How To Make Resin Copies of 3D-Printed Figures
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Channel: Adam Savage’s Tested
Views: 1,330,917
Rating: 4.845839 out of 5
Keywords: testedcom, mold, cast, 3d printing, resin, casting, special effects, makeup, frank ippolito, tested, how-to, how to, Molding, smooth-on, how to mold plastic, recast, replica, Resin Casting, Making, 3d printed, how to make resin, resin casting, how to make, tested mold making, 3d printed mold, resin 3d printer, silicone mold making, tested frank ippolito, gordon tarpley, silicone molds
Id: J1jDaZX6PCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 16sec (1636 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 18 2014
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Check out Smooth-On's Youtube Channel
If you're getting into mold making, skim through some these videos. There are instructions for 1 and 2-part molds that cover way more details than this video.
Also, 3D printed objects should be finished as best as possible if you are going to spend the money on this process - all the ridges will show up in the cast. Perhaps ABS vapor bath finishing or hand sanding, etc would be worth the time.
The silicone rubber is EXPENSIVE (170$/gal for Smooth on MoldStar), so you wont want to remake a large cast. The resins are typically very cheap, so make sure your prototype is good...
So rad, thanks for the post
Thanks for the video! I've been doing quite a bit of research on molding making and resin casting 3D Printed parts lately, and more is always welcome!