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Posted by u/Dadthrowaway788 3 hours ago AITA for freaking out when my wife locked our son out of the house at night after he drank alcohol? I (m39) have a 16 year old son with my wife (f40). This incident happened a few days ago and she's still mad at me. I was on a work trip so my wife was at home with our son. When I got back, I found out that he had been hanging out with his friends and they convinced him to drink some beer and he got a little drunk. I'm not saying what he did was right, but him and I had a talk about it and it's fine. The problem is that when he came home and my wife found out she was furious and kicked him out and refused to let him back in until the morning. He was begging her to let him but she wouldn't. When I found out I was furious. Regardless of what he did, she made a slightly drunk teenager stay outside by himself at night. Something very bad could have happened to him. We had a huge argument over it. I asked her how the heck she thought that was ok. She just kept saying that it's our son's fault for drinking alcohol. My wife isn't really talking to me now and my son isn't talking to his mom. I feel like I'm in the right, but maybe I'm not. AITA? Posted by u/benzpls 11 hours ago 1UP AITA for telling my roommate that her anorexia is not my problem? We are both 23F. It’s been getting into the 90s (F) where we live, so I’ve been turning on the ac when I get home. I also work a physically intense outdoor job so I come home really sweaty and exhausted from the heat. The apartment will stay cool enough for me to fall asleep but then later on I’ll wake up in the middle of the night completely drenched in sweat. I’ll then get up and find out that my roommate has been switching the ac off while I’m sleeping. This really upsets me because it’s been making me really dehydrated and tired to begin with from not sleeping well and it’s been impacting my work. She’s unemployed right now so I thought she might’ve been hung up about the power bill. When I finally talked to her about it I explained that I’m already very sensitive to heat to begin with and that because we’re fortunate enough to have ac I want to enjoy it when I get home especially after a long day at work, and that the heat is causing problems for me. I even offered to foot some of her share of the power bill if she was really that concerned about it. But then she said that she turns it off because the apartment gets too cold (I should add that our AC is set at 70 and has never been moved lower than that). I told her that she should just use some blankets or put a sweater on if it was really bothering her, because the heat is unbearable. She then countered by saying that because she’s in recovery from anorexia she’s really sensitive to cold and that I’m not prioritizing her needs. I then responded by saying, “I’m sympathetic to your situation, but that is your problem and not mine, and it is starting to have a negative impact on me and we need to find some middle ground here, because I can’t take off my skin when it gets too hot.” She then got extremely upset and angry and told me that I was being ableist and insensitive. I’m kind of bothered by this because I’ve also had struggles with eating disorders in the past. So am I the jerk here? (Additional info from a comment I made so it doesn’t get buried: I see a lot of people making the assumption that I’m completely unwilling to compromise with her or that I’m set on having it at 70. During our talk I offered to adjust the temperature but she wants it COMPLETELY off. Not adjusted. Off all the way. And that was what made me angry.) Posted by u/DoneWithDD 10 hours ago AITA for refusing to DD anymore and leaving three drunk friends stranded? I (F) have 3 friends from college, Maisy, Tom, and Neela. We're all mid-30s now. We usually get together once a month to have dinner despite work and family obligations (virtually during the global event). Six months ago, I had to stand up to everyone about splitting the bill evenly because everyone else orders and eats appetizers and desserts, and everyone else drink copious amounts of alcohol every time we get together. I typically eat a main and drink water. I started checking menus in advance and only bringing enough cash to cover my bill plus tip and would "forget" my card at home and eventually sternly told them that I was no longer willing to pay an additional $50-$100 every time we went out to cover their appetizers, desserts, and drinking habits. Well, they all decided because I wasn't drinking anything but water, I should be the DD, which I initially agreed to because I was just happy that they eventually stopped arguing with me about splitting the bill. But at the time I told them firmly if any of them ever threw up in my car, that would be the end of it. Last month, Tom nearly threw up in my car. The only reason he didn't is because I pulled over and pulled him out of the car and onto the pavement instead. I sent a group text the next morning stating that I was no longer going to DD, and everyone complained that Tom only ALMOST threw up in my car. I again refused and told them that next month, they either had to limit their drinking so they could drive, or they had to find their own ride. Last weekend, I reminded everyone I wasn't driving anyone home. No one limited their intake at ALL, and by the end of the night, they were too drunk to even handle paying their bill. I went up and asked for my bill separately, paid, and walked out without saying goodbye. Tom's wife had to have her mother watch their two kids while she had to come down, cover their bills, and give Maisy and Neela rides home--and Tom and Maisy both threw up in her car. I was getting hateful calls and texts all week telling me I had to pay to have Tom's wife's car cleaned and pay his MIL for watching the kids. Maisy and Neela have been calling me all kinds of names for abandoning them, but I snapped that they were all three sheets to the wind even after being told last month I wasn't driving them anymore. Tom eventually called to yell at me that if I didn't split the bill, and if I didn't DD, then what use was I? I asked if that was how he treated his wife, Maisy, or Neela, if they were only allowed to be around if they were "useful", because here I thought we were all just enjoying one another's company, since I certainly wasn't gaining anything useful from them spending hundreds of dollars funding their eating and drinking habits and then wasting my gas to drive their drunk arses home. I was blocked and none of them will speak to me now, and I just need to know if I'm the AH here. Posted by u/Tadpole_Hivemind 7 hours ago AITA for refusing to do housework while my boyfriend goes to work, even though I don't have a job. I (19f) have been dating my boyfriend (25m) for five months now and he's amazing. However, one disagreement we often have is over housework. My boyfriend thinks that I should do housework, seeing as he works 48 hours a week, and I'm not in employment. I have always refused. We don't live together. We live in separate houses, and pay seperate rent. I afford rent through my university student loan, as well as tutoring and babysitting part time. So in my opinion, I have no reason to clean his house, when I have my own that I pay for. My boyfriend thinks it's unfair that I don't really work, yet have enough money to rent. In his eyes, I should do household chores for him, because he is the 'breadwinner'. The thing is, I don't see him as the breadwinner. He doesn't pay for my rent, I do. We aren't married, and I'm still in education. I can't tell if I'm being unreasonable. I cook for him, and occasionally help with chores, but I refuse to be a full time maid for him. Then again, he works so hard whereas I only work a few hours a week. AITA? Posted by u/DazedplusC0nfused 5 hours ago Gold Faith In Humanity Restored Wholesome Seal of Approval AITA for not contacting my SIL about our niece's period and instead handling it myself? Throwaway account. Sorry if this is weird. My wife and I are in our mid twenties. My wife's older sister Kate has a daughter named Payton (fake name). Kate has to travel for work every few weeks so Payton stays either with us or with her grandparents. We had her earlier this week. I had the day off but my wife had to work so Payton and I were just having a chill day around the house. She went to the bathroom and shortly after started crying which freaked me out. I went to the door and asked if she was sick or hurt. She said no. After some questioning I was able to deduce that she started her period and just didn't know what was going on. I made sure she got decent, new clothes, showered, and such and then explained (as best as I could) that she was going through something natural. I got her some of my wife's pads and explained how to use them. She was clothed and clean for every interaction. I didn't really feel the need to inform her mother. I figured Payton would text her or call her or tell her when she got picked up the next day. My wife got home and explained more things and apart from feeling physically unwell Payton did fine. Yesterday (two days after she got picked up) Payton's mom called me absolutely screaming me for (A) not calling her immediately and (B) not waiting for my wife or another woman to explain things to her. It's not uncommon for Kate to be... explosive... but this was extreme even for her. She's saying I'm inappropriate, a creep, an AH, and that Payton doesn't feel safe staying at our house unless my wife is home, which I don't believe is true. Payton and I get along great. She reminds me of when my own tom-boy sisters were tweens. Did I do something wrong? AITA for not calling Kate and not letting a woman handle this? Posted by u/ThrowRA-Scam200K 9 hours ago AITA for not paying for my step daughter wedding? I 49M will keep this as short as possible but basically my step daughter 25F wants to marry her boyfriend 25M which was fine and all, I had the money to pay for the wedding what could possibly go wrong? Her father 54M has never been in the picture her whole life, he was a deadbeat father; Never took care of his daughter, never paid child support according to my fiancée anyway. My step daughter was never rude with me and always showed respect so I always showed respect for her and bought all her the necessities she needed, maybe too much, now looking back I'm an effing ATM, what was I thinking? Anyway since I'm paying for a 200k wedding, I just asked for my mother and her 2 step siblings to receive invitations since they are her siblings, my fiancée and daughter were like cool we will, now obviously this could be a mistake but invitations come around, my step daughter informed me that she didn't want any children at her wedding, but that seemed odd to me because my fiancée sister children were invited so why wasn't her own siblings invited, I ask her and she said it was just a mistake, probably a red flag but we move. A few days later my daughter in laws come to my house and a question was asked by the in-law targeting my daughter asking who's going to walk her down the aisle, my daughter announced it was her deadbeat effing clown of a father, my fiancée was in shock from her announcement and my daughter kept going on about how they been in touch and the fact that he's her true father and at that point, I lost it, I announced that her real father can pay for the wedding (He can't lol) since I'm a check for my step daughter, my step daughter started screaming at me and all the guests left the house, my fiancée wasn't too happy stating that I humiliated her in front of her in-laws and the fact they spent a year planning, I stated that I wasted 200k on an ungrateful brat (May be jerk for this) and spewed insults towards her father (As you can tell, I have hatred towards that man) so am I the jerk? Posted by u/PieClassic1245 15 hours ago AITA for demanding that my twin sister either changes her lifestyle or makes sure everyone knows we're two separate people? I (20F) have an identical twin sister ("Emma"). We live together in an apartment while away from home for college. We've always been very similar, not just in appearance, but also in the things we enjoy (as stereotypical with twins I guess). Except for when it comes to relationships. I'm not interested in relationships at all, not emotional nor physical. Emma is the complete opposite. Ever since we started living here, she's been bringing another random guy or girl (or both) home like every other night. It makes me extremely uncomfortable, but since it's her own life I don't think I really have any right to judge. Problem is that it's really beginning to affect my own life. Not only do I have to listen to her going at it every time (we have *very* thin walls). But since we look practically the same and even our names are similar (if her name is "Emma", my name would be "Emilia"), I'm getting attention intended for her as well. She has a reputation with how easy she is to sleep with, and people are approaching me thinking I'm her. My messages on social media are being filled with all kinds of obscene language and nude photos. When I reply saying I'm going to report them, they get confused because of the "good time we had last night". Any time I meet someone new, they only seem to be talking to me because they think I'm my sister and want to have some nighttime fun. As a result, I don't have any friends. I got really fed up with it yesterday and told my sister the way she acts is ruining my life. I told her she either needs to change her lifestyle, somehow make sure whoever she sleeps with won't bother me and make it clear to everyone that we're not the same. In response, she told me I need to mind my own business, that I shouldn't be such a prude and that I could probably use, in her words, "some dicking" myself. It kind of escalated from there resulting me in calling her a sl*t (which is definitely an AH thing to say, but I lost my cool). Anyway, AITA for demanding my sister to change her way of living, or otherwise make sure her interaction with people doesn't affect me? Posted by u/DismalStrategy2151 8 hours ago AITA because I put makeup on my little brother? My friends and I were going to see Barbie tonight. We were all hanging out in my room, trying out different faces/outfits, and my little brother came in and asked what we were doing. I said we're going to dress up to go to the movies tonight. He asked if he could come, and I said to ask Dad. He asked if he could dress up too, and I said sure. He ran to his room and came back with any clothes that were pink or had flowers on them. My friend put pink eye liner on him. He looked super cute. When my dad came home and saw him, he was ticked. He said it's disgusting to put makeup on a seven year old, even though it was just eye liner. He also said I'm no longer allowed to go to the movies. I think he's being an absolute buzz kill for literally no reason. It's just eye liner. What's the big deal? I know makeup isn't usually for kids, but c'mon, one time isn't going to matter. Posted by u/GreyBlue_exe 14 hours ago AITA if I refuse to attend my sister's wedding? I (20f) am thinking about not going to my sister's (23f) wedding. Here's the reason: She is an egoistic, self-centered narcissist and has made my life worse for as long as I can remember. She's been bad to many other people as well (including my whole family) but it has always seemed to me that she's had it out for me specifically. I don't know why she's behaving like this towards me, I can only speculate that it might be jealousy because I've been the academically successful one. I've always tried co-existing with her, only interacting when necessary, but it didn't go too well. I'll give you a few examples; when we still lived with our parents, I refused to let her use my printer because she yelled and insulted me an hour prior and when I did so, she lost it and threw a hot-water bottle at me. She called me and my whole family the c-word over a Wifi router. She called my mom the c-word and told her to shut the f up (which is just not normal in our family, not even saying "shut your mouth" is), after she refused to babysit her 2 bulldogs for over a week because 1) it stressed out our own dog and 2) she has to work and take care of my little sister and the household as well. Mind you, she had babysitted the dogs before for a day or two, but over a week because my sister wants to go on vacation with her boyfriend and the responsibility to care for her dogs is in the way now, is too much. And the most recent incident; (context: she did an apprenticeship as a mechanic) She heard something I said which could indicate that I was planning on being drunk and stuff (actually I was talking about PokémonGo lmao, I rarely drink) and instead of asking me then and there, she went to my mom a week later and asked her if I have a problem with drinking. My mom, who is VERY sensible in regards to drinking because of a traumatic experience, called me and asked me about it. I said no and asked where my sister got that from and she said she didnt know, so I texted her about it and she immediately called me disrespectful, again insulted my personality and everything about me, pulled the"you're uninvited to my wedding" card (they got engaged a week prior) and lastly told me I should be careful that nothing is going to happen to me in my car (implying harming me indirectly by sabotaging my car), after which she blocked me. Then, she gave my mom an invitation for me and my bf (still blocked me though). I've had enough and I want to make a clear cut and not have her in my life anymore. I feel as if it'll never stop if I don't cut her out now and it will always go back and forth with this. She never apologizes, not to me, not to my mom or anyone else, she just pretends everything is back to normal and I dont want that to happen. Everyone is telling me they understand but I should go to keep the family peace. I am not sure what to do. Would I be the a-hole? Posted by u/AlternativeMean2454 13 hours ago Take My Energy AITA For telling my sister it’s not my fault her son doesn’t call her MaMa? (Names are fake and I’m very bad at grammar and spelling, sorry) So, I’m a 15 year old girl who lives with my mother and stepfather, my sister (Sally) is 30 and has a son (Wally) who is now 20 months old. My sister is also very tired from hanging out with her friends, so I’m the one who usually takes care of the little boy, I’m perfectly happy to help her when I can! But I also do all household chores and have school so it’s a lot…. Recently Wally started saying ‘mama’, but he only calls me mama, and will cry whenever Sally tries to take him from me. Two days ago we had a fight over this, I said ‘I’m sorry Sally, but you’re never around or help with the baby, so it’s not my fault that Wally is so attached to me’, she got really mad and yelled at me that I was a Bench and she wished that car crash ended me. (I was in a car accident, I survived but lost my arm, my mother refuses to buy me a prosthetic) then she stormed off to her room. Later I got a call from our mother who was upset with me, she said I was being a brat and needed to apologize, my stepfather is on my side. But now everyone is arguing and I hate it! Should I just apologize? AITA? Am I being a brat? Posted by u/Acrobatic_Hornet_936 10 hours ago AITA for not letting my nephew live with us in college? My wife and I have 2 twin boys who are going to college next month. We are very excited for them and also excited for us to be empty nesters! I love my boys but Ive been looking forward to living with just my wife and I for a long time. My wife's sister has a son Josh who will be going to a college in the same city we live in. He was supposed to have an athletic scholarship that would pay for most of his tuition and room in board but it fell through due to an injury that will mean he wont play anymore. He's wanted to go to that school for non sports reasons for a while so he will still go there. My wife's sister recently asked us if Josh could stay with us during school or freshman year since we'll have 2 empty bedrooms and dorms are expensive. My wife said she'd begrudgingly allow it if I was on board, but admitted its not really what she wants, and agreed we both need to be on board for it to happen. I declined. I feel bad for Josh but I want my privacy and dont want to live with an 18/19 year old college kid. If one of my kids stayed home an extra year that'd be a little disappointing, but Id allow it, but I dont want my nephew here. Its caused a bit of conflict with my SIL calling me a selfish jerk and saying Im not acting like family. I suggested they just take out more loans to pay for it, if they dont have the cash in hand (which I think they could make work if they tried, or if SIL went back to work). AITA? Posted by u/Affectionate_Air_196 16 hours ago AITA for calling my stepsister a jealous b*tch after she accused me of being a gold digger? My husband (40M) is a doctor and I (29F) don’t work. I got married and had my kids (6F, 4M and 2F) soon after graduating from college, so I’ve never had a real job. I was planning on working for a couple years and had a few job offers but my daughter happened sooner than we’d planned so I decided to just stay home. While it is quite nice that I can afford to stay home, money was definitely not the main reason why I married my husband. I love him because of his personality. My stepsister (30F) has three children (7F, 6M, and 1M). I babysit them fairly often. A few days ago my parents had a barbecue at their house. My fifth anniversary was a few weeks ago and my husband got me a diamond eternity band and tennis bracelet. I was showing those to my mom when my stepfather and stepsister walked over. My stepdad asked my stepsister when she’s getting a ring. She gave me a dirty look and said “not everybody can afford to waste thousands of dollars on a shiny rock.” I tried to be the bigger person and told my stepdad that she doesn’t need a ring and it’s obvious that her boyfriend loves her a lot whether she has one or not. She told me to f*ck off with my fake sympathy. I asked her if she woke up on the wrong side of the bed today and she said “Some people actually have things to worry about. A useless little gold digger who’s never worked a day in her life wouldn’t understand.” I was quite offended but I don’t like confrontation so I just smiled and told her to tell me if she needs help with anything. She said that she doesn’t need my charity and accused me of trying to make her and her family feel bad by flaunting my expensive jewelry. I reminded her that she chose to walk over and join our conversation. She said that it’s hard to feel happy when she and boyfriend still rent a house and can’t afford special stuff for themselves and their kids while working long hours. I was done with her bs so I basically told her that that’s their problem and theirs nothing I can do about that. She said that her kids feel awful when they see all the nice things my kids have and her daughter really wanted to be a ballerina and do gymnastics but she can’t afford it so she has to watch her cousin do everything she dreamed of doing. I told her to stop being a jealous b*tch and said that if she doesn’t want her kids to be jealous then I won’t babysit them anymore. She called me insensitive and said that I’ve always been given everything I want and I’m spoiled. I didn’t want to engage with her anymore so I left to talk to my sister in law. My stepsister left the barbecue immediately after that and is still mad at me. My mother thinks I should apologize to keep the peace. AITA? EDIT: I realized that my post isn’t very clear on everything. My sister and her boyfriend aren’t married or engaged and have been together for 4 years. They don’t have degrees and work low wage jobs and we live in California so everything is insanely expensive. My stepdad was asking her when they’re getting engaged. My husband and I have technically been married for seven years (mostly because I was pregnant) but our wedding was five years ago. I don’t watch all of her kids all day. They’re at daycare until 4. Her boyfriend’s mom picks them up, keeps the youngest, and drops the older ones at my house. My sister picks them up around 6:30. Posted by u/EclecticBench 22 hours ago AITA for burping in front of my husband? Not the A-hole I’ve (30yo f) known my husband (30yo) since high school. Been married a year now and today he tells me that he gets uncomfortable when I burp. When it’s just us. I’m not a slob. I quiet burp and cover myself when in public, but my husband is my safe space and felt like I could be myself and not worry about being judged or feeling uncomfortable. He says that I’m too comfortable around him. But aren’t i supposed to feel comfortable around him? I understand he feels uncomfortable but I also can’t help but feel hurt at the fact that it feels like I can’t be my true self with him… I do say excuse me. It’s in my nature to be polite , but of course I’ve known this man for a long time and am now married to him… Am I the jerk for burping in front of my husband? Posted by u/Same_File_502 23 hours ago AITA for saying that i was hurt that i wasnt invited to a wedding that all my old friends were invited to? Not the A-hole I (28M) used to have a friend group of about 10 people back when we were in middle and highschool then college happened and we all drifted apart. Nothing happened to make us drift apart, Just growing up and losing contact. still friends but not "talk all the time. hang out regularly" friends if that makes sense. But of course some of us stayed close friends with eachother. One person from this friend group "kayla" (fake name) (28F) is getting married in a few weeks. I didnt get an invitation but i wasnt hurt. i understood. we didnt stay close friends. but then i was hanging out with my best friend "bob", (28M) who was also in that friend group, a few days ago and he mentioned that he's going to the wedding. i was a little surprised but i just told him i hoped he had a good time. he asked if i was going and i told him no, i didnt get an invite. he said that was strange because everyone else from the group was going. two of them were plus ones as they were dating or married to other ones who got an invite. but they were all going and kayla knew it and even told bob she was really happy that "the gang was getting back together on her special day". i told bob i was kinda hurt by that but i didnt want to make a big deal of it. two days pass. kayla calls me fuming mad that i was "whining that i didnt get an invite to anyone who would listen". I told her that i wasnt. i explained to her what happened. she said that shes been getting texts and calls from other members of the group saying that she should have included me and wanted me to put a stop to it. i said i would do my best and that i was sorry that i caused her this trouble. she thanked me for the apology and hung up. i called bob and asked him why he spread this around and he said that he didnt mean to. he felt bad that i was hurt and he wanted to ask someone else from the group if they knew why i wasnt invited and she spread it around i guess and everyone wanted to know why kayla cut me out specifically so they started asking her. so i made a facebook group chat with all of them and politely asked them to leave kayla alone. that i was just hurt in the moment and vented about it to my best friend and thats where it should have stayed. they all said okay and apologized to kayla. yesterday kayla made a facebook post ranting about me without saying my name and said she had to hire security and give them a photo of me to make sure i didnt try to crash the wedding. something i would never do. the comments under the post were calling her out. she called me again and screamed at me that i was ruining her wedding and told me that some of the friends are considering not going to the wedding now. and now im just wondering if i should have just kept my mouth shut or stood up for myself or what
Channel: Storytime
Views: 12,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: twBaASGvAX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 31 2023
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