"Ran when parked" leads to attempted assault

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I was convinced that the next morning a newspaper was gonna write the story about the victim of this epic beating and it was gonna be this dude I believe that all car people have their favorite car motorsport movie it could be smoking a ban it could be cannibal run could be the race it could be gone to 60 seconds either one of them it could be Hollywood Knight Stella de goodnights American Graffiti even the Fast & Furious movies as long as they keep making him I'll keep watching him because I'm a car person now my movie was and always has been the 1983 American classic by John Carpenter Christine I was one of those kids that took apart everything I had to try and build a better faster version of it I had the Lamborghini Countach poster the big six footer on the wall Lee Iacocca's a autobiography on my nightstand I was I was not a particularly cool kid listen let's be honest about this and one of my cousins started to notice this tendency towards carnist you know that you can recognize it early kind of like those kids that torture animals but not quite but more of it you've destroyed every matchbox car you own what are you doing so he shows me this movie and this is probably 1985 or something like that it's on a VHS copy and I just fall in love I've never seen a car like that before in my life those forward look you know mobile parts were just absolutely gorgeous and I began what is probably an unhealthy obsession with this car like I watched that movie so many times on so many VHS tapes that the they would eventually just wear out and become kind of warbly like you're watching adult content Saturday morning and in the 80s not everybody would understand but older people definitely know that one so that became my car that was the car I had to have 1958 Plymouth Fury two-door hardtop sport coupe in GM spectra red with a 350 golden commando that was the car of my dreams let's fast-forward a little while and of course you know through your 20s I was not known particularly financially doing well at all and even if I had run across one I would not have been able to afford it without black marketing a kidney or something like that so lo and behold I got a I got a phone call from one of the guys in the hearse club and he tells me it's like look I bought a car online from a guy in Tampa it is a 1958 Plymouth Savoy two-door hardtop sportcoupé which has the perfect body lunge myth but it's got a six-cylinder in it that's in the the heads in the trunk said it ran when parked it's a good builder car I can't go get it but he's gonna sell the car if I don't come get it ok what do you want me to do he goes look you can buy the car for me we'll work out payment later just go get it I'm beside myself so here is the the body lines I desire and it's not that far so and I'm gonna finance it which is even better and I'm financing it through a friend with my you know credit score that looks almost exactly like my golf score essentially at this point of my life so called one of my best friends Mike cuz I dude I give 3 sentences that's all it takes he's a tail yeah man it gets in the truck hauls over to my house we go borrow a trailer from another friend of ours and we just booked it seven hour trip to Tampa and probably five now when we get there because I have worked a full day right and the pictures that my friend has sent me have a car that looks looks buildable right the front fenders sagging a little bit most of the headlight trim is missing it's definitely on flat tires but it is in this PVC and tarp enclosure that the guy has erected in his yard in in the picture so you can't really see the whole car but the guy you know describes the car in a certain way and so it must be so we make this trip and we arrive in the deepest darkest parts of the evening and the guy comes out and this is the first time we've seen the car without its shanty roof over it if you've never experienced heartbreak like a proper gut wrenching heartbreak imagine meeting your your idle you know they say don't meet your heroes but imagine meeting like Carroll Shelby and then finding out it's not Carroll Shelby it's the bug bladdered beast of crawl or the girl that you've had a crush on since you were a wee lad pants as you in front of the entire school and you're not wearing underwear and it's freezing cold like that is what I felt like at this moment this car that looked like it was a buildable car with a you know it's crushed fender and it's flat tires really look like somebody at like September of 1957 September's when the new model year came out drove this car into the ocean proceeded at a hundred knots into an offshore oil rig where they then hit every body panel on it sunk it and then resurrected at 45 minutes before we got there literally at this moment the Titanic has less rust on it in total than this car possessed I look at the gentleman and I say of course a flowery language so I shall not repeat for a family show as something to the effect of this is not how advertised and I will never ever forget what he said to me because he looks at me dead in the eye and says well that's your problem not my problem now understanding to that most of the time you would just walk away from such a deal I mean you've you've driven all this way you have the trailer you just would leave it where it sits however my friend has already paid it undescribed an undisclosed amount of money for said car and this car is now going to end up in some other poor Schmucks life if we don't take the car with us and my friend will just be out the money my temper started to get the better of me at this point I've driven all day I'm exhausted I worked all day before that and the car of my dreams turns out to be a huge steaming pile of crap so temper overrides logical brain and I chase after the guy like the I was convinced that the next morning the newspaper was gonna write this story about the victim of this epic beating and it was gonna be this dude and whoa boy Mike good redneck that he is hunted and he led me just right he proceeds after me at the right angle where he intersects me tackles me and puts me on the ground as the guy gets off you know three or four feet ahead of me he goes inside locks the door realize then when the rest of my brain kicks back into normal gear that this dude's probably calling the cops I'm sitting here without any kind of documentation that I'm supposed to take this car in a trailer that doesn't belong to me in the middle of the night after attempted assault we should probably get out of here once the car onto the trailer and as we're leaving I may or may not have depending on the statute of limitations for either the state of Georgia or Florida whoever has jurisdiction on such a story most likely did not say this I may have used the side of the trailer into another car that he was that he had in the backyard I'm not proud of that to be honest but I would do it again we get on the road and it's it's so dark and we're so tired we was like dude let's just pull into a rest area I need a nap you know let's stand before we drive back get a couple hours of shut-eye Sun comes up and we started driving down the road and the dut the rust coming off this car looks like fan OHS just snapped it out of existence you know I'm so scared mr. stark you know and we have to stop three more times to add ratchet straps onto the car keep the roof in the hood and also stuff from flying off so we ride back in a companionable silence that's the only word I would use here with the level of understanding of how miserable we are at this uh at this moment and we get home back the the trailer into my driveway unload the car and my wife comes outside and she looks at the car she looked at me look at the car and comes over and just gives me a big hug and says I'm so sorry because even as determined and obsessive and stupid and stubborn in all other words you could use to describe me there was no chance I can revive this thing and this is the first time I've been able to see it in the during of the daylight so I started surveying the car thinking you know maybe there's something I can work with here maybe there's a part that will you know like can work but like where the the rear glass met the trunk yeah there's a metal valance that goes across there there was an inch and a half gap that had rusted through and basically all the way around the car and you could see the very earth itself through this cavern and where there was supposed to be this head from this ran wind part car there was no trunk there was nothing there just empty dead space you know the roof itself wasn't attached to the car anymore because it rusted all the way across the front of the windshield and the a-pillars were completely gone and the window regulators in the back were the only thing keeping it from falling into the abyss and even those were cracked and the windows themselves were separating and just I opened up the the passenger door and a piece of door or a piece of floor that looks like a nacho comes with it it's about a foot in in size that everything on the car is toast there's not a panel on this thing you could cut up and turn into silverware it is just junk so I do in any self-respecting car guy would do and I proceeded to get egg-sucking drunk and I walk in front of the car and I say okay show me and I swear to you by the gods old and new what was left of the headlight bezel fell off the car and I just lose it I just I cannot process what has just happened in my life like everything I've ever known has come to crashing down upon me and at the moment I'm expecting this glorious resurrection falls apart from cars hits in my traffic for months just continuing its process of decomposition to the point where I've quit watching the movie all together even the discussion of the car you know I just cannot bring myself to even talk about it so I call Richard the guy on the guy who originally purchased the car and I tell him you know come get this thing you know we'll settle up later on the gas and everything it took me to go get it because we never exchanged funds you know once one side explained the car to him and once he had totally come over and looked at it I was no longer you know this I'm basically storing it for him at this point he's living on the south side of Atlanta in an area that he's not particularly fond of and he's trying to move one of the reasons he decided not to take ownership of the car or take physical possession of it favors are funny things and he's done enough for me over the years and I've done enough for him where it's just it makes a good story even if it did crush the mortal soul from my ginger body I gave up for probably 10 or 15 years I haven't seen the movie until about a year ago when I decided that maybe I will no longer pile upon its homp all of my hatred and I will watch this movie once again and maybe find some semblance of joy in it then I almost got to eBay I was typing it autos and then stopped because I'm like no you dummy just no and so I will probably never own a forward look Mopar I still occasionally we run across pictures a friend of mine has one and you know it's a Christic perfect Christine clone with the proper colors and interior beige you know with the white roof and everything but I don't want to see it every time you post picture up to scroll past you know so that that is the car that ruined my childhood are you looking to buy your dream car premiere financial services offers the flexibility of financing with the tax benefits of leasing the PFS simple lease offers quick approvals and easy termination when you are ready for the next car visit our website and follow us for more you
Channel: VINwiki
Views: 302,913
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Christine, movie, car, plymouth, 1957, fury, muscle car, american, stephen king, VINwiki, car stories, chris diganci, the rockabilly arts, beard, hell on wheels, hearse, club, project car, rust, ran when parked
Id: yKRKbtGLyZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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