Guess Which Drugs I Use | Lineup | Cut

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- I'm a cult leader. It's called the First Church of David Bowie. - No way! Really? How many members do you have? - I don't know, just like four or five at this point. - Oh. (playful music) - My name's Carlos Dillard. - I'm Rain. - My name is Ellen Naquario. Oh my God. Like, not much. I'm like a drug virgin. - I'm done Molly, Ecstasy. Yeah, I smoke the fuck out of weed. I smoked before I came here. - Shrooms, LSD. I can't remember what it's called, but they told me it was like a horse tranquilizer or something. (laughs) - My mother was a drug dealer in my house when I was a kid, which ended me into foster care. So I grew up around drug dealers and drug addicts, pretty much the majority of my childhood. (laughing) - Hoo, ha. (laughs) Okay. - All right, come on down. - I'm Henry. - Henry? Carlos, nice to meet you. - Nice to meet you, Carlos. (laughs) Damn. What does your drug do for you? - Pleasure. Do you like having fun when you have sex? (laughs) (snorts) My drug I like to use... - Okay. - Has a lot to with sex. - Oh! - I'm kind of wondering if you've used what I use. - Oh. - But I'm stereotyping you. - Because I'm black or gay, which one? - Gay. - You're all about that Viagra. - Ecstasy! - Oh! Poppers. - Right. - What the hell is this? - Poppers. - Poppers! - It's always in liquid form? - Mm-hmm. - And you just go, doo doo. - No, you don't drink it. - Oh. - No, no. You inhale it. - What happens to you if you do? - You can die. - That's why it says keep out of reach of children! (laughs) How does that affect you? - It makes you easier to have sex... Well, anal sex. - Like, what, like-- - It relaxes things. - Okay. - It relaxes your muscles. - I love poppers. I don't know why they are illegal. - They're not. - Oh, they're not? - Mm-mm, no. - But why do you have to go to the shadiest places to buy them? Like, one of those glory hole places and it's kind of like really gross. - Buy your poppers, stick your dick in a hole. (laughs) - Hi. - Hi, what's your name? - Mimi. - Mimi. You have Xs on your face. That's hella creative. Like, bitch, come on. - I wouldn't be surprised if you like huff spray paint or some crazy ass shit. (laughs) But yeah, you're good. You're fun to look at. - What would you say are your hobbies during the weekend? - I go to drag shows. I go to parties. - So you're a partier. It sounds like-- - Oh, absolutely. - You're very active. - I love, yeah. - Okay. - The nightlife is for me. - The nightlife, you want to feel good. I would say the main two would be cocaine and Ecstasy. - I would think DMT. - Why is that? - DMT is literally used to open your brain, be creative. - My favorite drug is acid. - Why? - It's a way of getting out of my head a little bit and thinking about my surroundings and life differently. - Okay, I can see that. - 'Cause when you're on acid, it's like-- - Yeah, tell me about what it's like... I've never done acid before. - Well, I only do it every few months. I'm not like a weekly acid user. One time I threw up at the zoo on acid. (laughs) - That was good? - Yeah. - Uh... You're like a normal person. (laughs) - So when did you first do drugs? - Man, I was in seventh grade. - Seventh grade. I'm gonna lock my kids up. Seventh grade. They'll probably just end up doing more drugs. - Probably. - Yeah, okay, never mind. - That's kinda what happened to me. I just had a rough childhood and grew really bored. - Meth? - I like your boots. He has Doc Martens on which are very expensive. He probably likes a higher class of drug. (laughs) Because-- - I guess, thanks. - You know, yeah, he's like real put together, maybe. - You seem super chill, so I'd say your worst would be cocaine. - He does coke. - Tony, tell me what your drug... - Um, so I used to be addicted to painkillers, prescription painkillers. - Oh! - Why don't you do it anymore? - It just ruined my career as-- - What was your career? - I was in the Army for six years. - See, that'd do it. - Are opiates addicting? - Yeah. - Like, chemically addicting? - Yeah. - Okay, I see. Shit. - I mean, even just talking about it makes my mouth water. - Damn. Okay. What drug do you do? Let me guess. Like looks will tell me anything. - Common or not common? - Extremely common. - Is it social or is it like a personal thing? - It's social in like getting it, but once you get it-- - Then you go home-- - You like go home and lock the door. - Huh. - What's the worst reaction that you've ever gotten from it? - They cut it with something really weird and my whole arm got these welts and red spots all over it. - I'm gonna say heroin. - Are you addicted? - I was. - Oh, you were. Alcohol. - I was a heroin addict. - Whoa! - Yeah. - Oh, man. - Was there a spoon involved? - Oh, yeah. That's how you cook the dope so you can shoot it into your arm. My dad found me unresponsive in my room a couple times and he revived me and... - Oh, my gosh. - After that, I told him that I couldn't live anymore. And I decided to go to treatment one more time, I had been about 13 times. - Oh, my god. Come here. (laughs) Wow. - And I got clean and then a year later, I loved my life. (sighs) - Wow. - I'm so happy that you're past that. - Yeah, me too. (moans) (laughs) I feel like you need a hug more than I do. - I know, I need a hug! - Okay. (laughs) - I'm so glad you're okay! - What's your frequency of usage? - Once a week. - You're just go on a party once a week. Just whoo, let it out, and then let it go. - It's not a party. - What would you call it? - A ceremony. I'm a cult leader. It's called the First Church of David Bowie. - No way! Really? How many members do you have? - I don't know, just like four or five at this point. - Oh. - When you do drugs, what are you chasing? What kind of feeling are you looking for? - It's a religious experience. - Oh! He might be like a kombucha tea guy. (laughs) I'm sure it's not kombucha but like-- - Are you thinking of Ayahuasca? - Yes, that. (laughs) - DMT. - Mushrooms. - Is it LSD? I think that's what it is. - It is not LSD. - I need to do more drugs. - I can tell her? - Yeah! - I use psilocybin mushrooms, magic mushrooms. - Oh! - I got it right! - Can you describe what it feels like? - It's kind of like stepping into an open volcano and just getting blasted up. Like your whole body could be shaking. - Okay, I'm vibing with that. - And I get these visions of black iron fortresses, sheets of flame, devils dancing and everything because I am channeling that energy and that spirit. - And you're feeling it. - You don't ever get sober and go, that was weird. It was intense. - No, I've basically spent the last year wondering if I was having a psychotic breakdown, but I've determined that I probably am not, so... - Hello. - Hello, Kate. - Kate. - Yes. How's it going? - It's going, Kate. Shit. (giggles) - Okay, let's get this rolling. - When's the last time you did it? - Um, this morning. - And what's your frequency at this point? - All day. - She looks hella normal. I think it's gonna be an internal drug. - Internal how? - Like a pill. - Oh. - Do you do Xanax? Are you the Xanax one? I had a lot of friends in high school who did Xanax. It was like this. - What do you like to do on the weekends? - Party and I work a lot. - Is it a problem for you? - I think anything can be a problem. - Oh... Alcohol. - Coke. - Cocaine. Did I get it right? - I do do cocaine. - Okay. - But I'm actually here for weed. - Oh, shit, no way. (laughs) What are all the drugs that you've done? - Oh, my god. - Would you say? You know, list 'em off. - Um, weed, coke, accidentally did meth, that was awful. - Accidentally did meth? - Accidentally. Crack. - So something was spiked, shit. - Mescalin, ayahuasca, ketamine, DMT. But mostly cocaine, mushrooms, and weed. - So you don't think it's a problem? - I think that sometimes the way that I do drugs is a problem. I don't think that I have a problem. - How do you do the drugs? - I do everything excessively. - Why? - To deal with a lot of scars and emotional trauma that I can't really seem to get through. After listening to everybody's stories today, it's like been really, really beneficial to kind of see how drugs are used, how they're perceived, and... - I can really feel your emotion. - Yeah, I'm emotional today. - I know, shit. (laughs) I could feel it. - So do you just wish you did a little bit less? That's it? - Yeah, maybe. I wish I had more control. - Huh. You look like you're someone in control, but... - Look good, feel good, you know? - I know, but doesn't that wear you down? - Absolutely. - Then what are you left with? (inhales) (exhales) - Um... Damn it. (laughs) You got me. (whispers) Ah. (inhales deeply) - I'm sorry. - It's okay. You did this! This is your fault. (laughs) - Well, if you ever want to happily smoke weed with me, I would love to. Actually, that sounds like a really nice fucking day. (laughs) It was so nice meeting you. - You, too. - Can I have a hug? - Of course. - Thank you so much for sharing that with me. - Of course. - I'm much like her. I think, I just do a lot of weed and I use drugs to kinda regulate my emotions. Sometimes it's toward the negative and you can use it towards the positive. - Um... No. Drugs seem to be more of an escape for everybody. That seems to be the common thing that I see. - There's some stereotypes with drugs. Like with heroin, you just imagine losers in a way when that's not really the case. Anybody can be addicted to any of these drugs. - I'm gonna go smoke a blunt and call it a day. (laughs) (applause) - (laughs) Oh, my god. I'm supposed to go on a road trip with the fucking kids. (laughs) Oh, my god.
Channel: Cut
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Keywords: PLJic7bfGlo3qJcIXUJteaUm_3-3tgQSXw, PLJic7bfGlo3o2Qx3ojItphuzJ5_dyVPHS, lineup, line up, People Guess, guessing games, Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, kids, kids videos, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty, Fear Pong
Id: 68dbbblKK7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 20 2018
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