Ram Pump pt1

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hey folks engineer 775 here wanting to start part one of a how to install and build hydraulic ram pump getting a lot of good comments and a lot of questions on how to do this before we actually get to the pump can you actually install a ramp pump where you are where you want to possibly install one do you have the situation that'll work Rams won't work everywhere okay and so we need to talk about a few things I'm going to work this problem from both ends how much water do you need and what is your source as I said in the overview ok sources of water are ponds streams Springs artesian wells artesian wells that's probably pretty good for now we'll use those as our as our supply again a well won't work to drive a ram okay so if you need a pump for a well that's a different project I will be talking about how to build pumps for your your will - okay so we have a source of water and we need to bring the water up to a storage tank for use in our home maybe or a garden maybe livestock or all three and so one of the things is good to determine how much water might use it or will I need in the situation I'm thinking about for my home for my gardens and for my livestock again figure worst-case scenario and then when you're thinking about this whole thing how much water what kind of water one of the big things I'm just going to keep saying it is volume and gallons per minute that's my source of supply and I'm going to be taking that source down to the RAM and then for the RAM I need to get it up to my storage so that's basically a ram pump installation you work from both both ends now you can say okay I have the source and I'm just going to build a ram to see what I can get you can approach this that way but you can also approach it from okay I need 500 gallons for my cows I need 50 for my chickens I need a thousand for our home I need another 50 for the pigs whatever so say 1,600 gallons is what I need okay can I do that am I going to be able to do that with a hydraulic ram pump well how do I determine that I need to know my flow rate my gallons per minute coming out of this this pump and the formula is volume equals fall sorry I'm already messing up here the the formula is volume times the fall divided by the elevation times the efficiency and for most standard Rams I'm going to just use 60% and that will give me my D and that's the gallons delivered per minute if I want to know this would give it in per minute now if I wanted to know my gallons per day based on what I need I multiply by 1440 and that'll give you my gallons per minute so I can work this all backwards okay I know what my LSA elevation is up here to where I need to pump my fall is from the top of the source of the water down to my let's fall that's F okay and that's F there so volume and gallons per minute times the fall divided by the elevation so you can see as your elevation increases this number is going to go down as this number is shorter than the overall gallons per minute that will be pumped as greater turn so first thing you do folks is determine the gallon gallons per minute that you get it you can do that by running a PI but of your source and just do it into a five-gallon bucket and kind of you know a measure stopwatch it doesn't have to be super accurate how many gallons per minute am I getting out of that also if you have a river and it's very hard to channel all that water into a pipe and I won't do it here but look up weird tables WEEI are and you can build a weir across a creek basically a board with a notch in it across your Creek your water is running through this we're at a certain depth and you measure back a certain distance and there are tables with that will determine for you the amount of water in gallons per minute that you're getting out of that Creek or that stream okay let's talk drive type Drive pipe is very critical to doing a ramp pump right you can do a drive pipe too short you can do a drive pipe too long you could do a drive pipe the wrong diameter you can do a drive-by too steep too shallow the dry pipe should be at an angle and it doesn't it's it's a function freely of you know you don't want your pump like this and it depends on the slight incline I have found to be the best for a drive pipe because the the function of the RAM is going to be determined by the velocity of this flow and the fall and how much fall you have so when you can increase the fall the more you can increase the fall the better and sometimes you've got to move your RAM downstream to get lower and lower to increase the fall the only problem with that sometimes your drive pipe gets incredibly long let me tell you some rules rules of thumb if you go up to 15 foot of fall your drive pipe needs to be six times whatever that fall is so if you're if your pump is ten foot below your source then your would be if this was 10 then you would have 60 foot of drive pipe yes 60 foot drive pipes are typically long okay if you go up to 25 feet you is four times the fall or up 50-foot fall yes you can get off a waterfall or something and have 50 foot a drop your drive pipe it only needs to be three times the fall okay so dry pipes are critical there's another critical thing that happens if you have to move your ram installation downstream to get a decent fall okay what should what do you need to do is you need to it's kind of bringing the source with you and so if you need to move this pipe say you need to move this Ram downstream quite aways to get 15 foot a fall in order to do that you've you've just gone down say you've gone down a couple 200 feet well you can't you don't make a 200 foot long drive pipe that's going to give you problems the pumps not going to run right so what you do is you actually bring a stand pipe down stream you install a stand pipe with your Ram this would be teed in here okay the stand pipe water level in that stand pipe is going to be the same water level as your source so that's going to be the same same level so you're mimicking you're just bringing your source downstream with you then your this one becomes your supply line then this is your drive pipe and this is your stand pipe okay a stand pipe there's a rule of thumb of this so say say your one inch or building a one inch ram this is a one inch diameter this supply needs to be a two inch diameter in this in the stand pipe needs to be a three one two three or two three four for your stand but those are the diameters that has empirically been found out to be the best arrangement I've done this I've had to bring I've had to bring a ram pump way down this through downstream because I want to use it to pump spring water I'll get to double acting double acting is more complicated okay so the drive pipe is critical so it's great if you can keep your ram pump close to your source then you don't have to deal with a stand pipe or supply pipe one of the thing of what you do this area you've got to you you have to put a strainer you can't just stick the pipe in there because you going to get leaves and sticks and I installed when my strainer came apart in my pond and I actually got a fish caught in my inner valve on my right Fram and it was I couldn't figure out why my RAM wasn't running it's because I had a fish that had been extruded up into it and boy did that stink when I open it up but anyway that's beside the point you need to have a good strainer on there you can make homemade ones and with wire and there's a lot of different ways you can make a strainer and I won't get into that right now all right we've talked the drive pipe now we need to talk and get to the RAM at the RAM on this little rectangle here and that's just representing an anchoring point a concrete slab pad a rock some way to anchor that Ram because the RAM it a hammer a hammer 60 independence you can 40 to 140 beats a minute and some of them can really hammer and so you want to anchor that Ram hold that energy so you don't you're not moving your drive pipe you're not moving your delivery pipe around you want to anchor it okay there's a lot of ways to do that some Rams have anchoring feet if feet where you can put threaded rods in your Pat bolt it down that's a great thing you want to secure your ram the delivery pipe needs to be half the diameter as a rule of thumb half the diameter of your drive pipe again one inch ram a drive which would make it a one-inch ram you want a half inch delivery pipe even if you go 3/4 I would go half inch if you're going to go one my two inch ryf ram i do a one inch delivery works good don't take any 90-degree don't put any elbows in it you want sweeping curves you want to keep the friction losses down in your in your delivery and pipe you can you schedule 40 PVC black put black pipe the roll plastic pipe that's always a pain to work with sometimes over a real long distances but and then the the same I've gone with a schedule 40 PVC for most of mine but you can do whatever is cheapest whatever is available but again once you're past the ramp you can use plastic for your delivery pipes okay that's your source your destination your drive pipe blah critical do that pay attention to the details on that anchor your RAM and your delivery pipe it needs to be half the diameter of your drive again if you need to move this downstream to increase your fall you say okay I've got this set up but I'm not going to meet my 1,600 gallons a minute for my cows and chickens and pigs in our in our home then I've got to make some adjustments either I got to increase the fall which is typically the if the fall is really the only variable you can't change your your source rate typically there's no way you can do that and you need to get your water to a certain elevation and remember don't forget this elevation if you want to gravity feed down to these sources you want say you want pressure there and that's web set mine up right some halfway decent pressure at my garden and so I don't have to use any electricity to water my cows my garden and in my house so you want to get this as high as you can even if you have to build a water tower and so to figure out your elevation there remember your elevation is is from here up there and and then you might say okay I need to get that high to my home but now I want to have 10 psi of water pressure minimum at my garden so how much higher do I have to go to get plus 10 psi at my garden okay this might have brought this a might have brought it up to my home but I want 10 psi how much higher do I have to to go you just take your 10 times 2.31 psi per foot and so I means I got to put that tank up at 23 feet higher than this elevation I got to go up and so that lets me know so I because the goal is to be nice to have water pressure at all of these places and so you got to take that into account but when you do that what are you doing you're increasing e which decreases the number but the beauty of Iran it's like The Tortoise and the hare it is 24/7 and and you can pump a lot of pump a lot of water per day and then size your tank saying okay I'm not quite getting enough but you have water on storage make a bigger tank maybe a two thousand gallon water tank or three thousand gallon five thousand gallon just let this thing keep pumping away all right
Channel: Engineer775
Views: 267,830
Rating: 4.9039998 out of 5
Keywords: Ram, Pump, pt1, design, how it works, #engineer775, #practprep
Id: 4y_WWxWdn5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 24 2011
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