r/NuclearRevenge MY BOYFRIEND CHEATED ON ME WITH… A MAN?! - Reddit Stories

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today we've got a crazy Revenge story against  a cheating boyfriend we'll get into that in a   bit but first I told the cops about my husband's  secret business many years ago my husband suddenly   became a rich fellow it may be difficult to  believe that seeing him now there was a point in   his life where he had so much money that he didn't  even know what to do with it oh I'm kidding he   knew just what to do with it and he darn well did  it that year I just found out I was pregnant my   husband was worried as heck we did not plan to get  pregnant at all we were struggling to get out of   debt we had a huge wedding and it cost us a lot of  money 2 months later my husband said he was going   to quit his job and start a pizza shop with what  was left of our savings I was a livid I thought   he was going bonkers I even spoke to our parents  about it when I saw that he wasn't listening to   me I called his mom and stepdad I called my mom  and dad someone had to talk some sense into him   interestingly both sides agreed that he had a good  point about wanting to start a business and they   agreed that his reasons were valid he just wants  to be able to provide for your family my mom said   to me his stepdad went on to tell a story of how  he had to step up and start something big after   he proposed to my mother-in-law who was a single  mother at the time he said he knew his job could   not hold down a family so he abandoned the job and  thought of a new way to make money my dad who had   never really liked my husband offered to give  him some money for his business I was surprised   at their supportiveness I started to think that  if my husband could convince my dad then he was   probably up to something good so I let it go I  told my husband that he had my support and that   it was okay to go on and start the business at  this time I was 4 months gone in the fifth month   my husband opened up his pizza shop and employed  a young dude from the neighborhood he grew up in   the boy was about 19 at the time I was going to  question his choice of employee especially since   this was going to be his first and only employee  at the shop but I decided to take my dad's advice   and not bother my husband my dad said that the  best thing to do at the time was to let my husband   be and not interfere unnecessarily with his work  and business so I let him be in the seventh month   of my pregnancy I was shocked at the amount of  money that was coming in my husband's business   was doing very well and I was proud of him during  the eth and 9th month of my pregnancy I was hardly   ever outside my doctor recommended that I be  placed on bed rest until the delivery of my   baby was taken all through my pregnancy I hated  Pizza I'm normally a pizza loving person I love   love to eat tasty pizza and would order from  different places just to compare the tastes   that was how much I love pizza but while I was  pregnant I could not stand even the smell of   pizza it was so bad that my husband would have to  take off his clothes at the front door whenever he   came back home from the shop anyway after I had my  baby I was strong enough to stop by and visit my   husband at the pizza shop but I was reluctant to  do it my hands were full with the baby and I spent   every free time I had resting one day I asked my  husband to bring me some of his Tasty Pizza when   coming home I've always known that my husband was  a fantastic cook but I was curious to know what   his pizza tasted like he' never made it for me at  home before starting his business when my husband   returned that evening with a large pizza box I was  super excited to see it but was disappointed with   the taste I just didn't see how my husband might  have been that successful as a pizza business   owner selling that kind of pizza it wasn't that  it was tasteless but it was just average it   wasn't tasteless but it sure wasn't tasty either  I Tred to justify the amount of money coming in by   telling myself that my husband made sales because  of the location of the shop but that couldn't   have been the case the pizza shop was located in a  residential area not many people even like to eat   out in our part of town one Friday evening when my  mother-in-law was in town visiting I left my baby   with her and left to visit my husband in his shop  I was surprised to see that my husband's shop was   nearly empty save for two pairs of teenage couples  eating together there wasn't much going on since   it was a Friday evening I expected that to be  when the shop would be the busiest I met the young   staff my husband employed and asked him where my  husband was he replied that my husband was at the   shop behind when I asked him what that meant he  was taken back and then he tried to say something   else I told him I knew just what I heard when he  refused to take me to the back shop I waited for   my husband a few minutes night later I saw him  walk out of the back shop into the pizza shop he   was shocked when he saw me and then with his eyes  he pleaded that we went out to talk we both went   into my car and before I could ask my husband what  the shop at the back was for he told me all about   it the big news was that my husband was operating  a secret Casino in a secret room just behind the   pizza shop and that was where all the money had  been coming from at first I was worried about   him getting caught but he assured me that no one  would never suspect a thing the area was a quiet   one and the police hardly ever came to that area  because of how quiet and generally safe it was of   course I agreed to keep it a secret we had lots  of money coming in and we had just had a baby   fast forward to 5 months later my husband told  me that he'd employed a new staff when he told   me the staff's name I assumed it was some other  young dude the name sounded like a guy's name one   day I took my baby to the park and on my way back  I stopped at my husband's shop I asked his young   employee if he was around and he said no my  husband had gone out to buy supplies I decided   to go into the casino and see what was going on  there just at the entrance I saw the hottest girl   ever when she turned she was even more attractive  than not envisaged she smiled and said hello and   I sheepishly introduced myself to her she said  she'd seen pictures of me and smiled some more   that upset me because why was she smiling and  why was someone that attractive working with   my husband also I thought that she was a dude  that night I told my husband I stopped by his   shop and he nodded and said she told him I  then said I didn't know she was a she given   her masculine name he nodded again as though he  wasn't paying attention but I knew my husband   well enough to know that he only ever did that  when he was hiding something I sensed at that   point that my husband was either having an affair  with that woman or was trying to I waited for a   while but he still didn't talk about it so I Let  It Go my husband's gambling business was doing   okay at this time he was making a lot of money  but he started to stay very late at the casino   I already knew about the business so he would  just say he was busy at the casino sometimes he   would say I had to supervise the men at you know  where and I'd have to let it go since I already   knew about it I wasn't stupid though I knew his  staying late work had something to do with the   new employee with a masculine name but I had no  proof and I could not risk asking him about it   luckily my mom told me about a local private  investigator in town I talked to him and he   promised to get me picture evidence if I desired  sure enough he showed me pictures of my husband   and his girlfriend sneaking into a local hotel  after work hours my husband didn't leave until   some minutes past 11:00 p.m. it was clear what  was going on I paid the private investigator and   decided on what to do the only reason my husband  had a girlfriend was because he could afford to   give her some money and the only reason he could  afford to give her money was because he was   running an illegal gambling business I told my mom  that I was going to rat him out to the police and   she thought it was a good idea too my husband may  have been smart enough to know just how to operate   a secret gambling business but he was terrified  of getting into trouble I don't know that there's   anything he fears more than going to prison my mom  promised to talk to a lawyer she knows about the   legal consequences of running a gambling business  without the proper license and get back to me   the lawyer assured mom that since my husband  was a firsttime offender he couldn't possibly   get a jail term a fine maybe when that was out of  the way I made a call to our local police station   and they went to my husband's office and burst  in he was charged immediately and the judge as   we had guessed gave him the option of a fine it  was a huge amount but my husband had made enough   from the business anyway he paid the fine and that  was it for the next year my husband was depressed   he was sad about losing that amount of money  and losing his girlfriend too interestingly he   told me that he suspected that she reported him  I asked him why she would do something like that   considering that she was his employee but he said  nothing he couldn't tell me about whatever issues   they had in their relationship of course he just  told me that he suspected her 2 years later we   got on with our lives my husband's Pizza became  better and we made decent money from his pizza   shop the whole thing taught my husband a valuable  lesson the most important was to never cheat on   his wife he saw how his girlfriend ran away and  suspected that she ratted him out to the police   so for years he believed it was unwise to trust  any woman who was not his wife my husband and I   are still married to this day I guess I'm kind of  shocked that op is okay with just getting revenge   just to bring things back to the status quo  and then keep on going either way I feel like   this back doors gambling thing was going to be  a ticking Time Bomb regardless I mean somebody   is going to have such a bad luck streak in there  and is just going to come out volatile and Report   the guy right if anything if I were an OP shoes  I would just be worried that this is just going   to push them to be way more secretive in trying  to cover up things even better and get right back   into it considering how well it worked for them  also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy crazy   stories of Revenge it would be amazing if you left  a like or left a review if you're listening to   my podcast that said our next story is when your  rival tries to destroy your High School record you   fight back 12th grade is a tough place to be when  you're always the star student it's harder when   your rival is constantly plotting your downfall  with the help of an older person letting people   figure out what was going on with their lives  without actively interfering wasn't something   my rival and her mother didn't understand and  that almost cost me the icing on the cake for   my high school career being valedictorian getting  the best scores on every test assignment and exam   wasn't an easy feat and a competitive school like  mine meant that there was no moment of rest you   always had to do better or you could quickly be  taken over Lily was always one step behind and   that infuriated her eventually it infuriated  her mother too and they tried to destroy my   chances at a successful finish getting back at  them was inevitable because they ruined healthy   competition being valedictorian was a good end  to being a high school student especially since   recruiters and staff of prestigious universities  attended the graduation ceremony every year to   examine the best graduating students most of the  attention was on the valid dictorian because in   a school like mine it meant that you were not just  a good student you were the textbook model of what   a good student should be in my year that was me  I only got A's in all my classes I was a member   of The Debate Club the swimming team Robotics  and the chess club I was on every committee   and volunteered for everything I could I helped  with a local soup kitchen and volunteered for   food drives when ever it was prom I helped as much  as I could it wasn't just me but no one else did   as much as I did one came close though and that  was Lily Lily had been my strongest competition   for as long as I can remember and they were always  particularly healthy I always got on the receiving   end of whatever Lily was plotting don't get me  wrong she didn't always move to dirty tricks all   the time Lily is really smart and very well known  among students and teachers the only difference   between us was that they liked me why I wasn't  condescending rude or mean and I didn't have   anyone in the school to help with anything I was  navigating in school Lily's mother Miss Miller was   the dean of students which means she had access  to most information about the school in middle   school we were both in the drama club and we were  auditioning for a version of Snow White we went in   separately so no one knew who was auditioning for  what when the casting list came out I found out   that Lily and I had both auditioned for Snow White  I didn't know that Lily had auditioned because she   heard me saying I wanted to but then my best  friend told me that this was what happened I   didn't think too much about it because Lily has  always competed with me it wasn't that she went   after the same things I did because I wanted them  rather it was because they were the best things   to go for however there was no denying the fact  that I was better and everyone else knew it I got   the roll of Snow White and Lily got cast as the  understudy Lily immediately went into a fit and   went storming to her mother about how I'd gotten  the lead role by Charming the Drama teacher I got   called in by Miss Miller and she launched into the  most vindictive lecture about how I shouldn't be   bribing teachers or bringing others down to get  what I wanted I was shocked because if anyone did   that it was her daughter I didn't say anything  because there was no one in management to defend   me like Lily Lily didn't get the part regardless  because the Drama teacher refused to give the part   to Lily she didn't stop antagonizing me but that  didn't stop me from doing my best at everything   the competition was intense in everything by the  time we got to the 12th grade Lily's mother was   also the assistant principal by then in scores she  was always a point or two behind me and this made   it clear that I was going to be valedictorian I  knew Lily wanted it too I mean who doesn't want   to be valedictorian eventually the announcement  was made and as expected I was valedictorian I   was really happy about this and it showed until  everything almost got destroyed let me tell you   going up against against an adult or someone who  has more Powers than you can only be combed by   someone with more powers that was what saved  me we had a written test a few days before I   was summoned to the principal's office when I got  there Lily and Miss Miller were there seated as I   walked in at first I assumed it was going to be  another one of those competitions we had to go   for together being that we were the top students  of the class however I hadn't gotten wind of any   competition whatsoever the principal Mr Reagan  was very kind to me and I always guessed it had   something to do with my grades and performance in  school usually he would have told me that there   was a competition coming up and he would like  for me to be part of it when I entered the room   I sensed that the atmosphere was nothing calm or  even competitive Mr Reagan spoke first Sasha Lily   told me something very disturbing about you today  and if it is true I am very disappointed in you   I was confused because the worst thing I had done  in school for a long time was pass notes in class   what do you mean sir I asked Lily said you cheated  on your last history test I thought the wind had   been knocked out of me I had never cheated on any  test in my life I saw you Sasha you were riding   out of a cheat sheet during the test Lily said  with a smirk on her face I immediately denied   it and let Mr Reagan know that I could have never  done that Miss Miller didn't let me finish before   she said she suspected how I used to get almost  perfect scores every time the the scorn and her   voice was unmistakable I refused to take the blame  for what I didn't do so I told him to talk to the   history teacher the history teacher came and said  there was no way I could have cheated on the test   Mr Reagan asked why Lily lied but Miss Miller got  defensive and said her daughter could not have   lied Mr Reagan told them to leave but made me stay  behind I was shocked that I was even the subject   of a cheating scandal I told Mr Reagan that I  didn't do anything of the sort he told he believed   me but that I had to be careful of getting on Miss  Miller's bad side because graduation was coming   in less than a month I thought it was over after  the history teacher cleared me but the next thing   I knew rumors started spreading around that I'd  been cheating throughout my entire school years   the rumor spread so widely that I was no longer  called to be a part of committees I was so worried   that my grades dropped from what they used to be  until I made the chilling discovery that Lily and   her mother had been spreading these lies about me  I was walking to the staff room during lunch break   when I overheard Lily and her mother talking  they were talking about how I would soon be   removed from being valedictorian since their  plan was working I quickly took out my phone   and recorded the conversation it was there that I  found out that Miss Miller was going to manipulate   my Student Records to say that I'd been lying with  the help of a hacker I ran as fast as the tears   in my eyes could allow to Mr Reagan's office I  immediately played him the recording and was ugly   crying when I told him I didn't understand why  anyone would want to do that to me I was crying so   much that Mr Reagan had to call in his secretary  to bring me a box of tissues in a bin by the time   I was done crying the tissue box was halfway empty  and I'd also decided that Lily was going to pay   for what she did I told Mr Reagan that I was not  going to step down as valedictorian no matter what   the rumors said about me he agreed with me and  said that since I did nothing wrong I had nothing   to be worried about he also promised to take care  of Miss Miller's corupt misconduct but that he   wasn't going to do it without enough evidence I  asked if the recording wasn't enough and he said   he wasn't sure that Lily and her mother were the  ones speaking in the recording it was there that   I decided to take matters into my own hands but  it was going to take time for the next few weeks   there were constant demands that I should step  down as valedictorian from the students and the   teachers I refused and told everyone who cared  to listen that I didn't do anything they were   accusing me of as expected no no one believed  except those who were my friends and a few of   the teachers and Lily she made classes heck for  me she would make snide comments whenever I tried   to answer a question in class or even give a  presentation I went from being respected to   becoming the subject of mockery it was so much  that even the teachers did nothing to stop it   at some point I almost wanted to give up and let  Lily and her mother get away with what they did   however I was reminded that I could lose out on  getting into a prestigious University if these   rumors were not quelled I wasn't going to have  my life ruined by people who didn't understand   healthy competition graduation day quickly arrived  and when it was finally time for the valedictorian   speech Mr Reagan called me up Miss Miller looked  disgusted and for a minute I wanted to just lash   out at her but my plan wasn't going to go to  waste I started speaking to my fellow graduating   students about integrity and how dirty tricks were  never the way to go Miss Miller stood and told me   it was ironic that I was accused of cheating  and still had the guts to talk about integrity   then in there I turned to the rest of the school  and told them this was a case of the pot calling   the kettle black then I played the recording I'd  opened on my phone into the microphone for the   school to hear while the color was being drained  from Miss Miller's face I explained to the school   that she had been sabotaging me and spreading lies  about me with her daughter the icing on the cake   of that day was the teacher saying they had heard  from Miss Miller that I'd been cheating and that   my parents had hired someone to manipulate my  school records I wished my classmat success in   life and walked away from the stage Mr Reagan  calmed everyone in attendance down and promised   to take care of anything that was going on I  had a good graduation party with my friends and   I was approached by many recruiters from the most  prestigious universities later my parents told me   that they were suing Miss Miller for defamation of  character Mr Reagan also informed my parents that   Miss Miller was fired after the school council's  board decided that she was not good for their   image the last time I saw Lily was two years  ago working in a coffee shop I doubt that she   recognized but I decided not to make conversation  if I didn't fight this story would not have ended   with me living my best life honestly it's wild to  see any parent get that involved in High School   drama of their kids you know you're going too  far when your actions could easily be adapted   into like a Disney Channel movie our next story  is boyfriend cheats on me with his male best   friend so I reveal his secret to his parents I  29-year-old female used to think that I was a   good judge of character I mean I studied human  psychology in school and I was pretty good at   reading people I could tell a person's intention  after meeting them for just 10 minutes I could   even guess things like their family background if  they were an only child and if they weren't their   number in The Sibling hierarchy I could guess all  that and most of the time I usually end up correct   some people back in college used to think that I  was psychic but I used to tell them that it was a   god-given talent apparently I was wrong I had no  Talent at all everything I'd done before had been   good guesses with a mixture of luck it's purely  random because if it wasn't how in the world would   I explain why I didn't know that my boyfriend  was gay I mean we dated for a year before I   found out the entire experience is something  I'll never forget and it's definitely something   I'll tell my kids and even my grandkids I met  Jerome 33-year-old male 5 years ago when I was   working as a Teenage counselor in a private school  can't disclose which he was the older brother of   a girl I'd been working with let's call her Leah  16-year-old female Leah had been struggling with   all types of mental health problems anorexia body  dysmorphia bouts of depression and so on I'd been   seeing her three times a week at the time before I  met Jerome and she had started to get better but I   wanted to talk to her parents about taking her  mental health seriously because of some of the   complaints she made about them which I can't  disclose either the parents were supposed to   come over for a meeting with me but like they've  always said they were busy and so Jerome stepped   in being the big brother I still remember how I  felt watching him walk into my office and take a   seat in front of me he was so smooth and graceful  it was almost as though he had practiced the Fine   Art of walking into a cramped office and taking  a seat on a tiny couch don't even get me started   on The Voice he was simply perfect and like every  other person I fell for what I saw but he was the   brother of a student in my care and discipline and  practice it taught me not to pursue anything with   anyone that might conflict with my work we had  a long discussion about Leah and I gave him my   recommendations and the meeting was over I could  tell that he wanted to say something at the end   but for some reason he stopped himself and left I  didn't see him again for a few months till it was   time for PTA instead of Leah's parents he stepped  in again which was a nice improvement from the   previous year where no one showed up for her at  the end of the meeting I decided to talk to him   to understand why Leah's parents were so absent  in her life he laughed at my question and told me   that their parents were both business people their  dad had an oil company while their mom inherited a   real estate company from her father they joined  both companies together and are running it as   joint CEOs even though the business was already  thriving they were still very much involved in it   and barely had time for anything else Jerome said  he had gotten used to it but Leah was the one that   I was worried about I kept asking questions about  their family the whole time in the school by the   time he was ready to leave he asked for my number  and promised to tell me whatever I wanted to know   over dinner I knew I shouldn't have agreed to it  but I'd also been thinking of asking him out so   when he did I jumped at the offer that Friday we  went to a fancy restaurant where I learned a lot   about him he was kind of the black sheep of the  family even though the family didn't have a lot   of sheep they only had two kids which was Leah and  Jerome they wanted him to study business but he   was more interested in fashion and it took a lot  of conflict and convincing for him to finally sway   to their interests after college they expected him  to come over to the company to start learning what   it meant to lead but instead he traveled to Paris  to learn fashion as he wanted he had just recently   returned when I met him after the dinner date he  drove me home and before we parted he told me how   much fun he had thinking about the tiny details  like this makes me really upset at myself because   I didn't see it coming I know how to tell when  people are lying there are lots of markers and   physical gestures they give off but with Jerome  I didn't notice a single thing till today I still   ask myself whether he was telling the truth or  I failed to notice that he was lying anyway he   said he'd like to see me again and I agreed to a  second date this time we went to see a movie and   then a third date where we went to a runway show  whose designer was a friend of his after that date   he asked me to be his girlfriend the one thing  I noticed was that things were moving a bit too   fast but I just chocked it up to the fact that he  probably liked me as much as I liked him by this   point we hadn't even gotten intimate and he hadn't  shown any interest in getting that away with me   all I thought was that he was being a gentleman  and I found it kind of admirable a week after we   became a official he decided to introduce me to  his friends so he threw a party in his apartment   when I arrived he introduced me to all of them  parly his best friend Reed 35-year-old male Reed   seemed like any ordinary guy he was also into  fashion and he was the one who hosted the runway   show which we went to on our third date they were  very close even closer than his other two friends   I should have noticed something here but I was too  blinded by the love I had for him to see him any   other way one other thing I should have noticed  was the fact that 3 months into our relationship   he still never once asked me to be intimate with  him I didn't like to be too forward because in   society men are usually the ones who initiate  such intimacy but when he didn't make a move I   had to ask he told me he was trying to make sure  we were serious before initiating that I thought   I was right about him being a gentleman but I  didn't know that that was just another lie he   was telling me next Jerome took me to his parents  house and introduced me to them this was five or   six months into the relationship at the dinner  table his mom said I was the first girl he ever   brought to meet them and of course that made me  feel special she even said they thought he was   gay because they'd only seen him in the company of  his friends and his best friend Reed the way they   talked about the possibility of him being gay  made me realize that they didn't approve of it   Leah had once told me that her family were devout  Christians but I didn't think that that would mean   they were homophobic too anyway one year after we  started dating Jerome still hadn't touched me this   was when I started suspecting that something was  wrong I asked him about it again and he said he   was waiting till we got married that one was a lie  and I could tell we had an entire argument about   it and didn't speak for days until he finally  apologized he told me to give him a little more   time he said he'd been under a lot of stress  with his parents and he's just trying to figure   that out I said sure over the next few weeks we  started to hang out less and less there was always   something he was working on something he needed to  do that required his immediate attention sometimes   the excuse was that he was hanging out with the  boys one day I took my dog out on a walk and I   ran into one of his friends George whom he was  supposed to be spending the weekend with George   said he didn't know about any weekend Hangouts  and he even called his other friend Damian that   one also confirmed that he didn't know of any  Hangouts they tried to call Reed but his phone   was switched off it all started to make sense to  me at that moment Jerome had another girlfriend   I told myself that was the reason why I didn't  see him a lot and he blamed the entire thing on   work that was why he still hadn't touched me since  we started to date I decided that I was going to   confront him I had his location because he shared  it with me one day so when I went to the place he   was staying which turned out to be an Airbnb I had  to bribe the receptionist to let me into his place   without calling him if I was going to catch  him red-handed I couldn't let him know I was   around she gave me a spare key and I let myself in  imagine my shock when I saw that the person Jerome   was cheating on me with was his best friend Reed  I had trained myself to be calm and collected but   that day I couldn't contain my shock I screamed  Jerome begged me not to tell anyone he told me   that Reed wasn't his best friend like everyone  imagined but his boyfriend he kept it a secret   because his parents were conservative Christians  and they wouldn't want to hear that their son is   gay they would disown him and strip him of his  trust fund and inheritance he said that was why   he started going out with me because he wanted to  throw them off his back he literally told me to my   face that he was using me to confuse his parents  so they wouldn't think he was gay I'd never felt   more stupid than that day aside from being stupid  I felt hurt and betrayed I had fallen for derome   and all he had thought of me was a play thing he  could use to get his inheritance from his parents   I wasn't going to let that happen happen not after  all he did to me so I told a lie of my own I told   him I'd continue to be his girlfriend but even if  we didn't have sex we'd have to spend the night   together so that people won't get suspicious  Jerome stupidly agreed and one night while   he slept I took his phone and looked through his  chats with Reed as expected they had some sexting   and nudes exchanged so I screenshotted the whole  thing and sent it to my phone the next time we   went to dinner with his parents I waited till  he was comfortable before I blurted out you're   son is gay the whole table went silent and Jerome  begged me not to say anything but I didn't listen   to him they asked me what I was talking about  and I told them about Reed and how he was his   lover and not the friend they thought he was I  gave them all the proof they needed on my phone   and stood up to leave their house I didn't even  wait for the Fallout I just grabbed my stuff and   left Leah told me later that he was disowned  and they took his name off The Inheritance I   thought I was going to feel sorry for him when  I heard that but I didn't all I thought was that   he finally got what he deserved I mean I can't  blame op for doing what they did when you were   strung along for an entire year of your life but  I do really feel bad for Leah here realistically   though I don't understand how Jerome thought  he would get away with what he was trying to   do but with that being said that's all the time  we have for today now if you want to hear another   absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 10,894
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: Trq3tX22iq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 4sec (1864 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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