r/AmITheA--hole My Wife Thinks that Loving My Son is Gay

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welcome to r slash am i the butthole where op ruins her brother's marriage am i the butthole for ruining my brother's marriage because his wife left me at the pool i'm a 19 year old woman and i had surgery a couple of days ago to get all four of my wisdom teeth out and because i had a really bad fear of dentists they had to drug me pretty hard to do the removal not like laughing gas that wears off really fast but actual iv medicines so i was pretty much unconscious during the whole thing they told me to have a responsible adult drive me to the appointment and back because the meds they gave me would make it dangerous to drive my mom was on a work trip and she couldn't take me so i asked my 24 year old sister-in-law brie if she could do it because the whole thing would only take an hour or two i even offered gas money because the dental office is like 45 minutes away i would have asked my brother but he works during the day while brie is a stay-at-home mom to their two-year-old daughter who i think was at bree's mom's house that day brie agreed to take me to the appointment and the surgery went fine brie waited in the lobby for me to be done when i came out of anesthesia i was very disoriented and nauseous which i guess is normal i had gaws shoved in my mouth to stop any bleeding and bree took me to her car after i was let go i don't really remember much of the drive but it felt like not enough time passed before brie got out of the car and told me to come with her i was really out of it and just followed her because the alternative was staying in the hot car and for some reason we were at a pool i was really confused but once we were through the gate bree basically parked me at one of those little table benches and said that she would be back in a while i was still trying not to puke and was really dizzy from the 90 degree heat and the drugs so i asked her to take me home but she wouldn't i guess since it was her day off and she didn't have my niece she was meeting friends at the pool i was starting to feel really sick and on the verge of passing out or having a panic attack so i called my brother i don't think that he could understand me between the meds and the stuff in my mouth because he hung up and i guess called bree because she came stomping back over cussing and yelling at me and took me back to the car i passed out on the drive home but when we arrived my brother had left work and met us in the driveway he was screaming at brie and she was crying i was still pretty disoriented but my brother took me back home and stayed with me until the meds were off that's when he told me that he's divorcing bree because of what she did plus some other things that he didn't go into detail about it's been a few days since then and bree's been blowing up my phone telling me what a b word i am and how me tattling destroyed her family part of me feels bad because of my niece and i wonder if i should have just dealt with it and waited for her to be done at the pool instead of calling my bro and causing problems am i the butthole okay do i really need to explain why it's a bad idea to leave a heavily drugged 19 year old girl alone in a public place like your sister-in-law basically roofied you and then left you in a public park well you know she didn't roofie you the dentist roofied you she just dropped you off in a public place when you could barely stand up and like how could you be the butthole here what did you actually do you got drugged up you got your teeth removed and then you like sort of drunkenly called your brother because you were scared and alone and high on drugs and you felt sick you're not the butthole here you're the victim what your sister-in-law did to you was awful op i'm giving you a rock-solid zero out of five buttholes you shouldn't feel upset about this at all i'm giving your sister-in-law four out of five buttholes what she did seriously put your life and your health in danger i'm also giving your brother one out of five buttholes because even though he did the right thing in this situation i feel like the way that he phrased things kind of makes it seem like it's your fault like why did he put this on your shoulder saying that he was gonna break up with her because of this and other mysterious stuff that he won't go into well that's between him and his wife so why make you feel responsible for it and then opie posted an update i called my bro to check on things thank him again and see how he and my niece were doing he told me some things about brie and why he's divorcing her i don't think that she cheated on him at least my brother never said anything like that but y'all were right about the incident with me being the straw that broke the camel's back and i'm not the only victim of brie being careless a while back i guess that my brother came home early from work and found my two-year-old niece alone in their house with the front door unlocked he called brie three or four times with no answer and she came in the front door right before he was about to call the cops apparently she went to the convenience store like a five minute drive from their place and left my niece by herself when my brother yelled at her she said that it was fine because nothing bad happened and when he said the door was unlocked she just said that she must have forgot and that it wasn't a big deal her phone was silenced on the charger in their bedroom which is why she didn't answer when he called brie called him dramatic and told him to stop telling her how to parent and that the niece was fine for 20 minutes while she shop for dinner stuff my brother is taking some time off work to take care of my knees because he kicked brie out of their house the same day that i had my surgery she's staying at a hotel that my brother is paying for and he gave her two weeks to find a place before he quits paying for it he says that he's going for full custody because brie is a danger to my niece and he doesn't trust her anymore she tried to argue when he kicked her out but he threatened to call the police for what she did to me which i guess scared her because she left i'm doing well after my surgery even after everything that happened so thank you all for the good wishes and advice well op i agree 100 with your brother bri is a danger to your niece you can't just leave an unattended two-year-old in an unlocked house what is she nuts am i the butthole for not treating my wife like an equal parent by telling her that she has no say in the way that i bond with my son and also calling her homophobic i'm a 37 year old guy and when i was 17 i got my 16 year old girlfriend pregnant with twin boys her parents didn't want the babies to ruin her future so they said that i had to either take them or give them up for adoption because she was not raising them i wanted to give them up but my parents told me not to for the first seven years of my boys lives i didn't act like a father and was more like a big brother they knew that i was their father we just never did father-son bonding when i was ready to move out i wanted to do it without them but my dad let me know that it was my responsibilities so i had to take them at first i didn't want to take them but now i'm glad that it happened after that we started bonding as father and sons i started really loving them and their love for me increased i remember the three of us would sit on the couch to watch movies one would sit on my left and one on my right while i wrap my arms around them they'd put their heads on my chest and i often kiss their forehead we've been doing this since they were seven i met my current wife five years ago when my kids were 15. we married three years ago after we welcomed our daughter into our lives who's currently four my wife saw me cuddling with my sons when we watched movies and she never said anything my kids are no longer living with us because they left for college but they come to see me every now and then my boys are 20 now but they still like to put their heads on my chest while i wrap my arms around them they do it every time that they visit and i'm watching tv my son liam visited me two weeks ago he came out as gay and introduced me to his boyfriend i don't care about my kid's sexuality or who they love i love them no matter what i just want them to be happy and i don't feel any different and it doesn't make me feel uncomfortable to hug him or kiss his forehead but it seems that my wife is a little uncomfortable my son visited me again last wednesday i was watching a movie with my daughter who was on my left then my son liam arrived and he was tired so he sat on my right he put his head on my shoulder while i wrapped my arm around him then i kissed his forehead and said good to have you back buddy we went to sleep and the next day my wife told me that it made her feel uncomfortable that is me hugging and kissing my son and she asked me to not do it again she said that she doesn't mind me doing it with my other son lucas who's straight but she doesn't want me to do it with liam i told her that she has no business being in my relationship with my sons i also called her homophobic she accused me of not treating her like an equal parent to my sons and i said that's okay because you're not my brother says that i should try to understand because liam coming out is a big change for her but seriously there's nothing for her to get used to am i in the wrong here wha op your wife is being homophobic your wife was homophobic you called her out for being homophobic and now she's upset about it okay well have you tried being less homophobic it doesn't even it doesn't even make sense man it doesn't even make sense okay so if you can't cuddle with your gay son because he's attracted to men wouldn't that also mean that she can't cuddle with your other son because he's attracted to women and the same is true for your daughter right if your daughter grows up to be heterosexual then oh no you can't cuddle with your daughter anymore either because that's like gross i guess incestuous there's no logic here oh people are so dumb and weird about this my wife told me about an article that she read on like chinese facebook essentially and it was so stupid it was trying to argue that showing any kind of physical affection to your babies is essentially incest and they were trying to say that if you kiss a baby's feet you are expressing your foot fetish to them and you're wrong and that's evil and it's like what kissing a baby's foot huh look alright parents are going to express affection to their kids don't sexualize something that isn't sexual a parent hugging a kid isn't sexual a parent kissing their kid on the forehead isn't sexual so stop trying to make it sexual you weirdo in fact opie i would be a little bit concerned because if she's sexualizing your relationship with your gay son that has to make me wonder how she feels about your straight son you know what i mean is she imagining one of these oh no help me step son i'm stuck in the washing machine type scenarios op you get zero out of five buttholes your wife gets two out of five buttholes for being a weird homophobe oh also i should clarify my wife wasn't actually arguing in favor of the article she read she was just telling me about it because she's like hey let me tell you about this stupid article that i read so don't everyone be like oh my god our slash's wife is so stupid am i the butthole for telling my boyfriend's friends that i make twice what he does when they called me a gold digger and he didn't defend me i'm in a relationship with a guy who also works in tech he makes sixty eight thousand dollars and i make a hundred and thirty thousand dollars i'm a mechanical engineer at a robotics startup he works at a more stable job programming at a large company he brought me to meet his friends at a party and they asked me about myself his friends mostly work in tech too and talked about themselves in terms of their job i told them i'm a hiker i do archery i love road trips and camping and riding dirt bikes basically i just talked about my hobbies because my work is just a way to get paid to do the stuff that i actually love my work isn't how i define myself and it doesn't come to mind when someone wants me to tell them about myself one of his friends asked me about work and i said oh gosh i don't want to talk about work at a party i spent my whole day sweating my butt off in 95 degree heat trying to replace this busted motor just to find the replacement part was also busted i wasn't lying or trying to downplay that i have a good job that really is how i spent my day and i wasn't in the mood to talk shop at a party some other conversations came up casually that probably also made me seem poorer like me saying that car dealership repairs were a rip-off and telling my boyfriend that my childhood neighbor's trailer caught on fire and i was gonna visit and help her out i wasn't doing it on purpose i was just literally talking about my life but i guess i gave the impression that i was poorer later in the night everyone was getting drunker and some of his less close friends were making jokes about me growing up in a trailer and being a gold digger and how i'd be ready to jump ship for a richer guy honestly it was really misogynistic stuff since they don't even know me and they just assumed that all girls are gold diggers my boyfriend didn't say anything he later said that it was because he'd smoked weed and he gets quiet and has trouble carrying on a quick conversation when he's high but regardless i felt hurt that he didn't say anything i got irritated with his friends and asked why the hell would you say that when i make twice what he does his friends went quiet for a second and i continued saying there ain't no gold to dig here not with him or anyone at this party so do y'all think that i'm cheap or do you all think that i'm stupid my boyfriend wanted to leave the party shortly after and he was pretty upset with me for telling everyone that i make twice what he does i said that i would have held my tongue if he had checked his friends himself but he didn't say anything so i wasn't about to let them talk to me like that he said that it was humiliating and now everyone thinks that i'm a b word and i flippantly said at least now they know that i'm a rich b-word he was angry that i embarrassed him when i spoke up i was angry that i had to say anything at all because his friends were smack talking me so it should be on him to check them stuff between us is still kind of tense am i the butthole for explaining why i am not a gold digger down in the comments zwerkschnauzer says exactly what i was thinking not the butthole so your boyfriend was too high to say anything to support you but sober enough to complain when you rightly called him and his rude mates out red flag yeah basically it's perfectly fine for op to be humiliated but not him and his friends that's taking it way too far op you get zero out of five buttholes your boyfriend and his friends get two out of five buttholes that was our slash am i the butthole and if you like this content check out my podcast where i publish the exact same episodes also hit that subscribe button because i put out new reddit videos every single day
Channel: rSlash
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Keywords: reddit, r/, rslash, r\, sub, subreddit, best of reddit, reddit top posts, top posts, top posts of all times, funniest posts, funny, comedy, funniest reddit posts, funny reddit posts, funny reddit, fails, cringe, prorevenge, r/prorevenge, prorevenge posts, prorevenge funny, prorevenge fails, pro revenge, funny pro revenge, amitheasshole, r/amitheasshole, amithebutthole, r/amithebutthole, aita, r/aita
Id: ub2UL75Yl88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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