Rajas of the Ganges - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is modi and i'm naveen from before you play and today we are going to be doing a playthrough of rogers of the ganges now this is a game that was requested by one of our longtime patreon supporters an executive producer so thank you so much for that this one's designed by two different designers inca and marcus brand and it is published by r r games and hooch and it is a two to four player very euro style game and so we are pretty excited to showcase it today it's interesting because it is definitely a heroes style game but there is some dice rolling there is yup there's quite a bit of dice rolling and so in this game we're going to be building up our province uh in india we're trying to earn a lot of money and fame at the same time and as per usual we are going to start with an overview of how the game is played then we're going to go into our playthrough and then our review of it and so if you're interested in jumping around we will include time stamps down below last but not least if you'd like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing and with that we are ready to begin so if you please direct your attention to the center of the table we're all set up here for our two-player game of rogers of the ganges now we are playing with the two player side of the board the the board is reversible to scale for player count we each also have our own province boards now in this game the primary mechanism here is we're going to be taking these tiles and we're going to be laying them out onto our province board to build out our estate and so the whole purpose of that is so that we can earn money and fame because the whole premise of this game is it is kind of like a dual-sided uh score track along the edge of the the board over here is the money track and so there is no physical money in this game whenever we spend and earn money we just progress our marker along this track on the opposite side of the board starts the fame track and that is kind of like this golden fan side here and so over the course of the game whenever we earn fame we're going to progress along this track and so as soon as one person's markers kind of intersect and converge that is going to signal the end of the game you're going to finish out that turn and then at that point whoever's marker is intersected the furthest is the winner yeah you want a delicate balance between money and fame in this game yeah so you heard that right there are no technical points in this game it's just whoever can get those markers to intersect past each other will win the game at the start of the game each player starts with one of each color of dice and there are four different colors of dice anytime you acquire dyson in the game you roll it immediately and then you place it on your kali statue and so we're going to be playing the the standard uh mode of play because there's technically two different modes and so with this motor player we use this side of the province board as well as this side of the cauli statue so you can only hold a maximum of 10 dice and each player also starts with three workers the way that a round works is players are going to be taking turns placing their workers out onto the board because it's technically a work replacement game and so once everybody has placed on all of their workers then the round will end and you pretty much continue doing this until the end game has been met the board is divided into different sections and each section can do a specific thing and so there's the quarry over here the market the harbor which pertains to this river and then the palace and so let's just start with the quarry to discuss uh you know the different things that you can do each section has different work replacement spots and only one person's workers can go there at any given time and so some spots don't require you to pay anything and they'll be empty just like this some spots require you to turn in specific colors of dice or specific values of dice and some spots require you to pay money and so starting with a quarry over here this section allows you to build province tiles onto your province board you have to pay a little bit of money so the first person to go there has to pay one money and you would just spend it on your money track here if you do this several times in a round then it kind of increases in the amount of money you have to pay but basically if i want to take this action i would place a worker there spend my money and then i get to place one of these tiles onto my profits board now the way that you read a tile here is as you can see each tile has a certain color at the top left-hand corner with a value and then it'll either show a certain combination of markets that give you money or temples just like this one that give you fame and there are four different temples in the game which we'll talk about in a second but in order to uh purchase one of these tiles you have to spend dice from your cauli statue that add up to at least that value so if i were to take this tile i would have to spend blue dice that add up to at least a five i can overpay you just don't get changed and so i would turn in those dice into the supply and i would place this tile onto my profits board and so the rules are you must be able to connect your tile directly back to your own palace so i wouldn't be able to just place it out into the center here because i have to be able to connect you can have your roads get cut off as long as you can continually draw a path back to your main palace some other things that you might see on the board are some of these special bonuses along the edge if you can ever connect your path so that it connects to one of these special yields then you get that bonus immediately and so some things that you might see are like additional money so that would get me three money or a die from the supply of whatever color of your choosing you would just roll it right away put it under cauli statue sometimes you'll get fame and if you can ever connect to this middle area here there's also a space that gets you an upgrade for one of these temples which we'll talk about and so after you place your tile you also get the benefits of the tile itself and so if you have markets that give you money then you get that much money immediately on your score track if you place a tile that has a temple on it then you get as much fame as wherever your cube is on that specific temple and so this tile shows two different temples it shows this one and this one and so if i were to place this tile on my board i would get two fame for this one because that's where my my cube is and two fame for this for a total of four fame now some bonuses throughout the game will allow you to do an upgrade which is kind of like that symbol that shows like a sideways arrow you'll see it right there as well and so anytime you see that bonus you get to choose one of these temples to move your marker up a space essentially increasing the value of that temple for any future placements of those tiles exactly yeah and so that is where a majority of the game is going to be taking place everything else that we're going to explain is just kind of how you can do that better right because you you need a steady flow of dice you know that is one of your main currencies in this game as you'll see the next section of the board is the markets and so the markets allow you to uh collect income for markets you've already placed on the board temples once you've placed donuts they essentially don't do anything more for you they're one time only but markets you can continue to reap the benefits of throughout the game let's start with this spot over here because it's free as you can see if i were to place my worker here i can collect money from one of each type of market that i have on my board exactly there are three different types of markets in the game there is spice oops spice silk and tea if i were to go here i can basically just um take the income of the highest value of one of each type of market that's on my board these spots here allow you to take income for only one specific type of market so if i were to go to this spot over here i would first of all have to turn in a die and then i would get to collect the income of all of the markets that have tea on it up to the value of the die right so if i were to discard this four and say i had five different tea markets on my board then i can reap the benefits of four of them basically the highest valued market exactly and the same holds true for these other two spaces it's just that you would uh collect income from silk and spice the next section is the harbor which is this area here the first person to go there doesn't have to pay anything and then the other ones cost money and so when you go to the harbor you're going to be moving your boat up the river and the river just gets you bonuses and it's whatever the spot says on the board some bonuses will get you diced from the supply some will get you karma which we'll talk about in a second some money so it just really just depends on where you land on the river when you go to the harbor you have to give up a die a value one two or three and depending on the die value you could move up the number of spaces equal to that value so if i were to give up a three i can move up to three spaces now the way that the river works is if i have an opponent in a spot here and say i were to give up a die showing a value of three then i can move one two three right you pretend like the spot that your opponent is on does not exist if you were to ever hop over this bridge space over here then you get a fourth worker because you start the game with three workers but have the potential to have a total of five in the standard game so one worker can be taken from here um if you were to cross this spot on the money track then you get a worker or this spot on the fame track if ever you get your fifth worker then your six worker discus just gets taken out of the game because in the standard game you can only have a max of five and then last but not least we have the palace and the palaces is kind of this whole structure over here this whole bottom portion over here is just a way for you to gain additional dice so if i were to go to this spot i would take a purple dye from the supply and roll it if i were to go to this spot this is the only spot that's that gains you two money and allows you to re-roll any number of dice that you have on your kali statue these spots here allow you to turn in a specific color die for two dice of a different color so this is turning in an orange for two purple dice from the supply and then these spots here give you a benefit depending on the value of die that you've given up the pip value the pip value just really briefly this spot up here requires you to spend a one and that'll get you the first player marker as well as two fame if nobody takes this spot the first player marker will rotate but if you really want to be first next round you can go there the next the dancer over here requires a pip value of two and this will get you any two dice from the supply as well as a white yield token and so you would just take one of these tokens flip it over and gain the bonus this person over here is a value of three this gets you a die from the supply of your choice as well as two karma and so karma we haven't talked about yet but uh this is the karma path over here everybody starts with one karma you can have a maximum of three and so karma what it what it does essentially is you pay one karma and you can take any dice that's in your cauli statue and flip it to its exact opposite side so that one i can convert into a six um you can never go beyond three karma so if i was here and i was to earn more karma it would just kind of lose out or cap out at that and that's essentially how karma works so that's a little bit more dice mitigation yes that is that is one of the main ways that you can mitigate your diet values this next one here requires a fit value of four that gets you a temple upgrade as well as three money this one over here is the master builder and this is the spot that allows the over build on one of these tiles the only real rules here is that each tile can only be over built on once the new tile has to be of a higher value than the previous one and you must pay the difference in dice of the same color as the new tile so that is essentially it these special yields can only be acquired once so you wouldn't be able to do that to get a special yield again yeah so if you went from a tile that's a value 6 to a 10 you would have to give up at least four pip value of that specific color and also the roads still have to make sense and get back to the temple yes your palace yes always and the final uh person at the palace gets you a six buck up on the river exactly six spaces it's not up to it's exactly six so if you are within six spaces at the very end here you cannot take that uh that person's action and i believe that's pretty much yeah the only the last thing that you really need to know are these spots here which are bonuses and that lets you essentially take the action of one of these six well actually one of these five you cannot take the action of this person yeah it shows a two pip value to a six pip value so you're not allowed to land on one of these spaces and take this bonus right here exactly but that is essentially how to play the game once somebody's uh markers intersect then the game will end and that person will win so we're just going to get cleaned up and we'll get started with the play through okay so we are ready to play uh we figure out who goes first by first rolling all of our dice whoever has the lowest total sum is the first player so no rock purposes today not today not today okay one popped out but that's okay so we can keep it yeah two fours and two sixes not the best roll so we are going to play it where if a die pops out it's okay you can still maintain the value all right let's see oh wow he's even wearing two twos four and a one so monique will be going first tinker yeah because my my total value is what four five six seven eight nine uh yes i believe so and then mine is at 12. all right so your first player i'm gonna go first because i'm first i only start with three money to naveen's four so naveen's got one money on me and i get the first player uh elephant elephant yes all right so are you ready to begin yeah okay let's do it all right so karma is we each have one karma so if you roll low it's not too bad because you could use your karma yes the last thing that i didn't mention by the way uh in the teach is that we have bonuses on these score tracks we'll talk about them when we when we get there but just know that they exist all right so starting with me since all of my dice are such low value i can't actually build any of these um right from the get-go so i'm going to start by going to the harbor to get more nice that is a free spot okay yes so i have to turn in uh a one two or three i'm gonna turn in this blue one okay and that's gonna allow me to move up one space on the river and this river spot just gives me two dice of my choice from the supply so i think i'm gonna take uh let's get let's go two purple two purple let's see oh my gosh i hope i roll high that was a stinker roll 65 that is very good five i'll take it okay all right back to you what are you gonna do you know i think i'll go river too so uh well it's well it's the cheapest it can get i'm gonna while it's hot yeah i'll go here uh spend one so now we're even on money uh and then i'm gonna give up my green two okay okay so i can move up to two spots and i will do that so i'm going to skip you one two i'm gonna get four coins money right out the bat so you go to seven yeah because as soon as i can get to this i get an extra worker and of course in euro games more workers means more actions yeah so always get more workers maybe maybe maybe that's not true as long as you have dice all right so back to me yep i'm going to build now i'm going to the quarry because this is the cheapest that it'll be so i have to spend one coin to do so and i'm going to build now that i have this fantastic dice i'm going to build this uh this tile sure it's going to cost me 10 minimum of 10 uh purple dice and so i have to spend these two for a total of 11. so there's no change so she over overpaid i did but that's okay that's true yeah it happens it does and so where do i want to go i'm gonna go this way oh yes i'm gonna go this way like that because it connects me to a special yield so i'm gonna gain three money because it my path connects to that as well as additional two and two because those are two markets that give me two each so three four five six seven months yeah that's really good so seven eight nine so i go all the way up there and that's me pretty good thank you all right i think i need to get some dice so i will go you know actually i'm gonna switch it up i'm gonna go to the palace instead so i'll go here and it cost me a two pip value dies so i'm gonna spend the two blue yep it goes out uh i'm gonna take one of these eight uh little bonus tokens here nice i love them and let's see what i get oh i get an extra dice nice so i'm turning that one dice in for one two three dice total nice okay let's keep these yeah because we do reshuffle those if need be so i will take two blue and let's three dice that's awesome you know i'm gonna take three blue let's do it so oh heavy blue immediately roll them all what is this tile that you want six four three okay that's not bad at all not bad okay that's me all right so back to me um this is my last turn of the round i really heavily also want to push for my some cash fourth worker actually i think i'm going to go here since this spot is free yes and so this is a really really good spot because it doesn't cost anything and only one person go there and walk around so it lets me cash in on one of each type of market on my board since these two markets are of different types it's perfect so i can score for both so i'm gonna get four money which lets me go past this bonus so it goes one two three four so i get this bonus which is moving one space up on the river giving me two karma so you're max yeah so you want to use it now the last time we played this i uh ran out of karma and i had a really hard time gaining it and karma is a really beautiful way of mitigating your dice very simple yeah so then this chip gets flipped over to its opposite side and it gets placed onto the next uh bonus spot which would be right there and what that says it's very tiny uh the next time you hit it or cross it you're gonna get two dice of your choice yes and it just completes and it just continues to just flip like that along the way and the reason why that's there by the way is because if i were to go back by spending money i can't re gain that that bonus had that token be sat there then we would kind of forget yeah so that's a good way to kind of mitigate that okay so it's back to me for your final turn yes so i will go and do exactly what you did and i'm going to spend two yep so goes one two and i'm gonna buy which one with my six four this ten blue so it's very similar to the one that you have it's actually identical to the one that you have but now we both are in business oh no that means we're going to be competing for this yes but and i go first next round so oh we'd rub it in so this will go here and so i have the exact same situation here where i get the three bonus plus another uh four so seven total seven so to twelve to twelve yeah or you land on your bonus marker so you get to to go up on the river as well then i get to go up here nope you're ready oh i'm sorry uh i get to go up here yep and so well that's nice for you i opened that up for you yeah thank you so now i get to take the benefits of any one of these i do not have to pay the dice that's shown correct and you could also take this even though you've taken it before right which might be the one i do i don't know why i point these things out no i'm thinking i'm definitely not over building what am i doing i think moving up six on the river's a little too early well let's see one two three four five six yeah you could rush it get your last worker no in a round or two okay since i was a big fan of it the first time i will do that one right so let's get a bunch of dice so let's let's flip one of these and i get three money this is perfect oh this is great because i was really thinking about going to this one which would give me three money yeah i'll take three all right and then you get two dice and then two dice on my chicken three wow so i have uh my eyes set on something this is beautiful because naveen's gonna be the first player next round and he's gonna start with five dice like dice are like they're they're more important than money i think that is the main currency in this game so you really don't ever want to find yourself without dice exactly touch you know i will go for blue i'm gonna go for it so let's take these two okay and we're gonna roll them up two two oh that's okay okay it's not the best but i'll take it well all right that marks the end of the round so all you really do is we're gonna pla pass the first player elephant bean i need to take your workers back take your workers back in real simple real easy and then now we begin again okay so now that i'm first and this is the one time this will probably be available i'm gonna do it now push in your hand yeah so i'm gonna go here and i'm gonna get uh four total because i have two different markets oh are you gonna be short you are one short that's okay of your fourth worker that's okay yeah that's not too bad okay all right so back to me uh i don't have i have kind of slim pickings here oh this is great actually well you can spin your two die and go there i could set my two die and go here sure because i can go one two and that gets me um it gets me purple dice equal to however much karma i have yes three let's do it i'm gonna go ahead and uh place my worker here at the harbor and i'm gonna spend this purple two okay so i can move up to two spaces on the river and do that and i am gonna do it one two nice so that is gonna get me um three purple dice because i have three karma right so can i have please thank you oh i hope i roll high two okay not a total value bad and you have all that karma to flip your one to a six so it's really good yeah it's true all right back to you okay so i will go to the quarry like you said uh it's gonna cost me one coin okay uh and then uh i am going to spend one of my karma so my only karma and i'm going to convert this uh two into the opposite side which is a five okay and i'm going to give up this seven blue to take that tile this tile yeah okay all right i think this will get me my worker so i'm gonna put this one definitely going this way and the reason why i'm going this way is because it gives me the opportunity to get these yeah bonuses here in the future which is an extra dice and five coins beautiful uh because i place this down i get two coins which is exactly one two where this worker is sitting nice you got your worker and so this worker comes to me and now i can use it uh going uh forward from this round starting on my next turn yeah not only you have a temple i do yes so i have one of those it's this one you get two things yep now if it's hard to see you know from above the fame track is worth to money yes so that's why the fame kind of it's harder to earn fame but it pushes you further on the track so if you can get to this spot you'll get an upgrade you get an upgrade and then if you get to the 15 fame then you get your uh your fifth worker or if we get to this part of the bridge uh the fifth worker yeah okay ah maybe you've got me that two spot is nice but you have a lot of dice so i you know what i am gonna go here because i'm going to use this just kind of like as a setup round since i'm going to go first uh next round assuming naveen doesn't take that but i'm going here and i'm turning in this uh orange tube and i'm going to first take my bonus and it is a karma oh so it's a waste there's nothing there but it's a it's a it's basically essentially she blocked me out from going here and it's a glorified one of these oh my gosh what a stinker that's okay should have spent the karma huh you have to spend your car in conjunction with spending a die so i wouldn't actually have been able to do it there but anywho let's get some dice let's go blue blue so blue two blue good luck or actually should i just take green i have green right there i do have green yeah two green two green yeah you kind of gotta hit it hard while you can yeah okay let's see nice oh there you go nice values very good okay so back to you so i am a little jealous of your green and i'm looking at those green tiles out there and they're looking kind of nice so i'm going to do a conversion i'll move here and this forces me to give up a purple of any pip value to take two green so i'll take a couple green oh perfect no karma at all that's not good was beautiful okay oh you have a fourth worker uh i do have a fourth worker and because i have a one pip die i could maintain going first don't do that i could unless you go with your last worker that's i don't ah that's what a bad role can do for you okay for my last action i'm going to i'm going to give up this purple four okay you know what i have to place my worker first i'm going there nice i'm gonna give up the purple four it's gonna get me an upgrade which i think well let's take the three money first so this is gonna go to 16. sure and um i'm gonna go with this one yeah it seems like the most obvious choice because we can see two in the green yeah and one at least in the blue yeah right it makes the most sense so that's me i'm out for the round naveen still has a worker all right i think i have to do it don't do it because i have one of each type of a market so to go first would mean i can get six money i don't see why i wouldn't do this so i'm gonna go here uh and i'm gonna maintain having the elephant what a first player thinker uh cost me my one green pip die i get two fame and i maintain this elephant oh my gosh i have to stink master so had you spent your one i probably would have went here and then gone up three fame to get to this bump or spent my two value to get to the four money so you know there's some stuff but i had to maintain that all right that is the end of the round let's let's clean up so you keep these maintain this and no problem just take our workers back so i have four workers yeah way to rub it in yeah i'm just explaining to everyone i'm just kidding i'm just bitter okay with myself okay all right naveen where are you to go well i think you know where you're going i think i have to do this now while i have one of each type of market so it's two two two so six total six yeah where are you at is this twenty yeah so twenty is this twenty one two three twenty goes to 26. i can't see i'm not wearing my glasses that's fair to prepare okay so back to me i'm gonna go here okay to the quarry i have to spend one yeah i'm gonna build and i'm gonna turn in um i could i'm going to spend a karma you are going to spend a couple well actually hold on the opposite of four is three isn't it yeah it's the same if you're gonna buy nine there's no yeah there's no need to do a waste of karma i'm just gonna spend these two then to take the green nines that was ten i overpaid a little bit but that's fine and i'll put it right there yes that's a good setup that's a good set up and you get three coins for doing so yeah i get three money for this market so it's gonna go one two three oh my gosh i am so close to this person so you do have now uh if it's hard to see you have two spice markets so now this becomes way more uh kind of lucrative that was the goal yeah because i wanted to have options seeing as naveen is going to tap this as often as he can if i can take it i will probably take it and i think you would yeah okay i think i'm gonna do a cube conversion round right here or turn so i'm gonna go and turn my green into two blue so hopefully i can oh i was like what cubes he meant dice yeah five and two okay nice okay all right back to me i'm going back to the quarry let's just take this while it's still cheap now naveen has to pay three or four so that's cost me two money one two and then turn in these two uh purple for a total of five to take this oh you are spice heavy now that's spice heavy i was like fine you want to take this spot i'll take the spice so are you gonna close off your route but take with two bonuses are you gonna keep it going oh yeah i didn't think about that well if you take the five money for sure then you're in good shape i'm closing out the route okay because i still have this way if i wanted to go like that okay so i'm gonna do this um and it connects to this five plus the two for the market so seven total so 16 is going to go to 23. get your worker and get my worker yes and then i also connect to that that gets me a die of my choice okay ooh i'm gonna take a purple purple actually because uh if i want to get more green i need the purple so it doesn't matter what the value of that is all right that's me hmm so happy i got that worker okay so i'm going to do this spot uh it's going to be the roll re-roll your dice spot so i get two points okay so one two and i'm gonna re-roll i'm gonna re-roll these two blue all right just something better just those two huh oh no shoot you need karma i do i have bad karma right now for going first dang bad karma bad karma okay if you had karma you can you can choose which you know yeah which values you go well that's a shame yeah i'm going to convert i'm going to go right there turning in this purple for two green sure i have two green please green okay thank you let's see please that's not bad that's a good rule it's really good okay okay well seeing as i rolled a bunch of twos i'm gonna go back to that two spot let's take a bonus and it gets me a third cube they're dying dice so it does come sorry yes uh it cost me this cube shaped dice right here at this too uh but i'm gonna take it back so i get three total in return so and i think there are only two of each type of bonus i believe so so you took the the last dye bonus so i definitely want another blue okay so i'll take one blue and i'll take two green so just to roll these up come on something good okay six one five how many workers do you have left i have no workers perfect so that's me yeah you can do i'm gonna go first anything you'd like okay so for my last worker i'm gonna turn in two of these are you know actually good with corey sure okay so let's start with that it's been three i have to spend three that was expensive one two three okay but i'm gonna spend these two for a total of nine okay fine green for this nice because it includes the one temple that i have upgraded and i'm gonna place it right here it's okay to cut off that path because everything still connects back to the palace and you get five feet and there really is no need for me to connect that way yeah but it's gonna get me three fame for this temple since i'm upgraded and then two fame for this one so for a total of five one two three four five and now i get another upgrade so i might as well what's what's uh what's good here so you have one green dice which we know can convert into two blue dyes so depends on how you want to assess that i think i will bump up on this temple okay i just go right there nice and that's it that is that's everything for the round sure yeah so now i get you are elephant yes finally we take back our workers okay and we both have four workers now so this is good yes very very good very good i was real jealous uh okay so starting with me i don't have a whole lot of dice so i don't really have wiggle room to mess around to get rid of that so quickly so i think i'm gonna take the spot that naveen was taking sure go right there it's free i can uh do one of each type oh gosh i don't have that third spice so you can get a max five total because this spice is worth three this one is worth two or so is that so you want to take the best value i could technically go here spend that die and get seven that's pretty good but i don't want to spend that die that's the problem so i think i just i'll just go with that okay and uh get five money so from here to one two three four five all right so now it's to you very very good okay so i will go to the quarry then uh well it's cheap i will go down one yeah and then with my two fives i have a total of ten blue and i'm going to take this one nice it's a nice crossroads which is great and i'll place it right over here ah so what that's gonna do it's gonna give me the five bonus plus the three on it yeah i'll get eight total okay so it's eight what do you where what is this is this one seven so it goes in 35 uh 35 yes i'm sorry oh 35 right there so you get you're an extra two dice two plus one three three dice size i'm trying the beans in the dice the cube game yeah i am so which three would you like let's take a look okay i'm gonna take a blue a green and an orange so let's just diversify okay nice you did different colors yeah i'm impressed thank you okay that's me all right so back to me i think i this is like a oh i could go up the river i will because it's the same thing if i go here i get two blue but if i go up the river i can get as many dice as i want of your color you want i get whatever color i want not as many dice all right so let's go there i've given up the three and that way i can kind of push further up the river one two three you get two dice on your choice uh two dice of my choice it's funny i think i'm still just gonna get blue i would have gone there yeah two blue okay let's go to blue here we go you have all that karma to turn that one into a six that's true okay so i will go to the quarry okay that's gonna cost me two all right one two and i am going to buy or get this blue one right here so it's gonna cost me a total of five total five so three and two all right there you go check this out i think i'm gonna start building out this way so then because i'm building connecting to that three value i get uh two plus three so five five money yeah so one two three four five that's me nice all right so back to me i am going to go back up the river so i'm gonna spend this coin this one money i don't know if it's worth actually spending the money but i'm gonna do it and i'm going to spend my one pip die to move here because it moves me up one and that way i can take this yes because i was thinking i'll turn it in for two orange but i can still have two dice yeah a bonus a bonus of choices if it's not karma yeah oh free bumps a free upgrade yeah a free travel upgrade i think i'm going to diversify it i'm going to go up this way yeah that's really good then i get two dice of my choice let's go with two green two green okay yes please thank you oh i lost it it's gone all right let's see six and one got that karma yeah i'm talking about the karma that's true all right back to you one more worker huh okay i think i will go back to the quarry we're just gonna build build build so it's two three money three money so one two three and uh i'm going to build this another crossroads i like these so that's eight total so i'm gonna overpay here with my six and four okay it's gonna go there but i'm gonna build it here allowing me to open up this whole path it's gonna get me uh two coins back so i get a little refund two and uh because i connected to this bonus i get two dice now yes and naveen of course took the tile that i wanted those crosses are nice because it gets you just so many options so uh let's take back i'll go a purple and a green okay let's go purple and green nice oh come on two and one no karma to use to help me date it all right then i'm gonna i don't know this is kind of tough but i think i'm going to go here and go back to the harbor nice i'm playing the river game this time i almost never do this but one two okay and i'm gonna spend this one nice so i can just go up here and get three blue dice yeah because i still have so much karma right so yeah the ratio is uh for every karma that she has she gets the dice so nice i kind of put a lot of value in the dice right now for some reason and that's me that's good because your blue can now convert to orange in the next round so it's true i have a two let's just do it now okay so i will go here i will spend my two to get a token bonus three money perfectly again when i got the three money i debated spending my four here uh so then i get two dice of my choice and i'll take two green let's go for it okay okay six and four okay there we go that's nice that's something we can work with that is something yep all right done that's me yep all right that is the end of the round here you go elephant for you nothing for me and we get back our workers one two three four i just did uh all the the harbor stuff you did you went harder hard i did so it starts with you i think uh do we know where you're going i think i should the sad thing is if i do it i get the money bonus and i would move here i'd get one purple dice for every karma i have i have no karma so yeah it is but it would just it would push me along a little bit but i think i'll have to do it let's do it so we'll go here i get a total of six coins or i'm sorry i think i might get a little bit more than now it's one two three for the spice four five six seven total wow so now we're at 47. uh i do get this bonus of the one harbor bump because again i have no karma but you don't get the benefit of the bonus exactly yeah there's no carmine no karma that's unfortunate carmelis okay all right well i two will go up the river but i'm gonna go on this spot i'm gonna give up this one nice because it just it pushes me up here which is funny because it's six money i would have only gotten five had i gone here it was just better anyway better yeah so one two three four five six oh my gosh that's a bonus yeah naveen is closing in i i gotta get the feeling a little bit yeah i mean i need karma too yes okay back to you okay i think i'm gonna go and do a re-roll oh okay here i get two too many two money one two and i'm gonna reroll all my ones i don't like them you don't you don't to have first player oh wait actually you rolled another one i rolled another one oh okay well that's fine by me all right i'm gonna go to the to the quarry it's been a while since i've built the tile so i have to spend a money and and i'm actually going to spend a karma the game will be done on one please flip this over to its other side which is a five nice and i'm gonna turn these both in so two fives for a total of ten to take this blue blue knife nice and i'm gonna go straight down we're just going to ignore this side of the estate and you do the tile first before any bonuses yes so this is three money because of the market so one two three and this temple gets me three fame so one two three getting closer getting closer uh well and then i also get this uh special yield which is a one upgrade one temple upgrade and a die yep so i'm gonna upgrade this to its final spot yeah let's go all the way four and then i'm gonna take a green die okay please thank you let's see two and again with that bonus specifically the reason why it's ruled that way is because this style has a temple on it so it's not like muni could take the bonus here move up that and then score the extra fame right that would be a little bit unfair a little bit to me to you okay yeah so uh i'm going to place my worker in the quarry so it's going to cost me two i'm going to spend this complete eight on the yellow and take that middle one yeah exactly it is orange but i'm just kidding maybe it's yellow maybe i'm wrong okay so all right i'll place it here kind of so i can kind of get towards these bonuses here uh i have no movement here on these so i get two and two so four feet in one two three four i'm with you past that bonus so now you can get a little upgrady yeah let's take a look all right i'll just move up this one okay why not perfect all right back to me i too i'm gonna go back to the quarry so it's getting a little expensive one two three you know i keep getting closer to this back this is really tantalizing but um i'm gonna spend these two sure so it's a total of eight green to take this time nice and i'm gonna completely just ignore that because i do need to to connect to other things over here so i'm going down this way and it has two temples it has this one so mine is four fame and then this one for three so the total of seven fame and i think that's gonna get me my last worker one two three four five six seven or i guess i should have left you there yeah sorry so i take my last worker which means this worker is out of the game because in the standard game you can only have five five yeah so that's me that's very good that's very very good thank you i was happy with that okay i think i'm gonna do a conversion i'll go to this green spot and convert my one green into two blue okay so that's your last uh last action last action round six and one okay that'll work which means i'm gonna get first player no matter what that's great okay so i have two two actions here i'm gonna first go to this spot let's go oh you are gonna do it turn in the six because i don't really care too much about well i have less karma so like these spots are not as worth it and so these spots are pretty nice they are nice i would really like to try to get there so it's going to make me go exactly six spaces one two three four five six which let me take a different spot on here i think i'm gonna go you gotta go there yeah yeah so i can have some dice so no matter what if you draw karma you're fine yeah let's see three three money three money that's good so one two three so close and two dice what do i want here let's go with two purple two purple two purple dice thank you non-threatening purples yes because i don't want to spend any more money sure yeah so i'm going to turn in this this two i'm going to get another the last token and these are going to get reshuffled and placed back here so that gets me another dice that's great go ahead yeah to go into the next round let's make them all orange all orange three orange no threats in the orange that's good yes so it's all you well is that really no sorry all all blue what am i thinking very different all blue good things yeah very different i would have sealed my fate yeah thank you okay here we go oh those are nice six three three six three three and that's it that is the end of the round so i get the elephant and we take back our people two three four and five that's a good count one two you can try to get your fifth worker for i'd like to yeah at some point all right let's get a status check so i'm over here with my money counter and my fame is over here so i have a little bit of a distance i think we're definitely in the last uh third of the game though because this goes quickly it does naveen i think they mean i have a money lead but not a fame lead here so i think your money lead is still larger than my family so yeah but you have an extra worker that's true and you are set up on these tracks way better than i am so so we shall see how the rest of the game uh pans out so i think it's me sure right i'm first yep so i'm gonna go and take that sweet sweet spot it's been a while i uh really missed it right so i have a three three and a two so that one of each yes so three six eight eight money two three four there you go okay and then i'm going to take this it lets me take two dice from the supply so i'll make them both orange orange yeah i'm gonna put that over there thank you oh no i see what you've done see oh five and three okay perfect uh all right so it is over to you hmm i don't like anything i see one bit so you like anything new okay i will go where no man has gone before that's fine so i'm gonna build for one okay and uh i'm gonna build that green in the top right corner this one yeah what it cost us a five so i'll pay my six okay and i will take that there you go and i'm gonna place that right here connecting to this bonus here so i get seven plus uh this one uh three fame so i will take the three fame so one two three and then you move yourself yeah so i think i'm a little short here that one two three four five six seven oh my gosh you're so close i'm moving all right so i'm gonna go and go to the quarry before things really uh get bad so it's gonna cost me two one two and i'm going to spend a karma to flip this blue this blue three into a four so that i can combine these two you're getting that twitter yeah so there you go and it has to connect back to the palace so i'm pretty much going yeah um so how many fame is that six so it's this temple so that's two two and this one so that's six all right so where are you right there oh yeah so it's one two three four five six yeah okay so i'm making my way you're rounding this is this is if this isn't the last row i don't know we're getting really close close yeah so back to you okay so i'm gonna go back to the quarry so it's gonna cost me three so we're gonna go back one two three and i'm gonna buy that four blue over there with an overpay with my six yep okay there you go all right and so let's go ahead and slip this one in here so that's gonna get me three fame plus i connected to this so seven fame nice so i'm gonna get my worker one two three four five six seven and i have a workout [Laughter] life's work finally it is my life's work wow okay that was a little bit tough but that last work it's a lot of work the fourth worker is like okay and then that fifth workers yeah is the struggle okay so this one goes out this is out of the game good job naveen thank you all right so back to me i'm gonna go back to the quarry as well spending all your money which is not good because i'm technically going backwards i'm going backwards but one two three it has to happen sometimes it's worth it because i'm gonna spend my last karma to flip uh this to a four so it's four side combine the two for the nine yeah there's nine orange and i'm going to have it go this way so that it gets uh additional three fame that's what that special yield gives me so it's this temple and this one the same is it and ten fame yes so it's uh yeah four five six seven eight nine ten yes wow so you're gonna go from 21 to 31 so you get to move up the boat oh wait i get this first you do get this that's important so you get a double carpet one too because of where i landed oh yeah so that's a one bump on the boat a one bump on the boat okay so i just hop over the bridge and so that's gonna get me one green dye per karma so you gotta get two green dye wow that was a really important uh order of operations there very good okay okay five and three so back to you well i'll do this while it's cheap uh let's go ahead and place myself on the river okay and i'm gonna spend my one blue die to move up one space and get three fame one two three hey that's good something yeah that's not bad okay well i'm gonna go um over here okay i'm gonna exchange this blue yeah for two two orange dice please thank you please roll hi oh hey oh no i see what you're going for that is not bad shoot all right okay i think i'm gonna go back to the river so we'll go here it's gonna cost me one and i'm gonna spend my three purple and i'm debating do i wanna go one two or do i wanna go one two three i think i will go one two three definitely that yeah and then i might take this action here that's just a better version than that it is a better version than that that's that's why uh let me uh choose start shuffling these sure all right there you go fully shuffled okay so let's take a look good luck be something i need three coins i'll take three coins not bad progresses me one two three and i get two dice oh my gosh we're so close i'll take two green dice why not all right all right come on roll up here roll extremely high ones three and four that's nice kind of meet us in the middle there oh no no no didn't take sides no no no okay go ahead okay for my last action i am gonna go to the quarry as expensive as this is i'm just going to do it one two three what are you buying oranges yeah i'm gonna buy this tile right here which is orange ten so these two fives okay and it's gonna go right here it's a beaut yeah it's nice isn't it it is nice yeah and so it's this temple four which is four and this one's seven total seven female gosh one two three four five six seven oh so close ah okay i have another worker so that means i'm going first that that's good this is where it really feels like a race yeah like in this like last round or two so i get to go two turns in a row because it's this and then you did not take that one spot so that's good okay so you have to go back to back you could set up your move and i'm drawing okay i think this is the right thing to do i'm gonna spend my uh green dye and uh we are gonna go up the river no no i'm sorry not up the river oh we are gonna go uh to one of these spots here and i think i have the most uh let's see spice so i have three four five six so if i spend this three dice i can cash in three different spice markets and i will get six coins so i'm gonna do this okay this is gonna go here we're gonna go up one two three four five six nice oh so you get the dish yeah and this is done i think there's no more spots where you get the benefits anymore so that just goes out and now i get to die yeah that was worth it yeah i was wondering like why didn't you just go up the river or something but yeah that makes sense i'll take two blue let's go with two huh two blue since you don't have any blue i'd like to not compete with you trying to bag four and one come on come on come on come on come on well that's it that's another pharma so badly i know i was gonna recommend that three because that's a nice spot two karma just two karma two karma and a die i know that's pretty good i was hoping for a good roll uh well luckily you get to go first right so take back your workers three five people now four or five yeah now we both have five so this is most likely going to be the last round i imagine it's getting pretty close here yeah so starting with you naveen okay i think this is the best i can do for points right now so i'm just gonna take this spot and get my seven money so it's the three four five six seven so we're going to go one two three four five six seven to zero trying to close the gap oh close i know it didn't i didn't have to spend a die to do that so i feel like that was a good thing this is so close i can't believe this oh my gosh okay uh well i'm gonna go to the quarry because that's kind of where my my mind's at right now so it does take me a step back which is annoying but i am actually going to uh spend a karma okay you will be done please to turn this into a four sure and then combine these two for a green the green nine nice right here so this is gonna go here you go okay thank you it's gonna go right here and it's gonna get me three uh money one two three and four fame and four fame because it's this temple so one two three four oh close and the special yield is two dice so can i have um i'll take two orange two orange okay yes or should i do orange ah let's do two blue instead actually two blue yeah i was mistaken there okay i didn't roll them yet so here we go please two and four all right two four i do have one cardboard in the bank so you do you're done yes so it's back to you um i'm really uh not happy with my dice but i i need to get a bonus here to keep moving so uh i think i will go to the quarry it's gonna cost me two so go back one two uh and i'm gonna spend my two uh green dye okay for uh that middle one right there this one because it's gonna allow me to cut off to this fame versus taking that one over oh okay i was wondering i was like hold on all right there you go that's uh it's uh three money is gonna come back to me plus three fame so we'll go uh whoops it's gonna go one two three and then three fame which gets me karma one two three so now i have two karma hey tough yeah it's it's hard when you run out of karma yeah you definitely want to have that uh okay so back to me i'm going to go to the quarry yeah this has to say one two three this might be oh no might be it i'm gonna spend my last karma okay to flip this to its opposite side which i believe is a five and i'm gonna turn these two in for this okay what is that oh so it's gonna be six money because of the special yield wow and this temple which is four plus this temple which is three mm-hmm so seven fame seven famous three times you got it so one two three four five six and one two three four five six seven that is it [Music] and the oh have crossed and we had an equal number of turns because that was first player i saw i saw the writing on the wall i i had a good early lead and uh you pushed up on those those uh temple tracks and i was trying to i was trying to bulldoze beyond it fame is really fame is very valuable because it comes in twos rather than money where you're pushing forward then you always have to push back to pay for things right yep and so yeah i think upgrading is kind of necessary at some point yeah because you make those doubles um but it was really close that was close look how far you were only what three fame away yeah uh and i had karma now so i could have turned this one into a six yeah and then uh bought some of those some of these yeah i think we were a turn away from each other yeah yep anyway that's it good good job nice well done all right so let's talk about it sure so this is rogers at the guarantees this is not a new game it was released what year was this release i think 2017 a few years ago and uh it's not even a shelf of shame like this uh typically once a month or we will do a shelf of shame video for the patreon but uh this is a game that was requested just off of our shelf that we have already really loved yep exactly so let's talk about it now that i've spilled the beef or how we feel about it yeah well this is one from our collection uh it sits nicely over there yeah uh we have played this several times now and um there is always uh it this is a game that it's very enjoyable to take a break from and then come back to and rediscover it yeah because there is um kind of there's clearly you have to go up the money track and you have to clearly go up the fame track so it can get slightly a little bit like you're doing the same thing over and over but there is an expansion that we just got recently that we have not explored yet which i'm very very excited to play but overall i really really enjoy this game it is a very fun puzzle um how about you what do you think yeah so the first time we ever played this game or the first time i've ever heard about it was at a local convention a few years ago there's this thing the way that the convention works is you can sign up for just like a 101 if you don't want to play the game you just want to learn it and so those are just sessions where they just teach you how to play the game and so naveen i think you sat in i said in one and then i was playing a game downstairs and i just remember you running downstairs saying oh my gosh there is this game where the way that you win is by intersecting two scoring conditions and i thought wow that is unique i haven't heard of a game because i don't know that yeah right so that was kind of what initially uh got us onto this game because we don't typically play games with a lot of dice but the way that this game does dice or handles dices really well it's more of a resource than anything yeah you there's a lot of different ways for you to gain different combinations of dice the main point of it is placing tiles on your board so yeah i really enjoy this game i i know what you mean it can become i don't i don't know if i want to call it sami but you know the whole purpose of the game is just getting dice you're just exchanging dice in a lot of different ways and placing tiles on your board and so that over and over again i guess can potentially get kind of kind of stale but like you said it's really nice to take a break from it and then come back to it and love it just like the first day you played it exactly yeah yeah i think the reason why i say that is because those market tiles it's like well there's these three types of markets on there um and and you're obviously going to try to connect your roads um and so the bonuses on the standard side of the board are clearly okay i want to get to that early five five money i want to get to that three fame and i want to work down towards that bottom center tile uh the combination of how you do it and the way your dice roll and utilizing karma do make it interesting but um whenever you have a good income source you're probably going to always go to that spot and try to tap that income the in the market yeah exactly the popular spot and so that's the only part that for me that aspect of it gets kind of samey but uh overall though you get to do a lot of cool things in the course of the game and so that's exactly why i like to take a break from the game come back and come back now granted we show or today we played the standard version of the game this is like the base version there are two main modes of play there's like uh the advanced side of the board that you flip over and you can kind of customize the special yields you get and so the dancer who is the spot number two in the palace yeah that gets you a bonus yield just you flip it and you get the thing that's different in the advanced game and so that might solve a lot of those kinds of things that you're mentioning yeah that particular dancer in uh in the standard game which is what we played seems pretty overpowered uh because a a two value dice is not the most you know lucrative one like yeah you can go to the river and do something there or you can go to the dancer but you're basically exchanging one dice for two plus a bonus and we noticed the last couple times we played that that that seems to be like a very highly abused spot uh if i'm first player and i see that and i don't have really much going on in the market i'm definitely going to go and do that right yeah so it's a little bit different uh in the advanced version of the game you go to that spot it gets you a bonus that you can now place onto your board for you to achieve later on you don't get the wordpress immediately yeah so that that's kind of interesting how you can customize it but honestly the main reason why we play the standard version of the game is because that is a game that is this the version of the game that we enjoy that we enjoyed first yeah i guess and because it's probably easier for you to kind of understand the flow of the game uh with using that side otherwise like the video is mentioning this game does actually have a few mini expansions we haven't played with any of them yeah but it even came it even comes in its own like little goodie box that you yeah so there was like the mango and i think snake expansion so there were like these mini expansions and they recently i remember recently maybe in the past year yeah year and a half came out with a goodie box that kind of encompasses all the expansions and i think a little bit more content yeah we still have it in shrink so uh now that we've played this a couple times leading up to this we gotta i'm excited to unbox that pretty much today yeah we really got to play with those because i think that the one thing is those those tiles get uh are there's more tiles now so it gets a little more variety exactly that's cool yeah yeah what about the theme you know it's taken us this long to talk about it but this board game is set in india it is yeah what are your thoughts on that uh well it's it's not very thematic in terms of you know what's going on it's a true euro um the art style is very nice it is very thematic in that sense uh that indian style beautiful it's a little bit busy it is a little bit busy it's uh beautiful yeah definitely when the board was first introduced me at that convention that you're talking about i was like what the heck is going on a little culture shock but uh yeah once you understand the flow of the game it's actually very very simple and you understand the layout of everything it makes total sense in terms of theme it's nice always to see an indian theme because i'm indian of course but it's not a very thematic game you're not doing too much in terms of theme but it does set a nice background background or backdrop for the game so you enjoy it i do yeah that's nice yeah i like it too i think it's beautiful it is very beautiful yes it the board skills well for player account we played on the the two player side of the board on the opposite side is for three and four just because of some of the spaces there's a little bit more space right and so in terms of player count how do you feel uh plays well at all player counts yeah we played at all players we have played at all player accounts uh where is my favorite maybe three i want to say maybe uh it plays very well at two though it's nice to be able to go you know back to back i will say that when higher player counts there's the same amount of tiles out there and so everybody starts with the same opportunity with dice so something that you're eyeing could definitely get snatched up a lot faster in a higher player account so you just really have to keep an eye on people's dice yes is what that means exactly that's it becomes a part of your strategy yeah so there's a little more tension i think at a higher player account not that this is not intense i still felt that uh but yeah i think definitely three or four is the sweeter spot but very enjoyable for the amount of time that this game takes yes yeah it's fast at two it is fast we've recently played a four-player game of this so there was a lot of tension i actually think that i prefer the prefer the four player game just because of how tight everything is and just that added stress it's uh it's a nice kind of stress in this game especially because uh you increase your likelihood of several people crossing the finish line at the same time and then now you're like really counting like who crossed it further yeah right there's also i also feel like i guess going into the mechanics um there is a prevalent strategy i think there is and that kind of maybe that speaks to how you feel like it's uh you always want to kind of take a break from it because of that you know in the beginning i find that you need to get money so you're typically going to go for the tiles that provide markets and you're going to try to spam the market because that is one of the easier ways for you to gain your your fourth worker yes that's exactly because who wants to go all the way up that river and that's typically how i feel like it works well because you also need to pay money for a lot of these action spots now granted the last game that we played in that four player game the person who won clearly was neither of us no he did not do that strategy he was doing a little bit of a mix so maybe i'm wrong yes but it does feel like that is kind of what you are going to be doing over and over again when you come back to it in general i think the gameplay is really fun you're really looking for those combos you never want to run out of dice you also don't want to run out of karma right because it's really annoying to now like roll something really terrible and not be able to do anything about it yeah when you know that those tools are there yeah so the biggest thing for me is always trying to make sure that i have dice yes so whether it be getting those bonus spots that get you an extra die when you use your last one or hitting that token yeah or getting your special yields in order to just like passively acquire dice that's kind of a big deal in this game yeah because i don't think in our playthrough we went to the spot where you just put a worker down get a dice and you have these four yeah no that is uh that is a rough spot to go to yeah yeah it does feel good it is yeah anyway that is how we feel about rogers with the ganges what is your what are your final thoughts if anything like i said i really do enjoy the game uh i'm very very excited now to uh open up that box and really see what's in it and see what we can add to this game um replayability may not be there but that's not a bad thing there's many games out there so i can always put this on the shelf come back to it three months later and have a great fantastic time yes we do keep a few games on our shelf as long term games that are exactly like that we can't play them back to back but we love them every time we do bring it out exactly so that is rajas of the ganges thank you so much to our patreon supporters for uh recommending this game to play uh it had been a while since we had last played it and so it was exciting to kind of prep for this and also film it yeah and of course if you like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 6,470
Rating: 4.9726963 out of 5
Keywords: rajas of the ganges, rajas of the ganges board game, How to play rajas of the ganges, Rajas of the ganjes review, Rajas of the ganjes playthrough, Rajas of the ganjes gameplay, Rajas of the ganjes overview, Rajas of the ganjes tutorial, Rajas of the Ganges thoughts, Rajas of the ganjes board game review, Rajas of the ganjes game, Indian board game, Euro games, Euro board games, Board game review
Id: ruScGyu1_5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 20sec (3800 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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