Lets Talk About Voron Kits - Livestream

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] so [Music] hello hello hello [Music] hello everyone my dog's just why is my dog freaking out coda koda chill how's everyone doing today um i got a board on a box one second my dog's freaking out i'll be back in one second so uh enjoy there have some music [Music] [Music] came back what did amazon bring me let's see what amazon brought me live unboxing resin don't have the resin printer yet anyways okay sorry about that little uh hiccup there so today uh daytime stream for the european folk it's reward for not starting at 4am hey there we go okay so uh shouldn't be too long of a stream today i'm hoping about an hour um i got work in a bit so can't go too long but we're gonna talk about something that comes up a lot lately and that is kits war on kits okay um i touched on this two or three streams below um ken that was a joke from last week that was a joke foreign's open source it's not being sold it can't be sold it's open source there's nothing to sell it's already all out there so anyways um what was i talking about so i touched on kits a couple streams ago um so i'm gonna kind of reiterate some things about the kits before we open this up okay this is a boron kit this is a boron 2.4 350 millimeter kit um this is a formbot kit okay somebody local to me and a fan of the channel bought one of these and they lent it to me to open this is still sealed i have not looked in this at all it was purchased by him so this is off the shelf this ain't no viewer or streamer privilege kit okay this is straight from the aliexpress so anyways voron kits okay i said it before and i say it again you do not buy a voron okay you build a voron okay warren design is a design group started off with russian cat food and people have joined it over the years i think the design team is technically like 50ish people now plus or minus um it's like a think tank cabal type thing where we just throw stuff out there and every now and then something gets released under the name voron okay so um this isn't prusa this isn't reality this isn't any cubic this isn't you know stresses um these are hobby machines they're enthusiast machines okay these are printers designed for printer or printers designed for people who are printer enthusiasts so when it comes to building a voron you kind of have to know how a printer works before stepping into it now i'm not saying you have to have a printer before you build a horn you can have a boron as your first printer but that's like starting to drive with a corvette okay so i'm sure you'll have fun but usually you want to take a baby step first so the manuals the the sourcing guide everything's kind of set up that you kind of know what you're doing before you go into it the manuals are kind of how to assemble it but they're not step by step so if you want to buy a vora okay because you watched a cnc kitchen's video on it or you see that people talk about them all the time now and every time you see a live chat of anything printer related somebody brings up for on so please turn my calendar to april there we go my famous calendar is now april so anyways um so you you know you're new into 3d printing and you want to buy a voron okay because you've seen stefan mentioned it so you go on aliexpress you buy the kit you download the manual and you're expecting like a proof to like experience it is not that if you've never crimped a wire before if you've never set an end stop if you've never looked at printer firmware if you've never even calibrated flow settings on your printer um you're going to want to do some research before jumping into building a war on okay the manuals are most of them are over a year old at this point and at the time the the people building vorons has changed a lot in the past year oren's been around for now five years since russian cat food started it and in four and a half years we reached 1 000 cerealed vorods that was six months ago last weekend we broke 2 000. so we're seeing a lot of people coming into the community that have very little to no experience building a boron or building a 3d printer at all uh they're buying these kits because it that's you know the kits are there and they're easy and we're getting slammed with questions in in the help channels and uh that's a lot of repeat stuff a lot of stuff in the kits isn't to spec um a lot of people don't know the basics of wiring and whatnot because the manuals don't really go through all the wiring because they're kind of assuming hey you're building your own printer from scratch you should kind of know how to wire it up so stuff is being updated okay um you gotta take into account though this is all dedicated time okay this is all people on their own free time we're not nobody's making voron design is not a money making enterprise by any means um but there is some work being done to try and update manuals for future revisions and whatnot um to take into account this new audience that is building vorons okay so we're hoping to try and get things a little bit better that's why you know my that's why i do the live streams and whatnot and i show the whole build it's not okay i'm gonna you know wire it between the the streams i'm gonna wire it live on stream because i know it helps a lot of people and uh i know a lot of people wouldn't have built their printers or got them completed if it wasn't for the live stream so the live streams are kind of like a stop gap um to at least show those that that kind of don't know how to fall or don't know how to do it exactly to kind of give them a little bit of knowledge um so on the subject of kits this is going to sound very gatekeepery and i don't mean it in any offensive way but having to source your own components made the barrier to entry a little bit higher so that really those that were really dedicated to it would build the printers and we weren't seeing this issue now two clicks on aliexpress and this arrives at your door and it's a boron so the barrier to entry is much lower so we're getting a lot of people that are buying these kits and coming into the community and the problem with the kits is we have zero control over them uh at first they weren't too bad there were some really weird funky stuff like weird ssrs and whatnot but now we're actually starting to see some of the kit manufacturers that had okay kits uh starting to substitute parts out because either they're trying to make more money off of them or demand is much higher than they expected and they just legit have run out of stock and they're just grabbing what they can um we're starting to see complete no-name motors with off centered uh drive shafts showing up like literally two to three thousand play in the drive shaft that that ain't great um we're seeing uh wires that are the incorrect length we're seeing pvc wires they're shipping with pvc wires not uh silicone or the recommended ptfe wires now uh they're pre-assembling some stuff like the bat 85 diode is being soldered onto the wires uh backwards so your probe ain't gonna work um shortages of screws shortages of components um if you're buying a kit and it says it comes with high wind rails it does not come with high wind rails it comes with generic chinese rails that somebody laser engraved high went on i've bought rails from two different vendors that have high one on them that they're not high wind like they were never advertised this time they just all come out of the same bin um so you have to be very careful with these kits now who do i recommend the kits for if you've never built a printer before and the problem is this isn't going to get to the people that need it a lot of people are buying these kits and downloading the manual and just going to town and what we're worried about is somebody is not on the discord they don't watch my videos they're completely separate from the boron ecosystem and they they you know they they have an ender three or whatever and they want to build a warrant so they go on aliexpress they search for the kit and they buy the cheapest kit because people are cheap we can't help that people are cheap okay um they go buy the cheapest kit from cn4445828 uh number one store off aliexpress it's got two orders okay but it's the cheapest one so they buy and they go home and they download the manual um and they start building and uh they make some guesses because i i you know what i i swapped out the extruder on my ender i can do this and the ssr is wired is backwards and the moment they turn the printer on everything runs away or they get a short or the wires are incorrect spec and they start shorting wires down the line and you're you don't know what you should be looking for because it's the kit i just bought the kit the kit has everything i need what do you mean uh the the the bed itself the wiring on the bed is insufficient and we've we've seen heater mats come in where the wires have fallen off the mats like the mains wires have fallen off the mats um or the wires are just too thick and they don't work with the uh the design um we've seen the 80 tooth gears for your zed drives on the 2.4 uh one of the vendors is selling ones that are bigger than the spec ones so they literally don't fit in the printed parts um because most of these vendors don't build vorons they just say hey we can make money selling the kits and they just walk down shenzhen uh the the market and shenzhen with a cart and they're just throwing stuff in the cart that okay 80 tooth gear this is an 80 tooth gear how much per thousand that's cheap throw it in the cart next um so this is a four bot kit here and this is completely unopened and what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go through it okay i'm gonna go through it i'm gonna point out everything that's good everything that's bad and i'm gonna talk about what you should be looking for okay so this is again completely unopened uh this was lent to me so i'm gonna have fun trying to get this all back in the box this is a boron 2.4 millimeter spec okay i haven't been paying attention to chat i got to catch up on it uh those that donated you guys are awesome um i heard the little thing in my ear a few times but uh thank you as always anyone who donates or becomes a member or anything that goes all right back into the channel into the stream helps me do the things i do and create the content i create so what i'm gonna do is basically try and this is a big box by the way it's it's as deep as it is wise it's a big box so i'm gonna try and not damage well not damage i'm gonna try and keep everything ordered because i gotta send this all back to buddy um but as far as i know this is a full kit now let me see here because he had some issues so let me pull it up here i'm not going to say his name and whatnot so uh some points he paid an extra 10 to get this ship via fedex um they still shipped it with the hl okay um and he paid uh 54.99 in taxes um and this is canada so his kit for the 350 this was the kit he purchased it was a 350 so 1 173 dollars canadian plus uh what was this shipping uh yeah let's see here so yeah 123 shipping but he played extra for fedex but they still shipped it dhl and he's still waiting on a refund so there's that you also have to remember if you're in like north america it's a 12 hour difference so if you're trying to contact them about anything it's like a 12-hour turnaround because they're opposite so let's take a look here john clark 20 thank you appreciate it schroedinger's it's in the box so we have panels okay so i'm not going to dig through these panels because they are uh so these are the panels it comes with panels okay so we have the clear panels for the front the sides we got uh these look like acrylic black acrylic so these are the panels and they're right on top and they got like it's a mess so i'm not going to dig through these i'm going to assume they're cut well because they're probably all machined at the same time so i'm not going to dig through these because i'm not going to make a mess in my room here before i go to work so it does come with the panels they look okay um this one doesn't have a protective film on it and it is already scratched all help like there's already a bunch of scratches in this one so this is the back panel i believe and it's already scuffed up pretty bad um the other side has a protection on it so at least you can put this crappy side so out see here try and not make a mess okay ender you're going away goodbye ander dub the ender in the corner where it belongs is it dead or alive it is alive from the looks of things so we got some bubble wrap is it the good bubble wrap it is the unpoppable bubble wrap oh it's the bad bubble wrap this is bad i'm already disappointed because it's the bubble wrap that don't pop okay what else do we got here uh electronic stuff little keystone switch so here let me let me put this on the ground yeah i'll pull it out and then we'll take it so okay jsc connectors uh this is the generic box you can find on amazon or whatever these are what i use these are fine jse connectors fine okay um that's another thing these this kit i believe did not come with controller it might come with a controller he said he oh it does come with controller okay i'll get to that a lot of the controllers now um because skr um or victory tech isn't making the 1.4 anymore so um they're subbing out for the two trees 1.5 okay scare 1.5 the pin out is the same but nobody's gotten their hands on it on the dev team so we actually don't know the quality of the board okay so you're kind of taking a shot in the dark there with the board um and you you really don't know if the board is going to be good long term because we never you know nobody's touched that board before um i think they're going to start moving to the spider soon because if the spider the production units turn out okay that's probably going to be the uh the main the main controller going forward is this fighter there's that okay lola hell thank you for coming to member what else we got belts belt spelt spell so these are gt2 nine millimeter so they're pre-cut okay so these are your zed belts they come individually pre-cut it looks like i'm not a huge fan of that um i'd rather it just be one continuous length with a little bit of extra and that's going to see something you're going to see a lot of um they ship with what the manual what the bomb says so if you need four of these idlers you get four of these idlers hope you don't lose any so for the belts they look similar to the gates belts the triangle labs gates belts like you can see that the the fiber on the outside but they're not labeled so oh wait nope they are labeled there we go these are gates i'm trying i'm not opening anything because this isn't my kit so i really don't want to make a mess but it does say gates on them so there you go gates power grip so these are gates belts so we are okay there on the belts but again your nine millimeter or your six millimeter belt for your xy are cut already i'd rather them ship i continue with lengths with a little bit of extra just so you have more wiggle room there right like when i buy belts i buy belts by like 30 meters like you buy a whole whack load of it because hey you accidentally cut one short or one got damaged uh well now you have no extra okay um yeah i i like having extra just in case okay so again idlers these are you can i can open it ken okay i'll open what i think i need to open okay idler's here now these are your upper zed idlers no clue what brand these are really one second here ride okay your upper z idlers these are mxl these aren't two gt or gt2 so on two gt it's curved at the top on mxl it's a flat top um it's gonna be really hard to see here i don't know if i can even get this on camera but that's flattop these are mxl so these are the wrong upper idlers mxl these are not two gt or gt2 or whatever they're close enough but uh mxl is no s bueno it should be a consistent curve mxl is it the top is flat like the top of the the tooth is flat so upper idlers let me get a notepad going here okay okay next thing um our belt loops look fine they're gates the belt loops are fine yes this is a form bot kit uh we have a what's it called a kingston or kessington uh it's a cat6 to cat6 connector if you want to have like a plug that's a nice little add-on this isn't really required if you're going wi-fi but that's a nice little you know five cent thing they include okay so we've got our pin for our zed offset hopefully that's the right size uh you got your neodymium magnets it looks like they oh yeah because the latches use them now we got our magnets and our m4 knurled nuts these are for your bed standoff so these are all okay those are okay here's the thing you'll notice with a lot of these kits most of it's fine it's just you're gonna find the odd thing that's out and now you're gonna have to re-buy because if you order it all at once yeah it takes time to come in but now you gotta order the right upper idlers and you're gonna be waiting for those to come in so okay wire silicone wire um don't know how much this is 20 gauge so there's your 20 gauge silicone wire um [Music] and that's for your heater and here's the rest of your wire 24 gauge this is for all your everything else it's just this one continuous brand of silicone so we're starting we're moving away from silicone okay um silicone the reason silicone is spec and it's going to be changing to ptfe if you haven't if you're still haven't bought your wires yet get ptfe um so the reason for silicone is cat5 was getting destroyed um there's a few guys on the team that make uh that play with the quads you know the drones and silicone is super awesome in that and it's super bendy so we figure hey that's gonna be great in drag chains and it was okay-ish in the uh the tape chain but when we switched to the uh drag chain itself uh some of the cheaper chains wear through the silicone because it's soft so this wire is okay as long as you like clather it in lube or put a sleeve over it but i really would wish they went with ptfe wire for reference two of my two v2s have silicone wire same with my switch wire i will be switching them to ptfe later but this has several thousand hours with silicone wire so as long as you know you do it right it does work you just have to be careful with um it being too tight in the drag chain there's a proper way that you have your wires installed in a drag chain i'll cover that when i get to it with the toasty boy build but you have to secure both ends if it's just flopping in there you're gonna rub it [Music] okay [Music] so the wire i'll put it down as a negative but it technically is still spec i don't think the uh the bombs have been updated to that and again they order just what's on the bomb they they don't check discord to see what's current right screws and whatnot why don't i keep hitting the wrong button hey they have the right heat set inserts okay peanuts um brass washers so your one millimeter shims are brass that's kind of shiny it shouldn't really affect anything now here's the thing with these nuts and everything and this is the problem you're gonna run into and we've seen a few people they sell like these if if the bomb says 50 they have 50. if the bomb says 42 they have 42 okay so they i don't know if they're finally fixing that because people have been complaining constantly about it but you you drop an m38 and you're you're down on m38 okay or they accidentally counted 39 instead of 40 you're down a screw so the screw the these themselves are fine yeah it's chinese crappy screws like if you know screws you know there's different quality of screws and these aren't the greatest quality usually but it's a 3d printer out of plastic and aluminum you don't need 12 9 screws or whatever the the standard good quality ones are um so if the quantity is correct you're fine but compare that to the ldo kit that i got with uh for the v1 build that comes with a bag of extras okay because ldo took our advice and included a bag of extras so i have extra screws and washers and spacers and t-nuts in there because they listen to our advice we got that okay um was these 16 tooth idlers these are correct these are these ones are fine yeah these ones are fine 16 tooth are fine we're trying to go through hardware and then go on to the electronics but it's it's unfortunately everything's just thrown in here oh here that's great hey what's under this oh hey look here's my drivers just kind of thrown in there that's always good okay fans so we got some sun on maglev fans are they real son-ons i don't know but there's three of them 24 volts they're fans they go burr random filter this thing i can see through it so i really don't think this is gonna do much uh filtering considering you can see the light through it so yeah it comes with a filter oh i missed one magic studio kit yeah the magic studio kit and the ldo doesn't have a full kit yet but magic studio has been the one that's paid the most attention from what i've seen um your connector here this is how you plug it in the wall if you have a computer in your house you probably have a million of these no idea of the brand it's ul it's got a ul stamp on it 16 gauge is the brand sure whatever it's a power cord make sure you have a cert uh plug it into like a circuit breaker or something at home okay your 16 or your uh nine millimeter twenty-two it's for your zed we're good there these are these are uh qgt2 we're good there uh and blacks what are these for six mil i think one of these is for what are these four oh these are for the motor so this is for um now here's the problem a lot of these black ones are mxl and these ones aren't so they're good there uh these are for your drive gear uh for your a b and your zed offset which assembly okay uh so i'm sorry i missed that blue ball 96 uh 10 euro thank you uh interesting topic on the episode also nice to see a number of viewers growing what do we have oh my god 745 hello i i wasn't even paying attention to that uh christopher mueller thank you appreciate it uh when it comes to extrusions check how deep they are threaded i'm gonna check that believe me i'm gonna check that okay moving on uh thermistor i don't like how everything is just thrown in here um they're mr beta3950 looks like the kind you get from tl this is fine it's a beta 3950 there's really not much to them uh heater cartridge unlabeled okay so i'm going to say this because this has happened to me whenever you have a heater you should check it with your multimeter if you don't have a multimeter and you're building a voron go buy a multimeter okay go to go to crappy tire go to the home desk spot just buy a cheap multimeter okay you need something to check continuity and voltage in amps okay and in this case resistance so you should always do a resistance check of your heaters to make sure you have the right one if you plug a 30 watt 12 volt heater into 24 volts you're gonna have a bad time this one i don't know it's not labeled um according to the kit let's see here i can't even search it it's a picture uh it's probably 50 watt is it a 3d v6 kit 24 volt yeah i don't know it doesn't say is it a 30 watt is it a 50 watt i don't know it's not labeled so you're gonna have to check it to make sure uh drag it on the slow boat but you can check it for the viewers uh if it's a dragon dragons are fine i like dragons thermal fuse 125c it's the exact same one i use these work fine um there you go thermal fuse tada uh your corner cube bracket thingies for mounting the bed to the or the bed rails the bed extrusions to the frame those are fine what else do we got here these are for your uh your zed assembly for your z drive the 60 millimeter long five mil dowels let's take a look here now i i don't have a micrometer at home 4.95 how much play do we got in these where is my i don't know where i put there they are i'm using mine for reference because these are pouch i know these are pouch okay they fit they fit good they fit good because i don't want to check these off of whatever ones they included because we don't know that's an unknown which i haven't seen him yet uh tessa tate uh usually this tessa tape ain't the greatest but uh they didn't include it i we don't really need this anymore but it's uh it's wire harness tape still on the list uh teeter is 50 ohm in your kit okay yeah you can't go off whenever you're checking like heaters and motors and whatnot don't go off the wire colors because you have no guarantee what they used over there they used whatever they had okay we got the rubber feet the the generic air compressor feet their generic air compressor feet nothing to talk about there drag chains um oh i think i missed one who was that hello 322 thank you send me multiple of my cereal i like cereals so these are your drag chains the 10 15 and was it the 10 10. um they're kind of chain there's nothing special about them but are they the kind that open at least okay so the z chain does not open so the chain doesn't open so we got what do we got unlabeled uh heater uh drake chain oh open okay so you're gonna have pain because you're gonna have to run your wires through this um individually so that's for the zed and same with the xy so you're gonna have to fish through your wires okay you are not gonna be able to open them up let me find good drag chain okay so just for comparison this is uh let's see here okay so see i can open this and then i can lay my wire in and then i can go snap and it'll take me literally 30 seconds to run my wire through here if that this is i guess by the way this is i get the shade this chain no opening so you're going to be fishing through floppy silicone wire that's all greased up because you don't want to get destroyed through uh through some crappy drag chain it'll work but um you're gonna have some fun put it that way i've done it it's a pain in the butt okay put my good aigus chain separate so sorry ken you're gonna have fun with that okay so the drag chain is drag chain it is functional but it's not the kind you want okay and stops kw10 special lisa store i call them lisa store because that's the store you can buy like 10 of these for two bucks so these are straight up generic kw10 micro switches there's really nothing special to these these aren't the omron ones um they'll work good enough you shouldn't have any issues with them personally i run like an omron switch on my z and then my x and y while i use hall effect on my v2s but on my uh other printers i just use these for my x and y and they're perfectly fine i have no issues on the zed i would have liked that they included a better quality one but i don't think they can um so if you're following along at home these will work just fine you will have a good enough repeatability that it shouldn't be an issue but these are the five cent micro switches for your micro switches uh chris five dollars thank you appreciate it uh send a single fish line through attach the cable bundle then pull through once yeah you could do that i'm just pointing out things you should be paying attention to thanks so much for the stream convinced me to source my own parts there you go because if you source your own you're gonna get what you want okay microfits so they do include microfits microfiber 3s now these are the chinese knockoff microfits these aren't molex microfits okay you can tell that because the china microfits i believe they come with these little tabs on the side okay you got these little tabs on the side here that break off usually i cut them off how good do these work that's what i use in all my printers i i bought um i made my own micro fit kit i basically went on aliexpress let me find it here and bought like 30 of each size male and female and i made my own micro fit tip so i use these in my printers okay um downside to them they do kind of get brittle after a while so after a couple of years um the the locking lock tabs kind of have a tendency to break off but they are functional if you put it that way so they're good enough at least they come with the microfit threes okay up ptfe tube ptfe tube really on a v2 if you're going direct feed tool head um which i'm assuming it has the parts in here for direct feed i don't know there's another layer i got to go through um this is basically just feeder it's a reverse bowden now what i actually like and what i recommend doing is if you're doing reverse boating which you should be doing on a v2 uh get the four millimeter od three millimeter id which this stuff actually is this is a three millimeter id okay you don't want the really tight stuff because it's more friction that's more work your extruder has to work on so perfectly fine if you want to be gucci get the clear stuff so you can see the filament moving through it can i link them i i'd have to go check my store um ken you lucked out kenya lucked out uh he got two sd cards for the raspberry pi i'm pretty sure you only need one because the the skrs come with one so uh hey ken you got two congratulations um piece of the boat in here for i guess the afterburner i don't know why you got three but some little scraps of bowdens probe pl05n okay so this is the generic probe um the zedong one i had one of these running in v226 now for almost three years and it's still chugging along just fine um some people these last a week you got to be careful because with these probes depending on the batch you get sometimes the housings are made out of abs and they get a little melty sometimes they're polycarbonate sometimes they're nylon um these probes work good enough the omron uh knockoff ones are that's what i'm moving towards now um that's what i'm using in toasty boy i got one of the switch wire they're a little bit more reliable but in terms of functionality these function just fine it's just they usually they might not last as long okay but these are the spec ones so that's what they throw in here right because these guys don't hang out in the discord and go oh hey maybe i should spend the extra 10 and get a better pro they go hey piece of paper says this this is what we're gonna throw in there fans uh etsy printed parts you're probably gonna pay more than you pay way more than you would if going through pip and uh quality you have no guarantee okay son on fans apparently um meg lev they're they're fans i run cheap china fans and all my printers because they sit in this room by themselves so i don't really care about noise um hey zip ties that's always good idlers okay so these are your xy joint idlers uh 40 20 can't be a sun yeah i don't think sun on actually makes 40 20 so it's uh yeah okay so here's your idler okay your xy idler i am not a huge fan this is this is separate from the boron dev team i'm not a huge fan of these idlers okay um these pin bearings have a tendency to explode um they really don't last too long there are some higher quality ones that are a bit better they last a bit longer personally i just go with an f695 stack um like the same idler setup you use for the smooth idlers use it for the the two tooth irons you need on your xy joints there is enough teeth in contact that unless you over tighten your belts you're not going to really see any issues in the print quality and they're beefier and they last longer so these idlers here i have no idea what brand these are um these bearings are omg tiny and mxl so they're mxl which is no good mxl tooth the loops it says gt2 but they got the flat top unless it's the bottom it's the bottom that's flat i don't know i don't trust these i don't trust these yeah completely unknown i have no idea how long these would last yeah sonam does make 2040 okay okay um a few more things here here's your drivers you get exactly seven of them and uh the heatsink is potted on with um some sort of adhesive okay these are big tree tech 2209s okay so 22.09 those are the drivers you want those are what we like um victory tech v 1.2 so here's the problem if you buy the kits you buy two separate boards or you buy a spider you're gonna get enough drivers for your whole board this they're you're getting only what you need so if you wanted to add another extruder or you damage one of these gotta order a separate one so no spares again that's a recurring theme with these is you get exactly what's on paper um what else so we got the foam tape and bhb tape so if this is legit this is legit but that's says 3m vhb tape and there's your foam tape for the uh sealing up your panels or noise deadening and keep the fumes out or in and heat in i've used this this is the cheap foam it works i've used it 3m vhb is very high bond tape only put it on stuff you really don't want to come apart um the little clicky thingy to hold your ssr to the din rail these are generic items yeah uh we got some wire crimps here is it for like your terminal connections to your like solid state relay and your power supply and whatnot so there is that uh they do have some shrink wrap on them you can a little bit of extra protection these are what you would expect to find at a cheap hardware store so they're okay i guess and a single boating connector oh and again randomly in a bag by itself a bat 85 diode don't lose this you need this uh oh david's here 49.99 thank you appreciate it man everyone say hi david everyone say hi david but yeah again common theme everything just thrown in the box so uh i don't even know where that bad 85 went hopefully it's in the pile yeah so don't lose that wow that camera has really bad colors i gotta play with it one day okay move to electronics okay so power supplies okay it says meanwell rs255 this is power supply for your raspberry pi okay now why do we spec an rs25 why do we spec an actual power supply for the raspberry pi instead of a buck converter these are usually more stable and they're usually higher quality okay you're less likely to have issues with a power supply than a buck converter um and it also allows you if you want to have the pie powered separately so you can turn the pie or turn the printer off and leave the pie on if you want some people like doing that um and honestly the price difference isn't that much you can get an rs25 uh for the same price as a good buck converter oh somebody became a member i think something popped up uh kostra thank you for becoming a member [Music] what else we got here okay i think these are the polar boards so i'm not mistaken ken said he was going to get the spider at least the same okay so i'm only gonna open one so this is the two streams now i could've sworn kids said he wasn't gonna get these but they shipped them anyways it looked like uh ordered it the day you told me about the federer oh okay yeah so this is the unlabeled box one okay there is no labeling on this at all like it doesn't say so this is an lpc based okay so this isn't the same chip as the um the skr okay the victory tech one this is lpc1768 nxp chip so it still is clipper compatible um and the pin out is the same you just have to follow a different procedure for flashing it i guess but again nobody on the team has this board you got hey can you see that discoloration there it's like yeah i don't know if that's like from the flux or whatever but it's got like a weird grimy texture to it so yeah i don't know i i can't vouch for this board because i've never used it but here it is um it's not a fake skr uh victory tech doesn't make the skrs anymore okay or the skr 1.4 they are going to the skr2 um i do have one on the way or two on the way i don't know um lpc is it the normal scare i don't know oh is it lpc lpc-based i thought it was the where's mine at i'll find it later i could have sworn they were the oh no they are the lpc base i thought they were the other one oh i'm getting it mixed up with duet but yeah long story short it's it's a two trees one so we don't know about the quality that's what i'm saying so on paper it's the same but we don't know you know for all we know they cheap down on the uh the uh the copper or whatever it's not you know it's one ounce of copper in there so if you get what i'm saying that's what i mean okay stm32 okay that's right i'm thinking there's stm32 that's what that was was getting me off because i have an skr pro for toasty boy so that's why i was thinking the stm that's why so there's too many products just let's go back to ramps ramps was easy was it slow yes ramps okay what else we got oh we got the screen okay wow even the rubber ducky is lacking will do at work yes it will i've got a duet this printer right here runs a duet it's running clipper but it's it's duet um the mini one two eight six four screen the mini one two eight six four screen i'm not gonna bother opening it it's a screen it's a nice screen uh that's what i use on like the switch wire and it's a spec screen main power supply duct doesn't quack it it quacks weekly okay meanwhile lrs 224 okay ken i'm gonna do you a favor 115. always make sure your power supply is set for uh wherever you live in the world how that feels it doesn't feel right that's my lrs12 so it says meanwhile but the stickers are completely different um i don't know it looks the same anyways i thought i was going to build the printer i'm not going to build the printer for you i've already got enough on my plate and just because i did the one actually that one don't matter okay the vendo used a fake meanwhile power supply someone reported it getting one and said meant well it's a meant well uh buying a kit and replacing the four incorrect parts the problem is you're not gonna know what you have for or incorrect until it actually shows up okay um because a lot of these are changing on the fly um based on feedback and whatnot plus supply chain so we're seeing stuff change that like kits are different from previous ones okay raspberry pi it's a raspberry pi so this is a 3b plus yeah it's a raspberry pi 3b plus yeah i don't know it's a raspberry pi 3b plus what is there to say it works fine um you don't need the raspberry pi 4 you're really not going to see any difference going to the raspberry pi 4 versus the 3 um i don't have a board any of mine so let me check one thing here okay there they are okay for a second i thought he got uh screwed on something but it's in there okay rails so over 800 dang i have no idea how i have 800 right now hi everyone hope you're all having good make sure you uh you you like that smash button um follow me on twitter at 3dp narrow um if you like the channel just consider because i mean i'm this consider becoming a member subscribing if you're not subscribed or uh patreon i don't know the youtuber generic shilling stuff go rails let's talk about rails that's the important part so um if you're building a spec boron all your rails are the same length so we got one two three four five six seven eight you need eight rails um these have no branding on them whatsoever i'm only gonna open one okay um i'm just gonna open one of these because again this kit is lent to me okay so they come with the little stoppers on the end and then if they're all like this these rails are fine okay i see no no discoloration they're flat enough they move fine now when it comes to the rails um they come with oil on them okay the oil on them is strictly rust preventative okay these are not lubed what i recommend is if you have something like an ultrasonic bath take your rails put the carriages at the end and just kind of stick them all in your ultrasonic bath within a baggie filled with iso or whatever cleaner of your choice use apparently don't use green simple green it discolors some rails not all of them but some um i think it's simple green hd um or iso i use iso and you put it in a baggie that way you don't got to fill up the whole thing with iso and turn the room into a a bomb so flush them out even if you if you don't have a an ultrasonic just flush them out with iso or some other degreaser like uh a chlorine free brake clean you want to use a cleaner that won't affect the rubber on the wipers for example or the plastic okay so you want to clean them out try to avoid taking the carriage off the rail a lot of the time with the chinese rails um because again these aren't high winds even if they say they're high winds they're not high winds you'll see how they're marked there right this is zero and l1 or something in chinese um usually that's the preload and they're paired up so what they do is they'll just make all the rails and carriages and all the balls and they'll just size stuff together to what works okay so if you take a rail off a carriage or carriage off a rail and try to put on another rail it may be either too sloppy or too tight okay so try to avoid mixing them up back when we first started you had to take everything apart because everything was a total mess when it showed up that's not the case anymore these come pretty clean and they function pretty well okay so you shouldn't have to do full disassemblies anymore so what i recommend is just clean them off really good and then what you can use is i don't know where i put it over here i use like a literally an old uh like what is a medicine dropper um it's filled with grease and there's like a little gap here where you can kind of see the ball bearings smoosh the grease in there use like a pin to try and push it in move it around and just get as much grease in there and you're good to go high quality reel rails come with grease uh ports on it these don't it's obviously easier on the bigger rails than the mgm9s but yeah so these rails look okay um they look like the robot dig ones i think but yeah though can you use acetone um you gotta be careful because there's plastic and rubber on it so i really wouldn't use acetone uh ldo yeah for okay so i'm generalizing here okay some rails come cleaner than others ldo is a pretty good company um for the ones that for toasty boy i still ran them through the ultrasonic but that's i do all my rails like that okay most of my machines run cna rails um and i've had no issues with them so so that's that so the rails are good um so far we found some mxl stuff um belts cut to size instead of any extra uh unlabeled heaters and drag chain issues so so far it's okay um i'm gonna put all this back in here so i don't lose anything because again this is a borrow kit and i think the next thing is the bed under this let me just kind of i will package this the same way they packaged um hit the ship and by that i mean just kind of meet it all into a bin as the kids would say i'll try and not crush the drivers who ships drivers like that seriously so plus so far okay you got two sd cards congratulations although you're you know what you're gonna have to use one of these to flash your skrs because the skrs uh didn't come with uh a card unless double check yep okay so if you're buying the kit the uh the skrs don't come with an sd card you need an sd card to flash them so i don't know if that's why they included two sd cards so you can use one of the sd cards to flash the skrs because obviously you're going to need an skr or an sd card in your raspberry pi but uh usually they only come with like 128 megabyte one not a big one but uh these don't come with one so does the kit say it comes with two and also electrons where's electronics [Music] and we haven't gone into the ssr yet i haven't seen the ssr yet i don't see s care yeah i don't see it on there oh well okay i and i'm sorry guys i'm trying i'm not really following chat as much as i should normally do i'm trying to i'm under a time right now so oh no i'm knocking stuff down my panels my firmwa lab panels there you go get covered in dog hair okay bedtime your kit had two sd cards too okay so the kit it probably comes with two sd cards um just to simply so you can flash the skrs looks like okay peter vivendo now um does have the 468 mp adhesive or at least it says it does should be legit um this looks a lot like the kenobo ones mine's installed so i can't directly compare it looks like they're no longer sheathing these wires with that really heavy duty um they used to be like a heavy duty like sheath on these wires um i've seen them a lot with the v0 kits and this doesn't fit through the drag chains on the v0 with the v2 and v1 it's not that big of an issue but with the v0 that was an issue and yeah this looks pretty much exactly like a kinobo i don't know if you can tell the difference between the two but this looks like a kenobo like in terms of exactly how it looks is a kenobo i re this should be more in the middle but it's not going to break the day okay does this can include the printed parts no it does not most kits do not okay let's take a look at the bed so we got our flex plate here is it happy ion it does not have pei on it okay so it's textured on one side that is not amber looking at all that's like that doesn't look too pe to me just to compare this is my energetic pi okay and it's got a sticker on the back this is just sheet metal so the flex plate is only textured and uh p.i is normally amber colored that looks pretty uh not amber color or black if you're cool and by the way that fingerprint ain't mine that is um it's already rusting actually so whoever was packaging this up in uh in shenzhen if you want to steal their fingerprint and steal their identity you probably could pull it off of this but it's actually kind of rusting a little bit there's a little now it's not like you know going to damage it rust two seconds with a scotch brake pad would clean that up but yeah uh chris my pi sheet is amber okay so yeah so it looks like they're changing or a different batch or something um i don't know if it's what is it pex i know wham bam started using pex because it's cheaper but it isn't as good as pi um magnet uh 3m 300 s or lse is the adhesive on it um i'd rather see 468 mp but it is what it is okay the plate the actual plate it's machined it is not blanched ground okay so it looks like the bottom is just i think this precision machined aluminum plate this is proceed yeah this is precision machined aluminum plate so the surface has marks of processing as we tested the flatness of this plate is 02.1 does that actually mean it is that well unfortunately i don't have my granite surface plate and mitutoyo height gauge at home i don't own one at all but work has one let's take a look at this plate okay so this is fully machined now is this de-stress cast aluminum that's the question so normally with the i okay the cast aluminum tooling plates oh they're not cast or whatever they're they're cast they're shaped to size they're de-stressed to their heating process and then they're blanche ground okay regardless we're just going to call them cass because that's easy that's the terminology people use okay so is it flat that's the question because there's two different things you're looking for there is there's there's flatness and then there's like i'm trying to remember it's been a while since my metrology class okay but basically there's there's flatness which is the difference between the highest point and the lowest point and then there is like so it can be flat but could also be curved right so if i were to shine a light under that and what you got to be careful with is when it comes to the uh the process of actually making it if it is not de-stressed they say it's just you know aluminum from like you know it's just formed aluminum and they go ahead and make the plate out of it yeah you can machine it flat the moment you heat it up it's gonna taco so and this is just a pcb ruler this isn't like a super flat straight edge it's the flattest thing i got on hand it honestly doesn't look too bad i will say they need to trim out the head on their bridge port because you can feel the step here so if you if you're billing right and this is with a probably three inch oh they're in china so it'd be metric yeah two and three quarter 70 ml so with the fly cutter it comes along and you know it machines this and then they move over and they machine the next one so it's a three inch fly cutter the problem is if the head of the machine is not trimmed out it's not um leveled basically what will happen is instead of the cutter being perfectly flat it'll be like this right it'll be off a little bit right and you can go in there like if i had a bridge board i'd do a video on it's cool but you have to level the head right you have to trim the hand out on the x and y so when you step over you're basically it looks like a sawtooth pattern now obviously we're talking maybe maybe a thou here but when you run up your finger between these two high points you can feel it there is a bump there between every one of these points okay now once you put a layer of adhesive on it a magnet a spring steel sheet and then a layer pei on that you're probably not gonna notice it okay so odds are this is flat enough okay it's got the mounting holes for mounting it to the bed to the frame it comes with two tapped holes here if you want to mount your um heater uh thermal um fuse to one side you can i'd rather mount it to the the bed itself or the heater mat itself and then you have a spot for your ground okay so it is machined okay now the question is i have no idea what type of metal this is okay so oh that could say 10 mil or eight mil probably 7.5 mil um now what do they say it is [Music] build plate so it's saying it's mike 6 5 16. okay hey well 5 16 is 312 thou and this is yeah it's 5 16. it's close enough you know it's 5 16 and then they they flattened it then they did that so slightly undersized but that ain't gonna be a big issue it should be okay if as long as it's machine as long as it's the right type of metal you'll be fine um but i have no way of guaranteeing that i don't have like uh the equipment to check it so you'll find out when you heat it up for the first time yeah i guarantee you it's an eight mil plate that they uh they ground or they machine i'd rather see uh blanching mart so if you look at your plate and you see swirls like a like a semi-circle pattern on it that means it's blanche ground and usually how they make that they make like the four by eight sheet of it and then they blanch ground the whole thing or blanchard ground or whatever the proper term is and then they uh they go ahead and cut it into the sheets so bed is okay for an aliexpress bed the bed's fine as long as it doesn't taco on you which unfortunately i can't check okay and the last part okida what is okida because that's what these motors are so we got our frame here um let's go through this let's go through this so yeah we got our 80 tooth here these look like the pouch ones they are too gt they're okay there we've got our hot end and a foam or an air cylinder thing so it is a it's a v2 oh don't be using this for naughty things um so it is it's a v6 i mean with an orange sock on it um there's no markings to say what kind this is and it probably has a stainless steel heat break on it and a generic brass nozzle but that's that f695 bearings rs uh fushi okay fuji bearings i like fushi bearings so we're good there uh check aluminum frame length i'll check that um electrical switch this isn't really the one we recommend because depending on where these have a tendency to be in low quality and can burn up so we do recommend a better fuse than this but this will work this is all okay this is all packaged properly hey look at this this is actually you know proper packaging here okay why couldn't they do this with the electronics you know the stuff that's metal and can probably take a little bit of banging around it's packaged all individually okay there's your uh bond tech kit your bmg kit for the uh afterburner tool head it's in a little container don't look bad uh there's our ssr so our ssr is a gold solid state relay 25 amp okay so here's the thing with uh obviously this ain't an omron or crydom but i've always kind of held to this belief when it comes to the uh offshore manufactured um ssrs they do work okay the problem is they usually overrate them okay so what that means is if it's rated for 25 amps don't be putting 25 amps through it but if you only need five amps and it's a 40 amp one so if you only need five amps of actual protection and you're using a 40 amp rated ssr off aliexpress you'll probably be okay okay now i'm not going to recommend you ever buy one i'm going to say go get an uh a crydom or an omron or another proper quality one but i know people will if you are gonna buy the cheap one get one that's overrated okay uh six two five rs bearings they're a little i feel okay these ones have no brand marking on them so the the f695s say fushi these ones have no brand name on them okay motors so got your afterburner motor okay no marking now these are the stepper motors if anyone wants to uh hook them up there but these are okida um 0.14 newton meters oh that's only the the little motor there's the big motor 0.59 newton meters so i think these are 84 ounce these should be okay um the thing is though i've never even heard of this motor company before um okita is for pancake and what are these ones oh no these are these are okita too the big ones are okita too but um i've never heard of this motor company before i think this is the brand that buddy had the issue with the drive shaft not being centered there it was out a bit so his uh zed wobbled i feel okay so they should be fine but again i i've never even heard of this motor company so for reference um omc steppers are spec so is uh ldo motors are also quite acceptable so lokita motors i have no clue unfortunately i don't have a reference to them right like we've it's in the box that's what you get are they good are they bad we don't know okay i really don't want to pull out all the excursions but i think that's all we got now i don't have a 24-inch mitutoyo uh vernier to fully check all these so i can paint measure them oh you got your uh din rails i think i have a tape measure somewhere yes i got a tape measure i can if you talk to the seller they will put ldo if they can put ldo why don't they just put ldo so here's the thing when it comes to the extrusions it's okay if they're not exactly to spec okay so if you need 300 millimeters of extrusion and it's 2.99 as long as all the ones that are supposed to be 300 are all 299 you're okay okay you run into issues when they're all over the place and when they're all over the place then you run into issues because you can't square stuff up easily now obviously checking with the tape measure ain't you know full on proper measuring but what i got now these follow the ldo method of uh cutting tapping and then anodizing so these are anodized after they are cut to size okay do yeah a micrometer is more accurate than a burner i live where i live uh most people refer to vernier calipers as just burners i don't know if that's like a regional thing but every tool shop i've been to that's just how they go okay so for those unawares when it comes to aluminum you want three times thread diameter so if you are putting a five millimeter screw into aluminum you want 15 millimeters of thread engagement to maximize strength okay beyond that it doesn't really make sense and shorter than that you're not getting full strength so we have 18 millimeter of thread tap deep enough at least the one i checked i'm not gonna check them all so honestly that's not bad and that's pretty much it i think yep that's it if there's anything else under here yep that's it so that is the kit it is what it is now i gotta figure out how to fit this all back in here my frame holes were all kind of like oh yeah these aren't misumi extrusion if you're getting extrusions off aliexpress they are not misumi it's like high winds okay if you are buying high wind rails off aliexpress they're not a high one look how much legit high winds cost and if you're finding them on aliexpress either they are uh surplus ripped out of a machine high winds or they are straight up knock off high ones um yeah so yeah that is the kit um it seems okay um now would i recommend buying it i'm not gonna recommend buying a kit flat out um because even this kit there are things in here i don't like so i won't recommend it flat out um i don't know anything about the motors the ssr and some of the pulleys are questionable uh the way the belts are set up the way the screw count is um if if i had a store okay if i had you know northern raving additive manufacturing i was selling this kit i would not be happy selling the kit the way it is okay there are things i don't like about this and it's a kit so it's all or nothing okay now if you know what you're looking for and you're okay with rebuying stuff you could go the route okay um this kit honestly isn't bad i will say um there are stuff like you know a v6 i i'd rather have a dragon so i'm wasting money buying a v6 because you're you're saving a bit of money um but you're going to be rebuying stuff and when you're rebuying stuff you're paying individual shipping um it'll add up and depending on you know which build you're going with which side you're going with or size um it might cancel out believe me i know the opportunity to buy everything you know one and done is is nice um but you could get burned because the thing is this kit was shipped to three weeks ago how are they now we don't know stuff in here is different than people who first bought the kits because the first kits came with ldo motors these aren't ldo motors um and skr 1.4s and these aren't skr 1.4s so the thing is there is no guarantee now this is probably one of the better kits um i've heard some pretty bad stuff from some of the blue rolls kits um the magic studio kits people say good things about um but they're not available as often so a lot of people jump to these these are the kits that sell the most okay um the thing that i really don't like about the kits is you really have to know what you're looking for before you go into the build okay because a lot of people are buying the kits not knowing they're thinking it's like a prusa experience where they can just buy the kit follow the manual slap it together and like the heater cartridge for example there it's not labeled are you 100 sure it's a 24 volt heater cartridge okay because if you don't know for sure it's 100 or it's a 24 volt and you wire it in as a 12 volt and it's a 12 volt because they threw the wrong one in there and it's not labeled um you could fry electronics you can damage the printer and then you don't know what you're doing because everything's fried and odds are you you won't know how to fix it um that's what i don't like about the kits kids you don't have a guarantee and there's no there's no way to ensure that it's good okay there's there's nobody overlooking it there's no oversight it just kind of it is what it is you get what you get um and that's it so yes it's nice it comes with all the panels it comes with you know everything pretty much ready to go there's a few things you're going to have to play with but for the most part it ain't bad but it doesn't fit back in the box sit on the box to tape it back up um but yeah so that's a kit um yes i printed toasty boy and see if i want uh anyone have any questions got about 10 minutes here before i got a headache so yeah so that is a voron in a box that is a kit um honestly i'm i thought it would be a lot worse than what it is um but i still if i was if i had a store i would not sell it like this okay there's just too much to it that i don't like or it to be a one-and-done go with it um because the problem is people buy these and they think that's all they need and they're good to go and they start building and they run into issues um so if you long story short if you know what you're doing okay you've built printers before you have a decent knowledgeable background about 3d printing um you haven't built one but you've watched lots of videos or whatever and you you know what you can look for and you know what's good and what's bad and you're just looking to saves a little bit of time and you're okay buying this going through it all double checking everything and possibly replacing some components this could be an attractive off option okay however there is no guarantee anything in here is good because this is random store on aliexpress who's in it for the money it is what it is so i don't have any tape i gotta find paper where's your opinion on the mosquito versus mosquito magnum um if you only go with high flow if you plan on printing either stupid fast or with a larger than 0.6 nozzle or 0.6 or larger nozzle and print fast uh chris 5 gt2 rounded tooth profile is rounded trench but close plan on the peaks google search image okay so i was wrong so they might be they might be two gt um i still think the bearings the bearings themselves the idler bearings that kind of feel kind of crappy um so what is kenneth's rumoring about i don't know i i'm sorry but um i'm sorry i wasn't able to follow the chat much tonight how many star out of 10 oh um seven like if you if this was like my first intro to a boron um i could i could build a printer out of this right i could easily build a printer out of this okay um but i'm coming at this from a you know this is our work and this is somebody taking our work and putting it in a box and selling it would i be proud of this like i won't recommend a kit unless it's like our quality um ken there he keeps bringing that up i joked about on the last stream about reality buying no boron's open source you can't sell that reality wants to send me a printer i'll take a look at it but reality ain't building a war on uh i have to find tape okay so yeah so sell some kits i am not gonna invest the money into a kit honestly if you wanted north american borons like nor voron built in north america you're looking at like three to five grand a printer people are going after these because they're a thousand okay so yeah i'm not gonna sell kits i don't have the time for that uh where to look for bombs yeah go to borondesign.com um and then go to the configurator for whatever printer pump punch in the numbers you want for whatever size and it'll spit out a bill of materials and a sourcing guide the sourcing guide is all components if you're you're sourcing stuff take a look at the sourcing guide first okay the sourcing guide is all components that we have personally used and we know they work okay they're not necessarily the best components um for example like a v6 is listed on there there are better hotends than the v6 but we know it works so it's on there okay these motors um how are how's their um what's it called um there's a whole bunch of stuff to stepper motors in terms of like inductance and stuff like that we have no idea how well these motors work um when you push them to 300 millimeters a second right we have no idea how these motors behave on avora like so i have no idea if these motors will be okay for most people or if you know you start trying to print speed benches they start crapping out at 250 millimeters a second on a curve we don't know there is no testing on these motors so that's why i can't recommend the kit because there's just stuff in here we've never tested we don't know same with the sdkr 1.5 the who knows maybe they start popping caps after six months of use we don't know so okay um i gotta go to work i got work in like 15 minutes so i got to make my lunch um again this was just me kind of looking at a kit i know a lot of people want to take a look at boron kits and i'm not going to stop you from buying them okay um people are going to buy kits it's just what people do okay um just make sure you know what you're doing before you dive into buying a kit if you're buying a kit go through the whole thing once you get it if you have any questions about anything ask in the war on discord if you see see anything that's funny looking take pictures of it share it in the boron discord that's how we know about these if there are some kits that we straight up don't recommend because like they're doing all kinds of funky stuff but the problem is people just buy what's cheap so we can't really stop anyone and it's you know it's an open source project anyone can make a kit if you're going on aliexpress and you see a kit from a vendor that has sold two of them and they're the cheapest ones don't go with that kit okay search by most orders honestly the formbot ones are the ones that sell the most it is what it is um make a fetus tl hybrid betas and tl have the same oem manufacturer they already work together um kit equals import taxes um i think he paid like 54 on this guy they always undervalue him so anyways um i got to go to work guys i hope you found this interesting i don't know how i had almost 800 people watching this at some point but you guys are all awesome um anyone who donated to the stream you guys are awesome anyone who just watched the stream you guys are awesome um anything that you put towards the channel goes right back into the channel supporting me sporting the content i create the things i do um hope you learned something new today if you're not subscribed to the channel make sure you're subscribed i don't know ring the bell follow me on twitter um go to only benchies good times there um you guys take care i'm gonna go work now and uh peace [Music] [Music] do [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: NERO 3D
Views: 38,308
Rating: 4.8127522 out of 5
Keywords: voron, voron design, v2, v2.4, v2.1, v24, v2.2, v2.0, vzero, v0, v1, serial, request, cereal, overview, intro, 3d, printer, 3d printer, corexy, core, xy, abs, enclosed, kit, aliexpress, formbot, form, bot, form bot, blurolls, blu, rolls, blu rolls, kits, bundle, 3d printing, printing
Id: BEdsHlHA2C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 56sec (5876 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 21 2021
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