how ram pumps work new version

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welcome to the video tutorials of mechanisms by mechanism malar a ram pump is an interesting device for pumping water to high elevation without using any external power supply the catch is the location if you live somewhere near a creek where water is Flowing downhill then you're in luck this is the prime location as far as operating a ramp pump goes the simulation shown here shows how the ramp pump works but how it works and discards so much water needs explanation ram pumps use potential energy of flowing water to pump the water to higher elevation to understand this concept let's look at the following drawing as you can see 10 L of water with a water head of 10 m has the same potential energy as 1 lit of water with a water head of 100 m the potential energy for both is is approximately one Jewel assuming we have 100% efficiency this means that the water flow of 10 l/ second at a 10 m drop has enough potential energy to pump 1 liter of water per second up 100 m now imagine that we don't know anything about ram pumps and we want to pump water to higher elevation using nothing but the power of the water itself this would be easy if we had a water turbine and a conventional pump as you can see in the second drawing we can take the large volume of water from the low water head and feed the turbine with this water a small portion of this water is being fed to the pump while we're disposing a large quantity of the water to the environment some of you may be asking about the pump and the turbine efficiencies if both the pump and the turbine are 90% efficient we would not be able to pump 1 lit per second but something closer to the point of 8 L of water per second for 100 m of elevation if there was not a ram pump this would most probably how we would handle this now we know that we are able to pump water to higher elevation using nothing but the potential energy of water the problem with this solution is that it's both expensive and complicated we first convert the power of water to mechanical Power feed this mechanical power to the pump and then the pump converts this mechanical Power to potential energy by pumping the water to a higher elevation in this process 9.2 L of water are disposed to the environment per second and8 L of water are pumped to higher elevation ramp pumps are able to do the same thing simply by using an elegant design here's how this ingenious mechanism works the water flowing from higher elevation is fed to the ramp pump through Inlet pipes since the waist valve is initially open the water begins to flow outward at high speeds and is discarded to the environment this causes the pressure around the waist valve to drop and shuts it quickly the weight of the total water in the inlet pipes may be as much as a grown man or even more imagine this very heavy man running as fast as the fastest man and then suddenly hitting a concrete wall at a very high speed this is exactly what happens to the water when the waist valve is suddenly shut this then causes the pressure within the inlet pipe to increase as seen here in the color red you may have observed this phenomenon on in your life when you shut your water faucet off very suddenly and you hear a loud noise in the pipes of your home it's much like that but on a larger scale now let's go back to our discussion increased water pressure within the pipes must be relieved to prevent damage to the system and this is done by the delivery valve the high pressure in the inlet pipes opens the delivery valve which directs the pressurized water to the accumulator compartment and the delivery pipe at the the same time while the water level is rising inside the accumulator the air pressure trapped above increases sometime later the water closest to the waste water valve moves backward toward the accumulator causing the waste valve to open and the cycle repeats itself all over again when the waist valve opens the delivery valve closes and vice versa however the water continues to flow through the delivery pipe and this is due to the pressure of Trapped air inside the accumulator the accumulator acts just like a flywheel and regulates the water flow rate through the delivery pipe and takes pressure spikes from the system the system may seem like it's disposing of too much water but it's not the inefficiency of the ram pump but instead the requirements of the conservation energy principle if 10 L of water per second is fed to the ram pump and 2 L of water per second is pumped to 100 m of elevation this would violate the conservation energy principles but a/4 liter per second is a darn good flow rate for the system mentioned and does not violate any energy principles thank you for taking the time to watch our video If you enjoyed this video and found it to be useful please subscribe to my YouTube channel and hit the like button we appreciate your support
Channel: mekanizmalar
Views: 458,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ram pump, Water pumps, water powered water pumps, conservetion energy, water irigation for high altitudes
Id: 6koHqPM_zxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Thu May 18 2017
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