r/AmITheA--Hole for Refusing to Give Karen My Breast Milk?

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welcome to r slash am i the butthole where someone tries to kill a 13 year old girl's pet cat am i the butthole for blowing up on my fiance in front of his family for letting my daughter's cat out of the house i'm a 35 year old woman and i got engaged to my fiancee eric who's 37 two months ago he moved in with me and my daughter zoe who's 13. everything was going well until he started complaining about zoe's cat which is strange because the cat is so sweet and quiet most of the time and i have no idea what exactly his issue is with the cats anyways he went from complaining about the cat to making demands about her he gave zoey a list of places where the cat can and can't go things she's not allowed to touch and banned her from places like the kitchen and the sofa which is zoey's favorite place to cuddle with her cat zoe showed me the list and i had an argument with him telling him that he needs to stop this because it was ridiculous he ranted about this being his house too and how he expects things to change after we get married a few days ago i was at work and i got a call from zoe crying saying that her cat wasn't in a room or in the house i freaked out and went home to look for her zoe and i looked for the cat for two hours before a neighbor of ours found the cat and told us that he saw eric leaving her outside and getting in his car and driving away i was surprised and quite angry zoe took her cat and went back inside i immediately drove to my future in-laws home where eric said that he would be the second that i saw him sitting with his family i blew up at him in front of everyone his mom asked what happened and i told her that her son took my daughter's indoor cat outside probably hoping for her to get lost he argued with me about me spouting nonsense and to go home so we could talk about it there but i refused things got worse and i ended up leaving after his family flipped out at him he sent a bunch of texts about the stunt that i pulled in front of his family he said that he didn't mean to leave the cat outside but after checking the cameras i confirmed it he still insisted that i humiliated him in front of his family and i tried to turn them against him he's been staying with a friend and has stopped calling and texting am i the butthole for blowing up on him in front of his family ah honestly op i might get ripped apart in the comments here yeah you kinda do deserve a butthole score for blowing up in front of his family because his family has nothing to do with this whatsoever right his mom has nothing to do with this his dad has nothing to do with this if you have a fight with your fiance you can have your fight with him in the privacy of your own home so for that i can give you like a 0.5 out of 5 buttholes now does that mean that what he did is okay absolutely not in my opinion this is like divorce material luckily he's your fiance so you don't have to go that far but this is a huge red flag the fact that he would abandon your daughter's cat just because he doesn't like cats is disgusting i'm giving him four out of five buttholes he's extremely selfish so don't get me wrong op i'm on your side i'm on your daughter's side i'm on the cat's side too i'm just saying yeah could you have done this better should you have done this in private yeah definitely also op please dump this guy he's just not a good person am i the butthole for returning the money that my husband took from my family for attending our cookouts i'm a 28 year old woman and my husband who's 33 comes from a wealthy family and he himself has inherited a number of assets from his relatives one of them is a huge house where we currently live with a pool and a huge backyard with lots of features we decided to host our first cookout after we got married seven months ago and we invited both his and my family that was on friday both families came and we had lots of fun then everyone went home later i then got a phone call from my mom and she didn't sound okay she asked whether or not my husband took money from his family before they attended the cookout i was confused and asked what she was talking about and she told me that my husband charged every single person from my side of the family who attended the event 25 i was utterly shocked and very angry and felt like this has legitimately damaged my relationship with most of my family because almost all of them came over not just that but my husband made 275 off of them i was so livid that i hung up the phone and confronted him immediately he told me that my family got to enjoy the space and the view and he said that i should think of it as a resort cookout since the house has lots of luxuries i told him that it was a horrible thing for him to do and it was made so much worse by the fact that his family didn't have to pay like mine had to he laughed and reminded me that his family gave him the house i demanded that he give the money back but he said no and that he won't even give it to me since the house is technically his i stole the money and i gave it back to my family with a sincere apology from me my husband found out and flipped out at me calling what i did overstepping and disrespectful i told him that he shouldn't have taken money from my family for being guests at our house but he corrected me saying that it's his house and said that he would bet that my family never got to attend a cookout at a house like this and that it was just 25 dollars but i disrespected him and i went behind his back and took money that wasn't mine we stopped talking after this argument and he keeps minting to his mom about me taking his money that he earned his own way holy sh op what did i just read there's so much wrong with this post why did this guy keep it from you right like that's that's what i want to know more than anything not about the entitlement not about the obvious like oh well the poor people would be delighted for an opportunity to eat at my gorgeous home no what i want to know is why did this guy hide it from you apparently you sent out an email or a phone call or whatever to all of your family telling them about the 25 bucks but kept it a secret from you then after he gets caught out he's gonna bring his mother into an argument between you and him opie oh my god this is just this is a sea of red flags like you know the actual event isn't that bad it's not like he's you know murdering puppies or beating children it's just one red flag after another red flag after another red flag he lied to you he's whining to his mommy about your fights he's got this sense of entitlement where his family is like upper class and your family is poor and they don't deserve any favors he's essentially scamming money out of your family and he sees his house as his house not your house and unless you signed a prenup huh it's your house too and you know okay this is something that's really subtle but it really bothers me so his family gave him money so his mentality is that because because his family's already paid money therefore your family owes you to the couple so they have to also send in money to the family as well but that is not the correct way to think about this he shouldn't think that your family owes the both of you the correct way to think is how can i pay back the family who gave me the money right he received an incredible gift and his response is well aren't you going to give me a gift too instead of how can i show my gratitude and repay my family who's given me this incredible head start in life op man oh my god the red flags in this post op i'm giving you zero out of five buttholes you're completely justified the husband i think is probably at around like three maybe 3.5 out of five buttholes am i the butthole for asking my son to get a paternity test my son who's 18 found out that one of his ex-girlfriends is 8 months pregnant he had no idea that she was pregnant and now he's just expected to accept everything no questions asked my daughter who's 20 is good friends with this girl and she knew about her pregnancy but she said nothing to us because her friend asked her not to my son was hit over heels for this lady but she ended up breaking his heart by cheating on him and was very needy and manipulative he spends a lot of money on her because she would ask him for gifts that he couldn't afford and she would convince him to use my credit cards to buy it my daughter is currently living with the ex-girlfriend my daughter thinks that the ex-girlfriend is being manipulative and that she might have even cheated she showed up with my son's ex-girlfriend at my door to help her tell us that she's pregnant when i saw her standing at my door visibly pregnant i knew that she was going to be saying that my son is the father of her child and i immediately said that my son wouldn't be investing any money or time until he took a paternity test proving that that was his child my son backed me up and agreed my daughter was horrified by my comment and accused me of encouraging him to be a deadbeat father and was upset that i didn't even give them a chance to explain themselves my son's ex started crying saying that i always assumed the worst of her and that she went eight months of pregnancy alone and the least that we could do is ensure that she's taken care of for the betterment of his child i do agree that if it's his child we're going to ensure that the mom is doing well and the baby is doing well but i don't want my son to be involved with her only to get his heart broken again and only to find out that the child isn't his am i the butthole here and then opie posted an update my daughter and i spoke on the phone and i explained to her that if the baby really is his then the paternity test will only lock in his responsibility for the baby and that there's no way i would ever encourage my son to abandon any of my grandbabies my daughter finally agreed the test would be beneficial and told me she'd call me back later when they came over later my son's ex admitted to not actually knowing who the father was and that she had been in a relationship with multiple guys which is why she took so long in telling my son because she was trying to figure out who's the father of her child but now she's certain that it's my son she agreed to do the paternity test as soon as possible on the condition that i pay for it another thing i found out is that my daughter and my son's ex have actually developed a romantic relationship which is beyond shocking to me i mean it explains why she's been sticking up for my son's ex so much but it's just not something i thought my daughter would ever do i mean that's her brother's ex someone who broke his heart so i just don't understand it i'll always love my daughter but it just hurts me seeing my son feeling really hurt by this whole situation ok op this is really really simple no you're not the butthole your son absolutely should get a paternity test otherwise he could be on the hook for child support for the next 18 years for a kid that isn't even his also she literally cheated and admitted that she doesn't know who the father is op you get 0 out of 5 buttholes the ex-girlfriend gets 2.5 out of 5 buttholes am i the butthole for telling my sister that i'll no longer give her my breast milk i'm a 28 year old woman and i had a stillbirth five weeks ago my sister gave birth to a healthy baby boy four weeks ago after my stillbirth i was producing milk and pumping and my sister couldn't breastfeed after her son was born the formula shortage was awful and i was literally throwing my milk away so i offered it to my sister and she gladly accepted i was advised by my doctors to pump for three weeks after the stillbirth to prevent problems for me and then stop otherwise i just keep producing milk due to the formula shortage i've been pumping for five weeks now to give the milk to my sister now that there's more formula in stock and she's been able to go buy it i told her i'd stop pumping she told me that her son has stomach problems after the formula and asked me to keep pumping i told her that emotionally i can't handle it any longer she said that i'm being selfish and that she already has to feed her son by bottle at first she suggested that i let him breastfeed we lived next door and i refused i told her i'm sorry i can pump for a few more days so she can put some in the freezer and have some backup until she finds a better formula for her son but she said that breast milk is the healthiest and i should just help her out she called me a selfish butthole and said that i'm the embodiment of misery love's company my mother feels that i should help my sister out my husband said that my sister is way out of line i feel really awful because i could still help her out and i know that she needs it opie this is really really simple if your sister is so dead set on giving her kid breast milk then she can go buy it like anyone else i mean at the end of the day it's your boobs op so if you don't want to pump milk then you don't have to pump milk op i'm giving you 0 out of 5 buttholes i'm giving your sister 1.5 out of 5 buttholes am i the butthole for storming off from my sister's wedding after she dead named my dead named what is dead named after she did named my son okay hold up hold up hold up what is dead named to call a transgender person by their birth name when they have changed their name as part of their gender transition oh so you mean like fundamentally disrespect them okay gotcha i'm a 45 year old single father of three my wife died 10 years ago i have three sons 17 year old andrew 15 year old connor and 14 year old max connor was born female and he's trans he came out as trans five years ago and has now socially transitioned but not yet physically my sister who's 38 just got married me and my sons were also invited my family has known that conor is trans for two years now and some have adjusted well some not so much my sister is pretty indifferent about it her wedding was really super well organized to the last detail she wanted all the men to wear a shirt and tie and all the women to wear sundresses i texted her a picture of our outfits the day before the wedding and she said where's nia's dress i was a bit surprised and i told her not to did name my son and that he'll be wearing a shirt and tie like the rest of them in there or were not coming she said fine and that was that at the reception my sister got mad that connor was wearing a tie but didn't say much after that when we sat down at our table my son's table card said nia i went to my sister and she said that she used her real name i told her that me and the boys are leaving and she told me don't you dare cause a scene at my wedding nia can be a guy any other day i called her a bigot and we left my family says that i ruined her wedding opie in no world does standing up for your kid and advocating for your child make you the butthole as far as i'm concerned she's the one who ruined her wedding by picking a fight with you op you get 0 out of 5 buttholes i'm giving your sister 2.5 out of 5 buttholes that was our slash am i the butthole and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
Views: 330,469
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: jBrmbb97KTA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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