Random Printer Build- Its a JGmaker A5S Printin N Chillin

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[Music] [Music] now [Music] now [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] hello hello hello it is saturday night i feel awesome i am off work for the next week it is vacation time my friends how do you do and also i have a nice nice frosty beverage the only good thing on the timmy's menu in my opinion because honestly if you are a true canadian you do know tim hortons sucks but they make a good ice cap how you all doing no for on stuff tonight no voron stuff tonight i've got tons of more on stuff but toasty boy is done i got to put the front door on figure out if i'm going to put a screen on it but toasty boy's done it's done it's done we're past that we're done we're on a bigger things not necessarily better i have a box what's in the box i don't know for sure but before that before that before that we're gonna have a little project last week's stream with the toasty boy we printed that little fighter jet my son loved that fighter jet okay it's it's his now it's gone it's in his toy box it's his toy now and i was gonna print some more of those so i went on our sponsors website thanks and i want to go print another one of these however right next to the fire jet is this little project here i'm not logged in right now but anyways this little project here this is fresh off the print bed enjoy the uh probably blown out colors this is a pull copter if you want to build one of these you can go to the link below and print one of these off this is like a 40 minute print on my v2 so we're going to start off the stream with this little itty bitty project because why not because i need to make more of these because my son loves these things it's a spinny thing yes so print it off some little m2 self tap and screws a smaller allen key and put it together so tonight's stream is going to be a nice little relaxing stream um we are going to build a printer now i'm not 100 sure what printer it is it is a jg maker uh jg aurora gg maker is the name of the company um several months back when i was roughly about the point i actually hit about 5000 subscribers i got like five emails from different printer companies saying hey if we send you a printer will you do something with it and i'm like you know what i do a weekly stream i need content sure send me your printer i will not review it but i will build it on stream and whatever happens happens so if you send me something that's uh not great we will have some fun with it well one of those printers showed up uh when's the next voron build i will be touching on that in a second let me get this built so this is called a pull copter we got this little itty bitty ring now that i've made you take the key that goes through there we take our little blades that goes on the key put it on your ring finger or any finger there's multiple different sizes for this and uh i didn't pull it fast enough ah i ruined it i ruined the dramatic show okay a little bit more power no help if i had it the right way there's an up and down to these damn it i've actually got a bunch of these printed out upstairs because my son is loving these because he's three and he just chases these ah either way there's a video on my twitter of me sending one of these flying this one doesn't want to fly quite too well they don't fly too well the ones i printed earlier do anyways bolt copter the one i printed earlier flies great this one i printed a little too hot anyways anyway go print one of these off it's a fun little toy if you're built a boron you have m2 self tappers go make one it's summer out go print one off go outside in your backyard and send it flying it's nice out so what's in the box i'm not quite sure it's a jg maker we are going to build it we're going to print with it now there's a few different models of jg maker um i'm hoping it's the artiste however i went back and checked my emails it's not an artisty i wish um so we might be a little disappointed but you won't be disappointed with the pull copter from thanks so make sure you check them out in the link in the description below they are sponsoring the show tonight so go download this thing print it off have some fun give it a like because things is awesome they help produce the content i create and they help support the things i do so i have opened it up simply for the fact to figure out to ensure that i wasn't opening something on stream that wasn't a 3d printer because you actually never know zoom out so all i know is it's a jg aurora although i think they're now called jg maker so i'm not sure which model this is [Applause] um [Music] so let's find out jg wentworth it's my money and i need it now so um it is a oh god blue tape we're gonna have a fun one tonight boys blue tape blue tape oh this is gonna be a fun one um documentation and by the way we will be going through this and i'm going to be pointing out everything that's wrong with it we're going to open it up before we even print it i'm going to check under the hood so this is going to be kind of like for those that like um that are subscribed to uh uncle [ __ ] ave um he has a series called bolter board of lane tool reviews where he like rips apart the tool um we're gonna do something like that i think because uh yeah and if things start getting a little fun i do have a bottle of wisers so unboxing 2d printers honestly 3d printers work better than 2d printers i've never had problems with 3d printers 2d printers are an absolute pain so in terms of my instructions it is a printer assembling take out machine parts in the package printer base frame filament holder toolbox let printer base pass through frame beware that's two separate words beware of the screen should be the same direction as the frame as shown as pick aim the point a to point to b point fix between the slot then use large screw and shim to install that is my instructions to build this thing on the other side of the frame should install a filament holder using small screw then connect wires that is it that's my whole instructions okay um this is too big for my thing so i'm going to put it on the ground and pull parts out and we're gonna yeah see what we got here [Music] so it's um it's not a v wheel this is not a v wheel setup at least the uh the bed is not a v wheel [Music] it's got some good weight to it it does it's got weight so how big of a bed do we even have here because again um i'm not 100 sure what printer this is um so there's the front so what do we have here uh a magic no it's got a knob no this mine doesn't have a knob it's a okay so it looks like an a5s we have a jg maker a5s i will put that link in the description um yeah i don't think it's the artist oh that would have been cool if it was the artist that would have been cool because uh i don't have an idex machine but uh unfortunately i don't think i have the youtube cred to pull in uh um an idex machine so we'll see oh and i did miss sorry i kilo cubit i completely miss i'm sorry about that but thank you uh fifty dollars awesome you are awesome uh for all the ethanol you will need after last week last week was fine audio's fine how's audio guys is is audio good audio should be good sound mind tv i have two of these a5s okay so it it is a printer um let me get the music going nobody's i'm not getting f's in chat so audio should be good i i got the uh i'm using the road i got the road hooked up i think i figured out the road and uh i do have a lapel mic so i think we're okay so uh is this a used unit i don't know because i know uh what's it uh chris's basement got a used one i think but i don't know this is a little scuff the fact it's got blue tape but it could just have blue tape um what's under the hood here so this is all metal uh already a build video something like that about the mini afterburner for the boron zero so um yes i gotta mention that for the voron zero um this week is gonna be a crazy busy week so i'm gonna go run through the schedule for this week right now um i have this week off work okay yes the youtube is not my job i have a job job um but i don't have a job job this week because i'm on vacation so um uh if things go well i have today's stream and there should be [Music] up to three streams in the next week okay that's just uh a screen there's just a screen in there i want to take a look inside here but there's a lot to take apart on this so i'm gonna skip that for now um i could see jg aurora on the board but i can't see what kind of controller it is so there might be up to potentially three streams this week uh the plan is my v 0.1 kit is on the way it's uh it should be according to ups here monday when it shows up i will be doing an unboxing overview of the kit stream either monday or tuesday whenever it shows up and then i'm also going to be doing a along with opening up the kit going through everything showing everything off and talking about the kit itself i will be doing a prep stream because i'm going to be prepping some components of it because on friday this friday coming up i'm going to wake up at whatever time i wake up and i think about 10 a.m eastern i am going to go live and i'm going to stream all day because i'm going to try and build a v0.1 as much as i can in a day it is an ldo kit [Music] how the heck am i supposed to get this out yes it is an ldo kit so i will be doing a full or i don't know it's not gonna be a 24 hour stream how the heck do i get this out [Music] got a piece of foam jammed under the bed here um so i don't know i i'm gonna start streaming at 10 a.m and we're just gonna keep going and build and build and see how far we can get so when the kit shows up there will be a prep stream i'm going to prep certain components i will be getting like heat set inserts installed um i may even put like rails on the extrusions i'm going to try and knock off all the busy work uh install the firmware uh before the stream so that way i could do a full build stream that's not bad um in a day so friday 10 a.m eastern if the kit shows up the kit has to show up if the kit doesn't show up um obviously i'm not going to be streaming but it should be here monday i got a carburetor bed why do i have tape on this then that's annoying so yep that will be going on friday and then on top of that um one day between now and the friday i will be doing a members stream on uh it will be early afternoon my time so like noon 1am or 1pm something like that and uh that will be open to anyone who's a patreon member or a member of the channel a youtube member um i'm not going to do anything that i would deem my normal content so it's not going to be an instructional or anything um what we may do is i i gotta redo the uh input shaper tune and pressure advance on toasty but it's gonna be like an ama slash qa slash whatever happens happens for like an hour to stream so a kit i have nothing against kits the problem is there's no kits that i would put my name on because i don't have or the voron team doesn't have control of any of these kits wow this is a pain i'm gonna skip peeling all this tape off now um the voron team has no control over the kits right we have no input on them we you know if a vendor starts selling really crappy stuff we can't do anything about it so we won't put our name on a kit but if somebody comes out with a kit for a good price it's a kit for a good price and it has all the stuff so the formbot kit good price parts are a little they're getting better but for a lot of people it's actually um almost like several hundred dollars cheaper than they can buy in country and once you factor in shipping and everything wow this is a big printer once you factor in shipping and everything um it's actually kind of worth it what's in the box what's in the box we have whatever this is power cord a sandisk memory card with a crappy adapter a really crappy adapter and it's already opened so i don't even know what's on here um hot end spare hot end wow that's a i don't even know what kind of hot end this is nozzle thread tube heater block wow okay that's an old hot end cable yeah usb cable extra gubbins yeah um oh glass speed thermistor wow glass speed thermistor okay this is an older printer that's for sure warranty card yeah we're gonna gonna need most of that i don't think wow yeah ptfe lined this is an old oh god oh god oh god please tell me this might be an interesting uh uh a5s okay so it's 300 by 300 by 300 so that's actually a pretty big printer um heated bed okay nozzle temp okay guys so just so you guys know the nozzle temperature is anywhere from 10 to 150 millimeters a second okay so if you wanna know how hot this can print it could print at 150 millimeters a second that's what temperatures it can do so can yeah um control panel so it's controlled by any uh 2.8 inch touchscreen uh software is cura yeah we're going to use um i'm going to throw a uh uh my pif profile at it because why not yeah and and it can run windows 7. so we're good there guys can run windows 7 i think i still have a burnt copy of it somewhere you know what i'm not seeing though silent steppers this thing is going to be playing the song of its people that's actually kind of cool so it's not v wheel it is not v wheel um it is a dual lead screw so we got dual lead screws um we have linear rails that ain't bad like in terms of the frame like the frame ain't bad okay good the hot ends installed so it comes with a spare hot end that's good i guess uh single uh 30 30 part fan cooling fan uh the the tool head itself is aluminum put clipper oh yeah this will put i'm not gonna install it today but um this probably will get clipperized at some point because that's how i roll wow they really jammed a lot of foam in here bring it down oh okay well hopefully i can bring it down later um so cardboard nope cardboard cardboard yay cardboard uh so yeah that is that and stop uh we got cable sleeving dftfe goes through this along with all the power cables and everything you know what it's actually don't seem too bad it's a bag of screws i'm gonna need screws this actually doesn't seem too bad honestly um i'm not a huge fan of sheet metal frames simply for the fact that they're they are proprietary like my monoprice select mini for those that don't know my very first printer was a monoprice select mini um the problem with a sheet metal frame is you are very limited if you want to start customizing stuff it's not like uh so that just kind of drops on there i guess um you you are very limited when it comes to oh hey i want to modify it well it's a sheet metal frame i can't just you know slap an external extruder on here right it's not like a v-slot or v-slot you can mount anything anywhere this you get what you get the modifier selected honestly i wish i tried to resurrect it my model price like then he died on me unfortunately um one of the y bearings seized up and it uh destroyed itself and i tried to like swap out the leads or the linear bearing and it was seized in the housing and the rods were all destroyed and i i just kind of ki washed it at that point so according to the why one line of instructions let the printer face pass through the frame beware of the screen should be the same direction as frame as shown in pick aim the a point to b point uh fix between the slot then use large screw with shim to install it i guess m3 is a large screw or is that from underneath oh from underneath okay i should have gone the other way let me go the other way [Music] does look like an i3 it's big like i personally i'm not a huge fan of bed big bed flingers i think like the size of the switch wire 250 millimeters is about personally as big as i would go with a bed flinger because i don't like a lot of moving mass i i like my my lower moving mass but sometimes it is what it is it's like people who buy cr10s i would never have a sarah i can't stand that size that is way too big of a bad flavor does it balance hey it balances so this was pre-assembled i've got wear marks on the uh the sheet steel where like the the the uh where it's i don't know it's not paint it's like the uh anodizing or whatever is worn off so this has been assembled before now i don't know if it's factory refurb or if it's just hey uh this is a demo unit and there's a youtuber we're going to send them like an old demo unit because why not yolo but hey i got a printer ah of course it uses like m4s hopefully not qc return honestly nothing wrong with the qc return if they fix it i buy a lot of amazon warehouse deals simply for the fact that uh you're saving quite a bit usually on just an open box so so far we've done four screws um little ones here i3 mega was a pretty good printer [Music] yeah everyone seems to be moving into the uh the v wheel aluminum extrusion though for printers like it's just so much easier to do your whole uh supply chain based around that because these are you know this is all sheet metal right so you need custom dies um everything is custom like you can't swap um components where if you look at like an ender all the different versions of the ender it's still an ender they're just swapping you know components around right so you know it's it's 20 20 it's 40 40. there my ender 3 v2 still has cuts in the extrusions from the original ender like original ender from like five years ago or whenever the original ender three came out i should have washers in the bottom oh well and by the way this don't use this video as like assembly guide or anything this is just you know us having fun with a printer off the shelf okay um plug-in stuff i guess that is what it is really not a lot of clearance under the bed there uh um mike uh 10 euro thank you man i appreciate it uh looking to get my first 3d printer uh would a voron switchblade switch wire not switchblade uh be a good one to start or should i get an ender three and learn the ropes building a machine seems a little a good learning experience the switch wire which is that guy right there is the simplest war on to build and legit it is not complicated um got a very good set of instructions with it the build itself there's really nothing funky with it uh price wise it will run you about roughly what it costs to buy a prusa maybe a little bit less and we're talking a kit not a not a fully assembled prusa so about what you would spend on a prusa kit is about how much a switch wire would cost you okay so um the cables plug into the side i've got styrofoam on my lead screws um a5s upgraded more stable that's hot it's upgraded it's more stable i i don't know what more stable means with previous versions not stable i don't know i could do double peel get that one that was bad honestly um black shiny plastic stop doing this guys just a fingerprint magnet stop doing it stop it stop it now i think i can give it power now according to my instructions on the other side of the frame should be filament holder oh filament holder [Music] and this is it in the box so i got my filament holder it goes here right there yeah okay filament holder goes there [Music] uh when multi material would be available to print for voron um my there is a tool head for the afterburner that has a built-in y-splitter that you can use my switch where i actually use that it's in the switch wire github i believe um and you can use like a a pallet but in terms of like um an mmu look up the enraged rabbit feeder i think it's called um enraged rabbit feeder yeah that is a basically it's that's a uh a prusa mmu type uh multi-material setup that you can build it uses basically stacked together voron m4 extruders as its uh base and uh there's that and then there are a few p mods that people are working on for tool changers but there's nothing official because multi-material is not something the voron design team is super interested in um in my opinion yes so don't buy a printer intending to convert it to a switchbar the switch wire is a standalone design yes it uses components um off-the-shelf components that are from a prusa mr3 like the bed well pretty much just the bed it is a full design on its own it's not a mod it is you build it on itself now some people have converted stuff like ender threes to it pretty much any the design can be easily adapted to use if you already have like an old ender 3 or cr10 or any other extrusion based printer you can use a lot of components in it but i wouldn't go and buy a printer specifically to convert it enraged rabbit carrot feeder there you go [Music] so should i plug the sketchy um sd card into my computer should i plug the sketchy sd card into my computer or should we just load up and create and print something using like a stock profile voltage switch voltage switch yes yes voltage switch where is the voltage switch okay power supply is underneath [Music] how do i get at the power supply power input 110 volt it's already set for 110 i think find out in a minute blade scraper thank you for coming remember okay well we'll give it power and see what happens there's a sticker on the back that fell off that said it is set for 110 volts and um me living in um north of freedom land i am in 110 land so we should be good so let me get my extension cord over here um it is powered off it is plugged in i'm hearing fans i got something on the screen it is on it is on might be some interesting technical porn on the sd card that is a possibility oh do i have a guest i have a guest oh hey calvin hey what's this got a 3d printer here push this button push the purple button oh okay can you push the purple button [Music] oh [Music] it's moving it's moving that is catching on there and that is really annoying there we go yeah don't touch don't touch is that cool watch you're gonna go click click is that cool okay you say hi hi say hi look at the screen hi is it bedtime development no it is bedtime is bedtime bedtime okay no no don't play with the mic say bye bye say good night good night gonna say good night okay [Music] here go to mama good night good night uh in a minute okay i still foam on the zen now we got the foam out i'm really not liking the way the cabling is um that just kind of hangs out in the open there yeah we got a 30 30 for hot end fan and another 30 30 blower so oh you hear that okay yes uh and he also got the fact that he has hair from his mom or a guide might be cursed with my hairline unfortunately okay um yeah let's see what's on the uh something is scratching yeah it's well it's that's another problem with these it's got like this bracket here but the bracket itself is uh just a cover so it's all uh linear rails so it's all lm8 you use so there's that sounds weird it's got a4988s it's yeah so apparently it has an auto level routine so let's power it off and get this blue tape off let's get this blue tape off this is this printer does not have abl it does not have a sensor or probe of any kind um it has a routine where you can push a button it will move to all four corners and you can manually adjust the level ah toggle oh yes okay oh here here here are you guys ready i i've i've come prepared oh careful okay i've come prepared i have doggo treats sit [Music] if i can get at the doggo treats i just dropped the knife on the ground sit sit shake off oh god boy speak speak speak speak speak speak okay here you go these actually smell good blueberry and peanut butter wheat corn and soy free what you're gonna eat it eat it seriously eat it you're just drooling all over my floor he's just sitting there like smelling it and drooling all over the floor clean up i got clump crumbs i got a vacuum [Music] yeah he's got floppy ears his name's coda it's actually my wife's dog because you were here before me real good boy he's a good boy and there is dogs roll all over the floor okay gonna go see mama he is a good boy he's a very good boy so this has a carborundum bed um which is relatively common with a lot of printers personally i'm not a huge fan of carborundum beds um i i'm firmly on the pei flex plate train um i am not a huge fan of these carborandum glass beds they're good for low-cost printers that have thin beds that have a tendency to warp and you need to manually level because it gives you a a more rigid surface to work with um but personally i am i am all aboard i'm all about that flexible pi sheets i'm dropping my clips where am i wearing shoes i am wearing my sandals inside normally i wear slippers because um there's printer room floor and there's stuff on the floor and you don't know pain until you step into it on top of a retraction uh test print and it pierces your foot because i've done that so in your printer room you should at least wear something on your feet oh david's here hi david everyone say hi david you know the drill and also if you have not wished david a happy birthday it was his birthday yesterday so make sure everyone wishes david a happy birthday if he did not wish him a happy birthday yesterday if you only print pla oh yeah i'm not going to print abs on i might print abs on here okay let's turn it back on oh that fan is a screamer yeah that fan is loud the joys of noise-cancelling headphones okay so uh level your beds hot so heat um [Music] i set [Music] fan i i don't think i can set my hot end i have heat i don't have the option to [Music] okay whatever i'll just heat close and live adjust live adjust level yep so that's exactly what it is so when it comes to leveling [Music] focus you can home oh oh wow that sounds like garbage that first move there wow that is way off wow okay watch watch this back move okay watch it watch this lead screw watch this lead screw when i home see if it does it again home what is up with you what is up with you that is not right why are you catching what are you catching on are you racked is that it oh that's why you are way wrecked ah okay i need gloves it's got some like really heavy duty packing grease on these lead screws no the gantry is hardcore rack which would make sense so what that means is the uh the gantry is like this and the lead screws are vertical but they're like that ain't good [Music] so let's see here [Music] you're about there [Music] [Music] [Music] is it bottomed out what is it bottomed out on [Music] what oh it's just really crappy i can't go down that high okay let's try this again [Music] yeah so whenever you have like a rack gantry this isn't running clipper it doesn't have a bed probe so i can't do the uh that is horrible [Music] what are you catching on oh that ain't it wow that is [Music] it it's homing but it's okay let's level this so how it levels is you can push a button it'll move to certain points and it'll so it homes the problem is i'm losing steps like a madman maybe we'll use this so so far um my initial impressions of this printer are that it is a printer and it may or may not print um we shall find out in a minute because uh it is a it is a 3d printer it has a part that moves it has a part that gets hot um it makes noise it is making noise um we're losing steps on zed i we're losing something somebody made the suggestion that um to make this more interesting i take a shot every time we get to something that's a little um funky i i was at first i was like oh yeah that'll be fun i'm kind of glad i didn't decide to go with that because i would probably be inebriated by now [Music] reach through all the wires to play with the adjustment knob [Music] there we go blade scraper 10 thank you man appreciate it seriously keep the good work even though i'm done with my v2 and a couple thousand hours on it now still love watching your streams with video that's why i do them i do a stream every saturday so yeah i do a lot of builds but uh i do them because they're fun i like i have fun doing the streams the builds give me easy content but i do them because i enjoy the actual stream portion the most oh the problem is i don't know if that's right because it losing steps home like i'm losing steps on set how am i losing steps on zed [Music] back set can i change anything motors off fan icon set what level extrude print home level fifth move set up okay um should we just yellow it up the current egg i'd have to open it up this is a uh i can see the controller board yeah i'd have to open the printer up to get at it unfortunately so uh let's see what's on the demo sd card make sure both they're spinning both motors are spinning i'd have to take the whole thing apart let's see what's on here let's just you know see what's on the sd card see what we even have we are going to use the demo filament it is e-sun it is a quarter pound spool quarter kilograms sorry so this one shouldn't have the same issue we ran into with the uh for those that remember the uh ender three spool check the couplers yeah i'll check the couplers in a second okay so first order of business the extruder is the generic it does have a uh a micro switch it does have a filament run out sensor which is nothing but a a ball bearing pushing against a micro switch and the extruder itself is the extremely basic one that you all know and love of simply a tooth gear pushing against the bearing the bearing is curved at least but it is the bone stock cheapo filippo special of hot ends [Music] personally i detest them we are it is current year put better extruders on your printers people these are garbage [Music] um print so system back system volume out back back [Music] okay i'm gonna plug this into my computer see what we got any suggestion for filament runout on 2.4 there's a few um you can really mount it anywhere i wouldn't recommend mounting it in the tool head simply for the fact with clipper because everything is batch commands you do want a little bit of a um [Music] a gap from where the [Music] like you need time for it to sense it ran out and then stop the print i don't think it has a demo print nope it does have instructions though so we've got this [Music] this [Music] uh that [Music] oh there's a user manual yeah oh hey we have a user manual guys cool okay let's slice something let's light something super slicer file uh add a new printer add physical printer this is jg uh what is it a5s just type [Music] how do we do this how do we do this [Music] oh there we go okay so it's a jg aurora which i don't think oh hey look there's uh in super slicer there's voron profiles so uh there you go so there's no jg aurora so we're just going to call it a a prusa we're just going to call it prusa mark 3 and adjust the uh the x y that's prusa mark 3 next [Music] right where is it where is it how do i do this [Music] okay i think that's right bruce [Music] next [Music] oh any cubic mega x okay trying to figure out how to start new profiles though and super slicer that is something i haven't done i've only imported like um where is the setting to bring it in configuration windsor yeah so any cubic so we want to do it any cubic i3 mega okay next i don't want to go that so finish okay i don't want to import any of those uh please the song name right now oh the song is um [Music] no one's hero by harris heller oh finish okay but then where is the profiles i only got my my imported profiles settings oh there we go okay i'm going to cubic i3 mega okay so okay so there's prusa okay so max print height is 320 and we got 305 so let's go 300 by 300 okay extruder it's running marlin 0.4 millimeters uh retraction we'll go with like a i don't know a three millimeter attraction there we go uh knows that hop because why not custom g-code oh my god look at all that look at all that g28 ng code um we're not even gonna okay actually g1 x um 150 y uh 300 there we go there we go move to the back g28 um so filament there we go okay so filament settings we're going with generic pla 215 200 buck cooling fan mac sure whatever printer there we go okay 0.2 quality speed draft and we'll go with that parameters 2 3 4. infill yeah sure whatever okay let's find something to print if it'll even make it to the end of the g code you know what this is a big printer we're going to need a big print there we go we are going to be printing a big chungus [Music] why is there a hole on the earth body let me find the model without the the hole [Music] see here so i don't want a hollow one because i want to try infill i want it to actually like spend time doing its print there we go with this one there we go big chunks it's nice now you know what you want to know what a a fun fact about uh the good old big chungus uh bugs bunny if i'm not mistaken the big chungus bugs bunny episode was either 1941 or 1943 that means stalin could have seen big chungus it's a possibility usb drive big chungus it's a possibility you don't know churchill could have seen big chungus okay so let's home this heat up our nozzle get some filament going god that sounds horrible okay move back extrude so let's heat it up heat heat okay it's heating up it's heating up did it come with enough filament i've got a spool of i got a quarter kilogram spool oh here's an idea okay david if you're in chat here uh because he does you know pretty solid has jesse pillai um yes we all know filament comes in these spools right one kilogram spools um and you can buy variety pack there needs to be variety packs that are like third kilogram spools or even half kilogram spools where you can buy like a pack of like eight colors at once or ten colors at once because somebody who's trying to like stock up on colors it's annoying to have to buy one kilogram spools of everything and then you don't have the option of buying so like have packs of like five ten spools but different colors in like third sizes or something because you don't always need you know i don't need a kilogram of yellow but it'd be nice to have some yellow so it'd be nice to have multi packs of filament i don't know i think that should be more of a thing so coils yeah coils is filament without the the spool though like i'm talking like third kilogram spools or half kilogram spools of all the fancy colors that you don't really need a whole spool of like i don't print a lot of yellow half kilograms a good size like honestly most people aren't printing massive things like you know i just did this in some sparta 3d uh copper copper fill pla and this is like nothing it's like what 20 grams if that oh i'm getting filament okay so extrude oh that's how i changed the bed okay so that is that so let's turn the bed up okay let's turn the bed up okay back extrude out oh in oh we are we are extruding okay slow normal [Music] hey we got plastic ah printer printing cam is failing so we do have that cool um print back heat so the bed's at 40. we're gonna let the bed heat up for a minute it is heating up and then we're good at printing and uh we'll see what happens coils are good if you print a big volume um like i know a lot of the voron guys who do printed ford use coils because they're buying 10 they're buying cases of filament at a time so coils make sense there so cardboard spools yeah i have a spool of the uh poly maker what is it the the poly polyterra pla and that's a cardboard spool the problem is i have it's like paper dust on it didn't come with a sock no it did not however you pronounce the name it's a jg aurora jg aurora uh a5s upgraded more stable more lead screw wobble edition all the lead screw wobble addition waiting for the bed to heat up i hate how you can't see nope nope heat back heat ah it's a touch screen that you can't hold it down you have to keep tapping it heat okay back print big chunk is yes there we go so this is what our little update screen looks like when it is running focus there you go seriously focus focus you're focused a minute ago anyways that's that's our update screen jag it's the jag jeremy clark since the jag at least it's not an ender 3 clone what's in the the v226 um stuff it's storage right now it's running on the bed to heat up oh oh it's doing stuff guys it just dragged across the whole thing oh that's crunching option stop yes ah oh ho ho that was painful that was painful uh print try again that was really painful oh well try again the advantage when you don't really care about it if something breaks oh well it does etching as well there you go see time to take over an old zellers and turn it into a studio the cell uh they're all the old sellers in my town is now a uh a call center check front left clip oh no we're still engraving there we go whoever pointed out that clip good idea there we go live adjust c live adjust c guys that's what bruce always says right live adjusting it'll work itself out exactly who care like honestly the first layer you don't look at the bottom of your print there we go i fixed it okay you guys don't care about first layers going down so i fixed it one of the screws was crooked so it was actually catching on it so it wasn't working right but oh where'd it go there we go i fixed the little pole copter so honestly i printed off like a ton of these and uh like all it is is just a little ring put that through put that on top there you go so i printed like a whole bunch of these uh copters themselves because they're only one one layer thick right one wall thick so i've printed a whole bunch of them and they're upstairs my kid chases around i i didn't uh and i didn't drag the nozzle i tested out its experimental engraving feature as uh who somebody pointed that out so there you go if you want to print a polycopter go on uh go check it out on thanks i got a link in the description by the same guy who did the uh we did the fighter jet that we printed last week the folding fighter jet can't wait for the v01.1 yes they are in thanks yes it's on thanks go in the description below it's a link to all his stuff and one of them is the pull copter oh let me play you the song of my people all the rattling of the extrusions so so it looks like their idler is an f625 uh bearing stack just like we use in the v2s so what do you think of the hammer now or the triangle app one um i haven't got the hammer online yet i do have it installed build quality is really good i haven't used the tl uh humira um how fast are we even printing here but um honestly i think originally i kind of pooped on the hammer a bit um but actually now that i have one on hand my my especially now that i've been working with direct feed extruders for a while now um my opinion on them has improved especially build quality and they fix the issues that it was having so yeah so far it seems okay uh how fast are we going here infill 200 millimeters a second i also have noise canceling on right now i just turned it off i'm also wearing noise cancelling headphones so i can't even hear this oh yeah so that's another problem with these um stamped steel frame printers is they rattle i can hear it like rattling constantly it's got a bad bearing somewhere you can hear it rattle because this cover plate right here this is just a cover plate this is just a cover plate it's got two lm eight um or eight millimeter rods behind it that's what your x-axis is so honestly you should probably even take this off it does sound horrible here let me turn you guys want me to turn the music up a little bit sounds a bit bad oh yeah this thing's big like just look at this compared to toasty now granted this is 300 by 300 but toasty's 250 tall boy is 330. wow you want to hear the printer song let me play the song of my people this thing is 300. uh this is also an older printer i think this printer is actually from like 2018. so um for those that don't know the reason i have it is several months back a bunch of companies uh jg maker uh minda um i'm trying to remember a bunch of companies contacted me saying oh hey we want to send you printers will you review them and i'm like if you send me a printer i have no problem you got if any company wants to send me anything ever i'm open to it i will use it on stream because i stream weekly and content is content however if it's a bog standard i3 style printer if it's a bedflinger that's nothing special i'm not going to review it there's no point in doing a review on this especially this one because this printer came out in like 2018 okay it doesn't even have silent steppers so i'm not doing a review on it but we'll get it up on stream we'll play around with it honestly the part i like the most of this is the uh is that the z-axis making that noise the part that i like about it the most is the base the gantry is uh the base is actually really solid you must have got the optional extra gravel filled bearings oh yeah this is a big printer by the way it's going right back in the box after this i don't have room for this this is printer number nine i think so yeah this is going right back in the box we were taking about a project to try and get a printer up to war on print quality what could try with that one well the first thing would be putting clipper on it putting clipper and getting this controller honestly at this point i still have my stock creality um controller board i could throw that in here if it's i don't even know if it's 24 or 12 volt is it 12 volt or 24 volt um power supply 300 watt ac 120 it doesn't say um [Music] i don't even know if it's 24 volt i do have a 24 volt power supply i could throw it but i'm i could throw this in there put clipper on it wait this already has clipper installed and uh go that way it's 12 volt yeah it's probably 12 volt i mean that controller board still will run at 12 12 volt because honestly if you look at okay see that the x carriage is aluminum right so all i would do honestly is this goes bye-bye that extruder that's junk that goes bye-bye um this cover plate comes off mount an inductive probe to this side of the carriage bed uh flex plate go with an aluminum a spring steel flex plate and install clipper so with that you have clipper you can do the gantry tilt to to de-rack this mess you got your flex plate uh spring steel you got a better extruder heck you could throw an orbiter on this the problem is you have to be careful at max said because it's directly below this so you wouldn't be able to use the full 320 you would have to limit it but throw away uh orbiter on top bing bada boom bob's your uncle that's what i would do and then it would just be tuning because honestly i am firmly on the direct feed train right now like i don't think i'll be doing bowden printers like building bowdoin printers without a good reason for a while i am i'm firmly on direct feed now has anyone tried cf uh petg if you have the only problem is see uh petg itself has creep issues especially in a heated chamber rat rig or voron what do you prefer well i don't have a rat rig i have five warrens i'm building my sixth waron and i'm on the boron design team um so i prefer hypercubes never have never will with bonin my switch wire is boating my switch wire will stay boating because it's a dual feed setup right i got i got it's a y splitter um but the days of having to lighten your hot end i think the tool head because you want to print fast or are nearing its end because printers are built better than they used to be they're more rigid and firmwares have evolved to compensate for a lot of the issues we have pressure advanced tuning we have well really good pressure advancement we have input shaper tuning so printers are built better than they used to be they can take more weight on the tool heads without flexing they're not acrylic a net a dates anymore and we have firmware that can compensate for it remember like if you've ever seen a cnc machine with a 15 000 pound gantry moving around at you know a meter a second and then you look at a 3d printer that can't do you know 15 millimeters a second without ringing there's a big difference and yeah that the hardware is there you can put you know you don't need to chase grams on your tool head on most new printers especially with custom printers you can design around it i will say it's printing the infill is looking really good like like that infill is looking real clean this thing's a loud screaming mess but it's doing okay i'm trying let me see if i get better like honestly this isn't bad is is my part fan going yeah my park fans going it's got a little duct on the back a4988s will print decent honestly all steppers with a good firmware will print fine you you don't really get print quality differences off clipper with a4988s versus 2209's the difference is your ears and the ability to live adjust your uh your currents g2 i i know a few people because i i did my um how to print abs series and i had people message me about how they killed their uh how they melted their prusas in closing them because if you enclose it too well you'll run into issues it's a full metal hot end this isn't a full metal hotter basically think of it this way um build your printer out of one step up for what you plan on printing so an enclosed printer if you are a printer if you only ever plan on printing pla ptg is probably fine if you plan on printing petg print it at abs it's like when you're cutting metal you need to use something at least similar or harder right you're not cutting you're not cutting steel with brass you're cutting brass with steel like even my mono price like mini i printed a uh an extruder mount for an mpla and that melted eventually what's the easiest way to flatten the metal dowels for the z gears uh you're not uh put a flat on them you mean um if you have a grinder of some sort that is the easiest way or if you have a really good file but um yeah abs on abs is fine abs on abs is fine is because your chamber temperatures don't really get near the glass transition temp of uh abs problem is with petg yes it's good to like 70 degrees celsius the problem is as it gets close to that it gets weaker it's not like um it's not like a sharp graph where it's like good good good good good fail it's like fail so it'll start to soften and you'll get creep issues that's the big issue crucible tungsten carbide printer parts incoming uh the problem with resin is they get brittle i've seen a lot of people try resin parts on enclosed printers on borons and fail um i was seeing one guy his tool head the part where the belt attaches to it on the tool head on the afterburner tool head that whole part just ripped right out eventually like it just pulled a chunk out of it out how about nylon uh toasty boy is cf nylon and i did have some creep issues right off the bat with it but i went through and re-tightened all the screws and things seemed to be holding okay i know uh stefan uh cnc kitchen he had issues with his cf nylon and creep issues so it's very hit and miss i would say if you do want to print a printer out of cf nylon print a test piece first um put some tension on it like load it up with a screw and check for creep over some time heat cycle it a few times if possible like put it in a printer enclosure and heat it up cool it down and just make sure that your your nylon isn't going to creep on you so yeah uh printers that print a range of plastic should not have printed parts the problem is then you're starting to require custom machine parts for your printer like the whole thing with boron is you don't need any fancy tools or custom components to build one you can build it with all off-the-shelf components with common household tools uh what hotend do i prefer to use um right now they're honestly personal preference like toasty boy is using a mosquito because i have one i have ones that are using dragonflies i have ones that are used in dragon um the one-handed nozzle change is nice but i don't change nozzles too often um they all perform just fine they all heat up just fine honestly hot ends are depends how much you want to spend because honestly looking back there's been a lot of talk about hot ends i ran a straight e3d v6 in my voron in b226 and this printer right here when it was a v2 a v 2.1 and a v 2.2 so for almost two years it ran an e3d v6 and had no problems so it really depends on what you want to spend and your quality of life requirements what were the belt coffins okay the belt coffins let me see here what's up see if i can find it i can't find a video of it anyways the belt coffins were the original design for the uh the ab motor mounts and originally on the v 2.0 actually i have a video on my youtube channel let's go back let's go way back content there we go back this thing sounds horrible this thing sounds absolutely horrible um go back go back the belt coffins were the original a b motor mounts back when the belts ran across the front of the v2 and the problem with them was is they were very um restricted and it was very hard to get into them so with the printed idlers you would chew up and destroy your belts and in the coffin so there was that so let's see here so this is my 2.0 this was this is v226 in its first iteration so you can see back here these are the belt coffins so the belts would come in focus wow i couldn't record videos back then okay so the belts would come in come around an idler go around the 22 and then come out here so they were really stacked and the problem is there are printed idlers in here so you can kind of see the blue there of the printed idler and see if i can get it from over here wow the feet 2.0 tool head was chunky but you can see right there that right there is an f623 bearing because it used all f623 bearings with a printed two sleeve on it they exploded all the time like they did not last um the v 2.0 while innovative had a lot of problems and the belt coffins were one because those idlers sleeves would explode inside the belt coffin and you had to take apart the whole thing to swap it out it was yeah yeah uh my spider set by honestly it's a shame about the spider qc issues i i my spiders in v2 26 is holding up just fine i i got a v 1.0 variant mine's holding up just fine um luckily knock on wood it is good to see that they are replacing those that are damaged or are breaking but from what it looks like they simply are running into qc issues the board itself is good um the they fix the issues that the original revision had and they have a new revision coming out um i think from what it looks like they just the demand was higher than they thought and they ran into production qc issues that's what it kind of looks like it's a shame because on paper it's a great board but if they can work out the kinks and say stop having issues it's a good board i have an octopus uh hopefully this week i won't be streaming it i'm going to do a video on it but i will be putting an octopus in v2 uh tallboy back here it's getting an octopus at some point you want me to show you what i'm hiding sure [Music] there you go yeah um the board that ran v226 for almost three years and gave me absolutely zero issues was a fizek duet this is a duet 2 of isaac one i ran this thing for three years and i had zero issues with it this board was rock solid i still want to put it back in something because 2660s are beefy drivers i think where i could put this [Music] no lighting is horrible hello there hello yeah it's just blown out let me see if i can adjust my levels here uh bigger video brightness nope no lowering the exposure helps a bit there we go that's a bit better that's better is that okay there reduce the iso well it's a webcam i don't have that much options there we go there we go yeah sorry guys it's a webcam so i don't really have a lot of options when it comes to settings for it [Music] so there we go wow this sounds so bad at the end of the zip tie any oh for any tips on getting zip ties through the holes on the afterburner ducts mine come out very tight um smaller zip ties or more tuning of your print um this is pretty much the only real options so turn off autofocus is it auto focusing video focus auto [Music] see i can go all blurry and make it all fancy or i can do that yeah we'll go with that okay there we go there we go okay there we go any advice for the best way to cut a lead screw um you need a chop saw type thing um look up a chop saw you you abrasive cutting wheel is what you really want that's what i've cut mine with um you want like something like this so abrasive cutting wheel one of these on the switch right how do i install the diode um what do you mean the diode like for the uh the pl08 for like the inductive probe diode uh dremel a dremel with a cut off wheel might be able to do it cut off wheel on an angle grinder yeah you need you need something with an abrasive cutting wheel that's what you need i use a chop saw because i have one at work but um abrasive cutting wheel is what you want to use now you can use one with a um a five inch disc like a grinder you can use one with like an air grinder you can use one with a dremel if you have a chop saw those are awesome but yeah what a dremel if you have an abrasive cutting wheel it might work thirty dollar harbor freight six inch chop sock honestly yeah it you're cutting through steel like it's steel it's not you don't try taking a hacksaw to it you'll probably hate life okay so we got the uh we got the base done of our uh biggest chungus carlos um okay so if you look at the manual uh printers one switch wire manual downloading right now i'm pretty sure it's called out in the manual let me find it here do we have oh we don't have wiring okay it's not covering the manual um help documentation okay yeah that is something we're gonna have to update uh for anyone on the team that is watching the ma not all the manuals have the uh how to wire stuff up properly so the switch wire doesn't have it okay so what you're gonna do is go to the voron design website go to the v2 um look at the manual for the v2 so if you open up your voron v2 manual at the bottom there's a section on wiring okay where is it is it it's around here it's gotta be in here i just built it it should be in here what the heck is going on with the manual something's going on with the manuals how are we missing this let me go looking for it what is going on help github downloads 1.8 manual and the wiring for the mcu manual all the manuals need a a going over like we know the manuals need updating problem is it's actually quite a bit of work to go through the manuals and update them all so it's taking time remember all everyone on the team is a volunteer so we're doing the best we can yeah it's okay so here is the oh this is getting updated that's why the old v2 manual if you want to save this page right here like save pause the screen take a screenshot but basically on your probe you're going to have three wires you're going to have a brown a blue and a black wire on your probe the brown wire is your voltage so you're going to feed that 24 volts either off an always-on pin on your controller board or going directly to the power supply itself 24 volts the blue one is the ground so on your skr board it's usually the middle pin verify with the pin out of your board the blue one is going to connect to the ground and then the black one is your signal so if you look at your uh end stop pins on skrs you have a 5 volt pin you have a ground pin and you have a signal pin the signal pin is the black wire that gets the bat 85 diode you solder it in line if you go back and watch my v 1.8 stream i did this on stream um the wiring i think the first part wiring i did it or the second part the part where i wire up the skr i solder it on um the black line on the bat 85 that points towards the probe so the wire that goes to the probe the black line on the bat 85 goes towards the probe okay the part with no black line goes to the controller board so cut the wire usually inside the enclosure part don't do it in part of the drag chain solder this in and then put a heat shrink over it or something yeah there you go oh you moved the mcu stuff to the dock site okay so yeah if you're on the voron design website go to help documentation build electrical wiring cables stepper motor identifying symptoms of misfired motors dc setup inductive probe wiring so it has it tells you how to do it here but it doesn't show a picture okay got all this here there's your gantry wires yeah the pitchers need to get brought over it looks like yeah you got to remember it's this is all a community project it's all volunteers doing everything we do the best we can but like i can't do manuals i can't help on the manuals i cannot do them i just i can't i i can barely draw stick people in ms paint so i do the videos is dial better closer to the probe or board um i have i always keep mine in the controller like in the air in the um right next to the controller so what i would do is i'll cut the wire solder the probe in and then usually i have about two or three more inches of wire that go into the controller board so usually it's close to the controller board on paper it doesn't matter where in the run it is because all you're doing is dropping that 24 volt signal down to something that won't fry your board if you don't put the bat 85 diode and you plug it in you're gonna feed 24 volts to a signal pin it gonna go boom you don't want to go boom what makes the inductive probe better than a bl touch um cheaper more reliable and they're solid state so they don't fall apart on you like a bl touch a lot of us on the team have run bltouches over the years they don't like heat inside an enclosed heated printer they run into issues and the inductive probe is plenty good enough because most of the enclosed printers except for the switch wire have a separate micro switch for adjusting your z offset so temperature drift isn't a thing you need to worry about with them so printer's printing um it's 9.50 wisers everyone get a toasty a tasty drink right now the spider doesn't need a bad a5 correct the spider does not need the bad 85 because there is one uh end stop pin check the um the pin out diagram there's a diagram on the the fizzac website for the spider the if you're looking at the controller board you have six end stops one two three four five six the bottom right one if you're looking at the board right side up the bottom right one is designed for an inductive probe and there's jumpers so you could tell it that it feeded either 24 volts uh for the inductive probes five volts for a pinda or no volts or something if you want to use that as like a traditional end stop so yes you don't need the bad 85 diode with the spider i don't know about the uh the octopus though i have to look into that still because the spider so with the spider board um faisak contacted the voron design team said hey we want to make a board basically specifically for the v2 is that okay um they sent over a few development units to some of the guys on the team who do have pcb design experience and like they went over the board they tested it provided some feedback hey can you guys put a 5 volt power supply on it that can power a full-size raspberry pi that would be sweet they did um can you make sure that it can take an inductive probe you don't need a bad 85. they made that so they they did they took some suggestions from the team and then they put out the board um we actually have no they basically asked for permission to do it they took some advice and then they made the board so we have no actual direct control over the board but that's how that came about pinda vs super pin i've never used a pindo or a super pinned up um the thing i don't like about the pinda and the super pinda the sense distance is very small and it's like two millimeters i like having my probes above the nozzle like two or three millimeters and my nozzle probing the bed with the nozzle or the probe tripping with the nozzle two or three millimeters above the bed because with your gantry if your gantry is really racked for whatever reason if you have a really short sense distance there is a chance your nozzle can hit the bed before the sensor goes off if your gantry is really racked i've seen it can you print voron parts and resin you can print them in anything resin doesn't quite work too well i've seen resin parts fail by uh they get brittle essentially so we may have some under extrusion issues yeah we got a bit of under extrusion issues do oh yeah and you can't put heat sets into resin resin is a uh a thermal thermal for a thermoset plastic i think it is there's two types of plastics there's plastics that you can re-melt and plastics that won't re-melt they just burn resin you can't re-melt so you can't put heat sets into it have i seen the vegas dragon boron edition yes i have i don't have one but i've seen it and to my knowledge nobody's received one yet thermo set yeah i work in injection molding i should know that i just can never remember which ones which flammable and inflammable mean the same thing what nobody in shenzhen is binder jetting honestly i'm surprised um i've i've seen people are machining them you can get machined aluminum parts um an mjf afterburner would be pretty nice but it's diminishing returns remember every boron is pretty much built with just printed abs parts and nobody's having issues so what does going to a more expensive process get you did i see the 48 volt yeah the going 48 volts on stepper drivers have been have been a thing for a while um so i i've known about doing that for a while um the the taco raven can take 48 volts i believe when we designed our own controller board like two years back um we have the option like we made it the option of being able to feed it separate voltage specifically for the motors because it's a the more the drivers are directly on the board they're 2130 so that's a little outdated but yeah you can feed stepper motors 48 folds no problem josh murray did it before a lot of people have done it way before it's it's always been a thing it's just nobody ever really did it when is the spider versus octopus showdown stream um i gotta put the octopus in it won't be a stream i'm gonna do just a standard dedicated video on it um i've done enough wiring streams um plus i'll probably just do it bits and pieces just for timing but um they'll both perform exactly the same with clipper it doesn't matter which board you pick pick the board that has the features you want and at the price you want and works like clipper doesn't matter remember the fastest speed benchies right now are you know nitrom's doing four minute speed benches on an 8-bit tri-grow aboard with clipper the board doesn't really matter with clipper buy what you want that has the features you want at the price you want there you go i'm still using 12 volt you mad man when it was reasonable never stop trying you can get sherpas oh god sherpas um i still remember i think it's triangle labs if you look on the triangle labs page i think it is they have um pictures of the sherpa and i think they it's i think it's a triangle last one they sell them like printed parts kits of it and the parts are like cracked because it cracks a lot because there's they stripped it down so much it's like a racehorse where it breaks really easily and again i'm slinging around a full-size lgx with dual rails and i'm having no issues with speed so stripping it down to save a few grams isn't really my it ain't my bag baby ain't my thing [Music] yeah petg is flexible so like my original v 1.0 uh or v 1.5 um tall boy was originally a v1 um i originally printed in petg and then i reprinted the whole thing in abs and after swapping abs parts the parts were cleaner i had less ringing and the parts were just cleaner so so we do have a bit of under extrusion on the top layer that's for sure [Music] sanity thank you for becoming a member i don't know how much time is left in the print 18 i don't know if it's estimating based on layer height according to this it is a hour and 45 minute print and it's been 45 minutes so but i don't know what the default acceleration values are in this site can i can i increase speeds options more speed [Music] okay um i set the speed to 125 percent and this is max okay so it sets the speed for 125 percent printers can always run a lot faster than people think they can but this is 8-bit marlin so we'll see could be slow retraction ah how is it oh yeah that's a slow retraction well the settings are it's running a mark 3s profile so i slice this using um generic pla prusa mark 3 profile and it's the speed profile so yeah um what's my extruder running at uh retraction speed is [Music] it doesn't say 35 millimeters a second so yeah it's you know what though it's honestly probably the firmware accelerations and max speed are pretty uh pretty low i really don't have control of that because it's not clipper i just can't go in there and quickly change it uh cf island the problem with cf nylon is a lot of them have creep issues apparently nylons have creep issues so mine i think is okay but we'll find out if not i got a spool of cf uh pc i'm gonna try using a direct drive retraction profile i did uh lengthen the retraction distance so it is retracting f4 retracting four millimeters instead of the default uh uh like 0.5 so i did change that cf polycarbonate yeah [Music] what was the reason for not using cfpc from the get-go because i wanted to try cf nylon first oh yeah the accelerations on this thing are probably like dog slow [Music] does anyone try pc uh a bunch of people have tried pc the problem is some pc blends have issues with um they have issues with the uh some pcs break down if you run them with uh grease and oil grease and oil exposure will cause some pcs that basically delaminate so you got to be careful with it um i've seen it happen before to a few people's printers so it's like test it first to make sure you don't have a pc one that does what's the orbiter give you that the lgx doesn't um size higher lightness cheaper like i have an orbiter right here i just need a printer to put it in but it's light compact some people really like lightness some people for them going light is what they want to do i'm personally not a huge thing i'm saving this for a project i want to put it in something i just not 100 sure what i want to put it in yet because i am running a galileo in tallboy and a galileo is basically an orbiter but repackaged for the afterburner tool head that the borons use so i'm still trying to hopefully find get my hands on an ultimaker i want to put that in it i'm going to weigh like 140 grams i believe and that's with the motor so an orbiter with the nema 14 uh geared motor weighs 148 grams roughly and then a afterburner which is the stock extruder for a or the clockwork which is a stock extruder for the afterburner weighs 195 grams so this is about 50 grams lighter than this and it's higher gearing but it's a name of 14. here's the thing with extruders though um pretty much as soon as you go with a dual drive gear so like a bontec dual drive gear setup you get diminishing returns going from like these crappy stock extruders with a single flat drive gear um and a bearing idler once you upgrade from that to something like an orbiter or bmg um any other extruder upgrade is incremental like swapping uh v226 is now running in lgx right originally i ran this guy i ran the clockwork going from this to an lgx i can't even tell a difference in print quality like there is literally within margin of error difference in print quality um it comes down to personal choice the lgx is an off-the-shelf component it's a cox thing it's a commercial off the shelf that means you are getting commercial build quality you're getting commercial reliability and you're getting a warranty and support so when it comes out of it or out of the box it's built and good to go within a clockwork you have to build it there's a chance you can build it wrong if something goes wrong with it you have to fix it with an lg x you have a whole company behind it and it should just work out of the box and everything should line up perfectly and it should just work it's plug and play so it's like a you know it's always a d with 3d printing do i spend the money or do i build it myself what what do you want um who's doing murph i live in canada and i can't cross the border so i will not i would love to go to murph um i will be going to murf next year because murph is like a four-hour drive team for me it's literally like just across the border um however i only have one shot and i'm not going there not fully faxed so i don't even think i can get into the u.s for that reason [Music] is anyone from the warren team going i don't believe so um we were gonna go murf 2020 we had two booths rented we had something like 15 people from the boron team going and then covet happened canceled everything nobody's really going to murph this year like there's no big some companies are going but like joel's not going tom's not going um very few of the big names are going i don't think e3d is going um yeah so we'll see [Music] somebody might go and bring a boron but nobody on the team is officially going i don't believe [Music] uh there's open appointments out the woodsy where i live my volunteering at canada's vaccine so uh joe here's the thing with um the way canada's doing the vaccine um they're prioritizing getting everyone the first shot first right now i think we're in the high 70 percent of our population has at least one shot let me check um yeah so right now uh yeah so uh we're getting there right now um at least 24 like canada what population what 37 million um 60 six percent are fully vaccinated and seventeen percent have at least one vaccine or i mean are fully vaxxed um so we're doing pretty good compared to some other countries um i've got my one i can book for my second because they do it in tears right you have to be within certain age groups in certain like areas so june 28th is when i can book my second one um you have to remember though canada were at the disadvantage that we don't have any in-house production we had to buy all our vaccines from other countries and other countries take care of themselves first like the us is making a [ __ ] ton of them but they wouldn't give any up to us for the longest time um they're saying by the end of july i believe anyone should be able to get fully vaxxed so we're getting there we're getting there so so so yeah so it's it's going pretty good like i live in i live outside of a city of 200 000 the whole like area that i live in is like a quarter million population we're down to like five to ten cases a day locally and they're mostly just community like there's no community transmission here it's just you know somebody gives it to a bunch of guys at work at their same place or somebody gives it to a few family members like there's no community transmission here really yeah june 28th i i'm in the uh i'm in the healthy middle-aged adult so i don't get priority for anything how's the uk doing on the rollout percent fully vaccinate 46 yeah um you got to remember though they make it in-house like we had to buy all ours like we we countries take care of their own first it's just how it is right so we had to buy it from europe and the us and they're prioritizing their own first so we're finally getting a lot of people vaccinated it's like jumped up crazy originally they were saying like end of july early august is when i'd be able to get my second and they moved it up like a month and a half so so it's getting there i i got a feeling like by the end of the summer we should be good to go um we don't really have a lot of the delta variants spread out across canada it's mostly in like the toronto gta area i believe and i think manitoba um but like i live down in a border city but it like canada is very spread out so yeah there's you know population centers but like i live in a city like a city of 200 000 the aries quarter million to find the next city that large is a two-hour drive north and then the next city is another two hours so if you're not traveling between cities like it's very bubbled the way canada's laid out populations are bubbled so people from calgary aren't really traveling to edmonton consistently it's not like the u.s where you can drive for hours and you never leave a city because it's just urban sprawl and everyone's on top of everyone which facts are they pushing um pfizer and moderna i i got i'm pfizer gang yo um but fisa and moderna they've pretty much put a halt to the astrazeneca and johnson and johnson i don't think is approved here yet so this print is actually printing pretty good like i will give it you know the benefit of the doubt problem is we're also really locked down well everyone owes the end of the world government you know controlling everything but um right now like you can't go into a mall the only stores you can go into are stores that have outward facing entrances so like strip malls are okay but you can't go like into an enclosed ball so you can only stores that you can get into from the outside you're allowed in and it's like 15 capacity you have to wear a mask anywhere inside limited you're only allowed like 10 people at your house like still in lockdown mode um no can i make calls without a cell phone honestly uh i still get i don't have the 5gs yet i'm i'm angry side effects um my first day after i got my first shot i felt like crap but that was only a day [Music] australia's pushing the astrazeneca that's the one with the blood clotting issue right all this uh roanoke talk is probably gonna get my stream flagged they're listening for that how's this haunted doing [Music] yeah so i'm actually kind of liking the way this printer is laid out for the most part there are some things i'm liking there are some things i'm not liking obviously i do like their tool head it's one solid piece of aluminum with the uh the bearings press fit in um it is a pretty simple setup like one thing i'm not liking with this is you have where i need a pointer i need a pointy thing there we go this will work so you have your your hottie butt bit here right so your hottie bit is down here and then you got your heat break coming up however the actual like fan is here this fan right here because there's two fans there's a 30 30 uh blower and a 30 or 30 30 um are they both 30 30 just regular yeah they're both just regular the same fan but they're both 30 30 fans and they're blowing only one's blowing up here so the cooling is up here so i could see this thing having heat creep issues um because the heat has to go all the way up to here before it's like bled out like this should be down here like these fans should be down here so i don't know like i like it that it's aluminum but it's designed kind of there we go does the bottom rod feel warm not really not any more than the top rod uh what's the realistic acceleration for his v 0.1 everything above 5k gives me belt skipping can i do more and i need to adjust tension um oh and thank you for the five one second here it depends what motors are you running are you running what mo i need to know what motors you're running first because that will affect it where's the front overhang look like it's not bad i'll i'll take like obviously when the prince said i'll take pictures and post it up the bomb ldos so um if you are running the okay so this is omc's 5k like 5k is a lot honestly 5k is a lot it's 120 millimeters beyond 5k i don't think you're even gonna hit top speeds um adjust motor currents you may have to bump your currents up but buddy right here this is a video of somebody's 247 printing they are running the omc 54 millimeter long stepper motors um this is a thousand millimeters a second on nema 14 and that's real time look at those belts bounce back there so uh when people are like oh you need o drives to go fast this is nema 14s now i believe he is running him at 48 volts though motors perform better at higher voltages this slow speed is as fast as like some printers so yeah so that's forty thousand uh excel at uh thousand millimeter second current 1.6 amp and i believe he has uh he is running them at 48 volts i believe [Music] problem is pushing plastic that fast is kind of hard you're still limited to you know 30 millimeters second cubed so so like you could always slap a v6 on a pick and place machine pick and place machines are insanely fast but you can only melt plastic so quick and then solidify it so quick speed benches look like poop like even vez3d his o drive machine um he's going real quick but there's he's still only doing like individual small things like when you can print off a full plate of abs parts and they all come out perfect and they're not warping and they're not popping off the bed and they're all strong because you're not blasting them with a fan constantly then i will be impressed because right now the speed benchy thing it's still cool don't get me wrong i'm not against speed benches but it's the equivalent of overclocking your computer with liquid nitrogen okay people who do like the the extreme overclocking you're overclocking your printer with liquid nitrogen or your computer with liquid nitrogen so you can go crazy fast get those really high numbers but you're not playing minecraft like that you're not playing your video games like that you're not you know surfing reddit like that you're there's a difference between a speed run and everyday use so that's why like doc has an open i don't know if he still has it but if you were like able to shave like an hour or two off of the standard pif plate for like accent parts he was like willing to give a whole bunch of money to the charity of your choice and i think nobody took him up on that because oh single benchy fast but optimizing production oh that's boring so were you getting a nova no why would i want a shiny volcano i've seen the future first printers are not quality demons printers are getting there like cnc machines have been doing this kind of stuff since forever and now like stuff like input shaper cnc machines can have load sensors on it when you're running a cnc machine it's kind of like a professional cnc machine it can tell load on the tool head and automatically adjust speeds and feeds and everything to compensate we're just now getting things like input shaper on 3d printers we are so far behind in terms of like the software support for these kind of machines and that's running everything on a single board a lot of people have the oh it's got to be on one board um you're limited to 130 140 megahertz stm processors uh core one of the m4s or arm4s or whatever the dwight's using three 400 megahertz at least now with clipper we're able to you know harness the power of a quad-core raspberry pi to do whatever the heck we need it to um because that's how cnc machines run outside of 3d printing like cnc machines all run with a controller running clinic uh clinics running linux running the machine and everything's kind of hooked up to that so we're finally getting to kind of that point what settings do those people slice with speed benchies really fast settings i did a stream where i did speed benches if you want to see like uh playing around trying to optimize speed i think on that stream i only got down to like an eight or nine minute benchy i managed to do one good one under 10 minutes and then everything started falling apart because i was just using a stock v2 i didn't have anything fancy a self-built i3's type frame with a duet and wi-fi for 100 that's not bad a duet like if a duet 2 is still a great controller board like i still have my duet 2. i really want to put it in something because it's got a good processor it's got all the inputs and it's got five beefy stepper motors like 2660s yeah you don't have things like stealth chop but i don't run stealth chop anyways i'd rather have the extra torque so it's still a good board like it runs clipper great clipper harnesses the power of a 10 year old computer though yeah but it's better than a uh a quad core 1.4 gigahertz whatever the raspberry pi 4 is used versus a 138 megahertz stm32 that also has to run everything else so remember it's just doing math basically 37 percent should i increase the speed again let's increase the speed again more speed okay so right now we're at 175 speed i'm pretty sure we're acceleration limited though yeah we are definitely acceleration limited those curves are not looking too good let's take a look here so this is what we oh god it doesn't even have a498s this is what i'm running it's a an a5s main board sports a snappy arm base so it is a 32-bit stm32 so it should run clipper just fine um stm32 24 volts a5984s the heck is an a5984 a5s all main control v 1.1 so there's my controller board so what do we got what do we got we got okay so we got end stops there there's a screen fan 24 volt thermistors xy z2 where's that one unless it's a y splitter x y said e0 said two okay there it is yeah yeah is what it is so it should run clipper i should be able to put clipper on this actually uh i don't see pots i don't see pots on this how do you adjust motor current so on the bottom i have this heat sink and i'm not seeing a potentiometer do these things support being able to adjust the current on the fly the heck is it okay let me a five nine eight four three five nine eight four [Music] uh direct drive that prints um bmg any dual drive you want you want an extruder that is dual drive and gear so bmg lgx orbiter um thoros are all good so it's a drop in replacement for an a4984 proprietary adaptive low rdns output single supply micro stepping up to 32 full torque step mode short ground low current sleep mode applications video video security cameras yeah i don't know if i can adjust the current in these guys there's no micro stepping or anything there's no pins or anything so it might be just kind of you get what you get in terms of motor current 35 volt cap so this thing can only take up to 24 volts but it is a 24 volt board so it should have no problem running clipper hmm change the music up what do we got right now let's go back to uh do some edm up to 40 volt 2. the problem is the controller board only has 35 volt caps so you're not really pushing yeah we might be able to do clipper on here here's the pin out there's the pin out for it we might be able to do clipper on this guy where did that random piece of filament come from where did you come from how does the belly look the belly looks fine honestly um like it it's definitely some surface imperfections on this thing this thing yeah where is that filament coming from oh you know what this thing has the um yeah that's an overhang this thing has the uh power off resume feature um which means it's like saving every line to the sd card so that causes stuttering so oh you got your spider going greg good job awesome that's good to hear it stops an extrusion yeah it's doing it's pausing for a second it's that stupid um power loss prevention a lot of cheap printers tried as market as having where basically every time it completes a line of g-code it saves it to the sd card so it can resume on power loss the problem is it kind of leads to a stutter every now and then because these boards aren't powerful so it's a slight hiccup there and uh yeah yeah there's an overhang there with the finger or the hand if you look at the the hand there it's floating in air so that's why it's doing that oh well so that's why it's trying to print in here that's why so we might be able to do a clipper on this guy we'll see [Music] although i probably got a feeling i'll probably just swap this creality board in just cuz or i'll just put it back in the box i've got eight printers already uh those jg printers are pretty rough my brother-in-law bought two on a specialty and they ended up going in a box for spare parts honestly i can hear the frame rattling the only so far honestly i will say this unit right here for the bed this part i like this this bed assembly here it's it's nice and clean not a lot of exposed parts um like it is eight millimeter screw or eight millimeter rods under the hood there so maintenance would be a pain but it is a clean setup the gantry though is sheet metal right like i can i can flex this i can i can flex this and it's only held on with like four screws so it could be a little funky plus you know the fact that my lead screw violently shakes on rapid zed moves is a little disconcerting motor mounts are plastic like it it is i don't know it's a cheap printer it's functional though like it is printing a uh a big chungus here it does have like a rippled surface the surface definitely does have imperfections like it is not a smooth surface harvest the rods to make a legacy see the problem with that is though i work in a plastic injection mold shop and we have eight millimeter ejector pins and a scrap bin that i can easily grab and they are hardened nitrided h13 versus whatever these are that's what i use for my zed there those are hardened nitrided h13 rods that are bang on for size like we're talking 0.01 millimeter undersize um and they are rockwell of 73 so they are stiff af so um i'd rather self source what type of hot end does this one run it runs this it comes with a spare i do give him credit for sending a spare but it runs this it's a ptfe lined um what is it mark 8 style hot end with a glass speed thermistor i'm tempted to take off this panel what is rattling keep away keep children away from printer repair the printer only under the guidance of professionals make sure they unplug the power cord yeah fair enough do not put objects on top of printer breaking the law breaking the law getting close to midnight yeah it's uh 10 36 here we'll see how long this print goes we're at 47 percent what are we at right now 240 viewers we peak near 300 309 that's good i cannot repair it i can put it back in the box at some point though fbi open up good whiskey um i'm finishing off my bottle of wisers so there we go that's killed that wife got me a bottle of uh jameson i think for father's day it's because you skipped the shims what shims oh the washers apparently shims are washers i forgot to put the washers in i'm sure that won't have a massive impact thank you for choosing jg aurora so it's no longer jgr it's jg maker they renamed do not leave the operating printer unattended for too long one to three hours interval is necessary if printer runs over 96 consecutive hours what does that even mean like if you're printing for 96 hours it's okay to leave it for one to three hours do not keep nozzle or hotbed always operating at high temperatures if you are not printing okay at least five second on off interval to prevent printer from crashing risk of trapped fingers keep your clothing and all parts of your body away from printer moving part okay turn off printer immediately when there is spoke or unusual noise when printing i don't like the wording of that turn off printer immediately when when that's the key word if they're saying when there is that implies there's a chance of it if they said if that means hey if this happens but they're saying when this happens so according to them this will make smoke and make unusual noise well it's already making unusual noises so um just in case just in case and yeah i know it's a beam but everyone should at least have some form of fire suppression in their printer room because you are working with stuff that can't catch fire hot ends are hot because what is it paper catches fire at 451 because of the book so paper catches fire 451 and 451 is 232 degrees so if your hot end is at 230 to 232 degrees celsius and it touches paper it can catch a fire is that it okay so i got a i have a 12 month warranty on this so considering this printer is like from 2018 um honestly it's it's not too bad like you can go a lot worse for a first printer like if this was one of those hey i found it on the side of the road or at a yard sale for like 100 bucks yeah i wouldn't pay what they're asking for it now right now i think it's 350. um i'll update the website i'll update the description see here yeah see they have a delta or an idex printer i was hoping it was the idex one but that would have been cool because honestly i've never played with an idex printer i would like to play with one um so it's 350 so for 350 it's asking a lot for this especially without silent drivers or any bed mesh or bed leveling probe or anything um but if you could snag this for a really good sale maybe for those heading out have a good night we might we might tough this one out let it finish you can get a prusa mini yeah it's a smaller print that's a thing like oh remember this is a 2018 printer right so this is kind of like a time capsule to before everyone having bed leveling and aluminum extrusions being the norm like this came out when i first got into 3d printing with a monoprice select mini i got in oh 2018 i had was already in deborah but late 2017 i got my monoprice select mini so at the time this probably would be a very good option it has a runaway detection apparently it does have runaway detection so if it runs away it'll stop the exciting conclusion when we take the guy off the bed and look at it and go okay have a good night [Music] yeah right now it is the uh stream beats edm uh track collecting dust no it won't collect us i guarantee you this thing will not be collecting dust because to collect dust it has to be out in the open it's going back in the box once it cools down warm tips not cold tips not hot tips warm tips to whom it may to whom it may [Music] to whom it may the product you purchase is a diy kit machine based on responsible attitude for customers we have done lots of tests before delivery the joint of main body and base as well as nozzle has slate abrasion we stress this is uh a normal phenomenon right but not normal uh won't affect the printing accuracy and artistic appearance please excuse this this trouble thank you very much warm tips for it it is a mistranslation it is a mistranslation you gotta like uh language structure with um different languages is different right like if you speak english you know if you translate something for french or german or any other um european language to english odds are the the sentence structure is almost the same but in a lot of languages words are combined the order of words is different um i i work with a lot of vietnamese at work um and they can speak english just fine but the the structure of the sentences is just they're not used to it so when it comes to like translating stuff you know english has a ton of slang and double meanings and you have to know what this means because of a reference or whatever so if you're just doing direct translation like hot tips what does hot tips mean like what is hot well there's different types of hot is it really hot like it it doesn't translate word for work that's a word for word translation can clipper run a backup heat sensor wired into the rpi for an ac bend to shut off with a relay i believe it can any tips with good printer uh ninjaflex so i don't have a cr-10 um the only reality printer i have is my ender three um apparently i have an ender seven now um i would like to play with that maybe we'll see um i would love to get my hands on a belt printer just just to play around with that thing because it is neat um but any tips with ninjaflex uh with okay so if you're printing flexibles you want a dual drive extruder and you want a short constrained filament pack so um a bond tech of some sort an orbiter any any dual drive extruder direct feed simple as that would probably be your best bet yeah thermal fuse is always good because it just stops [Music] i can ask tom if he will send you his freebie you know tom i spoke to tom about his war on build um he if you're following tom on twitter i think he's loving it um he posted a few videos of that thing ripping along um oh and and by the way if anyone here was like spamming clipper why aren't you doing clipper herder clipper in tom's chat like come on grow up like yes i love clipper it's an awesome firmware i it's my firmware of choice however i this guy ran rip rap firmware until like several months ago like i was one of the last guys on the war on team to switch to clipper from rep rap firmware rapper firmware is perfectly fine he's running a duet it was given to him for the build of course he's gonna run to it and like the printer is working just fine on duet so that was please don't do that kind of thing yeah full g still runs represent like you can say whatever you want about the firmware of choice right it's personal preference but duet boards are amazing i will never fault a duet board they're just great boards but yeah this is tom's v2 like yeah duets fine represent well that was a fun build uh we took down a lot of notes about his build because we are working on improving all the documentation so so yes yeah he's loving it and the thing is it's his printer he built it it's his like yes there is a spec and i like yes the team we used to have like things change okay opinions and thoughts on things change okay people grow up opinions change yes the whole war on design team used to be it very against modding and whatnot okay things are different like we we take a lot more community feedback than we used to there's mod sections on the discord there's mod sections on the github yes there is spec we do still recommend building the printer spec however if you know what you're doing build within your skill okay it's a lot easier to troubleshoot a new build on somebody who's new to 3d printing or does it has never built a printer before if they're building a spec machine so if it's hey i'm having problem extruding okay well let's take a look at the clockwork oh i'm not running the clockwork i'm using some random extruder i found on thingiverse why isn't it working well we can't really help with that too much but if it's like hey i'm using an lgx okay that's you know pretty much a stock option we can troubleshoot that we know how that works so it's a yeah and then you know there's always people like oh you keep things behind closed doors with development yeah a lot of open source projects keep things behind closed doors again the the finished product that's out there is a fully tested printer we know works we know pretty much the ins and outs and we can help people build if we're putting out you know nightly builds of updates to hot end designs and cooling and well i i reprinted my hot end mount five times in the past week because you guys keep changing it i'm angry people [ __ ] about that kind of stuff so it's just easier to have a fully tested release out there and then just put out the fully tested updates so but again it's a diy build bring run what you brung build it how you want but if you go outside the norm and you come to the dev team like looking for help we may not be able to help you because we may not be running it like that so have you ever ventured into custom start g-code and installing a brush somewhere on your printer to clean the nozzle before prints um so i do have custom start g-code on um i've started using a more complex one if you go back to my last stream last week's stream with uh toasty boy here i was showing it off i don't use a brush i use nozzles that don't really build up gunk so i've never dealt with a brush i've never bothered with it i've never had an issue without it but my custom start g-code um i got it from uh i think kilocubic let me his and i tweaked it a little bit but it's basically machine homes heats the nozzle up to 180 degrees it homes again um does either a bed or um a zed tilt or a quad gantry level um does that then the nozzle heats up to whatever the printing temperature is and then it does another final zed home for the z offset at the nozzle at temperature and then it does a purge line and then it prints so i noticed he tore down the z pivot mounts my understanding is the joint should be allowed to slightly so with the um there's enough flex in the frame that if you torque them down with the frame relatively in position it's not a huge issue what myself and a lot of people do is you leave them loose you do you run the qgl so you trim your gantry out you do it like two or three times so your gantry is as flat and as trimmed to the bed as you can make it and then you lock them down that's what i've done on both of my v2s and it works pretty good so for a foreign oh god yeah i i've you know many times devs have taken like i have taken parts directly off the print bed into the garbage they'll paint straight to trash oh yeah that's a common thing any thoughts on tiny machines firmware what is tiny machines firmware i have to do some googling tiny machines what is tiny machines 3d firmware is it the reseller oh is it just marlin is it just okay i've used marlin in the past i haven't used marlin in a long time but taking marlin firmware and adjusting configuration settings and then just compiling that that's just adjusting your settings that's not making new firmware i don't know why they call them all all like my custom firmware it's like my custom clipper config it's just a config file it's not adjusting the clipper firmware the firmware is the firmware you're adjusting settings like parameters within the firmware and isn't spitting out new firmware i don't know i because people ask that oh what what firmware are you running like clipper oh can i have your firmware no it's it's clipper it's clipper clip is a firmware there's a file of settings but it's just a config file you're not adjusting the firmware but with marlin when you adjust settings in the arduino io or whatever interface that is and you hit save and compile that's now new firmware i i don't know yeah too much compiling honestly i'm like yes marlon has a ton of the features now that you need to run borons and you can run a v2 on marlin like the very first v2 was running on marlin um but the compiling the fact that you know hey look at this guys um printers what's up what's online right now um uh toasty boys online hey uh system printer config edit [Music] core xy ready delta save restart hey look my printer is now a delta now obviously i got to change some settings here for pins and whatnot but like oh hey um my printer is now a core xy and my maximum acceleration is now 5000 say restart boom done [Music] like i'm sorry i will never go back to marlin because of that reason [Music] use th 3d from oh god don't let me start on th 3d i've had one experience with him and it was pretty much not i don't know tom lock down the hot end bolt slips on the end he's gonna have fun changing hot ends i don't think he plans on changing hot ends too often like honestly i rarely change the hot ends of mine but so basically my only experience with th 3d um is years ago he popped into the boron discord um immediately asked if he could start selling printed parts for piff like printed forward because the p printed ford's been around for a while um he wanted to volunteer his um print farm i guess of ender twos or under threes whoever he has to do piff um we told him to do piff you have to build a war on like that's the point of frenetic ford it's four boron by borons okay he said sure thing and then he left and we've never interacted with them since that's pretty much all i've ever interacted with the guy plus i thought he quit several times i've heard he's quit several times and then come back i don't know there's a lot of drama i i don't go into like the general i'm on the the 3dp discord but i don't like hang out there a lot um but i've seen drama with him but my only interaction with him is him showing up trying to sell printed parts i was telling him he needs a warrant to do that and then he left so he quits monthly yeah that and i'm sorry seventy dollars for a bed probe uh you could buy a pl08 for five dollars or three dollars off aliexpress and a bad 85 diode for like five dollars for a thousand of them and it'll work off spring steel so you can buy a spring steel flex plate an energetic spring steel flex plate and magnet with pei a a china omron inductive probe and a bad 85 diode cheaper than his inductive his probe and it works with pretty much any firmware and you can plug it directly into the uh your zn stop i don't know plus he sells like a 100 skr board basically i don't know this thing is fun back to printing [Music] youtube dramas i don't know i try to avoid youtube draw yes i'm a human i'm gonna have opinions on people but i don't try to participate in drama i will say things about people that i know but i don't go out like oh so-and-so said this [Music] like uh was it design prototype test um he's mentioned me a few times i've watched a few of his videos i got nothing against the guy like some things he does i agree with some things he does i don't agree with everyone's entitled to their opinion but he does his thing i do mine all the power to him doesn't affect me doesn't affect him this whole business is custom marlin yeah how could you make a business around a custom open source firmware i don't know uh not as smart as any other things here but you know what nobody is as smart as i think they are there's so much stuff people don't know everything about so you can't fault a guy for trying right like i i've misspoken i've said wrong things like nobody nobody's perfect right it happens so yeah i don't know if you don't like somebody's content just don't watch it like i'm on twitter twitter is a twitter is a hive mine of just junk at times but you know what i follow people who i like comments that i don't like i just don't pay attention to like you don't have to dive into a ship pile all the time if you see something you don't like just ignore it it's the internet you can just hit block and mute just yeah so we're here to make plastic boats let's make plastic boats how is it difficult to getting into clipper uh dougal at first it will seem a bit daunting but basically if you can install octoprint and you can edit a like a doc file and copy and paste commands into a command line it's honestly not hard i do have a few videos on my channel um i have a playlist of clipper videos um i recommend watching the video where i just kind of give it a general overview of clipper and then watch the video on how i install like an ender 3v2 to give you an idea how clipper installs and how it works um it's a very robust firmware that gives you a lot of options for tweaking your printer and it's very good pretty much you can take any printer plug a raspberry pi into it and send it zipping along my under 3v2 stock we were doing prints at 300 millimeters a second 5k excel and all i did was install clipper on it so can you mitigate from marlin to clipper um as long as your controller board is supported by clipper you can install clipper now it's a completely new firmware so you are flashing the board so you will lose so if make if you are running marlin and you want to save anything make sure you back it up but you can install clipper on most modern controller boards what firmware is that it's running marlin of some sort it's a 32-bit controller board i'm assuming it's running 32-bit marlin or actually i don't know it's from 2018 it could be it could be smoothie wear this could be smoothie wear i don't know marlin can't print five millisecond job q skipper rate yeah it's from 2018 so was 8 bit 32-bit marlin around back then because it's got a 32-bit board it's an stm32 board so it might be running but it might be running smoothie i don't know uh 219 likes oh no we're down we're at 300 i don't know but it's like what 1104 whatever um yes make sure you're you all like that smash button does anyone know of a prusa mark 2s or 2.5 config for clipper i could try it in mine um [Music] okay so what controller board does the 2.5 have does it the 2.5 has the ind does it have the indie rambo because if you go on the clipper uh github um there's a just search just go on google search clipper config and it should bring up this this is these are all like the this the stock config for clipper so you're going to find stuff for like specific printers and then you're also going to find stuff for specific controller boards so like here is for you know a creality cr-10 but then they also have you know for the roomba so if you're running a printer with a roomba controller board here's your default config and then you would just adjust whatever you need to adjust for whatever kind of printer you're running on it so it should be a rambo so if it has a rambo then yeah generic rambo so yeah there's a rambo config so you can install you would install clipper like you would for an avr at mega 2560 um here's your stepper x pins your y pins your zed pins your extruder pins um yeah and this there you go there's your default config and then you would just have to change stuff so you would have to go to like you know your printer it's cartesian printer put your max velocity adjust your x and y limits for whatever your max print volume is and there you go so yeah you can mini rambo okay rambo mini rambo yep there's a mini rambo there you go so yeah you can run flipper on it pretty much to run clipper all you really need to know um hopefully there is a stock config you know what i think i'm going to try at some point i'm going to reinstall clipper on the uh bonsai down here and i'll do a video if i get the time um of creating a clipper config from scratch okay because it's very easy if you have a stock effect right like installing it on the end of 3v2 was simple because there's configs for the under 3v2 it's just copy and paste and you're pretty much good to go same with like the borons we have stock clipper config so if you build it stock with a stock controller board or spec controller board you can pretty much drop in your config uncomment the size of printer you built and you're pretty much good to go um but if you got to make a config from scratch basically you need to know you need an mcu that is supported so if you're you know using a duet 2 that mcu support using a you know the ender 3 board that is a supported mt so you need a mcu that is support by clipper and most of the modern ones are and you need to know the pin out of the board so you need to know you know what pin is your end stop pins you know what pin are your hot end pins that kind of thing and if you know those two things you can create a clipper can fit from scratch it's not hard you just it's a lot of copy and pasting and just adjusting numbers so that would be awesome it'd probably be a little bit before i could do that because i have to rewire that i've got all the streams this week um i've got a bunch of stuff to do big chungus is coming along yeah clipper is great because with clipper you saw what happened when i was you know if let me bring up toasty boy again okay so say you know i i you know i'm making a config here right so like use mainsail or fluid use one of these default or clipper specific uis it's easier to edit to config in it but say i'm making my config here right and i have you know my step pin is pe2 and i'm making my config and my direction pin i accidentally put pe2 instead of pe1 when i hit save and restart oh look pin pe2 used multiple times oh no i done goofed oh okay let me fix it okay or say i completely you know copy and paste delete oh no i accidentally deleted my whole uh stepper x i i don't have oh look it's there's an error there right it it tells you what's wrong so clipper is pretty good for that and of course i screwed up my config doing that let me fix that do mock to print mandatory no you do not need to use octoprint you can use either mainsail or fluid i like fluid personally but there's two completely standalone interfaces for clipper that are so lightweight you can run them on a raspberry pi zero just uh don't plan on running a webcam if settings are rarely changed um there's a better motion planner a lot of people really like the motion planner and clippers so like how it actually handles processing movements is much more fluid it's more consistent the pressure advance is a smooth pressure advance versus a linear pressure advance that marlin and i believe also reprap firmware uses so with them pressure advance is kind of like an on off thing whereas clipper smooths it out and it leads to cleaner prints um you also have things like input shaper which marlin doesn't do reprap firmware is getting uh input shaper support i'm not sure how their implementation of it will be because they have the lower power processor i'm not 100 sure how they're going to go about it but you should be okay i believe um the interfaces it's quicker snappier i find i as somebody use both on all printers you might not even see a difference in print quality difference but if you're somebody like me who does print fast um you definitely have a lot more overhead with clipper you have more room on the top end and yes it is very good if you're running an older printer with like an 8-bit board you slap a clipper on it it's running at faster than a 32-bit board so some sort of input shaper i've heard they've like they have some form of input shaper but it's based off of using a test print um and it limits your maximum acceleration it's not like uh input shape or where it can automatically adjust your speeds and feeds to compensate for it it just kind of goes oh at this point it goes bad and we're going to stop you um and input shaper tuning based off a print is nowhere near as accurate as using an actual accelerometer on the tool head still thinking about how stalin could have seen big chungus five pounds thank you man i appreciate it hey hitler could have seen big chunks too that was uh what is big chunks i could have swear it's 41. [Music] big chungus 1941 so yes hitler could have seen big chungus accelerometer just dropped nice does clipper allow for wi-fi printing it does not well here's the thing to run clipper you need a raspberry pi there's there's no ifsams or buts you need a raspberry pi or something running the firmware attached to the printer so you can't run it on just a controller board you need a raspberry pi hooked up to the controller board because the raspberry pi does all the processing and it just offloads the actual you know it's just telling the controller board what to do so the controller board in your printer is no longer caught like doing the calculations for movement or anything like that anymore all it's doing is doing exactly what it's told move mode of this move this pin here adjust this adjust that the raspberry pi is doing all the thinking so you need a raspberry pi which means you have wi-fi yes you could run a latest computer but it's pretty wasteful like hooking a desktop up to a printer constantly a raspberry pi is smaller lighter weight uses less power the interfaces are pretty much designed for it you just install them on an sd card and go so it's a lot simpler [Music] do i still use the 3d printed torque wrench to tighten knot as well as the recommended torque um yes i do on the hot ends that need a uh that you need to use a wrench um i use one of these guys and i printed it in abs and it's 1.5 newton meters i think you're supposed to use 2.5 but when you printed it it's designed for petg and if you print it in abs you go down a size or something like that but yes i do use this it's on thingiverse just search to uh torque wrench do i have any videos on wiring the hall effect i do not because it's relatively simple um but if you go on the war on uh design website so help documentation and there is a section i don't know where it is on here and i'll just search hall effect yeah so just search hall effect and stop on the boron design help documentation site and this shows you how to wire it up so basically if you look at the pins there's a vin which is voltage in a y x and ground so how it works is your y and x go to your y and x and stop signal pin so the one on the x axis the one on the y your ground can go to one of the one and one of the grounds and then your vin goes to a voltage in so it's it's a the board runs at five volts but it can also run at 3.3 volts so if you're how i have mine wired up is um no the spider with the y isaac spider okay [Music] spider where's the spider spider where's the spider do not have it on there there we go okay so if you look at the board okay ah way isn't it okay so you have your end stops okay so if you look at your end stops this one right here pa3 this is where you would put an inductive probe but if you look at them you have you know pv13 here this is your y minimum you have your signal your ground and your voltage in okay so what you would do is you would have four wires coming from your hall effect and stuff you would have voltage x y and ground so what i would do is for like my y i would have the voltage the ground and the y signal and then my x would just need the one signal for x hooked up to the x so now you're feeding the board your voltage you're giving it a ground and you have your x and y end stops hooked up and that would be it yeah when it comes to fluid or mainsail pick whichever one you like and think is the prettiest like they're functionally both pretty much the same like they're both actively in development if one has a feature the other doesn't have odds are they'll both have it eventually i just stick with fluid just because i like the interface a little bit better i like the layout i don't know but i still have machines that run mainsail like i don't know problem is i have machines running mainsail from light october i'm really bad at updating some of my machines [Music] it's getting there we're on to the ears [Music] may have just solved your pcb production problems uh okay like i don't have any printers on right now but like this is this is fluid you can change you know yeah so you can change like colors so you know this is v2 26 um and you can change like the colors and whatnot you can move stuff around so adjust layout so like right now you know i have my my camera down here but i want my camera up here so now my camera's up here oh yeah and i put a camera in toasty boy finally so um [Music] hello [Music] you liking this printer so far um so it is an older printer this is a jg aurora a5s apparently the a5 has upgraded um it's having lead screw wobble um but it seems to be okay in actual printing i'm not having any like drastic issues but um this is this falls under if you can get a good deal on it maybe um buying this new would probably be not worth it it doesn't have any sort of bed leveling um it's using non-silent steppers it's got a very basic extruder yes it's got a larger print volume it's 330 by 330 by 320. um it's not aluminum extrusion so you're pretty much limited on you know doing any huge modifications to it um but you know if you walk into a pawn shop one day and this was in there for 50 bucks 100 bucks yeah maybe it's a large printer it is a large printer it has a heated bed it does come with the uh cover in them glass bed um i do like the y assembly the base of it i like this kind of i like this this part i like the gantry is sheet metal and rattles so what camera it is a random raspberry pi camera i got ages ago it's just a raspberry pi camera plugged in and honestly it's vhb to the back um like you can see it right there it is literally just a raspberry pi camera that i dhb to the back i still need to put the doors on toasty but i got the baffles in so it does have the lights what would you consider be a good deal well here's the thing um i know it's a certain there are other options out there but you can get an ender 3v2 which does have a smaller volume but you can get that for 200 bucks um you have the the vauxhall labs aquila um the elegu neptune 2. those are like 160 170 so half the price of this um they have silent steppers they're 24 volts they don't rattle like this is an older printer this is an older printer um but my my post office is open to any company that wants to send me a printer and i will play around with it on stream and whatever because it's content and i do a weekly stream so i need to do something so they want to send me it and i'll play with it and if it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] if it's okay it's okay and if it's great it's great is what it is i was honestly hoping they had sent me the idex because they they sent me an email saying hey we're gonna send you a printer i'm like sure and they're like okay we have all these models i'm like okay okay we sent the printer i'm like okay and then this showed up so i didn't even know which one it was because there's a few different companies that said they were gonna send me ones but this was like three months ago and this one finally showed up so honestly i would love to uh do something like this where just anyone sends me a printer and then at the end of the year like give them away and a raffle the problem is i live in canada and shipping would probably be stupid expensive for something like this so i know most of you guys are in the states or europe and shipping something that weighs 36 pounds and is like two and a half feet by like three feet by a foot is uh probably not that cheap sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe [ __ ] yeah exactly and one off quantity yeah tmc2209s are like just great for 99 of printers just throw tmc 2209s at it pick up only yeah don't come to my house wisconsin well i live south of detroit so that's still a bit away so here's the here's the marketing the uh the imperfections on the uh the surface because this is not half smooth like you could tell this thing is uh either really inconsistent extrusion or um the surface is just textured and it shouldn't be so um it's built-in texturing of prints how often are updates coming in on clipper often enough they just added um multi-mcu homing support so theoretically now you could run a single controller board that has all your end stops on it and your heaters and then you could run each individual uh motor off of a standalone controller board hooked up over can bus and usb or usb um so they're adding like clipper is getting crazy robust um for things even outside of 3d printing like um was it practical printing no not practical printing uh what's his name what's his name it's a practical printing i don't know uh he just did his video where he did a let me find it let me find it let me find it let me find it proper printing proper printing um there you go find it uh if you're not subscribed to this guy um subscribe to him same proper printing um he just built a there we go uh clipper controlled uh camera slider and it runs in like blender so that whole camera slider is built in clipper um using havan boards huv uud boards so they're like systems yeah so it's a you made a time-lapse uh camera rig and it's running clipper like i think it's getting to the point where you can use clipper for like more than 3d printing there's a lot of stuff under the hood that most people will probably never need with clipper but the option will be there so proper printing yeah so yeah subscribe to that guy if you're not he makes good stuff there we go i've been converting the primary control protocol for clipper to c so i can use it for more mc part for control progress um yes or as a bed okay don't use stall guard as a bed probe there's too much flex in a bed um on most beds that you're not going to get accurate results um stahlgart has a bed probe no xy is okay don't use it for zed it's not accurate enough because remember stall guard um sensorless homing is only accurate to a full step so don't do it on zed a 10 cent kw10 microswitch off aliexpress is accurate to a single step a single micro step so oh it's done okay [Music] well i guess my g-code ending g-code didn't work but uh behold biggest chungus justice that's not what i wanted focus focus yeah it doesn't want to focus okay whatever let this cool get off the bed a little bit of iso never hurt anyone so hey finish printing kb3d 10 thank you man appreciate it yeah the park cooling knees work well it's only got a single 30 30 in the back so um how accurate was the print i didn't check um slicer estimated an hour 45 minutes what time did we start printing at because right now it's 11 30. i think we started around 9 30 so two hours so ran a little long but it was estimating based on accelerations of a prusa mark iii and this isn't a prusa mark iii so this probably is running slower than that okay come off the bed that is on the bed you know what it didn't come with the spatula so and the bed cleans up pretty good so we do have a let me clean up that little bit of uh excess air printing and support first teeth okay so behold big chungus so he definitely has that texture all the way around them and you can see it in the base there you can see the uh that base is supposed to be smooth like that that base oh no that base does have a little bit of uh yeah this isn't a smooth model so it is a nice [Music] [Music] i bumped it sorry i bumped the button sorry i noticed the interactions were getting low so i killed the mic so you guys would all spam f to help my uh youtube ratings there you go f f f f f f there you go what was the last thing i said what was the last thing i said what did i say what did i say i don't know what was i last talking about quick okay you can stop with the f's you're gonna get timed out they'll climb out i'm gonna time you out i'm gonna time you out you want more i'm gonna time you out oh [Music] i said chungus surface of the chungus oh sorry for a while um i was talking about if there was a way to turn off because if you look at the uh the uh the surface of the chungus i don't know if it'll show up on this camera but the colors are all junk but it's definitely got like um a rough texture a rough pimply texture and i'm wondering i want to turn off the power resume feature that this board has so because apparently it does have power resume so let's take a look here where did i put that crappy sd card oh yeah a5s user manual so apparently it does have power loss prevention there's your assembly main menu replacement power power loss input power adjustment page nine oh so on the back you can adjust it field protection install okay maybe it doesn't have power loss i could have sworn it has power loss printers 35s user friendly auto feeding thermal runaway protection filament run out uh maybe it doesn't have no worries about selling oh yeah power off recovering no worries about hello are you sure to continue don't worry close auto memorize for recovery printing so the problem with the way a lot of these printers lower end printers do it is they're constantly saving to the sd card so as it prints it saves each line that it's completed to the sd card so basically it has a separate sd file that would continue off in the event of a power failure uh the problem with that is because it's constantly saving two things it causes stuttering on some machines which is basically the hot end stops for a second because the cpu is busy doing other stuff um and it causes these little itty bitty blobs and two um that'll kill your sd card because you're constantly writing to it and a lot of lower sd cards lower end sd cards can't handle it so yeah so i can't do anything fast on here because it's running clipper or not it's not running clipper it's running [ __ ] if i know uh what firmware marlin or smoothie probably smoothie if it's 32 bit in 2018 so i can't really easily adjust stuff because the acceleration is here slow so um no speed benchy tonight but i think i'm gonna call it there um almost done my drink marlin still okay so it's marlin so i'm gonna call it there honestly it's not bad um if you could find something like this on a good sale it would give you a good starting point or you know something to play with there are certainly worse options out there there are certainly better options out there it is an older printer design it is what it is um but hey for something to play around with for fun it's functional it works i've seen worse i've seen better it is what it is hope you all enjoyed the uh entertainment tonight um as i said i'll reiterate uh this week is going to be a busy week for me and hopefully for you um i should have an ldo v 0.1 kit showing up either monday i'm hoping monday um if it shows up monday depending on what time or tuesday i will do a live stream so make sure you're subscribed to the channel ring that bell uh like that smash button all the other youtube stuff that i'm supposed to say so you are notified because i'm going to go live unbox the kit we'll go through it make sure i have all the printed parts and everything's good to go for a v0 build i'll do some prep work on it and then all things go well friday nine or 10 a.m eastern i don't know for sure yet i'm gonna go live um and i'm gonna be live all day friday building a printer um that will be fun we'll see how it goes i don't know i don't think i'll get printing but i'm gonna try and do as much as i can prep wise like getting firmware installed on the boards and everything so that way we can just just go at it and build it um so that will be that and then some point during the week i am going to go live for youtube members and patreon so if you're just subscribed to the patreon um i'll post the link to the uh the live stream on the patreon for youtube members um it'll be a notification um so yeah it should be fun um yeah enjoy the rest of your weekend guys i'll see you either monday or tuesday be safe out there wash your hands oh before i go if you want to print one of these awesome little helicopter thingies make sure you check out fangs i got a link in the description they help sponsor the channel help the content i create things i do they make it all possible and make it easier so go make one of these they're cool goodbye okay are you serious you're serious i was going to have it fly at the camera and hit the stop trace again ready ready ready it was working a minute ago what the heck ah two seconds at the end of the stream i decided to get all these technical difficulties what the heck it was working earlier what the heck is going oh on god oh my god there we go goodbye have a nice day so [Music] do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Nero3D the Canuck Creator
Views: 12,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voron, voron design, overview, intro, 3d, printer, 3d printer, corexy, core, xy, abs, enclosed, V1.8, voron 1.8, toasty boi, toasty, boi, build, livestream, 1.8, 3d printing, printing, hot, high temp, higher temp, enclosure, skr2, skr, skr 2, bigtreetech, btt, wiring, electrical, ssr, rpi, uhp, lr, lrs, wiring up, electronics wiring, klipper, magnum+, slice, slice magnum+, magnum plus, plus, magnum, slice engineering, fault, problem, jg maker, jgmaker, jg aurora, jg, maker, aurora, a5s, unboxing
Id: zo0QSZV9PQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 227min 14sec (13634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 20 2021
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