Ranking ALL boons (with chapters) | Hades Guide

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so looking at the boons in Hades if you don't count chaos there are 157 Boons in the game Hades 28 of those are Duo boons aphrodite has 14 Boons not including this is not including their Duo Boons those are separate aphrodite has 14. Ares has 14. Artemis 13 Athena Demeter Dionysus all F-14 Poseidon is 16 for some reason because he's got he's got the the extra legendary Boon and I believe he's got like an X an extra like tier two boom he's got lots of extra extra boons and then uh Zeus has 14 and Hermes has 16 and Chaos has 12 Boons with 13 possible curses that can go along with it as well so let's get let's take a look at the tear Maker list I happen there just happened to be this one out there already that all the moons already kind of even even labeled we're going to start like I said we're starting with secondary or tier two Boons we'll start with tier two and secondary spoons starting with after party after party is a diet we're gonna go through these kind of kind of fast um after party is when you finish an encounter it heals you back up to a threshold and I believe if I'm not mistaken uh the threshold increases based on the Rarity so at common it's 30 all the way up to 60 percent um this could actually heal you quite a bit uh it's a it's a good healing boon but it's not one that I ever really go for it's just kind of like if I see it if I see a good one or or whatever it's it's fine it's not very good for high high heat necessarily especially if you have well it's good if you um if you aren't using the the heat The Pact the punishment that reduces your healing but it can actually heal you quite a bit in a run I think uh I I haven't ever calculated it but I think it'd be interesting to see like if you got this early how often would that heal you and for how much it would it would be a lot it would be a lot okay we're not gonna do apparatus Aid yet so I rank it in a just because it's it's really good healing and healing is there's few and far between as far as Boons that that heal you so we're gonna put that in there Arctic blast Arctic blast is Arctic blast is the one that you get 10 stacks of you get 10 stacks of chill and there's an explosion and the explosions are pretty pretty decent damage and it's a pretty large area and these don't have a cool down so say you uh if you have that Boon that makes it so you take damage that that enemy instantly gets 10 Stacks that can like chain and you get like you can get a lot of damage from like the especially like the laser enemies they'll they'll that'll dump a lot of damage into an enemy uh so Arctic blast I think it's pretty good um it I think it's it's only marginally useful in the sense that how often are you actually getting to 10 Stacks without that one Boon wherever that is frozen Touch without Frozen touch I think Arctic blast is is okay with like a really fast weapon um but then how often are you getting a would you how often would you choose Demeter on like a fast attacking weapon anyway just get yeah just to get the legendary Right This is that's a good point it's uh it's a way to get the uh the legendary for Demeter so that's that's a good thing to keep in mind okay uh well I'm gonna leave it at B I think I think B is fine for it auto reload basically you the the cast stones drop out of enemies faster so kind of like what Hera bow does it's passive um it drops out faster I'm gonna put this and see it's it's fine to get the cast stones faster uh yeah it's fine it's good it's not I would say so I guess if you think about it this way B is like average it's just like a solid average boon c means it underperforms or you take it less often a means maybe an overport over performs a bit uh and then s is like these are build defining boons yeah so like I said we're gonna start with tier two Boons and secondary Boons and then we'll go back and we'll do all the tier one booms right okay bad influence bad influence is the one let's see I think bad influence is the one where you deal more damage if they have if you have three or more enemies with yeah three or more enemies are hangover Afflicted you have a damage bonus um on a on a build Where You Are applying lots of lots of this hangover you're going to end up doing a lot more damage so I actually put this in eight here as well I don't know about I might I'm going to readjust at the end of each of these sections but bad influence definitely does a lot for for damage all right bad news bad news is the Hermes legendary which I didn't realize it but it has the same symbol AS flurry cast so that's kind of confusing but that's that's flurry cast and that's bad news we're not going to talk about bad news yet because that's a legendary right battle rage rage it increases the damage of your next attacker special um I this this is okay I sometimes uh struggle with this one it's hard to sometimes it's hard to get it to work but with with certain weapons it can be a lot of extra damage um so for certain builds I think this is uh it over performs a bit it's very very nice so we'll put that in a tier battle rage sweet all right billowing strength billing strength after you use your call you have a certain period of time I think it's 20 seconds where you do additional damage all sources of damage are increased I think this is our first s tier uh Boon just using a call like because you can get your call charged up enough to use it once and then for 20 seconds which is often as long as an encounter lasts uh you have that additional damage it's a lot a lot of damage so I'm gonna put that in S2 it's the first one all right black metal black metal are blade Rifts are going to be bigger they are it doesn't affect the damage at all it just affects the size um I'd say that that's fine but we're going to put it it's slightly underperforms it's nice to have it bigger but it's uh you know but I wouldn't say that it's gonna it's gonna make a huge difference okay blackout that's uh that's the legendary for Dionysus so we're not going to talk about that right blinding Flash when you I think that's the one that's the curse right okay so it's a curse that makes your your back stabs deal more damage I'll leave that right in B I think that that's fine blood Frenzy blood frenzy means that you lose a death Defiance and you you're gonna deal more damage after you've lost a certain number of death defiances right depending on its rank this I think is is okay it's really good if you are struggling to beat the game because you'll or if you're on like a higher difficulty level because at bosses you'll lose the depth and it's only for that encounter right so if you lose a death Defiance against a boss suddenly you're dealing more damage to the boss uh but and and you could say that like with uh stubborn Defiance this would be better because you could get it in every room potentially uh uh blood Frenzy I I'm gonna just I'm gonna I'm gonna leave it in B there's an argument for it to be in C because I don't know yeah the secondary blue and sometimes it's hard to to compare apples to apples but I'll even be for now it's kind of it's kind of it's fine blown kiss uh means your first hit uh with the cast if it's the first thing that hits an enemy it does extra damage and it also increases the range of that cast now the problem with it the problem with blown kiss is yeah first hit bonus damage multiplier okay and the the trouble is with it is that it sometimes messes with the hitbox of your cast so it can be kind of annoying can be kind of annoying I'd say I take it sometimes but usually usually I don't because I'd rather have a consistent hitbox than than a a longer hitbox I guess right to have longer range because you're going to get close you're using if you're using uh Aphrodite's cast you're gonna get close you're it's not like you're gonna be okay to get you know I don't know I've never like thought about it like oh I'm farther away so I can cast from here that's kind of my thought and then if you I guess when you if you have like a dash attack or something I usually end up dealing a little bit of damage before I get to an enemy with a cast so I think it's slightly underperforms I think it's slightly underperforms boiling blood you're gonna charge up your call faster with just damage that you receive this and it's a lot I think it's like what is it like 40 percent increased uh let's check out check out what the numbers are on this one what are the numbers on boiling point so yeah it's 40 at common all the way up to 70 in heroic who's ever gotten a heroic boiling point let me know let me know if you've ever gotten that before but it it does increase how your your God gauge increase but I I hate anything that makes it so you have you want to take damage for it to take effect I guess I don't of all the ones that increase your call charge this is my least favorite one because you have to take damage and that doesn't seem great I'd rather I'd rather I'd rather it uh it'd be effective on the damage you deal like like for instance when we get the cloud of judgment we'll talk about that all right breaking wave when you slam into a wall or an obstacle it creates a little a little explosion that deals damage and then knocks back again breaking wave is super super fun I think if you've got a Poseidon build breaking wave is is I don't know I think it's I think it's super super great like if you combine this with your sea storm effects and all your Poseidon knockback effects like this is super super great and uh a lot of fun especially in sticks like you are just pinballing enemies and that's so much fun to see so I'm gonna put it on top of a I may end up moving it depending on on where we are uh let's see I'm gonna make a little adjustment I think after party is just fine it's just in the middle here I'm not gonna put it way up high but I'm eight here anymore a brilliant repost brilliant repost is first of all it's it's a boon that's required if you want to find Athena's legendary so it's the only the only Boon that's required to find Athena's legendary but it is a tier two Boon this makes it so your deflections when you deflect a projectile or or any attack really it does extra damage um as a boon all by itself I wouldn't say it's that amazing oh hey buddy [Music] I don't know where your mom uh your mom might be putting things away because she just got back from making cotton candy you go check in the basement or maybe she's outside in the van those those are my two ideas would you close my door for me thank you sir uh so I'm gonna put I'm gonna put brilliant repost in and see it's fine all right broken resolve this is gonna be kind of like a theme with Aphrodite is is these Boons are pretty forgettable uh they're they're pretty pretty forgettable so I'm gonna I have to kind of check all these because they all feel the same in the same bad way so broken resolve increases your your damage reduction from week by 10 that common all the way up to 17.5 it's it's a nice it's nice to have more damage resistance right that's uh that's always important to have damage resistance but it's it's so it's so forgettable and it's it seems like such a small effect right I'd much rather have something else almost anything else than to just increase the amount of damage reduction that the curse does it already does 30 so we're increasing it to 40. that's nice but I yeah it doesn't it doesn't make me excited about your uh about your boom okay bronze skin similarly to I mean kind of they're in a similar vein it just reduces all damage by I think it starts at like five percent and it goes up from there I think it might even be less I'm not sure but it's not it's not that impressive I'm gonna put broken the skin or broth broken skin bronze skin down in C tier not not very exciting it underperforms it's it's fine but I don't I don't uh get excited about it Okay calculator risk that's a Duo Boon clean kill clean kill increases your crit damage by a flat amount and it's additive right so it's not like it's multiplicative it just increases it by a set amount uh it's not it's not so great in in a I'll take it if there's nothing else if I just want more damage but it's it's I think it underperforms a little bit clean kill it's just it's just a flat damage increase to your crits only your crits already do 200 percent bonus or yeah 200 bonus damage and so this is just increasing into like 230 bonus damage clouded judgment clouded judgment increases your charge for your call when you take damage and when you deal damage so it's like Poseidon's but but better uh this is I think that this is pretty good um I I like this one I'll take cloud of judgment if I have a decent call like if I have uh Zeus's call or if I have dionysus's call um or even like yeah any any of the any of the damaging calls where you just want one charge like I'll I'll take that that's that's pretty pretty nice the calls are pretty powerful at times okay curse of Vengeance I guess we didn't talk about like the the damage on on damage taken I guess we'll we'll rank these in here because they're they're like they're not exactly tier one Boons I think cursive vengeance is fine it's a way it's a pretty big chunk of damage I'm gonna leave it in the middle I think though so you take a hit and you curse the enemies around you it's very area dependent it doesn't like it won't like curse a ranged enemy from far away some of them do that so this one doesn't it's just in the small area around you so it really only affects enemies in melee range uh it's fine it's a lot of damage it's a lot of Doom damage and if you have other Doom effects it's good if you have uh privilege status or if you want to get privilege status it's a nice way to do that say it just it sits in the middle there it's it's a good one it's a good one for for some damage all right deathless stand this is a way to get a death Defiance back if you've lost your death defiance to deathless stand you're impervious for starting at two seconds longer and it goes up from there so this one this one isn't as good as the other one it just gives you a shield for longer I'll still put it in a because getting getting a death Defiance back can can save your run I'd say it's good enough and it gives you a death Defiance back of the two I mean like I kind of look at them as the exact same type of Boon they give you a death Defiance back that's amazing um since patroclus was brought into the game I think it's they've become less less helpful or beneficial because you can restore your death defiances potentially at the end of Elysium which you is really when you want it the most but it's still good to have it's still a very nice uh a-tier Boon for sure different League here we go again another forgettable Aphrodite Boon we were just talking about how these are somewhat forgettable uh let's see different League reduce damage from foes okay so let's let's talk about this how is that I mean so broken resolve just increases the amount of damage reduction you get on a cursed enemy it goes from 30 up from there this is like nearby enemies do a flat percentage less damage to you just just generally very forgettable I don't I don't know I I'm not that doesn't make me excited at all it's like oh okay we have more damage reduction that's great um dire Misfortune makes it so you can actually stack a little bit more damage so if you have uh the curse attack from or or special from Aries or even the curse of Vengeance it'll stack and add more damage it's not a whole lot more but the idea is if you've got a weapon that that already deals damage quickly this just makes it so you're not losing out on that damage right because it goes off every few seconds or it's like how long is it like a second and a half or something for the Doom damage to go off this lets you no matter how many the more times you hit them the higher the damage is it's pretty good I'd say it it slightly over performs because when you've got a situation and you're dealing you're you're you've got Doom damage you kind of want that ability to to increase it by attacking more you're going to be attacking more anyway it's it's nice dying lament dying lament is one where an enemy explodes deals damage and applies the weak curse when they die I actually really like this Boon a lot it's it's like of all the of all the tier two Aphrodite Boons it's the one that I'll take in a in a run like I'll be happy to see this if Aphrodite shows up once and I see dying lament it's like sweet this is that's a great way to apply the curse and it's a great way to deal a little extra damage yeah I like it and it's usually a pretty decent amount of damage too so I'll give that one an a give it a name okay next one is gonna be double strike double strike makes it so your lightning strikes can hit twice uh I'm gonna I'm gonna put this yeah it's hard so like because I there's an argument for it to be an S tier I think but I think it's really high a tier similar to Breaking wave it does a wonderful thing having more lightning strikes is super super great all the different ways that you can get uh lightning strikes in this game it's nice to have them doubled it's just a chance to double double damage okay looking for more tier two empty inside once again Aphrodite forgettable Boon what is empty inside do weak duration oh my gosh first D tier Boon I do not care about the week being on for a few seconds longer I do not care that is d-tier for sure first D tier boon easy easy detail for me easy deter engulfing Vortex okay so we had did we have the other yeah we had black metal which makes them bigger engulfing Vortex like sucks enemies in I think that this uh in comparison to Black Metal this is like a poor man's it's a poor man's hunting blades uh so hunting blades makes it so they chase enemies around engulfing Vortex sucks enemies in it also increases the duration of the uh the blade Rift yeah it increases it by a certain number of seconds or not not a certain number of seconds but up to half a second so pretty good pretty good I'm gonna put in a tier next we have Exit Wounds Exit Wounds makes it so they deal it deals damage when a cast stone pops out of an enemy I'm gonna get a lot of hate because people love Exit Wounds it's uh it's good damage I'll say though if unless you have unless you have Auto reload where it's popping out of enemies faster or you've got Poseidon's sword it's I mean it kind of underperforms it does decent damage but it's like I don't know it doesn't it it's an interesting Boon I love the way it's designed but as far as like performance I wouldn't say I go for Exit Wounds unless I've got Poseidon's sword or or maybe even Haribo it also requires that you've got a um gosh what is the stygen soul not sting cell infernal Soul requires they have infernal Soul where the cast stones can actually pop out of enemies and then it it just does damage every I don't know how long does it take for the stone to pop out normally like yeah yeah it's situational it's fine it's like it just underperforms it underperforms period the end um I'm gonna throw in all all of the Hermes Boons because they kind of fear they feel like tier two Boons to me um because they can be added in addition to any tier one Boon so we'll we'll talk about flurry cast now Theory cast makes it so you cast uh you you cast faster it's like it turns your cast into a machine gun that's really all I need to say I think it definitely goes into a tier you you it's nice to send out the casts faster I'll just even even a you know a white normal Rarity flurry cast I'm I'm excited to see that if I'm doing a cast build at all it's it's wonderful very very nice getting through them getting through them pretty faster okay Frozen touch that's the one that that applies 10 stacks of Chill on an enemy if you get hit this is one of those that's like it does very little damage but and if this was the only way that you were applying chill this would be very very useful people don't I think people give chill a bad a bad rap because chill doesn't feel great and there's 10 stacks of it like how do you get all all the way to 10 you know you need a fast weapon and why would you put Chill on a fast weapon well this one kind of this this Boon all by itself solves that problem it gives it puts 10 stacks on if an enemy hits you and that slows them down a lot I'd say that this is at least B tier maybe low a tier sometimes um chill is a really good it's a really good curse I think I think which who else who's whose thoughts who else's thoughts are we talking about here all right glacial glare makes it so your cast stone for the Demeter cast lasts longer and it applies chill with each tick um it takes a it takes a cast that is decent and it makes it more decent I'll I'll put it high high beat here I guess I like it I wouldn't I'd say if I was doing a Demeter cast build I I would like to see it there's no situation that I don't want glacial glare uh yeah maybe maybe we'll pop it up into age here because for you got to think about it with its situation right like you're in a cast build with demeters uh cast it's a good one it's a it slightly over performs it's good okay um let's see here greater evasion uh gives you dodge starting at 10 and up to like 20 for epic 20 is it 25 for for the heroic pretty good it Dodges Dodge is nice that's a good a good form of damage mitigation I think I'll just stick it in B I think it I think it belongs there I'll take it um sometimes but but not always a greater haste I think is is another high it's a high B tier movement speed is is really nice and there's another Boon that we'll talk about later that makes it so movement speed is even even better I'll take greater haste occasionally it's not bad okay greater recall is a is a legendary actually oh I can move these around I can like put legendaries together I should be doing that Holy Smokes I can do this this makes it so much easier okay um where were we renovation good greater haste gooder slightly gooder greatest reflex I think this is another s tier Boon honestly um being able to have more dashes super super great especially if you've got uh what's the what's the mirror upgrade that gives you more more or one dash but it increases the your damage and chance to dodge by 50 if you if you dodge right when an enemy attacks or something or Dash right when an enemy in attacks greatest reflex is great it's great even when you don't have that but it's it's phenomenal incredible if you do have that version of the dash um I can't think of what that one's called though you guys know what I'm talking about okay Heaven's vengeance Heaven's vengeance is another one of the Revenge moons so an enemy hits you and they get a lightning strike this is a ton of damage and it can hit an enemy at any range and it does area damage right so it's a lightning bolt that does does area damage I think that this is a high a high a tier tier two boom very nice very nice uh Revenge boom probably the best revenge boon yeah probably the best one because it does so much damage and it can hit really really fast uh versus like frozen touch or cursive Vengeance like it doesn't matter if you've already got 10 Stacks unless you've got Arctic blast like you're just you're just doing the small amount of damage with multiple hits whereas and then cursive Vengeance unless you've got Diamond Misfortune it's just doing the one blurb of of curse damage when it goes off whereas this one is just constantly applying it if you've done Revenge Boons you know how like a Revenge only build for for AFK Hades build and you know how important Heaven's vengeance is it does a ton of damage it's like one of the best ways to get tons of damage yeah hit the like button everybody thanks for being here so glad that you're here whether you're here uh live or whether you're here on YouTube I you know hit that like button really appreciate it okay we are now at hide breaker hide breaker your crits do more damage to armor am I right about that is it crits only yeah it's a multiplier uh against armor which if you're trying to get the biggest number possible on a crit hide breaker is great otherwise it's it's pretty mediocre it's not it's not that exciting I don't think I don't I don't get excited about seeing hide breaker ever really high tolerance this is the one if you're standing in festive fog which is Dionysus cast uh fog stuff you take less damage yeah yeah take take less damage while staying infested fog it's fine okay it's another damage reduction thing and if you're using dionysus's cast you might as well take less damage because I mean the fog is a huge area so that's nice but it's another one that I don't get super excited about I don't get super excited about that hey look at that did someone did you did you give some gifts high voltage high voltage you your lightning strikes hit a larger area this is okay right um it makes your lightning bolts which are already area damage right the lightning bolt hits it hits anything in that area this makes that area bigger I wouldn't say I get super excited about it it is along with double strike and storm lightning it's it's the way that you get to Zeus's legendary which is super great it's a super good legendary um but I wouldn't say high voltage is the is the more exciting of the three it's probably second second most exciting of those three holy Shield uh holy Shield does moderate damage it does more damage than Frozen touch but less than cursive Vengeance or Heaven's vengeance but it gives you uh a split all right I mean it's like a half second is it a half second of of Shield from any damage and it deflects anything it's it's pretty good I'm gonna put it in low a tier as far as Revenge Boons go it's one of the ones that I like to see it's a very nice defensive boon and uh once you get hit it's sort of like it's sort of like you know how uh the uh the broken spear Point gives you a little Shield uh once every five seconds I think it is that you can you can use that this is like that but without the cool down so you can have a little a little mini Shield doesn't last as long as the broken spear points Shield but uh you have that little mini shield for a little while Hunter instinct Hunter instinct when you deal crits this one is when you do crits you charge up your call a bit more it it's a very small amount uh this is this is also a less a less interesting Artemis Artemis also suffers from the same kind of minor issue that aphrodite has where it's like you're only affecting crits and you might get a decent number of crits but I I wouldn't I don't know you already have a really nice effect with the crit I don't care to add to very marginal benefit to to my crits so I put it I put it down in seat here slightly underperforms it's fine but it's slightly underperforms okay Hunters Mark Hunters Mark is a curse it's it's artemis's curse that applies if you do a do a crit then it puts a little Mark on another character can't be the same one if there's a second character or a third it'll put a mark on that and their chances of getting a crit to receive a crit is higher I'd say this is a tier um especially like you you'll end up doing a lot of crits with Hunter's Mark I like to get this even if I just have pressure points this pressure points is a low percentage to get a crit but if you're fighting a big group of enemies and you create once suddenly it can Cascade through the whole room and suddenly you're doing way way more crits than you should be with just having pressure points um so I like Hunter's Mark a lot I'd say it's like high it's high a tier very very nice very very nice Boon to have this is taking a long time by the way this is a long gonna be a long video but we're in we're here for it right hydraulic might hydraulic might when you enter a room the first few seconds that you're in that room I think it's is it is it 10 extra damage yeah 10 seconds 10 seconds is a long time I think High I'm gonna put it in High beat here I like hydraulic Mite 10 seconds is a long time to uh to fight enemies and I you're at least the first wave you're definitely clearing them out very very fast it's nice and sticks because you clear most rooms within the first 10 seconds anyway um but against boss fights it's it's less beneficial so yeah high high Beach here maybe low a tier I like it I don't take it very often but I like it okay hyper Sprint hyper Sprint I think I'm gonna toss this one in in s tier because some in a similar reason to greatest reflex it gives you way more utility for your Sprint to like basically you can travel the distance of two sprints in a single or two two dashes in a single a single Dash which is huge I think and it works really really nicely with the Boon that we're going to talk about later the quote unquote capital letters Wombo Combo that exists in the game we'll talk about that in a bit but I think it's good yeah I think we're gonna put that we're gonna put that low s tier it's it's great it's got it adds a lot of utility your dash is one of the most like you have a tax and you have your dash like those are those are the things that you have to to manipulate in the game but you're dashing a lot like if you were to count how many times you dash in the game like it's maybe one of the most utilized things that you do in in Hades and so hypersprint it makes it way way better I'm I'm justifying it for myself I feel good about this [Laughter] Year all right impending doom impending doom makes it so your Dooms don't go off as quickly you have like an added half second but they deal a percentage increased uh damage and it's a it's a decent amount of increased damage I'd say I like this it's an a tier it it's uh if you're doing a doom build there's no reason why you wouldn't want impending doom I don't think it's just it's just good in fact I'll put it I'll put it above bad influence but slightly below Hunter's Mark I think it's a really good uh really good modifier to your to your doom and it's and it's percentage based which feels better uh it just feels like it does more you know I as I think about it I think about like you know clean kill versus impending do you mean first of all clean kill doesn't do nearly as much bonus damage as impending doom does I'm just thinking about this for the Doom to go off you're not guaranteed to get a crit anyway I'm just trying to explain why I think Infinity Doom is so much better and I think that's it yeah it's very smart killing freeze killing freeze that's the one where if everything is chilled if every enemy is chilled they take damage they Decay they slow they're slowed even more um and they take damage every half second um so the problem with it is that it's hard to get every enemy chilled uh usually in a room there are some enemies firing at you from range and there's some enemies that are close to you and so it's difficult for everything to have Chill on them at the same time great against the boss though I'd say it's like it's like good mid beat here right it does it does what it says it does and it does it just fine it's also another one of those Boons that can lead to Winter Harvest which is the uh the legendary for for Demeter so that's good that's something to think about all right okay Last Stand Last Stand is the other Boon that gives you an extra death defiance an extra death Defiance and this one gives you more health when you lose a death Defiance this one is like like deathless stand and that it gives you an extra uh extra death Defiance but it's better right I think it's a fair amount better um because the amount that you're healed it's normally 50 of your health total and with last standard it increases it and that's just very very valuable and especially if you've got like all three of your death Defiance is left in a boss fight that's a that's a lot more Health that you're ending up getting it's great it's great yeah Anthony doing immersal and divers fortune and and merciful end all those together that's the uh that's uh that's a wonderful wonderful combo okay life affirmation this one makes it so all the Centaur hearts and Centaur Souls that you get uh it increases your health by more any yeah any health raising chamber rewards are worth more so even your Darkness so I'd say that this is a pretty good it's a high I'd give it a high B now let go let's go low a like you if you especially if you get this early you will get a ton more health it's it's a it's a large amount okay and it can't it doesn't affect Thanatos encounters and it doesn't uh and not uh items bought from Caron's shop so I guess that makes sense that it wouldn't be the center of our souls because you only get those if you get them from a shop right you don't pick those up anywhere else but I'm pretty sure it gives you I think I remember giving you like seven you get Seven health from Darkness instead of five and I'll have to that's that's a question mark but that's that's you know secondary I think it's still it still justifies low a tier lightning reflexes you get a lightning bolt if you dash uh soon after an enemy attacks you so if you're dodging an enemy attack when you dash it'll it'll do a little lightning bolt I'd say this is like low low B tier maybe maybe high C tier I like you know if you're if you're trying to get more lightning bolts it's a way to get more lightning bolts but I I don't notice it doing a lot of damage it is a higher damage lightning bolt oh no it starts at 20. so it's not it's not even that high Dash just before getting hit versus Thunder Dash yeah so it's more damage than thunderdash but Thunder Dash always goes off so yeah I'll stick it here low low beat here I'm okay with that okay nourish soul nourish Soul it heals you for a flat amount and it makes all future healing more effective this is this is pretty good but I wouldn't say it it over performs I'd say it's probably in a similar vein to like after party if you find it early it's it's nice I certainly don't go after it it can save you if you're in a if you're in a bad way and you're nearly near death you could take nourish soul and and save your death defiance right but yeah I don't think it performs super high it's it's just it's just fine all right nursing thank you numbing sensation numbing sensation I have to check what numbing sanitation does makes enemies move slower um I don't I don't get excited about that one I'll put that one I'll put that one lower lower C tier slowing enemies is is good but you're probably better off just slowing enemies with with Demeter I guess I don't know I mean it's nice to have enemies slow down a little bit if you're if you don't have diameter in your pool you might not so I don't know I don't know how to feel about about slowing enemies it just doesn't seem to be that amazing but I guess if you have an epic one that's like 30 percent movement speed reduction that's a lot okay Ocean's bounty if I'm not mistaken this is the one that makes your darkness and your gold more for the rest of the Run yeah from from rewards this is a great Boon I think because gold gold does a lot in this game it's very very beneficial and if you're new to the game and you're trying to build up your Darkness it's a great way to farm more Darkness so it's it's definitely got utility both for your account right like your account bonuses and the Run itself pressure peer pressure your your hangover travels to other contamin contaminates nearby foes every four seconds uh this is a terrible Boon I've talked about this many many times four seconds is an eternity uh if your enemy I don't know and just the fact that it has like it has its own like amount of Hangover damage it's not like it transfers over your highest hangover damage to a new enemy right like say you had like a really you pumped up your special uh hangover damage to huge amounts and then it would transfer every four seconds maybe I could see that being okay right like you you know maybe in the learning fight the the Hydra fight you're like transferring it around and it's it's there's some benefit there but otherwise it's just it really doesn't ever go off it's a waste it's a waste don't do it don't do it I think I'm gonna put that in in D tier it's inside I hope it's better or worse I think it's about the same just not very not very exciting there's your second D tier uh Boon friends there it is positive outlook positive outlook that's the one that if you reach a reach 40 percent damage if you've received if you only have 40 of your health left then you have damage reduction from that point on you have so like common it's 10 damage resistance all the way up to 25 but really 20. like what's this going to replace what's what's positive outlet gonna replace to get you a heroic version or I guess you could get it with like rare Cropper or uh anyway usually it's going to be somewhere between 10 and 20 percent damage resistance it's not nothing right I mean it's it's like a it's like a less beneficial Aphrodite curse I'll put it in in seat here it's fine it's not it's slightly underperforms I think premium vintage you get a nectar and from this point on your Nectars give you bonus health I believe at at base Rarity it's 20 all the way up to 30 most likely it'll be up to 30. can't be upgraded via Palms but um you it's another way to get to get bonus health I think that this is this is uh affected by life affirmation as well I like premium vintage I think uh if I if I'm offered premium vintage I often I often will take it but I wouldn't say that it over performs Nectars are great because getting more nectar like if you were to find this in a run early on in your account you want as many nectares as you can right like having you always want to have a nectar available to give to a new God that you find so that you get their Keepsake so it's got you know good benefit at the beginning it also gives you the health you know early on if you find it early enough like if you find it in in Tartarus then you can get lots of nectares in that in that run and that might give you a lot of bonus health I wouldn't say it's ever given me like a ton of bonus Health but it's it's a non it's a non-negligible amount of Health that it gives you so there you go take take it for what it's worth okay pressure points pressure points I think uh is an S tier Boon it it gives any any source of damage has a chance to crit I believe base Rarity I think it's two percent all the way up to Epic is four percent and you can Palm it so every Palm that you add to it increases the crit Chance by a percentage point it's so it's a lot I think yeah I think pressure points is an amazing way to boost the damage of any run and then you combine it with Hunter's Mark as well super super cool very very good Boon you always want to grab this one it's it'll it won't it won't let you down you know it won't let you down it's very very good uh I'm just looking at these legendary Boons I want to put them in the right place okay put them in their place let's do proud bearing now okay so proud bearing is another one of those Boons that makes it so you you get call charge so your um that charge at the bottom of the of your health bar or underneath your health bar it increases the charge of that so when you enter a room you start with some charge this is a really cool Boon if you have certain uh if you have certain calls like Poseidon's call plus proud bearing you can pretty much just Breeze through sticks if you've got proud bearing and Poseidon's Aid in the same in the same run super super cool uh combination I think it's one of my favorite call uh any call combinations and I love Poseidon's Aid it's it's such a such a fun one so I think I think it's high high beat here it does it does a nice thing it's very situational though situationally beneficial it doesn't have like a lasting effect like clouded judgment does um but it doesn't require you to take damage either boiling blood uh quick favor quick favor makes it so your call charges up passively it's very slow though one percent every two seconds and then on rare it's one percent every one and a half seconds and then on Epic it's one percent every one second so what I thought was common was actually that's the Epic version of it now that I mean I think if you got into heroic that would be that's significant right that's your gut starting to get up there but I think that this is uh the worst of the call charge boosting effects I'd put it in in low seat here I don't I don't get excited about that one that's just it's just too slow it adds a little bit sure it charged faster it did it charged a little bit faster but not in a in any significant way this is this isn't tied to anything else that you do it's not tied to how many crits you get it's just how many seconds have ticked by in your run so I don't I don't like that one I don't like that one very much quick recovery this lets you heal if you dash soon after you took damage [Music] um interesting fact about quick recovery if you have The Pact of punishment lasting consequences which reduces your total healing quick recovery is not affected by that so you still can heal yourself if you have quick recovery I I still wouldn't say that I go after quick recovery I don't get excited about seeing quick recovery it does restore some health if you dash after you take the damage it's like a form of damage reduction if you happen to dash immediately after you take the damage which I mean usually you're dashing right after you take the damage so you're probably getting a decent amount of healing I haven't run the numbers I don't know exactly how much damage it's recovering but I would say Hermes is one of those Gods where there are certain Hermes Boons that if you can find a you know if you can find it and if maybe it's slightly rare it's so beneficial this is one of those that's not super beneficial sort of like quick favor doesn't really do a whole lot I'm gonna put it it's a little higher than a quick favor a quick reload quick reload let's see here we talked about flurry cast Auto reload versus quick reload okay yeah so one of these one of these is going to be when you have uh stygian soul and the other is going to be for infernal infernal Soul um quick reload if you have I think it's quicker I should check this though quick reload okay quick reload I'm gonna have to swap those then I thought the quick reload was the other um and auto reload you regenerate Stones faster my bad my bad okay so quick reload goes down where Auto reload should be Auto reload means your cast owns recharge faster this is incredibly useful for a cast build if you've got uh I believe it's stygian Seoul which is the one where you your your cast ons you know recharge instead of like you having to pick up the stones this is huge for a cast build I mean this this could be I don't know this could even be higher it's it's super super important super super nice to have if you get like a rare Auto reload and you've got multiple cast stones that you've gotten from chaos or from Artemis you can like do really nice amounts of damage with with auto reload because you just keep you keep casting over and over again you don't have to wait for anything that just keeps coming back automatically very very nice sorry about that got those got those two mixed up okay rare crop rare crop is the one that if it's if it's a normal Rarity it it boosts it increases the Rarity of one boon at medium Rarity it increases the Rarity of two Boons over time it's a fun one I mean I we all enjoy seeing rare crop it's one of those ones that that Chad gets excited about you know you found you've found rare crop maybe it'll hit that Boon that we were disappointed that it wasn't as high Rarity and this way it can be a higher Rarity it's it's exciting right um I'm gonna put it low a tier I think it does have nice benefit people overestimate the benefit of Rarity usually it's usually not as important as like Palms like if you just put a few Palms on on some Boons that's which is why I like palm palm porridge is better than than the other the other things that uh eurydice offers in her little shop but it's still good it's still it's still fun I like it I take it fairly often I get excited about it but I don't know that the benefit is as high as we our brains trick us into thinking that it is if that makes any sense ravenous will oh gosh I don't remember I don't remember what ravenous will does we're having this will well you have no cast stones take 10 less damage and deal more damage this is a good one if you've got think about that no it's better if you don't have Stitch install if you have infernal Soul so you don't have to pick up you can just leave the Palms on the ground somewhere and then you just have these bonuses so yeah it's good for infernal soul um I I like it it's another one that's like yeah yeah a little bit of damage reduction a little bit of bonus damage I'll put it in eight here I think that's that's slightly over over performs compared to other things all right razor Shoals razor Shoals I still I still get confused about sometimes so you deal it's it's the Poseidon curse okay and it does damage over time but it still feels like sometimes it's based on how much an enemy moves so it does damage every 0.2 seconds which is actually really fast that's a very fast ticking of damage but I don't know it used to be and this is just going back and this is my just my confusion because I when I started playing the game it uh it was all based on how much the enemy moved and then they changed it to just be 0.2 seconds but it still feels like when an enemy runs across the screen they do it does more damage to them am I wrong about that does anyone else feel like it does regardless it's the curse that Poseidon offers it's pretty good damage right like you think about that that's 50 damage a second on on common and then it's 100 damage a second potentially on Epic like yeah that's that's pretty good it's it's a it's a good it's a good one we're gonna put it we're gonna put it uh I'll put it low High beat here put a high beat here it's nice to have it's always nice to have a curse it's nice to have it if you are looking for privilege status and um you need another curse rip current rip current you need Poseidon's call for and it increases the duration of Poseidon's call and it sucks enemies in uh this is a high high a tier Boon I think if you have Poseidon's call and you see a rip current it's so easy I mean that's that's such a no-brainer choice to to slap rip current on it's going to be it's gonna feel great it's gonna feel real great yeah so I I think I think rip current is uh super solid you should use it you should use Poseidon's Aid first of all you're probably not using Poseidon's eight enough let's start with that and uh and then you should you should grab rip current I don't know if I get excited about a boon more than I do about rip current like at least not well in this class of boons all right Rush delivery this is the this is the second half of the Wombo Combo anytime you have increased movement speed for any reason you have a chance of finding Rush delivery which increases your damage based on your attack speed or movement speed starting at 50 of the movement speed so if I found a greater haste and so I'm running 20 faster all the time in the game and then I found a a epic Rush delivery then I would just do 20 bonus damage all the time if I found a normal Rush delivery I would do half of that so 10 bonus damage all the time more this applies to any movement speed increase so remember how we talked about hyper Sprint you get like 100 increased movement speed for a second or two it works with Rush delivery so you you get these two together suddenly your dash attacks are dealing a lot more damage at minimum it's 50 percent and it might it might be 100 bonus damage just from these two Boons together if you get a rare Rush delivery or an epic Rush Liberty I should say huge damage boost huge damage boost okay is it s tier though um I think I want to put it put it high high a tier it's hard to find I it's it's a rare thing it doesn't provide anything beyond just damage and if you only have a little bit of increased movement speed it just it's a nice damage boost it's good it over performs but I wouldn't say It's s tier it's not S2 yet it's a great Boon I like it a lot it's a great one um running into a lot of Duo boons okay Second Wind okay so Second Wind when you use your call you get some movement speed boost for I think it's 20 seconds you get movement speed boosted and your Dodge chance boosted for for I think it's 20 seconds and a pretty decent amount of movement speed and Dodge chance yeah so it starts at 30 percent do you remember to eat lunch so I think that that's it's a pretty decent one it's it's a flat 10 10 seconds is a long time um it's it probably over performs slightly for movement speed and and Dodge like Dodge is a really nice getting 30 Dodge for 10 seconds is is a lot I'd say that's a lot so that being said let's jump to side hustle side hustle you get a certain amount of money at the end of every chamber um starting at 10 all the way up to 16 or 19 if you somehow manage to get it too heroic uh it's a lot of gold it's a lot of gold and it adds up very nicely I I take it fairly often I'd say it's uh it's an a tier a tier boom for sure it's a lot of gold it ends up being a lot of gold it's my phone in here we have done those ones dual Boons okay snow burst snow Burst when you cast yeah this little explosion and you shoot on a cast and it says an explosion of of ice it applies uh chill and it does a bit of damage I think I think on high High Rarity it does a fairly diff decent amount of damage yes so 60 damage then as you Palm it up it ends up doing it can do quite a bit uh this is a this is a cool Boon I wouldn't say I go after it there's one build that I like that I go after it with and that's when you've got a crush shot so Aphrodite's cast and then you grab snow burst and then you're getting privilege status like immediately with one one ability and then because Aphrodite's cast does so much damage it it's a very very nice bursty build very very nice um yeah I like snow burst but I wouldn't say that it's like it's you know Bonkers most of the time when I see it it's like oh yeah sure well we'll take still burps I think it's just it sits right in the middle B is B is just fine B is just fine for that one all right we're getting to the bottom of these my friends okay static discharge static discharge is Zeus's uh curse and it does a certain amount of damage when an enemy attacks if they've been hit by lightning some form of lightning they'll have the curse on them when they attack it deals the damage fun fact it deals the damage before the attack actually goes off I don't know if it goes off if it if the damage is done before like a projectile is sent out but like a lot of times like if you if you're about to get swung at by a melee enemy if they've got static discharge and it kills them they'll die before the swing hits you so it's slightly defensive very slightly defensive but this usually there's a lot of damage on static discharge and if you've got a lightning build um it's it's super good I put it up here I put it up here it's a very very good curse as far as the curses that you have to get a boon for it's one of the one of the better ones because it uh it just does a lot of damage all right storm lightning storm lightning is like uh it's in the same vein as double strike and high voltage basically your chain lightning so that would be your attack or your Zeus cast will bounce additional times and the numbers are kind of weird on this like the numbers are really high you get a lot of bounces a lot more bounces let's take a look at them but do have I ever seen them bounce the full the full amount so on carbon you get plus two bounces uh three four or six okay Electric Shot gains three six or nine jumps from this Boon instead so okay so it's more more bounces but my understanding I think is that like Electric Shot it has to bounce so it bounces five times it can't it doesn't just bounce between two enemies it doesn't just balance between the same two enemies over and over again as far as I've seen I could be wrong about that but I just I haven't seen that before it usually has to have a third person to bounce to I've never I don't know that I've ever seen them get up to five ounces I don't know let me do you guys do you guys see this happen very often usually when I get storm lightning it's like I think this is gonna be amazing like if it's an epic one like I'm gonna get six extra bounces it's gonna kill the whole room but it never seems to work that way never seems to work that way so I guess I I'll put this in B I'll keep this in B it's nice because it opens up The Path towards splitting Bolt which we'll talk about in a bit um that's the legendary from Zeus but I I don't get I don't get super excited about it I if I see it I'll often take it just to open up the chance for splitting Bolt but I don't think that all of those balances are happening [Laughter] Maybe I'm Wrong maybe I'm just not noticing but it doesn't seem like those balances are actually happening okay strong drink let's keep moving we gotta keep moving otherwise we're gonna be stuck here in this chair strong drink it makes the fountains that you get to kill you completely and it increases your all of your damage by a certain percentage so if you find strong drink in Tartarus you you can potentially get that if you get a fountain if you get an additional fountain in every uh Zone let's see that's two four six eight no uh seven I think seven uh uses of that of that uh I'm not being very clear here but you get bonus damage for every Fountain you get to it you can get to you can get potentially seven fountains if I'm not mistaken so if you get seven fountains it's seven times what's the maximum that you can find you can get a lot yeah so five percent so 35 bonus damage on all of your damage uh it's very nice so the combination of the of it restoring all of your health at a fountain and ended up giving you bonus damage I think makes this a very very strong a very strong uh Boon I think so it's I think it's got to go in in like mid mid a tier yeah I think I think it should go there it's a nice place for it sunken treasure this is the one that just gives you some health some Darkness some money what else does it give you sunken treasure what else does it give you it gives you a few different things I think if you find a more rare one it could even give you a diamond I'm not mistaken which diamonds are hard to come by Raymond yes okay yeah so common there's a chance for uh Opals health Darkness there's a chance for nectar there's a chance for diamond and then that that chance just increases as you go down so you can you can get a diamond but really what you're going to do is get some gems some Darkness money and health and that's healing not bonus Health not Health increase uh let's see here I think sunken treasure I'm just gonna stick that in in Beach here I don't it's like it gives you a little boost but it does it's not a lasting benefit I suppose if you're early on in your with your account you're trying to get more darkness and gems and that's a way to get more darkness and gems so B tier is fine I think we'll stick with that all right support fire support fire it shoots out an arrow for every attack or special or cast that you do um which is very good it's nice bonus damage the trouble with the the trouble with support fire is that sometimes those arrows they kind of have to fly in this like weird Loop pattern and if it loops and it hits a wall it stops so in smaller areas sometimes uh your support fires don't get to the Target but it's a really cool effect it looks good when the when it's hitting the enemy it's it looks it does a lot of damage I think it starts at like 10 damage at base Rarity and you can Palm it for more um I think support fire is very very cool I like I put that in a tier support fire is another one that can can open up the chance for uh artemis's legendary fully loaded fun fun fact there um yeah very very good eight-tier at least maybe High a tier it's not I used to think that this was just like an easy pickup every single time but I would say that it's it uh because it takes so long sometimes for the arrow to get to enemies like even though you've got like five of them flying through the air the enemy either dies first or it hits a wall and it doesn't all go through and yeah all right sure footing sure footing reduces the amount of trap damage you take for someone like me who I step on every trap it's just a point of of uh it's just I try to make a point of stepping on every trap in every room sure footing really helps uh at Epic Rarity it's 90 reduced damage um one of the reasons why I like sure footing is because it the urns in the Hades and chamber they do their traps so sure footing reduces that damage a heck of a lot um if you've got something like heightened security footing basically makes that a free point of heat but man I hate hiding security so much so because as I said I I usually end up taking a lot of trap damage in a in a run but I'd say it's High beat here it does it does what it's supposed to do and it does it pretty well okay sure footing let's go let's keep going sweet surrender let's let another another forgettable another forgettable average uh secondary Boon what does Swede surrender do sweet sweet Aphrodite what does it do weak Afflicted foes are more susceptible to damage okay this one actually has a fair amount of benefits so not only does you is there damage reduced when they're cursed but now with this they receive more damage I'd say this is this is in mid mid B tier that's actually a decent one of all of them that's that's one that I will actually I will actually happily take Swift flourish maybe not fair to include Swift flourish in this in this category of Boons but uh increases your your special speed for certain weapons really nice to have a faster special especially like Chiron bow is one or any any bow I suppose the Bose special often is very slow and you're stuck in place for the duration of the spray so Swift flourish I almost always like to find Swift flourish for any bow build where I'm using the special but I wouldn't say that I care too much about speeding up and it's it's a low amount so it starts at 10 percent I think it goes up to like is it like 10 15 20. it's not no no it's 10 20 it's 10 20 30 for the Rarities so it's it it does speed it up a lot um trying to think of other situations where a lot of times like with the shield throw it's not like like Swift flourish doesn't make the shield go out faster I think it it maybe makes the travel time a little bit faster but like your attack speed doesn't actually increase as much as you think it might or it's like for the sword Swift flourish does a lot for the uh because it's like that whole animation is sped up or what uh what other ones um the fist the special goes faster for like the rail though like the bomb maybe the bomb flies faster but it's not it doesn't feel a whole lot faster I guess so Swift flourish I'll put it in B tier it's it's good but I don't unless you're using the bow it's not it's not something that I'm especially looking for I'd be interested to hear your your comments yeah they're kind of like they're like kind of like tier one Boons but they're not because you can give them in addition to tier one booms right you get a tier one Boon normally that precludes you from getting any other of those tier one Boons but with Hermes Boons they are secondary they are in addition you can get both Swift flourish and the other flourish I don't know I it's like it's a gray area but this is the choices this is the choice that I've made I'd say Swift strike is is more like a tier because so many weapons they're attack if their attack is faster it's just always it's always better it's always better so sword is better spear is better fists are better rail is better um the I think the yeah Shield is better maybe the only one that doesn't feel like you're getting a huge amount of increased attack speed is like maybe the bow because of the charge up so I Swift strike is is very good in fact I probably should put it up like even higher it's it uh it's very very nice to have even on a even if it's only like 10 typhoon's Fury your wall slams do more damage so this is like some numbers that just fly like when you're playing with Poseidon and you're if you look real close you can see what those numbers are and sometimes they get they get pretty high like if you're slamming enemies against the wall and so this increases it by like a lot like it doubles it and triples it and quadruples it it can be very very high but it it's hard sometimes it's hard to notice when this damage is going off but I think it's probably it's probably better than you think it is I'm gonna put it in low a tier I think it's probably does it does more than you think it does um for that that makes any sense it's it's a it's a decent amount of damage especially in like small small areas and if like yeah if you're knocking back with with Poseidon a lot or even it doesn't even have to be a side and Boon like any any like the shield attack even if you don't have Poseidon on the attack if you knock an enemy back and hit them against the wall typhoon's Fury will do more damage if that makes sense urge to kill urge to kill is a is like a percentage boost to your attack special and cast from our good pal Ares it's it's a small it's kind of a small amount but it applies to all of it um a percentage boost it's probably it yeah I think it's one of those Boons it's like it's balanced it's in the it's it's a b tier it does what it says it does it does some bonus damage right I don't know what I whenever I see urge to kill it gives you that small 10 to 20 bonus damage and I think great no no it's not even 20. it's like up to like each Rarity increases it by just a very small amount it's it's it feels a little bit underwhelming feels a little bit underwhelming but I think it just it just does what it says it does and it's it's fine um the Rarity looks should it looks like it should be more impressive than it is I guess is kind of how I what I think about that all right wave of despair wave of Despair is Aphrodite's Revenge boon so it applies her curse it's a small area around you like I think it's very similar to Aries Revenge effect that size I guess so it's it's decent it does some decent damage it applies her curse which is good and it does decent damage too in the sense that if you get hit very quickly it'll send out wave after wave and do damage um I'd say like it's maybe the third most damage I think Heaven's Vengeance does the most damage and can hit all the way across the room to any any arranged enemy this one is more area based so it has to be standing next to you but it can fire off pretty quickly so it's better than cursive Vengeance I think it actually it might even do more damage than Chris's Vengeance if you take lots of hits wave of Despair will do more damage but typically you don't want to get hit multiple times so cursive vengeance is maybe slightly better but you got the the damage reduction so we have a despair sure that's where it'll go wave pounding your knockback effects deal bonus damage to bosses um I it's I think this is B tier I'll take it I'll take it occasionally but I won't I don't get super excited about it Zeus's Aid okay is that all the tier two Boons are we moving on from tier two boons two I would do I think I think we're doing tier one Boons next and we can go through these kind of quickly because it's much they're much less explaining required for these ones I think all right we'll start with the AIDS and I've I've done videos about the aid uh about the different Aid possibilities before okay Aphrodite's Aid okay let's change this though now we're in the tier one Boons Aphrodite's Aid if it's not fully charged it charms an enemy to fight for you for a certain number of seconds it's it's pretty short it's pretty short it's not completely negligible but it's almost negligible the amount of time that they fight for you it is nice uh because it interrupts attacks so if an enemy is attacking you and you use the call they will stop their attack uh but really in my mind the main use for Aphrodite's eight is waiting for it to charge up fully and then it does a big chunk of damage like thousands and thousands of damage um it's all right I'd say this is a this is a mid-made range one the mid-range one it it's useful I wouldn't say it's uh that amazing but it's useful it's got its uses uh let's move on to Aries Aid Aries Aid turns you into a blade Rift that moves very slowly and it deals damage it deals probably a very decent amount of damage but you move very slowly and it's a very short lasting effect it's I think this is a low C tier honestly I don't I don't love Aries Aid I really don't I feel like I always end up out of place when I'm at the end of it so you are invulnerable for the duration which is nice but then you come out of it and if you come out at the wrong moment they're swinging and and you take a bunch of hits and there's almost no you have no reaction time because it it yeah it just happens fast I'm not very good with it probably it's a skill thing probably but I'm still ranking it low because this is my video is my stream okay Artemis Aid I kind of think of it the same way I think of Aphrodite's Aid it does some damage if you just do a single charge um like before it's fully charged but if you wait till it's fully charged then it does a huge chunk of damage very very big if you Palm it up it does even more damage um I I like it pretty well but I look at it kind of the same as I look at aphrodisate it's like it's got some marginal benefit it's good it's fine Athena's aide Athena's Aid is actually one that I and before I started doing high heat runs I didn't really think much of Athena's aide but the fact that you get invulnerability and if you Palm it like you get a lot of invulnerability from Athena's age like it's a long it's a long period of time that you're invulnerable with Athena's age so if you're in a tight spot or if Cerberus you know Haiti is just summoned Cerberus uh Athena's eight is great for that situation you're you you're invulnerable or if you're out of position and then it means attacking and you don't have any more dashes you can pop Athena's Aid and you can just attack enemies without worrying about it I think that this this is uh is very very good and that in the fact that you get a lot of extra seconds when you Palm it makes it better than you think it is it's it's more it's more beneficial than you think it is it's like a get out of jail free card Aphrodite's Aid kind of does the same a similar idea in Charming an enemy but this is like nothing can touch you nothing can touch you while Athena state is up it's it's pretty great is probably the worst one it creates a little circle of a storm that deals some damage it applies some some chill but the area start small and as time goes on it gets bigger and bigger I'd say I like I still like it slightly more than Aries Aid it does apply chill so it slows enemies down and it can get you privileged at us but it's I think it's pretty pretty poor teacher Biden's Aid Poseidon's Aid is more fun than a barrel of monkeys it's more fun it's maybe one of the most fun Boons like it may not deal the best damage but it turns you into a surfer and you're surfing around and you just you hear that like you hear The Beach Boys all of a sudden I want to put it up here in a tier it's just it's super super good it's another get out of jail free card instead of being able to attack though you you have you move around and you deal damage um with rip current it's just it's so good it's so much fun if you get rip current Poseidon's Aid and proud bearing then the small rooms of sticks will have they will they will do nothing you will not need to worry ever because you just push that button immediately when you walk into a room it's fantastic uh yeah Poseidon's Aid super good Dionysus Aid is another really good one it's it provides damage even with one only one charge of the call it does five stacks of poison and it like creates these little like Cloud bursts and so it does area damage it applies the The Hangover on an area of enemies I'm gonna put this up here probably right next to Poseidon's Aid it's really really good um maybe even better than Poseidon's Aid it's not as fun as besides a but it's really really good zoo stayed almost the same story as Dionysus Aid it's good it's good you don't have to fully charge it for it to be really good it applies all the things that Zeus lightning can apply which when Zeus builds get out of control it it feels incredible compared to other other uh other God builds right like you know when you have a Zeus build because lightning is everywhere and it's doing so much damage it's super super fun I I put it it's I'd say it's my the best it's the best of the different calls that you have available Zeus dynai system Poseidon I kind of I like them all together then Athena an Aphrodite an Artemis then Demeter and ares yeah yes that's how I that's how I feel about that okay let's move on to the flourishes now these are gonna be really fast because there's not a whole lot of difference it's basically what is their secondary effect um I'll talk a little bit about damage because the damage is different um so Athena Athena is lower damage but it provides deflection so it's a it's a very defensive version of a of a special I wouldn't say I use uh Athena's special I I grab Athena's special because I have to because for the build like if I'm trying to get merciful end I need I need Divine flourish to be able to find merciful end but then I'm really just going to be using the dash to to apply the merciful end effect so I it's probably low low beat here the damage is not great it is defensive um yeah let's even put it let's let's just let rather than everything in that 80 percent range let's let's drop it down I don't think it's that great I don't think it's that great it's good because it activates certain things drunk and flourish drug and flourish if you have a build that uh that applies a lot of stacks of of drunken of Hangover quickly it's good like with Chiron Beau drunken flourishes fantastic but there aren't very many weapons that apply special quickly right like what what is there the spear doesn't The Shield doesn't the sword doesn't the rail doesn't the fist could Demeter right Demeter that applies five Stacks immediately sure but it's just slow so I don't think it's it's the best on on the special you the attack is much better because you can put those stacks of Hangover much more quickly so I'm gonna I'm gonna put a low beat here it still has its users obviously with Chiron boats it's amazing well that's my that's my caveat okay Frost flourish um kind of a similar story it's better damage right the percentages of frost flourish are much better than Divine flourish uh and it's you're really you're not trying to get more stacks of of chill with your special because same problem as as Dionysus flourish you're not there's not very many specials that do quick quick damage right ramabo Chiron bow Jordan but the damage percentages are slightly better so it is good for like a burst um you're not worried about the chill though it's just one stack of chills all you're getting no I think this is this is where it lies it's a b tier one it's higher damage but um yeah it's fine deadly flourish deadly flourish on the other hand goes up in a tear um and the reason the reason is that there's so many so many specials benefit incredibly from from a crit because they already do high damage right like any any weapon maybe uh short of like the bow or the shield uh they have very high damage specials and so getting a crit on those feels very good it's very nice to to have your special crit and deal lots of damage the base damage percentage is not awesome but but you're not thinking about your base damage on on the on Artemis Boons you're thinking about the the crit damage and so that's why it gets it's much higher so a tier for that moving on moving on uh Thunder flourish oh no let's go with Tempest flourish so Tempest flourish you're getting knockback effects which can be very very good so like um knockback is kind of an interesting one that the damage numbers are decent I'd say they're probably they're better than Athena's and you get knocked back um which can be very very nice because then you got knocked back you've got which can activate some Duo Boons but it you can also slam enemies against other enemies or against the wall so I think it's I think it's pretty good I'd say it's probably in in B tier it feels good it feels good to have a nice big slam that knocks back uh yeah from the top right okay and then Thunder flourish Thunder flourish is maybe uh other than a few builds it doesn't Thunder flourish isn't that amazing like on Zeus Shield Thunder flourish is great on what else Chiron Kyron bow and I get once again things that have like Fast hits can get multiple lightning lightning strikes off but like there's no base Improvement to the skill itself so if you have a big uppercut with your your fist weapon it's just one additional lightning bolt right so it's like 40 damage or you know whatever it is it's not a huge amount so I'd say thunder flourish is it's it's lower lower down there except for a few weapons obviously that that um it's very very good on yeah beat here got some good but mostly it's not that amazing okay we've got this attack that's off in the middle of nowhere okay and then heartbreak flourish it's the last is this the last special I think it is heartbreak flourish is it's got good damage um so it's good for most most weapons um let's see Where'd I put Frost flourish I'm gonna put it above Frost flourish a little bit it's it's good um it's probably high high Beach here once again hard to compare it against all these other Boons because it's such a different effect but um it's not quite as good as deadly flourish like usually you'd rather have a deadly flourish on than heartbreak flourish but it still it provides that uh nice curse from Aphrodite all right cursive pain cursive pain is Aries special and it applies a lot of Doom damage so the curse damage it's nice for any effect that hits a large group of enemies so uh like the shield in particular this is like my favorite beginner's build is you take the shield and you put curse of pain on the special and then suddenly you have a way of just dealing hundreds of damage to however many enemies The Shield bumps into right it's it it's very very nice for that that effect um I might even go so far as to put it in a tier um because like a lot of those are like a lot of the specials are our area and so you hit a large area of enemies you get that Doom damage I don't know it's it's kind of one of those strange ones you want to hit a lot of enemies with it to get the curse on a lot of enemies um I don't know maybe I'll put it maybe I'll put it right next to heartbreak flourish kind of I think of it the same way sometimes okay okay moving on to attacks I'm going through these balloons quickly and that's on purpose because there's not a whole lot to say about them because you get into like what which weapon are you using it makes it very very difficult Frost strike um it's percentage based so very much reliant on the weapon uh damage rather than attack speed um I wouldn't say I pick it all that often Frost strike the damages is it's a good percentage it does a decent job but chill yeah it's nice to get multiple stacks of chill but you don't need to apply stacks of chill super fast like that's not gonna make or break anything all right Divine strike Divine strike is nice uh it it does medium damage it does less damage than uh Demeter but a lot of times with your attacks you're deflecting you're using your attack a lot and so you're deflecting a lot with a lot of builds so I I think Divine strike gets like high high B um obviously for some builds it's essential once again it's hard to hard to justify all of it but um Divine strike is is is useful for its deflect uh in a lot of situations because you're using your attack so much so you're deflecting a lot so it's defensive provides that damage yeah deadly strike deadly strike goes up here with uh deadly flourish Artemis Artemis Boons that I mean crit is so much additional damage when that when it happens um burst is very nice to have uh once again obviously it depends on the weapon like it's not amazing to put on like the Demeter fist right because you're just really slow or really fast little tiny attack so you're like I'm critting for 40 damage here you know that's nice but but it's really nice when you get like a big um yeah big hit from the bow or or you know something it's good but yeah it's there are more cases where deadly deadly strike is useful okay curse of Agony curse of Agony uh is is good uh you know like it's not it's not based on the weapon damage so the weapon damage occurs and the and the curse is separate from that uh which yeah you have to think about it differently in your mind from some of the other ones um I I'm gonna just keep it in beat here I think because it does it does less damage than the curse of pain does the special version of it it does less damage than that however obviously with like merciful end if you get curse of Agony and divine Dash which we'll talk about then that combination is busted because you just Dash attack and you're each time you dash attack you're getting the curse of acne damage okay heartbreak strike I'll put that down I'll put that down a little bit lower um it's it's good damage and and it's you know it's it's middle of the road I don't ever mind having heartbreak flourish or heartbreak strike because it's going to be good damage it's gonna give that damage reduction and on these on these attacks where you're getting uh you're just using them a lot it's it's gonna apply it on a lot of enemies yes it's good it's good okay drunken strike we've got to think about drunken strike on a fast weapon right you wouldn't use drunken strike on a slow weapon like the bow that would be kind of a waste but if you were to use it on the fist or the rail it's very very nice it's very very nice uh Boon so I I would say if you're thinking about it that way it's right up here with these nice you know these good high B tier attacks and specials lightning strike uh it's probably like drunken strike except we're gonna put it up I want to put up into a tier because lightning strike um it hits multiple enemies it's it's the best option if you want to attack quickly if you're attacking quickly lightning strike is huge obviously a slow attacking weapon is is that's not very good but if it's fast lightning strike is your best option there's nothing better um and especially if you get the legendary then it's just it just gets crazy gets crazy good all right Tempest strike the big problem with like Poseidon um on attack is a lot of times the attacks are like you're wanting to be close range with them but the knockback puts them out of range a lot of times so like sword sometimes Tempest strike is bad with the sword or with the fist or some other situations so unless you're like pounding them against you've got the the wall there you're getting the like the the wall hit damage Tempest strike is kind of mediocre the damage is not great it's not as good as like the like Aphrodite or Demeter on the right build though it's it's great in those huge knockback like on the shield attack it feels pretty good because the knockback is even bigger ah you know talked about all the attacks let's talk about the casts I've talked about the casts many many times uh failing shot there's really only one Duo boom that goes with it um it does a little area it's very slow it's a very slow cast so it doesn't get to enemies quickly you kind of have to either be close to them but it does deflection it's like a big it's got a big hitbox so it deflects everything on its way good but it's I'd say it's a b tier it's a b tier um cast slicing shot slicing shot is good it pierces through enemies travels slowly big area damage if you can get some secondary Boons to go with it like your engulfing Vortex and your uh other black metal and obviously hunting blades then then it gets much much better but I'd say for just a cast on its own it's in the middle of the road it does good damage but it a lot of times it goes so slowly that enemies are gone and they move out of the way or it passes through it doesn't hit them as much as you want it to but can get much much better with the the extra balloons that go along with it should be noted that Aries legendary affects all of the blade Rifts and so makes them much much better as well all right crystal beam Crystal beam I go back and forth on this one it hits a single enemy it doesn't hit it can't can't do damage to more than one enemy each beam so it's good against bosses because it focuses damage but the turn radius or the turn turning speed of the crystal Beam without uh its Duo Boon is pretty poor so if you misplace it if it's shooting the wrong way if an enemy moves uh you're not dealing any more damage it's just it's just a laser shooting out in the middle of nowhere uh so with with some additional things it can be very very good and against a slow moving boss like like against um against the Hydra it can be okay but but often I it's frustrating to get it set up in the right place I it's a slightly below average cast I'd say for that reason slightly below average Crush shot Crush shot you exchange range on your cast which to be fair a lot of times when someone is doing a build that isn't focused on a cast their cast is purely about having a little bit of range capability you lose that with Crush shot it's a short range cast but you what you gain is you gain a lot of damage for it um it hits it can hit a large number of enemies and you have to get close I think of it like so if if uh failing shot is like you you're lobbing a grenade this is your shotgun right as maybe I can come up with that maybe I can come up with a weapon metaphor for each of these right uh failing shot is like lobbing a grenade this is like throwing a slow moving lawnmower that mows over things and doesn't it doesn't stop for anyone this is like a shotgun blast this is like a laser that is very slow laser slow turning laser uh and then we got trippy shot this is like your this is this is your smoke bomb so if you play Counter-Strike and you throw the smoke grenade right it does it does big burst damage and in a big area it's lobbed though I don't love the lob mechanic very much it's hard to aim it and enemies can move out of the Blast Zone uh it leaves behind festive fog which like does these little mini staggers on enemy on enemies so it's a kind of a defensive cast as well you can get a Duo Boon that adds lightning strikes to the cloud um it's it's got very good base damage though like it's a good big burst it's kind of similar to failing shot in that way I guess uh there's more Duo Boons that impact trippy shot though um and other Boons that make trippy shot even better so I'll put it above um bass bass it's probably better than slicing shot or failing shot trippy shot is really good on Hera bow where it's like you're no longer have the lob mechanic it just shoots the arrow and then explodes turns your arrows into explosive arrows there we go that's what it does like in a Rambo right race screws on the explosive arrow tips and then suddenly yeah you got we've all seen Rambo haven't we yeah no no okay true shot is like your sniper rifle you're shooting from way far away it also pierces Shields which makes it very very good um I think it's I you know the trouble is like most of these they're on their own they do okay and then you combine them with some other booms and they're and they're great true shot is maybe one of the ones that is really good on its own because it pierces Shields it does crit damage but the crit chance is low I think it's like 10 percent for for cast yeah 10 so it's a lower critical chance uh damage is good pierces Shields unblockable um yeah it's good it's a good one if you if you want your cast to behave exactly the same as a normal cast but you also want it to pierce and do more damage and potentially crit true shot is your cast that's the one that you want to go for does the exact same thing but just Pierce's Shields okay Electric Shot does does the uh does the cast damage and bounces around dealing damage to a huge area or a big area of enemies and then obviously it combines with all of the other uh all the other secondary Boons that can affect electric based attacks uh like storm lightning it bounces more uh double strike doesn't affect it it's that it can apply all the static discharge on everything which is great and then we'll talk about the Zeus legendary but this is really good even on its own though like you can have you can do a build and use Electric Shot very effectively because it does really good damage and it does it to a larger area and you can pick up the cast stones as soon as the enemy dies or some of these you have to wait for the effect to end it moves it moves very quickly it's not like sluggish like the failing shot is it's it's good it's good maybe maybe above trippy shot there yeah I don't know flood shot flood shot makes a big explosion uh that knocks enemies back the area is pretty big I'd say the area is probably the same size as trippy shot but it doesn't do as much damage as trippy shot uh but you got the knock back and this is tough it's tough though because they're all they all are better for certain situations I think slicing shot is you you uh have to be very close to enemies in order for it to work um and it has very low range enemies can move out of the way it has a lot of things that can make it better a true shot doesn't need anything it does what it does immediately it pierces Shields it does high damage it can crit don't need anything for that Crush shot kind of the same except it's it's short range but it's fast very fast hits almost immediately once you send out the cast so short range but you don't have to wait it gets there immediately thing shot is slow plus there's an explosion there's one Duo boom that affects this to make it even better it bounces bloodshot can turn into blizzard shot which is totally different and I don't even want to talk about it with blizzard shot because it makes no sense it does such a different thing uh but yeah flood shot's okay I'll put it underneath failing shot as a base trippy shot high damage creates a cloud staggers that I mean so it's defensive as well that Electric Shot bounces around lots of enemies fast it's fast it's all the casts my goodness okay to the dashes to the dashes Thunder Dash Thunder Dash is low damage but but the reason why it can be really good is because you've got some some secondary Boons that can make it super great like if you've got static discharge double strike Zeus is legendary it can get it can get pretty good so we'll put it high high beat here by itself it's not it's not all that but it's it can get really good with all the extra benefits drunken Dash I think is it it's below below par it's it's sub-optimal it kind of every time you dash where you left so like you dash and where you were just standing there's three little Puffs and it applies hangover to those enemies that are in the little puff puff Zone it's lower it's lower damage than uh than you might think it's it just slightly underperforms I don't I don't pick up drunken Dash if I can avoid it all right we were all waiting for this one Divine Dash is possibly the greatest Boon in the game it's it's at the top for all these it it makes your dash deflect it doesn't do much damage but you you're you're uh I you've got so many iframes during the Divine Dash You're deflecting everything uh ranged ranged attacks don't matter range attacks don't matter because you're deflecting them melee attacks don't matter because you're deflecting them uh it's it's this Boon all by itself can be your entire defense this is all you need to and it provides all the defense you need and then you just focus on damage after that it's a great boon incredible some people consider it the crutch it's the thing that lets you to do what whatever the heck you want for the rest of the build because you've got your crutches in place Hunter Dash I've never used this to very good effect I typically avoid it um it's really good if you're doing a lot of Dash attacks right so uh sword probably is really good with Hunter Dash but I almost always want something else or like I don't know I I should really try like an Artemis focused Hunter Dash with you know on the Nemesis sword or something that'd be really interesting I just I haven't really given it much thought or time um I'll put it in the middle I'll leave it in the middle yeah title Dash Splash Dash super super super good I think that's another that's another s tier once again we talk about dashes the thing that things that impact your dashes in a positive way you just you dash so much in this game that they can have such high impact title Dash can be an incredible amount of damage in a huge area love love title Dash passion Dash I'd say I I use it more just to get the curse effect right and dash into enemies suddenly they're all doing 30 less damage it's an easy way to get this curse onto enemies which is a very it's a high value curse thirty percent reduced damage is great um yeah passion Dash is good it's it's a small area though um I don't I don't love it but I love it more than I love Hunter Dash or drinking Dash we'll put it that way blade Dash blade Dash I think does more damage than than you realize it's probably better than thunderdash but it's it doesn't like go crazy I don't think it doesn't go crazy the the blade riffs once again like enemies have to stay in the blade drift area it doesn't travel around so you don't benefit from like um hunting blades but you do benefit from engulfing Vortex and black metal so you can get the blade Dash the blades to be big and enemies are stuck in them so it's kind of like it similar to thunder Dash in that it with all the bonuses blade Dash can do a lot of damage um Mistral Mistral Dash I actually like Mistral Dash more than a lot of a lot of other people do I think the area is actually very good for Mistral Dash um it creates this like cloud and it seems like the cloud lasts for like a half second or three quarters of a second after the dash is done and if enemies move into that area it does damage to them I it does more Dash more damage than passion Dash I think it has a bigger area but it's a similar effect I think I think of these two very very similarly I want to apply a curse right either I want them to do less damage or I want them to be slower and I want to have privilege status the end that's all I think about with that all right let's let's move on to Duo Boons now and then we'll end we'll end with the legendaries the duo Boons there's a lot to talk about probably two balloons everyone knows what dual Boons are two Boons uh require that you have two Boons from two different gods and sometimes they're unique they're like special specific Boons they're hard to find but then they change the effect of something in a big way okay blizzard shot blizzard shot changes Poseidon's shot you need Poseidon and uh Demeter besides cast and Demeter it turns the flood shot into a slow moving cast that creates these like little whirls all around it it's like did you ever play Diablo 2 or Diablo 3 or 4 the ice orb or the Frozen orb it's like that except slower and it does less damage it feels you lose the burst of flood shot and gain this kind of like area control damage chill thing I think it's better it's better but not by a whole lot it's I don't the more I use blizzard shot the less impressed I am with it I don't don't love blizzard shot it's okay but it's not not anything to get super excited about okay uh calculated risk calculated risk I'm gonna have to check some of these because I don't use them very often but I believe this is the one this is the one that slows projectiles down yeah yeah slowest projectile speed by 50 percent um I don't I don't ever go for this I will rarely take this most of the tier two boons that are out there are feel more important to me than than slowing down projectiles in some cases you slow down projectiles and it makes it worse it makes it so like all the projectiles are in this big cloud you can't get through them but usually it's just a defensive Boon it makes it easier to avoid uh avoid projectiles if you're having if you have a boon like the baseball bat build right with like a theme or Arthur's sword and Athena on the attack and then suddenly there's this big clump of all these projectiles from witches and you just swipe them all and they all go flying and they do tons of damage that's cool but it's very very marginal benefit I'd say we'll put it down in like sea tier it's not uh it's not doing it's not doing all that much okay cold Embrace cold Embrace is with the Demeter cast normally a Demeter cast shoots and it like tracks enemies and it tries to hit them this makes all of your uh your crystals uh for a Demeter cast all Point towards you so wherever you are that's where the cast goes So the faster you move the faster the cast moves it requires a weird amount of like coordination to get the the beams to go where you want them to go it does also increase the damage of the of the cast of the beams but it ruins it in my opinion the reason why Demeter cast is nice sometimes is you set the cast it's shooting and then you go do something else you can go think about something else while the cast does its thing it shoots where you want it to shoot with cold Embrace suddenly the cast is following you around and you're trying to think about that while you're also trying to do everything else and it makes it so uh you feel like you're losing your mind and I hate it I hate it so much it's maybe my least my least favorite Boon can't I I'm sure that there is someone out there maybe even two people out there that can use cold Embrace to astounding effect to like have the the beams hit enemies all the time but holy smokes yeah I prefer it to just be a set it and forget it sort of situation cold Embrace okay moving on WE many many know how much I dislike cold and braids right cold fusion Cold Fusion makes your Zeus curse stay on enemies and so even if they attack normally static discharge would go off and it'd be gone Cold Fusion makes it it goes off and then when the attack again it goes off again then it goes off again it just it stays on them for a period of time it's like 10 seconds so it's pretty good uh the trouble the reason why it's maybe not as good as as some people want it to be or think that it is it's because typically most of the time in a Zeus build if you've got lightning effects you probably have lots of lighting effects and you probably have them going off all the time like if you've got the dash the dash the lighting is everywhere and you're applying static discharge all the time uh if you're attacking you're applying that all the time and it's balancing around everyone and it's applying all over the place if you're if your special is going off and lightning strikes are hitting it's hitting very much very much indeed and so you don't need it to stay you're going to reapply it right so it's not as good as as you think it is sometimes it is good it has marginal benefit though it's like you know it's it's like there sure it's insane it underperforms I think people overestimate how good it is uh exclusive access you now find only uh epic gear epic Boons or higher it's only epic or higher you can't find normal you can't find rare anymore purple this is what makes everything purple if you find this early enough it's great the trouble is to find this you have to go after Dionysus and Poseidon which is an I think an awkward combination it doesn't they don't play well together usually however that being said this is a very very nice effect right if you find especially if you find this early like that's great like you you're you're gonna have a lot more all your balloons are gonna be better from this point on so let's put it in high high Beach here it's not it's not that amazing but it's it's up there it's good it's good not great though heart Rend heart Rend gives you more if your enemy is uh Charmed or not Charmed but has weak applied and you Crypt that enemy it does more damage and it's a fairly significant addition to the damage um can anyone okay here's a question for you guys maybe you guys know this better than I do heart Rend versus clean kill what what do you say what distinguishes it other than the fact that that this requires that the enemy is weakened and that it's a bigger number than in clean kill is there anything else that distinguishes them from each other because otherwise I don't know I I take I take heart ready because of course I want my crits to be bigger um but then clean kill does the same thing maybe I'm maybe I'm misunderstanding how clean kill works but it doesn't seem to do make that big a difference whereas heart Wren does seem to make a bigger difference like I I put this in like a tier but but the fact that this isn't C tier anyway my thinking on that maybe isn't isn't optimal I know it's better but why why is it so much better is it like how much is it increasing it compared to clean kill right because like an epic clean kill is 30 This Is 50 right it's not that much more I don't know I I leave a comment leave a comment on the video if you have an opinion about that or you can explain to me is there a different mechanic is the calculation different is it multiplicative rather than rather than additive I don't no I don't know I've never run the numbers it's just a bigger it's 150 versus 30 seriously that I mean that's huge it's a lot more damage okay curse of nausea just a a flat basically flat increase on the amount of damage that um hangover does rather than every half second that the damage hits it's every 0.35 seconds so it increases it by 30 percent right yeah 30 increase in the damage so it's good if you've got a build where you're using a lot of Hangover it's very very good so maybe like we can put it in the same vein like when you're using crits you want more crits to be the crits to be bigger and this you want the hangover to go off more similar idea faster faster damage applying faster but they have to be they have to have both curses on them at once is that right no no no that's not true it's just the all any any hangover effects just go faster okay cursive longing cursive longing looks really great on paper until you start thinking about like if when is this the most useful well it's useful in a build where you're using a lot of uh Doom which is from Aries uh cursive longing makes it so the Doom keeps going off and off again and again and again but at half damage each additional tick so it goes off it does 150 damage the next time it goes off does 75 damage the next time it goes off it goes 37 and a half damage did I do that right anyway it halves it each time and so it keeps going it does keep the curse on for that entire time so that's good but that damage is halved the reason why I don't think it's very good is typically in a build like that you want to apply doom again rather than have it do half damage you wanted to apply full damage and so you this this is useful for having like frame perfect applications of Doom but at half Effectiveness so I would rather wait you know 0.2 seconds and then get the full effect again right like you're getting more bang for your buck if you just do it that way in which case you're curse of longing isn't doing anything um I'll put it at the top of D tier that's the way I feel about it I've had people argue with me about it that's great that's argue freezing Vortex goes down here too the reason why cruising Vortex goes down here is because you can't get hunting blades if you have freezy Vortex it's the stupidest thing in the world but it makes your Vortex your blade Rift small and it applies chill and that's all the only benefit it applies is that it applies chill right is there is there anything else that it does does it add any damage no it's slower and it's smaller and it applies chill the end it arguably makes it worse sure you get chill but there are other ways to apply chill and your blade Rift if if you're doing a blade Rift build this is the last thing you want you don't want you don't care about chill you want to do damage it's bad it's not at the bottom though cold Embrace is still worse okay sweet nectar your palms do are doubled right so if you get a palm it's it has two it gives you two levels of that of that thing I I feel like it's so similar to exclusive access these are very very similar ideas these just make your Boons more rare these make your palms double the effectiveness in some things sweet Vector is very like incredibly good like if you get sweet nectar and then you're palming your pressure points well then yeah you're getting two percent from each Palm crit chance which makes it way way better um and so sweet nectar is super useful in those in that situation or in like uh sometimes hangover damage it's like one additional point of Hangover damage for each palm and so it's like two points instead um there are certain situations where having lots and lots of Palms is great but most of the time the diminishing returns on multiple Palms makes it so it's not as good as you might might wish it to be yeah not as good as you might wish it to be yeah cold cold fusion and uh and curse of longing have a similar sort of problem in that you it it seems great but then it also isn't great because you're the way that the build is probably working makes these makes it negligible sweet nectar is d well if you go for it early it's it's not it's not D and like getting doubling doubling Palms on certain things is is good usually I find it in sticks and then yeah it is it is D because I don't want I don't want my Palms to be double at that point I don't care to give it runs over all right um stubborn roots uh people like to argue with me about stubborn Roots stubborn Roots you if you don't have any death defiances you're healing you heal for that period of time when you don't have it that's fine so arguably if you play very very slowly and you're very very careful and you sneak around and you hide you can get to full health uh no question about it it's the best it's the best healing Boon in the game [Music] full stop but you need to have lost all of your death defiances so if you have stubborn Defiance hence the name stubborn roots uh stubborn Defiance is very good with with stubborn Roots right these two were like they were made for each other because you can heal up in every room just lose your death Defiance wait for stubborn roots to fill you to Max and of course in all that time you have to take zero damage for the healing to matter um a lot of times I find that the longer I let enemies stay alive well you can leave I guess you could leave one enemy alive and just run away from it forever and you can heal back up to full it's a way that you can play the game it is and it might be the way that you get your first win but once you've used it a few times it's just as boring as anything it's such a boring way to play I'll leave it in B tier as a concession to anyone who likes this Boon it's not that it's not good to be able to heal to full whenever you want to wait forever and not take hits and run around but I think that dealing more damage and just killing everything and then not taking any damage is better but then that's enough I mean we can go in circles Forever on that one some Roots leaving in Beach here I would probably put it down in seat here just because I don't I don't care if I've lost all my death defiances unless I'm doing a stubborn Defiance which I rarely do stubborn Defiance stubborn Defiance is uh worse for a lot of reasons one of the reasons is on a boss fight you often lose two death defiances and so if you once you've lost the first death Defiance then you're dead the next time it goes you're dead the next time you you lose a death device so it doesn't feel as good anyway we'll move on vengeful mood vengeful mood is such a cool Boon you know if stubborn Roots is like good but I hate it this is like maybe bad but I love it your revenge Boons go off automatically and they all go off at once and you don't have to take a hit for them to all go off it just feels really fun it feels really good but I recognize that it's like you know it's not all that in a bag of chips it's just it's just okay right you're taking all of these Revenge builds and if you're a good player and you don't normally take a lot of hits you still get benefit from your revenge Boons like Heaven's Vengeance or all the other ones right where did I put those other ones Evan's Vengeance was the only one I put in a that probably makes sense anyway you get benefit out of your revenge moons which I like and revenge moons are often very very high damage so um it's high impact um high impact damage if that makes sense all right we'll move on I I could talk more about vengeful mood but I think my voice is giving out so we're gonna move on okay curse of drowning I've tried to make a curse of drowning fun I've tried to make it good I think it's a cool looking effect I think it's a cool designed uh thing but I dislike it and I dislike it because I just end up taking a lot of damage because you you end up like it the cast takes a while to get charged up and then by the time it's charged up you're like I'm gonna run in and do all this damage now the enemies just yeah attack you and you die I don't know I I've tried to make it work but I don't I don't tend to do well with it so I'm gonna put it down low every time I try it I'm like I'm not doing that again that wasn't fun that wasn't good uh unshakable metal gosh I don't even know what unshakable metal does it's like reduced damage from bosses and what can't be stunned okay that's useful that's good there are other ways to get to get that effect like um what's that what's that effect uh sturdy it's kind of like sturdy except that you um also get better damage reduction from sturdy right so there are some there are some effects that give you give you sturdy oh like for instance speaking of of what else makes hypersprint amazing it gives you sturdy for that duration and sturdy it's like 30 damage reduction plus you can't be stunned weekly it Aly my opinion my opinion will change every week so you better keep up you better watch every video and don't skip one because you want to know what I feel about you know the boons in in mid in mid-august in addition to late August in addition to early September Boons the boons have a different place on my ranking that would be torture for all of us I think painful for everyone okay hunting blades hunting blades is an incredible Boon it takes a mediocre to decent cast slicing shot and it turns it into maybe the best one of the best abilities in the game slicing shot with hunting blades is like yeah it's it's so much damage follows enemies around lasts longer uh super super amazing if you get hunting blades with the legendary as well that's even more is the better more the better uh funnability oh interesting I didn't know that the Medusa heads can't turn you to Stone that's cool thanks for that tidbit biggest geek super interesting um yeah not much else to say about hunting blades uh it's probably going up here one of the best one of the best Boons in the game in my opinion in my opinion not the best but one of the best Crystal Clarity um this in my opinion this is essential to make Demeter cast uh workable you need you need this to make Demeter cast any good otherwise it just it doesn't it doesn't swing around fast enough I'll put it in a tier because it it really does it can make crystal beam feel a lot more fun a lot more effective you can actually focus on the damage of Crystal beam otherwise it feels like it's a waste if you pump a bunch of Palms into it it's like you didn't get much out of that but with this Suddenly It's tracking with enemies and it's dealing damage and it and it feels good and I think it also adds 10 more damage to your to your cast that's good ice wine ice wine increases your damage uh your cast damage by 30 and it removes the lob mechanic so no longer no longer does the cast LOB it blasts an area and it also inflicts uh chill so you get the chill effect you get 30 bonus damage and you lose the lob mechanic I I think that that makes it a pretty nice thing it's it's not it doesn't transform Dionysus cast quite like Crystal Clarity transforms Demeter's cast but removing the lob mechanic makes it so much easier to aim and it does it's a bigger burst I like ice wine a lot too I'd say that it's less impactful than Crystal Clarity I'm gonna go like this I'll go like that I think ice wine ice wine feels better because it affects a cast that is more effective than Demeter cast you know what I'm saying but I think if you just look at what this does versus what this does for the cast like taken separately this effect is bigger all right lightning Phalanx this is maybe my least well not my least you well it's my least used cast Duo Boon it turns Athena's cast into a bouncing Athena's cast which should be super super strong because every time uh Athena's cast goes off it's an explosion and so does area damage and so if it's bouncing between enemies that are close together it's doing a lot of damage um the the main reason why this isn't as awesome as it sounds is because failing shot is so slow so a lot of times it'll bounce but it's like the arc is so it's got a very bad turning radius and it's so slow it starts very slow so unless they're clumped together and they're slow moving like rats say or um other things that don't move around much it's it's less effective but when they're tightly clumped in there and they are you know they're doing that that thing where they're clumped up and they're slow moving then it's great I'll put it at the top of Beats here yeah good okay lightning rod I have my my opinion about lightning rod I used to feel like it was it was like trash trashed here but the more I use it the more I it's kind of fun it's a it's a cool mechanic having the the cast stone stay on the ground and and then fire off lighting the radius that it can fire lightning at is really what makes lightning rods so incredible right like I used to I used to compare it to like scintillating Feast which also lightning strikes happen but the area that lightning rod can send a lightning bolt too the area that it controls is so big it's almost the whole screen so I like lightning rod a lot more now um I'll put it up here in a tier it belongs in a tier it's graduated to eight year all right parting shot two two pieces to parting shot one your casts can now backstab period also all of your back stabs not just your casts all of your backstabs do 35 percent increase damage um so it's cool and for multiple reasons it uh yeah it's cool for multiple reasons if you want to use your casts to do backstabs that this allows you to do that and the those backstabs do more damage uh parting shot I'm gonna put at the top of beach here near the top of beach here that's good it's good but I don't think it uh I don't think it it it's all that amazing I know people some people think lightning rod is like top of the top of the thing but not not me it's fine okay low tolerance when when low tolerance works it's super cool the problem is that it's very hard to make low tolerance work you need a very fast attack of some kind either you're attacking your special um you need so you need to apply the the weak curse and you need to attack use use that hangover ability very very quickly so Chiron Beau is a perfect example of of how this can work really well sometimes with your fist weapon or your rail you're attacking fast enough to apply that many stacks of of a special of your hangover but usually it's not that useful usually you don't hit enemies for that quickly to make it work to make it get so it basically it increases the number of stacks you can get from five to eight but usually once you get to five Stacks you're losing Stacks as quickly as you're able to put them back on so you can kind of like safely stay at five Stacks but uh you get up to eight Stacks you can't you can't reliably keep it at eight Stacks to get the higher damage uh for very long it's hard lightning rod is is so much fun and I like I like see Lighting Rod used to be down in Sea tier for me so this is a huge Improvement this is huge I guess I I the same reason why I think lightning rod isn't S tier is the same reason why I don't love like stubborn Roots because it's such a passive way to play and that's not the worst thing in the world it's cool right you've set up the like lightning field that's cool it's cooler in that sense than than stubborn Roots stubborn Roots is just lose all your death defiances heal yourself wait wait and heal yourself this is like wait and let the lightning rods kill enemies for you much cooler looking feels much cooler yeah smoldering air I didn't know how to feel about smoldering Air at first smoldering air kind of makes some of the calls worse basically it makes it so you only have the first stack of your for the first charge node of your call so you can never do like the full Max call for like apparatus 8 or Artemis Aid I think it actively makes these two slightly worse but it charges on its own very quickly much more quickly than quick favor does you really call this quick smoldering air and this slow favor you ask me but smoldering air is great it's amazing for uh Zeus's Aid or Dionysus Aid or Poseidon's Aid like where you just want to get that get that call off quickly it's it's incredible so I'm gonna put it up here it's so so good especially I mean with Zeus's eight I think it's is the best it's like you've got you've got so many lightning bolts going off and then yeah which is exactly what you want with a with a Zeus build right merciful end goes into s tier as well anyone who who's done much with merciful end knows why it it can do an incredible amount of damage damage very fast yeah yeah smoldering air with billowing strength with Zeus Aid what a sweet sweet combination right there but yeah mercile end basically all your doom effects if you use a deflectability it goes off immediately very very strong very very strong there's no no question it's all the way up here I I would put it behind hunting blades I I it's so hard to find the biggest the biggest uh thing that's bad about merciful end is how how uh how hard it is to find that you need the attack or the special of Athena and you need the opposite one for Aries and then you typically want to get Athena's Dash so that you can use your dash to make merciful and go off but yeah Divine Dash I think is still undefeated still undefeated okay deadly reversal all right so I want to read the wording on this because it's it's maybe a little bit maybe a little bit confusing basically your deflects make it so you're going you're more likely to crit right so after you deflect briefly gain 20 chance to deal critical damage for two seconds so I think that's really good I don't think that there's any any uh confusion about how good that is I think it's at the top of a tier if not uh if not up up here maybe even maybe even above pressure points if you think about it right like you're able to get 20 percent sure for two seconds but you're if you deflect a lot like if it's on your attack that's that's a ton of crit chance anyway another reversal I think should go up there too I just sometimes I don't think about deadly reversal for some reason maybe I probably should though probably should think about it some more Mirage shot uh basically you get another cast stone or cast effect that does 30 of the original cast effect so if you've got slicing shot and Mirage shot with that you get two little slicing shots floating around and that's good it's 30 more damage but it also any any of the additional effects that you have from your cast gets gets doubled uh if that makes any sense so like for instance if you have no we haven't talked about this yet but still any feasts you have lightning bolts from your clouds with Mirage shot you'll get two clouds with twice the lightning bolts so the initial effect is only 30 but those all the lightning bolts hit for the same amount hey Mirage shot goes up here in eight here it's good it's probably above lightning rod though there we go that's where it belongs uh yeah it's any cast build you want Mirage shot it's it's good for every cast build scintillating feasts you need Dionysus cast get the cloud lightning bolts from the cloud it's not as much damage it's 60 damage versus what's the uh I think it's like is it is it more I think it's more with the with the lightning rod but at 60 damage and the area is just within the cloud so enemies have to be inside the cloud to get hit by the lightning which isn't too hard to do especially if you've got well because it does little mini staggers so enemies have a harder time getting out of the cloud it's good I like I like uh scintillating Feast a lot it's a very cool effect very cool effect in living feast but I'm gonna put it I'm gonna put it up here just an a tier I don't know I probably should move these around a bit it's just so hard to compare these two together right probably that belongs there and there and you know I can move things around all day it's there's just too many boons uh then sea storm sea storm I think it's gonna go up here it for me for me like not not speaking objectively but subjectively I'd put sea storm at the very top these days sea storm is like it's like the greatest Boon that we've ever had it's the greatest Boon to ever be created it does such wonderful amazing things it makes these Bros Zeus and Poseidon it makes them just like you know you know that image of where Arnold Schwarzenegger and uh use that other actor from predator or they're like you know they got their hands together it's like that you know it's the sea storm handshake between the Bros I don't know I think it's really great I objectively objectively speaking I don't think it's as good as Divine Dash probably not but for me personally it's it's uh it's really wonderful really great that's the last of the duo Boons okay now we'll get the Hermes uh legendaries out of the way bad news if you don't have any cast stones in your inventory uh uh you deal no no no no nope nope nope nope don't listen to me that was wrong uh uh I have to reread it's like 50 is it I I don't get this Boon very often I think you can tell but it does it's bonus damage for any enemy with no cast stones in them I think yep deals 50 more damage for foes without cast stones on them so you can only find this with Stitch insole so if you I mean you're no enemies will have castones in them so this is just 50 bonus damage for your cast it's great it's really good uh bad news blogs at the top of a tier I think that there we go uh just a flat 50 bonus damage to your casts it's a lot and it works with any cast greater recall is usually excellent occasionally it's not excellent when you want lightning rod to go off but usually you want those cast stones back and when they can come back to you automatically that's great that's also an age here somewhere good very good vicious cycle uh makes your all of your blade Rifts the damage increases by like it's like eight or something I can't remember exactly how much the damage increases with with each tick the ticks go off pretty quickly like how quickly the rift damage it doesn't say how quickly they go they go off but each time it goes off it increases by two so each consecutive hit it it just adds damage I don't think it's it's uh it's not our make or break sorta Boone and as far as legendaries go it doesn't like change things or make things more crazy but it belongs in a tier it's good most of these legendaries will splitting hike oh no dual boot's still up we're okay putting headache is like pressure points it's like it's like pressure points baby sister right you you get 1.5 percent crit chance for each uh each stack of Hangover so great yep starting over we're gonna reset the whole thing I think uh because we got it we got it wrong all right I'll edit this I'll edit this so nobody knows that I made that mistake so that nobody knows okay now we're talking about legendary boons where are you uh we're talking about legendary boons okay legendary Boons let's go now winter Harvest does like a culling effect I think it is is it 20 percent 10 so and then it creates a shatter so really for most situations the shatter is the most uh beneficial part of this but against bosses 10 HP is is uh a big chunk of their damn of their health right so it's good I mean it's good in in all situations every basically reduce the health of every single enemy and you've given them a 50 damage shatter so it's very good it's not I mean I think I I've sung its Praises before it's certainly more effective than vicious cycle and it affects anything that has has uh is that on it maybe right below bad news very good unhealthy fixation you can do some like silly things with unhealthy basically any any weak effect can charm an enemy or make them fight for you for a little while you can kind of cheese bosses without healthy fixation if you have high attack speed like you can get Hades to like keep getting Charmed and it's it's funny this will be a joy that it's true um it's good it's not like I don't think it's it's that crazy but it is you can cheese some things pretty and it's that's fun okay so we'll put that we'll put that there and not talk anymore about it because I can't compare to everything that's two that's too hard huge catch is a meme it makes you rarely get huge catch I think the requirements for it are sunken treasure or what's the other one Ocean's bounty and then you get this throwaway Boon that makes you see more fish so if you're trying to build up your account huge catch is great otherwise it's just a meme it's fun LP s tier best Boon in the game or we're a spoon in the game you decide all right let's go with fully loaded now fully loaded you get two additional cast stones uh in order to find this one you have to have two of the three secondary Boons either pressure points and support fire and Exit Wounds one two of those three Boons you have to find and then fully loaded shows up kind of hard to find but it's very very good if you're in a cast if you're in a cast build there's almost nothing else that you want more than fully loaded just it's great to have additional cast stones s tier s tier second wave second wave is is cool and kind of I kind of maybe we can compare it a little bit to unhealthy fixation and that it's it's silly to watch the enemies bounce around so much and it's fun to get the extra knock back effects like the sea storm Lightning goes off and and they just look funny the enemies just look like little clowns kind of floating around but let's be honest it doesn't do as much as some of the other legendaries do still a tier still an A but I don't think we can compare it to some of these other ones splitting Bolt tier I would even put it above fully loaded uh maybe maybe right underneath merciful end if you've got a lightning build and you've got lots of sources of lightning splitting bolt is just insane it's just so much so much bonus damage right for the fish tank some people play the game yeah I know it's in it's in its own category it's in its uh it's in its uh fishing Boon category there's s tier a tier beat here C tier D tier and fishing Boon tier it's in that tier okay happy now Swimming World is crazy uh Divine protection is like you have a shield that goes away but each room each new room you go into you get the shield back so in sticks you get one free hit for every single of those little rooms that you get which is great and then every 20 seconds after you've lost it you get it back again until you take another hit you'll be very good against boss fights can eat uh can eat a lot of the the damage and negate a lot of the damage for you um I'd say yeah it's better it's better than these right I don't know somewhere up there it's hard to find you have to find you have to find Brilliant repost before divided protection will show up this is the only only way to get Divine protection is for brilliant repost to show up first it doesn't always happen all right and now my most elusive I think blackout I've gotten a handful of times because it's you think divided protection sucks yeah so anyway we'll move on to blackout blackout I rarely find this one because it uh [Music] it's hard to get you need you need uh the cast you need festive fog and you need some way of applying hangover and hangover Afflicted foes take bonus damage in festive Fox so it's 60 bonus damage so if you've got enemies in the festive fog and they have hangover on them 60 bonus damage while they're in there how often are they in there it's impossible it's it feels short of like recording footage watching it back running the numbers I don't know how to determine how much benefit that really applies I really don't I really don't know how to do it but it's I I think we could put it in in a tier do you want me to save your weird hippie cookie dough yes I've been eating that every single day cottage cheese cookie dough delicious and high in protein but I'll just say that this is probably the Boon that I have the least amount of experience with his Aid oh gosh Silas Silas yeah Hades Aid I don't use that very often either it requires it takes up a your Keepsake slot and I'd rather there's so many other things I'd rather have in my keepsake slot than the Hades Boon to get Hades Aid uh but it makes you invisible until you attack or if it's fully charged it makes you invisible for a period of time whether you attack or not and it gives and it gives you uh damage a damage boost I'd probably put it in well considering considering the opportunity cost that you you have to use it's keep his Keepsake I'd probably put it in beats here honestly okay right good all right cool it's 4 15. my goodness as I look at this list I thought you know at the when I started making this list I thought oh yeah yeah when I'm done I'll probably want to reorder some of this uh because of nuance and slight differences but as I look at this list I'm like nope nope I don't my brain I don't know how much more I can look at this and uh change anything about what's on here [Music] these are these are my opinions you know I it's notable I think it's I think it's a sign of what a good game Hades is that most of the most of the boons are in B tier and between a tier and B tier I think we've got like over 60 of the boons are are slightly above average or average right like that's crazy if you think about it there's a few real trash tier Boons down here and then that golden standard the golden Echelon of the upper echelon of Boons right here magical uh yeah thanks thanks everyone I know exactly we'd have to we'd have to like start start over next Saturday we'll reorder it all again no but I'm curious if there's any let me know in in the comments of the video If you disagree with any of these really strongly um I don't want to hear if you just move them either up or down within a tier or even if you just want to change them from one tier to the next like there's probably an argument for any of these uh probably not any of these but many of these to be an S tier or you know some of these beads here wants to be an eight-year vice versa these ones though I wouldn't move these personally but anyway every cast except one is beat here is that right did I do that I didn't I didn't even do that on purpose they're all lined up aren't they you know I this was also just like my brain feeling overwhelmed I want to keep them all together thank you and then Crystal beam is just slightly worse without any without anything else it's just it's just too slow fun it's fun to make these you know it's fun and it's fun to do them live usually I do these alone in my room all by myself and it's great to have you all with me here to uh provide some commentary and some you know side comments okay my cat Okay my cat is a jerk right here's it's Hydro a hydrocortisone cream uh bottle you can't see that very well can you partially because hold on here one sec I'm just going to illustrate something for you up nope that's not what I wanted to do okay turning off this and I'm gonna cover up my face so you can't to focus on this all right watch watch what the cat did [Music] I do have a night any thought though here [Music] pulls into my hydrocortisone cream tube what a jerk he's your ex I don't even have to I don't have to unscrew the darn thing anymore I should be happy I should be happy about this
Channel: Jawless Paul
Views: 14,090
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hades boons, how good is splitting bolt, hades update, hades battle out of hell, hades preview, hades game, hades, jawless paul, jawlesspaul, how to get legendary boons in hades, hades how to get legendary boons, hades guide, hades tips and tricks, hades how to get duo boons, how do you get duo boons in hades, hades how to, hades duo boons, hades duo boon tier list, how good are duo boons, hades boon tier list, hades all boons ranked, hades all boons, hades tier list
Id: 0JJoaDowImU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 154min 50sec (9290 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2023
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