RAM PUMPS - Do They Really Work?

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welcome back friends to the shop so today we're gonna be rebuilding the RAM pump we'll get into it there's only two moving parts so it's really easy to fix we'll take the old check valve towel to kind of show you what causes it to fail why they wear out how they wear out and then I've got two brand new ones here where you go solid brass right off of Amazon these are about 20 bucks apiece or so so your annual operating budget for this is gonna be about two of these actually I've went in I've got a video on it on how to replace the pins on there it is a stopgap in an emergency you can you can kind of rebuild them but they don't work very good it's for the money you're best off just to replace them so let's look at the old ones start taking it apart we don't need to take everything completely apart speaking of taking apart I got taken apart by all the scientific community out there for saying that there's no such thing as a free energy there's free energy I understand that however what about the Sun isn't heat energy and I haven't paid the bills to the Sun so there is apparently free energy let's get started if you're just joining us and you're wondering what it is you're looking at here this is a ram pump this is a very very old a pump designed by some smarty three or four hundred years ago that is gives you the ability to move and lift water with no electricity just with two moving parts and that is these are the parts are the check valves we've got one right here and one right here this is the waste valve and this is forget what this is what this is called but there's nothing to it it's just these two pieces right here I know it's confusing a lot of folks ask me to explain it I will explain it when we hook it up it'll make it much clearer we have a just a basically an air chamber here which could be anything I've got it had an old gauge on there you don't need that and then a shutoff valve and then of course a union right here for connecting is so let's let's spin this off and see what a check valve looks like after it's been clicking a few million times a couple of you guys commented on maybe we should be using galvanized pipe so that it doesn't corrode like this it doesn't seem to make any difference this stuff was all galvanized and without air chambers hittin light it just is done it's made in China you mean I don't know that you can even buy good quality galvanized piping or that isn't made in China and Oh No did that just happen well beans did so we just tore that that's a powerful wrench there oh it's just cracked the check valve that's okay we need to replace that anyway I saves me a lot of trouble was obviously not the best idea to leave the RAM pump out in the elements what happened is I forgot about it and then the water level raised to know what when I went down there or I looked at it it was underwater and I didn't want to go scuba for it so I need to get a bigger one of these wrenches for this huge stuff it's just not quite up to snuff there see if we can get it off with the old snappy Tom channellocks here yeah no problem well we set it to deep in the vise there didn't we okay we'll mark this one just put a scratch in it there this was the one on the bottom so we can see which one got the most wart where you guys are killing me with the pronunciation of these of these German canipe X or Knight X when I was saying Knight X then I got all the comments saying no it's canipe X and so then I called aconite X and then everyone piled on no it's the K is silent so what are we going to call it oh that's tight that is tight the hole the strength of the man as I mentioned this is a check valve if you don't know what that is all a check valve is is it's a not come off I think they'll spin off there yeah a check valve is a it's just a one-way valve it will allow water or it could be fluid or oil or anything to go one direction but not the other some places that you would use something like that would be imagine that you have a well that's deep let's say it's a thousand feet deep right and you've got a well pump that turns on takes tremendous energy to lift that water all the way up to the top where it comes out at your garden spicket right or your yard hydrant so a check valve will be installed stalled in that in the bottom of that system down there so that as soon as the pump shuts off the water just doesn't drain down that full thousand feet down into the well and then the three restarts a cycle over and over and over again next time the pump turns on you know that when that turns off that check valve will stop that water seal it from going back down and then next time you decide it only needs to lift just a little bit so that's you know one example of what it where you would use a check valve this bit here is that metric nine millimeter of course probably a wrench I've never used in my life okay so this pin here is it just doesn't do anything but is a that's basically the linchpin with a hinge pin I believe for the check valve deal and if we open this up here we should you can see in there now see that see that floppy valve right there it goes in there so the water can go through this way but not this way if the water were tried to go back this way it'll fail or it will just stop won't go anywhere so we should be able to know if that pin will come out of there or not you see that in there this is one I believe this is one that I repaired and what may have happened there it is now it came out this might be a better angle for you so what happens here is that this thing of course every second or so on a ramp pump is gonna be moved opening and closing it's going moving back and forth and this being soft material brass it's gonna wear relatively quickly now the the water will offer a little fair amount of lubrication just better than dry but this thing I mean who can who can calc you can do the math let's say that this clicks every second what's how many times is this thing moving over a course of a year you know it's a lot with pressure under it so they will wear out now I the one thing that kind of what I've always thought would appeal to me or what the thing that doesn't appeal to me is that you know being able to move water and pump water up for our irrigation let's say in a grid down type of environment right this would be a weak link right because you can't how could you replace these so that's why I kind of wanted to experiment a little bit with rebuilding them and of course you know anything could be fixed and repaired but it might be a better idea just to have a dozen of these or so on hand and turn the thing off when you're not using it so it's just not running all the time but that's kind of how that works and they could be fixed but we're gonna put a new one on I don't see any need to take this apart any further than we need to we'll just clean up these threads so we get a good seal it's important to have a good seal and then we'll install the first check valve clean the threads up here for a next one camera is beautiful isn't it I am so impressed with it you know I resisted buying this Canon or the camera that I'm filming with is gonna be my new 8 cameras that new Canon EOS R I resisted buying that because I subscribe to a bunch of the camera channel because I you know I this is the tool of my trade right this is what I I use this camera every day it's it's my main tool it's I resisted it because they they just bagged on it they taught you know every review was disappointed and how terrible it was and so I resist it like okay well I mean I love Canon there's nothing more useable there's nothing with better autofocus but if it's that bad then then I'll wait for the pro model right this is kind of a prosumer model and finally I got so fed up with a 5d for buy it because the autofocus I wasn't it just wasn't working very good it never has really been all that great and and I'm not having a tilt II flippy screen is really a bummer so you can't see what's going on and you ruined a lot of shots so I thought okay well I'm gonna try it like I have a good relationship with the camera store in Portland and I called them they said just use it for 24 hours and you can use it for two weeks and if you don't like it you can return it I went to pick it up and even the guy that was helping me you know he didn't like it either he was you know going on about how it's bad it was and all that good grief I got home this is the best camera I've ever used and I've been using cameras what I would call professionally for you know close to eight years and professionally meaning I make a living with it and I use it every day so call it call it what it is I've been around the block a few times with cameras so this will this one here's the waters gonna be going this direction right so this valve will need to go so you let need to go this way and push back yep so in line and so I got I got a home got it all set up the way I like it and all that back you up a little bit and I've been using it for a week now or so and I have to say it's the best camera I've ever used the autofocus is amazing the colors are beautiful the menus are I mean it is a wonderful wonderful camera i'm i'm i think that these camera reviewers on youtube and there's a whole genre if you don't know are are i don't i don't think they use the cameras for a living i think that they well maybe they do i think that they anyway i think they're a bunch of frauds and liars because i've never seen a camera that came on the market that was so derided so so hated and and so negatively reviewed to the point where I didn't even consider it I should have known better and come to find out it's the best camera best camera for YouTube creators out there it where else you gonna get a full-frame camera with a flippy screen with the world's best I detect autofocus with amazingly simple menus to use and the best organ omits in the game and then of course rugged the rugged nature and the durability and the usability of it if you look at the hog man if I go any tighter that I'm gonna regret that you saw that first one broke right over-rotated yeah that's not gonna seal man I think we have to put some pipe dope on that now and this is the point when the sony fanboys come out and they'll say well you a seven are three well the a seven are three doesn't have a tilt II flippy screen the menu system the menus are terrible difficult to use the ergonomics are awful it's like I'm especially if you're it's like pinching a little little thing you can't your hands on it or this a 6,400 6,300 or whatever that is I mean the genius is it Sony they had the screen tilt upwards so now it's hidden behind the microphone so that's not it there just isn't any other option I don't care what anyone else says it's yeah I might be a Canon fanboy and but for usability for all-around taking everything into consideration it is it is a an awesome camera best camera for vlogging it was ever made in my opinion I feel really compelled to keep going with this okay the 4k oh it's got a huge crop on the 4k well who no one's using 4k over 50% you know it's interesting interesting fact over 50% of the I didn't even put what did I do that puts a Teflon I put more Teflon on there and I didn't put the pipe dope which I went and got all right so the 4k so yes there's a heavy crop on the 4k you know 1.7 1.8 whatever it is I'm not using 4k who's using 4k the files are too big the even though I have a very fast computer it almost has an aneurysm when I try to import the files they're four times a lot larger I mean they're just massive no one's no one's watching on 4k because or not the majority people aren't because interesting fact most people now are watching on mobile so 1080 is just fine in the 1080 and the color the natural color out of the camera on the canons is is unrivaled no no question about it alright we'll put some type dope on there if you really want something not to leak and you don't want to go back and revisit it you just you can double these guys up here this is a but be warned this stuff will get everywhere you use it once and then it'll be on everything you own for the rest of your life you can just you can just drive by someone who's using it and it will be on the maybes because I always put too much on there and it'll just jump jump in your car and get on your shirt and on your shoes and then you track it in your house ok so this goes in line this is relatively low pressure so we don't need to get carried away with with tight over tightening this thing at the risk of breaking it and this is all there is to it I mean this is the engine this is the heart and soul of the whole thing are these two check valves the waste valve on the top which is going to be flopping this way closed up here and then this one going this way with the line of the water coming in here at the unions some of you have been asking well how much water will have pump and how much how much elevation will it lift if memory serves don't quote me on this but the memory serves if this one here did just about a gallon a minute and we'll test it when we get when we get it all hooked up can I get one more turn on there I don't know probably should leave it well enough alone a gallon minute and as far as how far will it lift I don't know it's lifting I'm lifting probably 70 feet or so and it's listed that no problem so it's pretty amazing the fascinating thing is for every foot of fall of water to the pump it will lift seven make sure we have everything in line there you want that this top check valve here to be vertical up and vertical with the pressure pipe this one here just needs to be up and down so it looks you probably go a touch more well we're at it let's get this Union this is a union here so if you have something to see if it belonged it's a line and a pipe and you want to put something in the middle without spreading it or maybe you can't use a union it's a flat face coupler on both ends that way you can lift it out that was my original idea too so I could take it out without changing all the lines so let's see that's going to tighten that way we don't know if we're gonna be able to get this loose it might just be completely corroded on there oh I'm sorry had it right the first time there we go yeah that's all you see there's a rubber seal in there this should be moving free if we take a we take a rubber mallet we might be able to tap this oh good grief it was already loose this just needs cleaned up there nope I'm sorry that's not rubber that's just a it's just a machine surface there here let me show you so there's your yeah there's your how your union works so this would be connected to the pipe like this right here and you need to take that out for the wintertime you just disconnect this thing and then you could slide it in there and then tighten this up here so let's let's clean these guys up here and well I gotta check this valve to make sure that it doesn't need a replacing or rebuilding [Music] yeah the valve seems to be functioning properly here so we'll put a little copper anti-seize on here and then when we take that out in the fall it should come out one of you guys I'm gonna put in charge of reminding me to pull this thing out before the water level gets so high that I can't get to it finally found a use for a Fiskars axe scraping rust I put this old pressure gauge on here not because it was necessary we just came to show the pressures further we did the original video it quit working halfway through the season or so so I'm I'm not just gonna take that off of there and we'll just put a plug in there it's it's not necessary and finally we'll finish up with this will be the outlet and this will connect to the PVC or the excuse me the poly the ABS 3/4 barbed held on with the clamp let's go ahead and seal up this stand pipe - this needs to be watertight this is nothing more than a an air chamber I've seen guys use all sorts of things and and I don't know the science between the volume of it how important that is I should it'd be kind of interesting to experiment and see different sizes if you got more lift or more volume this was just kind of a this was seat-of-the-pants either the pans engineering but this actually this Ram pump here has outperformed all the other ones I've used including a commercial one that I tried for a while that I put in that wouldn't lift high enough it wouldn't lift up to the water tower it doesn't what's there so it's a threaded coupler uh-huh inch inch and a quarter same size and so it's got a female female thread well that's probably about all we have time for today I the couple I couldn't find the other half of that Union of course I don't know where I put it so I got to run down and get one of those I had to go anyway to get some more diesel fuel and pipe we got 500 foot of trench so I was gonna have Jack start doing working on the trenching but is this pouring down rain there's no need to dig in the rain and just get muddy so we'll do that we'll hit that next time supposed to let up here pretty soon and we'll get started on it but I appreciate your watching don't forget to click the thumbs up if you're enjoying this next time we will hook it up and I'll actually show you show it show it running explain to you how it works it's you're not gonna want to miss it it's it's actually quite fascinating who provided it works which I don't know why it won't I've built several of these so thanks for watching we'll see you guys in the next video now how often do you grease your machine every eight hours about every eight hours unless it's raining unless you're working in really wet environment like maybe you've been dipping in water and then twice a day so what I'm gonna have you do what to stop the rain and I'll show you is you've got a 500 feet a trench to dig so you'll go down there start as close as you can to the pond where you don't get stuck and then you're gonna make a beeline up here to the corner of mama's garden and I just walked it off it's about 500 feet so it's a it's a long trench and you're gonna dig 24 inches deep 24 inches deep is below the frost barrier what's that mean that means that it's below where frost gets to right some areas like the Midwest and they have huge yeah because it freezes so deep here we don't have that problem because we get snow and the snow's an insulator because the Midwest is oh it's cold it's cold yeah it's definitely cool where when you're digging in here that will get filled up with junk and dirt and you can't get your grease gun in there so just go around it like that now try it and you don't you want to make sure you just take your finger and clean that off there because anything on there you'll push into the end of the bearing put a pin and as you're doing this you kind of use this as an opportunity to kind of keep an eye on things are there any pins or keepers or anything that this looks wrong you have any hose is leaking they've just you're covering every inch just kind of looking at anything that might need seemed to yeah no it's not an issue this is just a keeper so this is a pin that will slide in there for this link it just keeps it from backing out okay yeah these guys here because they're in the dirt if you look in here they they take a real beating and you're looking then you can see that those are still dry these guys I probably put some more in so go ahead and and when you're doing the pins on the bucket look down there and you want to kind of want to see the grease of these four yeah all those that are in the dirt and you want to look down kind of where I'm at there and you want to see you want to pump it until you see you see how the grease is squeezing up here like that once it squeezes up there that's plenty okay yeah one last thing I'll tell you when you start digging is that now look at me for a minute so when you're digging trench for pipe the bottoms got to be very flat you're gonna have to go in there with a rake and flatten it out so the more it's like this the more work you have to go down there and do it so you it takes a lot of skill but you need to learn when you pull you make your poles with your machine you want to be able to pull it nice and flat so you're going for 24 inches so what I do is probably take a stick mark 24 inches or yeah and we'll just mark it down and your trench like okay that's where I want to be and then figure your bucket bucket that's fine yeah just long as it's not under and you'll mark a spot on your bucket where it's gonna be 24 inches and then you can see that from the cab and you'll pull to that every time so you don't to get out so just I do have to get out you're gonna do that to move the machine on a regular backhoe if you get good at it if you can dig without the front bucket down and leave the front bucket up you can pick yourself up and push yourself along you don't have to get out and I would recommend learning to do that because it's every time you do a set you have to get out and move the machine
Channel: Wranglerstar
Views: 129,886
Rating: 4.859601 out of 5
Keywords: Wranglerstar, youtube, ram pump, hydraulic ram pump, water pump, hydraulic ram, free energy, how it works, stand pipe, how to make, linear ram pump, how to build a ram pump, do it yourself, how to make a, creative ideas, how to basic, free energy water pump, science model, solar pump, waste valve, homemade ram pump, wranglerstar ram pump, how to, drive pipe, water ram, diy ram pump, awesome life hacks, awesome creative ideas
Id: 01Up0oK3u44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 17sec (1457 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2019
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