Sunken Temple I Hunter DPS Guide for Season of Discovery Phase 3

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welcome to the only Hunter DPS guide you'll ever need and learn how to parse 99 in sunken Temple this detailed guide will be organized in several parts we will first go over the different specs and runes explaining the strengths and weaknesses of each then talk about what gear you want to be looking for and what professions you need to level up part three will be about what consumes you absolutely want to bring to raid and of course the famous World Buffs part four is raid optimization what class Buffs and debuffs you need to perform as good as you possibly can part five will be about our very complex rotation and finally we'll go over every boss in the raid to see what to do for the runes it's either melee runes or ranged runes as a melee you'll always want melee specialist dual wield specialization and flanking strike and BM and you will also want the new runes from phase 3 raptor Fury and catlike reflexes and depending on if you're playing with a pet or not you'll switch Lone Wolf and aspect of the lion as range you'll want expose weakness sniper training Chimera shot and trap launcher and the new phase three ranged runes Lock and Load and focus fire though if you're playing without a pet you would then take TNT and Lone Wolf instead of aspect of the lion for your talents you have four choices melee Beast Mastery melee survival Lone Wolf range Marksman or melee Marksman let's start with Beast Mastery this spec will be the best in the early weeks of the phase because it doesn't scale as well with gear as the other specs this will probably for most people be the spec you'll want to play for most of the phase it's strong reliable and easy to play all you need to do is make sure you have either the wind serpent for sunken Temple for the max rank lighting breath or a cat with Max rank bite and Claw then we have survival Lone Wolf which is in my opinion going to be the best spec once we are fully best in slot simply because as you get more gear you will scale much better compared to your pet you will also then have 30% increased damage stacked with your world Buffs also this means you can have good AOE damage on track without need to change spec just switch to ranged runes and explos shot you'll be competing with Mage damage obviously this becomes way better if your guild does bigger pulls especially for speedruns then we have ranged Marksman uh it's in a much better place than it was last phase it still doesn't compete with melee BM in survival but it does bring true shot Ora uh which is basically just as important as wind Fury at least for hunters it is you also want a cat with fast attack speed so ideally you'll want to get broken to which pairs perfectly with the new Rune um focus fire and we have melee Marksman that can potentially be better than ranged Marksman it would be the same gear and runes than Deep Survival but it's still to be tested so don't take my word for this spec for gear you'll pretty much want the same for both specs except for the weapons of course your preus consists mainly of ner gear but if you leveled a fresh tune farming the emerald set is great as well so what you want to farm is the wild offerings for your trinket and ring your Hunter trinket devilsaur eye which is clearly broken as it gives 150 AP so the same as the Warriors Diamond flask also don't forget to farm STV blood moon event for your bow and crossbow now for bisgear the helmet is ranked seven PVP the neck weapons and the three set are from the raid the cloak and belt are either aathy rep or Boe but you've got several items you can choose from the other pieces like Rings Trinkets and bow are the same as the preis yeah so they were basically bits now as a hunter you have four professions you can choose from leather working enchanting engineer and Alchemist for Pure DPS the best combo would be Alchemist and enchanting because you would get an extra 95 attack power 50 from the enchant and 45 from the flask but leather working and engineer is still very good as well especially if you haven't gotten the exalted War song bracers so you'll be able to get the engineer bracers that are just as good and with leather working you can get these insane shoulders basically choose whatever profession you want just make sure you don't slack and have no profession now consumables and World buff for World Buffs you will need Dark Moon fair in either mulgore or elen Forest songflower in felwood and fervor of the temple Explorer which is the new sunken Temple World buff that drops in booty Bay and yojamba Isle now for consumables on Wow Sims you can very clearly see all the different consumes available and the DPS increase they each yield first of all you absolutely don't want to slack on Mongoose elixir of giants and Mojo of War as these are the biggest DPS increase you will get out of all consumes then in second priority you will want to buy Scrolls of agility and strength three for your pet and grilled squid for you now in third priority are consumes that will veryy so slightly increase your DPS and if you're tight on gold you'd be better of saving your gold to buy extra Mongoose or engineering consumes that will always be useful like sappers dynamites and dummies now for raidman maxing this is by far the most important part for DPS increase if you don't have every Buffs on you and all the armor reduction debuffs on the bosses you cannot even dream of doing a 99 parsey you want to make sure you have curs of wreck fairy fire and Rogue expose armor homunculus and Sunder armor works as well but aren't as powerful now for the Buffs as a melee Hunter you'll absolutely need true shot Aura for 150 AP meaning one Marksman hunter in your group one Shaman for wind Fury or feral with wild strikes uh is also a huge huge DPS increase and since you're in a melee group warrior with um improved battle shout which gives an extra 140 AP if you have a feral with leader of the pack that's an extra 3% crit let's not forget about might and Mark of the wild make sure your pet also gets buffed now let's go over your rotation as you can see I used Raptor strike flanking strike and Wing clip for 93% of my rotation the rest being either bestial wrath or my aspects your your rotation should be to prioritize Raptor strike then flanking strike and when you have nothing else you use Wing clip to try and get extra windy procs and a good habit when you don't know how long a fight will last is to use beastial wrath on pull so you can hopefully use it a second time later in the encounter and also use your Trinket in sync with beastial wrath since they are both two-minute cooldowns now for ranged Hunter it's a bit more complex you want to pre um traps in situations where you can to get extra lock and load procs also always have your serpent sting up for the extra damage on your Chimera shot make sure to prioritize imulation trap for the Lock and Load proc double Chimera shot multi-shot then Focus fire rinse and repeat good now let's go over the bosses first boss if you want a chance to get good parse you'll have to kill him in less than 28 seconds to avoid his knockback just use all cool Downs on him at the start and try to get knocked to a pillar close to the boss and make sure to have your tank do a dbm pull and don't you ever stop smashing your buttons make sure to never stop spamming Raptor strike and flanking strike yeah that boss is great because you get a huge uptime on your beastial wrath and trinket next up Rod slime before this boss make sure to pre-ot a nature potion and keep one extra in your bag just in case pretty straightforward as a melee you just want to keep hitting him and tab occasionally on the items on the side when you come next to them as you can see I basically twoot them uh but don't be too afraid of the boss if he does eat you it's not a big deal you don't take that much extra damage and you can still hit him without having to move uh keep an eye on your health and check if you're getting heals so it's at your own risk if you want to Greed and soak in the poison and so get ready to use your greater nature protection potion next up the trolls several things you want to keep an eye on first troll you don't even really care about the axes they don't do much damage also remember to be in the back of the mobs as much as possible to avoid parries if you want to make yourself useful instead of being a selfish DPS you can also Fain death and frost trap to CC or slow the ads when they come back Loro you want to look out for his demo shout it is kickable but if you know no one will kick it in your guild just go to the side and go back in also one thing I forgot to mention if you're playing with a pet is to have two macros one for pet attack and another for pet passive this will allow to have full control of your pet without needing to Mouse click for your pet to attack yeah SOLO is quite dangerous his lighting chain can one shot so again if you see you're being targeted just Fain death here I almost die by by hitting the boss before my tank so don't do that for zul just don't stand in his corrupted slam as it will stun you for two seconds oh and by the way if you've watched the video till here might as well subscribe the main thing you want to look out for is the Thorns from Mi John it can be purged or dispelled off him but don't kill yourself either of course if your guild has a slower kill time you will have to help to kill ads and use Frost traps you can also Wing clip the undead to keep them slowed for this boss you have one job to not fall in the hole like guzu did you can also preot a nature protection potion for this boss when the boss runs away to do his delayed Wing ability you can run towards him with cheetah but make sure to be as much as possible on the side of him also the damage from his delayed Wing won't Daz you while in cheetah getting to the boss as fast as possible after each delayed Wing is key to getting good parses on this boss I'd maybe argue that using a swiftness potion would actually be a DPS increase by the way this is the gear I had when doing this raid I'm a huge Griefer by not having the devil swur trinket I know I just forgot about it I will share a weara in the description which will basically tell you what buttons to press I don't use it but I should you first want to start focusing Jamal once he dies you enter phase two where you will then Focus oom you can also preot a shadow protection potion all you want to do is Dodge the big holy zones on the floor but if your tank is moving like he should you won't need to think about it just keep an eye on your health to see if it's dropping uh if so you're probably on a AOE it's pretty much just sugs he sometimes does a fear that you can simply outrange so if you see him cast a fear just step out and then back in and you should be good this hammers of Jew you want to have someone kick it otherwise well yeah everyone gets stunned 4 second stun isn't really great for parsing Haus is a cool boss especially in a pars run because you can cheese the fight but first just make sure to be on his side because he tail swipes you want to kill those Elemental fires if your guild has enough damage you can all avoid getting the fire debuff meaning you'll be sent to the nightmare realm once in Nightmare realm you can nuke the boss we in there he will take 100% extra damage and that's where you want to use your burst cooldowns at the time we didn't think of that trick so sadly we didn't do it here you'll see some big chunky numbers oranus after the Nerf is probably the easiest boss in the raid just slap him to death and focus the lumbering dream Walkers when the boss is immune to damage use your burst cooldowns at the start and you might get them back before the boss dies try and switch as fast as you can on the ads to not lose DPS if your raid has a hard time killing the ads do make sure to help them for some extra damage you can Fain death and use explosive trap but make sure to have your pet in passive a split second before you Fain death or you won't get out of combat just nuke boss towards the end for hakar if you get the blood you're probably not getting good parses here pretty simple boss if you get the blood simply go out of the raid and 10 yards behind the tank wait for HW car to drain blood before going back with the melee we didn't know the Strat on this boss and we wiped so that's why we don't have World Buffs for this boss in the end don't bother going out just nuke boss well that's it folks uh I hope this has helped you in better understanding Hunter for this phase uh I'm sure some stuff are going to change in the weeks to come but uh until then yet this should help most of you to perform better in your guilds and climb the DPS meter I've got plenty of new guides and interesting videos coming up so don't forget to please remember to subscribe and like the video If you find this helpful and see you soon I hope farewell and goodbye
Channel: Mcshen
Views: 17,100
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Id: oh4DDk1Olg0
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Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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