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- How was your morning? - I will be tired today. - Oh wait, wait. Say tired again. - Tired. - He might be Asian. - Do my voice sounds Asian? - Yeah, did you not hear yourself? (playful music) - Hi my name is Marie. - My name is Cedar and I am a writer. - Mm-kay. - That won't work for me because I sound white so everyone will be like, "That's definitely a white kid.". - I'm very sensitive about people's accent. Just like, "Hey y'all how you doing?" (laughs) - Oh, what? Hold on a second. If this gets freaky in any way. - Alrighty. - Yes. - What's happening, man? - Um is it okay if I judge you on these questions? - [Man] Absolutely that's why we're all here. - Okay, alright. - I like the tone of your voice. It stimulate my ear and that's makes my body so hot, all of my body so hot. - [Man] There you go. - Did you grow up here in Seattle? - No I'm from Kentucky. - I think he's a black man. Say something black. - Black. (laughing) That's about the blackest thing I can think to say. - He sounds like a college-educated black man. - Do you have a favorite color? - Orange. - Do you like it because it goes with your skin tone well? (laughing) - Clever but no, it's because nothing really rhymes with orange but as a rapper, I find all kinds of things that rhyme with orange. - Oh you rap, eh? Hmm. - Oh rap. - It's just like that huh? ♪ Olympian tried meter dash pepper the room with spread ♪ ♪ Over your head now uh the room is dead ♪ I don't know, I'm not a freestyle artist but. - That sounds pretty good. - This is a African-American male. Kind of natural curly hair but not too much curly. - And what about facial hair, do you think I have a beard? - Oh facial hair, no, no no no no no no never. - I'm gonna guess that you're African-American. - Nobody says black anymore. - I'll say black if that is preferable. - It is to me. - Okay. I think you are black. - He sounds like he's wearing Vans. I feel like he has like a fade. Or no, maybe even dreads, and that's my final decision. - Thank you. - Thank you. - It was nice meeting you. - Oh I'm gonna see everybody too afterwards, right? - Hi there. - [Woman Guessing] Hi. - How are you? - Good, how are you? - [Woman With Tiny Voice] I'm good. Are you nervous? - Is this really how you talk, for real? - For real. - Okay I just didn't know if that-- (laughs) - Are you okay? - [Woman With Tiny Voice] I'm okay. - Your voice, you have a worried voice. - I'm not worried. - [Man] You're not worried? - I can do this. - [Man] Okay. - Could you sing a song for me? ♪ I know a little song ♪ ♪ It ain't very long ♪ ♪ Toodle dum toodle dum now it's all gone ♪ - Is this the person's real voice? - You're walking on thin ice now. (laughing) - I don't know. This person, he sounds like a character. Are you a male or a female? Say, "Suck my dick." (gasps) - Why would I say that? - Definitely a female, 'cause a male would have said it. (laughing) - Well, suck my dick! (laughing) - Oh! you guys got me! Alright, I would say a woman. (gasps) (laughing) - Oh, shit. - 21 years old, she's a college student. What is your major in college? - Drinking. - [Woman Guessing] Drinking? - Yeah. - You are in your 60's or 70's. - You know them old lady curls? Like she had rollers in her hair this morning. - What you talking' about? - Definitely white, like frail and skinny. - Good luck with your college life. - Thank you very much. - [Woman Guessing] Drinking. - Yes. - Bye college student! - Goodbye! - Alright see you. - Hi. - [Woman Guessing] Hello. - How are you doing today? - I love your voice. I want to see your face. - [French Man] But you can't right now. - No. - [French Man] Sorry. - Can you do "Hey Diddle Diddle"? - "Hey Diddle Diddle"? - Yeah it's a nursery rhyme. Okay how about "Mary Had A Little Lamb"? - Mary had a what? - Lamb. - [French Man] Lamb? - Like a baby sheep. Okay so clearly nursery rhymes are not your thing. - Are you wearing Old Spice? - Uh, yes. Why do you think though? - I'm sorry? - Oh you smell it, right? - What did you say? - Did you smell it? - Oh he's definitely Latino cause he can barely speak English. - Could you say something nice to me? Whisper for me? - You look beautiful. - Melting. - How was your morning? - I'll be tired today. - Oh wait, you. Wait, say tired again. - Tired. - He might be Asian. - I think you're Cambodian. - You sound like you're Asian. You have an accent. - Tall and medium body, exactly my type. - [French Man] Thank you. - But, however, I think you are gay. - Wait, why do you think I'm gay? - Because most of the nice looking guys, they are gay. I don't know why. - Whoa! (laughs) - Thank you. (giggling) - [Woman] Hello. - Oh shit. Hello. - How was your morning so far? - I woke up and came here, basically. - Came here. Do you like Outback? - Outback Steak House? - Yep she's definitely Australia. - Where do you think I'm from? - Greek or Italy. - Do you think I have an accent? - No, mm-mm. - No accent. - Light skin, light hair, Australian woman. - I think you are female, I think you're white. When I think Australian, I just think blonde, so I'm guessing blonde. - About 19 years old, you still live with your parents. - Do I sound smart? - Uh the way you said smart, yes. - Cool, thank you. - Smart. - Hey. - Hi, how's it going? - [College Girl] Good, how are you? - I am just great, thank you. - [College Girl] Perfect. Here smell me then. - You smell like vanilla. - Yeah I've got it. - Oh you smells good. - Thank you! It's Black Opium. - [Woman Guessing] Oh. - Which is, it's from Sephora. - Your voice and attitude is perfect for the salesperson. - [College Girl] If you wear vanilla, usually guys like that. Listen listen listen! - Oh no, uh-uh your voice is annoying. - Oh my god. - Listen listen listen listen, oh my god! (laughing) This is the white chick. She's definitely from The Valley. - Do you like to dance? - All the time. Always at the club I'm the first to dance. I get up on tables. - Okay, slight exhibitionist. - Definitely wanna party with me. But you said I was annoying. - No, I do not. - Why? - 'Cause you're annoying. It's very high pitched. - No it's not! - No it's not! - Sometimes when I get really excited, I just keep talking and going on and on. I had a little headache but then they had a bunch of drugs here so then I just took a bunch of-- - Can you slow down? - Sometimes my boyfriend really doesn't like it coz out of the two of us, I talk the most. - Do you talk like this all the time? - Excuse me, yeah! - Oh I mean, I was just wondering. You sound like... - I'm obviously nice. - Yeah for sure, um. - You are white and I think that you like to show off your body. - Booty shorts, definitely stops at Starbucks at least twice a day. - You are in a sorority and you sound pretty white. - Snookie. Snookie, perfect example. Bye. - Bye. - Oh she's wearing wedges. - [College Girl] Yes, obviously. - What up? - What's up? - [Man With Deep Voice] What's going on man? - How you doing? - Good I like your threes you got on. I like your dress. - Oh, thank you so much. - Can you do your best bro accent for me? - [Man With Deep Voice] What up bro? - Oh gosh that's so low. - I think you are African American male. Like Lionel Richie. (laughing) - You live with your parents? - Why do you think I live with my parents? - Coz off the rip you just sound like a white kid who probably lives with his parents. - You could be a buff guy. - I could also be super skinny. - You could be like super skinny. He's Asian, he's black, he's white, he's Islander. He could be mixed. - I'm seeing like a little scruff, I'm seeing that you're tall. White. I bet you have like, kinda long bangs. - Bangs? - No you know like the skater swoosh? - Oh okay. - Swooshy. - How old do you think I am? - Oh 48. Divorced one time. (laughter) Two children. - Two kids? - [Woman Guessing] U-huh. - Wow, I'm a dad! Alright. - Okay. - Bye bye. - Bye. - Hi. - Do you think you have a unique voice? - No, do you think you have a unique voice? - No I think you have a unique voice though. - Have you ever been pulled over by the police? - Indeed I have. - Where you just kind of minding your own business and pulled over or-- - [Woman] So I thought. - Okay, okay. - Do I have an attractive voice? - Yes you do. - Oh, would you pay to hear me talk on the phone? - Whoa! (laughing) - Can you please say "I wish a motherfucker would."? - I wish a motherfucker would. (laughing) - She's so white. - I'm guessing you're African American and I think you're probably attractive. - I think you are the type of person who likes to spend time watching the NASCAR on Sunday afternoon. A little bit chubby and short. She is doing like a labor work. - You know who you remind? Okay, the Long Island medium, that's who I think that you probably look like. Bye. - Bye it was very nice meeting you. - Is it okay? - Very interesting. I think I got the Asian guy right. And Snookie. - I am, I am indeed. - Awesome, okay I obviously got some things wrong. Were you the Australian in the yellow sweater? - Uh, black woman. - [Woman Guessing] Oh! - Are you from the east coast? Yeah, you could hear it. - When you went Long Island medium I was like, oh. - Maybe? Yeah, yeah? - I'm the Australian. - Oh high five, alright. - Five. Most people are very surprised to meet an Asian Australian which was weird to me coz in Australia, we have a lot of Asian Australians. - The white guy with the deep voice? I'm thinking it's you. - It is me. - [Woman Guessing] It's you? Okay I was right. - But I'm not white. - That is true, you are not. But you definitely have the like, casual skater thing going. You even have the skater hair so I got that right. - Where are you from? - From Oahu, born and raised. You thought I looked like Lionel Richie. - Who was the frail voice? - Me. - I was like, it's the pedophile from Family Guy. - Want some ice cream? - I'm 21 years old. (laughing) - You get the Family Guy a lot? Do people say you sound like that? - No, not never but they say things about my voice but I haven't got that one. - The one that I thought was Cambodian, I'm actually guessing is you and you are not Cambodian. - Say something. - First he said I was Latino. - Okay, so where are you from? - Whoa! - Oui. - (gasps) Melting! - Uh, not really. - Really? I feel like you would get treated a little bit better coz they're like, "Oh, he's just not a regular black American." (laughing) - So who has black man no facial hair? - That was me. - Oh that was you? (laughing) - I felt you were definitely a black man with dreads. How did you feel being known as a black man? - I mean, it's not the first time I've heard that, obviously. You know, white rapper. - See, has it ever affected your job? - I've never been victimized by discrimination because my voice sounds black but that's probably because interviews are done in person. - Did I tell you that you were working at the Sephora? Oh, okay. - Yeah. That was me. I do computer programming. Keep getting called white. I think that's like farthest from-- Well, I mean maybe, I don't know. - I got the short shorts right! - You did get the short shorts right! - And the wedges. I think I technically got her right. - Yeah. - I said she's very Snookie. (dramatic music) What do you think of my voice? - Are you gay? - Yeah. - I could tell. - Oh, you could tell. I can tell, I can tell! Asian man can tell! It was nice meeting you guys. - You got it all. (laughing) - Long Island, like, oh shit!
Channel: Cut
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Keywords: PLJic7bfGlo3qJcIXUJteaUm_3-3tgQSXw, PLJic7bfGlo3o2Qx3ojItphuzJ5_dyVPHS, lineup, line up, People Guess, guessing games, Cut, Watch Cut, people, people videos, storytelling, relationships, Dating, Interviews, Firsts, couples, exes, love, Kids Try, games, challenges, Ethnic groups, People Interviews, Dares, Truth or Dare, 100 ways, blind dates, 100 people, experiments, #tbt, Truth or Drink, HiHo Kids, Hiho, kids, kids videos, 100 YOB, 100 Years of Beauty, Fear Pong, Voice, Person
Id: EE3x1uS781s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 17 2018
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