempted to put it up here that one did not have a catchy song that was a good cinematic that made me excited to play the expansion you got this is not a d you guys are out of your mind i think i've only seen this one once the contrast between this unfortunately the barons though is cool there's no excuse the blue recluse will give you your drinks for free oh just one [Music] [Music] personally i'm not a huge fan of it do you think that that was really well done for what it was i think it was good the question is where do i think it's worth it c is trash it's not trash you guys don't know what trash is this was so lackluster compared to what that was i think it was good i probably would be not only was it like really well done it had a pretty good song it was very flavorful to what i imagined stormwind was you could see the contrast between that one and forge and the barons they did a good job one of the reasons why i was very excited for it even though i do think the game mode was fun is the trailer the trailer is great for this game mode it's finally our grand opportunity oh get yourself some gear and crop a potion glory wait for you and a promotion just be smart and where you're thinking [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you got handed to him dude they did a good job with this trailer this was very well done i think we could all agree that they did a very good job on this trailer they did a very very very very very good job on this trailer best trailer for the worst game mode it's not an s chat you guys are coping all right this one is cool [Music] hold the bridge push the ridge [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i don't know if you guys knew this but uh don't ever fall back chad because of the animation and i think the song was fine i don't think it was like bad i think you guys are out of your mind if you guys think the song was bad so i'm gonna go with probably like a bee i think it's around the grand tournament i think the animation like really carried it i think it was really well done now normally i have not counted the mini sets in here but i will count enyxia's layer because i think it's very well done i think it deserves a spotlight on this tier list because it's so good [Music] [Music] don't take it as a promise [Music] [Applause] well i think lady preston might be a knicks yet no no dude you're trolling only many side accounting i think like all of them are good because i do think it's a nice tear i think it's very well done and then they did a very good job now when it comes to voyage into the sunken city it's very very controversial on how you feel about this because the song is definitely you either really like it or you don't like it at all i don't think there's really an in-between [Music] yes the build up here is so good dude [Music] i'm sorry to pause this but i just read this in this message in chat from the uh the twitch chatter himself shaved my legs i don't get it is phelan supposed to be hot or fat in every art it's different i think if you don't like that one it's fair i think it's very well done animation sick song is so good it's like it has to be somewhere around here i think you make a good point i actually think this one's a lot better than i remember it being i think it started off pretty slow but i actually think in hindsight it looks a lot better so i'm going to put it into a beer [Music] thank you so much for watching chat i hope you guys had fun and even if you didn't i hope you guys i don't know if you didn't have fun i guess um we didn't oh
Channel: Rarran
Views: 76,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, card game, new expansion hearthstone, new expansion hs, kripp, trump, regiskillbin, zeddy, hs, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone rotation 2022, hearthstone new, hearthstone gameplay, thijs, thijs hearthstone, sunken city hearthstone gameplay, review, hs review, hearthstone review, core set, year of the hydra, hearthstone core set, new core set, colossal hearthstone, best colossal hearthstone, tier list hearthstone, tier list, rafaam, hearthstone rafaam
Id: B--TxVNTr1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2022
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