Random Number Generation - Metroid Fusion Randomizer

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hello everyone and welcome to random number generation this is episode 46 metroid fusion randomizer with hercules bench press before we get started y'all if you are watching on youtube also hello everybody on youtube uh come check out our highlights channel by searching gdq's some of best segments on youtube from there you can see highlights of our hot fix shows very excited for that you all should check that one out gdq hotfix is looking for more shows if you are over 18 live in the us and would like to be a showrunner for games done quick email hotfix gamesdonequick.com with your idea you can check out our twitter for more information and ask questions again that is hotfix gamesdonequick.com join all of the amazing showrunners and richard with a bi-weekly show and i didn't write that by the way that last line was richards so uh yeah i'm not being mean to richard i promise here what that hurt how are you doing it's wonderful to have you here i'm doing great skye um thank you for having me how are you doing i'm doing great i have never seen a metroid fusion randomizer before and from what i can understand it's fairly new can you talk a little bit about that yeah so this randomizer uh came out i believe on father's day back in june um and you know a lot of people you kind of think like you know it's such a linea a linear game how can it you know work with a randomizer we so kazuto made a game modification called sequence break fusion that basically allows you to sequence break all throughout the game for the most part for at least two-thirds of it and using those building blocks he was able to make the randomizer uh it's not you know it's it's final forms yet there are still some bugs being worked out um but what because judo did was just remove all of the story and the hard-coded event flags to allow it to be more open and allow items to just be placed anywhere and when you remove the story and the linearity this game really opens itself up really well and you you kind of see how well it's designed um and it's really designed quite well for a randomizer absolutely so what you're saying herc what you're telling me is if there are bugs that are still present we're going to uncover those tonight right because it is gdq hotfix that seems like the perfect spot to find bugs in a randomizer well so for the two seeds that we're doing tonight i've had them screened by a third an independent third party to make sure that they were one beatable and two uh were you know didn't have too many spots or well not that it's not spicy these are some very spicy seeds but um you know there's always a chance for a salt flock but these seeds are beatable 100 well that's good to know and i assume you'll be saving semi-frequently too just in case you know a lock of some kind yeah all right well with that being said are you ready to go yeah i'm absolutely ready all right on your account let's go all right we'll go start it in uh five four three two one go good luck and have fun herc thank you so the first change that we're gonna see is that the beginning text uh it's to tell you the items that you need to complete the randomizer the so there are a few items that you're going to need so main missiles obviously one of them you're going to have to unlock red doors which is the level 4 security so you can access the navigation deck uh on the like in the flight command center uh you're gonna need plasma beams so that way you can damage the sax and you're going to need charge beams so that way you can deal damage to the sax um we're not going to need ice as you might think um and like just to get started here we're going to go and we're just going to do our normal route to the first data room no plot lines no triggers that we have to hit or anything like that we're just going to go right and collect the item the first item can be either a morph ball a miss of the main missiles which is vanilla or speed booster um and from there we're going to start building our path but once we obtain you know and some of the items that we're going to need are going to allow us to access certain things so red doors are going to require gravity suits and where's my tracker oh this is gonna be super spicy uh more there we go so morph ball starts i think are usually the spiciest of uh starts and this will probably allow me to show off a few neat little tricks on my way um but so to unlock red doors i'm going to need gravity suit and speed booster um and that's that's really the only requirements to get to there bombs are not necessarily needed so this could be a bomble seed who knows um but we're gonna see as we go along and feel free to ask questions in chat i will do my very best to answer as many as the questions as i can and there are a lot of people in chat that i'm seeing right now that uh have a lot of randomizer experience that will be able to help out as well what does spicy mean spicy means like okay so you know like if you go to chick-fil-a and you get like the the regular chicken imagine getting the spicy chicken instead so like a major item that i'm going to need is going to be placed in a location that is either very difficult or very like out of the way or on a boss of some sort so space jump immediately after morph ball is uh oh okay so that's an item as you're gonna see all the question marks are the major the major upgrades um and there there's other upgrades as well with like the regular normal upgrades the e-tanks the missiles and the power bombs the power bombs are going to be more or less useless just due to the fact that we can't use them without uh regular uh bombs you know being present and without them uh the morph sorry not the more the the main powerbomb expansion being acquired so they're in a future update hopefully soon fingers crossed um we're going to get the ability to don't want that we'll have the ability to set whether or not we can use them without the main item or not it's just a pawn expansion pickup so as you get like if you're used to fusion um usually you know you go to sector one first you'll do all those but i don't have missiles to get through those areas i don't have speed booster to get through the um first uh uh stabilizer so i'm gonna go to sector two and open up the blue doors as well as check these items that are along the way there are two the one that i checked already in the keigo room and the data room are gonna be the two free items uh and once i open these doors i'll have three and four open to me as well for potential checks [Music] so there's no cutscene trigger um because it's a lot of this has been removed um a lot of the the cut scenes and the like have just been removed just because you know they're not needed in the context of randomizer um the story is all but removed for the most part so we're not going to see like any sort of cut scenes we're not going to talk to adam uh at all we're not going to do any of the things you would normally see in like a metroid fusion speed run or when you're playing the game casually as well as we're not gonna encounter any of the sax um yeah you know the sax encounters it would just be empty rooms [Music] speed booster okay hmm [Music] interesting where do i want to go do i risk going to sector one hmm i could go to sector two or three that is available to me at the moment what is the riskiest play you could make right now given what you have um probably sector three uh sector three the items that uh i could get there are two one of them requires a damage run uh the items so a lot of the damage runs in fusion aren't particularly like that bad i'm gonna go down to sector one and save there and then go check the items in sector three um [Music] a lot of the damage runs in you know the context of this randomizer are fairly short for the most part but uh you know it's they are pro like logical damage ones are usually programmed in i don't know what the settings are for these these are just seeds that someone said were pretty spicy uh and that i handed off to a third party to test so i'm not 100 sure as to whether or not logical damage runs are in the uh you know in logic but uh we're gonna find out yeah thanks for the deal there was a remark from chat saying that this rando used to be impossible do you know anything about that that seems like a really interesting story yeah so it's been thought for the longest time that um [Music] you know um that a randomizer for metroid fusion would be pretty impossible because the that's okay um the event flags are hard-coded in the game so to be able to do it you would have to you know do a lot of work to get around that and as well as potentially make it a little bit more open but uh kazuto found a way kazuto was the the person who made the game mod uh sequence break fusion as i said earlier and um oh i did save here okay we're good um and uh it uh i'm not entirely sure all of the goings-on that uh he did to uh to make it possible but a lot of the uh story is or all of the story has been removed and uh it it that's what allows us to kind of do it so we thought it's been impossible for a while uh for the longest time but uh he found a way also um what i did there is like the only so we're still in the version 0.9 oh god uh oh no um we're in the 0.9 uh version release still we're still waiting an update but we're hoping to get one soon um but the original update for this or the initial release only has one trick that's programmed and it's for difficulties three four and five and the trick that it that's programmed in is the one we just saw we have to use speed booster or a shine spark to kill these the first stabilizer uh just to access progression items so this is uh incredibly interesting especially for the fact that i have power bombs but i don't have uh bombs so i can't use them this is quite the troll so let's see there's two items here and i couldn't risk a lava dive oh i could risk a lava dive now um especially with the e-tanks that i just got definitely now with these with the third one um so i'm gonna take this damage run here to check this item in the lava because it could be progression it's just another e-tank still worth it to get it or especially early on um there might be damage runs where i have to go to sector six without varya which would be very dangerous because the blue x deal a lot of damage and there are a couple items that might require actually i can't go down there there are some items that might require a uh that the damage run with like the six or seven blue x and a vertical shaft so this is very interesting oh i know where progression is i almost forgot it's up at the top of the elevator uh speaking of really interesting here we do have the developer of the randomizer in chat so fun fact only started work on randomizer itself last summer a lot of the good for sequence breaking fusion made the randomizer possible and a lot of the time spent in the previous year was just learning how to make a randomizer in general so again that's from kazuo they're talking about the experience that goes into making a randomizer and how difficult it is a lot of folks don't realize that i think i think as well i don't know how much help that he had on the randomizer uh either i mean you know he obviously he can attest to you know just how many hands were we're working on this but i feel like a lot of the uh like the updates and stuff like that that we're getting and like communications is just coming you know through kazuto himself so i get the impression that it was you know mostly done by by kazuto but i you know i have not seen a you know like a credits or you know anything like that mr harmony or who but to anybody and everybody that worked on this thank you i really appreciate it agreed and it's always interesting to hear those stories you know this this randomizer was very difficult to make and the why and everything that went into that including a lot of people underestimate the testing that goes into this because invariably there's always going to be bugs when you make a randomizer sometimes and there's so much testing that needs to take place because trust me if anybody can find something that breaks the game it's speedrunners it's uh funny you mentioned that because we there were some uh some like beta test seeds uh leading up to the release that uh were done and a lot of it like were it was before there was any real like item weights and stuff like that so a lot of the seeds were very front loaded um with like all of the items now they're all kind of you know you'll still get some seeds where it'll be spray you know very much like one right after the other but for the most part they're very much spread out um but like i think it was the first day that the randomizer came out which was like i'm pretty sure it was like 6 p.m eastern time on like father's day there was i believe there were reports of some seeds just being unbeatable because of a a room that spawns uh an item like out of logic that it just didn't account for it and if at that point we're like oh oops it also became a little fun for me because whenever that happened it would be okay can you link the spoiler log and then it just became like a puzzle like okay i know that that you can get this item but you have to do like what kind of mental gymnastics do you have to go through to get this item and like there was one seat i remember um i was like okay you can technically get this item on in this location but to get that you're gonna have to go in this weird route to get to sector six that nobody would ever think to do then come back then go get another item and then go get that item it's it's a little it's a little involved sometimes like sometimes they're beatable and sometimes they're just not the arachnid special so [Music] i think we already answered that earlier from the chat is it possible for the randomizer to be impossible to be especially when the randomizers know i want to say yes but these seeds have been for tonight have been looked over they've been proven to be defeated but i'm sure there are seeds of this out here that might be impossible to be because this isn't an early stage yeah there are a few um but yeah i wouldn't especially you know especially for a showcase or any sort of marathon uh setting uh and including the tournament that we we have going on right now that just started as well um you know the seeds will be you know vetted for the most part and i feel like a lot of uh randomizer communities that are showcasing games and stuff like that they'll they'll have a third party you know just generally just test to make sure that you know you know nothing too over the top and there's nothing that's gonna like break things but uh for me i ask for over the top and a challenge so we'll see what uh let's see what the uh i think ivan tested these so let's see what he gave me tonight [Music] oh yeah if you uh if you guys are enjoying this i would definitely check out the tournament um that we have running right now i've been running myself a little ragged to uh to make sure everything's been running smoothly for that um so uh and i think we're only in like the uh what's today the seventh so we're only in the like second or third day of uh tournament matches so we're very early on in the uh the tournament itself if you want to check it out and there's matches that are happening for that constantly um i think it's over mostly over on speed gaming so if you happen to be watching definitely give the runners a follow uh because they're all fantastic runners and uh it's just fantastic it's really brought the community together for sure before vanilla charge sagan please trying to do a thing and then blame it on a commentator's curse i see what's happening here that's all right i much prefer if uh his charge beam was down in ridley area it would give me a reason to go visit him oops don't want that still can't even use them can you unlock the wave beam without other beams you can and it's awful the wave beam kazuto i know you're here i i i love that you made the wave beam um its own thing but i hate you for it at the same time and if you get so if i end up getting solo wave i think you'll know you'll understand what i mean and i know kazuto knows what i mean um so the way that metroid fusion works in general if you mess around with like the debug menu and just give yourself like just wave beam what will happen is it'll just give you all the other previous upgrades as well so to get around this kazuto had to kind of i believe he designed them i don't know if he had some help designing them or what the case was um but oh i just realized i got speed booster oh well um so all the beams that you get um they interact differently than they would in vanilla so instead of giving you all of the previous ones um like wave beam will just have a you know it's something similar to super metroid but um oh bombs yay uh it it's akin to super metroid but like a ten or a thousand times worse because the the shot can very clearly hit a block but just not register contact it is the most frustrating thing i just noticed there was a snorlax behind you oh yeah oh no oh yeah that's my snorlax beanbag just my amazing fiance for getting that for me for one christmas this is uh this is going to be tricky this snorlax ah that is okay this is awkward uh do i [Music] power please don't go out [Music] oh what the heck um so that item up there is a major and to get that one i technically need to have gravity suit to get it but if i'm quick enough i could potentially get it that's not how you do that having charge beam would make this so much easier i'm going to abstain because i have a feeling the next item above that i'm going to check which is above this room uh will have a major item that will probably help out it did not wow okay that's unfortunate that that room nine times out of ten will have a major so yay also uh by the way uh you can use the power bombs to destroy the stabilizers but in fact yo six months of support oh wait it's not my channel thanks for the sub i think you're the first person right that's good that's good luke thanks for the sub bud thank you for the six months of support on the gdq channel man [Laughter] all right well sector one was i mean it had what i needed it allowed me to get some more progress uh i think what i'm gonna do now is i'm going to go open up green doors in sector three since they're right next uh to the sector and uh proceed from there i didn't did i check the uh i didn't check the item under the floor actually i only checked one item when i was here last cause i died hmm [Music] yo anytime paradox good paradox thanks for the seeds bud paradox is actually the one that sent me the seeds that we're using tonight he's like yeah i've got like 10 super spicy seeds and i'm like cool send them over well thanks to paradox for doing that because uh going through seeds is no easy task and then you have the very difficult decision of well how much do i really want to mess with the runner on a gdq cast oh please mess with me plenty it's funnier that way and it's more entertaining all right i beat this boss sometimes tracking manually is a little difficult to remember sometimes so if i miss something just yell at me and i'll make sure it gets checked off oh actually this is a very interesting opportunity that i can check this item it's very weird right now for me to have power bombs this early i have high jump right i do i have space jumper doesn't matter all right i'm gonna check this item i'm gonna go down to the bottom of the tower first to check this item because this item almost burnt well it did burn me in one of the seating races for the tournament okay that's very good um let's go in here oh this is a heated room so let's hope i can if there's something here that i need oh there is a thing here that i need hello please be two things all right well one out of two isn't bad ooh that's not really necessary but it makes my life a lot easier i'm i'm digging this and now just to be a little bit oh well no swag for me i guess i didn't that down input did not register if the down input registered i would have shined sparked all the way back up this shaft to get to the door but yeah it had other plans for me we're just gonna go this way and fight box thankfully uh box does not spawn unless you have green doors unlocked so once you have those unlocked you can kind of come this way and uh fight box if you truly want to okay nothing here very good so each missile upgrade uh will upgrade yeah basically independently of uh one another super missile is giving me an additional 20 damage so now right now my missiles are doing 30. uh ice missiles add an additional 10 on top of being the worst missiles to get and diffusions add an additional five [Applause] all right cool good fight i hope nobody blinked [Music] gates vanilla they are vanilla yes um hopefully within the next update or an update uh soon that we'll have be able to mix the uh the security locks in with the item pool oh another thing i should mention um is that because uh so we have super missiles uh super missiles uh we have power bombs uh mixed in and to do that we a a minor item has to be removed so two minor items are removed from the item pool specifically mainly just because of the fact that you need to have um you need to allocate for uh power bombs and ice beam being in the item pool ice beam is its own separate uh beam that you can pick up as an item oh do i want to go that way um funnily enough it's like fully functioning so i believe that at some point during development for ice beam they planned on having it being used and then just didn't for i guess lure purposes um and exact it's not actually needed to beat the game because you can the only thing that the game checks for when you're fighting a mega metroid is that you have the orange suit which is given to you by default uh by the sax or the ice core at the very end go down two is a treasure trove of items especially after you get bombs so this could be very beneficial for me it could also be just a huge waste of time so hopefully it's uh beneficial and not a waste of time but only one way to find out oops all right nothing doing there i wonder if i should uh i should have grabbed those actually i could potentially fight natori if i wanted to but i need more missiles and power bombs for that to be uh feasible uh yeah i'll take it whatever there is one check that might be needed uh to have a lot of e-tanks for so i'll take those e-tanks one of them without varya requires i believe 70 tanks at a minimum to check so we're seven right now so that ae tank is technically gettable or e tank that that item is considered obtainable at this particular moment oops if you ever see uh anybody else you know like somebody streaming this and you know avoiding bosses a lot of the time um you know it's much more likely you're gonna find the item that you need just hanging around than on a boss so there are gonna be times where i potentially may or may not just i might just skip a boss but in this context you know why not fight every boss no harm in it i'll definitely take those so let's see i do 30 damage i'm doing that's 900 um i do a total of but full 1400 so i need to get 600 more damage to fight natori notorious 2000 health and i can only do 1400 at the moment another five that's another what 150 i think about right i don't know why did i leave the ones behind earlier i wasn't really planning on fighting the tory very early um so i wasn't really thinking about it a lot of the time i'll be going through this and i'll just be going like typical just like okay i really i've played this game enough to where you know i don't really need a whole lot of items uh you know i've done zero percent runs i've done it a hard uh low percent so like i'm just like okay i know that i don't need too many e-tanks i don't i know i don't need too many um other items let me grab those yeah it's not a hundred damage so that's what 15 16 50 1650 let's save here there is a setting that uh puts items behind it's called major uh behind the bosses it's called major minor randomization so what it'll do is it'll shuffle major items in major item locations let's visit this recharge station that meant how many people know about um and e-tanks are included in the major items pool so that way there's more diversity in placing of items so it's not just you know only fighting bosses but bosses are a huge part of it speaking of i mean this is a location that uh is in logic for major minor so now i'm doing seventeen fifty let's go down to natori and see what uh that bad boy has for me hopefully it's more missiles and power bombs planning both in all bosses mode and possibly a key hunt mode it's the first time hearing that but that sounds fantastic that uh like i said that that recharge room not many people know about it it's that's a well hidden secret within the game can i get out of this room i have high jumping space jump yes i can oh hello [Music] now i gotta do math all over again okay oh i haven't been keeping track of my missiles uh how many do i have do i have 50 uh i'll do the math while i fight natori all right so that did an addition that adds an additional okay i got 50 and uh oh 50 missiles is perfect that dude that does 2000 damage exactly so uh notorious after this perfect yo attachers thanks for the cell phone did you earnestly do that again hurt yeah why not [Applause] hi it's called being courteous please having good luck that's true but you're the first to do that on any of my shows at least [Laughter] oh well take that okay well zombie had another tank perfect so i think the other reason why i do is i'm just so used to like seeing it like pop up and i just like oh yo thanks it's just become like a reflex oh that's most folks who stream for sure are there any more questions by the way um that i might be able to answer uh folks were asking about how to play the randomizer that's why we have a link to your twitch where you may be able to explain a little bit better through that uh yeah go to my if you follow that why did i go on uh if you go to the uh my twitch channel um and just type exclamation point rando um it'll give you the info that you're looking for [Applause] going to fight this boss without charge beam oh crazy [Applause] oops stink the missile [Applause] so this ball says 2000 health thankfully by getting ice missiles it kind of made it more plausible for me to fight this boss and not have to get too many extra missile packs i'm struggling to get doubles for some reason there we go that was a double and you have plasma you have more missiles you and you and that one all right well dang it what is the average flight speed of an unladen swallow oh my goodness i mean you didn't specify they had to be metroid fusion randomizer questions to be fair that that's fair [Laughter] i like the monty python reference is it an african swallow our european swallow all right we're almost done with sector two treasure trove of items do i make a crazy play i do i do i definitely make a crazy play i have the means to go there and get out there's no reason not to go do this for funsies all right i'm gonna go fight yakuza because i beat natori i'm able to go into and because i have power bombs so it's this area is technically in logic i would assume because i'm able to access it from the back and front doors ow those key hunters hit like a truck um without the stinger out they do like 80 something and then with this thing stinger out they do like 147 so an entire e tank they are [Music] they are they are like the biggest run enders for a low percent for sure come on gave me gravity suit e tank close enough i'll take that i guess i could jump over but not worth the effort um you know i'd really like to find a beam at a beam upgrade would be kind of nice another e-tank that's okay got all these missile upgrades and no beam upgrade this is incredibly well spaced out uh is that gonna break the well close enough uh hey chat did i save i guess we're gonna find out the good news is i uh don't have to worry too too much because uh i could just jump out of here if there's ever an issue or if i like run out of ammo [Music] is this gonna put him in phase two wow did not feels bad man oh hello uh that should do it all right [Applause] oh by the way uh i've got space jump so i'm gonna make him go crazy he can't extend past the top the height of the room when you're on the floor [Applause] so unlike his first phase where he can just carry you to the top of the room and then slam you down into the ground uh his second face he cannot extend past uh that height of that room because if he did he would just space jump like to the top of the room and it would just be a problem [Music] all right b plasma all right well [Music] he didn't hold anything but it was fun while while it lasted let's go check main deck now and get these uh items out of the way goodness me oh no there we go also a lot of people have never really seen this room uh either because usually when you play the game you never really come back um that's what it looks like without all the vines clogging up the reactor i guess i could show this off so uh this little key hunter likes to break physics i would come to the middle there we go key hunters are fun they just kind of fall through platforms as they turn uh down here please major item oh i really don't want to pick up any more of those but that one's kind of uh unavoidable so let us see what this far out of the way item is please be worth coming to get cool there's a lot of like interesting quirks uh about this game that like after playing it for so long you just kind of come to accept um but they're they're kind of funny to show off at the same time that key hunter thing is definitely one of them [Music] the other interesting thing that not a lot of people know um from messing with the debug menu is if you give yourself screw attack without space jump you're actually able to single wall jump in the game um so swj is actually programmed in the it's like it's vanilla behavior so if it uh arises within the next seed uh i can kind of show that off dang there are like no majors where are all of the items this is why are you sure there's items in this randomizer herc i swear there are items here okay i just need to find them they're just none of the places that i've looked so far this is usually i'm a lot more like loaded i usually have a suit by now or something i usually have a beam by now this is crazy i'm a little scared about what's gonna happen here if you don't find something soon can we swear on twitch well i mean it depends all right now four is the smart play six is the let's have fun play sector six is that i have enough v tanks let's see how this goes give me something spicy actually [Music] i just wanted to stop and turn around i did not mean to land on the button [Laughter] turkey everybody is collectively reminding you to save this time perk uh yep i got it oh oh well this was a better play than i thought uh various suit makes this not a problem right now so i can just come through here and uh you know my own leisure and not have to really worry about the blue x i could just absorb them hooray there goes my fun exciting play still fun and exciting guys you're right it is the play would have involved me having to dodge all of these blue x but at this point it's actually a little safer so i'll take it also another thing to note is that if i get gravity i don't inherit the various suit properties so i could have gravity suit without maria but i could still be damaged by the blue axe like they'll still attack me yeah who's talking bad about the uh the various suit the various seats fantastic dude it's like ketchup and mustard who doesn't love ketchup and mustard it's like that scene in dumb and dumper oh they've got the ketchup and mustard i'm gonna try something here so now we know how herc puts out spicy food all right cool got it oh that's our first pun all right would you say the location of the suit and the randomizer is barriable yeah i do yeah i do i love phones i i i don't i don't know how i feel about the coat like the groan right before it but i i like it yeah oh god no oh well hey chad this is cheerio beam i literally will hit nothing with this this is awful and a lot of people will say like hey just have the beam go start by going up it was worse apparently at least i can't get soft locked in here so i since i don't have charge the boss doesn't spawn thank you kazuto for making that uh the other unfortunate thing is that i deal less damage with my beam now because when i have wave it inherits the plasma properties and plasma deals damage per frame so technically the wave beam does as well now so it goes from dealing its normal damage amount to 27 damage which is awful well 27 when fully charged but still not great i'm dreading right now finding uh dread it comes out soon um i'm dreading finding a screw attack because that puts ridley's area in play and that would be the most unfortunate thing [Applause] okay yeah bean damages are a little bugged prepare to fight a wave of cheerios yes i was gonna say i think chad's a little hungry tonight yo same i'm glad i ate before uh i got here or else i'd be in trouble he's sitting here starving the whole time talking about food the common thing that happens during randomizers really you kind of lose track of time and you're like man it's been how many hours huh i should probably get up stretch and eat then on the other hand you're just like nah all right let's do another damage run [Music] this will probably be an item we'll see how does one play metroid fusion rando very carefully no item thunderf00t um if you want to access the randomizer i know that uh gdq channel is you know i'd rather not like have them put the onus on them so if you go to my channel you can find uh and type exclamation point rando you can find the link to the randomizer program dude i could just use some cheesy cheerios why not oh i actually hit the block i was not expecting to hit that block as i was shooting it um i do a speed booster but no gravity suits that's kind of unfortunate so i had a gravity suit i could just do this sector a completely different way and just go right through the water unfortunately i cannot do that without gravity suit but i have a feeling that gravity suits right around the corner well i was hoping gravity suit would be there but my fortune telling is a little off tonight oh don't do that muscle memory okay that was just a powerbomb tank uh yeah i'll lower the water oh yeah by the way i i'm playing on a gamecube right now say look here's my controller my sweet game boy advance um i use a flash card to uh to get the files on to the cartridge gaming cube is a legit good game boy advanced player where's your phone there's a charger in the uh the bedroom it's a good thing that i went around to uh to service uh so that way i didn't have to go all the way to get that item unnecessarily you're not gonna be able to reach give me a second okay we should get you a uh like one of those like claw grip thingies sorry my my fiance is in here uh trying to get something off my desk oh no i shot the wrong way whoops real life rng yup it happens you can beat this do you want to sit down and try oh geez there's a lot of stuff going on here saris had i don't know what sarah said actually was it me tank i think it was an e-tank i assume it's any tank me mark off sarah's on my uh this tracker oh i can check this item and i forgot to co-op run i tried i definitely if she was game i would have legitimately given her the controller see what she could do i've had my fiance play metroid fusion before and i i can say that she did get past the first eye door so that's that's an accomplishment there seriously yes seriously hmm okay so i've cleared out four two one and six and three i i guess i have to go to five interesting so this is uh so i should i'll get the destroyed state of sector five uh when i unlock yellow doors interesting so right now the uh the sector is not going to be destroyed there are two triggers to trigger the destruction of sector five the first one is having gravity suit and speed booster the other trigger is having uh various or not various it's having wave beam high jump and uh yellow doors unlocked i get the feeling that i'm gonna have to go to uh the nightmare area unfortunately to get my uh gravity suit this might be a point of no return seed hopefully it's not how high is the trolling here i mean it's scamming the the it's scamming as hard as i would typically scan so it's pretty a par for the course [Applause] this uh this seat is pretty dang interesting i can attest to that it's definitely spool hello what do we got here hey youtube stop give me the red decks but oh plasma beam okay that's interesting so i i need a gravity suit and charge beam um now at this point so i can get to go mode an interesting spot for that oh god now my beam's worse now my beam's a noodle so point of no return um is just you know having to basically go into an area where you know that if it doesn't contain the item that you need you're just soft locked so i will do i will make sure that i save prior to uh heading over to nightmare man spaghetti beam why i need wide beam wide beam makes everything better shooting dragons i may as well be this it's the dragon laser please be a major [Applause] oh my goodness please okay it's not i have more chance i have a better chance of hitting it with missiles than i ever do with hitting it with that noodle case in point you can see that the beam is clearly going through that block however for some reason it's not destroying it or revealing the item this beam is awful i hate everything that was done to this beam [Applause] wave beam makes everything worse oh and now that we have yellow doors unlocked the sector is destroyed um to get out i'm gonna have to do some uh crafty wall jumping here still just oh come on did not grab the ledge like she was okay come on did not grab the ledge the first time jeez yo nice i'm glad that i found the bug i did a thing i contributed it's doing its best i don't blame the beam like what why was gravity here this is so bad what what a spot for gravity that's kind of rude [Applause] game why you gotta be so rude [Applause] all right wow i hit just the item thank goodness okay [Applause] why did you make wave beam like this the other thing that wave beam does by the way that makes it uh bad is that it's the position of where it's fired is changed um so it makes getting the quick kill at the end of the game that much harder all right this should that's easily enough distance [Applause] okay oh i know where i'm going next chad thinks this is an amazing scene what do you think about it so far herc what uh adjectives which you used to describe this seed this seat is fantastic i love it there's a lot of uh swelling yeah well spaced out items um everything's not really handed to me and i have to you know use creative routing to kind of you know try and find my way around in some areas that i you know in normal seeds you know you don't really see too often is that a yeah that was a missile okay well all right well we're gonna see the space tv let's see it if the item before him before nightmare is uh charge beam i'm going to cap burgle and just take it and leave oh it's not so whatever you're gonna what yeah i'll just i'll be like a cat burglar with the item um so oh i just realized this is gonna be tough um i could clip out of bounds for that item and get back inbound to where i don't fall in to this area [Applause] now this is gonna be tough so fun fact i'm still affected by gravity and uh my missiles are still affected by the uh the gravity thing uh mainly because but that's only uh so it only affects the ice missiles uh if you have the missile combination here with supers and ice if you have diffusion they are just not affected in any way okay that was perfect and gg a flashing warning by the way sorry [Applause] yes thank you for giving those [Music] it it hurts my eyes too when i'm looking at it on the crt and i'm just like why i don't know why games do that honestly i couldn't tell you it's awful all right [Music] okay got it we did it we fought the uh the nightmare dude i like your movement through this game you have a lot of um good uh good movement with the controls and why not the shine sparking and whatnot thank you that's eight eight years of of wasted time [Music] this is never this is the worst room in the game by the way um it the terrain is awful there's all of these like hermit crabs firing these beams at you and uh that item is almost never a relevant item but i still have to check because the seed is mondo levels of spice it's not just spectacular it's spooktacular oh it's almost halloween also nightmare [Applause] there are a lot of very interesting tricks that you can do with the uh speed booster that i mean speed booster if you're speed boosting um and you hit a block you can destroy blocks like so one of the things that i just did oops i forgot to mark yellow um when i fell down when i had the speed booster those are bomb blocks however um because i have a speed booster active at the at the the moment of um when i jumped i was able to kind of just destroy it because with the speed booster instead of having to actually lay a bomb how many times okay so that could be used in a lot of different areas of the game just to kind of progress so there is a trick that you could do to get down here so that way you can access uh this the red doors without bombs technically um and just having screw attack by carrying a shine spark all the way down through the the shaft that i fell through and using it uh using like a speed boost jump into the blob into the the bomb blocks you would normally have to destroy and it's several different um stores with the shine spark in like a very short amount of time uh on like very short ledges and also talking sometimes while also trying to like think about what i'm doing is kind of tough so if i just go if my brain just kind of quits on me halfway through a sentence and i'm just like uh i my brain's not broken i'm just trying to think as well while i'm executing that's relatable it just feels like my brain is broken you're doing a great job here i'm enjoying the run considering how spicy things are you seem to be doing really well in the seed thank you i hope everyone's enjoying this honestly this is been my favorite thing since june is to play these seeds what do we got here charge beam [Music] oh no uh [Applause] okay where have i not been oh no this is a i could go down through sector sarah go through sector six but this way is more fun come on i did this the other day why am i so bad at it now come on this isn't oh wait because i'm using space jump there it is yup yup oh and i shot the door and wave beam of course oh wait a sec oh no i'm remembering there was an item in sector one required oh boy oh boy [Music] spade doing space jump there makes that uh that shot a lot harder by the way which is why like if i as soon as i stood still i was able to get it like that um just one of those things it's just like a muscle memory thing i'm used to doing it for uh when i do like secret message stuff like that um and i don't do the shine spark method of getting all the way up there but uh yeah standing still it makes it so much easier the chad is calling for a soft vlog how do you feel about that hurt i don't think i'm able to soft lock at this point i think with this item set i don't know if i'm able to actually softlock so i i really hate to disappoint chat but um i don't think that's in the cards at the moment um the only way that well yeah i can't think of a well hang on actually that's not true i could still saw a flock i could do a point of no return um i could go all the way to oops i could go to sector six and fight xbox and then go to ridley's area that way xbox xbox yes the box robot that i fought earlier but uh infected by the oh thank goodness um infected by the x parasite couldn't even think of the name the main enemy of the game for a second there whoops all right well the good news is as i've turned my single noodle into a full pasta dish with wide beam we do have a question from the chat what do you need to beat the game do i need to beat the game uh i need charge beam plasma uh main missiles and red doors and red doors requires gravity suit and speed booster so at a minimum i need charge plasma missiles gravity space space speed booster and technically high jump because in this version uh high jump is high jump or space jump is technically required to activate the sax fight at the end of the uh at the end of the game or on the navigations deck let's go fight xbox box 2 the unboxing i should have definitely checked sector five though there's two items that are probably like it you know what i'm gonna save here and i'm gonna go back to sector five and check those two items that i haven't yet to check and if i do end up finding charge beam we'll still go and get soft locked so that way we're i can keep my promise to chat this way if i saved in sector 6 this way if sector 5 doesn't have anything i can just soft reset and load the game uh back to sector six and save myself a little bit of time recharge no i think i'm okay i'm not really in any danger will the animals be saved i don't know uh maybe i can go save them why not i can go back up there and save them not a big detour ow okay power bombs and hello please be screw attack [Music] yes herc what's going on why well what's wrong with that wait a second that didn't look like such a bad thing to me uh it's not a bad thing it's just not helpful not necessarily at this point uh this ice beam would have been fantastic with wave beam and getting out of lower sector four when i had to freeze that little um puffer fish called a pow amp uh i could have just freezed it through the block and that would have been a lot faster but uh there's not many uses for ice beam at the moment for me but it does make my beam better uh technically i feel like uh with um when i fight the sax so and the omega so that's there's that it's definitely an improvement for omega metroid since it'll allow me to i'll save again um it will allow me to fire more and it'll get blocked less so let's go down to the lower part of stick to seek i'm sorry right yeah i have arya i definitely have arya i have to look i'm pretty sure we made puns about that yup and that's what i remembered plus i got a little bit of a refill right there so that helps all right who's ready to cat jam i mean i like cats and i like gyms well uh until we get a major item we're going to be hearing this music forever [Applause] this uh there's a little bit of a quirk and a music bug uh in the game that uh it will not stop playing the boss music until the next major upgrade is acquired is that a product of the randomizer or product of the vanilla game hurt uh there is a glitch in the vanilla game that will do the same thing but this is mostly a product of the randomizer unfortunately so uh you know no music and now i can't check that item up there unfortunately so the vanilla game it happens like a like very occasionally very rarely in the randomizer it happens every single time if this is charge beam in space this is like extremely cursed okay okay all right if i find so this is gonna be weird if i find charge beam i'm gonna have to fight ridley and hope that he has screw attack okay well this is not looking good frozen enemy frozen enemies come okay well that frozen enemy didn't want to work with me usually you can just jump through those it'll stop once we solve tory and bean you'd think that however i'm fairly certain at this point that uh there's well there's not many uh items left to check at this point so well oh wait the other one that i can check is insect there's some in sector three oh right uh so the game uh whoa nice red x um all right well well time to reset and go down to sector three [Music] i did it chad i got soft locked oh someone in chat called that quite a few minutes ago if i remember proper uh yeah yup listen they asked me to get softlock and i'm man of the people did it for the fans yeah why not you may as well i mean there's some solid checks down there now i also know that i don't have to go back down there uh to get an item charge beam cannot be on ridley uh so thankfully the charge beam and plasma can't be on ridley uh i would need fully upgraded missiles um i need to hit 100 fully upgraded missiles on ridley to even kill him without charge beam so that's you know cursed oh wait i just remember there's an item up here oh no please tell me it wasn't this item that i skipped all that long ago uh-oh no don't do this to me yeah i hate to see it happen no please no i had such good routing in my tournament races on friday too or sunday or whatever that was [Applause] okay good what makes it a soft lock i can't get out so i can't go back down uh through space and even if i could when i went in to fight the box 2 uh i need screw attack to be able to exit that area uh as well i need to have screw attack to leave the ridley area as well so once i go up into the ridley area the only way that i can get out is with wave beam and screw attack and not having either kind of limits me and it's kind of like uh well it's kind of stuck no unnatural thank you for the 21 sub it's gonna be a thing for the rest of this episode i have a feeling yeah listen you you laughed at me being uh very supportive so i will continue to be supportive hey i was the one who reads the pbs saying that hotfix is brought to you by viewers like you so like i'm all for being played right oh scott you are like the one of the most polite people i think i know you are fantastic you are fantastic thank you i appreciate that definitely a model a model citizen of the speedrunning community been telling folks to follow you all day too exclamation point rng if you're interested in either metroid fusion or hersh or both you may want to follow herc's channel there's a lot going on there what else do you stream besides the side of curiosity herc uh so there is a game mod that i routed um called oil spill which uh completely changes it's a completely different take on metroid uh it's completely open there are multiple ways to finish and you can pick up any item that you want and you can have the ability to use it it's a very interesting run um especially the all major upgrades oh no okay um sometimes i'll do uh some pokemon stuff like uh pokemon crystal uh some cinco bingo stuff fishing yep i do i have been speed running uh animal crossing golden run uh golden rod recently as well so that's a very chill run um i'll do some occasional blindfolded uh stadium 2 as well as a stadium 2 challenge cup and uh i'll do some like weird challenge stuff with fusion in general uh i think there's a couple times before i played uh the one hit ko metroid fusion with oven mitts on which i still need to go back and finish uh and i played i've been playing through and i have to finish playing through the vanilla game uh with my feet so yeah there's a little there's some oddities and there's a lot of scams that happen so well i would definitely be interested in pokemon for future episodes maybe we could even get keys running some of that as for like the one you're talking about involving feet we do have a show for that called challenger approaching i should put you in contact with ada oh god but let's just say that the first attempt didn't really go well i got to i got to sector three which is like i think like 20 minutes into the run and it took me four hours oh my goodness well you know as someone who has played on challenger approaching that's nothing adef hasn't seen before i assure you as someone who played forbidden memories on challenger approaching i think that's probably fine yeah the the the mitten the ones with the like them are they called i i just said the word the word a second ago um oven mitts go home with the oven mitts is uh was actually has been pretty interesting i kinda i need to return to that for sure oh no is it really gonna be here oh this is awful what's the lawyer heard uh the lure behind what the oven mitts no no no you said you couldn't believe something was here uh so there is this room called fumble city where all of the blocks within it are crumble blocks and uh it's only accessible by screw attack so i think the game wanted me to go get screw attack to access this room so i could find the charge beam okay i did have a question about the oven mitts though have you ever done a run with the oven mitts and then like baked something immediately after you're like well i don't have to take these oven mitts off fanny you should mention that uh i actually had a i actually had a sub goal at one point [Music] that we hit and i have to do it um where i'm gonna do a baking stream so i'm trying to con i'm trying to figure out what i'm gonna bake um probably something like maybe like a metroid cake or something um but it's going to be hilarious because i am awful in the kitchen especially when it comes to baking um i i am just it's i'm just i'm just an accident in the kitchen sometimes is your idea of baking going to the bakery counter in the grocery store yes [Laughter] that's me too i get that i get that so i i i maybe this will highlight and underscore um how just how like awful i am so [Music] one you know a couple years ago uh for my anniversary with my fiance uh i was she likes ice cream and i was like oh i'll make some homemade ice cream you know it it's just you know some milk um i i can't remember all the ingredients but it's like sugar milk salt um and it's you know not that hard and it's like vanilla extract i'm like okay and i'm reading the ingredients and i read it and i'm like oh that's a lot okay um i i think it was three quarters of a tablespoon um or a three-quarters teaspoon uh that i miss red is three-quarters cup three-quarters of a cup and um let's just say that i used way too much vanilla extract oh i use like an entire bottle and i'm like man this doesn't feel right but i just i was like this is what the the instructions are what compared to you to think that an entire bottle was necessary you know i i i even when i was doing it i'm like this feels wrong but i didn't stop myself oh no so like i'm like if this is what the instructions call for i'm not gonna argue with instructions so like imagine that but like i'm gonna be faking something uh it's not gonna it's gonna be interesting well now on the new baking mishaps with sky bills i'm the new next gdq hotfix show we have eric using a whole bottle of vanilla to try to make something that uh it was an accident it was an accident uh i could see it on the great speed running bake off the ice cream didn't even freeze oh my gosh her there was that much in there and i'm like huh this isn't right i like i like even i'm just like it just doesn't feel right but i'm like i want to do it because it's a nice gesture and she'll appreciate it no i felt so bad because it tasted awful it was an expensive mistake oh actually i have screw attacks though yeah i have screw attack so i can take the alternate path um kazuto decides it hasn't fixed this yet um but like this is definitely not the way you want to go keep your eye on the timer for when the uh the door transitions there you go yeah that's that's good look at that m oh right sadly i've uh skipped arachnids and come back to fight him during its tape it does not eractness is not spawned in during escape much to my uh displeasure because i would have liked an additional fight before before going to fight omega [Music] wait are you gonna fight something with this timer on her you know i would like to hopefully i can the other am oh no another sub goal i actually have to speedrun that game much to my displeasure they're animals that you can save in this game oh i forgot no are you gonna leave the ant heard you can't leave the animals behind i forgot yo hurt just killed me for no reason for no reason not even for charity hurt just killed the animals for no good reason oh complete i said i'd do it and i just forgot oh no [Music] uh there's always next there's always the next one [Music] there we go that's better all right [Applause] i can't leave him behind looks longingly at door turns around looks at ship [Music] all right time is coming up and time all right don't worry animals we'll save you maybe maybe i can't believe you left the animals behind i'm judging you that's okay yeah we left the animals behind let's celebrate dude now no you lost [Music] oh oops uh it's spam you just hit the button as fast as you can i am going to go out on a limb and assume that diffusion missiles were either on ridley or mega core both bosses i could not fight until i had charge beam also everybody get your ggs out for herc there will be another seed for so for those of you who wanted a chance for her to save the animals again given that herc doesn't forget another seed after this y'all can give herk a hard time over the duration of that because nobody should leave the animals behind unless it's for charity unless it's for charity yeah right um that's fair so um anything you want to say herc before we go to break yeah this seed was cursed making me go down to lower sector 3 fight gary and then go all the way up to crumble city just to get charge beam that is super out of the way but this seed was super spicy and i loved it and this was fantastic hopefully we get a chance to see what a non-cursed seed looks like that would be a nice second seed for herc after a seed like that you know we might see it i don't know it seems like my generator only churns out uh cursed seeds herc those are the animals you left behind right there yeah [Music] that they were that they were and um you know what i don't feel bad about it wow honestly they made it they made it see they were on the ship the whole time i saved them i don't believe you all right folks we're going to get a break but real quick remember that random number generation in gdq hotfix is brought to you by viewers like you your subs gift subs amazon prime subs and vids chair on the gtq twitch channel help support our weekly hotfix content thank you so much for supporting our shows as herc has thanked every single person who's helped to support our show throughout i appreciate that if you're watching on youtube come check out our highlights channel by searching gdq some of best segments on youtube from there you can see highlights of our hot fix shows gtq outfits is looking for motor shows and not related related to the bake off that i was talking about that was just a fictitious show if you're over 18 live in the us and would like to be a showrunner for games done quick if you would like to do what i do email hotfix gemstonequick.com with your idea you can check out twitter for more information and ask questions again that is hotfix gamesdonequick.com join all of our amazing showrunners and richard with a bi-weekly show i have to read that richard gave that to me i'm sorry richard i love you i don't know why you'd want to rip on yourself like that but it is what it is there so with that everyone get up and stretch and we'll be right back with another scene on hercules bench press on random number generation welcome back to random number generation i am joined here with hercules ventress and this is metroid fusion seed number two and hopefully a less cursed scene this time around herc are you ready to go yeah i'm i'm ready to go did you bake something on the break herc no sorry you're not going to be able to let go of that that's a super fun story on your counter go for it oh yeah let's go five four three two one go good luck and have fun herc thank you though to be fair i did have a little bit of dinner left uh it was like a chicken bake or something like that it's like chicken cheese and something else in there um that i had a bite of so just a little bit of a bite getting a little peckish um yeah welcome back everybody um for anybody that wasn't here to start the first one um necessary items that beat this are missiles charge beam plasma and red doors and the start of the seed we're just gonna go and get our first item on the main deck uh the you know the first item is always going to be this one and it could be one of three things morph paul uh the main missiles or uh speed booster last time we got more falls and more fall starts i feel like are always the spiciest seeds just because the routing is just so different yo marbles thanks for the continued support um and the the morph ball start last time did not at all disappoint with the spice factor so with this one we've got a little bit more of a vanilla start to this one main missiles so we're going to be uh kind of forced to go down a path here and we're going to go and fight arachne so vanilla location for missiles and uh we're going to be forced to go fight arachnes which is so we're going to be a little bit on the vanilla path to start the this seed but that's fine we get five checks uh coming up here so this will be good uh so the other things that you need to get to uh sector four uh you're gonna need gravity suit and speed booster uh you're also gonna need to get away out so screw attack with space jump there's my morph ball um or screw attack in general to get out through the screw attack blocks diffusion ice missiles or a wave and ice beam i'll grab this because damage runs are probably on let's see what kind of spice we have that was a double let me just do it again for good measure is this even randomized i don't know that e tank isn't randomized let's see if there's another one there's probably like the land of 5e tanks yup dude arachnus will have the arachnus special which is a fighting arachnids just to get a knee tank i feel like nine times out of ten he gives it an e tank so i'm not going to be too surprised here in a second when he just gives me a health refill [Music] once he fires the once he shoots the fire and like spits that hot fire um he damaging him again will make him uh roll up into a ball there we go oops i did not get the double there oops i'll just get it right here and yo it's the arachnus special nice yo what's up kirby i am indeed a nerd yo tharkis thanks for scamming eight months bud all right so i feel like so there's a couple different ways that i could do this i think the game is going to try and at this point point me towards going to sector one and encourage me to go to sector one with missiles but i could also just go to sector two and just go meh let's see what we get here more e tanks more e-tanks i am comfortable with what i have and i will move on yo france thanks for the 35 months of support what do we got here another e-tank i think this is just captain crunch's oops all lea tanks what the heck i can show off the keigo jump actually let's go do that let's just go for swag we're gonna do it for the swag chap so there are a few sequence breaks in this game uh that you can do like out of order so hopefully this item is a major item um because if it is then doing this will be worth it if not this will just make me look like a fool aha it'll be worth it all right so this will be dang it come on wall jump please there we go got it wide beam that was absolutely worth it uh so doing that and turning around is like frame perfect and it's also like very much out of sequence i wonder if i could show off uh going out of bed i haven't i haven't done this in a while especially with the tournament going on but i could could potentially uh unlock green doors without um bombs assuming that i get speed booster and high jump but we'll see what kind of items that we're given here yo it's jrp when are we racing jrp i don't know what's your schedule look like bud you want you want to like race like right now or out of bounds cheating i know right what a cheater how dare i i'm just a filthy cheetah all right big money no whammies no whammies stop okay you know what i welcome upgraded missiles that's fantastic to me i have no way of getting out of lower sector two so i will just leave it's breakfast time yo what are we having for breakfast there bub you mean after this soft lock povo please when noops ali tanks make a good breakfast cereal it does yeah oops all e it's like alphabet soup but only the letter e and it's with milk but then again cereal is just soup anyway so oh we're going to get back into that you're lucky off's not here herc go get off go get off i want to have this conversation i don't think i'll be able to get it i won't be able to get him away from his streaming setup but i'll ask him about that later listen if you if you have cereal and you you add milk it's just soup i don't know listen i listen i don't i just follow the rules i don't write them that in my age cereal as a salad milk is the dressing i like that depends on the cereal but yes oh my gosh y'all and again everybody's hungry suddenly again yo i've got a chicken bake i'm okay i i actually have a way to sustain my uh my hunger now it comes what's a chicken bake i don't know i was at costco getting new tires and uh i was like i gotta eat before uh i rush home just get ready so uh we stopped and they sell food there and uh it's like chicken and cheese and like i think like ranch dressing or something all like baked into a little like roll or something it's pretty dang good wow oh you know what i'll grab this someone a chance that herc be like hot dogs or sandwiches hot dogs are actually tacos i was gonna say those are tacos i'm pretty sure don't get me started on that that commercial where it's like is it a taco or a tata sandwich taco like no taco bell please oh they absolutely know what they're doing and it's an age-old debate at this point where it's just like is it a taco or sandwich especially with hot dogs they should come honestly taco bell if anybody from taco bell marketing is listening just sell a hot dog and call it like the the all beef taco or the all pork taco or something it's so easy it's just a hot dog that you're selling it's perfect here comes the pop-tarts are ravioli from chat watch what what do you mean pop-tarts or raviolis that's where i put my foot down it's there's no way it's not ravioli it's lasagna or if anything a stuffed crust or when you put it that way how good is stuffed crust pizza though it's really good i mean i got to be in a mood mind you but it is really good yeah euros are raviolis that's another tape from the chat gyros or raviolis [Applause] i don't know if i can get behind that one half packets are calzones you know what i i actually do agree with that one hot pockets are indeed calzones 100 lasagna is the type of cake yep yep that's another pretty accurate one what's a type of cake lasagna lasagna oh absolutely with all those layers how could it not be i'm very sorry if you're watching they're live here on twitter on youtube and you're getting hungry i'm not responsible for this if you have a fridge i mean like you know whatever you could get like a little snack we just had an intermission i just want you all to respect that the skill that herc has we're having this discussion about food and hurt's just going through all this like it's no big deal this is not an easy game at all this is muscle memory at this point i love being able to like get like decently good at the game to the point where i can just like goof around while uh playing it and it's just like my fingers like i feel like a pianist like my fingers are just making magic and by the way y'all herk is known for having good conversations while gaming because it isn't always just about the gaming it is about the atmosphere right oh absolutely it's all about making sure everybody has a good time pizza's just red with ketchup no no where are these we have a non-cursed seed and now we have cursed takes in chat we can't get away from the curse if you drizzle if you drizzle your ketchup over your french fries i'm sorry but like no just no no you dip it and like like a little plate or something next to it yeah why would you like i don't understand drizzling it then you just get your your fingers all messy damn those are people who eat french fries with a fork though right like i've seen it there yeah don't even get me started with people from europe because they use mayonnaise instead of ketchup and isn't it canada too i'm pretty sure yeah i'll be like french canada i would assume like i have um ketchup i'm not sure though i have literally no authority to speak with this on this topic but i think it's like something of like a european connection ketchup is a type of soup i i don't know what kind of ketchup you all are eating i i don't see ketchup as a suit like chef boyardee ketchup oh my god no yeah that's what i was thinking when we talked about eating fries with a fork poutine was the first thing that i came to my mind yeah good screw attack oh the game is wide open nice oh actually this this affords me the ability to do the thing that i wanted to do last time that is single wall jump if you make your own vanish it changes the game really okay that is that is interesting to think about if you make your own mayo it's probably healthier too like spicy mayo but it's got to be done exactly right i feel that yeah i don't actively seek mayonnaise oh ice missiles my missiles went from fantastic to useless very quickly oh looks like this is a much better seed this time around hurt this one looks a little more why would it not angle down what the heck was going on there i was holding down left you're telling me i can't see the controller okay um oh you know what i'll just jump up this wall oh ice beam nice very good oh wait um you know what i will delay the announcement so as to not spoil uh spoil it for you uh skye wait what are you seeing it like both at the same time as i'm getting these items or kind of i i'm seeing you in pretty much real time here that's why i'm trying to not spoil for the rest of the chat yeah gotta be careful yeah this seed was a really good i can't i'm sad that i just got that item because that's unfortunate in like so many levels because now i can't single wall jump and now i it's awful because i don't have high jump um hold on let me think um what do you think you're trying to think of here herc if i do this will i be trapped yes is the answer do you have a save point i have not saved a recent war okay well you might want to save and that's something that i've noticed our audience is very eager to remind you if uh you saved or not so i'm gonna remind you also i appreciate that because like if i save somewhere that i if i go some venture into a location and i did not save and i cannot get out that could be bad news bears yeah yeah so so be sure to save uh yeah i will do that see i was gonna go into sector five cause there are a few item checks that i could make but the problem is without having green doors unlocked it uh limits my ability somewhat um just do strictly to the fact that i would not be able to get out going into an undestroyed room uh from the destroyed room state and re-entering will reset the destroyed state if i don't have the qualifications met so without having gravity suit and entering a room that's not destroyed from a destroyed room and then re-entering the destroyed room it'll just be um fixed so i will not be able to get out of that area because i do not have green doors unlocked did i do everything up there i did well there's only one spot for me to go really i wonder if i could pull this off thinking emoji i mean you could save and then try i mean seems like the seats really forgiving compared to the last one so you probably have time hurt let's see let us venture okay please don't unfreeze it just made it all right cool so [Music] all right i did it nice i could wall jump all the way up that would take a lot of time though oh gosh uh hmm okay does this change anything well that changes the game we have fully upgraded missiles so that's something that i have going for me [Music] i don't have oh yeah space jump don't i uh do i have space jump oh god oh oh this is bad i don't have uh oh that's a charger beam i do not um space jump i think i do i just didn't mark it i did okay um let's see like you said you're not used to tracking at the same time though so that's understandable you're doing a great job though for all the multitasking that you're doing here i'm impressed i mean i am kind of used to tracking but uh oh well that's a soft lock [Music] yeah it's a soft lock okay hang on i could try that again hopefully i got i can get those extra missiles this is like a dumb play yeah you know what next it you're right oh my gosh you're absolutely right it's one of those things where i'm like huh well this stinks cool [Music] i probably did not freeze that did i i did not okay try this again you got this oh i do not this is like super pro this is very precise i'm surprised i got that the first time honestly not having high jump really makes this a little bit more difficult too um well this is probably not gonna happen again no come on all right give this another try or two like you said this has been like a super forgiving seed so you've got plenty of time don't worry about that it's probably too late just reset the room yeah screw attack does kill that but i cannot activate screw attack under water unless i have gravity suit that's not the right angle that i hit before that probably didn't work yeah no so i'm trying what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to freeze that k go before a yellow x uh that spawns in when i the yellow x that spawns in as the screen uh just kind of scrolls so i'm trying to uh get the freeze on it before it does it and it did not okay all right fine so much for that spicy play i still need bombs though hey i'd rather see you attempt spicy plays here than that you know this isn't mercy kill i love seeing spicy plays here on rng [Music] let's give it another go then we got 15 missiles why not not hurt i believe in you there's at least one of us that believes i'm sure there's at least one other person in this chat that believes in you maybe oh that didn't even work no chance what am i doing there uh okay having high jump makes this a little easier to get that's not even close i'm trying to get it further to the right so what i'm trying to do is get hit off of this uh and deep bounce upwards to the right off of the damage boost but i'm kind of struggling [Music] not gonna reach it did not reach unfortunate okay let me just grab this first before we go back yeah next time i should have just uh realized hey i've got ice beam that's on me that's one of those things where you just don't even think about it it's just you're so like not used to having to like think with like oh i've got this item um kind of uh deal it's just like oh yeah well i'm stuck because uh xyz that i don't think worked yeah no i need to hit like there in the middle like in that corner yeah i need to char yeah this is like up there when it comes to uh like tricky things to get i appreciate you trying this this is really interesting to watch i don't think that yeah it definitely didn't work the thing is like you've got to do it off-screen like it's off-screen not formed and like it forms as the screen scrolls so it's just like uh [Music] red x please nope well i'm probably gonna die here so this will be interesting [Music] i just welcomed it at that point uh yeah i can't say i blame you that's a really tough spot to be in yeah it's tough um [Music] i have space jump don't i that's kind of lame all right well there's one spot that i can go check unfortunately it's a tough uh i just wish i'd realized or waited a second before i reset i think her deserves a follow for giving that a really awesome pair of attention again that's twitch.tv hercules bench press all one word let's go give her some love i can't wait for sector six to have all of the items that i need can i hit the key go with ice beam it doesn't really work it doesn't reach it's too far off screen so like i'm trying to scroll the screen like out yet there it is uh i'm trying to scroll the screen so unless this is a high jump then maybe it's possible again but i'm trying to scroll the screen just enough to where um whoops i um i hit the missile far enough to the right and the screen starts to scroll and i can freeze the k go before the x gets to it and extends it [Music] okay [Music] how do you spell it good question what in the world is this go go back i mean i'm tempted i'm like legitimately tempted to to get it because i think i could get it with wave oh i can't even do this what am i doing i don't i don't have the necessary items i mean other folks in the audience myself included would have never known that had you not said that hurt interesting what in the world does it want no is that oh this is a much more interesting play you know what we can forget about the keigo for a second this is a much more interesting play if the seat is actually forcing this this is ridiculous uh hmm so this will be interesting [Music] so i'm gonna uh with wave beam uh it's kind of forcing me to go down to check ridley's lair which is bizarro town which doesn't sound particularly appetizing it actually seems frightening to go down to ripley's lair the seams sing for that yeah yeah well it's a little early uh so this is kind of cursed but whatever it's either that or i'm just gonna have to just risk and go through sector five through sector three and uh go to nightmares area i have a feeling herc will be given a little chitchat with paradox about what spicy means in the scope of a gdq brunch this is pretty spicy i like i don't have to fight ridley thankfully but i mean i still have to go down there all right here we go i do have the fusion as well so this is definitely like if it within a in logic so what do we think chat is going to be down here will it be [Music] gravity suit high jump or nothing i can't kill that so this is an item that i can't check cool gosh dang it well the only item that i can check is right here i'm just gonna shoot this because it's definitely something in bed [Music] oh hey chad when did i save it's been a little while hasn't it i really hope not [Music] okay i got my wave beam what is this seed dude what is this this is like mondo curse oh my goodness [Music] [Laughter] this seed like i'm literally thinking like okay what is uh what do i even do oh there's a scam train dang i missed my opportunity oh i don't have power bombs wait why did i come down here what am i doing i knocked whatever i can't go that way i went the wrong way i wanted to go to sector five and i just went the wrong way uh i can go unlock green doors technically i guess or not green uh red technically what in the world is this seed though i think this is the play but before i do that let's check the data room missiles i think yup well this seed broke i don't think so i could go to sector 3 through the um oh no you just reminded me that going to sector 3 is is possible uh to where the speed booster right i hope so either way i'll be able to unlock uh oh i don't have bombs this will be awkward i saved right well i guess it doesn't matter well that's another realization oh yeah i don't have bombs all right to sector three we go oh my goodness thank god this is not a tournament seed i'd just be sitting there like uh what all right here we go there's bombs okay why yes uh-huh goodness me this is like even spicier i need to what did ivan say about this seed ivan we're gonna have to have a talk here yep someone saying this seat is broken made me immediately think of oh what huh huh what so i have to actually go back to the ridley area now that's really dumb oh my gosh all right well i'm going back i am going back i can actually get those now he goes this is the description that i got i think of this seed that i'm doing right now or wait is this that one yes yes it is the description is finish this last one this one is pretty good most likely better than your average uh average seed oh yeah huh the average huh i have questions about the word better and average in that sentence yeah you're not the only one this is um save by the way that's in chat save uh there's a save room right here i'm on my way i never save you're not wrong yes [Music] what if ridley has gravity and he just like played it off as like ah this is better than your average seed when it's like the spiciest thing he could have bars will be giving me your favorite side-scrolling metroid yeah yeah thank you for the 23 months of support bud yo i am a nerd yo thanks choco moose i appreciate that so there as you can tell there's a lot of like different routing choices that you can uh that you can pick from and when i said earlier uh this game is designed very well for randomizer um like the layout of it i was not kidding this layout really kind of lends itself to uh randomizers also uh the last in the last time that i was in this room i kind of uh would fire missile and turn around the game only checks to make sure that you're facing the same direction as the golden pirate um you don't actually have to hit it in the back their kind of check for it was hey you're facing the same way you're great it will take damage oh my goodness all right well now we've got power bombs that we can't use so that's fun [Music] did i wait damn i don't know i did fight this boss and chad said it's almost impossible for ridley to have it that's why that's probably the case it's almost impossible for yeah right well i am nowhere near ready to fight ridley uh something about a stop block by the way heard just in case that's something i believe that's from someone who knows you hmm it says herc knows soft luck no i'm not soft locked okay good just making sure before you proceed further oh i want to go fight ridley but i can't dang it uh all right well i think i know what to do i'm gonna go to uh i'm gonna go to a point of no return even without high jump i do have screw attack so i can single wall wall jump my way back up and freeze to pirate so a flash cart is uh a cartridge that you can use on a console and it allows you to use to load up files using a micro uh micro sd card so i believe the item is probably right here because i never checked um and i just realized that that would be something uh or this is probably bombs either that i'm going right to um nightmare area to do a point of no return all right tonight there it is i guess fun this will be interesting that doesn't sound like buns you per se at least from your tone well it's a soft law i'm gonna i'm basically walking into an area that i'm going to walk myself into and hope that i find the thing that i need to get out it's that or i'm out of ideas which [Music] would be unfortunate but i believe this to be the play or i can go back to sector 4 and try to break into sector 6 again i do have high jump now makes it actually a lot easier i'll save right before this [Music] yeah i can't i don't have bombs yet um that logic isn't uh in the randomizer program itself yet so um i can't use uh power bombs without the regular bombs or by picking up the uh of the expansion packs tanks expand using the expansion packs makes it sound like um we're playing a metroid fusion card game trading card game it does sound like fun i wish they kind of would make that yeah let's go party and rid in the nightmare area okay i don't have plasma i need plasma gravity and bombs two two items that i need are required items to finish this is kind of interesting oh gosh wait i just realized what i'm oh no i know what i have to do oh why this is kind of silly please tell me that this is vanilla gravity that would be really funny okay well this will be interesting if this is if this one's an item i think i tried a cat burgle it's not okay well hey nightmare how you doing please have gravity i'm kirby i'm sure it'll be a bombless seed but like i'm sure as i go to get red doors it'll just be like here's bombs like oh thanks [Applause] [Applause] okay we're gonna have to do low percent strats here to fight uh nightmare this will be interesting an interesting fight i'll get to strats that i developed for the oil spill speed run so i'm intentionally stopping it lower so that way i can hit flare shots more easily um and the flare does additional damage to uh to nightmare so e the flare is the little like uh semicircle that uh is fired at the bottom of the arm cannon [Applause] oops uh and that deals uh god i believe nine extra damage so it's not a whole lot but in this grand scope of things it actually speeds the fight up just a little bit just like that so this needs to be gravity or i'm trapped fun fact and i'm scared yeah i'll be stuck i'll be trapped in the uh the trash pile also it's okay to be scared almost every store in the uh states right now is selling halloween stuff oh goodness are you talking about like the spirit halloween stores my heart hurts so y'all should give herk a follow so there is no pain please go do that herc is wonderful i wanted to do that play so long ago too why didn't i just go do it oh man that's so rude i can't wait for hardest or uh worst room in the game to just be like another powerbomb tank even though i want it to be like plasma all right i just i literally just need plasma and this is a plasma hunt at this point to finish it's probably in sector six if i had to guess shout outs to the vanilla is this game even randomized oh no i hadn't filled we get that every so often on you know a show about randomizers and random games i can only imagine everyone enjoys seeing the pain it's the best part of these and there's no shame in admitting that it's just it is what it is it's a spicy play all right so i've opened red doors i've now unlocked every color of door because in uh in this the higher level locks being unlocked unlocks all the ones below it um the only thing about that is that um this is split security which i'm unsure whether or not it is um for all that i know it might not even be split security um or it might be split security and i'm just assuming that it isn't that means that split security will only open the red doors and i have to go unlock each individual color um individually we got there eventually all right so no bombs um yeah this is a bombless deed that'd be pretty sick because bombs are technically not required to finish and if i could show that off that'd be pretty awesome all right fingers crossed for the no bomb merinos also well actually i'm also kind of curious whether or not it could be in sector four this would be interesting as well i missed three settings of the best settings i know right okay i've got a way out oh i can't actually go this way oops yeah we'll save the animals i meant to laugh you say that herc but now i don't know if i can believe you after last time listen skye i say a lot of things okay sometimes sometimes me saying new things will make the old things like that were in my brain just disappear so that's kind of what happened last time we will go up and check animals we will see how they're doing and let them loose fun fact i learned that you can soft lock at animals by releasing them i found that out the hard way if you press if you press the uh a button to close the purple like dialogue that comes across the screen at a specific frame um samus will just continue to look to the left and not actually look back to the right so you're just permanently stuck looking to the left well not that way i can't go in that room where can i go i can go this way this would be interesting because that means i have to clip plasma nope dang dude i said i'd have i could go that way just realized i have no bombs no way in well uh it cannot work on the japanese version or else i would be playing the japanese version and doing hard mode because that would be lots of fun xbox fight please no i am under-equipped but now that you mention it let me stock up just in case well the interesting thing that i can think of is that i could go fight yakuza and um actually a couple bosses like natori that could potentially have plasma if natori has plasma and gravity's on nightmare like that's ridiculous [Music] i question everything that i know about this seed at that point i'm afraid to go in that door i don't i need to confirm that it's uh not split security because if i walk in there without having green doors unlocked i'm softlaw okay good cool all right we're in there sort of but now the question is is this an item yo you bet it's not sector six was not the play huh that's actually upsetting dang well hmm i guess we just go in cat jam all right what if oh this would be mega cursed what if it's the oh no what if it's the speed booster item in uh sector six the incredibly tough one to get aim thank you um it's not your soul yo it was opening five you know you're right i did but i just kind of blocked that out oh you know what i can't do this because i'm missing the main ingredient of getting there bombs it's just a little important yeah well i mean yeah just kind of slightly hey you know what let's uh let's go free the animals actually freeing the animals i think is the right play i i have a feeling plasma will be up there spraying the animals is always the right play unless it loses the bid war for charity it's true is there any money on the line here i don't think so i mean technically it's up to you as the runner but i'm just giving my personal opinion all right yeah yeah i understand i'm curious if i should just go to sector four somehow someway i would have to go in through lower but well that's not a way i can go no bombs again what the heck i keep forgetting i can't get the item up here because no bombs oh no hopefully this is nothing please be nothing thank you all right do your worst game watch this if this is plasma i didn't lie just be like sweet we could leave nothing nothing well i said we would and i will do it we will we will set the animals free you run past the door dude you're free why are you running past an open door are you blaming the animals now herc he uh i i'm shocked that with with an open door the animal was just like nah you cannot use power bombs without regular bombs it's just a weird quirk and the uh with the game let's see uh how much damage do i do with these well we're gonna go actually you know what i don't have to worry about inventory with my uh because i've got charge hooray wait i have power bombs but oh it does do this very good i have my way of accessing yakuza if anything is here i'm not going to be happy hey like plasma like please be here but also don't at the same time there's so many things wrong if plasma is here okay uh well i guess i'll just go fight yakuza why not wait can i fight yakuza yes wait yes i'm i'm legitimately just trying to make like in my brain figure out do i need bombs to get out of anywhere down here and my my brain says no so i trust that okay nope come on open up there we go oh this boss is so sleepy here [Applause] ow nice shot [Applause] sure that junk whose boss oops oh please one will do it lame [Music] where oh where is plasma beam [Music] [Music] this is gonna be very awkward actually because this is my first trip down to lower sector two uh i'm gonna save actually there is so much that could go wrong here iraq this is not an arachnid it only has six legs correct and that's not you know chat there are times that i'm glad that i do what i do only a few times i stay hydrated i could find plasma i can give it a shot yeah everybody who stay hydrated if you have water near you please be sure to take a drink all right [Music] let's oh man uh sector five f5 maybe uh is [Music] no i can't i can't even access five wait three three three three three is where i need to go [Music] you can't get to serious without bombs coolest uh that's where i should have gone is sector 4 where i thought i should go should still go there actually after i checked these items have i been down there i oh i haven't even been anywhere in this area mainly oh what am i that wave dirt what am i doing i there's so many instances where i'm just like oh yeah i can totally go do this and i'm like oh wait i i have the item to make this my life easier i can't imagine it being that like anything being down here there's no way right yeah i can access sector 4 through sector 6 or sector 4 through lower sector 4. so i can go back down and around and use screw attack to get out and that's where i'm going as it turns out cool [Applause] yeah the background music gets kind of stuck occasionally the fastest way to pour through here i guess it's going right to it that is using randomizer work it takes away all of the uh plot um and again like i've said before everyone thinks that this game is so linear that the randomizer wouldn't work too well the game is actually designed extremely well um like the the layout of this station is is extremely well designed um and without the plot and everything else and being able to pick up whatever you want when you want it just lends itself very well to a randomizer yeah having a good map is a lot more important than linearity can confirm i missed all right hey you know what i should check how about the thing that i didn't check before if it's in here my goodness no it's not in here thank goodness [Music] hmm let's go access uh sector four [Music] save before i leave actually just in case a lot of popular misguided delusions of deluded opinions hard agree curb hard agree undefunded this seed fun fact you can't actually get 100 the highest percentage you can get is 98 and the reason being is because power bombs uh the main power bombs and uh ice beam are added into the pool and the reason that that's the case is there uh checks that you cannot make otherwise so um for example ice beam is at the very end of the game and um is not technically a check but by adding it into the pool a space needs to become available for it so that it can be checked nope not there um same thing with a powerbomb expansion so you use the sector 5 data room twice in the vanilla story to get main power bombs and ice missiles however you can only get one item from the location so another item has to be removed from the pool to allow for the second item to uh be able to be obtained i can't do that dang it saris is not obtainable uh clueless you are absolutely right completely forgot about the blockchain oops [Music] okay let's not go that way because that requires bombs is there anything up here i hope not because that would require bombs okay well there's one item that i can check the only item and um starting to run out of ideas of things to check like i'm legitimately starting to run out of items this is i'm actually becoming concerned please be plasma okay uh oh no no no no no no wait a sec don't beat no wait what happened uh i skipped an item because i couldn't get it earlier but no way without a way of getting out also anytime i land like that on the ground and store the spark that's frame perfect i think i've done it like once or twice there's no way of getting to natori um by the way unless i have bombs however there's one item in sector two that i can get unfortunately yeah right remember the first 15 minutes when we're like oh yeah everything's being handed to us this is great this is awful everything is awful plasma beam strikes again i love this by the way all right well here's the one item okay what [Music] okay kind of lame so what's going through my head right now is i'm legitimately just trying to rifle through all of the locations that i have yet to check one right now is standing out very much and that is the um well this okay good uh and then the check in sector three at gary i would say at a time like this and this is good for any randomizer make sure you check all your zero checks because there are so many times i've been playing like a multi world and i'm like wait this thing i could have done right at the beginning i forgot to do yeah so the other thing too is like the other problem is like there's so many things that i could have done early on with bombs but i still don't have bombs so i still can't like do them so like this check right here as well as the one in lower sector three are like my two big checks at the moment oh no oh no welp we did it [Music] come on why okay now the entire game is open i know it's a legitimate hunt was the suitcase or did you make the siege cursed so the here's the thing about the seed i couldn't access that fight until i had green doors the only way that i could access green doors was if i went through and got red doors so i needed to go open red doors to unlock that fight just to get bombs and green doors requires bombs although i could have i guess technically clipped out of bounds if we're being very technical i could have clipped out of bounds to unlock green doors and then find that item but my way was a little bit spicier this is unbelievably spicy this is unbelievable dude oh what's up keys hey doing bud well speaking of uh well then again though this isn't mercy kill so i can't exactly do you want to do a great do you want to do a great bake off between like like a three-way bake-off between yourself me and uh skye i can't bake i can't bake either i'm sure kiwis can't i mean i don't know whether or not but i think i know bake peanut butter pie but the word is the words there are no bake you know but here's the thing it'd be fun yeah well at least i would i would not use a whole thing of vanilla in one recipe that much i could guarantee i here's the thing i i don't know whether or not keys can bake i'm sure that he'll be like he probably does on like his off days or something but it'd be fun it'd be a good time oh no he said wait i'm i'm eagerly waiting to see my jesus i mean it's my show keys you're show runner i'm a showrunner if you have something to say and herc is okay with that i don't care special guest by keys around tm let's do it bud oh my gosh keys now where do i check listen keys i know you don't take off days where do i check oh wait there's up here getting bombs this late it really messes me up you can relate to this i'm sure what are off days i'm exactly of the same mind of keys around here streamers and often i mean we try we try you know because it's good for you but yeah but that doesn't always work all the time yeah no i've attempted to take off days especially like with you know having to like like study days and stuff like that for um like work and whatever just to like take like tests and stuff like that but even then it doesn't even feel like a day of relaxation but yeah no it's like i can definitely relate her what would you bake like now now i have questions about this i don't know cupcakes a cake no a cake seems so ambitious though a cake i mean it depends on the type of cake yeah i guess i've been watching those shows too much where they make like the two tiered cakes and it takes them like four hours to do how about this instead of doing a competition let's try to our best to work together to try and cobble together like a three-tier cake oh but it hurts that's just going too far at this point in my opinion okay fine two layers two tiers layers whatever you want to call it hercules dude i do got that cake though i just i'm trying to think about i mean i have made dense breads before like beer breads and i kind of thing i've done that but i can't think of anything else other than no bakes that i've made i make a pretty mean like i don't know hamburger i imagine it's the same thing i don't think a hamburger is a cake although we're going to get back into that discussion again i'm not trying to but what i'm saying is like i've spent some time in the kitchen i've spent minimal time in the kitchen i can do it but i cannot guarantee that anything that comes out of there is going to be edible austin's usually the cook here is absolutely i'm like listen i'm i'm not great in the kitchen but i'm getting i'm trying to get better like i'm trying but like i've i've learned that i can make like even with experimenting like with different like uh seasonings like i i've like burger seasonings and stuff like that i can make a good burger with a good seasoning i'm proud of that so i got i'm making steps however like the whole baking thing i feel like it's like that's an entirely different league of its own oh here we go again pizza cake cheeseburger cake those are not cakes y'all no you see we took the lid off of pandora's box again i apologize that's on me i think he's just vanished we scared keys around off it's all that cake talk although like a dessert lasagna that that could be good that could be quite good i wonder if anyone's ever done that something that that like instead of pasta use like bread and crust and things like that but then then we're just back at some kind of cake pastry thing right i believe they call that a pie skye oh that's not entirely what i'm thinking of i think i'd be closer to a pastry i think okay like a like a a mini pie like a like a cupcake pie no no i'm thinking like i'm like the first layer's dough and then you like the second layer you could do like a hazelnut spread or something like that and then you put more dough and then you put another layer and you put maybe like i don't know whipped cream or something and then i actually folks bake nowadays [Music] [Music] in a way i mean oh god of course the the is cereal soup thing we come full circle [Music] well at this point we're just trying to find our the last major items it's probably locked behind xbox again if i had to guess so let's do this [Music] hey is this even going to reach i don't think it will oh tiramisu thank you somebody i cuz that was that was i was really having to think about that for a second oh yeah tiramisu is fantastic i don't think i've ever had it but i've seen it before it's pretty good that is an incredibly tough trick that i just pulled off first try that i'm i'm glad that i was able to do that first try that is really dumb i think i can get out of here right richard says i need to eat tiramisu now it's amazing apparently and this was all in caps it's really good maybe i will although nowadays if i want to get or order any kind of pastry they're going to insist on pumpkin spice and i don't want pumpkin spice everything i don't mind it like once in a while but i don't want every single thing i have to be flavored like pumpkin spice you know i mean that tis the season for pumpkin which speaking of my fiance actually baked like a pumpkin roll like kind of like a cinnamon roll but like pumpkin flavored yesterday yeah real good stuff like that i can tolerate when everything is flavored like pumpkin spice though it just gets a little old you know no i've never had tiramisu and again i'm sure that's something youtube's gonna talk about is there no music playing like the game uh let me see because we're not catching nope i'm just hearing sound effects on my end for my feed well no cat jam i guess i you know what after this i gotta go to sector two because second two probably has what i need [Applause] yup i would guess that that's the case this could be vanilla vanilla oh god even after all that vanilla extract talked last time the the vanilla is seeped into this drum the callback i will say though if you like pie nothing is in my opinion there's no better pie than peanut butter pie maybe french silk pie but peanut butter pie is definitely like feel good peanut butter pie i've never had peanut butter pie hurt really no is that a southern thing no cuz the first time i had it was when i lived in the north really i've never heard of that you've never heard of peanut butter pie like no oh when i make it it's like you know peanut butter foundation and stuff do you just like dump an entire bottle of like jiffy in there or whatever it's called no no no no no you make like some kind of like chocolate peanut butter mixture oh okay a little bit of whipped cream and then i'm nutella oh no no no it's not hazelnut and then on top you put like that chocolate shell stuff like you put on ice cream that's my my no-bake peanut butter pie it's really good especially the chocolate shell just a little drizzle of that chocolate shell on top goes a long way for flavor so good i gotta make some it's been a while uh hershey pie mud pie yep somebody brought that up in chat yeah costco makes a peanut butter cheesecake that is really good oh my god i feel like i'm gonna have to drive back to costco after this right after you had your what was it chicken bake or whatever yeah i'm gonna have to have to make a ride back is really good a lot of costco like food is really good that's what i hear i don't have one of those near me unfortunately you live in a mountain don't you yeah i live on top of mountains that's correct so we don't have a lot of that fancy wholesale club stuff near us so you're the grinch no is that what i'm hearing no did i say i disliked christmas no no but you live on top of a mountain it's pretty high up yeah 3000 something plus feet above sea level yeah yeah but yeah we don't have any of those fancy costcos or stuff every if it's not where i live it's like two hours away dang that's unfortunate oh yeah especially if you get like a hankering for something and you don't have it near you it is the worst feeling and it's like oh i'm gonna have to drive all the way out there but like if it's worth it then like it's not even it doesn't even matter now i do have an ikea two hours for me and they make the best cinnamon rolls i normally do not have cinnamon rolls like i don't actively seek it if i'm near an ikea i gotta go get me some cinnamon rolls they're so good yeah cinnamon rolls are legit really good all right chad let's find out if we're gonna have a double vanilla situation [Music] so here's the thing about this we'll talk about like rich food and stuff but like when we actually get the food in front of us we'll take like two bites and be like nah i'm good after that like that's that's the way it always goes you know what food just like any kind of like rich dessert food i take like two bugs and i'm like done like i need like bite-sized desserts you ever go you know speaking of wholesalers back up norris when i went to go get like desserts from there they had like these super tiny like tiny tiny pieces of cheesecake but they'd all be different flavors and they'd all be in like a circle thing and it was oh that's just good really good yeah there was like there was something for everybody and you only had to have like one little sliver at a time and it wasn't like too much you know that's what i like i like sampling little tiny bites of desserts that actually doesn't sound too bad i'm not a big like dessert person per se like that's definitely my fiance she loves like different kinds of desserts and i'm just kind of like yeah i'll have it occasionally depending on what day of the week you catch me on yeah i'm very much the same way for sure but like at the same time it's just like you know if it's a little sampler kind of thing then like that's even better because then it's just like i definitely like that i did you know if i get in the mood i definitely want to have that oh yeah i think the reason why i'm gravitating so much towards dessert because you know it's fall halloween's almost here so you know we're all thinking of something a little sweeter usually right usually like chocolate yeah we're talking about baking and whatnot i know we're gonna get um we're gonna get the comments back on this on youtube and it's all gonna be feed related and i'd be like what happened with this episode of random number generation now like oh yeah it's just me and her talking you you got me on the program and usually i like whatever conversation this honestly happens on my stream where it just evolves into like food talk for some reason i've had to put the casual like the social eating tag on my uh on my streams because like we talk about food like way too often and i don't know why but again those samplers those that is the key to moderation just get something with a lot of like different samplers and have like one sampler day that you look forward to it bubbles out it's nice [Applause] so this is a plasma hunt yeah i kind of figured gotta try to figure a way to transition back into talking about the game but at this point i don't know i feel like everybody's having a good time you know that's all that matters to me i always tell people shame it's not always about the game on my show sometimes it's just about whatever we happen to talk about uh yeah this is very much reminiscent of like just chilling in my chat [Music] we're just big chilling right now as we look for plasma yeah everybody does eat can agree [Music] man i'm running out of checks this is um if it's on cyrus this will be this'll be unfortunate because like well i'm not mercy killing the run i know we're getting close to hour and a half like don't worry about that like this is it's not the other show it's not my show tomorrow so don't don't worry about that very fair the seed was first determined the food you know what i'm all for that [Music] that's a good comment yeah i know like what else are we going to talk about while herc's looking for a needle in a haystack you know like she might as well get a little interactive here with the chat dude absolutely i'm all for it usually with my stream it's like i could be like the approach that i take it's like yeah i could take this like super seriously and like go for like a really good time but like if i wanted to do that i could just do that offline like usually like it's you know people came to be like slightly you know entertained in a way you know in some aspects so i kind of like prioritize you know like something like you know having a good time over like being super laser focused on like i have to get a world record time no and i want to make it clear too to be on to be on my gdq hot pictures you don't have to be any kind of world record holder you know in contention for world record etc we're just we're here to have a good time talk about games food evidently that's that's like my second most popular topic now on here um that's what it's about you know i always tell people you want to go watch the more like super refined runs there's the main event gtq of odds for that there's flame frame fatale stuff for that this the hotfix here and what i do on my particular shows just a big chill session because you don't get to hear the runner talk that much right like you'll you'll hear maybe some jargon about the game and things like that but to actually get to know the runner and just have a big chill session that's that's what you can expect from any show that i'm hosting i think kirk's still having a good time don't worry about hercule but maybe not maybe i smoked too soon oh man it was right there the whole time and i went backwards through sector two didn't i tell you to look out for just that type of scenario you did but like it made sense to me to go backwards i i told you to watch out for that stuff i'm even more upset that this wasn't a bombless seed i needed to get bombs but this seed is like i needed to get okay so to get bombs i needed to unlock red doors or clip out of bounds which i can possibly do to unlock green doors without bombs then i needed to fight at a box get bombs and then use bombs to get uh plasma that like in the super early location that is like the logic there is so convoluted oh my goodness oh man wow oh god her goods for not saving the animals in the first seed yeah i agree oh snap please don't do this to me why am i not getting this hello like on the one frame that the sax was was unfrozen it shot a nice it had one shot one opportunity and it fired one nice picture eric would you like to walk us through what you're thinking right now uh man this uh i'm gonna be having a talk with ivan i think saying that this is better than your average seed this is like this is probably spicier than the first one if i had to guess didn't you ask for spice i did but average this is the average comes nowhere close to this y'all if you did enjoy this evening by the way while we're on the countdown timer here please do not forget to follow hercules ventress for those of you watching on twitter that's twitch.tv hercules bench press on youtube also if you are watching twitch.tv slash hercules bench press and of course you all are watching live right now on twitch so please give her a follow y'all are getting scammed why why what makes you say that oh because i am a huge scammer i have i have a scam emote how could i not be a scammer are you saving the animals hang on i i need to speak for chad here you're saving the animals i did save the animals okay yeah i saved them like a while ago okay so that was what we saw a while ago right just double checking it the scam the scam was i didn't save them the first time by accident [Music] [Applause] there's the scam also like the use of scam has just been like it's i don't even know when it or how it started but it just became like a thing and i'm like okay i guess i guess this is a thing oh god i thought i had this unlocked oh should we stop omega please don't do this thank you that was close yeah just a little bit hurt time is coming up and time 135 40. there you go herc nice that's not so bad i mean that's it's on the higher end of the uh the spectrum for for times for rando but like the considering the hoops that i had to jump through just to get some of these items like it's that is like much like spicier than i've had in a good while [Music] so eric is there any other shout outs you want to do any other thoughts that you would like to share regarding this randomizer yeah uh big shout outs to uh casuto for making this possible shout outs to literally all of the fusion community um for you know making it as fun as it is to play and like do races constantly um if you enjoyed this at all um don't and you know you follow me that's great we have a tournament that's going on right now um and i can drop the link because i've got it up on one of these screens somewhere um to the bracket we have a tournament that's literally just getting started that's being hosted over on speed gaming um i would heavily encourage that you uh take a look how you know watch a match or two and definitely follow all those runners that you see on there they are fantastic they're all really really skilled really good runners um and yeah you know [Music] i thank you for having me skye this has been a blast of course and uh we'll have to do this again sometime this was fun i think everybody enjoyed themselves as well hopefully uh if we do this again we can have like kazuto uh either racing or on commentary um and we could do like a bit of a race uh with uh you know two people or two or three who knows [Music] yeah that sounds good we'll definitely look into that for the future so before we are done this evening with random number generation uh remember that random number generation in gdq outfits is brought to you by viewers like you your subs gift subs amazon prime subs and bitshit on the gdq twitch channel help support our weekly hotfix content thank you so much for supporting our shows if you are watching on youtube come check out our hiloids channel by searching gdq's sum of best segments on youtube from there you can see highlights of our hotfix shows jdq hotfix is looking for more shows if you are over 18 la live in the us and would like to be a sure runner for game stun quick email hotfix gamesdonequick.com with your idea you can check out our twitter for more information and ask questions again that is hotfix gamesdonequick.com tomorrow i will be back here for mercy kill and we are going to be doing some rusty kaizo smw mods that'll be third wall running and amethyst rocks on commentaries so if you enjoy kaizo smw mods you'll definitely want to be here tomorrow and immediately after that we'll be as always the wonderful never before seen the program content starts at 7 pm eastern tomorrow with mercy kill and with that i am sky bills for gdq hotfix i'll see you all tomorrow for mercy kill have a good evening everyone
Channel: Games Done Quick
Views: 126,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AGDQ, GDQ, SGDQ, Awesome Games Done Quick, Summer Games Done Quick, Games Done Quick, SDA, SRL, Speed Demos Archive, SpeedRunsLive, Twitch, Video Games, Speedrun
Id: TalpDp7zxRM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 192min 31sec (11551 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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