A girl accidentally scratched a luxurious car with her wheelchair, but when she saw who got out...

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nah shuddered and woke up the same nightmare that had been haunting her for 10 years she's sitting on Marcus netta's bike holding onto his waist and suddenly feels a strong jolt then she's thrown onto a stone slab by the road pain piercing through her whole body they say you don't feel pain in dreams but nah did that ride turned the girl into a disabled person not in a dream but in reality mom I think I'll go for a walk nah said at breakfast what's gotten into you you don't like being seen by people her mother looked surprised at her daughter I'll just go here along the sidewalk and come back I don't know maybe new plots will come to mind for my fairy tales otherwise I'll run out of ideas soon what plots can come to mind here cars rarely even pass by our street her mother always grumbled since her father left them she became closed off and embittered and then there was the tragedy with nah which happened literally a few weeks later it finally broke the woman nah often felt like her mother blamed her for everything although the divorce was long overdue they were just too different from her father the girl didn't blame her dad she understood that he had finally found his true love even though he was almost 50 at the time nah was on her way home when she saw them Marcus was carrying a baby in in his arms and next to him was the once playing on a Blanco tears welled up in her eyes and nenah turned away not wanting to meet his gaze if it were up to her she would have gone to the ends of the Earth just to never see Marcus Netta again he was living his life to the fullest and to think he used to laugh at the quiet Anna who used to wander the school corridors like a shadow and now this young woman couldn't be called playing it was clear she took care of herself and she was dressed stylishly and Tastefully maybe she was just happy they say when people feel happy they look better they blossom nah glanced back discreetly to watch the friendly family and didn't notice that the path had ended and it was time to turn towards home she only snapped out of it when she crashed into the black Jeep parked opposite her house oh great the girl muttered trying to reverse a scratch appeared on the polished surface of the car just what I needed need to hand a young man asked opening the door nah tore her gaze away from the scratch and looked up nah nah Hill yes she said bewildered do I know you come on I'm saurin Ortiz don't you remember me saurin I would never have recognized you you've grown up so much where's that skinny boy who was always solving problems instead of living nah was genuinely glad to see an old acquaintance someone from her past life my daughter and I are going to live here now Sauron jumped out of the car and pointed to the house next to where he parked you're kidding right in front of my house yes I used to walk around here in circles just to catch a glimpse of you for a moment he looked nah in the eyes you know saurin I've often thought about you I can't believe it a nerd like me didn't interest you no I mean after that terrible accident what happened I left right after graduation I don't know anything about what happened here without me it's a long story saurin I'll tell you sometime if you want nah steered the stroller towards her house we'll settle in with aita and definitely invite you over saurin said opening the trunk saurin I scratched your car it seems nah said guiltily I'm ready to take the punishment nonsense I was planning to repaint the car anyway see you later until next time nah moved forward I wonder what would have happened if I had reciprocated sauron's feelings back then nah thought sitting in her room saurin couldn't take his eyes off her back then but what about it she started dating the handsome Marcus that guy guy turned her head she thought it was a love for life but it was just a childish illusion on that day nah hurried home after classes her mom asked for help around the house her mood was dismal she had quarreled with her friend over some nonsense although it wasn't nonsense at least not to her Mia really liked saurin Ortiz the girl desperately wanted to date him but he only had eyes for his assignments and for nah Hill what do you want from me Mia want me to drag him over to you by the hand or maybe promise to kiss him so they'll start dating you you're arrogant Mia yelled and stormed out of the classroom where they were arranging chairs on desks at the teacher's request yes Nina went too far she shouldn't have spoken like that but it's hard to understand a girl who has just turned 16 n was always a bright girl good at her studies and into dancing she even thought about making a career out of dancing it's hard for her to understand someone who's pining over a botanist who only solves problems and sits on the window sill staring thoughtfully out the window nah flitted out of the school building kids were running around the yard in groups nah she heard behind her she turned around it was saurin Ortiz it was evident the guy was nervous maybe we could go to the movies he timidly suggested saurin tired of your assignments already nah said mockingly switching to girls now it's just I've wanted to tell you for a while I really like you nah saurin here's my advice go to Mia my classmate she's been pining over you for a long time maybe something will work out for you guys nah looked him straight in the eye her gaze was cold it was as if she was mocking him and you'll Pine over Marcus Neo huh saurin suddenly asked quite boldly well go ahead while there's still room on his moped you'll be his next girlfriend for a couple of months the guy abruptly turned around and walked away nah felt slightly uncomfortable not only did she argue with Mia and feel slightly guilty but now this nerd saurin nah quickly headed home another unpleasant surprise awaited her there her father told her mother that he was leaving her for some reason nah couldn't be angry with her father she understood that living with her mother was a challenge she was always dissatisfied with something blamed her husband and even her daughter for giving them her best years and getting only indifference in return Rina wanted to be a model she even started working with a fairly well-known photographer but then found out she was pregnant she had to marry Nina's father and become a mother and housewife the dream of being a model had to be forgotten perhaps that's why the woman could never forgive herself for not choosing her career nah forgive me honey her father said loading things into the trunk I love you very much and I'm ready to support you if you need it you don't mind if we keep in touch do you no dad of course not nah replied hugging her father I understand that you and Mom are different people you shouldn't have gotten married at all and had a child nah my girl don't say that every day I thank heavens that you're in my life they hugged once more and dad got behind the wheel mom was depressed shutting herself in her room and refusing to come out nah didn't know what to do how to calm her down how to prove that life goes on Mom open up to me asked her daughter leaning against the door of her mother's bedroom I don't want to talk she answered defly I don't want to hear your accusations that I was a bad wife so my father found a good one mom I would never say such a thing you are who you are and I love you just the way you are you're my mom you can still find your soulmate what are you talking about who needs me at 40 I don't even have a profession you talk like you're 80 Mia's aunt got married married at 42 happily by the way the mother was silent the girl heard only her occasional sobs the girl decided to leave her mother alone and went to her room nah was pulled out of her gloomy Thoughts by melisa's call a nah answered sourly Hi listen nah Marcus Neo is having a party tonight I was invited on the condition that I come with you he seemed seems to have a crush on you the girl giggled merrily Melissa I don't feel like partying tonight nah said sadly what's wrong you like to party I do but it's just that my mom's upset and I have to support her you know girlfriend sometimes it's better to leave your parents alone and go out and have fun and this party is going to be awesome come on come on don't you want to know why they asked me to take you along I for one really want to okay Meely I'll think about it you have half an hour the girl passed out strange nah thought does Marcus really like me and decided to invite me to his party through Melissa what if this party is even organized for that Nina's heart raised she like many girls at school like Marcus Neo he was good-looking funny liked to ride his moped and throw parties but at the same time he was a shallow guy not a nerd like saurin Ortiz but he had a good GPA Marcus managed to do everything party and still have enough time to study nah dialed melisa's number so girlfriend I see your R for the picking huh you ready to turn Marcus head I'm ready to have a good time tonight nah said cheerfully we'll pick you up at 8 Melissa went out with Bruno maris's friend shall we dance Marcus took Nina's hand Goosebumps ran down her body as the guy pulled her much closer to him than the dance required nah felt dizzy she didn't realize whether it was from the cocktail or from the closeness with this handsome man she didn't care she didn't want to think she just wanted to dance with Marcus pressing herself against him and breathing in the scent of his expensive perfume that night they never parted nah let's be together Marcus said suddenly his face was very close and a moment later the two merged in a kiss words were not needed nah agreed to be his girlfriend they started dating Nina's life changed drastically Marcus was always looking to see her nah was just waiting to see him again her mother didn't forbid her to go out late at night it was as if she didn't notice her daughter at all always being depressed it was a warm July evening Nina fidgeted in front of the mirror choosing what to wear she and Marcus were going to another party he was supposed to pick her up any minute the girl glanced in the mirror and was pleased a light blouse with black butterflies on a yellow background and dark pants made nah especially fresh and attractive kiss me Marcus asked sitting behind the wheel of his moped nah nuzzled the guy's neck no a real kiss he turned to face her and pressed his lips to The Girls Make Way Marcus nah tried to interrupt his sweet kiss but it was too late a bump a jolt and she was thrown right onto the stone slab by the road wild pain all over her body Darkness nah slowly emerged from the enveloping fog around her it was difficult to breathe with tubes in her nose and throat it was hard to open her eyes the bright light was literally blinding nah struggled to move her hand awake said the nurse standing nearby can you feel your legs nah didn't quite understand what she was talking about she tried to move her legs but couldn't it was as if she couldn't even comprehend where her legs were no nah replied softly how about this the nurse lifted the blanket and took a needle in her hand leaning over the bed do you feel the injections no nah murmured with dry lips oh that's what Dr alanso was afraid of the girl in the white coat looked puzzled when Nina's parents came to pick her up from the hospital at first glance they seemed like a real family the doctor said Nina's body is Young strong it will all depend on her will to live if the desire is strong her body will have enough resources to recover but if not Nina's World collapsed there could be no talk of dancing she was a helpless invalid her legs refusing to obey and Marcus he hadn't rid or called her once what if something terrible happened to him and they just didn't tell her fearing to traumatize her even more still nah asked on the way home Mom what about Marcus is he okay he got away with a few scratches he was thrown onto a pile of hay where is he did he ask about me nah looked hopefully at her mother in our town rumors spread like olive oil her mother said sadly he left for the capital the new school year is starting soon Nina's heart sank Marcus lived his life filled with new experiences hopes and events but what awaited her a wheelchair being confined at home nah didn't even want to think about such Dreadful things the girl needed to adapt to her new conditions she had to move to a room on the ground floor as the stairs were no longer for her her father came to visit her but nah hated those visits he pitted her he still loved her but pity filled his heart but the worst part was their constant fights with her mother she found every convenient moment to say something about his young wife and how she had to give up her career as a model at those moments nah literally wanted to be on a deserted island or even better to die and not see her wheelchair her constantly quarreling parents and this unreachable world anymore over time visits from her father became rarer and then stopped altogether nah missed her dad with whom they always found a topic for conversation but it was easier this way no one pitted her no one argued with her mom her mother gradually adjusted to the situation and even started working at the local store with a funny name Hedgehog Brewer what a hedgehog had to do with it remained a mystery nah laughed saying that maybe the owner just really loved those little animals years passed but nah never had enough resources to start walking again her only Solace was reading she would read anything she could get her hands on escaping into a world where she wasn't destined to sit in that cursed chair until death a world full of Wonders incredible events and heroes to root four and it became less bitter for her less bitter for her own unhappy fate at one point nah suddenly realized she wanted to write something too she longed for something magical unlike the mundane gray life Nina wanted to create a world where anything was possible everything was possible only in a fairy tale that's why she began inventing fairy tale plots and writing them down at first it was difficult for her it came out awkward and lifeless but over time the characters began to come alive and the events became Vivid and Lively too one day nah submitted one of her most successful fairy tales to a children's online magazine imagine her surprise when they accepted her work and offered to collaborate now nah was writing not just for her own pleasure but also on commission the girl had a small income now 10 years passed sometimes nah felt like fate was mocking her taking away almost everything not only had she lost the ability to walk on her own two feet but also this reminder of her past life nah often saw Marcus and his wife Anna Blanco never stood out neither an appearance nor in academics just a typical average girl with a nondescript appearance why why did Marcus choose her he didn't even glance at such girls in school nah wondered why he didn't pick up some Urban chick and instead returned to their Hometown and married this dull Mouse after meeting saurin nah couldn't calm down for a long time she sat in her room and thought she thought about the past nah remembered how she laughed at the feelings of the modest guy unaccustomed to courting girls and not spoiled by female attention she caused him pain it was visible in his eyes and in his tightly pressed lips and he turned out to be right she didn't sit behind Marcus Nita's moped seat for long he didn't even talk to her and now upon meeting he avoids eye contact doesn't even greet her nah hated this man and his unremarkable wife it was her nah who was supposed to be happy she was supposed to dance and the audience was supposed to give her Ovations and Shout Bravo this hatred was destroying the girl she understood it but resolutely couldn't do anything about it Nina withdrew more and more into her joyless little world but one day a faint Ray of Joy finally pierced through this impenetrable Darkness it happened when Nina aimlessly wandered through the web and stumbled upon a book the author of which vividly demonstrated how to sculpt figures of people and animals from polymer clay Nina's eyes lit up for the first time in years years since that terrible accident that had turned her life upside down and nah began to learn to create Beauty the most interesting part was that she succeeded almost immediately and then the girl began to invent her own ways to create this or that figure even her mom admired them although everything else always bored and saddened her nah honey you need to show these to someone they're so alive oh mom who would I show them to who well there are different communities online I don't need to tell you about them darling maybe someday someone will see my toys nah smiled wiping her hands with a napkin slightly stained with paint another 13th of July arrived on that day nah sat behind Marcus on his trusty bike anticipating a fun time in the company of her favorite person at night Nina woke up several times from the same nightmare then then she couldn't fall asleep until dawn her mother's voice woke her up nah saurin Ortiz is asking for you should I say you're asleep saurin are you sure you're not mistaken no no he's waiting for you outside there's a little girl with him Mom tell them to wait for me I'll be there in a moment just need to freshen up all right I'll tell them her mother quietly left the room hi nah greeted carefully descending the ramp hey Sauron jumped up to help do you want to take a walk with us uh where are you heading we wanted to go to the beach but there's sand it would be uncomfortable for you how about the park does that park with the Statue of the violinist still exist yes my mom and I occasionally go there it's a hundred times harder to drag my mom out of the house in me nah laughed this is aita saurin pointed to the blonde girl with a blue butterfly clip in her hair who had approached them hi nah greeted her hi is it true that you and Dad went to the same school yes that's true nah replied is it true that you can't walk aita saurin interrupted his daughter it's okay nah reassured him yes little one that's true you're beautiful the girl came very close to nah and ran her hand through her hair thank you sweetheart you're very beautiful too you have your daddy's eyes in the park it was quiet Aid happily rode her scooter while nah and saurin took a walk he pushed her wheelchair confidently as if he had done it many times before they chatted about everything nah told him everything about herself without holding back she felt that this young man truly listened to her not just nodding politely and then forgetting everything you told him as soon as you said goodbye you know you might hit me on the head for saying this but I'll say it anyway maybe it's necessary for some reason I mean you're tied to this chair you know for several years now I've been trying to approach life philosophically or whatever it's called I said somewhere that if something in life isn't right for you instead of asking why is this happening to me you should ask what is this teaching me and then many things become clear well why do I need this disability then nah asked sadly just to suffer for the rest of my life it's reasonable of course but no not for that you need it so you can better understand that you are very strong capable of overcoming many obstacles and also that the Lord is protecting you from something you see it sounds strange a terrible accident was necessary to prevent a disaster but that's only at first glance sometimes a person misses a flight which seems to determine their whole life a business meeting or some other important matter they curse everything they can and then they find out that the plane crashed saurin you're not just a lover of mathematical problems nah smiled you're a real philosopher for some reason after this conversation nah felt warmth in her heart and strangely she wanted to live she wanted to catch sight of how a mischievous ray of sunshine breaks through the dense foliage of trees how a little bird sits on a thin branch and starts chirping swaying rhythmically and ruffling its feathers slightly yes she was bound to a wheelchair and couldn't walk along this park path but she still had the opportunity to feel this world to discern what resonated in her soul she could describe it in her next fairy tale or even create something else a story or a novel saurin sorry for meddling but nah suddenly began where's aita's mom parar died in childbirth he stopped near a bench do you mind if we stay here for a while nah nodded the spot was so cozy quiet and conducive to heartfelt conversations parar and admitted University and started dating right away after a while we got married and lived with my parents we studied worked part-time and dreamed of our own home I told her about my hometown can you imagine she was so eager to move here she didn't like the hustle and bustled of the capital I probably wouldn't have loved it either nah SED we wanted our baby to be born after we had settled in life but not all of us decide not at all parar got pregnant everything was going well but my wife didn't survive childbirth the doctors couldn't do anything how awful how difficult it is to lose a loved one especially the mother of your child yes it was tough I wasn't prepared for such a turn and who can be prepared you loved her very much didn't you nah asked softly placing her hand on his you know I didn't love Pilar right away at first I just wanted to forget you nah felt a shiver run down her spine she felt a prick of conscience back when she was still just a girl she carelessly redirected the guy to Mia never considering How Deeply it would wound him when he loved her the fool truly loved her nah couldn't hold back the tears any longer they just kept rolling down her cheeks and she didn't even try to stop them nah are you okay saurin asked sympathetically offering her a tissue forgive me saurin forgive me she replied forgive you for what there's nothing for me to forgive you for you shouldn't be so hard on yourself no no it's not that I haven't had such a heartfelt conversation with anyone in 10 years I was such a fool back then when you asked me to the movies forgive me silly girl we were just kids back then yes I really wanted to be with you but you needed something else not my nerdy self remember how everyone laughed and said that first came The Bookworm and then saurin Ortiz followed behind yes exactly but you shouldn't call yourself nerdy that's not true you're a very sensitive person Aid is lucky to have you as a father really lucky you know if you ever need anything I'm ready to help maybe you'll need someone to watch over aita thank you Nina I think I'll have to turn to you more than once sometimes I need to travel for work and if V doesn't handle long Journeys well she gets motion sick you bravely took on the task of raising your daughter all on your own without anyone's help initially my parents helped but now my daughter is all grown up we managed just fine he smiled softly his eyes filled with tenderness I never imagined I could love someone as much as I love aita it hurts terribly when we have to part even for a short while you're are godsend as a father nah smiled if one can say that they sat a little longer and then went to look for aita she had already found some seeds somewhere and was feeding the pigeons nah daddy look how cute they are the girl looked looked at the birds affectionately yes birds are messengers from Heaven nah said if you want to tell something to God feed them and share your secret with them really Aid looked at nah with interest nah nodded and the three of them headed home will you come visit us the girl asked when they were near Nina's House absolutely she promised see you soon that day nenah cried a lot but several fairy tales were born how much she missed a kindred soul someone she could simply talk to share her pain with and let her tears flow freely imagine the guy she so rudely turned down became closer to her than her own mother not only listening but also offering the perfect support it was a rainy day the gloomy Sky hung over the Earth as if trying to crush it and not let it breathe nah sat at her writing desk not a single plot came to mind annoying thoughts crept in that loneliness would accompany her for the rest of her life the ringing of the phone broke her revery it was saurin hey nah felt a joy akin to what she felt when Marcus called her many years ago hey dear are you busy today yes I have an audience at the Royal Palace and a dozen dances promised to the most distinguished gentleman nah replied with a laugh what a shame I wanted to invite you over you know what I think I'll cancel my social outing and accept your invitation Nina's heart skipped a beat with joy they were having tea in the living room aita chattered cheerfully and showed nah her drawings and clay crafts the girl hadn't made any friends yet after all she and her father had only recently arrived and the new school year hadn't started yet sain's phone rang and he stepped out to take the call girls he said Upon returning a few minutes later I urgently need to attend to some matters duty calls the bank will collapse if I don't show up at the main office can you manage without me I think I'll be back in 3 or 4 hours of course we'll manage aita exclaimed joyfully go ahead without worries nah replied we'll find something to do saurin looked gratefully at his high school sweep saurin left leaving nah and deita alone nah had no idea how to interact with children but aita took the initiative the girl first dragged literally everything from her room to the living room to show nah as nah couldn't manage to get to the second floor She enthusiastically showed her collection of insects and capsules and crafts made from some special gaming tape Nina couldn't believe how imaginative AO was you know the girl said when they decided to have lunch I think you're an enchanted fairy you need to be unenchanted and then you will walk again do you really think so nah asked seriously though a smile was threatening to appear on her face I'm telling you for sure oh dear if only I knew how to break the spell I'd gladly do it it's just not your time yet a said mysteriously but it will come soon I feel it do you want me to show you my dolls nah asked dolls from your childhood no the ones I make myself you make dolls the girl's eyes lit up and she couldn't sit still show me quick Nina opened the box she had packed in her backpack just in case preparing to visit saurin and his daughter how lovely these are like the dolls from my dream they're alive do you want me to give you one of them for me you'd give it to me aren't you going to miss it no we're friends aren't we I also have animal figurines but they're at home I've got a whole collection will you show me definitely next time we meet I would love to make such dolls too aita said dreamily I may not be a great teacher but I can try to teach you something and that was their agreement the day was nearing its end and saurin still hadn't returned he texted saying he was delayed and asked not to leave the girl until he arrived nah moved from her armchair to the sofa in the living room and they sat looking through photographs nah tell me an interesting story the girl suddenly asked closing the photo album what kind of story a magical one a magical one would be nice she agreed and nah told her young companion a few fairy tales she had recently composed how interesting my dad always tells me about numbers it's boring where did you read these stories aita looked closely at nah uh I made them up myself she simply replied I told you you're a fairy you probably even have a magic wand I haven't found anything like that nah laughed it was so nice to talk to this little girl there was no need to play a role hide anything or pretend something was real when it wasn't the girl didn't even suspect that she would find solace in the company of a 7-year-old they fell asleep on the living room couch cuddled together under a blanket nah was living her usual life but still something had changed the girl spent quite a lot of time with aita she watched with Fascination as aita worked on her plastic figure diligently trying to imitate everything nah did nah was even surprised by the little girl's diligence nowadays most kids prefer gadgets and entertainment but avito was completely unlike them as if she had come from another time to our days one day aita surprised nah nah do you mind if I talk about you at school who will you tell she wondered we'll have an evening where everyone who wants to can talk about an amazing person I want to talk about you what's so amazing about me the girl was astonished everything you're a Storyteller and a sculptor in one bottle and also you're Enchanted sweetie I somehow think no one will be interested in listening to me but if you insist I agree let's bring your toys and fairy tales too Aid jumped around nah unable to sit still she was overflowing with joy and some incredible excitement the evening of amazing people arrived Nina was nervous she hadn't been in her old school for 10 years along with fear the girl felt curiosity about how everything had changed there whether there would be familiar faces the evening was organized somewhat unusually it wasn't held in the auditorium as usual but in the schoolyard an ATT tent specially set up for this event right in the middle each participant stepped into the center of the circle and made their presentation a projector was provided displaying images of people and their achievements mentioned in the presentations without exception all the kids talked about some Geniuses of the past who had contributed to science or art it was aita's turn I want I want to talk about a fairy the girl began she didn't look like a fairy from fairy tales at all her name is nah nah Hill Nah by the way used to study at our school Applause erupted so Aid continued we became friends recently but we've become very good friends nah writes such interesting fairy tales and stories that anyone will listen and forget about everything else and Nina also teaches me to sculpt dolls and animal figures here are some photos the girl pointed to the screen where photos of their toy sculptures appeared Applause erupted again let's invite this mysterious fairy here said the hostess in a bright yellow dress and a hat with a black feather the audience clapped and started looking around no one could have imagined that the fery was confined to a wheelchair saon wheeled nah to his daughter in the center of the circle here's my fairy aita smiled she's still Enchanted and sitting in a special chair but soon she'll grow wings again an evil wi once got angry with nah and deprived her of her flying gift please tell us a bit about yourself the hostess requested handing the girl the microphone hello I'm Nina Hill I did indeed study at this school I used to dream of becoming a dancer but fate decided otherwise perhaps it wasn't my path and to prevent me from making a mistake it essentially took away my leg at first it was very difficult but you know what became my salvation in the tent there was complete silence books I read them I lived the lives of the characters escaping from my dull world into theirs bright and marvelous full of Adventures or events that made me laugh or cry and then I wanted to write something too and I did and I continued to write nah said and dolls the host asked yes dolls that's a separate story nah said dreamily she stopped being embarrassed she didn't care anymore how she looked or what the children and adults gathered here thought of her who talk you to create such beauty the host shook her head the feather on her hat swaying like a sail in the wind a book I found on the internet or rather its wonderful author I followed the instructions at first it turned out terribly but it was only the first attempt and then I plunged into the world of creativity can you imagine I even had to buy a set of dental tools they're convenient to use for sculpting I work with Miniatures thank you Nina and a huge thank you to you aita thank you for introducing us to this amazing person living here and now it was very interesting the host said the tent erupted in a Applause as everyone began to disperse a woman approached nah senorita Hill would you agree to teach the children miniature sculpting well I don't even know I'm not a teacher I don't even have a pedagogical education in fact I don't have one at all just School nah replied that doesn't matter at least for now and where nah asked with interest right at the school we have a studio for apply creativity I don't think you'll have a shortage of students nobody in our town practic is this we'll discuss all the conditions regarding salary I would be happy to try not sure if it will work but I agree then please leave me your phone number I'll contact you as soon as everything is clarified nah dictated her number and they said goodbye that night sleep a little Ed nah At first she just lay there staring at the ceiling but when that became unbearable she moved from the bed to her chair rolled up to the table and turned on the lamp she wanted to create just think the lovely little girl Lita the daughter of the one she had so rudely rejected back in her school days today gave her albe it a small one but still a star hour the Applause literally made her head spin people were interested in what she had to say and interested in her life her view of the world it hadn't been like this for many years had it ever been like this at all now nah felt like it hadn't nah Hill had been working in the studio for several weeks teaching kids of different ages how to create sculptures out of plastic nah felt like a truly sought-after specialist her students loved her and their parents appreciated her school teachers began to notice that the handwriting of those students who had attended sculpture classes had improved and their overall academic performance had also gotten better could a girl who had been bound to a wheelchair for 10 years ever dream of such things she could but she didn't dare n her mother began one day you look so happy lately are you in love by any chance no Mom it's all because of my work the successes of my students lift me up so much I somehow thought it might have to do with saurin Ortiz her mother smiled no mom saurin is just a very good friend that's all ouch nah wiced in pain what happened sweetheart her mother worried my legs are tingling nah struggled to say what you're feeling your legs nah do you remember what the doctor said about the reserves she continued to wise asking yes exactly it seems my dear your reserves are replenished and your legs decided to join in but that can't be they haven't worked for over 10 years and now you simply truly wanted to live her mother glowed with happiness nah hadn't seen her like this in years maybe never try wiggling your toes the doctor said calmly how nah was surprised just try imagine you just need to move your toes it doesn't matter that you haven't walked in over 10 years Nina focused and tried her best to comply with the doctor's request the attempt failed instead a strong pain pierced through her legs from thigh to toe ah nah cried out it hurts so much unbearably much what does this mean it means that the muscles are gradually starting to work as well as the blood vessels veins nerves and short the whole system is kicking in now regular massages are needed even self-massage and it would also be very good to swim in the sea seawater is a powerful remedy I understand I will try to follow all your recommendations Nina left the office in the corridor her mother aita and saurin were waiting for her saurin volunteered to to drive them home what did the doctor say saurin asked he said I need to swim in the sea nah smiled really her mother asked yes it's true my lower limbs are starting to work I'm such a fool saurin slapped his forehead why didn't we do this sooner so let's do it right now Aid huged Nina wait I'm not ready nah protested I don't even have a swimsuit I don't think what I wore over 10 years ago will fit me anymore I have a swimsuit aita exclaimed it's really cool very sporty darling yours definitely won't fit me nah laughed it's not mine it's my mom's she was just like you let's go to our house now and you can try it on a warm feeling spread throughout Nina's body how great it was when there were people around people who cared about you and whom you were ready to love just because they were there for you another wave of pain ran through her legs but it wasn't as sharp this time more like the feeling you get when you've been sitting in one position for too long and pins and needles start to creep in let's start with ice cream n suggested everyone agreed we'll just celebrate the Autumn holidays aita exclaimed joyfully and ran towards the Clinic's exit everyone hurried after her you never know all the ice cream might be sold out Dear viewers if you enjoyed the story please support the video by liking it and leaving a comment thank you very much
Channel: Stories For The Soul
Views: 45,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: AzD0q0ekvMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 47sec (2747 seconds)
Published: Sun May 26 2024
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