Voron V0.1 LDOMOTORS KIT- Unboxing and Planning the build

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[Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] hello hello hello [Music] how is everyone doing today it is tuesday early afternoon for some reason i'm here why am i here i've got the box v0 kit i'm on vacation this week means i'm not at work that means i can do things like stream at three in the afternoon which i know uh it's good for a lot of the european folk out there because i normally stream saturdays late at night for you so gotta get back sometime how's everyone doing so this is a ldo motors v 0.1 kit so for the obligatory shoulder pick it it it it isn't much it weighs 6 kilograms there really isn't much to the v0 for reference i built a v0 this is a v0 this is the original revision this is the box with the 0.1 so what we'll be doing we're going to be going through this i have not opened this um i literally got home i spent the morning at the local zoo aviary thing with the family because i'm on vacation this week and this was waiting on my uh porch when i got home all i've done is taken my shipping info out because you guys don't need to know where i live um and other than that i haven't touched it so we're going to open this live we're going to go through it and then friday this friday i'm going live at 10 a.m and we're going to build this i would like to i don't think we're gonna push plastic but i'm going to build this all day and i would like to at least get the mechanicals done if we get more done that's great if we get less done and it's like midnight and i'm passing out so be it but i'm going live 10 a.m friday and we are just gonna stream all day whatever happens happens so this kit is not out yet um i believe they are shooting for mid-july if i'm not mistaken um ldl motors does not sell directly they are manufactured they sell through resellers um i do know printed solid will be getting these kits um i don't know of any other ones directly i'm assuming more vendors will carry it if you're on the board on discord in the ldo channel you can see a pin list of all vendors in most countries so you can see who would carry ldo where you live and they might be getting them in stock i don't know for sure yet um let me see there uh aaron five euro thank you man appreciate it before all this please like that smash button exactly make sure you like the smash button make sure you are subscribed to the channel and i'm going to say the thing make sure you ring the bell because you don't want to miss friday so yeah so we'll go through that quick little update though uh toasty is done i've did my first full print i'm gonna edit the uh the cereal video later today i recorded a bunch of footage but toasty is done i got the doors on it and uh reach back there click the switch we got light so it's done i actually went and got my 3018 and i machined a window in it so i actually have a window through the acm panel and uh this gets right now i haven't gone through and like fully sealed it up but it's getting about 55 degrees celsius in there so yeah will there be ldo kits for other voron models i do not i think they're doing just the uh the v0 just see how it's going and then maybe they'll do more if they do another one it'll probably be either it'll probably be the uh the v2 or the switch wire those are the two other most common ones um did a five hour stream and so many comments said the stream is too long well either i do three hours every saturday night for the next month and a half two months or i just go live friday and we just do the whole thing so what's in the box so this should be everything you need to build a v0 minus the printed parts and i've already printed the printed parts hopefully this is the top i'm assuming this is the top of the box because the shipping info was there and uh plenty of ldo branding so you know full disclosure ldo sent me this kit um oh i got to turn on the thingy because they sent me stuff and i got to make youtube happy one second here edit playlist this will i can put this under live streams there we go v0 live streams there we go done yes this contains paid promotion blah blah so ldo obviously i don't get paid i don't take payments for any reviews or anything but ldo did send me this kit free of charge to do a video on it and build it and review it so this is this is a pre-production unit however it should be pretty similar to the production um i believe there are some special parts in here um i've been teased on one of them and uh some paperwork let me just make sure that i can read that and that's safe to be on camera so there is some specials uh gubbins in here for me these will be available but i don't know if they've been fully uh fully public yet so we will see as we go through it there we go we'll have a crimping tool no you still got to buy your own tools okay so let's see so this is inside the box it had a bunch of uh paper things there but this is actually packed really nice uh ldo pretty much individually packs everything so they all got these own little things um i will touch on the rails afterwards so um special gubbins so they did include now they do make this this doesn't come standard with the kit but he did throw it in for me just to show it off this is the uh the v0 display so this is a little single pcb board display it's got the uh what is it the 0.98 inch oled or the 1.3 inch little rotary encoder it's got a one of those little neopixel and it actually has its own chip on it so this is usb this runs standalone um so i'm either going to put this in the v0 or i might put it in uh toasty we'll see but this is an add-on that they included for me because it's cool and i want one it's 1.3 inch there we go that's 1.3 inch that uh let me check the paperwork uh okay i'll uh yeah this is for me okay yeah this is for me it does come with a uh a list of everything in it and this is the beta kit so i'm gonna basically go through this whole kit and when we build it we're gonna make sure everything's good before the final kits go out so this is kind of good that i'm testing this because i have everything i would need to build this if i was missing stuff so if i'm missing screws or whatever i can make a note of that they can correct it for the final release of the kits and then i still have the stuff that i can finish the build because if i really need to i got a whole v0 i can take parts off of uh g funny money 10 thank you man appreciate it for friday's caffeine fun i'm gonna need caffeine on friday that is going to be a long long stream yes so as ldo motors is saying that the the display is an extra so he included this with my kit so i could take a look at it but if you want get the kit yourself this is an extra thing you have to get this separately it is a nice screen though so i personally run my v0 i run most of my machines headless but this is an add-on that you can add on if you want a little itty bitty screen for your v0 and it's clipper compatible so you can put it on any printer uh controller board so it should be an skr mini e3 v2 and ldo jason is in the chat so everyone say hi jason i'm still waiting on david to show up i haven't seen david yet so this is an skr mini e3 v2 you've seen these so it's got all your drivers built in yeah you know this controller board it's a spec off the shelf controller board nothing fancy there again this is a rip rap if you have a duet kicking around that you want to put in this thing go for it but this is the spec controller comes with it the off the github firmware is designed to use it and if you want the least amount of issues when building it uh build it spec build within your skills where can you buy that display you would have to check with your uh local regional ldo reseller um this cable i'm sure you all got a million of them but this is how you plug it into the wall uh yeah we'll we'll do the electronics first so v0.1 kit electronics wiring revision a i'm really liking everything is individual here so there's all the gubbins okay so we have a four millimeter od three millimeter id reverse bowden so this is the bowden tube that would feed the filament up into your tool head because remember on the point one revision it is a direct feed tool head so you want to run a three millimeter id boating because this is just for feeding it you want it sloppy you want as minimal resistance but you do want something there to make sure your filament's guided in so that's good we got our fans here we got a five volt uh radial fan and two blower fans those are good uh heater cartridge it does have some crimps on it and it looks to be did you guys cut these to size jason these might be cut to size because we got our thermistor uh 104 nt and a 50 watt heater cartridge and it's got the uh little nubbins on the end so that's good let's get there haha all the zip ties and these are the right size zip ties so we got the right size zip ties are the the really thin ones so that's good we got our power inlet the ac inlet um so it does look yeah so it it it does come soldered most of the time we don't recommend soldering mains this does look like an okay solder job is just we usually don't recommend soldering mains um we'll have to double check that like i know you can solder mains but we usually don't recommend you do it but that is that so these are common though uh cable kit oh my god it comes with a cable kit i did not know it came with a cable kit that is i did not know this came with a full cable kit holy hell and it's pre-sleeved and everything well it comes with sleeving actually oh sweet and it's the open sleeve you can you can roll it open oh this is good oh geez ooh okay i think uh jason's gonna sell a lot of these now like let's be honest here though the wiring on a v0 is um on the original the controller's on the bottom on the point one it's on the back so you're literally going from here to here so the wire loom isn't exactly you know a complex part to make however it's still nice to have a pre-made one so yeah it's got the ground it's got all your connectors the end stops are already pre-soldered like i can dig it that's nice that is nice uh will he be able to choose the color i'm assuming the kids will have different options for colors because right now they offer different colors for the frames so this kit will be available um i know printed solid will carry it in the us um i'm thinking i think july it's not out this is pre-production so very nice i like that is nice a pre-made loom i love me some pre-made loom nice so i'm assuming there is still going to have to be some soldering in some places but yeah cause that's the thing if they if they sell like pre-packaged kits they'd have to have a whole kit for each color option so maybe they'll do something where like only like common colors or kits and then if you want fancy gotta get that separate so wire loom so it's got the y x y and z end stops uh inlet for 24 volt power cable 24 volt power supply to 5 volt power supply cable uh 24 volt uh power supply to skr cable 5 volt psu to rpi cable bed ground cable okay so this doesn't include wiring from the tool head so this is everything butt wiring from the tool head which makes sense um so this is everything but the tool head but for most of the stuff from the tool head you're just literally the wires are already attached to what you're using you just either extend them a little bit or you just cut and crimp them so you will have to make like a wire run for your fans but that's really not a huge issue uh sleeving uh raspberry pi 3 model b you don't need a pi 4 for this thing i i run mine on a v pi zero so so it is a raspberry pi it's a pi 3. you know what it looks like it's a raspberry pi uh sd card we got a a dm quality innovation and speed sd card 16 gig i've got plenty of sd cards extra if that one seems to be a little funky but it was a class 10 the class 10 i don't know but it should be okay it's an sd card and it says class 10. and then i believe this is the buck converter yep so this is your buck converter for converting 24 volt to uh 5 volt for your pi so remember on the 0.1 um there's no more mains bed the bed is now a 24 volt bed um and we've gone up a size and power supply so it's 150 watt power supply instead of 100 watt and it's a dc bed so it's all 24 volts you can run this whole printer off of the same power brick that the uh prusa mini uses so if you wanted to have no mains voltage at all inside the printer you can run this printer using the power brick uh from a prusa mini it's a meanwell off the shelf power brick you can buy one and use that to power your printer i don't know what the final price will be um there's still it would it's got to be sold through resellers i don't know if you know recent regional sellers will have a markup like if they'll be like an msrp price and then a final price i don't know yet okay uh [Applause] oh power supply meanwhile lrs 150 24 so 24 volt 150 watt power supply meanwell name brand you want that uh fetus dragonfly so it is a dragonfly um no dragon due to shenanigans so this is a which i have a video on my channel if you want to know more about it but it's a bi-metal hot end rigid mount capable comes with nice comes in a nice box so the groove mount comes off there are some screws you can undo actually i think the whole thing just unscrews yeah the whole thing unscrews i might have to put in something to hold it but this comes off and you can rigid mount it using the screws on top of it here it comes with a copper plated nozzle it's a good hotend so what it comes with how am i doing i'm doing good this was sent to me directly from ldo um and this is a pre-production of a kit that will be available hopefully next month i believe um you know do you have any opinions on the ldl frame set um i've uh this one is an ldo frame that one is an ldo frame as long as it matches the profile of like the required profile so basically as long as it's not b slot and it doesn't have like the little um notches in where the uh hole is or where the slot is you should be fine you don't have to use misumi um misumi is just spec because it was the most consistent extrusions for the longest time but uh ldo extrusions are fine uh tool head motion tool head and motion so this is what's in here oh so this is the whole tool head kit so this is all the gubbins and for the motion so you got your f623rs bearings shaft assembly magnets for the enclosure a little piece of ptfe teflon tubing i really liking the labels on everything is labeled all these baggies are labeled 20 tooth pulleys bond tech gears and knowing jason these are probably legit but i'm not 100 sure but they look good um screws thumb screws bearings so this is all the stuff for the motion system and the tool head and your belt and this should be gates if i'm not mistaken yep it's gates gates power grip uh as fifty dollars man thank you appreciate it hi uber hello to youtube so again on the 0.1 it's a direct feed tool head um so you basically have a mini i have the one that i never actually find i'll put it together you have this guy this is your tool head now so it's got a mini clockwork in it nema14 so that is that [Music] i don't know if they're planning 2.4 or 1.8 kids at this time cost will be more than like the formbot kits um but you're getting more premium stuff in here so the price will be more than them but it's still not going to be outrageous from what i understand okay so linear rail kit so since i'm going to be building this friday i'm going to try and do a bunch of uh pre-assembly on this oh i'm going to touch on these so i will be taking these rails out putting them through my ultrasonic cleaning them greasing them getting everything ready um these are the ldo rails i've used the ldo rails in my um in toasty boy here these are mgn9 ldo rails and no issues i haven't heard of anyone having issues with the ldo rails so they are they should be good to go now now this right here is a little something something that i don't think they've really talked about yet but i'm getting the green mat out for this because this is cool okay let me find it so for those that are familiar with building a v0 your rails your rails use m2 screws so you need m2 nuts so to use m2 nuts you have these little printed guys so you print these off you put your m2 nuts in here and you slide it into the extrusion okay um these kind of are a pain in the butt and m2 nuts are kind of a pain in the butt now this right here is pre-production and this is basically a test version of it so it's covered in oil because it doesn't have the final finish so i'm putting some gloves on right now because they're soaked in oil because they're not a final revision but and he double bagged them again final version will not be soaked in oil because they'll be zinc plated this is a single piece metal um unit with pre-drilled and tapped m2 holes that's metal so the final unit will be zinc plated i believe i was told so now you don't need to fumble around with your m2 nuts you just slide this into your extrusion and screw your rail to it so yeah this is good so the final version will be um i was told zinc plated or at least some sort of plating on it these ones are just like i believe they're just tool black or something um and soaked in oil so they don't rust but that is a little thing that they have um that they will be including so i don't know if that will be sold separately um or if it'll just be with the rail kits or the full kits i don't know yet but uh yeah that's neat so that will save a lot of time because that was one of the more annoying parts of the build is uh dealing with that uh i proxy the kit is not out yet kit will be out next month hopefully okay let's continue um we have this here uh this is just a channel for the back for wire management so you could stick this onto the back um of your printer run your wires through it and then it's got a little snap-on cover this is just for cable management if you go on ldo's twitter page uh if you go back a bit there's some pictures of some printers they've built using this kit and you can see how this is used on the back but it's basically just for wire management so it's a nifty little thing they include um [Music] did you include double-sided tape i have some but that might be something you would want oh you know what it might be in one of these boxes i'll leave the bed and the motors for last yes jason is here i don't know what they're pricing it at expect more than the other kits because this is a what i would consider a premium kit nothing i've come across so far other than the soldering on the inlet um that's the only thing i'm kind of about other than that everything is good from like the formbot kit uh six to 650 us i'm assuming um that sounds about right for this okay let's look at the bed let me zoom in because you gotta zoom in for this bed ready ready ready high temp rtv gasket silicone is included nice it's good for negative 60 to 250 there you go so you could probably adhere your bed with some gasket you don't need to buy it see this is what ah dang it hit the wrong button okay i i noticed the um i noticed the uh metrics were dropping i wasn't getting enough uh uh chatting to the number of people so i muted the mics you would all spam f anyways what was i saying um kits so it comes with the gasket so this is the difference between a kit and a good kit anyone can make and sell a voron kit okay vorn is an open source project right it's a community project anyone can make and sell this stuff right so anyone can walk through an island shenzhen with a cart and just throw everything in the bomb into a cart but this means somebody knows what's going on uh we got our springs so while the team will never officially endorse a kit because we don't have control over the kits you know anyone could sell a war on kit if you happen to make a really good kit you make a really good kit it might sell good springs you need the springs you know the springs uh drag chain um it does not open but none of the seven millimeter drag chain that i know about opens so that's fine uh you got your little thumb screws you have your bed with the pre wired in thermal fuse nice so it's a 24 volt 60 watt bed um it's now dc so the thermal fuse is just extra precaution at this point and it is soldered in but that's fine because this is dc it's not main and it's got your terminals on the end and i'm assuming this is probably cut to size too so there we go um that is good everything's coming like pre-made so we have our bed here so it's wrapped up got these little corner protectors on it corner protectors are good i have no idea how many times i've seen a bed dinged by the time it comes to you uh we got our drilled and countersunk or counter bored holes for the screws and the bed theme is pretty thick so that's good we got a eight millimeter thick bed which is yeah five sixteenths so that's a thick bed i think spec is only quarter inch but honestly thicker bed is better um more thermal mass and we got the finish we're looking for so slightly swirl so when they grind these plates they grind them in massive plates and then they come to the side so when you see slightly curved swirls that means the whole thing's been blanche ground jason you impress me my friend it's chamfered they chamfered it the top is chamfered and we got two tap tools down here for the ground and for the uh the thermal fuse dang this is you guys did a nice this is a nice bed holy so yeah uh hello good job that is good i'm happy with that it's it's 120 millimeter bed it would be kind of hard to uh screw that up so 123 by 123 which is good you do want your bed slightly oversized a bit it isn't going to hurt i'm assuming in here oh they come with a little applicator too i'm assuming in here is the yeah let me get that out of here because it's screwing with that this camera doesn't have the greatest colors i know is chamfered chamfered sean fiore boron design product of ldo motors oh two it comes with two oh nice okay so you have a you got your magnet which is the that's the adhesive all the other magnets i've seen use and i've never had it fail on me so the magnet's good um two beds both got the boron on it this one's etched this one's textured both sides this one's pei sticker and plain okay so if you want a fan print print anything that you just need like glue stick you could do that you got your pi here i personally while i like this the texture i prefer running just stickers of pi because if you damage it you can replace it much easier um this you got to take like a random orbital to it and knock it flat before you do that um the pei finish isn't really aggressive and i like that but it's very consistent that is a it's the same plate i'm running on my switch wire and i've got no issues with it so yeah that is god damn jason you guys are doing good this is the difference between somebody who knows what they're doing and hey let's just throw stuff in a box and sell it to people on the internet i mean he is throwing stuff in a box and selling it to people on the internet but he's doing a really good job at it it's a good kit we're still not done yet okay let me put all this back in here okay so what is left that fastener and tool kit let me zoom out just a little bit okay so we got our fastener and tool kit there we go there's our vhb tape so it's 3m vhb tape you're going to need this for the enclosure uh we've got our little rubber features thread locker medium strength and super glue nice and grease so it comes with grease thread locker and super glue nice back up so i'm assuming yep so this is like a couple extras of all the different size screws and heat sets and that way if you drop something or lose something you have backup yes uh hardware kit so you got your heatsets they are the right heat sets you got all the screws all the the nuts and bolts and everything i'm not gonna go through and make sure it's all there i'm assuming it's there um if not i have enough in stock just in case something is short are you serious you guys included this so we got our you got allen keys and these look like you know allen keys like these aren't like cheap cheap allen keys these actually look kind of nice who can tell me what this is who can tell me what this is and it comes with two heat sets on it for adjusting the depth so you can adjust the depth on it holy hell oh that is nice okay and this is just my cheap amazon um soldering iron that i used for heat sets and it dropped right in like like this is like the normal tip i've been using it's brass and it so what you do is there's two heat set inserts it's threaded and what you can do is you can use these two to screw like basically screw them together to create friction so you could set how much sticks out okay that is staying on my soldering iron that that's going to stay on my soldering iron now um and it comes with a a two millimeter drill bit i'm assuming there's a few spots where you got to open it up just to make sure everything's sized right oh for the filament feed path so you got a two millimeter drill bit and you got all the allen keys you're going to need and the brass insert soldering tip we got that we got that that but wait there's more motors all the motors so we got our little palm uh pre like skinnied uh t-nut we've got our a b motors which are now the bigger ones we got our pancake for the extruder and then we also have the skinny um lead screw so it's a lead screw on a pancake that is pretty much unique to the v0 we had to get this custom made originally because this is not an off-the-shelf thing because you don't want a coupler that's nice that is nice so they're ldo motors they're the company is called ldo motors and they make motors and ldo makes good motors um and they got little connectors here for the motors oh for the jst is the connective nice actually um those are for the motors that might be something i oh play in here that might be something that i didn't notice let me check here let me double check tool head in motion did anyone did i come across uh jst connectors i know a lot of stuff has it pre-included um but did they include separate for like things like the fans because the fans are gonna need um connect oh they okay the fans wow i didn't even notice that uh the fans are already pre-extended to the correct length with the connectors already pre-attached okay we're good so the only wiring and crimping you should have to do on this thing um is for your your your motors um you have to if you want to make it you know the cable management neater you can shorten them and they did include the extra fittings but theoretically you sh if you are okay with just bundling up wires and zip tying them you shouldn't need to crimp anything on this kit [Music] so motors are motors you've seen ldl motors they're good motors [Music] this should be the panels of the [Music] enclosure just the packaging alone [Music] this is the good shrink wrap why can't you buy shrink wrap for your food that sticks to itself anymore and good thing i'm doing this all before the stream if i was trying to do this on the stream i'd spend half the stream dealing with the unwrapping stuff okay um so all the little pieces that are like spec abs are acrylic so they're black acrylic okay let's double check here yep so one shines one side is matte and one side is shiny so that's a shiny side and then you have a matte side so on a lot of parts you can orientate them however you want whatever side you see the most do matte because fingerprints suck and matte acrylic is fingerprint made so that's good you have options you can flip them both ways so that is the bottom piece wherever this little piece goes to i gotta look at the cad still um you got your back and then this is the backpack and then we got our panels which includes the panels for the top hat and yeah so this is a film on it which considering there's no logo on anything if you wanted to like have your side panels be like non-see-through you could uh just leave this on i guess for a little bit of transparent okay uh oh okay so this unit okay the blind holes are for magnets this panel was drilled manually the production version will be neater okay so for the front panel uh you can embed magnets in the panel for opening closing the door because like on my v0 here or on these are magnetic the doors are magnetic here those little magnets that hold it together and keep everything latched so on here they drilled them by hand but i guess the production units will be machine drilled which makes sense so yeah panels are good um yeah i'm not gonna go through and check sizes on them i'm assuming they're good nice if we run into issues putting together i'll bring it up but there's that okay lastly frame kit this is the special part that's right we be pimping gold gold frame now this is limited production um i think you can still they might still have some in stock at a few vendors um but this was a limited run for the fifth anniversary of voron that ldo did just because they're awesome but yeah so i'm hoping because i never this is the first time i actually have them in hand how well it compares with yeah that'll work oh yeah that'll work so we got our gold extrusions so here this camera's got crap color so there you go there's a bit better color on a better camera so they are gold and then just to compare like some of the printed parts so i'm using uh sparta 3d galaxy black abs which is like an it's like a charcoal black so that should go together pretty good so yeah um that is going over the v0 kit and i believe that's everything in the box that is that an unfortunate smelting accident turn my printer gold oh this is gonna be a fun build okay so that is everything um so other than printing the parts this is everything you need for a v0 v0.1 revision um yeah you did good jason you did good um now i the only reference point i have is you know the other one kit i looked at which was the formbot one which they are getting better but compared to the you know having everything come pre all the wiring pre-cut to size pre-crimped includes extras like a heat set uh uh adapter or heat set uh tip for your soldering iron it comes with uh rtv it comes with grease it comes with super glue it comes with thread locker it comes with all the tools yeah i think the only thing you would need is a screwdriver to loosen the terminals on your controller board and uh the printed parts yeah i think that's pretty much it and for those that don't know ldo um they cut and drill and tap everything and then they anodize it so even the ends are anodized oh man these extrusions are pretty i'm going to take some pictures of these um and put them on the twitter so if you're not following me on twitter at 3dp nero make sure you are subscribed to the channel because friday we are going to build we are going to build um so i'm not going to do it now um because i think joel's going live in like 10 minutes and i don't want to go cut into his time you know just common courtesy um so for the next nine minutes if anyone wants me to look at anything again let me know but honestly um this is damn impressive for a kit this is how you do a kit proper i still won't put my name on it but in terms of kits this is the best one i've seen and uh you wouldn't be wrong going with one once they come out if they're like this if they can keep them consistent and everything like remains the same and they don't change stock which ldo is good um yeah buy a ball option fans and rails okay so the fans the rails already looked at i'm not going to take them out because i got a covered in grease um where did i put my rails yeah are they looking they they look like ldo rails um i'm not taking them out of the bag yet but they they look exactly the same as the rails that i got in uh toasty here um and just mgm7 and from everyone that i know that it's used ldl rails they're good rails so they're not high winds but they're step up from the other ones like cna and whatnot so they're they're perfectly good for a 3d printer uh the board the board is an off the shelf uh skr mini e3 so the board is just your standard uh skr mini e3 uh if it was up to me um would i have gone with integrated c or belted zed um honestly the belted zed it's okay it's a mod um i i would still go with the lead screw um it's a little bit more consistent the problem with belted zed on a small printer like that um it's just not as stable i guess that's the word i don't know um yeah it's less finicky plus with the way things are with the layout it's easier to lay stuff out with the lead screw underneath uh black the rail oh yeah shoot do i still have some oh i can i can blue the rails i know i still have some somewhere uh i wish the rails were black i still have cold blue somewhere i might blew the rails we'll see uh the dragonfly yes it's a dragonfly hot end um i have a video on my channel going over the dragonfly um but it's just a dragonfly because you can't get a dragon because of shenanigans so that's another thing with the v 0.1 you cannot use the e3d v6 so before on the v0 you could use the v6 with the threaded mount so the the the amount that um not the not the uh groove mount there was a threaded nut variant for like deltas it used that one just for like that's all we had room for but on this one with the direct feed tool head you have to use a rigid mount so you have to use something like a dragon a dragonfly a mosquito um e3d doesn't make a rigid mount so okay have i seen the micron i have seen the micron um but i like i've seen pictures of it but that's about it so yeah oh they did good this is good i like this this is gonna be a fun build um so yes so make sure you are subscribed to the channel um because friday morning um friday morning around 10 a.m i'm gonna go live and we are just gonna start building and we're gonna get as far as we can um so it's gonna be an all-day stream um i'll probably have to eat at some point but it will be an all-day stream um that will be friday um and for those that are members of the channel like youtube members and patreon members uh thursday uh early afternoon i'm gonna go live for a members only stream um depending on the weather if it's super nice i might be at my mom's with you know the family swimming so we might do it later in the day but uh thursday i'm going to try and do a members only stream uh just because you guys are awesome and i want to do something for you guys so we'll do a little members only stream q a ama and then i'll make it public afterwards so i don't like completely gatekeeping content um nothing that i ever do that i consider educational like this kind of stuff i will ever put behind a paywall but a fun little members stream i'm fine doing that and then making it public later fan brand oh yeah the fan uh tool head and motion uh fans fans fans fans fans build play parts build parts electronics and wiring okay so the fans are uh gd stein fans which honestly that's what i use on all my printers and they work okay the blower fan is a sun on or correction the uh the radial fan as the sun on the blowers are gd stein uh yes 10 am eastern time zone i i i'm eastern time zone so 10 am eastern i'll try and uh put the stream like you know how you can put a stream up live before going live i'll do that for the night before what would i change in the kit um the only thing that is kind of funky is the uh the soldering on the electrical inlet i don't like soldering mains voltages i know you can do it but i don't really recommend doing it um especially at home uh so that would probably be the only thing that i've seen in the kit that's kind of uh other than that you could you would be buying all this stuff yourself like i know like ldo isn't in the sourcing guide if you go on the sourcing guide there's nothing from ldo listing in the sourcing guide the sourcing guide is list is made up of stuff that you can buy worldwide okay ldo unfortunately not you can't get ldo worldwide there's not resellers in every country so but a lot of people will you know i want to buy better stuff than the the sourcing guide and they end up buying pretty much everything you see here so yeah the kit's good it's a good kit i i give it a thumbs up as nero 3dp soon to be neuro 3d i'm going to drop the p i'm going to re-brand a bunch of stuff um as a non-voron as me speaking on my own here on this channel because on this channel i represent myself i do not represent the words and opinions of the war on design team you know i am on the warren design team my own personal opinion this is a good kit and at the price is a good value we'll build it and then i'll give final opinions on it but just looking at the parts is good i see nothing wrong with this kit other than the uh inlet and the soldering which you can buy one of those cheap okay so that is it uh this was just gonna be a short stream overviewing it uh peter thank you for becoming a member and i did i miss another one oh option 350 said thank you for becoming a member um so yes so uh friday are you going to need a new logo yes um i put it out on fiverr i gotta look into it um so what time yeah so i'm gonna end it here um friday 10 am live stream all day member stream thursday at some point um other than that it's four o'clock i'm gonna go figure out what i'm doing for dinner uh i think joel's going live 3d printing nerd go hop over into his stream be safe wash your hands have a nice day enjoy the rest of your week goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hey i know you're still around this is for the uh guys that stick through the whole uh end of the stream part with the sparks on the stream friday every hour on the hour i will be giving out two spools of jesse filament from printed solid so canada and u.s i'm pretty sure it's open too and every hour on the hour all day friday while i'm streaming two spools of filament from print and solid so cheers
Channel: Nero3D the Canuck Creator
Views: 19,733
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: voron, voron design, overview, intro, 3d, printer, 3d printer, corexy, core, xy, abs, enclosed, V1.8, voron 1.8, toasty boi, toasty, boi, build, livestream, 1.8, 3d printing, printing, hot, high temp, higher temp, enclosure, skr2, skr, skr 2, bigtreetech, btt, wiring, electrical, ssr, rpi, lr, lrs, wiring up, electronics wiring, klipper, unboxing, LDO, LDO MOTORS, MOTORS, LDOMOTORS, VZERO, V0, v0.1, Vzero.1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 46sec (3826 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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