I Analyzed Every Ship in One Piece...

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hello today we are going to talk about one piece ships no not that kind this kind see in a world mostly made of water in a story about Pirates what could be more important than boats and ships they are the very means by which Pirates cross the Seas the ways by which they actually do pirating otherwise they'd be no different from gangsters and Mountain Bandits but ships in one piece mean more than just a mode of transportation often times they reflect the nature of their captains and tell a story about their crew often times they are symbolic of the very Freedom that many Pirates seek when they set out for adventure to fly a flag of your own carve a path on your own on a ship of your own is one of the truest forms of freedom in oda's story and despite this I feel like the ships in one piece don't get as much love and attention in fan discourse as they should we're always so focused on the characters themselves that we tend to sideline discussing anything else and so today I want to give some of that love to all the various ships and boats and rafts that make an appearance in one piece all of them or at least all the named ones yes we are going to go over entry by entry one by one every Canon named ship in the story which there are quite a lot of so strap in grab a snack or a drink and most importantly welcome to the hidden [Music] island [Music] before we get into the list I want to break down the anatomy and architecture that makes up a ship I'm going to be using the proper sailor terminology a lot throughout this video so I want to lay it all out for you guys just to make sure we're all on the same page I don't want this to sound like you're reading off a poneglyph or anything I also understand that not all people watching want to hear me give a lecture on ship design and some of you might already know this stuff so if that sounds like you here's a Tim stamp you can skip to and get right to the list if you're sticking around I want to make it known here I'm no professional I did all my research just for this video so forgive me for any minor mistakes or oversimplified explanations here and there I'm doing my best with that out of the way let's get to it first let's distinguish between a raft a boat and a ship and use one piece to help us learn rafts and boats and ships are the sequence in which ccraft have evolved in complexity to accommodate human needs over the course of history with a raft being the smallest and most basic to a ship being the largest and most complex boats are smaller than ships and typically cannot carry heavy loads of cargo or many passengers but are distinguished from rafts in their function and complexity a raft the earliest type of watercraft is designed to float by utilizing the natural buoyancy of other objects in other words objects that float on their own for example strapping a bunch of logs or bamboo poles together now this works for floating but one thing you need to know this is a flow through structure with water able to pass through and above the craft itself you don't Sail on a raft if you don't want to get in other words this is not very practical for longdistance travel Blackbeard's first ship in one piece is a raft made up of a bunch of giant logs tied together just like we said which kind of speaks to his Simplicity or utilitarian personality simply put for Blackbeard as long as it gets the job done it doesn't have to look pretty which is a perfect representation of Blackbeard's strategy throughout the story boats solve this problem by creating buoyancy through waterproofing in other words by putting a bunch of of planks together and sealing them with some kind of oil or wax or animal hide water can't pass through and by designing them almost like a bowl rather than flat accounting for its weight only the bottom of the structure would have to be submerged and the water wouldn't easily be able to flow over the top making boats way more efficient if only a bit limited the Bounty Maru for example is a boat used by Johnny and yosaku for whatever the hell they actually do Luffy started his journey on a boat too and I truly believe that this imagery of Luffy on a small boat is significant visual storytelling water vessels and sea craft are a core part of the world of pirates in hours and in fiction these boats and ships are the only way people could cross the water and in the real world they were so important that they were personified in a lot of ways all ships were referred to as female and they were given names and deeply cared for a little side note it was also seen as bad luck to bring a female aboard a ship in fear of angering the Sea Gods but ironically females were also considered to be be the best Navigators sound familiar Oda did his research another example to show how important ships were the kouman is a real sailor's tail also believed to be Spirits or goblins that inhabited ships rescued Sailors from drowning and were excellent at ship craft however their appearance would always Bode ill Omens if you were to see a cloutman it's a sign that your ship is doomed once again Oda did his research anyway sailor superstitions or not the ship was seen as an extension of the crew and this is a especially the case in oda's writing in one piece ships often personify their owners boats are very small and simple capable of traveling along way but not likely to they're easily swallowed up by the vast ocean and aren't built for many passengers making them rather lonely in a way and this is the perfect representation of Luffy at the beginning of his Adventure a lone Captain who doesn't yet have a crew a small fish in a very very large pond without a clue of what's coming and where he's going almost completely unprepared to face it it's not until he gets the going marry a proper seaworthy ship that the straw hats actually become a crew create a Jolly Roger and develop some kind of group cohesion the crew was born with the acquiring of their ship so what makes something a ship well a few things they're larger than boats can remain on the water for much longer and have the ability to carry a lot of people or ship a lot of cargo ships need a crew to operate while boats typically don't ships often feature interiors and usually have more masts and square sails if that's too much to care about a simpler distinction would be a ship can carry a boat but a boat can't carry a ship interestingly submarines are referred to as boats meaning that law submarine the polar Tang is technically not a ship and that would also mean that he's one of the only pirates with a bounty as high as 3 billion who travels by boat rather than ship alongside Dracula mihawk do with that what you will let's quickly go over the anatomy of a ship so that when when I go on to describe all the various types of them Oda has drawn later in this video you guys will understand some of the terminology you don't need to remember all this so don't worry about missing some things this is more so just a quick and clear overview so that we're all on the same page so a ship has an upper deck a Hull and a keel we're oversimplifying things but roll with it the KE is the initial beam or spine that covers the length of the ship right down the middle and is usually the first step in constructing one it's around the Keel that most of the ship is built Keel may actually be the first word ever recorded in written English believe it or not being Nordic in origin and we know how important their ships were to them the Keel is very important to the ship's structural integrity and if you remember in water 7 it was the Keel the bottom Central beam of the Mary that was broken making it unrepairable the hall is built around the Keel and the hall is basically the body of the ship with all the rooms within this part the deck is the roof that goes over the top of the hull where everyone stands on the top of the ship think of the the hull as a jar and the deck as a lid hulls can come in many shapes and sizes some curved some flat and each serves a different purpose which we don't really need to get into today the most important thing about the hull though is that it's watertight meaning no water can get in or out through it contributing to the buoyancy of the ship the deck can be divided into four main parts the AFT deck also called the poop deck at the back or stern of the ship is the most elevated deck meant to provide the best view typically the quarter deck is in front of that hat located a quarter of the way from the back which is usually where the ship is steered from the Captain Quarters were typically in the cabin under the poop deck and led out into the quarter deck the main deck is the one that takes up most of the deck usually in the middle so for example that's where the straw hats spend most of their time when we see them on the merry or sunny and finally the four deck or for Castle the part of the deck closest to the front or bow of the ship usually elevated above the main deck so right here for for example the crew's quarters were usually located under The Forecastle at the opposite side of the ship from the captain and opened up into the main deck I use these terms stern and bow to mean back and front respectively which is the proper ship terminology and an easy way I use to remember them is that you steer from the back of the ship towards the stern and you bow in front of people not away from them not as important but you may also hear the term aft used to refer to the direction towards the stern or back and four used to refer to the direction towards the bow what's the difference one is a direction and the other is a location you move AF or back towards the stern and for or forward towards the bow I'm throwing a lot of terms out there I know but we're almost done and like I said no need to remember everything attached to the bow is this large Spar or pole jutting out from the front of a ship almost like a narwhal horn called the bow sprit sometimes the bow sprit is is used to fasten something too like a sail and sometimes it's used to support everyone's favorite the figure head of a ship the statue or icon displayed on the front you guys know what a figure head is because almost every ship in one piece has one and a lot of them are really cool for an example of the bow sprit when the real Blackbeard was killed his head was actually hung from the bow sprit as a trophy talk about having a figure head now ships from the older days always had masts these giant poles sticking out which the sales were attached to and one of them the tallest one is known as the main Mast typically the one behind this is known as the mizen Mast and at the top of the main Mast is usually the Crow's Nest the highest place on the ship and the place where the ship's look out would chill with a telescope and doom scroll on Twitter or whatever the sails attached to the masts would use the wind to push the ship forward while the rudder this vertical flap sticking off the tail of the ship would be controlled by the Helmsman at the helm the main steer steering center with the steering wheel and levers and stuff to make the ship turn in other words turn the wheel pull the lever little flap in the back moves and steers the ship congratulations you are now officially seaworthy Sailors so thanks for putting up with this extensive crash course uh now that we know all the basics of Naval architecture let's talk about some fictional boats that almost definitely are not going to adhere to this architecture one to [Music] one the ships in one piece come in many shapes and sizes and won't quite match up with our world in terms of design and structural Integrity obviously a wooden ship the size of an entire Island wouldn't be feasible in our world but there is a rhyme and reason to a lot of these designs and many of the ships in this story have been officially confirmed to be one type or another so let's go down the list and we'll start with Marine ships because there are a lot less of those to talk about most of the Marine ships you'll see in the story share the same general appearance but come in different different sizes they're almost always colored in turquoise and blue feature the Marine Insignia on their sales of which there are two to three per Mast and share an interesting design element being this circular cabin pronounced in the center of the main deck most of their ships are coated on the bottom with sea Stone to allow for voyage into the C belt and some even have paddle wheels that can Propel the ship forward even without wind a lot of smalltime Marines or marines that command local or smaller forces will be seen using Cruisers and sloops which are smaller ships with two Square rigged masks and only a handful of cannons on board for Firepower nazumi pudding pudding Hina and early smoker were seen using smaller ships like this and most Marines outside of the grand line probably use them too once the story takes us into the grand line however we begin to see a lot less of these because they wouldn't be able to handle the Hazardous conditions of the grand line especially as we get into the new world there are also the judicial ships presumably used everywhere one of which we saw in water 7 which are not quite like the the Marine ships but they are part of the government and they're meant for nothing besides being a traveling courtroom they feature a large building in the back of the ship where the court proceedings take place and other than that they're pretty ordinary then there's the battleship class of ships they vary in size from Big to huge and almost always feature four masts this is pretty much what you'll see a lot more often in the grand line in place of the pul Tre Cruisers used in the four blues there are frigs which are smaller more lightweight battleships designed for combat but these are still very large when compared to their East blue counterparts but also not as large as the battleships we see during Buster calls a good example of a frigate would actually not be a marine ship but the ship of Diaz Drake the liberal hind which is implied to be a repurposed and repainted Marine Battleship fun fact this name comes from the name of the real Drake Sir Francis Drake's ship the Golden Hind slightly larger than those would be the gallan class of ship which is technically what garps is I could see an argument being made that it's supposed to be of the largest class but then you get to enas lobby and see much larger ships during the Buster call so I don't know I know that those ships are also supposed to be vice admiral ships but maybe it's just that Oda isn't really consistent on size and GARP ship was introduced earlier in the story anyway the main point is that garp's ship is very large either way much more than the average Marine ship gallions in general are very large and for a size comparison they are about three times the size of baratier we know this because Don C actually used a gallion as well that he like Drake stole and repurposed from the Marines which we're told about right before he's introduced his ship this rebranded Marine gallion is called the dreadn saber and damn that is such a cool name for a ship that lasted only like three chapters the largest type of battleships are the ones that you'll see pulling up to erase your entire existence and burn an island to the ground and serve as the main Naval power during a major war like in Marine Ford these are closely correlated with real life ships of the line sometimes called man of Warships being m massive battleships equipped with hundreds of cannons along the sides these were made to carry around thousands of people and weapons and were some of the most feared vessels on the sea the one piece versions of these are so large that they could practically be Islands in and of themselves or at least you know half the size of one which makes the idea of Kobe Kuan and GARP training on these barehanded and Incredibly impressive feet of strength especially when considering their hulls were coated with sea Stone one of the hardest substances in the story in one piece there aren't really any distinctions made between the different battleships apart from their sizes and realistically they're all just grouped under the battleship class without any specifications but if we're going by size alone and comparing them to real Royal navies from our world then the distinctions between them become more apparent for example like in the real world the largest ships are going to be the most sluggish so that's great for creating a blockade or engaging a stationary Battlefield in a buster call Islands aren't going to run away from you well most of the time great time for the man of Warships if you're chasing after Pirates however you don't want to use a slow and lumbering Hulk you want something more agile and able to keep up thus the smaller battleships and that's all we really have on the Marines since their Fleet is very uniform there aren't too many different kinds of ships to talk about no no that's what Pirates are for see their ships have a lot more variety because pirate ships aren't always made to be pirate ships they're often made for other reasons and then stolen or purchased or repurposed by their wouldbe Crews the going marry is a perfect example this is stated a couple times in the manga to be a Caravel which were small fragile ships with great maneuver ability they usually had two or more masts Latin rigged meaning that they used triangular sails as opposed to square rigs featuring Square sails and we can see that the Mary Sports one of each caravels often had these triangular sails that let them sail Against the Wind and Keels that were short enough to get close to shore Christopher Columbus preferred to use caravels in his voyages the Nina and the Pinta were caravels and the Santa Maria was a Carrick which was a larger more powerful version of the caravel and with some intention I believe on oda's part the straw hats were gifted a Caravel to be the ship with which they journeyed to the new world turning it from Just Another Merchant or fishing boat into a ship of their very own but when they move on from the Mary and onto the Thousand Sunny they end up using a completely different kind even the straw hats alone show us that pirates aren't committed to one type of ship the Thousand Sunny is a Brig Sloop a larger more modern vessel than the caravel these are known especially for having only two masts a trait we see on the sunny and these ships packed a lot more Firepower while remaining agile enough to escape their enemies it was the ship of choice in the British Navy during the Napoleonic Wars and the real beauty of its design was that it required less men to operate it could deliver serious damage with minimal staff and now suddenly Frankie's decision to build this ship for the straw hats makes a lot more sense the straw hats are a small crew they are by Naval standards underst staffed they more than make up for it though by being borderline superheroes but realistically if you only have a crew of 10 or so people manning a Carrick or a frig wouldn't be viable they'd need a middle ground between size and Firepower and so Frankie built a Brig Sloop speaking of Carrick and Christopher Columbus Gold Rogers ship the Oro Jackson is a Carrick in my humble opinion the Columbus connections are absolutely there in Roger Explorations and considering his big boss status having the larger Carrick relative to Luffy's Caravel seems fitting despite Columbus being Italian the Santa Maria was a Spanish name since he was hired by the Spanish the Oro in Oro Jackson means gold in both Spanish and Italian a reference to Roger name and he had this ship built in water 7 the one piece equivalent to Venice Italy Venice being the largest Hub of industry in Europe prior to the Industrial Revolution specifically for its insane ship building business I said it before and I'll say it again Oda did his research he knows what he's doing here anyway back to the ship cars typically have three masks rather than two and very high decks in the four and after of the ship with a low main deck traits which we can see on the Jackson even putting these two ships side by side we can see the similarities now unlike the Oro Jackson the Santa Maria didn't have a figure head but here's where it gets good Christopher Columbus famously recorded in his logs that he encountered mermaids off the poast of the Dominican Republic we know today he most likely saw manatees but at the time this was believed to be a potential mermaid sighting I find it funny how the first time the straw hats see a mermaid it also turns out to be a manity no but seriously mermaids have gained an association with Columbus and around the 500-year anniversary of the discovery of the new world a replica of the Santa Maria was built known as the Mari galante a brave Mary the Mari galante was then sent sailing around the world from port to port Port as a symbol of trade and commerce completing the equivalent of over two trips around the world before resting at Puerto vayarta Mexico where get ready it was turned into a pirate ship tourist attraction where families can spend some time going on adventures hunting for Treasure and partying with the crew day and night this famous replica of the Santa Maria now a pirate ship Sports a red collar scheme and features a mermaid Figure Head at the front eerily similar to the Oro Jack you might call this all a little far-fetched and I think that's fair but this is a pretty popular tourist attraction and I also think Oda is a far-fetched kind of guy anyway let's move on the red force is an interesting one because it seems to be a cross between a few types of ccraft the hull shape is almost like a gallion very large with a pronounced AF deck four masts a ton of weaponry and a lowered Forecastle when compared to a Carrick but the front of the ship stops flat in an almost boat-like fashion and Rears up with a tall bow adorned with a Dragon Figure Head very likely pulling from the design of Nordic Viking ships drar and Nars used for piracy and long voyages these ships often featured a dragon Figure Head at the front and we now know Shanks has a direct relationship with the elbaff Giants one piece is Vikings so it all comes together this design also features red and gold accent colors much like the Thousand Sunny and the Oro Jackson in a way making the ships themselves part of the straw hat lineage the golden straw and the red strap having once adorned each of their Captain's heads and now reflected in the very colors of their ships the big top is the flagship of the buggy Pirates or used to be it's not clear if this ship is still in use as of the Cross Guild forming but pre- time skip it got a decent bit of screen time I love it the circus tent the gudy colors and decorations even the elephant Figure Head just oozes with Buggy's personality I'm really hoping it gets a big Post Time skip upgrade this ship is hard to pin down though if I had to compare it to any real type of ship it's rather short and round with a flush flat deck that doesn't vary too much in height from the front to the back it has four masts which is quite a lot for its size but if I had to compare it to anything I'd compare it to a bomb catch also just known as a bomb ship these were similarly fitted with shorter flatter designs meant to Bear the force of launching its own bombardments and the decks would be more leveled to make space for their main form of Weaponry mortars these ships instead of using solid Cannon ammunition would use explosive mortar shells and this connects to buggy in a surpr Uris inly obvious way considering that his main raiding weapon of choice in early one piece was what do you know explosives buggy really likes his bombs taking great pride in his invention of the buggy ball leading me to think that his ship the big top is designed around this type of Weaponry making it likely to be a bomb catch Alva's ship the Miss love duck seems to be a shitty Caravel or bark not much else to say about this one I'll explain what a bark is later but it's pretty much just a smaller ship with a a shallow draft so in other words this ship doesn't really sit too deeply in the water not the most impressive vessel but pretty popular with pirates and alvas is gudy but not exactly in a good way definitely not the most beautiful ship in all the Seas and not at all the most capable then there's kuro's ship the bazon black an underrated design at least until Luffy tore the entire front of the [ __ ] kill off [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I like the edgy but classy color scheme and how the cat Figure Head is complemented by those ornamental hands hanging over the sides I don't really know what type of ship this is but it's not very large maybe it's another Brig or a schooner judging by the three masks only two of which are square rigged while the four Mast is shorter than the main as far as I can tell from this angle Briggs were popular with pirates so it could be that here's another one did you know that gon's original ship had a name a lot of you might have forgot that he even had one a pretty cool one actually gon's ship was called the Machina Hallelujah a chunky looking ship maybe a bark or a flute with three masks patches on the sails and a dragon figurehead proof that gon works for Shanks and was a plant on that island this whole damn time shut the [ __ ] up just kidding a little detail to know the railing or elevated Wall Part that goes around the deck to prevent people from falling overboard this thing is called the bullwark you might have heard this word before and one of my favorite things about the Machina Hallelujah is the wave pattern designed for its bull workk I think it looks pretty damn cool it's a shame we'll probably never see this ship again another thing I'd wish we'd see again is mihawk's ship or boat rather this is the hitsugi buet literally translated as coffin boat very creative it's a tiny flat boat with one sail a chair and a couple candles it honestly borders on a raft apparently this is all that mihawk needs to get around in the grand line I'm not going to question it I do like how ornamental his one and only Mast is like it was handcarved to look just like his sword or something as if mihawk was so disconcern with having a proper ship but was just picky enough to request his mask be carved to look like yoru there's this comical level of conceit and unchecked ego that mihawk has which I find so funny and I feel like people need to talk about more the cooking George was the ship of red leg Ze I [ __ ] love this thing just look at it man look at this duck with this little duck chef hat speaking of we do have zeff's next ship the barti a which is not a pirate ship but a mobile restaurant on the sea and man this thing is large it supports four levels to it four decks towering up in a kind of building fitted with weaponry and it can also extend its parts in different ways the fish head can detach and form its own boat complete with cannons and the fins can extend upwards to create a platform around the stable round Hull for doing battle and keeping balance during bad weather preventing damage from occurring inside the ship itself they should really put in perspective the size of gallions in one piece because gallion next to the bartier which is already very large was three times larger however the bartier itself had all these advantageous features that c took note of making him dead set on capturing the bartier for himself which speaks to the quality of the ship I especially like the version used in the Netflix adaptation giving it a more realistic twist and more Moody lighting complete with a bar section around back that I would have loved to work at Netflix hire me for season 2 here's my head shot while we're on brti the Shima Shima shopping was a a tiny Sloop station there which was used to make Supply runs and restock the restaurant as implied by its name Sanji took this ship to help Luffy make his way over to arlong after Nami stole Mary and unfortunately this boat didn't make it back home arlong ship is an interesting one to me it's called the shark superb which I have to say is very arlong but look at the number of sales on this one it's almost hard to follow one seems to be in front of another but the MK for that one is behind them some seem to connect to the same Mast but it's not clear what's rigged to what where one stops another begins it's like arlong ship write is mcer or some [ __ ] even the wiki incorrectly describes the ship as having only one mask that all the sailes are attached to but if you look at the screen caps of it or the treasure Cruise art you can see at least two but in the original depiction we only get a frontal view which looks like it has one Mast so maybe that's Canon it's confusing to look at but cool the Sawtooth figurehead carries here now in terms of classifying this ship I want to lean toward the original depiction the single Mast and Latin rigging for the sale makes me think this could be a ship known as a cutter which in the real world were much smaller and highly maneuverable known for their long bow sprits larger Cutters could sometimes feature an additional Mast that would be used to hoist Square rig sails improving their speed downwind since arlong's ship is quite big and might feature another Mast I'd say it's one of these larger Naval tier Cutters and to me the idea that a Sawtooth shark fish man was given a cutter ship just makes a lot of thematic sense the Great was one of the ships in Dorian bragi's Fleet and might still be active today it's much closer in design to those Nordic longboats we talked about earlier only difference being that they are the size of mountains made to accommodate Giants this also goes for the naglfar the flagship of the new Giant Warrior Pirates headed by hedine the blicking also known in the FUNimation dub as the tin Tyrant is wole ship and it is bizarre man it's able to go underwater somehow and has paddle booat type gears hanging off of it and is armored up and extremely wide it doesn't seem like it would do well in the water but then again neither do hippos and we should all know how [ __ ] terrifying those things are wole may be a joke but his ship is actually really impressive maybe that's because he has royalty money I don't know but I wouldn't want to go against this thing in a naval battle now we mentioned earlier in the video that Blackbeard's first ship was a raft but he's not the only guy to use one in fact the guy hunting Blackbeard also does Ace's raft named striker almost reminds me of the waiver boats used in skypia which were basically Cloud water skis but rather than use a breath dial for its propulsion system it has an engine in the back attached to paddle wheels that Ace Powers using his maram noi it also has a sail attached which I guess Ace relies on when he doesn't feel like blasting around with fire anymore and wants to take a nap or something which we know he does a lot very unique very cool and I appreciate seeing characters use other types of ccraft like this the Moby Dick is my favorite ship in one piece yo wait hold this is a massive four masted heavily armed Battleship best described as a large gallion or man of war there is no bow sprit on this thing instead the Figure Head encompasses the entire bow of the ship featuring the head of a white sperm whale this ship dwarfs even the red force and can comfortably host a clash between two YCO on its Upper Deck it's the legendary whitebeard's Flagship a ship that endured a lifetime of Adventure enture for years and years and years and went out in a blaze of glory during the Marine Ford War it may have even had a Cowman putting it in an exclusive club with the going marry its theme to complement whitebeard's aesthetic gravitas and impact as a force of nature is that of the famous white whale from the Herman Melville novel Moby Dick obviously the other ships in whitebeard's Fleet are smaller than the Moby Dick but feature mostly the same design the only immediate difference being that their whales are not white however if you pay closer attention attention you'll notice that the other whale ships are partially or powerered while the main ship is not not every ship in whitebeard's Fleet stuck this closely together in design however since some of the Allied captains like Whitey Bay had ships of their own Whitey Bay uses a unique ship known as an icebreaker equipped with a metal Hull meant to smash through ice and Frozen Waters which she used to their advantage during Marine Ford and smashed through the Frozen wall here's one I like new witch's tongue is the ship of the Bellamy Pirates and it actually says a lot about bellam himself self although when we are shown this ship in the story readers especially manga readers won't totally realize what they're seeing yet what do I mean well when Bellamy gets decked by Luffy he's later toyed around with and punished by doflamingo we don't fully understand why yet but when we get to the Dress Rosa Arc it's explained that Bellamy idolizes doflamingo and wanted to be a pirate just like him so he joined as a subordinate of his crew it's made clear he idolized him strongly enough to base his whole personality off of him with the nistic philosophy the pink shirt the hair and the tongue sticking out the mouth and impressing women with his stoic antisocial attitude and the bomber jacket with the Scorpion on the back and he's a driver the point I'm making is that Bellamy desperately looked up to doflamingo the same way bartolomeo religiously looks up to Luffy and his ship new witch's tongue is designed to reflect this although we won't know this when we see it because we didn't learn about doflamingo at the time this is something you can only get from going back in the manga it's colored predominantly in pink and its Figure Head is the doof Flamingo Jolly Roger it's like how Barto made Luffy the Figure Head for his ship even the name new witch's tongue has the same first syllable as doy's ship new Mania Flamingo coming back to it now we can look at this and see that it's pretty obvious Bellamy worked for doflamingo in some capacity and we don't have to be directly told this by anyone we just have to take a look at his ship I should also mention that making the Keel a literal spine that attaches to a rib cage bow sprit and skull figurehead is really really dope since we mentioned it I just want to highlight how cool of a ship the new monia Flamingo is I get this imposing Aura from it and on paper you wouldn't think it would do that it's a medium to small-sized ship and not the most impressive or complicated and is designed to look like a swan boat that you'd ride in Central Park or SeaWorld or something actually I think they straight up have Flamingo boats at SeaWorld anyway that kind of design shouldn't get you far but with do Flamingo it does it may not be a massive ship but it's bulky almost extravagant and foreign looking and its figurehead Towers so high up with its eyes covered by those same Sinister sunglasses that it almost appears to be looking down on everyone from above with an air of vanity and pump it perfectly captures the attitude of its captain and I respect Oda for pulling this off as simple as it looks the numancia flamingo namesake comes from the Ironclad pmana a Spanish armored frot which was the first steam powered iron ship to circumnavigate the world there are some really weird ships out there that in my opinion aren't the best designs but are at least interesting a couple that immediately come to mind are shjo and masa's banana boats they feature a lot of trees growing on board kind of like the red force in the sunny but to a much greater degree which apparently is a real thing Sailors would do they'd grow fruit trees on board to get their necessary vitamins and prevent scurvy here it's cranked up to 12 with Gojo's ship the uton sonar using this huge tree is a mast I can only wonder where all those roots have to go do they grow into the lower deck that doesn't seem convenient it has all these paddles ladders and protrusions meant to facilitate treasure diving and is rather forgettable I think because of how ridiculous it is it almost doesn't feel like a ship and it's just kind of a silly prop for M's introduction but it's Unique another ship I don't love is unfortunately Ace's ship from when he was the captain of the Spade Pirates the piece of spedal is really junky and just cumbersome looking with those chains hanging off the side sides and the random color scheme even the figure head looks very hashed together I'll be honest Whitebeard did Ace a favor by integrating him into the crew because I can't see the Spade Pirates getting very far in this thing maybe it's another merry situation where they would have had to upgrade later but still the sexy foxy is all right I appreciate this one because we get a side profile and a top down view something I discovered is surprisingly uncommon in one piece it really helps for identification it's got these Fox paws on the front of the ship that can be used as anchors and grab directly onto the shore of wherever they're docking kind of obnoxious it also has a tail sticking off the back which might actually double as a Rudder it's not clear I'm guessing but this is probably a frigate ship the side profile shows us a long Hull and a lot of Firepower and in size it dwarfs the marry completely we have a size comparison in the top down view actually there's the Mary right there so foxy surprisingly has a pretty mean ship for a pirate of his stature if that's too spacious for you you can always take a ride in the cue wagon this water sled that they used in the Davy back fight or maybe you'd prefer the taru tiger a couple Barrel staple together really going back to their Roots here another one of my favorites is the island ship belonging to the man himself Shiki which is apparently Canon believe it or not not only is the concept of a humongous flying Island turned into an or ship just awesome but the figurehead man the figurehead the golden Oriental Lion on the front is so raw and it even does the same thing as Gojo's ship using its own trees as masts that's how large it is I'm not entirely sure what benefit using ores in the air would be but I'm guessing they're there to call back to the ancient Oriental warships like swoopers and junks as a matter of fact let's talk about junks for a second junks are distinguished by their fully battened sails meaning they have these horizontal spines going across the sails to direct air flow through them kind of like the fingers in a bat's Wings if that helps to remember their Sails are usually made from bamboo or ratton and they feature low boughs and high Sterns but most interestingly junks do not have a keel their bottoms are flat instead and despite this these ships are actually very effective and were in use for a very long time in the east in one piece there is a ship that gives the junks some representation very directly and that would be the perfume UDA boa Hancock's ship it has a really Sleek design a sharp red and black color scheme and seems to feature a mini Palace on board for the empress herself it's designed to be propelled in three ways number one is its sails which are battened as we described but these sails don't work in the com belt since there is no wind there as a backup the ship is propelled by two water paddles in the back and pulled by two UDA in the front giant sea snakes known to scare away sea Kings making it possible for her ship to sail in the com belt despite its predators and despite its lack of wind a ship designed first and foremost to conquer the com belt where its home Amazon Lily is located you might look at a ship like the perfume UDA and just see it as a boat with Chinese theming but when you break down its design the ship tells a story of where it came from and what it's used for very few other ships in the story require this many methods of propulsion but the perfume UDA absolutely needs it because of where it's used proving that Oda puts more care into these decisions than we may at first realize on the subject of warlord ships Thriller bark Thriller bark is the largest pirate ship in one piece contrary to its name though it's not a bark barks are much smaller and much more maneuverable than whatever the hell this is maybe Moria picked that name ironically barks were also popular with Caribbean pirates and the analog to one piece's Florian triangle the Bermuda Triangle was in the Caribbean so Oda was clearly making a reference there but it seems to only go as deep as the name symbolically however as is the pattern this ship tells us a lot about its Captain rather than build a proper crew himself Mora's strategy is to convert people's Shadows into corpse vessels and use a puppet Army of zombies Thriller bark used to be an island in the West Blue and it seems like Moria had a ship built around the entire thing converting it into his own vessel he literally zombified an entire Island destroying and converting it into a weapon just like his crew thus the name Thriller in reference to zombies and bark meaning ship it's a Zombie Ship I'm not even sure if it can be considered a ship at this point because a vast majority of it is sunken underwater including most of the Hull's interior assuming the outer wall makes up the hull it doesn't seem to move much either or at least not very fast but I guess it can move making it more of a moving Island Fortress than a ship then again if we're counting Shiki then I guess we should count this right Shiki is more of an island in the shape of a ship while Moria is a ship in the shape of an island not really sure where the boundary lies speaking of zombie ships The Flying Dutchman is an ancient Ghost Ship one of the oldest if not the oldest pirat ship in the story long ago it belonged to a captain named vanderdecken a captain in ship cursed never to make port and wander the Seas forever and now it's found a new captain in his ancestor vanderdecken the 9th this is heavily based on the real Maritime ghost story of the Flying Dutchman down to the captain being a Dutchman named vanderdecken and a ship doomed never to make Port it's said to emit a ghost ly light and tries to communicate with the dead a very famous sailor ghost story and fortunate for us the real Flying Dutchman is identified most often as a flute a type of Dutch cargo ship from the 16th century flutes were designed not for the Navy but for merchants and shipping cargo they were cost effective efficient and played a huge part in making the Dutch a major Naval power the most famous flute you may know of is the Mayflower the ship that brought the pilgrims to America One Piece Flying Dutchman should logically be a flute as well however this one seems to also use ores which to my knowledge flutes never used so it's a mish mash of a few Design Elements maybe the ores were included to give the impression of age since or powered ships were the norm before they weren't anyway the Snapper head is one of the best ship designs in one piece easily in my top three I don't know what it is with making the bow of the ship the head of a fish or whale but I just love that concept chips are a lot like fish in a way while it has long passed away this was the flag ship of the sun Pirates and this design kicks the hell out of the shark superb in my book The Fish design with the golden Cloud wisps engraved on the sides and the other cabins and elements also designed to look like fish swimming alongside it the beautiful soft color palette clashing with the imposing dark sails The Classy Windows stretched across the stern which definitely provided a great view from inside the ship from the side you see a smiling fish but from the front it looks like it's trying to eat you the Snapper head exudes that fish man power and pride it's simple almost like the pmana but in a good way I want to take some time now to talk about the Supernova ships because Oda seriously went wild with these they provide us some of the best variety and ship designs in one piece a lot like what their respective captains did for the story's depth and cast of characters we brought it up before but I want to start with the polar Tang first off I just want to say rest in peace to this one at least as of uploading this video it's been destroyed and is sinking to the Bottom of the Sea I'm curious to see if law replaces the tang with a new submarine if he manages to survive and I'll be looking forward to that also I love that we have a pirate using a submersible in one piece it's a really unique ship concept is very practical for crossing the grand line and has some cool applications when combined with Law's power since it's underwater it's great for Ambush attacks as law could be near your ship without being noticed and he could probably just create a room underwater before you even realize you're in the radius of it it also completely subverts the need for ship coding which makes makes me wonder why Pirates don't just use these all the time especially if they anticipate passing the red line at some point you'd think that by necessity since the technology is clearly already there most pirates and Marines would use submarines in increasingly large numbers but I guess that would ruin Law's appeal and the entire pirate aesthetic of the show so I can give it a pass even if it doesn't make the most sense there is kind of an explanation though there's a partially Canon novel called One Piece novel law which gives some insight into Law's backstory that we don't get from the manga after the whole incident with rosinante dying law ended up stranded on the nearby swallow Island right near minion Island so Law's near death and stranded there and then Dr Wolf a scientist inventor who's an original character from the book finds him and saves him and over the course of law living on that island with the doctor he meets beo shachi and penguin forms a crew and by the end of it all they end up going into the Doctor's lab and you know with all the other inventions and secret things he has and he gives them a submarine as a gift which they name the polar Tang the point of all this if taken to be true is that maybe submarines are uncommon in one piece because the only people making them are genius inventors like wolf Frankie and Vega Punk building them is not exactly common knowledge for ordinary ship rights in other words next up another ship that is no longer with us the Victoria Punk this ship was named after eustus kid and Killer's childhood friend who died which is kind of sad consider considering that the ship carrying on her memory is now also gone as for the ship itself it has a pretty cool design it seems like in the building of this one they utilized an actual aging yellow dinosaur skeleton for the base of the ship around which the rest was built with the spines serving as the Keel the ribs supporting the hull structure from underneath and the skull as the figurehead even on the deck of the ship you can see the bullworks being formed by bones and the very front of the bow features another little skull very Punk design the only objection I really have to it is the color scheme seems kind of all over the place but kid himself has a lot of clashing colors going on and maybe that's also part of his punk aesthetic as for trying to classify this thing it has two square rigged masks and is kind of small compared to other ships and most notably its main Mast is taller than its M Mast this one back here at first I thought this ship was a brg Sloop just like the sunny which would make sense given kid and Luffy's rivalry and also that kid's crew is fairly small but the Sunny's main Mast is shorter than its mizen which is correct for a brg unlike the Victoria Punk this means that the Victoria Punk might be more correctly classified as a catch which is similar to a brg but featured a taller main Mast like the punk and historically were replaced by the brig over time which symbolically works too considering that kid is basically a worse version of Luffy in a lot of ways and by extension so is his ship the jewelry Margarita is a ship with a lot of sad history behind its name and design as we all know now I'm not going to get into analyzing that too much since it's pretty straightforward Bonnie loves pizza and food and specifically loved eating pizza with her father so the ship is designed around food and named after Margarita Pizza simple enough it used to be a fishing vessel before being recommissioned as the jewelry Margarita which is pretty helpful for identification purposes I want to jump and say this is most likely another catch since catches were often also used as fishing vessels scratchman ao's ship the state tune is such a ridiculous offensive abominable travesty of Naval archit texture that I don't even want to talk about it more than I already have it doesn't make sense none of it makes sense it's seriously one of those cases where the more you look at it the worse it gets so I'll just put it up on the screen here and let you try and make sense of this Roblox horse [Music] [ __ ] y yo yo yo yeah yo anyway The Grudge Dolph is pretty cool it looks like it's made of straw obviously to match the power and aesthetic of Basil Hawkins it seems like a take on re boats which are real boats made of reads attributed to various ancient cultures like some indigenous tribes in the Americas as well as Africa and the Middle East Egyptians for example made boats like this out of Papyrus and this Choice kind of makes sense because a lot of the aformentioned groups have practiced Voodoo Shamanism and Divination in some form which is what Hawkins is all about so while Hawkins ship isn't at all accurate to what a real Reed boat would look like it definitely calls back to them here's an interesting one so forgive me if we spend a little extra time on this but we're going to do a little theorizing now mad Monon arouge is the captain of a ship called the Hano Maru and like I've established many times in this video this ship seems to tell a story about its Captain the Figure Head of the Hano Maru is an Oni mask but particularly of a demon called the Han thus the name Hano Maru Hana are said to be women turned to Demons by jealousy resentment or anger the more severe cases describe them as having Serpentine bodies maybe a call back to Skype as serpents but they also aren't totally claimed by evil and can be redeemed to humanity through prayer and Enlightenment this is really important why does a Rouge feature a haa for his ship's icon why is he a holy monk displaying the face of a demon why does he have a shrine on his ship better question why did he even come down to the Blue Sea from the sky when most people up there live isolated and hardly know a thing about the blue sea well maybe he was forced down here if we're to take his wing design as an indicator that he's from burka then Things become a lot more clear the people of the sky and skypia in particular seem to have a religious veneration for their leaders and gods with their God living in an Asian Temple while the sky people by Design are made to hearken back to Western Angels Andel who came from burka took on the aesthetic of an oriental deity with his ring of drums and long earlobes this could imply a couple things the nature of burk's worship and the role that arouge played in that society as a religious monk or maybe even a high priest it also explains why arouge is in the blue sea currently because burka was destroyed and wiped off the map by anel who claimed to be a God and most likely did there what he later did in skypia kick out or attack the previous religious Authority in other words arouge might be one of the last survivors of the burka Massacre overthrown by enl and his gang and had to flee to the blue sea below to escape so now we have a monk stuck in a strange ocean whose Homeland was destroyed by a false god that might leave any religious person tempted by a sense of resentment anger and a desire for vengeance it would make any monk out there quite mad you could say and so arouge is a monk who is at odds with himself fighting back the hateful urges he now has and prays constantly to fight it whether in his Shrine or elsewhere and this internal struggle is perfectly encapsulated by the Hana it's why arouge is always smiling despite his devil fruits power requiring that he suffer in order to become stronger this is all unconfirmed as of now but I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up being true and we can glean a lot of this simply from his ship but it goes even deeper the design of this ship is kind of specific a shrine in the AFT where the Captain's Quarters are supposed to be presumably a place of prayer for arouge met with a flush main deck and a raised for castle at the front two masts once again with the main Mast being taller now obviously this isn't confirmed either but I suspect this ship is a kind of gallot gallots also known as half gyss in the past historically began as two masted ships powered by sails and ores they were often used in the Mediterranean and later by the Dutch over time they' lose the ores as well some Dutch gallots were often fit fitted with Le boards which to oversimplify were boards attached to the sides of ships and extended to prevent the boat from tipping over during storms we can see some protrusions coming out the sides of the Hano Maru without any clear purpose and if they're not for decoration I think these might be intended to serve a similar purpose to a lebard older gallots also featured a hut-like cabin in the back that reminds me of the shrine arouge has but what really makes me think this is a gallot is this a Rouge gets his namesake from from a real pirate known as a Rouge race also known as Barbarosa or Redbeard and as the name implies Barbarosa was a famous barbery pirate and the barbery Pirates were famous for using you guessed it gallot ships so not only does the design of the ship itself match the description but the inspiration for arouge was famous for using them if that weren't enough Barber Pirates were religious Muslims a lot of them being converts from other religions one of the few examples of practicing religious Pirates and I think the connections to a Rouge here are self-explanatory the Nostra Castello translated as our Castle from Italian albeit incorrectly is a massive Fortress ship complete with tank treads on the sides and a castle in place of a cabin how it manages to stay afloat considering how heavy this thing must be is beyond me but gang beige has an advantage with the sea vessel since the retractable tank treads allow it to both travel through water without sails and more importantly travel on land his Figure Head is a rook armed with some nasty looking cannons and overall this is a pretty cool ship design not going to lie it kind of reminds me of the castle Ship Island things that germa used and that doesn't surprise me considering the proximity beige ends up having to the germa family I don't have much else to say about this one besides rest in peace because for those who don't remember it was destroyed by Prometheus back in hul cake Island now that we brought up hul cake let's take a break from the Supernova and talk about some yonko ships starting with the queen Mama Shanter the name is pretty self-explanatory with Shanter meaning to sing in French I think anyway I can only describe this thing as a ship of the lion or a man of war an incredibly large Battle Ship featuring at least five masks and a whole row of cannons along each side this boat is Serious Business it is many many times the size of the Thousand Sunny and what makes it even more broken is that it straight up has a mind of its own this ship is one of big mom's homies the figurehead talks and even the doors talk why is this broken well the ship can practically man itself to have something of this size you'd usually need a lot of people on board to handle all the different parts but you don't need a massive crew to man a battleship like this if the Cannons fire on their own and if the sails fix themselves by putting parts of her soul into her ship big mom circumvent the need for an experienced crew to man something so large and Powerful its excessiveness is a reflection of big mom herself and this is made clear by the sheer amount of food elements included in the design the hall looks like a cake icing spills over the sides candy canes and Pocky and Wafers are sticking out everywhere donuts and ice cream cones top the Crow's nests and the Captain's Quarters are in the shape of flan it's a symbol of gluttony through and through I can only assume it was constructed by taking an ordinary Battleship and using stren's powers to convert it into food which is by and large how big mom's entire kingdom was made but with Islands instead a great kind of goofy if not intimidating ccraft definitely one of the strongest in the story but big mom also made sure to provide all her children at least the important ones sorry Mozart with ships of their own and they all pretty much share in the design elements of the queen Mama Shanter they're just smaller versions of it swapping out the figure heads with each of their respective ugly little faces what makes the crew interesting however are the tar and paddle ships that big mom employs the tarte ships are dedicated battleships meant to fend off Intruders and attack enemies of totland making up the majority of big mom's Fleet and this also means that big mom's crew is one of the only Factions besides the Marines to employ battleships on a large scale like this the paddles ships are similarly meant for defense and are larger than the tarts with even more Firepower needless to say when combined this Fleet is quite dangerous to take head on fitting for an emperor let's talk about kaido kaido is in a bit of an awkward spot regarding ships because at least from what we've seen he doesn't have one at least not a flagship to lead all the others no really he's the only yonko without an official Flagship we've seen Jack ship the mammoth back and zo we've seen other smaller ships in the Beast pirate Fleet but never the main one I'm not sure why that is but if I had to guess it's because kaido has been chilling on Oni gushima for the last 20 years which brings me to an additional Theory since kaido can use his powers to pick Oni gashima up and move it around does that make onigashima his Flagship being another example of something doubling is both an island and a ship is it possible that kaido carried this island over to wano kaido's Flagship once known by another name and when it arrived the locals in wano started to call it onigashima that could be what Marco meant by so that's what they're calling it now maybe Marco having known kaido in the past knew onigashima as a ship by a different name and it was the people of wano who redubbed it after kaido settled down off their Coast that would also mean mean that all of the onigashima arc technically takes place on a yonko's ship and roof piece takes place on the deck of the ship the very top something to think about similar to kaido we haven't seen the flagship of the Blackbeard Pirates but in contrast this one actually has a name the saber of zebec is a ship named most likely in honor of rocks and it most likely shares a design with the other ships in the Blackbeard Fleet being based at least partially on the raft that Blackbeard originally used combined with a proper ship ship which is probably meant to be a zc a little confusing but a zc is a type of ship known for being very fast very powerful very large and in particular for having a pronounced bow and Stern that would overhang the front and back of the ship kind of like this we haven't seen the saber yet but we have seen the back of the Rocks pirate ship currently unnamed which features an overhanging Stern much like we just described I can only guess that blackbeards is continuing the trend here it's probably a zebec it would be weird to have zbec in the name of your ship and then and have it be something completely different not owned by a yonko but arguably an equivalent in influence the wind grandma is the flagship of the Revolutionary Army commanded by Monkey D Dragon himself and I got to say this one is Peak design a terrifying Dragon Figure Head wrapped around the ship front to back and a dark ominous color scheme come together to paint the image of the revolution's righteous Fury I've talked about it in another video before but the name comes from the yacht Fidel Castro used during the Cuban Revolution named the the grandma the similarities stop at the name though since this thing is far more than some limp dick Kami yacht it's a [ __ ] Battleship of Freedom baby and one that you actually want to see pulling up on your Shore cuz it's there to fight for you and yours I can hear the Screech of the bald eagle or should I say bald Dragon right now that covers all the yonko ships and the other major ships we know about right now and as a matter of fact all the major pirate ships worth discussing at length we still got to talk about the straw hat Grand Fleet a bit since they work for aono now as well as some other random ships but we're going to go through these a lot faster the going Luffy Senpai is bartolomeo's fan weighing Shrine to Luffy and shares a lot of design elements with the going Mary Mary's head makes up the cabin Luffy himself is the Figure Head and the stern of the ship is Chopper's head for some reason I actually completely forgot about that last part but it's pretty hilarious why Chopper I don't know does seem to be orp powerered however unlike the sunny and the Luffy prow extends far above the ship like a Nordic Longboat so I'm not sure how to categorize it maybe it's a type of Galley regardless The Uso land is the ship of the tonata Pirates very small and closer to a boat for humans but quite large relative to the tonata actually using it I guess the difference between a boat and a ship depends on how small the people riding it are it features one mass in Latin sails for and after riged and combined with the size I'd have to guess this ship is a Sloop which was a common ship of choice for Caribbean pirates I like how they turned their Upper Deck into a smaller version of green bit with their mushrooms and houses built around the Mast it has character to it do also in part to the best part of the ship it's figurehead God Usopp himself with with his tongue popping out of his mouth except it's a cannon this time for sugar this is probably more of a ghost chip than the Dutchman the hosai and the osai are eight total ships featured in the hosui Navy with the hooai being the main ship and the osai being the other seven not much to say about these they're just Standard junk ships identifiable by their Batten sails and stubby frames nothing wrong with these just a little boring the yont Maria is the flagship of the orlumbus fleet being a naming pun on the Santa Maria which we talked about before along with the KN to Maria which is also featured in the fleet it's surprisingly one of the largest ships we've seen in the series and is so incredibly massive that it even makes Hine look small which is very impressive this is without a doubt a man of Warship a massive gallion made for transporting a ton of cargo and engaging in tactical assaults which makes sense for olumbus considering he has a crew numbering in the thousands last but not least my favorite of the grand Fleet ships the sleeping White Horse of the forest captained by who else but Cavendish designed to be as ostentatious as humanly possible this is basically Cavendish in ship form the bullworks and trim of the ship are wavy and ornate the color palette is full of Royal purples and pinks the Sails are frilled on the bottom the figure head is a rearing white stallion and of course it wouldn't be complete without the word popularity inscribed in big bold letters across the sides I [ __ ] love it some other minor ships in the story include the blood Bodo a simple pirate ship used by Blue blue jam with a pretty rad Figure Head this one was destroyed during the Great terminal fire oh well then there's the little gerise uh the flagship of little ORS Junior which we don't get to see very much aside from its insane size makes sense though considering they have to carry little ores around all day then there's the orbit the cruise ship that Sanji worked on as a kid before it was attacked by zff this one has a wine bottle figure head and a pink color scheme in the anime if sanji's cooking is not up your alley how about the takoyaki 8 hai's takoyaki ship which he uses as a floating food stall this one was apparently built by a community of shipbuilding catfish seen in hai's cover story question though are these fishmen or just normal fish that are personified to be like humans do they count as fishmen I'm not sure I wonder if they'll get rights when the fishmen do the ryugu is a ship built around a giant or fish used to transport people around the ryugu kingdom and I can't imagine a ship built around a fish like this would be comfortable to ride in but whatever the writing on its side reads ryugu Palace probably in reference ref to its most common destination let's scale this up a little bit the Noah is a massive Arc built during the void century and currently resting by Fishman Island making it the only ship aside from pluton to come from that time period it's very obviously a call back to Noah's Arc in the Bible and the first video I ever made on this channel talked about this at length but don't watch it my old content sucks its current purpose is unknown but directly tied to Joy boy in the events of 800 years ago it seems to be made with Poseidon's powers in mind because it features giant chains on the front which are pulled by sea Kings and in order to make the ship move and this is its only method of doing so Noah's Arc likewise didn't feature any Sals as it was only designed to float and weight out the great flood rather than transport anyone anywhere I wonder what implications that has for the Noah but the Noah is surprisingly not the only Arc in one piece the maxim is an arc as well made out of a ton of wood and gold taken from upper yard created specially by anel to fly into the air and to complement or Empower his electric abilities it features the kanji for God on its side in big letters ores propell colors a giant golden face and no sails from the little view we get of the inside it's Laden with pipes and gears and Machinery almost to a degree beyond the technology we typically see below on the blue sea also technically this ship counts as a spacecraft because it's the only one in the story possibly even the first to make a trip to the moon and NL did it with nothing but wood Eat Your Heart Out NASA the St bris by contrast could not fly and fell out of skypia on top of the straw hats after 200 years of aimlessly wandering the white sea this decrepit ship does at least show us that the seaf fairing technology of the world has not progressed very much in the past 200 years at least in the world below information we can also get by taking a look at mon Blanc Nolan's rather plain ship the northeim this one however does feature a lot of the same stylistic flare of future captains with a decent portion of the ship being designed to look like a chestnut say what you will but Nolan really owned his look I wouldn't be able to the Flying gas balloon is a ship used by Caesar Clown and without a doubt this man is not very creative when it comes to naming but at least it's straightforward it's a small vessel carried by a hot air balloon in propellers and now I'm starting to realize that there are a surprisingly large number of flying ships in One Piece Caesar definitely has the technology and shitty of an adventor as he is and the sad Ships coming in and out of punk Hazard are full-on iron tankers putting him technologically ahead of a lot of other people I almost want to see a future where Sky Pirates become the norm in this world once technology catches up for everyone else get all Skies of Arcadia up in here now we can't forget Baroque works and all their one-off ships like the swanda express Bon Clay's beautiful Swan boat and the cheyaku ten and Maru Mr 3's tiny Sloop with the number three on it got to love Baroque works then there's the full which is a baroque Works ship armed with a giant Smoke Stack coming out of the main deck used to pump dance powder into the atmosphere it's never outright stated but I've always thought that this was crocodile's main ship especially when you look at the crocodile figure head and just follow the pattern established by by all the other Baro work ships it also makes sense that the dance powder a crucial part of his plan would be distributed by his main ship finally I'd be remiss to close out this video without quickly bringing up the battle Frankies these are a collection of small battleships of all shapes and sizes put together by Frankie over the course of his life numbering all the way up to battle Frankie 38 with 36 being his own cyborg body when he first rebuilt himself 37 being his post-time skip redesign and 38 being the general Frankie all of the other were actual ships and became increasingly capable over time as Frankie got better at designing them with the battle Frankie 35 being the best and capable of taking out a sea king unfortunately these relics were all stolen by mankind over here and used to fake an attack on the judicial ship resulting in most of them being destroyed or at least the ones we saw during the attack being the battle Frankie 14 16 18 23 27 30 and 35 in an SBS where Oda tried to draw what Frankie would look like as he gets older in the bad timeline Frankie eventually turns himself into the battle Frankie 50 a Mech not unlike the Vega Force 1 and by age 70 he becomes the battle Frankie 70 a massive warship devoid of any and all Humanity it also kind of implies that Frankie would have gone on to make one new battle Frankie every year of his life if he got to 70 at the same age I wonder if the 70 is at all similar to the design of pluton which we have yet to see and only Frankie knows I would have L to do a segment talking about pluton by the way but all we know about it is that it's a huge ship capable of destroying Islands in a single shot when Frankie and Iceberg looked at the blueprints they weren't even sure that it was possible to build a ship that looked like this so our imaginations at this point are left to run wild time will only tell what pluton and the ancient Kingdom have in store for us so that's pretty much it for today I say pretty much because there are plenty of non-cannon and unnamed ships for us to discuss but we'll have to save those for another time do you guys want to see that non-cannon video at some point and also what's your favorite ship that we talked about today let me know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video please drop a like And subscribe to keep the music alive with that being said thank you for stopping by the hidden island I appreciate you watching the show because I enjoyed putting it on until next time have a great day a good night and a wonderful romance [Music] Dawn [Music] in [Music]
Channel: The Hidden Island
Views: 191,111
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: One Piece, Analyzing Every Ship in One Piece, Every ship, Ship analysis, One Piece ships, Ship, Anime ships, Boats, Every boat, One Piece theory, One Piece Analysis, Analysis, In depth, Going Merry, Thousand Sunny, Oro Jackson, Xebec, Pirate ships, Marines, Battleship, Yonko, Pirate crews, Pirates, theories, The best theory, the best analysis, history, eiichiro oda, the hidden island, hidden, pluton, Pluton ship, ancient weapons, anime, manga, buster call, grand fleet, analyzing
Id: pDz5H5v-tzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 59sec (4079 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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