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Posted by u/MelodicBumblebee3972 7 hours ago A Diamond in the Poo I am disappoint Facepalm Snek AITA for addressing my cousin as Ms (and not Dr) on a place setting and telling her to stop acting as if the world revolved around her degree? Throwaway, need some outside opinions Me (f28) and my fiance recently had our engagement party. It was mostly close friends and family and overall was an amazing time. We had place settings for everyone with their names on cards, as well as their title (ms, mr, mx, etc). It was a formal event so that's how I decided to do it, it wasn't even that serious obviously. On my cousin's card it said Ms. She has a doctorate degree and she came up to me at the end of the night, asking why her card said Ms and not Dr (and also her partner's, editing to add that in). I said sorry, it's not a big of a deal, but she seemed to get upset and said I was devaluing her and her profession. I didn't want to deal with her right then and I had other people to talk to, so I just sort of ignored her and went on my way. Later, she texted and again she said how this was apparently disrespectful. I got kind of annoyed so I told her to stop acting like the world revolves around her useless degree and making a big deal out of nothing. Posted by u/wyal_ 14 hours ago The Poop Knife Table Flip Are You Serious? Snek Facepalm Take My Energy AITA for embarrassing my sister at her engagement party by uncovering her lies about our childhood? Yesterday was my sister's (25F) engagement party. Me and my two brothers (one is 22, two of us are 21) have been on the other side of US for the majority of 2023 and didn't think we were going to be there for the party, but plans shifted and we ended up arriving home last Wednesday. Now I'm honestly not sure if I was invited so much as we simply happened to live where the event was being hosted, because it was held in my parents' house. My sister didn't outright say she didn't want us there, but we didn't see much of her in the lead up. We didn't really know any of the people at the party, so we're going around introducing ourselves to people, mingling, doing the party thing. At some point, someone mentions the family photos on the well and how they were surprised to see a ton of us on the wall when they didn't even know my sister had siblings. This sent me down a whole rabbit hole of confusion. This person elaborated and said she was surprised to see this type of photo on the wall because apparently my sister has told all of her friends that my parents were extreme workaholics. We have a really nice house so they weren't surprised by that, just that it felt properly homey and lived in. Once again, I was thrown for a loop. Growing up, our home was THE house. We had friends over constantly who were basically like extra siblings. My parents worked the normal amount, and they were home with us as much as possible. We got chauffeured around to sports practices, my parents took the time to get to know all of our friends well, etc. I would even go so far as to say they were more involved in our lives than average. It was my sister who really separated herself from everyone and chose to exclude herself from activities. At some point during this conversation, a few other people overheard and soon enough there was a decent crowd of her friends around my brothers and I, listening to stories of us growing up that were blowing these people's minds because it's apparently common knowledge among their friend group that our parents were so hands on, and UN common knowledge that we even existed. I ended up having a really good time and felt like I made some new friends. After the event, apparently my sister was crying because I embarrassed her in front of all of her friends and that the work she had put in to separate herself from us "golden children" had been undone. AITA? Posted by u/Throwaway198639 3 hours ago AITA for telling my sister that how I spend my money is not her business? I (24F) live alone and have a job that allows me to cover my expenses and save something every month. I've been playing a game I really like for almost two years and ever since I got my job I've spent 4,99€ nearly every month on it for a 30 days pass. Recently my sister (19F) saw me do my monthly purchase and said very snappily that if I had money to waste I should use it on my nephew (her son, two years old) because he needs new clothes. To be honest this made me feel like she didn't appreciate all I do for her (I babysit, I buy her formula and diapers when she's running short, I gift him toys and clothes and shoes) and I admittedly lost my cool. I told her that it's my money and I get to choose how to spend it, and that my nephew would not need my 5 € if she went clubbing less and used that money for him instead. My sister got really mad at me and told my mother everything, and while she agreed that I get to spend my money however I want, she felt that I was "too judgemental of her parenting". AITA? Posted by u/AngleComfortable1917 12 hours ago Triple-Ply Toilet Paper Are You Serious? Tearing Up I am disappoint2 Hugz Facepalm2 AITA for expecting my wife to support my elderly parents My wife has a high-paying job and earns significantly more than I do. I work as a teacher and make around 40k, while she works in the private sector and makes £300-400k after tax. We split our finances equitably, with her paying 70% to my 30%. A little background her parents both immigrated to this country so she and her sisters could succeed in life, and now all have very high-paying jobs, one working in tech and the other being a surgeon. Meanwhile, my parents worked government jobs, and my sister lives on benefits, so we are a relatively low-income family. My wife did help my younger sister when she became a single mother at a young age by offering her a secretary job at her office, but my sister quit after a month as she found it too difficult. (which I can understand as she was raising a baby on her own)Recently, her parents retired, and she and her sister give them around £2000 every month, which I find ridiculous they have pensions; why do they need £6k? She assured me this money does not come out of our joint account. However, when I bought up, my parents were also retired and could use the help. She told me that if I could afford to send it from my own salary, I should. I was shocked and angry; my parents only had me to depend on while her sisters made a lot of money, so her parents would be fine either way.My wife told her her parents sacrificed a lot by moving to this country; it is her responsibility, and my parents should be my responsibility. She says I am being an jerk for asking her to support my parents when she has never put pressure towards me for not contributing more to our household. We had a similar argument before about loaning my sister some money to put a down payment on her house, but my wife said she would not use her money as she thinks my sister is unreliable and won't pay her back. I just don't understand how she can be so cheap because she earns so much more than me. AITA for asking my wife to support my family? Posted by u/IntolerantCheeseFart 15 hours ago Platinum Gold2 Bravo!3 Vibing Got the W I'll Drink to That2 Silver Bravo Grande! Snek Take My Energy2 Starstruck AITA for purposely not intervening and letting my little sister cause a minor accident with my car and making her partially cover damages to teach her a lesson about distracted driving? My (25M) little sister (F18), lets call her Christy, has recently gotten her license. She obviously thinks she’s an incredible driver and can handle a car no matter what. After only 4 months of driving she has already become one of those girls who put their phone between their thighs to be able to look at messages and access it quickly while driving. It drives us all insane tbh and I and other family members have talked to her about it multiple times. It goes in one ear and out the other. Yesterday she did it again while driving my car when we were out getting groceries. She had been distracted for almost the whole drive and even continued to look at her phone (after a brief break) when I told her to cut it. When she was about to roll into a parking spot she probably got a message and looked down at her phone. I noticed that she was about to ram into a lantern and when I was sure she wouldn’t cause damage to other vehicles I decided to just let her run into it instead of intervening. It was a huge shock to her and she just sat there for completely still for like 15 seconds processing what just happened. It wasn’t until I said “will you learn to leave that freaking phone alone now?” that she spoke again. The first thing she said was “why didn’t you tell me!?” in an absolutely baffled tone and I told her straight up that I didn’t tell her so she’d learn a lesson. She was absolutely livid and tried to push all blame onto me for not intervening, but I told her it would have been the same outcome had I not been there and that ultimately she, as a driver, is responsible for not only her but also all passengers safety. Christy was absolutely gobsmacked that she freaked around and found out, even more so when I told her she would have to account for half the damages caused in the accident that the insurance wouldn’t cover. In total that was just shy of 200 bucks (blown out light, bent bumper and a dent in the hood + a few scraces and the damage to the pole of the lantern). She went completely wild, but I told her that she’s lucky I’m not making her pay for everything since SHE WAS DRIVING WHILE BEING ON THE PHONE. A few days after the insurance gave me the sum and I told Christy what she owes me, which she paid immediately, she told me that apparently because of this she won’t be able to go on a trip with her friends and that I’m a massive jerk. She also added she would have learned her lesson otherwise too. I personally doubt that she would have and honestly distracted drivers are the worst. AITA? Posted by u/Cervantti 13 hours ago AITA for not telling my brother that my dog, who used to be his dog, passed away? My brother bought Chuck when he was a puppy and looked after him really well until he was five. Then he fell in love with a woman who doesn’t like dogs. She told him to choose between her and Chuck, so he chose her and gave Chuck to me before moving to a different city with her. At first he would regularly ask for updates on how Chuck is doing and I’d send him photos and videos. He gradually contacted me less and less though. Two years after giving me the dog, he stopped asking and I stopped sending updates. We’d only call each other on birthdays and the holidays. Chuck lived with me for nine years before he died. I didn’t tell my brother. He didn’t know until our dad called him. Now he is telling me that I should have told him about it since he loved Chuck too. Should I have called him to inform him? Posted by u/Born_Spell1633 11 hours ago AITA for taking my toddler on a daddy-daughter date without telling my wife? My wife and I have been married for a little over two years and she recently gave birth to our daughter a little over a year ago. My wife is a stay at home mom. Every Friday, I take our daughter out on a daddy-daughter date around noon-ish. However, this past Friday I took her for our date earlier in the morning. My wife has been exhausted caring for her and I wanted her to get some extra sleep. I took off from work and our daughter out for breakfast and to the toy shop. I didn’t text my wife which I realize now wasn’t a good idea but she’s a light sleeper and I didn’t want to wake her. I forgot I didn’t have my ringer on my phone on and I missed her first two calls. Needless to say, she wasn’t happy with me. She said while she understood and appreciated the gesture, I should’ve at least texted her to let her know that we were gone. AITA? Posted by u/Born_Yellow2039 21 hours ago Gold Baby Snoo Heartwarming2 Hugz AITA for refusing to clean my room after my parents dumped my brothers trash in it? Not the A-hole I have a decent room. I keep the trash out, but I'm not that organized. My brother is almost 20 years old and still lives at home. I am 15. My parents are nice and theres no golden child thing going on. So last week one of the outlets in my brothers room sparked and shut down the power to his entire room and his room had to run off a generator or something. So on Friday the electric guy came to fix his bedroom and my brother had a bunch of boxes and trash in his room. So my mom and my brother made the absolutely genius decision to dumb all his trash into My room. When I came home I was ticked, because there was 3 boxes, 2 trash bags (one fell down and it was open) and trash spilled all over my room. I was really ticked. I decided that I was just going to ignore all the trash in my room. Yesterday my mom came into my room and told me to "clean my disgusting room" and I told her that SHE needs to clean my room because She is the one who made the mess in my room. She told me its my responsibility to clean my own room because she gives my housing and food. I told her I didnt ask to be born. Then she threatened to take away my computer and I told her that she can pay me $1000 for it because I paid for the whole thing. She told me I was being entitled. Now she's all mad and my room is still not clean. AM I being an Entitled Jerk? Posted by u/Leading-Dependent944 19 hours ago The Poop Knife3 Table Slap Triple-Ply Toilet Paper A Diamond in the Poo I am disappoint Snek Facepalm2 AITA for making my sister pay for my kids babysitter when she won't watch them? Not the A-hole I (F28) let my sister (20) live with us while she goes to university. In return she pays us $500 a month. This covers her room, the extra water and power, and her food. I think its very fair. She also does chores and and helps with the kids. That was our agreement. We wrote everything down so there was no confusion. . My understanding is that room and board at her school is $1,200 a month for shared accommodation. And it is only available during the eight months of school. So living here is $6,000 a year as opposed to $9,600 for eight months and then four months living with our mom and stepdad. All was well for two years. She is a good student and a good kid. But she has a boyfriend now and she has started complaining about watching the kids every other Saturday night so my husband and I can have a date night. So I told her that I would find a sitter but that she was responsible for paying them since she was supposed to watch the kids. Now she is complaining that with her paying the sitter it is using up all of her disposable income. She said she may as well stay on campus next year. I agreed and told her that was a great idea. She gets her freedom and I get my hobby room back. My mom called me and said that my sister wasn't my unpaid nanny. I told her that I had already agreed that she could live on campus next semester. Then she said I was being a bench because that would increase the amount they are paying for her and that four months away from her job and boyfriend was cruel. I'm kind of torn. We had a deal and I think it was fair. AITA? Posted by u/GraduationDay1 22 hours ago The Golden Throne Gold Doot 🎵 Doot Respect Silver Hugz AITA for telling my stepfather I might throw my graduation party in his face forever? Not the A-hole When I graduated, my family threw a big graduation party for me. I said I wanted my entire family to be there. If anyone wanted "separate celebrations" we could just not celebrate, because it was my big day and I'm sick of that crap. Everyone agreed and promised to be nice to each other. At the party things were going really well at first. Everyone was having fun. Then my stepfather started giving my stepmother a bunch on unsolicited advice about her daughter and her daughter's autism. My stepsister was also right there and could hear what he was saying. My dad told my stepfather to walk away, but he kept insisting he knew what he's talking about because he's "a teacher." It eventually devolved into a screaming match where my stepmother called him a worthless piece of crap and he called her a psychotic expletive. The party was ruined. I got my grandparents to kick my stepfather out, but the mood was ruined, and my dad's side of the family quickly found excuses to leave, so I pulled the plug on the party. Each time my stepfather has tried to talk to me since then I've said "what's up, guy who ruined my graduation party?" This really upsets him. He said it's not fair to blame him, because my stepmother acted just as poorly. I said it is fair, and I absolutely blame him. He asked how long I would blame him for and keep throwing the party in his face. I said maybe forever. He said I was too old to be acting like such a little jerk. My mom asked me to be the bigger person and let sleeping dogs lie, but I'm not ready to do that. These dogs are very much awake and ticked off. Am I the jerk for that? Posted by u/Mammoth_Inside_2431 1 day ago Platinum5 Bless Up (Pro) Gold6 Bravo!3 Vibing Faith In Humanity Restored5 I'll Drink to That Heartwarming5 Silver4 Facepalm Ally3 Take My Energy2 Wearing is Caring2 Narwhal Salute AITA for telling my daughter I will not be walking her down the isle unless she invites her siblings and their families to her wedding? Not the A-hole I (56m) have 5 children. This is about 3 of them Casey (26f), Alex (31nb) and Tom (34m). The names are not their true names. My daughter Casey is getting married this winter to her fiancé Max (27m)who she has been together with for about 4 years. I am covering the majority of the wedding expenses as Max's family lives in a different country and with the currency exchange rate they won't be able to afford the wedding and both to come to the wedding. I have no issues with it and just want my little girl to be happy. Last week while Casey was away, my children Alex and Tom came to visit with their families and we were talking about wedding invitations. I was surprised to hear that they haven't received their wedding invitations, so I just thought that Casey haven't sent them out yet for everyone, until my oldest and youngest daughter's pointed out they have received their invitations with their kids and partners invited. I called my sister who also said Casey has invited their whole family to the wedding too and she received hers a while back, so I immediately saw red. Both Alex and Tom have husbands and have children (adopted) and it seemed Casey has excluded them because of their choices. It also seemed weird since Casey has always been close to them and supported them when they came out as non binary and gay respectively. I have called Casey and demanded an explanation. My daughter said that Max and his family don't feel comfortable with couples that are not traditional and it goes against their culture and that she hopes for my understanding. I have told her if that's the case I will not be walking her down the isle and pull out from paying for her wedding, as she can not exclude her family like this when they did nothing wrong and if her future in laws opinion is so important to her, they can pay for the wedding. As a result Casey has called me an jerk and hanged up crying. My children are on my side, my wife is torn as she understands where Casey comes from but agrees she shouldn't have excluded her siblings like this. Posted by u/Competitive_Mark9439 17 hours ago AITA? People eat my food and I get yelled at for it. Recently my family got ice cream. There are three of us total living in the house: my mom, my younger sister and I. In the ice cream box, there are 15 total. So we agreed that it's fair, each person gets 5. My sister opened the freezer and saw there are 2 left and said we need more and she was going to eat one, until I told her those are mine since I barely had any. My mom said, "What is she supposed to do? Watch you eat?" I said that she shouldn't have eaten them all at once, and why is she supposed to eat mine after finishing hers. My sister ended up eating my ice cream so I called her out for it. Just now, I got yelled at for being selfish and counting down food that people have to eat. Am I in the wrong here? I ate like about 2 from that whole box while others had more than me. Posted by u/lanahippo 1 day ago Gold Bravo Grande! AITA for making my brother move out after he told me he uses the sink to pee? Not the A-hole My brother (27M) recently broke up with his boyfriend that he lived with for a while and asked me if he could stay with me (24F) while he's looking for a new apartment. I agreed and he's been staying for around a month until this happened. I don't have a huge place myself, so he's been staying in my living room where I have a sofa bed. One thing I noticed is that he doesn't really keep it tidy and often when I come back from work I see a mess which really bothers me because I'd like to come home to a clean place which I do when I live on my own. The bathroom had also gotten a bit messy and he actually doesn't offer to clean it even though it's mostly a mess he's made (I started noticing pee around the toilet and know for sure it's not me). I mentioned that to him and he apologized and said he'll be more careful and clean it up. But he also added he saw I had thrown out pads implying it was gross (it's a closed trash can). One day we were hanging out in the living room and he laughed at a TikTok and showed it to me. It was something along the lines of men peeing in sinks or whatever, so I asked him if he does that or if he had done it here to which he laughed and said yes. I told him that it's disgusting considering it's not his bathroom he's doing it in and that I have probably touched the sink after he had done that. I kind of kept going and told him to stop doing that or start packing his bags. He said I was overreacting and called me selfish and that he's not dirty and this is not a big deal. He even told our parents that I'm kicking him out because he's messy but he never said he PEED in the sink. I'm aware that a lot of men might be doing this, but I'm not gonna let it happen in my own bathroom that I clean myself. My parents say I'm being mean and didn't believe me when I said he pees in the sink. So AITA? Posted by u/Greedy-Criticism-875 1 day ago Bravo! Burning Cash Take My Energy AITA for telling my BIL to pay for what his daughter broke or get out of my house? Not the A-hole My (34f) BIL "Luke" is married to my stepsister "Ana". Luke has a 9yo daughter "Rue" with his ex wife, and he and Anna have a 4yo daughter "Lola". I have a 6yo daughter, "Charlotte". Currently, Luke, Ana, the kids, our parents, and my brother are staying at my house for a holiday. Two days ago, Rue snuck into my daughter's playroom and broke several of her toys/things. This was all captured on nanny-cam. Rue has always been destructive, and Luke has always been less than forthcoming with paying up for the things she's broken, though to be fair we have never asked him to. This time, however, seeing in 4k how malicious Rue was and how Luke has done nothing to curb her behaviour over the years, I was extremely angry. Also, there is a piece of one of the items she broke that we've been unable to find, which will up the cost of repair, and a couple of dress up items were custom made. Luke was extremely apologetic but I told him the only way to make this right would be to pay for what got ruined, and I presented him with an itemised invoice. Luke said he didn't have that kind of money readily available, but I am adamant that he and Rue cannot keep acting like these things don't have consequences. I said either he pays, or he can find somewhere else to stay for the duration of the holiday or go home. He has said he will contact the bank tomorrow for money but he is very upset about it and is accusing me of sinking him into difficult financial straits. My parents think I am in the wrong for threatening to kick him out if he doesn't pay. They think I should ask for only what he can comfortable afford to pay, and that maybe I shouldn't invite them back but they think I shouldn't ruin a trip that's already started. Ana is stuck in the middle, she agrees that Luke doesn't do enough about Rue's behaviour but is worried how this is going to affect everyone's relationships, and also if they'll be able to afford the second trip they had planned for the summer break. Rue has been sulking and crying pretty much non stop since it happened which has put Luke even more on edge. I don't think I'm the AH for finally taking a stand against this sort of thing but at the same time I don't want to be punishing Ana and Lola by proxy, or having a lasting impact on their lives. Posted by u/Crafty-Apartment-754 1 day ago Platinum AITA for not caring about my wives stolen phone? Not the A-hole This happened last night. Obviously this is a burner account. Couple of days ago we successfully closed on our first house. We (my wife we'll call Brenda F37 and me M37) spent that time and all day yesterday moving in. In the late afternoon when we finally had everything moved in, I was taking selfies with Brenda and our son. We were also trying to include her parents who will also live with us. Some guy was riding his bike on the sidewalk and stopped in front of the house. He offered to take my phone and take a group photo of us in front of the house. Now, sometimes you just get sus feelings about situations and/or people and when I took a look at this guy I thought to myself there's no way I'm giving him my phone. I waved and smiled, thanking him for the kind offer, but we already had plenty of good pictures. Brenda, however, disagreed and thought a group photo in front of the house would be a wonderful idea. I gave her a look and said no, we didn't need one so I'm not going to give him my phone. She scoffed at me and said she has her own phone. I tell her to not give him your phone, we have plenty of pictures. Ignoring me, Brenda walks over to the guy and hands him her phone. As she's walking back towards us, the guy immediately books it. Brenda gives chase but doesn't get very far very fast. She comes back to me and just loses it. She starts yelling at me about how I did absolutely nothing to stop him or to even attempt to chase after him. She's crying and her parents are also really upset which starts to upset the boy. She asks me why didn't I do anything. I tell her that I did: I told you not to give him your phone and that makes her even more mad. I'm sitting here with Starcraft on one screen and Reddit on the other just replaying this whole thing in my head. She's been giving me the cold shoulder all day and won't talk to me. I'm starting to feel like maybe I could of, I don't know, stepped in front of her? Maybe told him to leave? I don't know: AITA here?
Channel: Storytime
Views: 12,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: pbL9yRUaTdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2023
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