Evolve Shaman is back!!! - Hearthstone - Festival of Legends

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rules okay so we're probably gonna be playing against uh what is it in Range Rover enraged Warrior right now um but so the deck we're playing I guess the deck tracker isn't wanting to work because of the new update but um this is evolved shaman and the whole idea for this list is there's the new backstage bouncer as well as the new totem card the three Mana three two that also sums up random Tome into uh totem depending on the uh oh it's called the uh the effect it has which I think means that you know uh of all Shaman could potentially come back a little bit but it says against like in Rage Warrior if this Menagerie Warrior might make it a little bit harder uh depending but I'm already running to some glitches with the with the new update like you can't uh go back and re-edit your cards like so if you make a deck and you like want to go back the screen will freeze so that's like a little problem to be aware of God in fact Yeah so basically it's kind of just like how you know you would expect to play like a totem Shaman or like a evolve Shaman from the past you have a lot of really cheap stuff and you just play a bunch of stuff and you know uh uh evolve it a bunch but this is a really good card I think this is pretty solid especially in Shaman and Warrior but um you know which one do you pick let's go for a top minion okay for yeah we played a lot of SEPTA Infuse a lot of the uh swarmers the weapons sums up stuff the hero power so you know we have a lot of good stuff to do with all this um you know I'll trade one in face with that I'm still not sure what type of deck this is this might just be you know a basic 35 Card Warrior with uh the the tuning fork in it looks like it is menager which actually I think that weapon kind of makes sense for Menagerie Warrior from that standpoint um okay so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna poke here I'm gonna sign up for that but we're gonna use this now we're gonna trade here but we're gonna trade here and then go face the transform here this guy into that you know it would make this card even more insane if this is considered a totem and a beast because then make this cheaper too Uber drift but they can't get over it okay yeah well they'll be able to with that but that doesn't really matter okay um our famous tool is already ready but I'm actually I think I want to do the evolved effect now I think I want to play my school teacher and then evolved you know convincing disguise isn't too bad here I think or even the Blazing transmutation but it honestly might be the lightning Bowl here for some spot removal because we know this is Menagerie Warrior huh well and that is the downside to evolve Shaman you get this which I actually I don't think is too bad somebody random five costs me from the past I don't know what that exactly does with our list or how that how that actually works but oh power slider okay another reason why I picked the lighting bolt so we can you know pick that out real fast okay we'll do that hook there I'm okay evolving that up I'm not sure how this affects our deck in any way but and we'll cast lighting both there I'll go and play the piranha swarmer as well yeah this is a a pretty big card for Shaman to get not to the point where I think it's gonna be played a lot again but to the point where it now has some grounded game especially after another expansion comes out it will be able to play pack the house here next turn but we have a family uh the famous fool here you know we might just drop down double thing below here which I don't think is too bad but I'm actually curious to see how this works here so it's just anything that's actually pretty good then I didn't realize I did that it's my turn hey I don't think I'll be able to deal with that we're gonna go face now double thing I think from below is pretty solid the next turn if he's able to remove all this we have uh pack the house to follow up oh there we go new card Abyssal uh basis pretty cool here it's actually able to work a little bit ooh Mana tied totem okay um so he's gonna be able to restore some stuff back we actually don't mind throwing all these down here three five here what's a better way to do it go five and two then Mana tide is going to draw card right that's what that one does yeah okay and um We're Not Gonna trade into that thing we'll just do that look at that already drawn card there's our muck pool yeah I definitely think the totem Carver is a really solid card and you're able to get you know Manti totem which isn't even in uh standard anymore do we want to evolve here I think I kind of want to keep the man totem just so we could draw more but there might be a reason to evolve here I'm not too worried about it in all honesty if you have if you talk text brawl I don't care okay we'll be able to reload with this we'll also play that into this good first game with this it actually kind of works okay death knight this is probably gonna be frost dagger right um I think it's worth keeping backstage bouncer here because there's no data on it yet on hsfreeplay I'm pretty sure it was just to keep just because the moment you play this and you have a totem or anything on the board it automatically comes before five with taunt I think it's already an instant take we also do play the uh this legendary right here too uh since you can't see the deck code or the deck list here I'll be sure to put the list down in the uh down in the comments for you guys so this might be Unholy or it could be frost um I'm not sure if we actually be those types of lists but this also yeah it's not blood Knight The Running arms dealer um pool yeah I want to tap more I want to get this cheaper and I also want more stuff to Die For This and also having stuff on the board it's gonna be really good for when uh backstage bouncer happens on turn four I could also see it's been pretty solid and Menagerie Warrior Two I'll have to update the list as well for that okay Frost Death Knight don't really want to deal with that but it is what it is I'm also really excited for makemage with the new magatha legendary card it's basically draw5 Max and enjoy life is basically what that card says you only play like four spells in that in Mech Mage you play the two uh C4 whatever the spell is and you play two Frost um uh what's it called now the two Mana three Infuse three should add it back to your hand that card you only play those spells and so you could add in that legendary and you instantly draw five mechs like not instantly of course but like you have a higher likelihood of drawing it it's actually really good an Unholy death knight too because you same thing you only play two grave strength and you play the two play strike which is really solid as well okay well we're gonna play this now okay it's pretty solid and then uh next one we can play this or we could do this and change that to a bigger taunt I don't actually know transform friendly minion to a copy this will transform to Min someone that many instead I think this actually works with this you'll keep the uh baroness on the board but we'll test it right here next turn instead of playing this I think but yeah the mag of the card is actually really really insane you could also probably play that in uh it's like any aggro deck and it'd be pretty solid I think for the most part um even like since there are no spells that are like not like that could affect the opponent you know like you don't have a spell like oh if your opponent has this card in their hand deal one damage to them or something like that like the curses that warlock had like not the new curse stuff but the old stuff um something along the lines of that but since there are like I'm I'm guessing that in the in the next uh expansion there's gonna be some type of way to make magazine work a little bit better or it might just be a draw five and if you just draw spells you just gonna be your opponent could make them burn but like it's not that bad of a you know thing to do some decks just don't ever want to use like a you know use that card at all okay so here we're gonna test this out and see what happens when we do this okay so let's stack okay so it just adds a copy oh okay turn six do I want to trade here I think I actually might want to get rid of this before I trade into this because we have these right here I think we're okay with that turn six they don't have the coin or do they have the coin I don't remember did we go no we coined out oh they conceited oh that's great see I think I think if all Shaman's coming back okay another Death Knight we also do play Drive insecting lists as well there's so many things also this um that actually uh worth keeping this in hand um we are going against death knight maybe it's not really worth keeping we want to get to our other stuff we're going to get to our prom promise warmers the uh the weapon I do want to keep the school teacher though the off chance that we don't open up very well okay that's not a bad hand at all I like totem Carver I wish we'd hover over it would show which totem it is because I always forget which one the stereo is but foreign already okay I really like the man tied right now I'm gonna play it relying a card very very solid and look at that I already get to the Chisel you know if you're able to remove this we might be able to just evolve this right away too which I don't think is too bad discovering a four drop we could get like a a nice four or five four four body okay well never mind um cooling's not bad here we will do this here we get the taunt that'd be nice okay that's fine we're all the card look at this card like having a man tied off of the um what's it called the totem Carver it's just insane like I've already like so much more value for Shaman now just off of this one card being able to summon off of a off of the three cost guy it's finally able to trade and do all that stuff to it ooh Rock Hill we also play Rock Hill too um we'll play one a trade there see how many we just need to do it twice [Music] I'm not gonna change any of these yet I don't think we need to yeah we'll play we'll go ahead and play this one here if he doesn't remove any of this stuff which is probably unlikely I mean I'm assuming this guy is a frost aggro I'm not sure yet but if he's not I'm gonna play Rock Hill next turn and get all these buffed up or well they'll have the death battle I'd left everything up still don't know which one it is yet maybe you already played a spell and I didn't notice it the deck tracker is just such a big help for stuff like this in general but we'll see just don't remove anything here please let's just play strike okay Hustler's fine still not too bad of a Rock Hill oh darn it oh we had a plague strike okay so it is Unholy then that wasn't oh wait no it's created never mind okay there's a stereo totem um I don't want to play that now I think I do which one is this one it's a plus two and yeah okay we'll do that you know the cool ghoul is very very sticky I might actually pick that and I really don't maybe we have this ready we don't need to draw a card we'll pick the ghoul I think that's gonna be a pretty solid to pick oh I should have done I should have played this first so that I got a buff so I'd have to trade there but it is what it is this Rock Hill next turn will be pretty solid with the uh with the cool ghoul here but I'll poke into this even though I really don't want these to you know summon up that's a really nice buff I like that buff and you know if anything here survives I might just go ahead and play the drive insect here yeah I'm still not sure what version of death not this is we have not seen any of the spells that on holistically played was created by this card right here so we don't really don't really know don't trade here trade into this or poke into that one of these yeah okay now we can get some value out of Rock Hill here um okay I'm here let's think about this a bit more though is it better to just to go ahead and drive insect this I don't think so actually I think I do just want to play The Rock Guild now because I don't know if there'll be a better time to do it or not because yeah now this is gonna be able to be alive here you know trading here is probably not too bad because this will buff up and then we can trade there into it as well this is such a good card especially like discovering it off of something else and being able to do it like the like the Evolve mechanic and stuff like that is a really really solid I think and I think this will probably be seen I could probably be played and any you know Unholy or even Frost uh honestly maybe even like blood and I wouldn't be to we're like upset to play this because it it gets like what two corpses from or is it three I don't remember okay I actually think I want to drive insect now actually I don't want to drive insect that I'm going to tap and then we'll drive insects we'll get our uh ragnos going here and then if he removes everything here which I highly doubt he will everything's here is getting all buffed up I think we're solid uh so it is Frost because he plays my uh Menthol here but you know okay there's a Rowdy fan wow is he gonna trade and all that well he is does he have a frost strike in hand yeah that's fine this is still continuously buffing up everything and so if he's able to remove everything here this is going to be pretty big because we could play this into that too oh yeah I can spell anybody we have 10 damage on the board you know the 10 damage and we could draw a lot of cards here not too bad [Music] oh wait we can't even do that yet never mind never mind let's see this one's buffed up we'll play this one first anybody do I want to put primordial wave it's getting rid of everything here and it's not too bad and we have a lot of draw here I think it's definitely probably primordial wave here do I actually want to do it now though am I scared of this if they freeze this that's 9 10 13 damage they're gonna get three a two a two and a zero cost thing it might not be too bad a primordial wave here and then we're also getting everything buffed here as well and then we also have this into this as well I hope I didn't miss lethal I don't think I did but should be okay that is not a bad card Rush there I like the taunt there yeah I think that's fine see I don't think we have anything that the reveler could pull or well we do but um anything like special in that way it'd be pretty cool to pull that off of this but we're not going to do anything with that I guess we'll see if we'll get any like crazy value card out of it which I don't think we do like we just have other you know just generic stuff I guess we'll see what we can get off of that yeah I'm backstage bouncer which is not bad by any means that's actually a really nice golden I was really debating if I should try and purchase the uh the golden one for this like the golden thing but like 70 bucks for all that's a little a little pricey for my taste oh we're getting a six six off of this too we're just beating Frost aggro death knight with this I think this deck's pretty insane I think it's worth trying [Music]
Channel: Excalibur_Plays13
Views: 4,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Evolve shaman hearthstone, totem shaman hearthstone, shaman deck hearthstone, mini expansion hearthstone, new deck, new meta
Id: KMTB1HGla_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 48sec (1248 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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