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Posted by u/OwnMusic9387 5 hours ago AITA for telling my sister I don't care what her dad wants? POO Mode Activated 💩 I (25F) have a sister (15F) who is my mom's daughter with her second husband. My mom married my sister's dad when I was 8, just a few months after my dad died. My parents marriage was over pretty much when he died. I'm almost positive she was with my sister's dad before my dad died and before the marriage was basically over. But their marriage was crapy so maybe it doesn't matter. Not sure dad would have even cared at the point when he died. They were not good together. My mom's husband/sister's dad is my stepdad. But really he's my mom's husband. I'm not close to him. I don't have much to say about him. I think he can be a jerk but he's good to my mom and good to my sister and brother (12M). He would have adopted me and been good to me but he's not someone I would have wanted to be adopted by, if I wanted to be adopted. It's a lot about him as a person and his views and stuff he says about people and somewhat about him not being so great about my dad after he and mom got married but I digress. My sister knows I don't really have much of a relationship with her dad. I do the bare minimum and if mom died tomorrow or they divorced tomorrow, I wouldn't remain in touch with him. He knows it. Mom knows it. My siblings at least pick up on it. I gave my son a name that honors not just my dad but my aunts and uncles and grandparents too. It's a name that connects to the family as a whole but gives him his own identity and is also a name we (my husband and myself) love. After my son was born my sister made some comments that I should have honored her dad in his name somehow. I told her that wasn't something we wanted to do but she could always do so in the future if she wanted. She did not let it drop. She mentioned it every time I saw her for the next month. When I did not give in and add a different middle name or change his name completely, she told me her dad was upset that we honored my dad and his side of the family but didn't honor him at all. I told her again she could always do it. I told my mom and her husband they needed to speak to my sister and tell her to stop mentioning it and I told him to stop letting my sister know he hates not being honored. They didn't listen and just before Christmas my sister came over to tell me yet again that her dad wanted to be honored in my son's name and hates that he wasn't and that he feels hurt. I told her I don't care what her dad wants. He's not my dad and I honored my dad and my paternal family and that's my right when my son is mine and my husband's child. I told her to honor her own dad when she has kids if she wants. She got really upset and told me I should care about what her dad wants because he has been my dad too since I was 8 and I shouldn't dismiss him so easily. AITA? Posted by u/StoryPlayful1056 9 hours ago AITA for telling my father's daught's foster parents they can't force me and my siblings to play pretend? POO Mode Activated 💩 My father's daughter (4) went into foster care in July/August after my father and her mother (my aunt) died. I (18M) along with my siblings (20F, 22M and 23F) did not have a relationship with either of them after we learned they started an affair while our mom was undergoing cancer treatment. She discovered the betrayal halfway through her treatment and she filed for divorce while she was going through so much. She also disowned her sister and told her she never wanted to see or hear from her again. None of us met their daughter but when our father and aunt passed away this past summer we were contacted twice. Once to inform us of the death that happened in another state and a second time to hear their child was in foster care and questioning if any of the family would take her. We all said no. None of us wanted to establish contact or a relationship with her. Early December my oldest sister and I both got messages on FB from someone claiming to be fostering our father's daughter. She said she and her husband wanted to try and facilitate contact between her and her biological relatives but that they also wanted her to hear stories about her parents. My sister responded and I ignored the message. All she said was thanks for thinking of us but we weren't interested and we had no contact with our father or aunt prior to death due to a difficult family situation and she would appreciate if they could respect that and leave us alone. She was polite in her rejection but was also clear. She got three more messages until she blocked them. Then I got two. Our other two siblings don't have social media so were harder to reach but the last one I got basically said we were all monsters and we could at the very least look beyond a difficult family dynamic and give their child some nice stories and memories and feelings about the parents she won't remember. That she's innocent and deserves that connection. I was tired of pushy nature of the messages at that point and I responded that they can't force me and my siblings to play pretend and act like we have a good thing to say about either parent and would they really want her to grow up hearing how much her parents are despised. She responded back that I did not have to be so rude and did not have to take this out on her. She said they were trying to look out for their foster daughter like they do for all their foster kids. AITA? Posted by u/copystring 6 hours ago AITA my wife didn't come to my dad's funeral? POO Mode Activated 💩 So my dad died. I asked my wife if she'd come to the funeral, but wasn't surprised she didn't come because she didn't know him too much and she said, she had to work. This was fine with me. I went there with my daughter. While we were still at the funeral, my wife finished work. She texted me if I'm still at the funeral. I said yes. She then texted me "nice that you asked me if I would come after work". She obviously meant the funeral. I came home and she is angry with me, I didn't ask her if she'd want to come after work. I said so her, she could have decided herself if she'd want to come after work. On another funeral she also decided she would come and I didn't ask her for that one. So am I the jerk? Posted by u/Any-Might7823 12 hours ago AITA for the meltdown I had on Christmas day which caused my dad's wife to cry? POO Mode Activated 💩 The background starts with my mom dying. I (17F) was 11 and my sister's were 16 and 18. Our dad met his second wife a couple of years later (when I was 13). The expectations for my relationship with her and my sister's were very different. My sister's were expected to be civil but if they weren't close it was no big deal. But almost everyone (minus my sisters and minus my mom's family) expected me to see my dad's wife as some second mother or maternal/parental figure. They got married when I was 14. My dad's wife wanted me to divide Mother's Day between my sisters and maternal side with her. My sisters were not expected to do the same. But she would say she wanted to celebrate the day with her kid. She signed us up for mother/daughter things. She would get hurt when I didn't want to go and would never ask my sister's. I asked her before why she expected me to do these things with her but she never invited my sisters. She said she was raising me and wanted to be a mother presence in my life but they were grown. I told her (and my dad on separate occasions) that I didn't want or need and wouldn't accept someone else into that kind of figure. I was ignored. I had a small run in with my sisters when dad was getting married because I said he shouldn't and they said he should be allowed to move on and mom would want him happy. When I explained what was going on they realized why I was feeling that way. They tried talking to dad but it did no good. My dad's side of the family would all make comments that I was lucky to have another mother figure, or how I don't seem to give her the care and consideration she deserves. They would ask why I seemed to spend no time with her of my own free will. Or why I was never loving toward her. My dad told me I should show her more love and affection and he told me I made her feel left out when I didn't tell her stuff or when I made plans with others but not her. I know some people would love to have someone like this in their lives. But I want the same relationship my sisters have with her. But more is expected. So Christmas Day came and everyone was at our house for Christmas (minus my mom's family). My dad and his wife gave me a card "from my parents" and my sisters got them with "dad and his wife". Then when it became time for family photos we got one with the three of us and dad but then my grandparents wanted me in the family one with my dad and his wife but my sisters weren't expected to be in it. I tried to step out and my dad's wife said it wasn't a family photo without their kid. This was the point where I lost it and I told her I am not her kid, she is not my mother figure, that she is dad's wife just like she is to my sisters and I want it to be that way. I said I do not love her and hate how they all treat her like she suddenly became a parent to me. My sisters were on my side but my dad was furious and his wife cried and cried harder as I continued. AITA? Posted by u/clanton 1 day ago AITA for not repaying my friend $18 for a pizza? POO Mode Activated 💩 So yesterday I got a text from my friend, let's call him john. He was like 'hey, can you send me $18 for the pizza' To which I responded 'when did we order pizza?'. John responds with 'The pizzas I cooked at boardgames night' Now to preface this 1. He offered to make pizza and host boardgames, which he decided to do on his own accord and 2. Did not ask anyone for money for doing so beforehand or say it would cost $$. So with a bit of conversation back at forth (since I've never had anyone ask me for money for a home cooked meal)... he said he was asking for money since I asked him for money for fish and chips. Now the fish and chips were not home cooked and it has ALWAYS been the case that we pay for ourselves at a restaurant or fast food/take out. And I would expect to give him money if it was the other way round. I mentioned this to him and he said he sees it differently quote "a meal for a meal". I then asked if he has requested $18 off any of our other friends. Which he said no. So I said 'this is unfair and he's changing how we usually handle these sort of situations and specifically targeting me for some reason... And he said it was because the other friends will bring drinks and smokes etc and share it with him, which I do not. To which I responded, 'well I don't drink or smoke' and also I've NEVER charged you for a home cooked meal.' Then some angry messages were sent my way and we have not spoken. I can send him $18, it's not about the money... It's just how he has handled the situation, is singling me out, and especially charging me after the fact (which has never happened before and is not normal behavior). AITA for not giving my friend $18 for a home cooked pizza? Posted by u/AUTLIVE 18 hours ago AITA for stealing back a hat from nephew he stole from my wife? POO Mode Activated 💩 Cliffs Notes: Had birthday party for wife at friends house. She got a gag gift birthday baseball cap. Lots of people attended 20+ friends/family Went to pack up to leave house few days later, couldn’t find hat. Week or more go by and we visit nephew’s (12-13y/o) home to see his parents. Wife sees specified ballcap on his dresser and tells me. We don’t tell anyone and go back next day and I steal it back without anyone knowing. Except the nephew knows I took it back. No he didn’t say a word to me though. He knows it’s gone though bc he mumbled to himself where’s my hat? And was pacing trying to not be obvious he was looking for it. Acting all nice and weirdly to us. I heard him in his room moving stuff as well mumbling something about “my hat”. AITA for letting him sweat or should I tell his parents even though, well you know “my kid wouldn’t yadayadayada” or he’ll deny it and nothing happens. Or he’ll admit it and nothing happens and it’s getting worse and worse. Should I tell parents at all? I’m just in the camp of dang this os a crapy situation. And one day the police are gonna be the ones telling Dad that his sons in juvenile. Not myself telling him he stole. Peace! Posted by u/Crazy-Procedure-2912 1 day ago AITAH for telling my sister’s fiancé that she can’t have kids POO Mode Activated 💩 I(18f) have a 34 year old sister. My sister has one son from a previous marriage but after giving birth the hospital found a tumor in her chest. She had gotten it removed but she lost a lung in the process. Now onto the problem, after a messy divorce, my sister found a man that’s much younger than she is. He’s young so he wants to have a lot of children plus he comes from a culture where children are a major factor in marriage. He said he wants at least 3 kids. At first I thought after a while of dating my sister would tell her partner that she can’t give birth without major risked. She could literally die. She never did, now they are planning the wedding. When me and my other siblings confronted her she said that she’s willing to take the risk and that she wants more kids. I don’t agree with this because if she dies she leaves behind her already living son. So when my family was having dinner this Christmas I decided to bring up my sister’s surgery and the risk of getting pregnant. She left soon after cursing me out and yelling that I’m a lier. Her fiancé yelled at me, saying that surgery isn’t something I should lie about and how an immature teen doesn’t understand what the risk of pregnancy. My siblings agree with me mentioning it but my parents think that I should’ve never said anything. AITAH?? Edit:Hi. I’m getting a lot of questions about certain information I forgot to share. my family all know that he doesn’t know, my sister asked us to help her hide it and told us.We know there is a high chance she probably die from giving birth, a doctor explained it and told us the risk after her surgery and advised my sister to find alternative ways. My sister and her fiancé have been together for almost four years now. My sister does have other underlying things like diabetes as well as a problem with her heart(I don’t know the name of the problem but I know she has it) which is why she almost dies during her surgery. She had also almost dies giving birth to my nephew. I had never told her she can’t have kids, I am sorry the title is wrong I had thought Cant and shouldn’t mean the same thing in English. Me and my family have told her that she should tell him but she is pushing it off. I don’t want to ruin their relationship but she should tell him because of the risk. I know she only wants a family because he wants a family she had explained that to us when we asked her to tell him. My sister is amazing she just didn’t tell him. I worry about her dying from birth. Posted by u/Miserable-Day-8244 2 days ago AITA for kicking my daughter out of my house for being pregnant POO Mode Activated 💩 I45f have a 27 year old daughter. She has 6 kids, between the ages 10-11 months. There are 3 different fathers, she receives child support from 2 of them, and she is still with the 3rd one and they have been for 5 years. My daughter works part time, and her fiancé is a chef full time. They have lived with us for the past year and a half, due to getting evicted from their last home. The kids and them have our upstairs bedrooms (there’s 2) but that’s still crowded for 6 children. They are constantly asking me for help with phone bills, My husband and I have asked for no rent so they’d be able to save money to get a home, which I do not believe they were doing. I have put up with loud voices through out all hours, and waking up at different hours to cater to children, because I love my grandchildren. I never complained to my daughter because I believe family is very important. It’s just that my children are all grown up, my youngest moved out 4 years ago and my husband and I had hopes to remodel. We didn’t expect them to be living here this long. On Christmas Eve, my daughter gathered us all around and announced they were pregnant with baby #7. Everyone was all excited, but I felt dread. That would mean another child in our house with not much room. I looked over at my husband and could tell he felt the same, we discussed later and decided we were going to have to ask them to move out. Last night at dinner I brought it up to my daughter and her boyfriend and we told them, they have 2 months to find a place because we cannot have another child here. My daughter started crying, saying she couldn’t believe I’d throw her to the streets for having a baby, that this was completely unfair and not enough time. I told her I was sorry, it was painful for me as well, but these living conditioners were impossible. She demanded I give her more time or she’d go to the courts and I told her news flash, the courts only gives you 30 days. She then said my grandchildren were going to be homeless because I was selfish. She made a Facebook post asking for rooms to rent because “she’s pregnant and has nowhere to go and her family don’t give a sh*t about her.” AITA? Posted by u/girlwantstoknow1029 2 days ago AITA for not letting my niece wear white at my wedding? POO Mode Activated 💩 My partner and I are getting married in February. On Christmas Day my soon to be sister in law asked if her 5 year old daughter could wear a white dress to the wedding. She told me it was in a shop front in our local shopping centre. I was so stunned I didn’t really respond either way. Afterwards I told my partner and he said he would speak to his sister. Today I saw the dress and it is basically a wedding dress, big and white tulle with a detailed floral lace body. This is after she asked us to order her daughter a flower crown so that she can have flowers to match mine. She isn’t a flower girl, we aren’t having any bridal party as part of our day. AITA for wanting to tell her no and refusing to get her a flower crown? Posted by u/RightAttorney7007 1 day ago AITA for receiving racist abuse from in-laws or being overly sensitive? POO Mode Activated 💩 I am black-Caribbean and my wife is white. Having evening drinks, my white father-in-law proclaims that in his opinion, he should be free to use the n-word and the p-word because “they” call themselves that. I walked out. I would like to think that I did it gracefully, but I was pretty angry. Later in the evenings, my wife’s other family members suggested that, if my wife went away alone on holiday, they would need to come and look after our two teenage children; I was not trusted to look after them on my own. Furthermore, they gave me the advice that need to work harder in the house. I am a middle aged professional, working 2-3 jobs, including running my own business. I earn about £200K a year. I work 72+ hours a week. I told them I worked hard enough! I am angry that they have applied two classic racist tropes, that black people are bad fathers and that black people are lazy. I had overt racism from the father and then covert racism from the rest. My wife is angry that I have made stuff up and I am oversensitive. Am I oversensitive or am I the victim? Posted by u/Acceptable-Quail-357 2 days ago AITA for doing what I was told on Christmas? POO Mode Activated 💩 17m had my boyfriend 17m over for Christmas because his family weren’t really doing anything due to unfortunate circumstances. My mum said it’s fine to have him over but didn’t want me to just clear off upstairs with him for the full day when we have family over and she would like me to at least stay downstairs as much as possible as to not be rude. So after dinner we stay in the kitchen for a bit but my mum and relatives are just chatting amongst themselves. But to keep to my mums wish for staying downstairs me and my boyfriend move into the living room and stay in there watching movies rest of the day. Sometimes people would walk in and say hi and I’d chat with them. When everyone was gone my mum started having a go at me because apparently she would’ve wanted to move into the living room with people but she felt like she couldn’t do that because me and my boyfriend “took over in there” I asked why she couldn’t just have asked me to go elsewhere plus there was room in there for people so what’s she talking about? She said it was uncomfortable the atmosphere we created in there, like we wouldn’t have wanted anyone else in there and no one would want to go in there anyway because of said atmosphere. I was completely unaware of this “atmosphere” and don’t know how we could’ve been creating it. I brought up how she wanted us to stay downstairs and my mum told me I should had the sense to know that didn’t matter anymore at that time? Posted by u/burner3584 2 days ago AITA for going to my moms wedding drunk POO Mode Activated 💩 My dad died almost a year ago and my mom started dating her husband like a month after my dad died. Her husband expected me to call him dad when he first moved in with us. I (M16) don't like him he's such a dick and my mom and him both know what I think of him. He's trying to replace my dad it's freaking annoying. They got married a few days ago. I didn't want to go to the wedding but my mom made it pretty clear that if I didn't go out relationship would never be the same again. I got really drunk beforehand so I could actually get through the wedding and because everything is way better when you're drunk and maybe a little stoned. I got to the ceremony like 25 minutes late and that really ticked my mom off but I was still there so my mom should probably just be grateful that I was there at all ngl. Like I had a plan to ruin their wedding but I thought I'd just be wasting my time so I didn't. My mom and her husband have been so ticked at me since they said it was disrespectful going there drunk and that I ruined their wedding. I don't really know how I ruined their wedding the only thing I did which could be considered bad is making out with a guy but I don't think that's that bad so i don't really understand what the problem is tbh. But yeah I don't know I could be the jerk, they're both pretty upset at me and they haven't really spoken to me much other than to shout at me. Posted by u/No_Anybody_8997 2 days ago WIBTA for not allowing my dying cousin to walk down the aisle? POO Mode Activated 💩 My(27f) cousin(23f) was diagnosed with leukaemia and is not doing well. I feel terrible for her, but I was never close to her growing up. We grew up in different countries. I’m getting married in March 2024. My aunt came over two weeks ago to discuss something. She wants me to let my cousin walk down the aisle with her dad before I walk. I don’t feel comfortable with this because, yes, it’s sad that she won’t get to experience this, but isn’t it my day to shine? My aunt says that I’m being selfish for not doing this. She spoke to my parents about this, and they don’t seem too happy. My in-laws are not pleased too. But they still want me to decide. My fiancé doesn’t feel comfortable too. My aunt brought my cousin to my place to discuss it last week. Cousin cried, saying she wanted to walk down the aisle and that I should let her. I told her it was my wedding day, so it was not right for her to take over. She then called me selfish and a bridezilla for not caring about her. Like I said, we were never close, so I don’t know why she’s trying to do this on my wedding day. I told her I needed more time to think, so She’s on IG posting cryptic stuff, obviously attacking me. I talked to my friends for non-biased opinions, and they were divided. Some want me to allow her to walk down the aisle because she would never get to experience that, and I’ll be doing something nice. WIBTA if I say no? Posted by u/SoberNewYearsWedding 2 days ago AITA for last minute declining to go to a friends wedding that is dry on new years eve POO Mode Activated 💩 My buddy (33M) is getting married to a girl that our friend group is not in love with. He loves her though so we support him. We have known for months this was a new years eve wedding. I RSVP'd yes months ago with my wife. Several friends and I operated under the assumption that there would be booze at the wedding, especially considering it is on New Years Eve. Well I found out yesterday that it is a dry wedding, turns out it is because of his Fiance and her family. I asked my wife if she knew this and said no and was ticked. I texted the groom buddy and asked. He confirmed this. I told him this is something you should have told us a long time ago. I told him that Wife and I wouldn't be going. We want to spend the night drinking. I texted the rest of my friends about this and oh boy, the group chat went off. This led to several more people backing out. This is not how a bunch of us expected to spend New Years Eve. Really the only ones that didn't back out are the 4 members of our 12 person group that are in the wedding. Groom buddy reached out to me and went off. Pretty much he is now overspending on catering, he is having 20ish less guests show up than planned and this is all last minute. I've been called an jerk among other things for "leading the charge" in people not going to the wedding. AITA? Posted by u/RegalTattoo 2 days ago AITA for refusing to babysit a special needs stepnephew POO Mode Activated 💩 I (24f) recently moved to the same city as my brother. My brother has my niece Olivia (10f) with his late wife. He’s been married for two years to Kate who has a kid from a previous relationship, Tim (7m). Tim is autistic. Tim alternates one week with his dad and another with my brother and Kate. I agreed to babysit Olivia today while my brother and Kate run some errands for 5-6 hours. Tim was supposed to be with his dad. The night before, Kate called and asked me to watch Tim as well as there was some emergency at his dad’s and he dropped Tim off at her place. Kate said Tim would be fine just watching some movies and then a nap. As long as I stick to this routine there should be no problem. She would provide the movies and the snacks he was comfortable to eat. The thing was, I planned to take Kate to a cafe she told me she wanted to visit. It was supposed to be a surprise. Having to stay home with Tim would greatly change the flow of our day. In addition, I have met Tim like twice and don’t know him well. I have no experience with special needs kids and didn’t think I was equipped to look after one. Due to these reasons, I refused to babysit Tim. I told them I could only take Olivia as previously agreed. My brother and Kate called me AH for not helping out. They told me an extra kid costed me almost nothing while their only other option was to bring Tim to Kate’s mom who can’t drive and lives almost an hour away. They still brought Olivia over and we had a great time. They picked up Olivia 2 hours later than they were supposed to and Tim was crying. My brother and Kate said all this could be prevented had I just help out because Tim would be relaxing at my place instead of stuck in traffic and getting cranky. I just told them emergencies happen and I really was not ready to be their plan B. Kate called me playing favorites and not seeing Tim as my family. AITA?
Channel: Storytime
Views: 8,779
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: McHOcCkfdd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 33sec (1833 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 31 2023
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