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would you be the jerk for not telling your partner  that your family is Rich we'll get into that in a   bit but first am I the jerk for telling my cousin  why I don't let my mom dogit for me anymore I   28-year-old female have a 4-month-old German  Shepherd puppy for context our family dog was   of the same breed and we raised him for when he  was 2 months old unfortunately he passed 2 years   ago last month I had to go work in person out of  the blue I got very little notice so I called up   my mom and asked her if she could take care  of the puppy for me she agreed and came over   I told her he was unvaccinated and do be careful  I went to work I messaged her every now and then   and asked how they were doing and she responded  with a thumbs up emoji every time I came back to   an empty house and panicked thinking something had  happened to both of them or there was an emergency   and they had to go to the vet I called her and  she didn't pick up her phone was switched off I   went over to my neighbors and asked them if they  knew anything and they said they had seen my mom   taking the puppy out on a leash I started walking  to the nearby public park and what do you know my   mom's there with the puppy and like two other dogs  I went over and asked her why she didn't pick up   and she laughed and said her phone was dead cuz  she was too busy with the puppy to charge it when   we got home I asked her why she took him outside  that I told her not to she said I never explicitly   told her not to take him outside and turned it  around on me this is how you repay a favor and   said the puppy looked ancy being all cooped up in  the house I have a substantial backyard I left it   at that and next day took the puppy to the vet  all was clear at the time but 4 days later the   puppy started showing symptoms and turns out he  caught parvo the poor thing went through a lot   but he's been all right for a week now a couple  days ago I left him with a sitter to attend the   fam's Easter celebration and to note at this point  I hadn't communicated with my mom since the day of   my cousin asked me how the puppy was doing and I  told her the whole thing word got around and now   people are condemning my mom for her actions and  honestly I couldn't care less mom called me today   and demanded I make things clear with other people  and that it wasn't her fault my puppy fell sick   and could have died I asked for an apology cuz  even if she didn't mean for it to happen the puppy   did suffer she declined I blocked her am I the  jerk edit a lot of confusion about the timeline   I got my puppy at 10 weeks old he was unvaccinated  I took him to the vet and at 12 weeks when my mom   came to dogit he was due for his second round he's  currently 4 months old and vaccinated edit number   two the reason I thought he's unvaxxed be careful  was enough is that our family dog is not allowed   in public spaces until he was 4 and 1/2 months old  and fully vaccinated socialization was done in a   safe and controlled environment I assumed my mom  would understand similar rules followed in this   situation additionally I had 10 minutes between  mom's arrival and my departure so I could barely   explain the pup's schedule and where everything  was also it is is common sense would you take an   unvaccinated baby outside well first of all I  think gop's asking a dangerous question asking   would you take an unvaccinated baby outside in  2024 I think there's a surprising number of people   that would say Yes actually that said could op  have been a little bit more clearer sure I think   you're going to get maybe divisive responses on  whether or not she specifically should have known   how to take care of this puppy specifically  inherently knowing that they're too young to   be outside Gone Baby thoughts wrote not the jerk  unfortunately we see this with pets and children   all of the time grandparents or other mature  adults think they know better than the younger   generation with whom they interact and completely  disregard directions about diet play sleep and   general care it's pretty disrespectful if your mom  didn't know that young dogs who are unvaccinated   should not be around other dogs she should have  asked but to your point she is a prior dog owner   herself so that root cause Falls pretty quickly do  I think your cousin is a blabber mouth who needs   to shut her pie hole yes yes I do so maybe one  thing to consider is how much you tell her that   you don't want being repeated in an uncontrolled  manner but seeing something when asked about it   doesn't make you a jerk also hi I'm Steven and if  you guys enjoy getting to decide whether or not   all of these people are jerks why not hit those  like And subscribe buttons down below that said   our next story is am I the jerk for mixing food  and offending partner's family I 23-year-old   female Chinese Australian have been dating Andrew  26-year-old male half Vietnamese half Australian   for 4 years and regularly stay at his place on  the weekend he lives at home with his parents   an older sister Haley 30-year-old female not too  long ago Haley suggested that since I stay over   often I should start paying them for groceries and  bills though I'm still a student so they aren't   too strict with the amount I transfer them $50 to  $100 here and there to cover my share his family   treats me very well and I respect them I've been  really happy in my relationship so what happened   today was quite shocking to me Andrew's mother  Louise 60-year-old female is Vietnamese and Cooks   amazing food regularly I love her cooking today  she cooked a delicious pork ribbon turo soup and   I ate some for lunch at dinner Andrew was going  to make some instant noodles so I asked him to   make me a pack of shin Ramen Korean spicy noodles  when it was done I decided I wanted some of the   pork rib in my noodles and mixed some of the soup  in my bowl Louise hastily stopped me saying that   no I should not mix the soup with my Ramen I was  confused Andrew came over and said the pork rib   soup should be eaten alone and not mixed with my  spicy noodles since the flavors are different I   argued that Koreans also eat spicy rib soup so  it shouldn't be too weird and since I've had the   rib soup by itself for lunch I wanted to try a  different flavor however Louis insisted the way   I mix food is wrong and Andrew said I should just  eat my spicy noodles and maybe come back for a   bowl of soup later the argument got quite heated  as I didn't understand why mixing food is such a   crime this has happened a few times before when I  added different condiments or mixed stir fry with   noodles Louise pointed out that my eating habits  are strange but she never said more than that then   I got overwhelmed and ran to Andrew's room and  started crying hey barged in and began yelling   at me she's normally kind to me but she does have  a bit of a temper why are you throwing a t from in   someone else's house we're feeding you food and  you're so ungrateful I was really upset because   I think I did nothing wrong so In the Heat of the  Moment I stood up and screamed back I paid for the   food why should you care how I eat I'm not forcing  you to eat what I eat if I go to a restaurant and   pay for a plate of food you think they'd kick  me out for eating the food wrong how ridiculous   in the end I was so angry I packed my bags and  stormed out of their house after Haley got so mad   she said I'm no longer welcome at their house and  now I'm on the way home and crying wondering what   I did wrong it really doesn't make sense I try  to put myself in their shoes and say if Andrew   wanted to eat Chinese dumplings with tomato sauce  my Chinese family and I would not care at all we   would just laugh it off due to personal tastes so  am I the jerk for mixing food SL having different   food preferences and upsetting my partner's  family honestly I think if anybody says op's   the jerk I think you're being ridiculous over the  top there's just no world personally where I could   imag imagine somebody being the jerk for wanting  to mix some leftovers with another type of food   they have rum soaked chap wrote everybody sucks  here but not for mixing the food just for how   this escalated my granddad was famous for dipping  his chips and ice cream which some people thought   made him weird and some people thought made him  a legend my grandom would yell at him for it but   it was all in good humor the whole thing should  have been de-escalated by both parties this was   not a hill to die on our next story is am I  the jerk for not letting my sister know the   name chosen for my baby I'm 38-year-old female  pregnant with my first and probably only child   my sister 36-year-old female is also pregnant  but this is her third child and this baby comes   several years after her last child who's 8 years  old I struggled with fertility problems for many   years I could not get pregnant despite trying from  the age of 24 we underwent numerous tests but no   clear reason for this was ever found we tried  taking breaks between trying we tried fertility   medications in recent years and finally last year  we went through IVF which was successful for us   you might wonder what this has to do with the name  of my baby well let me explain my husband and I   had a boy and a girl name chosen from pretty much  the time we started trying for a baby these were   names we promised to use whenever we had a baby  and we'd plan to have at least two children those   names stayed the names throughout everything but  when my sister was pregnant with her first child   she and her husband husband struggled to agree on  a name she mentioned mine and my husband's chosen   names once during my pregnancy and said how lucky  we were to have agreed then when her daughter was   born she decided to use the girl name my husband  and I had Chosen and she confessed that is how the   name was decided on she said her husband liked  our chosen name and she didn't think it was bad   so she decided it would be better for them to use  it so their baby could have a name she told me not   to look upset because admittedly I got emotional  when she said this and told me at least the name   would be used then when her son was born she used  the name we had chosen for the same reason they   couldn't agree on another name this did strain our  relationship and I was and still am hurt that she   was so dismissive of my feelings and so blunt  about what they did she implied pretty strongly   that she expected I would never have children  to use the name for then a couple of years after   her son was born she made the comment that we  agreed so easily we could find another name if   it worked implying that we could not should not  use the names anymore we ended up mixing our boy   choice and our girl choice for this baby both  had a unisex name in them and we decided since   we loved all four names mixing them wasn't a huge  change my sister won't like this but honestly we   don't see each other much anymore she only reached  out and more now because we're both pregnant at   the same time and she's asked repeatedly about the  name we've chosen I've refused to tell her but my   two brothers know they thought I should have used  the original name as intended and give our sister   Mr the middle finger but they also understand why  we chose to mix them she sent me a very upset text   a few nights ago saying I'm being so petty and  these babies should grow up close together and we   should be working on our relationship and instead  I'm excluding her and making a point of saying I   don't want her to know anything am I the jerk now  I don't know if it comes across as me being petty   but I feel like if it were me and OP shoes I would  be feeling like the bridge is kind of burnt after   they go and steal not just one but both of the  names that you outwardly said these are the names   I'm going to give my kid it's one thing if you  both organically arrived at the same name but for   them to hear that go look they're able to decide  and agree on that name and have that weird like   jealousy I would suppose imprint on them and make  them choose that name and steal it that's pretty   messed up in my mind I can't say op's the jerk  here Dr seagull wrote not the jerk your sister   needs to check her entitlement she could not come  up with meaningful names for her own children she   used the names you had your heart set on using  and Justified it by saying well it's not like you   can use them does she have a history of being  insensitive and tactless I mean sure no one   has entitlement to a name for their child but you  and your partner decided on those names and we're   going through heck trying to have a child together  she just swoops in and acts like she did you both   a favor in using those names so they don't go to  waste she can't see how horrible and insensitive   she's been I'm with your brother on this but  I'm glad you and your partner are happy with   your new choices it's probably for the best they  spend minimal time around their aunt and cousins   all the best with your new baby congratulations  this next story is am I the jerk for missing my   niece's 18th birthday because my children are the  only kids excluded my sister doesn't particularly   like two of my children they're eight and  10 have autism and are high energy asterisk   asterisk asterisk but they are great kids I  don't see that just because they're mine they   are exceptional students excel in their Musical  and Sport hobbies and are well-liked by everyone   no one else in the family has an issue with them  and we recently attended a formal sit-down dinner   and dance for my grandmother's 80th birthday with  zero issues when they were younger I refused to   set them up for failure and avoided fancy  restaurants or other places not appropriate   for high energy kiddos so we did miss my sister's  40th as I had newly separated from my wasb been   had a newborn viia cesarian and wasn't sure I  could cope with the kids in that setting but was   reliant on others to drive us there so couldn't  just leave if needed plus it was a perad buffet   and would have been a waste to leave before eating  I believe she's still salty about that 6 years   later there will be other children at this party  around 20 of them ranging from 11 down to newborn   my nieces invited me and then my sister changed  the dates so it's no longer on my kid-free weekend   she then contacted me saying you'll have to get  a babysitter for those two my other children are   invited 19 13 and 6 years old they are hiring  a hall cooking a barbecue dinner and having a   local band play so it's very familyfriendly I've  booked a holiday overseas instead for myself and   the kids and we'll be there instead I'll send  the girls some cashes presents and they're both   moving to the city where I now live for University  next year so I'll help them move and fill their   pantries as a housewarming gift which I did for my  oldest child as well now my sister is complaining   that I'm going on holiday rather than the party so  am I the jerk for not taking some of my children   to the party and getting a babysitter for two of  them edit to clarify when they were younger they   struggled to sit still in a noisy public setting  for longer than about an hour they would eat and   then do coloring or Lego or puzzles whatever I'd  packed until I finished eating then I would take   them for a walk outside with my now ex-husband or  my parents taking turns to walk with them outside   pretty age appropriate for a 2 and four-year-old  but my nieces who are older would sit for hours   with their iPads while my sister chatted in a cafe  now they still need a decent amount of physical   activity it's 2: p.m. here and they've been on the  trampoline ridden scooters in the driveway with my   youngest niece we're at my younger sister's house  and played some basketball in the backyard I could   give them screens but they struggle to sleep if  they sit around too long and I prefer to interact   and socialize during meals I don't think GOP is  the jerk here it's pretty cold to not even have   like an honest discussion I feel like if she's  going out of her way to say leave the two kids   Behind everybody else's invited she should have  the konas to clarify on why specifically she's   doing that rather than just not inviting those  two kids and trying to pretend like there's not   some reason or try to leave it ambiguous or  whatnot hoping you won't have any reaction to   it and just go along with it Abu wrote not the  jerk but this is something you're going to want   to get ahead of you're sister's going to paint  you as the bad guy for not attending make sure   people who are important to you know exactly why  you're not attending and that it's because your   sister decided to be an ableist butt and told you  that two of your children were banned for being   neurodivergent our next story is am I the jerk for  telling anyone who asks why I don't bake for our   Hall anymore hi I really like baking as a hobby I  don't believe in food waste but I don't often want   to eat all the stuff I make the best way I can  describe it is I love to bake but when it comes   to eating I'm just like me I'm not sure how best  to describe it anyways I normally give my baked   goods to friends and family the tradition we have  started when my brother said he couldn't come over   to pick up a coconut cupcake pan because he's busy  I didn't plan for space in my fridge to keep the   cupcake and awkwardly left them in the apartment's  common room with permission from the security   guard of course I left a note saying the cupcakes  were free to whoever with my apartment number on   it the security guard said I had to that started  this this semi tradition of me putting whatever   extra Goods I have on a free table in the lobby  area others started to do it a little too it's   worked well so far I like the environment it's  created problem came one of the neighbors knocked   on my door she introduced herself said she's from  another apartment floor and that she in a visibly   upset way was very unhappy with me leaving  unattended food out one of her kids allergic   to peanuts had some of my peanut butter brownies  I got very nervous hearing this and apologized she   said it was fine but wanted me to pay part of the  cost of getting her child help I asked if we could   talk it out and she agreed I agreed to pay for the  cab she took back and forth to the hospital which   I know is getting off easy for what happened I  apologized again and she said all was fine but to   please be extra careful since then I don't leave  any food out at all because that situation made me   nervous I know it wasn't the worst that could have  happened but still my hall neighbor let's call   Lily asked if I was okay noticing that it's been  a while since I put anything out I just told her   that after what happened with the peanut butter  allergy issue I don't feel comfortable doing that   anymore in case something like that happened  again now I didn't know Lily knew who I was   talking about just based on saying the allergy  issue specifically they knew which kid I was   talking about because they saw him take some I  guess Lily spread the word around because I got   a knock from the lady again and she asked why  I told everyone to blame her I explained that   I didn't blame or tell anyone to blame her in any  way one of our neighbors asked why the tradition   died off and I only said because of the allergy  incident but I never mentioned specifics like who   it was or how they looked Etc she's mad and says  I did that purposefully and we be speaking to the   landlord to make a report I apologized again and  said I swear I did not mean for this to happen but   she stormed off I'm not exactly sure what to do  now I don't hold anything against her or the kid   and I'm pretty mad at Lily for this crap right now  am I the jerk Opie's pretty safely not the jerk I   don't know what that report to the landlord could  ever possibly do this person who handed out baked   goods stopped because my kid has allergies and  it's dangerous and now everybody blames me for the   baked goods going around and it's all their fault  what is any landlord going to do upon hearing   that if anything if I was the landlord I'd be  disappointed because if anything op leaving those   baked goods out is like a plus is like a benefit  it would be like making the apartments just a   smidge more lucrative and now it's all that lady's  fault console log a11y wrote not the jerk lady   with kids is out of line she should be angrier at  her own poor parenting every parent I know with   a peanut allergy kid teaches those kids caution  from a very young age it's like okay what do we   do before crossing the street stop look listen and  what do we do when we see a plate of unattended   cookies don't eat them because it could literally  kill me good job Junior have fun at preschool   today because you're only three but still have  to know this because I won't be around you every   waking moment so I have to instill this in you  is it considerate to add a little plard next   to food offerings naming the food and potential  allergens sure that helps both kids and adults   with allergies or food restrictions who enjoy  free food but everyone with an aformentioned has   had to miss out on yummy looking but questionable  free treats myself included that's life while I   normally don't like gossipy crap stirring I'm  kind of on Lily side here this mom deserves   some negative press I'd bet some of the other  residents have come to the same conclusion and   Mom is embarrassed good she should be mom better  you wouldn't have killed her kid her negligence   would have that isn't going to be the only plate  of free brownies that kids sees in their life AR   story is am I the jerk for issuing a warning to  my maternal relatives that they can be Uninvited   for my wedding at any time i'm 28-year-old male  getting married next year I am 100% no contact   with my mother and have been for the past 10 years  and I've not lived in her house in 12 years yes   at 16 I was living somewhere other than with her  that no contact is not changing for anything and   yes she has attempted to reach out and make amends  in that time but I'm not interested in if continue   to keep all points of contact between us closed  this includes the family on her side I do talk to   mainly her parents two of her siblings and her two  siblings five kids aka my cousins I talked to them   because they were there for me the reason for the  estrangement I don't like who she became after my   dad died I was eight when he passed and nine when  my mom suddenly announced that all photos of dad   all of his clothes and possessions and anything  to do with him were being boxed up and sent to   his parents because she wanted us to move on from  Dad and she wanted to be married again and she   didn't want her new husband to be uncomfortable  seeing her dead husband's face everywhere and she   wanted me to like and love whoever she married and  didn't want me to cling to a dead man who was not   coming back and was no longer part of our Lives  she refused to let me have a photo or two from   my room and told me she would not fight with me  and had already fought with his parents because   they were outraged she wanted to throw all of  his stuff and photos in the trash from that   day on my mom was cold toward me if I even  attempted to bring up my dad she did remarry   she had three possibly more after I left more kids  she married a man who was bitter I wouldn't call   him dad and refused to change my last name to his  and accept him adopting me my mother was furious   with me for stopping the adoption they had spent  thousands on a lawyer who they felt would be able   to push it through regardless of my feelings when  I moved out at 16 I spent 2 weeks with maternal   Al grandparents before going to my paternal  grandparents and the relatives I mentioned above   continued being supporting and understanding  even after I left the state but now that it's   changed they brought up inviting my mother and her  family to my wedding several times and I told them   nothing had changed for me they would try to make  persuasive arguments as to why I should invite her   and let her be there for this day I got a little  firmer with them and then they changed course   and said that I should invite her other children  with them so we can have a relationship I refused   that too then they brought up how important it is  to invite my mother which is when I told them if   they bring it up again or try anything to get  her there they can be Uninvited I told them I   would make them leave on the day if I had to they  told me there was no reason to be so harsh toward   them am I the jerk after all these years with no  real relationship no genuine effort to try to make   amends and come back together I don't blame op  for not wanting these people around I mean really   after all these years more than a decade after  moving out of their place are they really that   close enough to even consider them family sad  consequence 392 says not the jerk I personally   would have done the same if they are not capable  of respecting your boundaries you cut them off   people need to stop with the but it's family  BS some DNA in common makes you blood related   but not family one needs to behave like family to  be considered as such our next story is am I the   jerk for laughing when my mother brother-in-law  and sister-in-law got chewed out by my fiance   this is completely stupid and if nothing else  might give y'all a good laugh too I 27-year-old   male am getting married to my fianceé 26-year-old  female later this year she's an incredible woman   and I'm the luckiest man alive to have her in my  life unfortunately she comes attached to a very   entitled and self-absorbed family I genuinely  don't know how my fiance ended up as amazing as   she is with these people around the main players  in this conflict are my mother-in-law 53-year-old   female and sister-in-law 24-year-old female to  be when my fiance and I announced our engagement   last year sister-in-law had a complete breakdown  throwing a full-on tantrum that she deserved to   get married first and my fiance should be forced  to wait I was so confused by this reaction but my   fiance just looked bored which confused me even  more apparently her sister does this a lot when   she feels she deserves something more than my  fiance mother in-law took sister-in-law's side   saying that dating wasn't as easy for her my  fiance always tells them off for being annoying   and ridiculous and they hate it which is kind  of funny to me so here's where I need some help   3 weeks ago I got into a nasty car crash and  my left leg is broken in multiple places the   doctors say I'll likely have a permanent limp even  after I heal because of how bad the injury is and   might even need a cane my fiance is an absolute  Angel and has been by my side every step step   of the way I'm going to need a couple of different  surgeries and some serious physical therapy before   I can properly walk again and she's been pushing  my wheelchair since I got home mother-in-law and   sister-in-law stopped by yesterday and that's  where the trouble is sister-in-law asked my fiance   when she would be leaving me flat out while I was  in the room mother-in-law also chimed in saying a   wheelchair or Cain would look horrible in wedding  pictures so it would be best for her to cancel and   leave I was horrified I didn't even get to open my  mouth before my fiance went absolutely ballistic   at her mom and sister she told them that they  were delusional if they believed she was that   shallow she kicked them out almost immediately  saying she was done and over there BS they both   looked like they sucked on extra sour lemons I  couldn't help laughing at their expressions this   was apparently what did it for them and they both  huffed off still insisting they were just looking   out for my fiance I laughed for a solid cup couple  minutes before calming down my fiance just looked   so exhausted so we had some cheer up snuggles  I've been getting messages from sister-in-law   all day saying that me laughing at them wanting my  fiance to not have to spend the rest of her life   looking after me was completely uncalled for and  I'm a jerk she makes it sound like I'm completely   paralyzed and I'll need 247 care until I die  I don't think I did anything wrong but what do   you guys think should I have kept my laughter to  myself am I the jerk I don't think GOP is the jerk   at all I'm just left kind of puzzled why they're  even still talking to these people an in-law that   starts asking your partner when they're going  to dump you because you now have a disability   is ridiculous that they're even in a position  where you can hear from them again after that the   female of the species wrote the only thing you've  done wrong is not blocking these morons numbers   you could ask your fiance how you can support her  in her decision making about her family and maybe   get her some flowers to say thank you for standing  up for your Rel relationship and generally being   an awesome human edit not the jerk our next story  is am I the jerk for not telling my boyfriend that   my dad slam is Rich so my boyfriend Callum and  I have been together for 8 months and over this   long weekend I figured it would be a good time for  him to meet my dad he's met my mom and stepdad a   couple of times but always at restaurants or my  place but for this meeting with my Dad we went   over to his place for lunch looking back on it  Callum was immediately uptight when he saw where   my dad lives but I thought it was just nerves he  was acting pretty strange all through lunch and   was very Cy about any questions my dad or his  wife asked but again I chocked it up to nerves   well when we were driving back he blew up not  yelling or anything just clearly frustrated that   I never told him my dad is Rich I was confused and  asked why he'd need to know my dad's income Callum   said he would have prepared himself better if he'd  known and that I sent him in there blind because   your to warn your partner about potential pitfalls  when they meet your parents I was still confused   what about my dad's tax bracket was a potential  Pitfall I could see warning him if my dad was   incredibly snobbish about dress sense or manners  but he isn't Callum that asked if it also hidden   that my mom and stepdad were Rich which I admitted  I guess I did although I take issue with him   calling it hiding something it's just not relevant  [ __ ] hasn't Let It Go and is now digging into   irrelevant stuff such as my previous vacations my  living situation and my job apparently so he can   figure out what exactly my lifestyle is I think  he's totally lost the plot but up until now he's   been a really sweet unassuming chill person  so I'm wondering if I really am the problem   to clarify my parents are not rich like what you  would think of when you think Rich both my dad   and stepdad have been successful and been able to  give themselves and their kids nice lives but we   aren't The Waltons and even if we were is this a  thing you warn people about I don't think gopi's   the jerk I think Callum is making a much bigger  deal out of this than he ever should honestly it   just sounds like some weird insecurity manifesting  over his behavior okay he felt a little blindsided   about the fact that he went to a place where they  were actually doing pretty well for themselves or   whatnot sure but when he starts looking into  your vacations and all these expensive trips   you went on and seems to kind of be questioning  who you actually are thinking that because you   might have had access to more money and therefore  maybe better experiences than most average people   that somehow that means there's a basis for him  to perceive you differently is pretty freaking   weird Kon Lort wrote going with not the jerk  Callum hasn't let go and is now digging into our   relevant stuff such as my previous vacations my  living situation and my job apparently so we can   figure out what exactly my lifestyle is it sounds  to me that this is less about your dad being rich   and more about his worry about your expectations  and how much money your partner should be making   if his prospects don't include a country club  lifestyle that you're accustomed to you'll be   worried that you'll become upset I think you two  should sit down and talk this out a bit but with   that being said that's all the time we have for  today now if you want to hear another absolutely   crazy am I the jerk here story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest video   check out that video on the right that said I'll  see you all next time with with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 13,677
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2CIvSHaMnRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 59sec (1859 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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