Ranged Hunter Gnomeregan Parse Guide | Season of Discovery | Jeiku Living Flame NA

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in phase two rang Hunter has continued to place at the bottom of the DPS rankings that are put out by wad but honestly that doesn't mean we can't do good DPS I got bored of melee Hunter I swap back to Range Hunter and I have no regrets I've been having a blast and I've got strong parses across the board so let's jump in and talk about how you can maximize your DPS as a ranged Hunter okay so going through the talents it's just a full-on 31 points into Marksmanship you want to start with five points in efficiency go down to Five Points in Lethal shots Five Points in improved Hunters Mark we'll pick up aim shot which we'll use on some fights and we'll open with as many fights as we can um then you want to get Five Points in Mortal shot you will need to grab one point in serpent sing that's kind of a filler here three points in barrage Five Points in range weapon specialization and then our final Point goes into TR shot Aura which we'll want to maintain running through the runes typically you're going to be required to use heart of the lion um unless you have a nether hunter in your group running heart of the lion you will be running it Lone Wolf is good especially once you have better gear and especially if you're playing spell power Hunter again we'll talk about that more later um but heart of the line is generally what you'll be playing exposed weakness by far the best Rune they just gave a buff to steady shot it's still garbage it still Clips with our attacks do not use it exposed weakness is just much better um sniper s training will be what you want to use for your leg Rune um again sniper training is something that has a 6C activation time so you're getting zero value out of this if you're moving on some fights there's no options whatsoever about to move but always try to position yourself so that you're getting the most uptime when we go into each boss fight I'll try to give you guys some tips and tricks on that um trap launcher is our only real valuable foot Rune this little homies coming to talk to me and um then we'll be using Chimera shot for for the most part we'll be using Chimera shot uh in these fights because that's where that's our bread and butter that's most of the DPS we're going to be getting from these fights by far are biggest damage to other than Auto shot an explosive shot you can use during trash or managerie depending on the strategy your guild runs so when it comes to gear and Stat priority as a ranged Hunter we want to get as close to 6% hit rating as we can and then we just want lots of agility agility is the number one stat we're looking for I'm not going to run through my entire gear list here I mean you can look at it here on the screen if you want to replicate what I have I'm not exactly full bis I'm missing the shoulders and trinket you can check websites like zifi to check the b list there and and and go with that as a reference point so while I'm not going to run through all of my gear I will take a moment to go over a few things um you want to always dual wield do not use a two-hand weapon because when you dual wield you can get dismantle on two weapons this is such a good enchantment for nagan um and you're going to double your chance for proing by dual wielding rather than using a two-and sword for example so Sentinel blade plus Fisher sword are Arbys as ranged and um this is just like Warson Gul Loop really really important that you do a wield uh secondly um we can talk a little bit about professions leather working is very good um you get glowing neurolink cowl as well as the void touch leather gloves I will actually swap the void touch leather gloves with machinist gloves depending on if I'm fighting a Mech boss and depending on if the cool down which is a 10-minute cool down is not yet available for the boss fight so those are my two gloves of choice both very good for the other profession um well let's let's talk about consumes as a whole so we want to be using Elixir agility we set agility as our number one stat and we use elixir of agility but we can also use lesser Arcane Elixir because many of our abilities Arcane shot Chimera shot and serpent sting actually do Scale based off spell power so spell power has a real place as a ranged Hunter and this will help your DPS you then add more spell power again this is another benefit of dual wield with lesser wizard oils we're putting this on both weapons giving us a total of 32 more spell power buffing us even further food options it's really just Sage fish delight Mana retention a good thing we get 6 MP5 for this so that's really good and then we use Scroll of agility and scroll of strength rank two on our pet do not cast this on yourself use this on your pet to buff your pet stats get more DPS out of your pet if you're running loen wolf it's irrelevant obviously but still good to know um then we have just kind of our raid consumes that we use for certain boss fights the nature protection potion and the free action potion are both useful in certain SC iOS so grab those and last but not least we have the mildly irradiated Rejuvenation potion this is why I suggest you use alchemy as your second profession because it's a soulbound potion you cannot trade these you cannot sell these um they restore mana and they're actually on a different potion cool down than a normal Mana potion so it's a second Mana potion and they increase your attack power as well as your ranged attack power by 40 and then they give you 30 5 spell power for 20 seconds so with our leather working items and our mildly IR radiated Rejuvenation potion we actually get a macro you can look at the macro here I'll include it in the description of the video but this is going to be something that we open every fight with right before we cast serpent sting it is important to make sure that you use this macro before you apply serpent sting because serpent sting snapshots meaning that it's going to capture your current spell power when it applies the poison and then you'll retain that with Chimera shot throughout the fight so you want to have that maximum spell power when you're casting serpent S as far as pets go I firmly believe you can either use a cat or a wind serpent I think both pets can work great here um the first two bosses with the lower armor cat is going to be the better DPS option and then the other bosses um wind serpent can be superior if you have a boomkin with with dream state that's a 20% nature damage buff that helps you out that helps out wind serpant because their lightning breath is a nature spell damage ability but I've got 99s on almost every fight using a cat I think it's totally viable um so you know you do you I think both bets are fine okay let's shift gears and talk about the actual boss fights within ner so for grebus there's waves of mobs that spawn but these don't actually count towards our parts um the number one thing is to make sure you don't blow too much Mana killing them so leave Viper on do whatever you want just kill them slowly they're not hard it's just an obligation to kill each and every pack the first tunnel has a total of three packs once you kill them a second tunnel opens you'll have three more packs and after the second pack dies I actually like to position in the hallway because my group we like to tank the boss in the hallway to improve our parse the fast you kill it the better your parse so I move up right where grebus spawns I like to drop my trap here make my pet stay stay here and then be ready for this I actually use explosive trap in this situation just because there is the second spawn of the Basilisk and I don't want that to go on the Basilisk so I just do that as a safety net make sure you turn on aspect of the hawk you want to get Hunters Mark in immediately start your auto attacks use the macro we created and then cast serpent sting follow up with emulation trap which should be off cool down now just make sure you get it on grebus and not the Basilisk from here your priority becomes Chimera shot follow by multi-shot followed by aim shot and lastly maintaining the emulation or explosive trap cool down I actually use explosive here for this next one as I was worried about the Basilisk being on top of grevis as long as your tank doesn't lose threat uh and you never have to move you can maintain that sniper training before you know you might have a top damage parse in your group for viscus Fallout this is actually the first time my my group ever fought him in this location which is kind of suboptimal because there is a break of line of sight in that pillar right there um but you always want to make sure you drop an emulation trap and a frost trap early get your Hunter's Mark pre-applied and try to cast aim shot exactly 3 seconds before he spawns you can see I'm a little bit late with it but it doesn't matter too much as it does a lot of damage here we've got the ulation applied we've got the Trap and we're waiting for the enemies to spawn the ads are going to spawn here we're going to cast multi-shot and explosive trap immediately and we're going to keep all of our damage on viscus keep rolling with your normal rotation of chimera multi-shot and aim shot as again this is another low armor Target so we want to use aim shot and before you know it he'll be dead in hopefully close to 35 seconds the way my group was same ideas apply here for crowd pummeler with emulation trap out early Hunter's Mark pre-applied 3 seconds I'm already standing still with sniper training pet get sent in and I cast that aim shot again with that 3 second window from there you're just using your your macro um dumping in serpent sting followed by your normal rotation and then maintaining emulation trap uh the one thing with CW pom is he does move around a bit and you'll see I just missed my emulation trap right he stepped backwards I threw it right where he was he moved at that moment and I got screwed also I just got targeted by that ability had to step out of the way lost sniper training now it's reactive so I did lose 6 seconds of up time on sniper training um and I did lose emulation trap still my numbers are great right we're pumping we're number two on DPS right now the warlocks are insane I mean I'm never going to catch up to him on Mech bosses because mechs have such higher armor compared to the first two fights but honestly considering that rang Hunters are considered like bad right now I don't feel bad I'm applying true shot AA to my melee group I have heart of the lion on and I'm pumping um not really anything noteworthy to point out for Electro it's more of of the same have your trap where the tank goes open up with aim shot and roll into your rotation uh this is a fight where you will get knocked back more often than less but hopefully your group does a strategy where you don't have to personally move a lot obviously this tether might pull you in that sucks there's different locations where you can take this boss a lot of guilds a lot of groups do choose to you know tank him in different spots um some strategies will allow you to actually get knocked back into a wall rather than get knocked back further like this this so um that's something that I'm going to mess around with in our next run we've changed it up a few times here with Electro but um yeah do your best to stand still as much as you can keep your your dots rolling and uh just pum so managerie is the one fight where I don't have a 99 and where I change my room um I use explosive shot here and I use serpent spread because this is a fight where I find I'm not going to get any value out of sniper training cuz I'm moving so frequently and there's often situations where enemies are clumped where explosive shot can get more value there is a different strategy where you actually tank all four mobs stacked for for the first 20 seconds our mildly IR radiated Rejuvenation potion lasts for exactly 20 seconds so I'm eager for my group to actually give this a shot because because you just nuke everything down with AOE when you have a fire Mage and an AOE Hunter and warlock um I feel like that this will work out well and I'm looking forward to doing that um and you know honestly if if you're not doing that strategy it may just be better to use Chimera shot either way I've used both Chimera and explosive shot here with similar results um with this current just standard strategy of tanking three in a circle and having uh the Sheep off on its own with range nuking it um but I I do think that I have to move too often here so I will probably always use serpent spread last but not least we have mecher thermop plug where all the same rules apply to this fight where you want to pre-ra you want to get the hunters mark on immediately pop your macro and go nuts but since it's a bit of a longer fight you can actually use your macro multiple times or at least your mildly irradiated potion um which is just queued in on that macro so you can use it a few times um Chimera shot always going to be your pryo and do your best to keep that sniper training up um sometimes if you're in a situation where you have to click the bombs which will happen um I've definitely had to do that many a times myself you will have a harder time keeping sniper training up I think I've almost trained myself to not be a turret on this fight because I'm so used to moving around um and that's fine you can still put out great numbers while just maintaining that DPS the first form he does move around a lot more here the next two fights aren't as bad the one thing I will say on this fight though is as soon as he's phasing into the next form swap aspect of the Viper regain as much Mana as you can yes you can click to regain Mana but there's no reason to not be regenerating as much as possible with aspect of the Viper pre- trap this next form before it comes out every time and then roll into your DPS get that sniper training up get your pet in and go for it mildy IR radiation potion has 30 seconds left at this point so um I'll be using that two times probably in this fight and yeah keep your dots up keep your damage rolling and pray for big loot so a bit earlier in this video I mentioned spell power Marksman Hunter as a different build and this is something that um has been has been theorycrafted and tested a few times um shout outs to raxa on the hunter Discord for for putting this together but uh basically this is a variant of Hunter where you're putting less emphasis on the physical DPS and more emphasis on the spell power as a as a marksman Hunter um because of the super severely highly armored Mech bosses in noan um this is something that that otherwise I don't think we would even be toying with but um spell power is going to yield less mitigation from high armor bosses therefore this works out well so um the the only real differences you'll see in this build are just the fact that we don't have shot we're putting no points in the into improved Hunter Mark which again is just ranged attack power bonus um and we're putting Five Points into Arcane shot reducing the cool down by 1 second so we're casting Arcane shot more often and we're putting two points into serpent sting um it's not a huge change but this also means that you want to be getting some spell power gear but that doesn't mean you want full spell power gear because High agility is is still going to be more Val than a lot of the spell power gear we can get um so it's about finding that right balance I'm not going to run through the entire build right now I encourage you to check out the ranged Hunter section on Discord Rax has done a lot of research there he's put together a lot of good notes um but ultimately it's basically like if you have an item that has nine agility and you have an item that has nine spell power then you're better off with the agility but if you can get you know a 12 spell power dagger or or higher then that's going to be better than a 8 or9 agility dagger um but for me I've got a billion Casters in my group I feel like we're we're super Caster heavy I've yet to get a piece of nagan loot um so that hasn't really been something I can consider too much I did run it uh for one ner group where we had a second Hunter who grabbed things like improved Hunter Mark um um and true shot for me and I just put all my points into improved serpent sting and improved Arcane shot uh I I think I had three pieces of spell power gear but I was able to swap to Lone Wolf um and I was able to use all the spell power uh items and Buffs and see how it went it did go really well by DPS was was phenomenal um and that's with only a little bit of spell power gear but again this is more situational you need to be able to run Lone Wolf for this to ever be considered or ever be remotely viable this has been a bit longer um than most of my YouTube videos but hopefully somebody finds it to be helpful for their nuran runs no Moran no Mor again I can never settle on one um Range Hunter obviously you know on all those rankings we're we're we're near the bottom but um I still think we can do great things get those Buffs get those consumed swap to Alchemy it's going to help your damage till next time GG's hit that subscribe button we'll see you later
Channel: Solid Jake
Views: 15,171
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Keywords: world of warcraft classic, wow classic, season of discovery, sod guides, sod gold farm, hunter guides, hunter gold farm, season of discovery guides, season of discovery gold farm, classic wow guides, Ranged hunter guide phase 2, gnomeregan ranged hunter guide, ranged hunter parse guide, ranged hunter parse guide phase 2, gnomeregan parse guide, MM Hunter parse guide, sp hunter guide, mm sp hunter, sod mm hunter guide, Sod mm hunter build, Sod mm hunter phase 2
Id: IHFxt7Mvq0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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