Divinus - Gamefound Playthrough

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hi everyone my name is money and i'm naveen from before you play and today we have another playthrough for you this time it is for a game that is currently on game found called divinist this one's designed by philip mulinski and published by lucky duck games and it plays up to four players and it is a campaign legacy style game where things on the board will be changing over the course of the campaign that's right and so this is made by the designer who is one of the co-designers of their other game called destinies which was also kind of like a campaign style app based game but uh this one is quite different in both theme and mechanics so in this game we are playing as different demigods who are trying to win the favor of the gods we have two warring pantheons with the greek pantheon as well as the nordic gods and they are they're at war and so we are trying to to help them by picking sides and at the end of the campaign one of us will be a new god we will be elevated to god's status yes now the copy that we have is a prototype copy of the game because the game is being crowdfunded currently and so we only have access to scenarios one and two right and for today's play through we're going to be showcasing scenario two and kind of just catching you up to speed on scenario one right with that being said there may be potential spoilers because uh this is potentially scenario one and two of the final copy of the game right we do know that we've been told that some of the mechanics that are in scenario two are going to be kind of uh introduced a little bit more slowly in the final campaign which makes me think that this might not be the exact scenario but just in case there are potential spoilers in our playthrough now because this is a prototype we do have to note that some of the components as well as the rule sets may change over the course of the campaign uh so just be aware of that but if you find that you like what you see here we're going to include a link to their game found campaign down below so you can check them out there and with that i think we're ready to get started yeah let's do it all right so if you please direct your attention to the end of the table we're all set up here for a two-player game of divinus welcome to a world of uh warring gods yes right you have your greek gods over here and you have your nordic gods over there over here and somewhere in the middle here we have some barbarians but just kind of give you the lay of the land like we're mentioning we are playing as different demigods who are trying to win the favor of both of these uh different types of gods so each player has their own box because there are four of these in the game you choose one and you are that character i suppose for the rest of the campaign the box contains your six dice which we are going to be using throughout the game in order to acquire these tiles which you'll learn about in a second and on the box as the game progresses the campaign progresses and you acquire different titles etc you're gonna be placing them on the box itself it's gonna keep track of everything about your character that you've accomplished now the main board over here has everything you kind of need to know about the mechanics of the game and so like i was mentioning we've already played through scenario one so we're gonna just kind of give you up to speed on what we did in that scenario so that you can accurately know what's gonna happen in this one right the main concept of the game so far is that each player is going to be building up their own 4x4 grid of terrain tiles we're going to have our own map of sorts and the terrain tiles are going to be all of these ones in the middle here that we're going to be trying to select by spending dice which you'll see in a second now the purpose of this is we're trying to win the favor of these gods and so in scenario one we only had these two we had gaia as well as emir i believe is the pronunciation and so the way that it worked is each god has their own criteria for winning their favor for example emir over here who's a nordic god rewards the player who has the biggest area in each type of terrain on their map so if you had the biggest mass of these planes terrain then you would get a favor point same thing for water and same thing for the mountains now on the other hand we have gaia who who wants several of the same type of terrain whoever has the most number of uh grassy areas water areas and mountainous areas will gain favorite points for the greek gods and those are separate areas and what's considered a separate area is at least two tiles coming together so if this was a lone tile that would not be considered its own separate area now the way in which we actually do this is at the start of the game we're going to roll all six of our dice and these are considered to be active when they are in front of us and so on your turn uh the only action that we had available to us in the first scenario was to explore and so what you would do here is you would spend any number of these dice to acquire one of the tiles on the board but the way that you do this is by doing some basic math so if i wanted this tile over here which is number 10 then you'd have to spend a lot i don't spend a lot of dice maybe i should do it i could spend these four yes because 4 plus 3 is 7 plus 2 is 9 plus 1 is 10. so i could do that to take the 10. right and they don't always have to be the sum so if naveen wanted to take tile number seven he could do like the ten and the three because ten minus three is seven and you can do a combination of addition and subtraction in order to get to the value of the tile and so then you would leave your dice on that spot and you would place the tile um in your four by four grid right so the rules for placement are that you can only have maximum four by four and all of the terrain on all sides must make sense yeah yes now you'll notice in addition to terrain these tiles also have sometimes they have symbols on them and these symbols are either permanent they come on the tile or we place them using stickers and there are sticker placement rules which we're not going to get into really but these symbols basically just represent the different factions so the blue symbols are all for specifically the nordic gods team and the the gold ones or for the greeks the ones that are white are barbarians we don't really know the uh significance of the barbarians just yet they kind of from what we understand they represent kind of the humans that are torn between the two different types of gods and in scenario one the game ended once somebody has completed their 4x4 grid then you go into final scoring by looking at the requirements for the guns and see who met all those requirements and kind of see who has earned the most favor between the two the last bit that we didn't go over are in each scenario you also have these quest cards we played with different quests in the first scenario which we're not going to lay out just in case you you plan on playing this game but uh they're very basic they're basically like whoever is the first to have four of these symbols on their tiles gets to claim that quest is whoever can meet the requirements first it's a race gets that favorite that favor point and it's more than just favorite points you kind of dial it into the app and the app will give you flavor text as to what is going on in this story and it seems like the decisions you make are going to kind of affect the rest of the campaign going forward those are the main mechanics of the game just to kind of summarize what happened between the two of us in that first game naveen was quite victorious yes these were our results after the first game naveen and i are both in a tie for the greek god's favor and naveen is in the lead for everything else the greek gods favor points the nordic gods and then uh cumulatively so navina is pretty much in the lead for all of them now i forgot to mention that the dice are standard dice they go from one to six but at the start of scenario one we were able to place one a sticker on our dice i'll help you find which thank you thank you it's a three or six and so we just covered up one of the dye faces because naveen was so successful in the first scenario he was able to cover up two more spaces with dye stickers yes there's a one three five that i was able to do that's from scenario one and then at the start of this scenario i was given a 10 sticker so now i have a 10 value on one side of my diet yes which is really nice and really beneficial and which is gonna also help us or help you for the second scenario because we will now have more opportunities to sticker our dice now that you're all caught up with uh where we are so far let's talk about scenario two because we've done all of the setup for it and we really just need to get started right so the difference now in scenario two is we have three new quests and these quests have to do with these two new mechanics that were introduced specifically in scenario two they're basically the ability to sticker additional dice by going to um before just this this is forage and so on your turn instead of taking an explore action to take one of these tiles you can place your dice here do some math and then take whatever value that sticker is exactly so if i wanted a seven i could put these two dice here and say four plus three equals seven remove that sticker and then place it on one of my dice yes and so taking the action just lets you place the dice there but what i didn't mention is uh the second type of action is resting and resting allows you to take all your dice back and re-roll them and so when you rest then you get to take the sticker so if we're both competing for the seven then it may want to rest first exactly so there's a little race element there yes and that's just to permanently sticker your dice now in the final copy of the game i believe these stickers are going to be they're not gonna be permanent i believe they're gonna be uh repealable but because we have the prototype copy of the game our stickers are permanent now the other location that is uh new to this scenario is this one right here which is the weyland location and so this will allow us to place an artifact on our box there are three different artifacts here in order for you to claim an artifact you have to have a cumulative dice total of whatever that number is just like in this location and same thing you get to take the artifact uh when you rest now that we've met these locations let's talk about our three quests the first quest over here for the greek side is an ally for hephaestus whoever can forge the most dice sides gets this point so i guess this is something that's gonna be resolved at the end of the scenario looks like the nordic quest is waylon's regret so if you buy the most artifacts in the case of a tie it's whoever bought the last ones there's another one that will be resolved at the end so basically the game is encouraging us to do these two things right yes and there's always a quest so far that is kind of like in the middle you can choose your reward either a favor from the nordic side or from the greek side and this is the first person to have four sacred sites on your map and these sacred sites if you can kind of see real closely here are these uh these circular these like oval shaped areas on some of the tiles they're not on all of them but you'll see one right there you'll see one right there whoever can have four of them first gets to claim that quest and that'll be done in game and the last thing before we get started are our new gods that are new to scenario number two and they are ares and thor because they are now leading the war for both sides right at the end of scenario aries just wants to reward the player who has the most number of these greek symbols anywhere on their map yep so just give it the most then you get a a favor for that side same thing with thor but for the nordic symbols so complete option and i believe that's it that's it yep we are ready to begin we are yes all right so if we see any uh flavor text that we will read it uh in game but we skipped a lot of it in the beginning yeah just so we can kind of get started with this all right so i'm going to go first because i essentially lost scenario one what we're assuming yeah you had the least amount of favor i lost so let's go to really nice all right i didn't get any my special diet roll okay yeah that's good yeah i didn't either so i guess we're kind of even there sure all right so i'm just gonna go ahead and get started and start with an explore action to take one of these tiles okay you know what because naveen has that 10 sticker i think it would be a good idea for me to try to get at least the nine i mean it makes sense i have a five and a four that can easily make a nine also so i'm going to start by going to hephaestus's fourth instead of taking a tile okay so i'm gonna place this five three and one because that adds up to nine and i don't actually get the sticker yet but i'm going to um dial in that location yeah you get to scan it number six number six first time that we're seeing what the location does yeah by the way this is the first time we've ever played this so uh yes yes we didn't mention that i didn't mention that yeah this is kind of like a not live live stream right yeah but edited yeah all right i'm going to dial in location number six all right so this says hephaestus's smithy how fast this is arms and armor are of the highest quality and are filled with empowering magic proceed that's it okay cool so i think it's more just to keep track of um how many times you've gone there yeah i think it's part of these quests over here it's like when you go there maybe but we don't we don't know sure we'll find out yeah all right that was me that was my turn okay so i'm gonna spend uh four plus three seven to take this tile and we are gonna start to build uh our little tableau so i'll just put this here and then i can move it around as i need so back to me and maybe it's time for me to take a tile but now i have just three twos i can take a six you know what i will take that four because it has all three types of terrain that gives you something to branch off and a sacred site nice so i'm gonna place it right there online right in the middle yeah all right back to you so i'm looking at this nine here uh that could also get me kind of everything that i need going so i will take that nine everything you've ever wanted in life yeah so now i can start moving things around a little bit so i want to keep this as tight as possible we'll do this yep i like it so back to me and i just have this one two so i'm going to take this because it has a second sacred site and i can have an extremely large body of water oh yeah oh or just close out i can close that out yeah gaia wants a bunch of individual types so you have already one type right there and gaia or i should say the the greek pantheon they are the ones who i'm tying with naveen on so if i can at least try to secure their favor then maybe i'll be okay she's talking about from scenario one scenario one uh-huh yes because naveen for that legacy component of the game blew me out of the water for the other two i did i did blow you out of the water all right that's me uh oh well so you took this is interesting you took the uh the four yep and the two so i can't individually put these out you're gonna take i could take the six uh or i can get in here if i do the four two i can take a 6-1 so i might just do that so i'm gonna put this in here okay and then uh on the app i i have visited now location uh six location six so you get your my name your time in the sun exactly six okay it's the same thing same same thing yeah it's keeping tabs on us yeah it's watching us they know all right so back to me yeah so now so now i'm required to rest because i no longer have my dice in front of me so i'm gonna take all of them and roll them so now i get to claim this sticker i take the nine the nine yeah yay and uh in addition whenever people rest that is when you refill these tiles these six are coming from this stack that's all the sacred sites are and these six come from that stack because if yeah you want to use the sticker and hopefully you can roll the nine right so what do i want to that's what that's a good question because sometimes you need those ones for the little math you know so you don't want to just cover up your your low value ones yeah now i don't know yeah should i cover up a four just like a random four yeah you could cover i mean you do have six dice i covered before okay this might be i don't know somebody out there who's really good at math it's probably like the statistics of that wrong decision we know nothing okay so we do a kind of a refresh oh so okay so from scenario one this is a sticker that we placed on so this is another location that we can go and visit so when the person that takes this tile they can actually visit that so this is location number five so huh maybe i will gun for that yes uh during setup the app said locations one through five if you visit them they carry consequences potentially positive ones for whoever is currently winning the favor that's right so who is that i mean you're winning all the favors yeah so it might you might want to visit all these locations and just see what happens so that's me i'm gonna roll these dice now and that's it for my refresh oh wow i didn't know the nine oh well okay so now you okay i'm gonna do the exact same thing i'm out of dice so uh i will take down uh so i'm gonna take this uh 1 6 here because i have a total of six okay and i'm going to place it on i'll probably place it on a one because a one is already encompassing in this die gosh those those die faces are probably better one dash six because it's not like i lost my value of one but now i have the option of a six to go with it i spent so many days to get that nine oh we make mistakes that's okay you did great thank you um so seven and nine get refilled yep look at that that's a lot of a lot of uh fluffy hey stickered oh none of these were stickers no those are nice it's just a tile that came because i know in the first scenario naveen stickered some tiles that already had symbols on them and i was like you were just making those tiles really valuable good i did we'll find them see what i rolled i got my 135 and my 10. yeah good job no cheating okay back to me um this tile is really interesting because i just realized that this location symbol is actually the barbarians yeah and that was the one thing that i did better than the v in last game that is that is true yes yeah i had more of the barbarians on my map so maybe i will take that one one plus one one three minus one let's do a three minus one because i have two threes and two ones three minus one is a two i'll take this and so i will try to go that location on my next turn i guess so much water i don't know we don't quite know if that's if that's uh how that works how that works but yeah i'm just gonna do this that's that nice real simple real easy so yeah it goes back to you three sacred sites you know what fyi i i'm looking at these right here uh that ring of illusion is looking kind of cool yeah i mean it's nice if you have a 10. i would have to spend so many there would be a 10 plus this five here to make the 15 to get ring of illusion i would have to figure out now with which dice i put out there right because if i put the 10 in in the in this die yes i could only take 13 or 15 i could not get 4. we cannot get 14. yeah so let's do it i will do that okay put it out here then let's tell the app that you're going uh that is location seven yes okay and it says wayland's workshop so weyland's artifacts are true wonders of craftsmanship owning one makes you far far more powerful far more powerful money can you hear that far far more powerful it is twice the far right all right so back to me and i am going to i'm going to try to close this off by spending the three because that'll at least you need to wrap that up so yeah it'll solidify one type of water terrain wow do you have four sacred sides and now i have four sacred sides here have you done this i think so so i have completed this quest which is places of power so i have four sacred sides on my map okay i'm going to dial that into the app bulldoze that and i'm not going to steal this okay that's good leave it there so i'm going to the quest tab and i'm going to tap places of power okay and i have fulfilled this quest yes all right this mysterious place radiating with magic has attracted your attention as you step into the circle of power you see pythia sitting on the ground meditating well met moe i regret that name choice now um as i warned you all of greece is now engulfed in the fires of war just as mortal armies clash aries fights against thor and i think we may see one of them meet their fate very soon have you chosen the right side yet no matter this bloodshed will end either way and its survivors will focus on worshiping the gods and building temples in their name in places of sacred power places like this one when the time of peace comes which pantheon will you worship here so i think i'm going to go with the greek because i'm trying to secure their favor from naveen so let's go the greek pantheon okay as i thought remember that regardless of who wins the current war this conflict will continue your sympathies may yet change young one here take this amulet hey you'll find it useful when honoring the gods in their sacred places so my actions have gained me one favor with the greek gods and uh so i get pythia's amulet it's an artifact sticker and i get to add it to my demigod box i'm gonna go ahead and take the sticker off of our sticker sheet that comes in our secret envelope so we're not gonna show you the rest of them sure and it goes onto i think yeah this side of my box where we have space for three artifacts if you have more than three then you can replace i'm gonna go ahead and place that up here pythius amulet what does it say each time you explore a tile with a sacred site i can re-roll any number of my ready dice and the ready dice are the ones in front of the ones that are left over that's awesome cool oh and i get a title oh i already have a title from the first scenario i was the horde unleasher because of a quest that i was able to complete and now what are you and now i am the worshiper we're oh i am the winner and yeah the worshipers so now i have two titles under my belt yeah we don't know what those titles mean but right they're there and so now these scores are reflective of what just happened so now i am leading with the greek gods four to three and i just realized i have zero favor with the nordic gods you made your decisions i made my decision i am faithful loyal to one side yes all right so that was me now it goes to you wow so if i take this tile i would have one two three four of these uh greek symbols aries would be very happy with that and it would be me working towards the water which you have over there i have no symbols you have no symbols okay i talked about that that place i want seven i want all these symbols i know you want symbols too so the heart wants what it wants yes that is a lot of symbols that's a lot of water too i should really start investing in tiles that actually have well you went on that sacred quest so that was pretty good that's true yeah yeah that's something all right in that case uh maybe i go for this one or you know what let's see what happens if i try to visit this location yeah you might as well we don't know we have not done this yet but we're gonna see what happens if i dial in is it location number five it's just upside down and it has the the barbarians symbol on it who i had won the favor of last time so i'm gonna select number five okay the barbarian settlement you approach the location where you advise the barbarians to settle you are greeted with great revelry welcome oh wise mo why thank you you see that they live in peace with the land prospering as hunters and gatherers and worshiping gaia okay okay that's perfect for you yeah you are hosted in the crude but spacious house of their leader a giant of a man who welcomes you with a feast during which a serious argument breaks out among the barbarians great one you see that there is discord among our people this land although rich and good for us is ravaged by war between the locals and warriors from the north migrants just like us soon we will be forced to join this war but we fear the gods of both sides which warrior god should we follow to victory okay follow the unyielding ares who is clearly a greek god or follow the unstoppable thor let's go with aries because i don't you're just going hard yeah all the way um okay so the barbarian warriors shout banging their weapons against their shields shouting animal-like war cries their warband departs towards a nearby viking encampment oh they're gonna start some we're starting some some beef yeah oh my gosh i get to pick an opponent naveen okay you must apply two of these barbarian faction stickers over two of your your nordic faction symbols covering them wow if you have one or zero on your map then you must cover the symbol that you have and then you just add no further ah i was hoping that was gonna be something worse but wow wow that's interesting okay so goodbye i'm doing it upside down just so that it's uh it's right side with all the other sure the tiles wow but wow wow wow okay so i i could uh okay i could try to get into the nordic game that's it i'm assuming that's my my action so then we're gonna we're just gonna go with that and say it's back to you i would have happened if you had taken this tile and explored it because because the barbarians follow me because of the first scenario yeah i don't know huh all right it's back to you um okay i don't like uh what i'm seeing here i don't see anything either the the four or the six which is what i can do here to build towards this i think i'm just gonna recall oh yeah i think i'm just gonna rest so uh let's go ahead and resolve this here which one would you like the 13 or the 15. the potion of endurance which will allow you to um refresh one of your dice whenever you explore a tile using three or more oh okay or the ring of illusion which looks like it's twos or threes and maybe vice versa you know i'm going to take that 13 valued one the portion of it yeah i'm gonna do that one okay there you go so place it in one of your artifact slots okay cool there you go and i'm going to give you back your dice so that you can re-roll them so anytime i use three dice to go somewhere uh i will be able to refresh one of them yeah i get a discount right all right that is a new tile rolling we are rolling oh nothing special okay okay so i have four tiles to your three yep well let's not forget that oh yeah let's just flip this over yeah because yeah so we're not focused on it so then we have these two well i'm just gonna go ahead and take this totally it has both symbols it's pretty nice i can slide it in right there and if i leave this up here then this is its own uh terrain type so by the way a terrain area has to consist of at least two tiles and so that is going to be one uh mountainous area for me well done all right back to you okay now i have everything okay i'm gonna take this seven uh i'll take six in one and i'll take this tile trying to regain your nordic a little bit and it closes this off i you know i i want a big sprawling map but i also kind of want to move towards other things so okay okay so back to me i have one literally the one i'm going to refresh okay i'm going to rest that the action is called resting so i'm going to go ahead and just pull these dies fill in a big green i need to remember what my artifact is each time you explore a tile with a oh what was it again anytime i explore a tile that has a sacred side a sacred site yeah that's when uh you know what i'm just realizing that i think i probably should have gone to this location when i took the tile i just confirmed with the rulebook i was supposed to visit that location upon placing this tile while you explored it so which means i missed the turn and uh i'm not sure if you had that tile at the time yeah so and we can't just give you a turn back because you just refreshed all the tiles yeah we're gonna call it a watch yeah so from here on out whenever you take a tile that has a location sticker already on it you explore that's the moment you explored it because you were exploring yeah did i roll these you did okay so that's me yeah well with that out of the way uh i want to get some more symbols let's go two to make it an eight and we'll take this one okay there you go thank you and it's all about the experience of the story anyway so yeah we'll see how this story unfolds you know what i'm not doing six two i'm gonna do four two two to do this okay and i can get a re-roll oh you could take it because okay so each time you explore a tile using three or more die refresh one of them so it's basically a way of me re-rolling i want to keep my six right and then maybe re-roll something nicer yeah that's true so i'll place this tile here that looks like a good spot nice okay so we have so let me go ahead and do that potion so i'm going to take my uh my two back it doesn't matter which one i take back and i don't know but it's like it never happened yeah it's still it's still too it's not bad still something all right so back to me yes okay i'm going to go ahead and take i'm going to explore and take a tile okay so none of the tiles here have a location on them right because that was kind of fun no no no no location all right so i'm going to take this one by spending the my five just upside down and a four okay and so i'm gonna go ahead and place this right ooh this will fit there nicely yeah so it does give me an another one of those um nordic symbols and you're looking like you're trying to satisfy thor and maybe yeah i don't know because you guys might as well try got a big water yeah okay i'll do a six minus two to make it four i'll take this piece okay and uh let's try to configure this in a way that gives me some flexibility maybe let's just put it like this okay i don't know what i'm doing let's do it it's hard to do any kind of like future planning for your terrain right it is yeah because you're kind of trying to compete with each other that's really the main purpose here you're competing with your opponent exactly like i'm looking out and you don't have any planes like a large land massive planet i got that going on you're trying to secure that i see i could build out over here instead but that's also hard to plan so yeah okay i'm gonna go ahead and explore this tile so that's six and four okay that ten and i'm just gonna go ahead and close this out right or maybe i should make the mountain bigger okay let's do that so my party lines have been drawn because i only have four across you you've established your four yeah because of four by four okay so i'm out of dice and i did not go to these two locations so i don't have to deal with it so i just pull back everything and we refill yep go ahead i'm on special dice okay one of my special dice rolled nice okay cool so ready all right so back to me let's see what can i try to take now oh i only have two twos here go again with the two twos yeah well i might as well go to the forge and so i'm gonna try to secure that sticker there which i probably shouldn't be saying the 2-5 well i guess it would be mine regardless but um yeah because it would require me to go there drop off and then on my very next turn pull away yeah and you're not gonna do that so what what four what number is it six six yeah that's the location six okay dialed it in so it's recorded in the app yes all right so now it's back to you i i could go there you know i like this one i'm gonna go for this eight piece right here so i'm gonna take the five and three okay and i'm gonna take this one oh yeah it is uh it's two two symbols as well and so i'm going to put this in here making a bigger landmass nice as much as possible yep that's that yep okay so i'm going to go ahead and recall my i'm going to i'm going to rest so okay i'm taking these back and then now i get to take the sticker so i'm going to do that the 2-5 yeah and i'm just going to cover up i'm going to cover up a two that's on a different die so a two on a die that doesn't already have another sticker on it correct okay you want to give yourself the highest chance you can sticker uh the same die the same die that has already another sticker on it but you just can't cover up a previously placed sticker right yes that is the rule yeah yeah all right so all right sorry i was so mesmerized by your sticker okay so that's me no it is back to you look at that so the forge is open i just want to let you know that i do have one more sticker dye face then you do you do that's right i'm looking at this here there's a location oh that's what you just unearthed it's for the greeks so i wonder i wonder what it would do and so that you're not currently in their favor yeah okay i will spend a four and my three okay four and three to take this one all right let's figure out how we want to place this i gotta place this smart this is good i think yeah that's because flexibility yeah we're gonna do this the right way this time so you now visit that location yes two location location two okay all right would you like to read it uh you are better at reading out loud your voice is way more appealing all right we're just gonna do we're gonna go ahead and try this so this is gaia's holy forest you return to the same valley you once visited overgrown with gaia's holy forest that remains a place of great natural beauty at first you thought the greeks had abandoned the place but as you walk between the trees you are welcomed by their watchmen is it really you why is nav it is welcome back thank you so oh there's more it turns out the greeks were still in the valley but due to the viking threat they had secluded themselves deep within their sacred forest you humble us with your presence we feel much safer now we shall organize a great feast to celebrate your arrival serving all the forests can provide wow sounds vegetarian mother gaia was generous and the feast was an extraordinary event the priests leading the ceremony praised both you and mo as champions of the greek people and their gods and the gods agreed granting both heroes their power and blessing oh that's nice wait are you gonna get some benefit here from this i i don't mind that how could you nav refresh which is re-roll any number of your exhausted dice this is not considered a rest action though emptied tile spaces on the main board are refilled so if you change any number yes you don't have to it's any number of your exhausted diet so if you choose to take these off the board then we're going to refill it with the tile so i can take one and one though and then leave it kind of kind of naked right so i'll take this one and where is it and this one i'll take these two and i'll leave these so that they don't get yeah this is the nasty man hey there we go you that is a nasty man move all right but i'm humbled oh mo refresh reroll oh all of my dice [Applause] what timing so i would have been able to do the same so had there been die out there but you don't get the rewritten dice out there i would have been able to take them out now i it's exhausted dice that's right well that's interesting that's it cool okay so now it goes back to me not happy i just wish that something had been opened there okay i'm gonna go ahead and explore this tile okay so six and four and yeah it's going to go right here quite nicely just extending out that big field right um and that's it so you just have like a strip of land and i do i have to go up or below okay right that's pretty good yeah i have to decide which direction i want to go in here because you can't go left and right but you can go north and south interesting okay i think i'm going to grab this tile i'm going to spend the four and take this one here okay and we're going to add to this little section so now we have a three by three so i have options maybe i give up on the largest uh graph yeah one two three four five all connected to your three okay i'm going to spend the five and the four to take this nine and i'm going to extend the bottom okay so now you have two grassy areas i do i have this this area and this area again that's what gaia wants gaia wants uh unique are not unique separated uh terrain types yes separated land masses i suppose well i think this might be a good time to try to get this seven here so i'll go with the uh six plus one so i'm using this dice as a one in the six to make it uh seven there well i think i will do the same and push your hand wow what so you could technically also there's this minus three here so you could if i do this you could technically go two minus five to go to the negative three i have i have some options i can also do two three four yeah yeah so we both went to location six we did yeah so what are you gonna do well you forced my hand i did have this two and this grassy area was looking pretty nice but uh you have no dice so i might as well do it now and get out because i think you will take that seven if i don't do it so uh okay i will i will recall all my die i will rest my dice my diet diced versus die yeah okay uh and then i will take a seven okay and let me fill these i think i'm gonna boost a six i'm gonna turn this oh gosh do i wanna do that this is the hard part is deciding what you wanna do with your with your dice because you don't know what you need really so let's cover up a four and make a four or seven how about that okay so i have a six seven five four nice three or no four something like that okay i don't know if i followed that yeah but uh i am also going to rest okay so let's take these back and i'm going to take the four the three four and let me go ahead and do this now oh look at it oh you're getting you're finding all your souped up bang stuff all right so i'm gonna replace a three somewhere oh i just realized i rolled this and i'm picking up my dice yeah yeah i have to roll because i didn't do that either okay go ahead you roll first oh i got my 10. now that i've modified a dye face i'm going to truly roll sure oh none of my none of my special faces that's okay that is okay okay so now it goes to you wow uh this is looking real nice right now because um thor of course wants the most blue faces and i have one two three four you had me covered up one yes and how many do you have one two three yeah okay i have my special ten die i might as well just go ahead and use it and take this that is a really nice and i think i could i could put it here and just shut this area off and then i'd have two separate mountains how many mountains do you have three separate mountains yes okay we are going to continue on with the big mountain because there's no way i'm gonna get to the remote or four mountains yeah you're giving up that race i've given it up okay so that goes to me and there is a location on this tile oh man i got so like gung-ho about the symbol that i just totally didn't see that yeah i'm gonna take it so six and two to make an eight nice and oh i just wanted to take it but i didn't like uh actually think about where i'm gonna put it you have some options i'm gonna go like this yep just like that and this is location number three three so i get to visit location number three let's dial that in so selected number three mo we have arrived at a viking keep oh i have not been doing well with the bike maybe they'll talk highly about me maybe you arrive at the largest viking settlement in greece built near the picturesque bay their town is already well established and protected by a large fortified keep i think this is the keep that you've been i'll keep that i definitely encourage them to build in the first scenario okay welcome demigod enjoy our hospitality the local community is preparing for war warriors pray to thor and ready their arms for departure while brave shield maidens strengthen the keeps defenses in case some greeks are foolish enough to attack it in their husband's absence all wise mo our ships are ready we're departing soon lead us where should we see glory and rich plunder um well norway perhaps i don't have any options i just had the one option and it says lead them to a raid a very important no sorry lead them to raid a very important rich area oh okay i only have that one up you're like just go get the money yeah yeah soon the viking war party will sail out the majority of the ships follow yours but one man by the bravest glory seeker detaches to join the war under the command of their god's favorite nav i who command wow wow that uh that backfired do i get any bonus well it says mo you may as a free action immediately explore any tile available on the main board that contains a nordic symbol and does not contain a location sticker you must use your single highest value ready die okay to claim this tile interest value does not need to match the tallest number if there is no valid tile available or you do not have any ready dice you do not receive this reward wow so spend your six to get that nine yeah let's do that right you may do this now do you really want to do this is the question yes okay i definitely do and this is the only spot you have established yeah i think i yeah can i can we get a blue section i could go upwards that way you could go upwards yeah but this is a separate uh green area for you which is nice i was already winning in the in the let's see how big is this one two three four five one two three i'm gonna extend upwards wow i'm bringing this down can i help you yes is it going here or here uh let's just go let's just go here sure see that so that is my my final answer i like it i think there's anything for you nav apply faction sticker um a nordic accent sticker to any tile on your map so this is the first time that we are stickering in this video and so the second time we're sticking because uh you had me sticker one of my nordic tiles yes well this is the first time that we're applying a new sticker to an empty spot because i just we just you just cover it up that's true yeah so the rules for stickering are that each sticker must go on the along the edges of the tiles so you can have no more than four if it's a sacred site you cannot cover this up right so that means those tiles can only have maximum two of them you can only have one location per tile right um and i think that's pretty much it yes right correct yep so where are you going to go you can place it on any tile because some sometimes it's going to be a terrain dependent and it'll tell you what type of train you'll have to place it on but this is any tile uh i think i'll probably let's just put it on this one here let's do this right side up so i'll turn it and go to the south okay which is technically to its west so again at the end of these scenarios all of the tiles get mixed together so that tile does not belong to naveen right just because i manipulated this tile does not mean anything mm-hmm as of what we know but that sticker is going to be on that tile now for future scenarios exactly just like these locations yes all right well that's cool anything else that's it okay all right so back to you me okay i'm gonna do this now i'm gonna spend 662 and place myself into this location oh you're going to secure that i'm going to try to secure that ah what if i go in there with the fire well none of this will add up to the 14 yeah i'll just do it now all right i'm going to lose this quest is what that means well i might as well take something that has symbols so i'm going to turn in all three of these nice for this tile so seven so that i can just close out right there smooth and that'll give me one more of those are the greek symbols all right so now to you so i have one two three four four more tile spaces okay uh once i complete those because i have more tiles than the beans stop it's gonna be a hard stop i'll take this two let's just take it okay and build up so i'm gonna make this green go just a little bit bigger so now i've defined my lines yeah here right because now you have to build in exactly yeah and basically this l shape your four by four very good cool all right i'm gonna go ahead and rest sure so let's take these okay and then all the new towels will come from this side wow i don't have enough uh dye to do anything on this side well yeah okay so i rested now it goes to you cool so i have this five um i might as well i might as well take this one yeah i gotta catch up here a little bit so this is legal let's just go ahead and fill that in right there so now i'm really just kind of going in there well uh we're kind of running out of options for our terrain styles here yeah so i think i have to take this tile i'm going to spend the six and i think i can activate my my artifact oh yeah what does that say each time i explore a tile with a sacred site i can re-roll any number of my ready dies so i can revolve any number perfect that's such a good spot for that i'm just gonna slip that in right there i really wanted that tile oh you're doing it that was the one tile i was looking at the most why because it has the most water that that's gonna allow me to build out here and this just connected all your waterways so you got that nice uh that's exactly what you know i did it out of necessity it was the only tile because everything has to make sense you have a choice exactly you can't over build so if you wanted to overbuild you you are allowed to but all the terrain still needs to make sense yeah so um okay so do i want to re-roll i think so right i'm just going to save the five and then we roll the three uh well look at which die you've modified and maybe uh well i'm definitely going to reroll these two and uh let's keep three okay okay we roll these okay there you go cool cool oh that's a nine oh okay whoa whoa so now it goes to you okay so uh i have to rest or recall so i'll take these all back and then did we plug in your location uh we did not do it now i don't think we did yeah okay go ahead and take your so this is 14 total and it's going to be the magnifying glass and what the magnifying glass says is uh after resting reroll all dice with the lowest value cool so i can probably enact that right away right oh yeah i'm technically resting now yeah yeah i i would think so because i haven't rerolled it mm-hmm all right so are you going to you haven't rolled your dice okay ooh i got my seven wow that's funny my i can reroll my lowest ones which are fours oh uh i will not that's that and since this stack has been depleted we're going to refill from this one okay so now back to me yeah well i guess i don't have a choice i'm gonna take this tile okay so five and three makes an eight sure and i'm just gonna slip that in right there okay i'll work on that side later sure so two tiles left two tiles left for you until the end of end of the game end of the game okay end of the scenario okay so i'm gonna take uh with my four die and i'm gonna take this tile here okay and i think this one works you closed it out how big is that one two three four five six seven oh yeah there's no way one two three four five i would have to bring the green all the way this way just to tie it that's asking for a lot well i think i can take this tile with all three of these because nine plus five is fourteen okay minus three three yeah is eleven totally cool so i'm gonna go ahead and take it and i will use this tile for this spot nice closed off the green area and uh i'm almost there one more time to go and it'll be the end oh okay which is interesting because we know that you're winning both the but the vikings as well as the the greek symbols on your on your map right but uh we have been ignoring the barbarians last time in the first scenario we counted them yes and uh how many barbarians i have one two three four five i believe three four five six seven eight eight i definitely have the loyalty and you had him last time oh the barbarian previous scenario the humans yeah that's true okay i'm going to spend my six minus four to get a two and take this one here okay and let's just your final tile yeah let's make this legal that's legal yeah there we go you just have to count the edges i know blue blue yeah i can't think there that works that works uh all right so i i actually have to remember that's not your final tile wow okay yep well i'm resting if you want to go ahead and refill those spots sure yeah so let's see what we get a bunch of rock yeah come on do we have a location my nine side didn't didn't uh pop up when i needed so okay i think i'm gonna use my seven to take this seven here yep and i'm gonna create a second uh planes terrain our third one so i have one here yeah two and a third one here you boo you stink [Laughter] oh well well i'm gonna end it right now okay so um because i think i'm gonna lead here and i can't you can't i can't take the seat so i might just end it yep so i'm gonna take i think i need to do something with two i can take this one yeah four three and one totally okay so with all of my dice there was i i knew there had to be a way yeah well you could have done your four and four also yeah oh i have a and a four right there well anyway that's it i'm gonna just go ahead and slide that in and i have my four by four by four so that hard stops yes ends the scenario immediately that's it so now we're gonna do some end of scenario stuff okay i don't feel very good about where i stand here i don't think anything is going to change enough from what happened in the first year the good thing is we only have access to the first two scenarios yeah that's true good and bad yeah all right so let's go end scenario do we have a surprise some stuff happens okay so wayland's regret nev visits weyland to buy supplies for the upcoming battle i did the troubled god size that was the last one i can offer with my current resources the rest of my precious artifacts lie on the bottom of the sea when we arrived on these warm waters a local sea god attacked us with furious anger creating a giant wave that sank my ship along with most of its cargo should you manage to find the wreckage and bring me the golden chest it holds i shall reward you handsomely i will also be able to offer many more artifacts here let me show you roughly where my ship sank so now your actions have gained you one thing one favorite point for the nordics gods very cool and i think this has to do with uh i think right now we are resolving the quests okay because this quest is called wayland's that's right yes so the app knew that you won because you were dialing and dialing in the location every time we went yep so all right so you secured that quest does that make sense okay nab you get to apply some stickers so location stickers 11 12 and 13. okay you apply them to any water terrain that's on your map okay and they each have to be applied obviously on a separate tile because each tile can only have one location sticker i see okay so 11 12 and 13 oh look there's a little symbol of a wrecked ship oh it must have been poseidon who've done this yeah that's neat okay so cannot be over sacred site because that's just the rules of placement so let's go ahead and put one here okay i'll make it facing the same way as the barbarian head okay okay and then you said 12 and 13 yeah yeah so this is the moment where you can decide for yourself if you'd like to make juicy tiles juicier yeah this is interesting wow not as juicy tiles a little bit more interesting i'll put this 12 here in the cell okay again symbols go into the north south east west of these tiles right it cannot be over another symbol and you can't have more than one location exactly the same title so you have space on one of these too oh you could technically go there but that would make that super juicy yeah uh i i don't want to put that because because this could randomly flip out at least seven where it's the most easy that so even though we're not going to continue we don't have the other scenarios in this game but technically if i knew i was going to the next scenario i would probably not do that so i'll put it down here cool that's a really solid choice thank you placement okay thank you okay so an ally for hephaestus which is this quest right here i think that's you right i think so it says mo you visit hephaestus's forge to pick up your order the godsmith seems concerned that's the last one i can offer you for now mo for my forge requires more heavenly fire the titan prometheus stole much of it and for that zeus imprisoned him somewhere in the caucasus mountains find him and bring him to me along with the heavenly fire only then will i be able to run my smithy again here take this map the titan should be chained in one of these three spots so i had now have gained a favor okay uh a favorite point oh interesting so because there's like a little bit of a hunt here and again the reason why is because i uh visited the the forge yeah i think we did it the same but you were the person to do it last so if there's a tie whoever did that action last uh gets it i think i did it there's five missing also then three to two yeah yeah okay so i get to apply some location stickers eight nine and ten okay and they have to be on mountainous terrain okay they have that kind of like fire i see that makes sense oh i don't know if i yeah i guess i could get illegal sounds right let's go with eight nine and ten yeah this is not legal because there's already a location so it has to be maybe here sure that's a really nice tile there's this one that has a little bit less yeah let's see that one um so this is eight okay nine yeah we know nothing about these numbers these are just these are locations these are just numbers yeah well no they're locations but we just don't know what's going to happen when you go there exactly yeah so nine i'll put here because this is like a real vanilla tile okay so now that one's well and also for your character don't forget you want to visit sites that have sacred sites that's because of your ability here so you maybe want to set it up for yourself so yeah yeah that benefits you more than me i'll put the last one here yeah i think you just got to do something like that yeah let's make that one more interesting as well cool all right so that's uh sites eight nine and ten okay okay so now we're going to do the end of scenario stuff so it says the great war like everyone else in the land of greece gaia and emir are preparing for the grand upcoming battle let us see which of you helped them most okay which player has the most planes areas which are the green i have one two i have two two because these are separated uh they're only single so i created this at the very end so i have one two and three so it is nev it is nav okay you you have gained a greek favor okay who has the most water areas i have one two i have two as well one two so the way that you break a tie is um whoever has the most number of these symbols in that designated terrain it does not have to belong to anybody i have a lot of symbols in your water one two three four five six seven you know you have one two three four five six seven seven eight eight i missed ah okay i only have one two three four seven naveen gets it out yeah yeah okay which player has the most mountainous areas i think you created that finally i got one okay so i got a greek point okay who is the single largest plains area i think we've decided that was one two three four five six seven for sure nav largest water sorry yes water water is you because i i did one two three four five six i was one shot one two three four five six seven that's why this tile when you placed it i think that was the perfect title to stop me from doing that yeah cool i'll take it uh single largest mountain i think that's you again that's me again yeah one two three four five six seven yep wow one two three four i'm gunning for the nordic but i'm playing both sides with the greeks don't let them hear you the first direct clash of the gods is upon us an epic battle is sure to ensue which player has the most greek faction symbols i think you win in both of these categories okay these are these three three four five six i only have four four five actually that was really close yeah okay but it's still you yeah uh all right who has most viking symbols uh one two three four five six seven eight oh wow i have one two three four five cool so two armies led by their warrior gods finally met on the field of battle it was the bloodiest battle ever witnessed by the young humans the vikings brute force was pitched against unyielding greek tenacity ha aries vs thor i salute you nav you are truly a master of puppets controlling both opposing armies you are in position to stage the battle on your own terms which will inevitably influence its outcome wow the power is in your grasp but you must be decisive which army shall be victorious naveen you've been playing both sides i have been playing both sides has come you must decide you set the stage for the greek victory or the viking victory they're watching i'm gonna go greek victory the greeks wow yes the greek forces gathered by nab took advantage of their superior numbers to slowly advance forward pushing the vikings up against a seaside cliff are you happy with yourself it was in this desperate moment when the battle seemed already decided that the tide turned ares fell to his knees fell by the powerful strike of thor's hammer the battlefield froze as all gazes turned towards the clash of the gods the greeks wavered seeing such real almost human fear in their god's eyes triumphant thor raised his hammer to deliver the final fatal blow when his own chest suddenly exploded in a fountain of blood wow nav had sunk his weapon deep into thor's heart oh it was great wow thus ended the great battle with thor defeated the vikings fled the field in panic the first war was over wow yeah and then you would remove thor's god card doors out from the game putting it back well yeah because thor is has been defeated by my sword so you would remove that card from the game and for the last bit here a masterful stroke demigod i never expected you to be capable of defeating thor where i failed i owe you and thereby name you the fate of thor i find it only fitting that you should earn the spoils of your victory by the right of the victor take thor's hammer as your own wow okay so then you would sticker you have now uh a new title which is the fate of thor the fate of grab the sticker and place it on your box wow that's cool now also known as nordic engineer and the fate of thor what a combination amazing oh you also you you have you have an artifact sticker now yes it's the hammer of thor i see that one right here yeah you stole the hammer and so now each time you explore a tile with a greek uh symbol set any ready die wow you can set anything up yeah wow very good um i get to keep the first player marker because it's telling me that i probably lost the second stairs what happened last time so i store it inside my my demigod box so when we would play the third scenario then i would go first and that's it that is to be continued yeah it says to be continued so yep and these are our final scores for the scenario as you can see naveen and i have both tied for the greeks favor but because i think because naveen won their favor last our most recent then you supersede me in that ranking i see what you're saying and you you also have beat me out on all the other ones so right now you are going to be a god how do you feel navigate i i feel god-like yes thor's hammer i have a magnifying glass and some potion there's no scenario three though so you know we don't know we don't know what that fate would have been like maybe it would have reversed who knows but anyway that is that's it for diminished scenario too this is technically a sponsored video so we don't give any opinion style content but if you have any questions about the gameplay or anything you saw today please feel free to leave a comment down below and we'll try to get to your question as soon as possible please keep in mind that this is the very first time that we're playing this scenario we may have played things inaccurately potentially like we kind of had that uber earlier in this scenario but we hope that everything is as accurate as we could have made it now like we said this game is currently on game found so there is a link in the description down below if you do want to check out the campaign uh so we just want to say thank you so much for watching our playthrough we hope you enjoyed it if you like to see more videos like this in the future please consider subscribing thank you bye you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 6,484
Rating: 4.9802957 out of 5
Keywords: Divinus, Divinus board game, how to play Divinus, Divinus kickstarter, Divinus Gamefound, Divinus game, Divinus Playthrough, Divinus gameplay, divinus rules, Divinus how to play, Divinus review, Divinus thoughts, divinus spiel, session, divinus livestream, Divinus overview, 2021 Kickstarter games, 2021 Gamefound games, new board games, board game review, board game playthrough, board game gameplay, divinus, divinus app, divinus board game app, divinus application, tabletop
Id: Ivo0zIQmSH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 39sec (3519 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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