Pact of Punishment Guide | Hades Guide Tips and Tricks

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[Music] these friends jealous Paul here in this video I'm gonna be going over the heat system the pact of punishment and just talking about the the various options that you have to increase your heat in this game with the bounty system you have to keep adding heat to your runs in order to get more bounties more blood more diamonds and more ambrosia and you need those things to upgrade your legendary keepsakes you need them to buy various upgrades in the contractor in the in the house of Hades and you need it to most importantly get the weapon aspects weapon aspects require require that you have that you have blood blood I'd say is the most important thing and it's actually the thing that you get the most of in the game as you're playing if you if you beat the fury sisters on a certain heat setting you get one blood and if you kill Hades on that heat setting you get one blood now an important thing to note is that when you if you set if you set your heat at a certain level you set your heat at a certain level and you get through the first two bosses but then you die the next time you play through you will only get darkness for those first two bosses and you won't get any more diamonds blood or ambrosia until you beat the game until you beat Hades at that level so that's just something to keep in mind you may get stuck and so you want to you know kind of experiment but that's why I made this video I wanted to show you guys what I how I think about each of these how difficult I think that they are what are some kind of good combinations what are some bad combinations to get and hopefully this is helpful before I continue though I wanted to give a shout out to another Hades content creator daddy the grand so he he kind of I think is one of the best masters of the heat system there's a there's a couple of the guys out there too but daddy - grandis is he's my favorite so you know just shout out to him maybe check out his channel and give him some love anyway so we've got hard labor hard labor you can rank up to 100% each each level gives you plus 20% damage from foes this is one that I don't take very often it's it's pretty tough so that's a lot of extra damage if you think about you know some of the hits that you get from Hades himself especially that that is very difficult to deal with I mean it's difficult to deal with anywhere it if you are the type of person that really likes to run with the butterfly this is kind of a perfect combination because the butterfly rewards you for not getting hit and so you want to avoid getting hit here obviously if you are very very good at dashing away and kind of you're very precise this is this is a good a good one for you but I wouldn't say that this is the best one to take by any by any means lasting consequences removes healing so one one rank is 25% up to four ranks at a hundred percent that means you do not get to heal at all in the game so sandwiches don't heal fountains don't heal your you know room to room that that three health that you get does not heal you the percentage increase from Demeter shouldn't heal you either because you're here increasing healing when it's at when it's at zero percent right you have zero percent healing there's a couple notable exceptions to this things like sent our hearts those will still give you 25 health and so in essence it's a it's like a he'll death defiance that still provides healing right so lucky tooth that's this is you know a very very large source of healing no Hydra light no I of Lamia those things do not work anymore with that so you might imagine that getting hard labor and lasting consequences together is a bad bad bad bad deal this is not how I would start out doing these two not at all as a matter of fact I almost never do them unless I'm really trying to push it convenience feet raises prices by 80 percent that can be punishing that one is actually one of the ones I recommend for beginners so I'll put a little a little marker there to show you that that's this is a good one for beginners because you can play the game without spending any money at all it's easier if you spend money but you don't need to you you can avoid it or you know he spend money you know even at 80% it's not like things are impossible to to buy so you can still go to shops and and buy things you just can't buy as much so that's convenience be a good one jury summons 60% at max rank gives you three three heat and 60% more foes in standard encounters now this is important it used to be that jury summons brought in extra champion enemies in those in the champ rooms and in like mini boss rooms there were more more foes there and that was terrible that was really really awful no one could take I mean almost no one would take jury summons because it was just way too punishing this one I you could take a rank and it maybe and try it out you know just try it see see just how much more if you get if you get a really good like a high high damage AoE build like aspect of chaos is you can handle it a little bit better than maybe other options or just any any large AoE build does better against them but this is one of the tougher ones I'd say it's not it doesn't I don't think it's synergizes with anything particularly well so I wouldn't necessarily put put this as my top choice extreme measures this is one that I always run with and I'll I'll tell you I'll tell you why so the first rank is is one and then the next two are each to heat so that gives you five heat extreme measures changes the way the bosses work so the fury sisters it's no longer the fury sister you you don't fight one at a time anymore you always fight at least two of them at a time and what that means is there's still only one sister that you need to kill but the others will pop in and do damage to you and make circles on the ground that you have to do dashed away from and so it makes it significantly tougher there's a lot more things going on on the screen as a matter of fact that I'd say the hardest part about that first fight is just the sheer number of graphics going on and just not being able to see anything like just not not being able to do or see anything very well that makes that tough and then the second fight Hydra head basically the Hydra the Hydra fight is the same except that the arena is much smaller and the arena has lots and lots of lava in the middle and height so the Hydra is actually sitting in lava and so this is very dangerous it's very dangerous to fight to fight in this one I'd say it makes it tougher now the same strategy applies though for the Hydra fight you wanna you know when the when the smaller heads come out it's about you know especially on the second phase or the last phase you want to kill some hydras in a specific area so that you have kind of a safe zone - - away - and then the third one the third one is the toughest I think that makes Asterius and Theseus both have like armor and then Theseus has a chariot that he rides around and just shoots bombs at you all the time and occasionally charges through the middle shooting a machine gun how how they got away with putting that in I don't know it's it's a mystery it's basically he's got a little tank and then Asterius has his leap attack has area so it does a splash when he lands you can't just dodge away you have to dodge far far away otherwise he will take that extra damage and then he has this spin this ban attack that's like so huge and he just chases you around with it and that's extreme measures I use extreme measures all the time do I recommend it for new players not I wouldn't say these are the first points that you should put in but here's the thing here's the reason why I use extreme measures all the time and why I think it's a good one to start getting used to first of all it has for the theseus Asterius the start of those fights and the start of the the fury sisters you have new give new dialogue between them and that's kind of cool and new graphics you know if they have new stuff oh I should also mention extreme measures 3 also makes your if you fight Asterius one-on-one he has the armor he has the splash attack he has the spin it's all it's all there so it's that makes it that that makes that a little bit tougher to and maybe that's you know you get you get two points for that so why do I use this I use this because once you get used to it it's it's no longer you know it's no longer a difficulty or an increased difficulty for you you just you get used to it and you start playing in a certain way that that makes it not so not so big a deal all right that's why I like extreme measures a lot I also just like the way it makes the boss fights a lot more challenging a lot more interesting yeah I like it it's it's good one I'd say there's one advantage to extreme measures to advantages I'll list two that I think that I can think of right now the first one being in the Hydra fight the smaller arena actually makes it so your area of effect attacks will kill more heads or like will do damage to multiple heads more often right when it's that huge arena the Hydra heads are so far apart that you you know you really it's hard to kill two at a time whereas in the in the extreme measures arena you're killing two heads I mean you're doing damage to two heads if you have any area damage attacks so that's that's an advantage to that and then in the Theseus Asterius fight this is arguable whether it's really an advantage but I always found that the fact that Theseus had a shield for so long was like painful I hate I hate fighting enemies with shields and so um in that in the chariot he does not have a shield so in some ways that makes it easier I kind of go back and forth on that when at first I thought it was easier now I think holy crap that that is a tough fight okay that one's that one gets me a lot all right calisthenics program each rank gives your foes 15% to their life total I think this is a terrible this is a terrible one this is maybe one of the worst ones that you can take and the reason is it's also applies to champions and it also applies to bosses it applies to armor it's just it's a lot more it's a lot more health and so calisthenics program just makes the game go way longer your boss fights will take super super long you know even a super-powerful build you you won't die I would never run calisthenics program with tight deadlines for instance because that's you're never gonna be able to get through in that timeline so I I avoid calisthenics program altogether I don't think I think on my 32 I have I have beaten the game once with that 32 feet of course there's no video video proof but I have the statues so you can tell that I did it um but anyway I did calisthenics program altogether and it's only to heat it's to heat that you know it's it's not really even worth it in my opinion all right middle management middle management is a tough one it's a it changes all of your champion room fight it makes all those little fights more difficult the two in asphodel the the barge of death will have a ton of a ton more enemies lots and lots of enemies and then the fight against the deucey and skull crusher that one becomes really tough the deuce of teleports around the room the skull crusher when he lands sends out a shock wave that fills the whole screen you have to dash through it to avoid the damage and it's a lot of damage it's it's a lot you don't want to take you don't want to take that damage it's bad news middle management is a tough one for sure I wouldn't take it unless you're ready for a a challenge but in the same way that extreme measures works right like if you can get used to it then it's then it's to to additional heat points that you don't ever have to think about again you just leave it on and you start getting getting used to it right underworld customs underworld customs requires you to sacrifice one boon on leaving each underworld region this is a this is a tough one because typically typically I don't want to sell or remove any of my any of my boons when I and even for a lot of money I wouldn't I wouldn't sell it so this is a tough one basically you can really sacrifice a lot now if you're using if you're using a if you know you're gonna go in with an attack build or a special build I mean you can grab boons that you know you don't want in an you know impacts that you don't really care about and hope that that's what shows up in the like boon sacrifice altar or whatever but it's uh yeah it's it's a challenging one for sure I don't like I don't like underworld customs I don't take it it is two points and you know maybe some people that's like their style they want a real lean build but I mean all those all those little and power advantages that you can grab in the game are super important so it really it just gives you three fewer boons by the time you get to Hades which you know a significant this is one of the tougher ones that you can take forced overtime okay so to two points gets you six gives you six heat points on your heat gauge so this is the one that I take all the time this is so the reason why I like this one a lot it'll add six points first of all it's six points and it's 40% it used to be 50% I think for only five points so it this one has gotten better actually for easier for stoever time makes all enemies move and attack 20% faster it is very very scary the first time you try it and it's maybe not scary the first like 20 times you try it at 30 or 40 times but eventually you get used to this and what's great about it is you once you put this on and you're just that's how you play the game the game just runs that at that at that speed and it's not it's not a burden anymore right in the same way that extreme measures kind of feels like it's it's easy it's easy oh by the way extreme measures is one that I did I'll put a little thing by I think that that's it that's a good one if you're trying to up your heat but then forced overtime yeah you just get used to it so I I would almost recommend because it's six points I mean that's a ton I would just recommend getting used to forced overtime and just make it part of your part of your deal so it makes the game significantly tougher when you're first doing it but eventually it's kind of like it doesn't even doesn't even faze you so yeah I leave that on all the time and then heightened security it used to be you up to eight hundred percent you can't anymore it's only four hundred percent it's one point four four hundred percent remember that purple arrows I think do 20 at 0% right so you multiply that by 4 you're losing death defiance's to purple arrows you're lose and death defiance's to spiked crops at least I am this also applies to lava so you're standing in lava will make you a deal or get damaged a lot quicker a lot of people swear by this one I do not I I am too klutzy to handle heightened security so I don't I don't use it at all but it's it's another point if you're trying to get to 32 heat you're gonna take a lot of things that you're not happy about and security will probably be one of them all right but I don't recommend it first personally I don't alright budget cuts budget cuts you can get 5 points for 5 points you can reduce your mirrors maximum benefit to 500 heat or 500 darkness hi this one is awful I think this was pretty terrible but truthfully you can get you can get a lot of what you really need with a thousand darkness I'll show you what I mean so you you want to get two dashes you know you want ideally you want well to death defiance's is probably probably sufficient I would get privileged status and then you could get you know a thick skin and you can get you know boiling blood or something but my point is you've got that's that's most of what you need in the game the game won't feel terribly different with that you know the two deaths defiance's is is difficult or whatever but with a thousand with a thousand you don't feel terribly crippled 500 would be tough I wouldn't I wouldn't want to do that but I don't use this at all I like using all my I'll are using all of my darkness yeah so that's that's budget cuts I don't like it I don't like it it's not one that I choose often at all all right damage control so damage control basically makes the first two instances of damage negated entirely works similarly to armor if you think about it this way armor makes it so enemies can't be stunned this also makes it so enemies can't be stunned for the first two hits and then you have to take take down their their their armor and their health this this is not a big deal at all in any build that has lots of little little bits of damage right like a a Dionysius build or a even just like a sword attack build is is pretty decent with this not I wouldn't do this with big bursty damage I wouldn't do this with Hestia rail you might be a little bit disappointed by that you might end up you know whiffing a few of your big shots that you really don't want to do I wouldn't do it necessarily with a cast unless you had I think Aries cast would work fine but the other ones actually Demeter's cast would be just fine with it I'd take those out pretty fast but yeah you just want little little bits of damage and not you don't want to focus on bursts otherwise you're gonna maybe disappoint be disappointed you can get burst and then just mind be mindful of like taking out the blue hearts first and then use your burst but I don't know hey that's that's kind of way I think of it it's not that big a deal two points it's not gonna really affect things all that much a lot of people like it and leave it on all the time I don't necessarily all right so now we've gotten to the worst one no choice this is the most crippling this is the most crippling pact of punishment deal you can take you are you have no choice in the boons you can take you have no choice in the hammer upgrades you take you you give no choice and what you upgrade out with palms you have no choice it stinks it's pretty it's pretty lame I almost never take this even in my 32 heat run I was like nope no way I mean it's five it's five points that's a lot but it is so crippling it's kind of fun to do as like a novelty thing like can I beat the game without choosing anything for myself just kind of you know just take whatever the game gives me obviously you can choose which door to go through and that's in some ways it's like you you got some choice there but yeah it's it's a it's kind of a bummer so yeah I don't I don't ever take that one that's a that's a no-no tight deadlines tight deadlines I take all the time pretty much every run will be maxed tight deadlines it synergizes really nicely with forced overtime because forced overtime typically means you're gonna kill enemies faster so they're gonna spawn in faster and it's a if you if you want the game to go fast you use forced overtime and then that synergize with tight deadlines it's a nice little that's a nice little combination right there tight deadlines though can be really really bad if you have jury summons it could be really bad if you have calisthenics program so the way that okay so I actually explained how tight deadlines work so you've got seven minutes each each biome seven minutes to get to the end and if you don't if you don't beat the boss in seven minutes it'll start ticking down your health every second by five so fight you'll take five damage every second that you're over your deadline it you won't it doesn't instantly mean you're gonna lose the run I get I'll very often I get I get to the end of my seven minutes in Elysium and I'm fighting a serious and Theseus and I'm also taking that five damage it's it happens a lot and you can still win a run with that it's not like the end of the world but it's it's frustrating tight deadlines I'd say in Elysium especially it's it's super super frustrating because that that biome just takes a lot longer than the other ones for some reason I mean I that well it's because you have to kill you often have to kill enemies more than once because they respawn they just they regenerate or whatever so you just have to be careful with this one especially in Elysium but I leave it on all the time it's another thing where I just I've gotten used to it I don't dilly-dally between screens so if I'm fighting and I get to the end I immediately I tried to be right where the I tried to hit the the God note or whatever it is that we're getting as a reward I click on that immediately because and then I stand then I think about what I need to do cuz once that screen is up the timer stops going there's a few thing that few things that stop the timer going to Sisyphus is room going to you're rid of seized room or Patroclus is room those will all stop the the deadline fishing if you get to the if you give to the fishing node it will stop the timer it'll stop the timer for that so there's a few ways to stop it between like in that little room between bosses or after you've killed the boss it will stop counting down at that point too so there's there's a little there's pockets of time where you can stop and think you just have to beat a little utilize those better and and don't dilly-dally between things if you're if you're not sure sure which door to go through pause the game for that too that will be that's it that's a good thing so these are the three that I almost always run and the reason the reason is just because you can get used to these these are like those you can you can manage without too much trouble with with those some would argue that I could get used to hard labor but the trouble with that is if I make a mistake with hard labor my mistake does so much it just does so much to hurt my run same with lasting consequences if I make lots of mistakes if I go if I if I take too much damage in a room and then I can't heal it back up very well it just really it can snowball the you can snowball the mistakes you make and the poor choices that you make tremendously so I don't see that as the same very much where it's like I just get used to forced overtime I get used to the way enemies move I get used to the timings I can dash away from big attacks because I know exactly when they're gonna come etc etc so yeah I think I've thought about that before like why do i why do I prefer forced overtime to hard labor or lasting consequences well it's because I can get used to it that's mean the main thing if I or do if I were to increase my heat from this point which I need to write if I'm gonna if I'm gonna get another bounty with the shield of chaos I might add convenience fee I might add middle management those are both not too bad I might add I might add damage control that's another one that I don't really mind too much jury summons jury summons can be fine if you have the right build for it if I'm planning to do like a build where I do lots of area damage which tend to be very strong builds jury summons can be okay but 60% more foes is a ton that is so so difficult to deal with the calisthenics program I almost would never take that just because of how bad it is for pro boss fights yeah so that that's my my basic rundown of the different heat options that you have in my my thinking on them leave a comment below if you if you like or dislike them if you think that I'm full of baloney full of malarkey and you you want to tell me about it please please leave a comment I am I'm super super excited to hear from you specifically because I'm sure there are people who have even more experience with this and and new ideas and want to enlighten me and all of you as well so please leave that comment we are waiting with bated breath to hear what you have to say about that friends take it easy and we'll catch you in [Music] three of them try to believe it buddy damage what
Channel: Jawless Paul
Views: 225,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jawlesspaul, hades, hades early access, hades game, should I buy hades, hades preview, hades battle out of hell, hades update, hades hell update, hades titan blood, hades the long winter update, hades demeter update, hades new update, hades guide, hades tips and tricks, hades pact of punishment guide, hades heat guide, hades what heat should I take, hades tight deadline, hades heat pact of punishment, hades heat pact, how to farm titan blood, hades farming diamonds
Id: irbEuFYbZPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 19sec (1579 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 03 2020
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