Wait! This Combo is SO BROKEN!!! Astalor Bloodsworn OTK!

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all right deck intro time and  this time we're really thirsty   so for this combo we're first going to start by  playing several inexpensive spells then we play   brann Priestess double voidtouched attendant  and the eight Mana version of astalor for the   otk now will you need this much damage the  vast majority of the time no but it's about   sending a message so I think that's pretty much  it for the deck intro this time guys I hope you   enjoy this touchy feely combo remember to like  and subscribe and thanks so much for watching hand's not bad okay that's a lot of card draw well hopefully  I can find uh an undead pretty quickly here okay so he's at least double blue I'm just gonna play it who wants  to wait till turn four not me oh perfect the reborn I don't need one hand's a little awkward but I can always just  play this on Five as well if I want to so doesn't want to spell all right now I think I'll pull the minions first we'll see hmm now let's play this while  it's active okay I'm not sure okay well I can always play this next turn  if I want to he's summoning a 5-4 reborn is   still really good before I could try to wait  till this as well but we'll see what happens also good how dare you probably should have popped that first I  couldn't yeah well maybe you could we'll see guess who's back Becca again I can heal  them too I want to I could play this I can't resist that value is too good foreign well I can play this extern or I can  play the sixth drop lots of good options oh my God actual ice Revenant sighting insane gameplay foreign well I want to get one of these in for zirella so   I think I still played the bigger one  I think I'm gonna waste this as well I think I'm okay with that it may not die here but it'll  probably die as Irola which is fine   also clears my handle to draw cards so oh it actually went off nice not sure about  that ordering though but whatever kind of odd   okay I mean I guess it's  maybe well he's fine actually   I take it back yes I wrote  those we love are never true get that going kind of hard to put this in  dyrella I'll draw too many cards almost certainly ah you fool hero power o p o p night cannot exist I need to play this one on these turns too  I'm still missing bran Priestess and avoid   touched of course in my last 10. as is customary also good gotta be Switcheroo right now I can wait so illuminate uh probably oh there's a boy touched  on the bottom it's annoying um can you play this next turn then oh my God it might give me a Scourge  which is not the best but [Music]   yeah it's fine oh I'm so dumb why did I do that I don't know I'm a dum-dum I might die because of that I don't  know why I did that that was so stupid [Applause] almost through but not dead we'll make a lull  I guess I think I was thinking that it was more   than six for some reason but it's less than  six I'm just losing my mind oh you see one off guys let it be known I've never thrown a game in  my entire life okay never not even a singular time I am out of cards foreign I still win ah [Applause] the misplay for the win of those not too bad here nice and slow we take those good  defensive options for later okay I value playing three beasts at least okay it'll be nice if I could get the  six drop down for the four drop oh we'll see play that many spells so  it's actually kind of fine are we gonna die this anyway or realistically oh oh wait what's the worst that could happen am I right  caught this one eating party snacks [Applause] we're gonna build a wall a wall better than them all that's annoying still a little awkward for him  unless he has uh direct damage that's horrendous ordering but okay sure why would you want to damage this okay sure I don't care if it's spell really  right make a display around it as well I can probably waste this oh it's a minion  interesting but it matters not right this one's two yeah this one job's done good fantastic a Grizzle bear actually it's a polar  bear but same difference really okay well don't do that that's fine [Music]   okay I wonder if he knows it's coming meter fair enough but it's probably fine I don't want to hold this foreign too much for that ow ens if you guys silence GG I think he would have played it by now but  he could have top-dipped it you never know is not dead wait I'm Not Dead I've been drawn the light of burns  yet which is kind of frustrating   that I have two of them on the bottom I  gotta say that is a little frustrating   in the grand scheme of things but  you know well we'll make do I guess also double thrive on the  bottom just fun fun for everyone okay we're building a wall framed say bird I don't really want to play that  so I'm missing Priestess and avoid   touched not guarantee but it's very  likely right reject your Wicked Ways of course I missed blah blah blah blah okay whatever I need to play at some point too that's the spirit double Rush insane it's probably pretty good on yeah I'm still missing the  princess I'm gonna waste this I'm gonna concede how do I draw this way how do I do this I need to start going into over trade mode  if I can so we're so close oh well maybe not yeah the Synergy insane insane value I can't go Pace man not yet slow your roll any cards I've left six light cannot exist uh uh frostbolts I think I can do that game  you were just killing me today oh it's my next card then right  that doesn't really matter okay cool incoming mutinous mine should we give  him a full board I think we should he's probably thinking what is this  [ __ ] doing it's fair honestly enjoy the fireworks by trog get him out of here get  him out of my sight [Applause]
Channel: MarkMcKz
Views: 42,439
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearthstone, wild hearthstone, best hearthstone deck, new hearthstone expansion, how to get to legend hearthstone, hearthstone battlegrounds, hearthstone march of the lich king, hearthstone death knight, hearthstone nerfs, hearthstone otk, fun hearthstone decks, hearthstone bug, hearthstone patch, hearthstone review, tier list hearthstone, turn 1 otk hearthstone, markmckz, mark mckz, Astalor Bloodsworn otk, Astalor Bloodsworn, Priestess Valishj
Id: 49aYCUaQBgA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 53sec (1193 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 20 2022
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