They Said WHAT?! || Reddit Stories || Two Hot Takes Podcast

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are you guys ready mm hate these headphones why I just don't like them no oh okay oh that's so sad I know because it's like when it's right there and then it doesn't happen it's like painful like physically mentally emotionally like you just want that sneeze it's just so satisfying you know and and when it's right there right there right there [ __ ] I'll hope for one later tonight maybe in like a few minutes yeah it'll probably come back to you uh it's funny though CU I actually usually sneeze when I brush my teeth so interesting yeah it's the mint usually I just get nauseous and gaggy really oh every time I brush my back teeth lately interesting I know that's only me when I brush the back of my tongue I got tongue scraper so that helps I feel like I almost make myself do that on purpose cuz I try to get so far back there that I'm like I'm not far back enough until I am gagging okay that is like a perfect segue for what today's theme is which is what did they just say it was actually yeah wow wait well have have you guys never done that rush so far in the back that you start to gag yeah but I don't make it a challenge to do it well it's not like I do it on purpose but I just think that it helps you feel feel accomplished no it's just once that happens I'm like okay I got far enough back like I'm I'm like that that's a signal that I brushed my whole tongue okay yeah I remember one time this guy in college uh one of Mike's roommates was making a lot of weird noises and then he just puked in the sink oh no from brushing his teeth oh my God how many times was he doing it he just kept putting it back there some people are s yeah it just happened if he was making weird noises that makes me think that he kept doing it until he threw up I feel like it was just a long time in between the too far back and the actual you know release this is a really great start of the episode for all of our friends I hope no one's enjoying breakfast uh we just got done with our ttin in Texas we went to Houston Dallas AKA Addison and Austin and we absolutely loved meeting so many of you we had some really good shows fun shows crazy stories today is no exception we are in for a wild ride I know I just want the feedback of from the people I like when it's a like a group deal I know the shows have been so cool getting to hear like live reactions of like not the [ __ ] boo like it's it's been so so fun um we do have a second show added in Chicago and Nashville both of which I'm trying to get some really good guests for so if you are still looking for a ticket those two would be great to come join us at but we don't have the people today it's just us it's real quiet it's just me Mogan MH who are you guys over there I'm Lauren I don't know anymore who are you Jay wow JT okay JT you that's how you're going now identity change wow okay okay JT yeah we've never called do you call him that ever I've never called you that I actually love Justin just Justin yeah but that would be a good signature for you since people have asked for our signatures at the show which I is so wild to me I never thought that I'd have people asking for my signature so that's just such a wild concept to me it is really weird some crazy [ __ ] man yeah okay really flattering are you are we ready for this theme what the heck did they just say what did they just say mhm what let's dive in let's do [Music] it we're going to start off light start off light just you know some casual toxicity am I the [ __ ] for not tipping a waitress and giving her the reason as to why I M 48 was at a restaurant yesterday with a few of my friends we usually go out and it all goes well we always pay separately and it is important to know that I always tip in usual cases this not being one of them so the beginning goes fairly well the hostess takes us to our seats and the waitress comes out shortly after we usually always joke around with waitresses so when she asked me if I would like something with my drink I say quote I suppose you aren't on the menu so I will just have the crab cake unfortunately she did not laugh at my joke I found this to show her lack of both service but also interest and attention to the guests she wants to serve you are a tool other waitresses usually laugh or joke back but I decided to let it slide the second thing that led up to the no tip was that it took a long long time for her to bring out the food which to me yet again shows her lack of service and attention the third was that we had already had time to finish our appetizer before she came to check on us had something been wrong with the food she would not have known the fourth thing was that she served my friend a medium steak though he asked for medium rare the fifth was that she forgot my drink order and I had to remind her she did not notice by herself the six was that almost every time me or one of my friends tried to joke with her she did not laugh she did not smile she just looked like we disgusted her the experience was not at all nice and I fully believe it was due to the service we had all of my friends and me agreed that no one would tip her due to how we felt both forgotten about mistreated and the overall service when we were paying I told her that I assumed she would realize but I would like to explain to her why we decided not to tip her I told her almost everything I have explained in the post and also explained that we all usually leave good tips so she knows that she missed out she just stares at me and told me quote okay have a nice rest of your evening sweetheart this ticked me off but we all decided to leave when I told my wife and her daughter about this today they both asked me what was wrong with me not only I did not tip her and explain but also for how me and my friends treated her I asked what was wrong with our treatment as no other waitresses have found something wrong with it they told me that I should really think about it all again and that if I can't find anything wrong with it to think harder I'm at a loss for words as the only people to even think I did something wrong are my wife and her daughter all my friends fully believe that we were in the right here was it really that wrong of me to not tip and explain why if I do something inappropriate or wrong that it affects my work or customer satisfaction I would like to know that is something I think should go for waitresses too am I the [ __ ] yes without question did he say he has a a wife and then his comment was since you're not on the menu yep gross do you think you told her that part I wonder there's no way he said he told her everything there's no way he wouldn't said that no chance there's cuz but even leaving that detail out which probably was the reason this all played out the way it did from the jump even if you leave that out she still picked up on the fact that obviously you guys are a bunch of just tools [ __ ] literally it's good definition yeah but I can't stand like this what's the entitlement what's like people who think so methodically through every step and can write out a post like this about weird and then she forgot my drink and then I had to remind her and then she brought my friend a medium not medium rare yeah also that's that's on the chef too I mean like and unless he thinks she ticketed it wrong but like a lot of that stuff as a server is also can be out of our control yeah it's like the chef is cooking it and then it depends on when they bring it out to us there's obviously things that could happen like a server forgets to um put the ticket in yeah but um but some of that stuff is just it that's the kitchen yeah and like the steak that's the kitchen for sure because it's like she doesn't I I was a server for how long and I would never be able to tell you what a medium looks like versus well a well done versus rare I could tell you but you know what I mean it's not like you're going to cut it open and look like that's on the cook yeah no yeah exactly and I mean technically you don't have to tip somebody it's it's optional right like you don't have to do that in the serving industry it is very it's looked a very like I would be really offended when somebody would give me like a 15% tip and and it be a $2 difference from a $20 tip or sorry a 20% tip cuz it's very expected it's the norm in serving um but you don't have to I just think it's just so ridiculous that he felt the need to I don't know it's so weird I'm just trying to think if somebody did this to me when I was serving if they were just going down the line telling me why they didn't tip I mean I thought it pissed me off enough when I had somebody write on their receipt and said you should smile more and I'm like shut the [ __ ] up gross so gross I don't think I could be a server I really don't think I could do it it is a really it was a tough job it definitely wasn't easy there's a lot going on I still have server nightmares like where I'm like running around the restaurant like getting all these tables and like I'm just stressed I think it's for me it's more just dealing with shitty ass people in an environment where you can't just like walk away no and that's this like he's like oh well she didn't laugh she didn't smile no people aren't going to laugh when you're making in a appropriate come on to them type jokes that's gross that's uncomfortable no one wants to go to work and be subjected to sexual comment or hit on constantly just because you're a server just because you're a bartender just because you're blank blank blank doesn't mean you have to hear quirky funny not funny inappropriate jokes and smile through it I'm here to get you your food your drinks not be subjected to this [ __ ] Behavior yeah you know how this guy would respond to that well you shouldn't be a server then 100% that's what he would think if you can't keep your [ __ ] mouth shut or say appropriate things to people that are trying to serve you food you shouldn't go out to eat in public stay home and it never means much when an entire friend group around an [ __ ] also thinks the same way with them cuz there's a reason you're friends with them yeah literally it's so stupid this is one of the tables that I would like beg my cooworker to like switch with me like a male cooworker I'd be like can you please take them just give me anyone like give me anyone else about this table there was certain times when we were serving where there would be people that would come in and there was everyone just had the idea that they were going to be really difficult customers and that they wouldn't tip well so everyone would be like please please please please like take them and it's weird because I always at first I thought when I was new to it I'm like how would you just that's so weird how can you just tell and then it was always correct so it's just something like over and over again they like start to understand a certain Vibe which sounds like this group of people where they're like I don't want to take them oh I had this one little old man and he's now since past but his name was Clarence and he was so sweet it was when I was a server at Perkins and he would come in every day and just tip a dollar oh just a dollar every day but he was he was so so sweet H it's not always about the tip but like when you're working your ass off and like you get your checks zeroed out yeah like this is how we survive yeah you make money off of the tips like you really don't make much like at least when I was serving and tipping culture has gone a little crazy like I get the iPad flip oh yeah those usually shouldn't be a tip scenario but it's just weird that it's expected to literally tip like everywhere now dude wasn't it Carrie said she bought a candle at a candle shop and they like gave the option to tip yeah there was something um I literally just bought and it was like a tap but I had to select like if I wanted to leave a tip before I tapped and I feel like it was at like a home good store type Vibe I don't remember what it was now but I remember thinking like the [ __ ] are they asking me to tip for yeah it was crazy and situations now I remember I used to panic because it would only be uh F I mean at those types of places like 10 15 20 now it's literally 18 20 25 I instantly now obviously in the the right settings I'm not I'm just so not afraid I instantly hit no bam I have such a hard time with it sucks I not at places where it doesn't make sense I know but I just I just feel so guilty staring at you yeah and to no tip I don't know it just makes me feel so bad and which is that's what pisses me off I'm like I shouldn't have to feel bad more often than not they'll never know so I've heard really I thought it came sometimes sometimes they flip that iPad back and it says total and they know you think it doesn't show up right on the screen for them I thought it did I thought I've seen either stories posts or Tik toks about this and I remember the comments that a lot of people are agreeing that they don't always see it yeah it just like orders over whatever I I could see it depending on the operating system too it just pops up on a it's they start to pop it up on a big screen or the whole thing turns red Tipper didn't tip either rings a bell or it doesn't it's literally getting there like it's about it feels like getting hazed a little bit yeah that's crazy yeah one of the top comments holy [ __ ] you're the [ __ ] your jokes are absolutely appalling no one wants to be treated like that especially when they're at work and can't immediately tell you to get the [ __ ] oh to go [ __ ] yourself there you go she looked like you disgusted her because you did disgust her also there's a lot of other [ __ ] you did wrong and blamed her for that and it was not in her control but I'm not even going to wade into all of that because the most egregious thing you did is already enough for judgment egregious I like that word let's start using that it was it was from the jump I mean the first sentence like all right I know where we're headed you're not on the menu gross especially coming from an old dude who's married and just has a family at home and you're saying that [ __ ] to me that's not cool and then he gets home babe guess what she rejected me yeah right that's that's really what it was is like his little fragile ego well also when you tell someone like oh well you're not on the menu you're implying you want to eat her I was going to say it's so objectifying it's disgusting like you're going to go down on her you're going to suck a tit like what what do you what does it mean you're not on the menu nasty nasty oh my God was this written by a [ __ ] what's that guy's name a caveman no I just learned about this guy recently an actor yeah what's his name Hammer Army Army Hammer yeah that was so weird I really liked him in a man called Uncle or spy called Uncle or whatever movie too it just sucks there was screenshots too so I don't think that it was not legit I think yeah there's a whole documentary on it now I think no way I think so but okay moving along okay oh before I forget I just want to give a shout out to my blankie I got this as a present uh it's coming from I believe it's pronounced Aileen but her business is House of hex and it's literally the softest blanket I think any of us have touched so cute I might need to get one it's unreal so thank you okay moving along this is coming from True off my chest it is titled I made comments about women doing yoga and now it's awkward my 31 male wife 30 female and two of her good friends get together every morning to do yoga they do it at home while watching an instructor on YouTube and rotate homes week to week it has become an important part of her routine and she has been noticeably happier and healthier since she started doing it I work from home as does one of the other husbands he and I will joke about it when it's yoga week at our house that we have to avoid the living room or wherever to give the women some privacy we usually see the ladies before or after their yoga session and we will admittedly make little jokes to each other via text from time to time that it's a quote good yoga day over here if the ladies are looking cute or whatever not anything scandalous just like quote Donna is having a great yoga day today or quote Jess wins yoga today if they are wearing an attractive outfit or whatever just stuff like that the guy I text with mentioned it to the third guy over beers last week something to the effect that he's missing out on the yoga mornings by not working from home and mentioned that he and I will send texts with yoga updates from time to time I'm not sure the exact words but something harmless like that well this third guy flew off the handle told his wife and she gave the other two women a heads up that this guy guy and I were sending weird texts about their yoga my wife and the other wife absolutely laughed it off they thought it was cute and funny and not at all unexpected my wife let her know that they are all good guys and you can't expect guys to not notice women in yoga shorts or whatever but now this third woman has paused joining their moing yoga because of all of this I feel bad about this and like I may owe an apology although it doesn't feel like any kind of major issue advice is welcome oh it's an advice one okay so so we can't go as hard just kidding psych I I I'm kind of shocked at the other the other L's responses but I the weirdest part is it's like you're talking about each other's girls ew yeah and I just I don't know any world in which that would not be weird I think it's like one of those things where obviously if like we're all going out to dinner one night and like Lauren looked like really pretty you can be like oh Lauren that's a great that's a great fit like you look great today Lauren I did before the live show I told her I liked her sweatshirt today but it's like it's very different when it's like it's a good yoga day today yeah Jess wins yoga but that could be like feels a little sexual it feels a little too sexual it's not like a just nice like outfit comment or like you know I mean no chance they're probably taking pictures and just like the being I don't know you can't expect a guy not to what whatever the wife said get excited about women in yoga shorts really cuz that I expect my uh boyfriend to not not get excited about that unless it's me especially when it's your friends yeah when it's my friends it's also giving like well what was she wearing yeah like it's giving like you're inviting that attention because you're wearing leggings right it's like what oh young boys young boys can't handle themselves so we have to we have to ban yoga pants in high school yeah and I and I honest control your [ __ ] s if it was more like like great yoga day like the girls look so cute something like that whatever but I don't like the fact where it's one of them wins today you know if it's unless it's your own why why are you saying that I would say more often than not though you're not not going to have anyone standing around being like Oh the girls were cute today like it's just I I don't know anyone in my life that I would ever get that text from ever if if I'm putting myself in that situation you guys are all at yoga I would never get a text from anyone that I know that's like so true let alone like any of you guys' boyfriends that you've had or have I would it's just so weird the girls are looking great today like I'm I'm picturing just like the three girls at uh Me O and Morgan at Disneyland and Justin just texting Austin the girls look super cute today well it' be more like me texting Brian yeah and then Brian it's just Brian's there Brian look at his phone looks over at you like what the [ __ ] it's really strange I guess it does make sense cuz like the two work from home so like they're constantly seeing them but it's like they're talking about each other's partner I know but the thing is it's like in order to make those comments you have to really be looking analyzing judging observing them and week to week yeah here's the thing though it's if you have that dynamic in your relationship and it works for you then it's not really a that big of a problem but it becomes the problem because somebody else doesn't like feeling whatever she's feeling maybe she's feeling objectified but and maybe the guy feels grossed out that these people are just like you know eyeing up his wife every single week so that's where the issue lies but it's like if the wives don't care and that's the dynamic that they have with their husbands then so be it go off like whatever I know it might become a foresome well for the one wife to say oh well it's not unexpected yeah so they're they're into it yeah they clearly don't care and if that works for them it works for them but you also have to understand if it doesn't work for other people that's very fair no I would be uncomfortable given given like me finding out new found information that like anytime I went over to your house and Brian was there he was checking me out like I would be really weirded out I wouldn't want to go back especially in tight workout clothes where I'm in like vulnerable positions like downward dog no right so and that's and that's where the problem lies because it's like this that would be like me being like Oh I don't care at all I would care i' would be very pissed off if that was happening but I'm saying if I didn't care at all then it's like okay our relationship we're still on the same page me and me and my boyfriend but like my friend feels objectified she feels gross she doesn't like it so it's not okay you need to fix it so I think that he's this guy's asking for advice it's like you need to fix it with the people that are feeling very disturbed you do owe her an apology yeah exactly she's uncomfortable exactly you [ __ ] up yeah you can apologize but it's not going to change anything prob not going to come over anymore like I promise I won't look at you no it's done it's done for her but you can still like make an apology because you made someone uncomfortable and now you like you kind of took away someone's Joy because they were really loving doing this together like it sounds like a great routine it sounds really good healthy and happy and he even noticed his own wife like my wife has been a lot healthier and happier since doing these yoga mornings and you just ruined that for someone why did you have to make it weird you took away her sense of community and that's everything for us Community social connection I think it's what a lot of us are like missing these days and it's it's hard to find and so to take that piece from someone is really really sad and disappointing so you do owe an apology bare minimum and honestly if you want to make it really right you say hey I'm going to leave and go work from a coffee shop when you come over to do the yoga mornings I want to make it right get out of the house you weirdo yeah well are also it's just it's not that hard to avoid for how long are they doing yoga not 3 hours an hour so may really have to go downstairs and go through the living room and well now we know why they were going down there but like in all reality you could avoid that space very easily if you just plan a little bit ahead yeah top comment on this one I have secondhand embarrassment from reading this you guys are gross and need to grow up I'd never work out at a friends if their husbands are texting about mind and our bodies to their other buddies what the hell yeah mhm yeah the next one kind of highlights what we talked about is like not to mention being compared to another woman on top of it one wins yoga by having the most attractive outfit yeah exactly exactly it's just weird whole thing feels icky I don't need to say it again but just let's say the one that one yoga was Lauren and I'm texting Brian like dude Lauren won yoga today it's so weird oh my God what what is that about I Brian should feel threatened like what are you trying to instill in your buddy I would be like if I saw him Brian's phone like like Alandra W today she looks great if we were all hanging out bye that's like me so pissed that well that's like an even better perspective is like us going out to drinks and like Brian looks really good and I'm being like Lauren Brian looks really good today that one could be maybe he could get it yeah okay now we're getting to the story we did on the show and then you instantly start making out and it's like wait you can't tease people with live show stories they're not going to hear them that one might that one might be heard maybe yeah which one is it you know which one Lauren the friend playing never have I ever oh yeah yeah we'll put it on patreon yeah that one was probably one of the most memorable thus far I really that one made me more mad than anything on the show so far yeah I I can't say for for in the studio because there's so many I don't but in terms of the tour for some reason that one like got me most angry I guess we're taking it to patreon yeah there we go okay moving along to the next one one of this week's Partners is Shopify kaching when when I started podcasting never in a million years did I ever expect to see people in person wearing podcast merch that I helped design it is mind-blowing and means so much but a big part of getting my merch to you guys is Shopify Shopify is the global Commerce platform that helps you sell at every stage of your business me I was not ready for any stage of selling merch I didn't know where to begin I didn't know how to do it sales tax help Shopify made all of that so easy and seamless it makes getting merched you guys actually po possible without Shopify it wouldn't exist and no matter what stage of the business you're in whether it's just launching 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basically a veggie for 3 years until he passed away I was the one that took care of him until he went to a high care facility in all honesty I already started the morning process years before before he died so when he did die I already accepted it yeah makes sense I started a date right after his death and I met a very nice guy we've been together for a while and he proposed to me he is also a widower I can call him Tim Tim is a great guy and my kids hate him he has done nothing wrong to make them hate him the worst he has done the whole time was go on a rant about planes my kids hate his guts they really hate that I'm moving on I've already discussed this before with them and it boils down to I am replacing their father all I ask is for them to be polite to him he doesn't deserve their hate he proposed and I said yes I informed the kids at a family dinner that I'm getting remarried they blew up and it started an argument two said they will not come to my wedding on principle of the whole thing I informed my kids I won't be lonely for my whole life and if they don't come to my wedding they clearly don't give a [ __ ] about my happiness they called me a jerk and I want an outside opinion am I the [ __ ] no how old are the kids op doesn't give an actual age just mentions all are adults okay adults to op though could mean right at 18 MH so uh very unclear account has been suspended at this point so I can't search directly in op's comments but I'm going to scan through and see if I can find anything I guess for the kids it's probably hard that she started dating immediately after he died I understand what she's saying because I've heard other people say that where when somebody is sick and declining like that they are mentally preparing themselves for years to accept you know to accept it so I've I've heard that before that doesn't sound like a crazy con cep but for the kids I'm sure just dating immediately after he passed probably felt really wrong for them but she's I mean what what do they expect like don't they want her to be happy I mean if she is happy shouldn't they want that you know and I think that it comes down to everybody mourning in a different way yeah for me I guess I'm just a little confused by the timeline like as I was reading it and Opie goes my husband has been officially dead for 3 years years MH he might as well have been dead for a few years already though before that yeah so I'm like I wonder how long it was from like vegetative state and he's just you know at a high Care Facility versus okay he died and now it's been 3 years like when did she start dating Tim I think that's like the timeline is a little unclear here and as I was reading it like I literally you guys won't see it cuz I I edit it but I literally paused and I'm like what like I was like pondering the post before I continued reading cuz I was I was confused about that but I thought that it was three years that since he passed away and then she started dating this Tim guy like right after he he passed away and so now it's been three years since he's died that's what I was thinking okay yeah I wonder if there's any comments wait do you think that she's the [ __ ] you guys didn't answer no I don't think the [ __ ] I think like the family should definitely go through some family therapy together because like it is hard loosen a parent but at the same time you can't expect the one that's still there to not move on yeah that's unfair I can understand like the resentment if she did start dating him like before the dad passed because like what if there was some miracle and he woke up mhm I don't know yeah like that that kind of gets tricky it sounded like it was separate though but it was but this one's also hard I think for me to I mean my parents have been divorced since I was 3 years old so I don't know parents to be together like that so it's kind of this one might not be the best story for me to put my take on but that's a tough one yeah but I would say overall she doesn't sound like the [ __ ] to me yeah um I don't know if there's more that I'm missing but that's my that's what I'm getting I do see a comment from op M so someone goes quote referencing what op said I started a date right after his death this is an unclear timeline could you please give a number to right away it sounds like they are mourning the death of their father then you throw some guilt their way because you moved on very fast question mark op responds I started to go on dates again 4 months after he passed I went on dates with people I've been with Tim for almost 2 years I met Tim about a year after my husband had passed oh okay I already went through most of the morning process when he was still alive he has been dead for a while to me before he even died he was in a vegetative state he couldn't even talk for 2 years before he died oh wow he was alive but no one was home for a while before he passed he just laid there dead to the world that's so tough yeah I really don't think you've done anything wrong the only scenarios when I feel like you want to avoid a wedding is when you completely unsupport the new relationship based on some wrongdoing yeah maybe they cheated and that's the partner they stuck with and you want nothing to do with that and so you avoid the wedding that makes sense m in this case it's sure it's fully their decision to take this stance and not and and not go for their sake but you there's no reason to hold her back she is full right and she's totally not in the wrong at all to go forward and do this she's moving on and that's fair and if the kids don't want to yet then they don't have to but I wouldn't hold I wouldn't like not marry this guy because of that no if they're not going to support you that's on them and they just burned that bridge with their mom who seemingly loves them and is just trying to be happy and not alone by herself sad yeah there's additional comments from op uh someone asked I would also like to know just how involved or not involved the children had in the care of their father how much time did they manage to spend with him op responds not much they would visit but they were not very involved they knew what was happening but they had their own lives yeah see and so she can't have hers now that's the thing too is like I I not that I am thinking that she should do this but I think that there's people who would have started dating during those two years where their husband is not even speaking not even home as she said so to me I actually think that this timeline sounds like it was respectful she was taking care of him that entire time and then for four months still she stayed away from dating yeah um which that sounds like it was then years like that was at least you know 2 and a half maybe almost 3 years yeah well she said she was taking care of him for longer than the than he was yeah MH yeah so ages on the kids the oldest is 37 the middle child is 34 and the youngest is 31 interesting that is very interesting I'm actually really shocked to like I thought it was going to be like an 18-year-old like right and then Dad passed when they were 15 and that's why they're like still like really struggling with this which a loss is hard no matter what age but you should if you have your own lives maybe your own Partners maybe your own kids you could maybe have a little bit more empathy for your mom I just wonder if there's more to this like I wonder if there I don't because it doesn't really seem to add up to me it's really weird I can't see any other comments from op there's a a story that I really want to read to you it's so long so that's the one that you said you think we should put on patreon but it is the same type of theme where the family members do not want somebody to move on because of what the hell yeah the death of their wife we got our two stories for today that we're doing right after this I mean yeah sometimes it could be it could feel wrong or it could feel inappropriate but this is completely Justified the time was there she was the main caretaker I mean she did everything right as far as is it the context here yeah and so just as a as a kid it'd be very selfish to try and hold your mom back from something like this or to not support her when yeah you there's like I don't get the whole replace your dad thing I I can't imagine what it's like to lose a parent I don't know how long you'd hold on to that and keep your mom from being happy because of something that's probably internal yeah you go ahead first Lear no I was just going to say I just think that some people really just do not like the idea of people getting remarried after a after a a death yeah like I just think that for some people it's just not something that computes for them I well what's crazy too is like based on their ages no matter who your mom remarried and this is the same for people that are young to like a 13-year-old that their you know a parent died and their other one gets remarried no one is going to replace your parent that was still your dad that was still your mom that was still your person no one's going to replace them right but now at least your mom isn't alone yeah 100% And what's really your contact going to be it's not like you're having a new father figure moving to your home this is just your mom's partner and you're off and on and on your own life yeah so it's I get when it happens to a young kid and it's like there's someone new in my house and they're trying to act like a dad but they're also you know whatever that's when boundaries can get weird and and you know that can be really tough but let your mom be happy I know well someone wanted to know too about the pl like the plane rant um so they go info what is rant about planes mean we talk in a what's the deal with Airline peanuts rant or more of a quote jet fuel can't melt still beams type situation maybe they're Pilots which is that for those that don't know the cont they're referring to 911 conspiracy theories with that last one are the kids Pilots so well this was um Tim on the plane rant and that's why they don't like him yeah yeah that's what I mean so op responds he worked on planes for his career and is very passionate about different types he started ranting about an airline wanting a new part that was discontinued and explaining why they don't use it anymore and its dangers so more of a work rant than anything it was fine yeah it's actually kind of interesting I know someone comments back my dad is a pilot so I completely understand it's not a job it's in their blood yeah I knew I knew who was having the rant I was just saying maybe there was some disagreement and all the kids were pilots and that they were like no this is that and this is that and they like feuded over something like that that they actually knew something about but is really sad MH I thought based on the title I thought we were going to get something a whole lot different which is why I'm like wait wait you said what out loud and now I'm just like [ __ ] you kids yeah like your mom deserves better it's it's really sad all around but like the reality is like your dad is gone and you don't like adult kids like you don't see your parents a lot you move on you have your own lives and it's just it's sad you should want her to be supported and happy yeah it is interesting I'm just the reason I'm wondering if it's just that they have this mentality of not getting remarried if if a significant other passes away is because one time I was out to a happy hour with some co-workers and one of my co-workers was saying how her husband said that he will never love again if she were to pass away that he would just like that never wow and and she was like I feel like I would definitely like I wouldn't want to be alone again yeah um so I just think that maybe it's a difference in how they view that I can see that you just looked at me so sad when I was like I wouldn't want to be alone and Justin like looks over like what no I think I think people should like should 100% do whatever they feel they should not suppress and walk around their home alone the rest of their lives just because of losing a partner or divorce or cheating or something I mean yeah like do do what you want to do do what makes you happy okay let's move along and lighten this mood a little bit e hey hey another one of this week's Partners is cozy Earth We're on tour we're traveling we're staying in a lot of hotels a lot of which don't have great sheets actually some of my sheets have been disgusting with pills and makeup and Scratchy straw leg Sensations as I'm trying to wind down it is bad so getting home crawling into my bed with my cozy Earth sheets makes me never want to leave cozy Earth beding really transforms your sleep and a big part of it is because they're temperature regulating and have Superior softness I am no joke going to bring a cozy Earth fitted and 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takes okay this next one is coming from AI T ah it is titled am I the [ __ ] for being truthful and admitting that I find my wife unattractive after her surgery yes probably my wife had plastic surgery recently we had discussed it and I was against it it was not my decision and ultimately I had no say she looks weird now she had the fat sucked out of her face lip fillers a neck lift other stuff I don't really get she gives me uncanny valley Vibes now it freaks me out she is fully healed now and she wants us to go back to normal like me initiating sex I have done so but not as much as I used to do and when I do I try and make sure there is very little light you can't eat because we're missing your reactions it's been a few months and I kind of dread having to look at her obviously she has noticed oh no she has been bugging me to tell her what's up I've tried telling her I'm just tired from work or that I'm run down really anything except the the truth she broke down and asked me if I was having an affair and I said I wasn't she asked to look at my phone I unlocked it for her and handed it over I wasn't worried about her finding anything because there's nothing to find she spent an hour looking through it and found nothing she asked me to explain why I changed I tried explaining that I just wasn't that interested right now nothing I said was good enough for her but she kept digging I finally told the truth I wasn't harsh or brutally honest I just told her that her new face wasn't something I found attractive and that I was turned off she asked if that's why I turn all of the lights off now and I said yes she started crying and said that she needed time alone she went to stay with her sister I have been called every name in the book since this happened her sister said I'm a piece of [ __ ] for insulting my wife's looks her friends all think I'm the [ __ ] I tried not to say anything I can't force myself to find her attractive I still love her but her face is just weird now she looks like the blue alien from The Fifth Element am I the [ __ ] okay this this is a very I can can Lauren go first no no go first Lauren's over here stressed chomping on a chip I'm going to honestly say I don't think so until that last comment the blue alien yes I think when you take it to levels like that that's when you getting to [ __ ] territory the reality is yes you can't control your attraction levels you can't control your horniness levels I think the only better way you obviously you could have done this is to be honest up front and not start like making someone feel like they're crazy but what do you do do you like I think you need to be honest with stuff like this even if that means you lose the relationship because are you going to go through the rest of your life lying to your partner lying to yourself and just being not happy or do you be honest with your partner and you can be very sensitive about it you're not talk you're obviously like I I feel terrible for her because I I just anything with looks and and not insults but just like someone not being attracted especially your partner like that would break me that would break anyone but at the same time for him you kind of got to be honest and if that means moving on it's moving on but I don't think you're an [ __ ] for being honest and getting out in the open versus lying forever I don't either especially because he tried to talk her out of it he really told her at the beginning before any of these surgeries I'm I'm adamantly against this which means she did it for her which is fine this it's just sorry go on no the last point is either that or just like an insecurity that like you know she might have had but like I don't know like I don't know she she did a lot of surgery like to do the Buckle fat removal lip filler and neck lift and other stuff like that's a those are a lot of procedures and that is changing a person's entire face Buckle fat removal is like a big Trend right now and it's probably one of the worst things you can do because as you age you lose more fat in your face and that increases the jowls like it doesn't it doesn't longevity Wise It's not a good look yeah a lot of Surgeons even very much are advising against it now exactly yeah Demi Moore is a great example of buckle fat removal gong wron gone wrong that sounded wrong and and she got like really criticized for it and ended up I don't know if she got fat reinjected or what but she reversed it and looks incredible so I think that's a great example of like like you can fix it but it's really it's tough but Lauren you were you were really heated over there I wouldn't say heated just more wow kind of factor because it's one of those things where I know I'm always for telling the truth and I get what you're saying Justin but part of me feels I don't know this one's kind of hard because it's it's his truth that would potentially affect her for the rest of her life she can't go back and change these things maybe like the Buckle fat like you just mentioned but there's a lot of these things that are going to be hard for her to go back so now it's like you just instilled a deep insecurity of her that she might carry with her the person that she loves the most in the world doesn't find her attractive I know it's like that to me is one of those things where I don't know if the truth was the right thing to do if anything it's like maybe he could like switch it and be like I'm sorry I just I realized that I'm not into plastic surgery I just I don't want I'm whatever at least make it a little bit better but this one just kind of hurts and it's tough to overcome you know how do you go back from there how do you continue your relationship with knowing that your husband has been turning the lights off every time you guys hook up that's that is painful well and she recognizes it and asks him too like is this why you've been turning the lights off like yeah you feel terrible but at the same time I don't think this relationship is going to continue like I don't he still loves her though I think it could he still he still really loves her here's the thing that's interesting about this one is that we had a story at the live show where a guy told his wife that he doesn't find her attractive anymore and doesn't want to be intimate with her because she gained 20 lbs and we all were like he sucks but Justin you were just saying you can't control your what you're attracted to or not and um but everyone you know in that situation would like like screw that guy you should love your partner through thick and thin and all this whereas this situation people are it seems a little bit more it's interesting going easy on him you know well and is is that because she made that decision maybe actively you know cuz they seem kind of on the same playing field in in a way yeah well let me show you the picture of the alien or same sorry same playing field of stories is what I meant yeah well that couple they were dating and she gained weight because she went on birth control for him that's right I forgot about that a little different like they've been married and this is like elective aggressive plastic surgery which would align it more with that if he had pressured her to go in and do this and then after was like I don't like it anymore that's true I forgot about that that aspect like he was saying no I love you for you don't do this this is the blue alien um I do understand the reference because this person not the alien like head and face just the face though the face is very snatched and sculpted so I do understand like if she got a bluff and a necklift chin lift Lio like it starts to be like a V it's very sculped chisel no facial fat so I do understand the reference that he was trying to make I wish she submitted a picture which I know that they wouldn't do that but I know I'm like how different could she really look look yeah top comment not the [ __ ] I think you handled the situation as well as you could but there's a difficult conversation you and her need to have soon mhm someone goes oh God if she did the Buckle fat remover I totally feel you it makes people look freaky and Opie goes yeah that's it thanks I couldn't remember oh man there are plastic surgeons out there that refuse to do this one because of the damage it can cause and two because there isn't enough data to show what it'll do over time but they expect it'll cause some worse problems down the road as people age so anyways not the [ __ ] um they go on to say all caps she did all of this and still can't manage to take any personal responsibility or act like an adult about it it yeah I don't like how all of everyone's attacking him all the friends are calling him all these awful names the sister yeah oh the sister like you would too if like if you came over to my house crying and you were like my partner called me ugly and he's not attracted to me and he shuts the lights off when we have sex I'd be like dude what the [ __ ] is your problem yeah true like that's an initial reaction based on someone coming to you having a mouth down like that's you're going to stick up for your people yeah that's fair well and honestly you know you could say well in a perfect world you could have come clean right away but in our actual human reality yeah he probably did handle it the best way possible in the sense that yeah you got to the level where you'd make it really dark in your room and whatever but at the same time you're probably trying to figure out these feelings yeah you're trying to give it time yeah and give it time just to give things a shot and then after realizing when she's starting to really be like I need to go through her phone then yes you realized you're at the time where you have to just come clean whereas a lot of people probably wouldn't have the maturity to come clean at that point we do have a lot of comments from op he does say she isn't hideous she just doesn't look like herself anymore remember when the girl from Dirty Dancing got a nose job and no one recognized her someone goes do you love her because of her looks or who she is is which is a good point Y and Opie goes love and sexual attraction are two very different things yeah true uh someone asked how was getting these surgeries discussed and what did she say when you protested she said she wanted to get this stuff done I said I would prefer it if she didn't I pulled up pictures of celebrities before and after and showed her how weird they look Meg Ryan the girl from Glee the girl from lipsync Battle she said that she would feel better herself if she got it we talked and argued about it for a year oh wow before she did it started with lip fillers and ended with Buckle fat removal someone goes you're shallow he responds if I got a snake tattoo across my face is she allowed to say she isn't a fan money and age we are both in our mid-30s her mom gave her the money for these surgeries as a gift he's got good responses yeah I mean I mean I just I think that because of the fact that he adamantly expressed how much he doesn't find it attractive then she shouldn't be that surprised that he ended up not finding it attractive you know like they talked about it for a year he showed before and after pictures like he made it you know as much as that sucks like I don't know now that knowing that information I don't know why she's that shocked yeah there's a lot of comments a lot a lot lot of comments from op I will try to post the link I wasn't able to do it for a past couple episodes because my computer did an update and all of my tabs went bye-bye um but I will hopefully have all of these we do have an update oh okay this was posted 3 days later so it's coming from March 12th of this year okay my wife came home yesterday and we finally had a long talk she told me that the reason she had the surgery was because her mom and sister talked her into it oh okay why now we know the sister's position that makes sense they convinced her that she was starting to look old and that I would find someone else to be with if she did not do something the [ __ ] that was why her mom gave her the money for the operations that's messed up her mom and sister look like Bruce Campbell in Escape From LA I don't know what that is they are the very references they are the very last people on the planet that should be telling anyone to get plastic surgery I use some of the comments I read on the post as my talking points I told her that I loved her and that she was the person that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with I told her that the surgery would take a while longer to settle down and that as I got more used to her new face I would learn to appreciate it she asked me if I wanted her to see if she could get some of it reversed I almost screamed at her the last thing in the world I want is for her to [ __ ] up her face more than it already is I asked her if she could please just leave it and let me get used to it we talked about it for 3 hours and we decided that her mom and sister would not be a part of any decisions in our lives going forward she is going to leave her face alone and give me a chance to get used to it we're going to look for a marriage counselor and maybe individual counselors for each of us I am going to make an effort to show her every day how I still find her desirable and she is going to make an effort to believe me when I tell her I love her the way she is we're going to talk to her mom and sister and tell them we are taking a break from them we're going to block them and get our [ __ ] together before we allow them back into our lives thank you to everyone who tried to help me I would like to add that I did not think there were many guys out there with a weird blue squid lady fetish it isn't for me but you do you wow yeah this one kind of makes you feel sick it's it's really sad the one thing no one should ever tell somebody else that they need plastic surgery that's just an absolute no so that part is really saddening especially that it's coming from her family and that they're saying that he's going to leave you if you don't get these plastic surgeries that is so so sad I know I know and then you start to think about how much was this really her idea no yeah it doesn't sound like it at all I know like it obviously takes her to go through with it after a year of debating with him even it takes her to still make that call but I think just one of the scariest thoughts ever would be to go get some you know altering surgery body altering and then having regret exct and having no way to go back that is a nightmare yeah I I've like thought about different plastic surgeries before and I just it just freaks me out too much to not be able to you can't permanent you can't just be like actually yeah undo cuz I'd rather just have it be how it was you know that that kind of that part freaks me out yeah well I will show you cuz I never showed you guys Demi more so this is Demi anymore after she got the Buckle fat removal no way yeah what's the point to it makes your face look sculpted which a sculpted face with high cheekbones and that indent like that gives skinny I don't know it's it's very desirable for a lot of people there's been a lot of people that have done it it gives you like The Joker scars that is I haven't seen that on other people that was that's I'll show you one more I'll show you one more they were before Demi Moors without a but Opie has been very very communicative there's um maybe eventually going to be another update but that was the last update we have I think from the update I'm sensing a very good person the one thing I didn't like was the wife saying do you want me to go and see if I can reverse anything and he goes no I don't want you to [ __ ] up your face more and I that's a little too much I hope I hope he didn't like say to her directly like that yeah but there's a really good chance like some of it could be reversed yeah I mean especially Li injection lip injections you can dissolve filler you can dissolve and the Buckle fat didn't you just say that's also reversible Demi Moore Demi Moore did something I don't know the procedures but Demi Moore had a a big transformation I wonder if they can take fat from other parts of you and put it back in there probably I feel like they do that with a lot of places it seems like if they were able to take it out they'd be able to put it back in I would just wonder how risky it is you think there's if it comes from yourself though then but like bbls are one of the most risky surgeries there are are they so what exactly do they do I feel like I would not want to watch a video of that it's really crazy watching lipo procedures and fat getting sucked out it's wild but that's essentially they suck fat should be so easy like this you know the little like patch of fat right here I was just think like can't they just put a little straw in here and just that's what they do but they go with a laser suction they like burn the fat and suck it out it's have't you seen lipo videos never let me show you real quick perfect because for some reason it just seems like it should be an easier surgery than what it is like just take a tiny little straw it's not all in one little hatch though oh God in the vertical Direction and what I'm doing is I'm pinching the skin what pinch and then after Direction I'm come like I do want to watch it though oh this Lio video Yeah Zoom the [ __ ] in okay it's kind of what I thought but I thought like I didn't think they'd get so invasive like that or I guess it's very violent it can't be doing anything good there's you don't do any good inside but just I was thinking like poke a little hole and just squeeze it out I but like so many people get lipo like my mom wants to get like a lot of lipo so many people do the mommy makeovers when they're done having kids and do like lipo tummy talks like I'd just be scary I'd stab something the way he was moving that thing you're but you're in the atap POS layer that's fat but you're right it just felt so aggressive just dude oh man that was crazy moving along not need that okay moving along another one of this week's Partners is skims I used to hate wearing bras especially if they had underwear I would get home from whatever I was doing and immediately take them off and still have the lines from the wire for at least 2 hours and I know I can't be the only one but skims believe the hype I am so mad I held out for so long because these bras have been lifechanging the ones I've really fallen in love with are the it's everybody collection literally the whole collection not a bad item but the T-shirt bra is so comfy and versatile with just about everything I wear but the showstopper is the no-show balconet bra it is so sexy while still being super comfortable and supportive it's actually one of the only sexy bras 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my wife actually got fired from her job because she fell into a deep depression as can be imagined my brother has a girlfriend 22 she dabbles in the spiritual world and is into all of that kinds of stuff three nights ago we had them over for dinner for my youngest birthday party in front of my depressed wife and my two young children 8 and 11 she says quote I can feel your son here I say excuse me she tells my wife that she can feel his presence here and that she just knows she can help us make contact and help us with closure my youngest is confused starts crying my wife's on the verge of tears my brothers staring at her in awe like it's this great thing I told her she needs to stop that or she could leave she got upset and said she was trying to help us with closure and that I just don't understand I told her to f off and leave my brother got angry at me we got got into a big argument they left my wife is upset but thinks maybe I should have listened to her she's desperate my brother is texting me about how disrespectful I was to his girlfriend and I need to apologize that's not just something you say to grieving parents is it am I the [ __ ] uh [ __ ] I think anytime you're acting out of emotion or you're such in such fresh uh in the grieving process I don't think a lot of times you have much control over how you react or things you say when when it gets put in your face like this I feel like some people would really latch on to that and it would be a way different moment or I feel like it's going to be one or the other it's either going to be like what the [ __ ] or you feel what and it really like it hits them so I wish maybe there could be some sort of way to test the room if you're going to attempt something like this with random people you don't know well in a way to try and tread lightly to see if that's if they could benefit from something like this or not instead of just kind of going for it well that's how I feel too I feel like there's a time and a place for everything like she actually might be very very real she might feel she has a spiritual connection like I do believe that there are people out there that have abilities that can't be explained and they're more in touch to other energy or another realm but on the flip side I think they're people that you know kind of use it to manipulate vulnerable people grieving people people looking for answers so for me I don't think this is the time or a place this is another birthday party there's two young children there who just lost their their big brother the kids are the big difference for sure do when they're alone and don't just start spewing stuff like I feel his presence here oh my God like approach her and say Hey you know I do have a little bit of a gift if you'd like to you know sit down with me one night maybe we could try to like connect and maybe provide you some closure because that could really help her but there's a time and a place and a way to approach this so no I don't think op was the [ __ ] saying [ __ ] off because that feels very wrong you upset people you cause kids to cry that could be a life-changing defining traumatizing moment for them that's not fair I thought the kids were crying because they were touched is that were they crying cuz they were upset no they're confused and start crying yeah the mom is on the verge of tears like yeah cuz as a kid you're like what he's he's here just it's it's not it wasn't appropriate but I do think though even if it's warranted to tell someone to [ __ ] off I don't think that's the right thing to do either you know like he could he could have literally been like I we're grieving this was not an appropriate time to bring this up and in front of the kids so I would like I would like you to leave yeah because I need time to process this you know what I mean and it's like again you we say this but in the moment [ __ ] happens people say things it's emotional and all that but like if we're going to if he's asking like am I the [ __ ] I would just if I were him I would reach out and be like I'm sorry I said [ __ ] off but I really felt that was inappropriate and I was really upset by that I honestly like I don't know like I I don't slight him in any way because like how else like I would pop off the handle too I'd be like wait what what the what are you saying what the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] off like what so I think is kind of like could he have said it nicer yeah but honestly someone that does that in that moment I don't know if they deserve to be treated the nicest like and he said stop and she kept going and then it was like like he did say I told her she needed to stop or she could leave oh I missed that she got upset and said she was trying to help us get closure and I just don't understand so then she's like doubling down respect what he just said right and then that's when he said I told her her to [ __ ] off and leave yeah yeah I don't blame him for saying that but like I'm just saying he is asking like am I the [ __ ] and it's like no you're not the [ __ ] but like if you want advice this you should probably apologize for that aspect if you want to have a relationship with your brother and you know his girlfriend but I also you know it's very emotional they're mourning so it's not a shocking you know reaction yeah overall vote on this one not the as there's no comments from op no updates the top comment you sir have fantastic restraint and are not the [ __ ] I'd have a hard time not physically throwing her and your brother out of my house if I'd been in your shoes another person said and I didn't read this there's time and a place for everything and it wasn't either one you are all obviously still moving through the grieving process and need time to heal your souls after something as traumatic as losing a child MH you have my sympathy for that and I hope you and your family can truly heal toar won't hurt so terribly anytime someone brings up your son in the future it took me a few years to get there after cancer took my father at a young age as the girlfriend is fairly young and is maybe used to people that humor her spirituality and appreciate it even maybe she didn't realize it was inappropriate in this case yeah clearly however your brother is a real [ __ ] for not only stopping his girlfriend but even defending her and arguing with you about it yeah my advice going forward text your brother back about the complete lack of social awareness of his girlfriend and the trauma it caed to your family with what she said and hold firm about not apologizing to her nor is she welcome in your house or around your family until she can apologize to you and your family and keep her damn mouth shut dang I'm getting angry on your behalf sorry not sorry about that someone down goes I'm a pagan and I wouldn't put up with her [ __ ] what's what's a pagan Pagan are more like spiritualistic um like a lot of like Christmas and Christian Traditions descended from paganism okay it's um it's like another form of spirituality I believe Pagan a person holding religious beliefs other than those of the main or recognized religion okay it's very vague mhm yeah it's just definitely it wasn't cool and I guess that's a that's a good point too in that comment it's like she's the one who owes him an apology like he even though he told her to [ __ ] off and I was saying you know he could reach out to her say I'm sorry for that but I it was really inappropriate you know I don't appreciate what you did and then they could have that discussion he also doesn't really owe her that either no that's what I was saying yeah like given the context like was it the nicest way no but you're not the [ __ ] and honestly you kind of are Justified and she owes you an apology so well at some point you just have to get to that point you if someone's not leaving or you got to get like you just need it to stop get the [ __ ] out you just get to that moment and then that's what finally makes them realize like oh I'm serious I'm doing something wrong I mean business yeah especially after he already asked her to stop there's another comment that goes and in front of their young children yeah that was wrong next comment at their birthday dinner mhm bag of oal oal this woman is and next person goes it boggles the mind I tend to use the phrase dumber than a bag of hammers don't know where it came from but it gets the point across to most folks dumber than a bag of hammers this is like what I was saying how there's somebody that I know it's um a friend of mine his dad had started dating somebody new after after his ex died and she goes up to the son which is my friend and was like you were my son in another life which is so messed up to me because it's like even if that was even if she does have these really special abilities and there was truth behind that to do that in the beginning of the first couple weeks of dating somebody that's crazy so Twisted how old was a kid our age like my age right now but at the time he was like 24 oh yeah yeah yeah he's yeah he was younger so4 25 oh my God I wish someone would say that to me but why just because I would be like no I [ __ ] wasn't yeah he was dude he was like really that his dad was like really manipulated by her and it does it kind of does remind me of that where like she used her gifts whether she has them or not to like lie and like manipulate into the relationship and like get him to almost like trauma Bond it truly your deceased fiance wants us to be together yeah that's crazy dude I would pop off even if I was the dad yeah if I was the dad in this one if I were the Dad sorry for my grammar um I would oh cuz I already yeah no we're not going to go there well policing yourself on grammar and then just ultimate being like no never mind yeah yeah self-control yeah yeah okay moving along maybe our maybe our last story on this episode maybe okay this one is titled am I the [ __ ] for cutting my mother-in-law off because she told my daughter she hoped I had died when I was taken to the hospital pretty sure we have an answer from the title again wait for the context Lauren they said what out loud they said what I 30 female was in a car crash I had to be cut out of the car I wasn't seriously injured though thankfully but the other person unfortunately wasn't doing too well from what I saw before I was taken away to the hospital I was told to stay in the hospital overnight to see if I suffered from a concussion I rang my husband and told him what happened my mother-in-law got the incidents mixed up when he dropped off our daughters 6 and 11 with my mother-in-law while he rushed to see me next morning my husband brought our daughters to come and visit me while I was waiting to be discharged upon seeing me my six-year-old burst into tears and said I don't want you to die I comforted her and said I'm not dying I'm very lucky she then said granny said she hoped I die so that them and my husband can come live with her me and my husband were shocked and my 12-year-old confirmed she heard her say that my husband said he was going to ring mother-in-law yeah the [ __ ] when he came back in the room he looked Furious but didn't say anything until after we got home and he did say mother-in-law denied it but after he kept pushing she ended up admitting it dude kids don't lie what the [ __ ] but she said she didn't mean it I thought me and her were close but I guess not I incredibly hurt she would want that and I said I wanted for me and the girls to go no contact with mother-in-law yeah I told my husband he can have a relationship with her but I don't want me and the girls to have one zero my husband said he supports me he then rang mother-in-law and told her what I said she didn't take it well she came to to our house crying and saying it was a misunderstanding and she didn't mean it and that we were taking it the wrong way my husband asked what did you mean by it then she just got hysterical and started crying and saying she always wanted daughters but my husband was the only child due to her not being able to have anymore after him and that the girls are more like her daughters than granddaughters and she wasn't thinking properly when she said that to her six-year-old you are insane she got so worked up that my husband had to take her home when he got back he said he didn't know she felt like that and asked did I still want to cut her off I said yes he said okay and didn't argue but it's been a week now and he is still very quiet and hasn't said much about what has happened and now I'm starting to feel guilty and wondering if I did take it the wrong way and am I being the [ __ ] how do you take that the wrong way I hope your mom dies so you can come come live with me that's so messed up to a six-year-old messed up when everybody's already frantic it's so scary for them to hear that their mom was in a car accident in the hospital and you're going to throw that in there what is wrong with you dude what is wrong with you that is insane well what about him about him like how he's what wouldn't that be an instant C off even if it was your own parent I I yeah I don't know why he's like perplexed by it and well there's the shock right so like anyone can have the shock of it and sit and be like okay what the [ __ ] just happened we would all like look at our parents and be like I didn't know my mom would ever do something like that like if your mom my mom any of our moms ever said that we'd be like she said what no no no way like you'd kind of go in a shock a little bit but not even denial shock I'm saying just shock at the whole situation you're in overall yeah like okay now my partner and my kids obviously they want no well the kids I the kids are included in her wish for no contact yeah it's unhealthy for them correct yeah totally justified if she's going to say stuff like that I'm just like if I'm him aren't you also just kind of like if it's not absolute no contact it's extremely [ __ ] low and no trust contact like there's what what could you trust for only him right yeah that's what like who how could you ever trust someone that wished that type of ill will towards you that's almost borderline like not that much worse than wishing you were dead yourself dude I would be really concerned going over to her house eating her food literally I think I'm confused by like his reaction when she like came over crying and was hysterical like to me I'm not shocked by that reaction because that was her like trying to get her way and like demonst straight like a Last Stand but I think he like felt bad when his mom was like well I wanted girls and like I couldn't have any more girls because because of whatever reasons and like yeah that's really that's really sad but like to then say like I think of my granddaughters as my children and then I wish their mom would die that's scary it's terrifying you're not safe to be alone with them anymore are you going to try to kidnap them and and even just that comment alone would piss me off they're more my daughters than they are are my granddaughters no actually not they're my daughters and they're your granddaughters the story let's get it straight yeah don't get it twisted it really doesn't matter what she wanted or what she wished for all of those rights to even say anything went out the door it's so creepy and to your point how do you even trust her after that it's like in such a vulnerable scary moment for everybody she's going to make a comment like that and I'm trying to think if there's any way where it could be like no I didn't mean it like that and she's if she was trying I'm trying to think of any good way that she could have meant it and I can't come up with one cuz even if the children were like I'm scared I don't want my mommy to die and if she were to be like well if it happens then you guys can come in with me and I'll make you cookies every day you know what I'm saying I'm like oh no you don't do that though but I'm saying even if Grandma said something like that that is still messed up you should be saying to the children it's going to be okay calm down we'll see her soon that's how you should be comforting them you are a liability you're concerning you're scary and I would absolutely want no contact as well absolutely did you guys see that video that's going around of some like Guy Street interviewing someone and they were like tell us something that like no one knows about you or tell us something your parents don't know blah blah blah blah blah this person goes on to share that they put rat poison in condiment bottles at restaurants oh my God like there are some sick deranged [ __ ] people out there that's messed up so if you ever go to eat and you're uncomfortable using the shared bottles ask for like packets every restaurant has them because they do take out orders holy [ __ ] you know what I thought though I think this every time I go into a hotel room when there's those communal bottles that they just unscrew the cap and refill I always think what if someone put n in here oh my God what if this is the hotel that I use their shampoo and it has nare in it and my hair falls out wow I think about that every time I'm GNA like start traveling with my own shampoo and stuff you are okay I just became like 20% more of just a paranoid person that's what happens in my head every day paranoia scared I catastrophize a lot okay I just need a second but like with this story just the the complete lack of care for someone who is important enough to your partner to be their partner mhm wait it's sick she wants to replace it's like her literally you just like yeah it's cool if she's die if she dies there's zero care there's zero wow I have I have more care for someone who's wronged me in life than she does for someone that's the wife of her son well what's sad too is she was like I thought we were close like she thought her and her mother-in-law had a great relationship and she thought they were close that freaks me out it's like you can't trust someone who apparently loves you yeah see this is getting back to like that Austin Land [ __ ] where I was going to say this at one of the live shows but used by your reference of Austin it's when they go into the they just mind [ __ ] you to where you just you can't believe or trust anything the medieval times right or like not me it was the book based off of whatever okay yeah I watched that with Brian he loved it I was not that into it I thought it was going to be way Morgan I agree with you it's like a little it's supposed to be a romcom it's cute it's way more cute than it is like mind [ __ ] it's creepy to think that's a romcom well and like what Justin like Justin looks at Austin Land and it's like that's a terror story like they go to this like themed land and they can't tell who loves you and it's like mind games they sign up for it they know that they're all they literally pay for it yeah I just think manipulation to the point of like where you just question everything about your life is just such a fear of mine and she should have known better though Austin Land right yeah no this is Justin's like biggest fear in reality just like I mean at the end of the day the safest thing you can ever do is just only trust yourself I I was going to say I was going to finish your sentence as a joke thinking that's not what you were going to say I thought I was going to finish your is trust no one but someone fools you oh well it's fine because I only trust what about me that's why relationships are scary cuz you're vulnerable what about Lauren you're not in a relationship that's why friendships are scary cuz you're vulnerable it's a very nice anyone can just just like [ __ ] you up in a second it was very sweet way of him saying yes you guys included only trust yourself okay so top comment on this post she traumatized your child it was horror for horror foring it was horror Chlor it was horrifying for your daughter to hear that bad enough her mom was in the hospital after her car accident as a young child she likely had a whole lot of frightening scenarios going through her head unable to properly process that your daughter needed assurance and positivity not what that disgusting herodan said mother-in-law did mean it you don't blurt something like that out out of a misunderstanding or as a joke that whole hysterical Outburst she put on in front of you that was [ __ ] manipulative [ __ ] because she got caught and it seems to have worked on your husband because she's trained brainwashed him that way stand your ground she needs at very least a good long timeout do not let your husband or anyone sweep this under the rug because doing that would make everyone think it's perfectly okay for mother-in-law to Hope you died yeah for your daughters to lose their mom that's sickening sick I'd make that timeout at least 6 months heck make it for the rest of the year so she loses out on the big holidays at the very least what a vile [ __ ] cow I it's not possible to sweep this under the rug no this and that saying do not go together I would feel so icky be like I don't even even after a year I would just feel icky yeah yeah well anyone that wishes you would just be fine with you being dead like it's very strange let alone a relative like this very strange well guess what guys we have an update we have an update whoa update I feel like that's like the mail or what is it in Blues Clues Mail Time mail time you know what I'm talking about I just have crazy images in my head right now like I have the Mother-in-law like with the scream mask with the knife like tapping on the glass like that's dark and scary people are [ __ ] crazy you like you push someone like this that's already crazy enough to say yeah I kind of wished you were dead we don't have curtains on our Windows yet either and when we have the lights on at night time someone could be plotting our demise it's just a light metal tap on glass or the phone call I Know What You Did Last Summer did you guys ever did Sarah ever tell you guys about the guy that they called the like jizzler or something in her in her college no yeah he would go up to like sorority houses and just houses in general and he and they'd have like a window that was open or like a a big yeah big door yeah slideing door or something and when they'd be watching TV he would touch himself until he all over the window yeah that's really gross yeah very disturbing but Sarah had that happen at one of their like at their sority house oh Ohio State stay safe out there guys okay update now well you guys were right I decided to talk to my husband and asked if he's upset that I decided that me and the girls go no contact with mother-in-law he said he wasn't he said he always knew mother-in-law wanted a daughter instead of him and it brought back all of the bad memories of rejection and hurt he felt growing up as a kid by her oh [ __ ] I suggested therapy and he's willing to go we are also going to get therapy for our six-year-old as she now gets anxious if I'm not within her sight oh baby my husband and I agreed that going no contact with mother-in-law is the best thing for our family our daughter's birthday is coming up and we have yet to tell mother-in-law she's no longer invited not looking forward to that but that's the update thanks everyone for the lovely comments and support I appreciate it doesn't mother-in-law know she's not invited right she probably doesn't honestly but that's the last place she should be isn't it interesting when people do [ __ ] like this I mean she loved the daughters so much that she liked the idea of being able to raise them herself yet what does she do she gets herself kicked out from having a relationship with them at all you idiot just like stop it's like that one thing when you like hold something you love too tight you kill them or you smother them it's the the sand analogy like if you hold sand in your hand delicately it stays there if you squeeze it it goes through your fingers and falls out yeah yeah yeah I guess when during the initial story I was kind of building up this idea in my head that she just had such a hatred for her daughter in-law but now I'm kind of thinking that it was probably the fact of the situation where she is in the hospital she's been in a car crash and they don't really know the state of her and then it Dawn on this crazy woman that this is the perfect scenario for me that wait a minute there's my chance instead of it like being oh I've always wished you were dead yeah which it it's not far off moment of opportunity but it's not far off at the same time because of the lack of care psychopath Behavior it doesn't sound like a moment of like hatred towards her it sounds like Obsession towards the children instead specifically knowing that she also made her son feel rejected growing up because of the fact that that's really sad yeah I've always wanted a daughter I've always wanted a daughter I've always wanted a daughter ignore the child you do have yeah so it's been time to to to go no contact for a while now and this was the tail tell sign yeah we have one final update I didn't know this existed just clicked on op's uh account overviewed to see if there's like comments from op she came to the birthday update number three I didn't think I would be posting here again and thought my last date would be my last but here we are mother-in-law has been arrested my husband's cousin found my post and knew it was me and she reported it straight to mother-in-law yeah we know it was you who told her Christina Margaret told us all about it when she came over and scre dreaming that we can't keep her daughters from her stop she didn't even hesitate to drop your name and throw you under the bus so much for loyalty huh you are not welcome in home anymore and you are officially removed from Sam's birthday list in our lives how about you show the whole family this post so they can see how two-faced you are to the rdit community sorry about that but mother-in-law has been arrested she came to our house screaming we can't keep her daughters from her psychop husband tried to calm her down and get her to leave she wouldn't and attacked him my husband had to restrain her and I called the police she fought them but it got her nowhere except the back of their car the woman is truly insane yeah my husband talked to the police because I had to calm down my daughters because they witnessed the whole thing oh no my six-year-old was hysterical about granny being taken away this is all just a big mess wow [ __ ] you time for therapy wow that poor little baby truly well the thing is is like obviously at our age this is all very traumatizing but we can actually think through it more than you can at that age at that age so you like therapy is essential so that this doesn't cause as big of an effect as it probably will but it's a lot of trauma for a little one and Trauma changes your brain and I don't feel bad for the Mother-in-law it's just really sad it's over it's just really sad to see someone who is a family member go to such lengths because they are so just affected by whatever and whatever story they have in their head but it's just it just makes you sad it's not like I don't feel like I mean it's it's kind of it's also kind of funny she went to jail but so deser it's just it it's not like at the end of the story I don't feel like like a big win it just all feels so sad I'm going to be honest though I actually think it's good that this happened because restraining orders can be difficult to get into place and this gives a lot of good ammo for thems which could ultimately protect them in the future I mean who knows what you know you were making comments Justin like with the scream mask I don't think it would actually be that crazy but like it it is is there she has there's a reason for them to be afraid of her and so Justified reaction was able to get her name on a you know a list where it will probably be easier to get a restraining order if something like this happens again absolutely and keep them safe like I wouldn't be surprised if she tries to steal the kids and that's what was or I literally said I would be scared to go to her house and eat her food I would be scared she wasn't going to come and kidnap them the minute that she said she thought of them as more of her daughters than her granddaughters that's when I go Red Alert You're Not Safe you've proven yourself to be unhinged untrustworthy and a volatile dangerous person I think it's incredibly disrespectful that alone even if that was the story because you're invalidating my bond with my could be the story that could be the story own like her calling them daughters in general is just enough to be absolutely not okay I know it's kind of weird and like I think there's like you can obviously tell with certain people when they mean it in a cute way like where people are like oh this is my grandaughter these are my babies my babies versus like or like or like these are like my second daughters or something like that you know like Jerry says that with everyone yeah yeah like but it's just like you can tell when people are like oh these are my little babies these are my you know my grand babies versus these are my little babies they're they're basically mine just saying I don't know just saying daughters in general when it when you're when you're clearly the grandparent yeah they're your granddaughters that's just that to me is just weird yeah I think it makes more sense if someone says it cuz they're like the fun uh friend you I'm the fun Aunt I'm the fun like not an actual aunt but actually just a friend and then they say these are like my daughters you know but to actually be a grandmother and have granddaughters and just be like actually I'm going to put myself in a slide right in there and it's h yeah so strange it's not it's not right no that's all I got for this episode not a good ending oh we're the episodes I leave just feeling just sick we're not done though we're heading over to patreon so if you need a pallet cleanser there's some on there if you need another crazy story we're heading into it but I just wanted to give a shout out to Texas and everyone that encouraged me to go to bies look at my shirt y'all y'all bies world tour um but thank you everyone who who listens to the episode supports the show comes out to our live shows it means so much and I love my presence but also if you come to a show don't feel you need to bring anything we fly and it's tally not big things it's tough packing big things on the way home big fragile things yeah if you want to like show how much you love all of us like bring cards bring you know me Justin Lauren a card or dad father knows a card um the cards we love I really like the cards it's just amazing to see how the show has impacted all of you and it's it's really appreciated I'm trying to save cards for when I'm having really tough days stressful weeks I'm going to open like a card when I need like a pickme up cuz the ones I've read they're just incredible well and the thing is we we did appreciate the big fragile things oh my gosh someone gave me a wishing well that their blind father made we the big fragile things home safe yes everything's made it home the terrarium that someone gifted us amazing and we took great care and put a lot of effort into it but we're so excited to keep seeing all of you guys at the shows and um it's just it's going to be a really really good time especially Chicago we've got a lot of friends in Chicago that we're going to bring out so it's going to be good on stage yeah nice who someone someone that's been in past episod is coming on Jordan yeah so it'll be good um but thank you guys and have a great time with the rest of your cleaning or driving or wherever you're listening a lot of people at work a lot of people at work my work crew my workout crew my gym buddies but uh until next time until next time until next time bye me
Channel: Two Hot Takes
Views: 309,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reddit, blind reaction, reddit reaction, two hot takes, twohottakes, two hot takes podcast, twohottakespod, twohotakespodcast, reddit read, redditread, Redditpost, reddit relationships, redditrelationship, reddit AITA, AITA, reddit life, podcast, girls reacting to story, story reactions, girl bloggers, girl vlog, los angeles vlog, los angeles podcast, relationship advice, r/relationship, relationshipadvice, call her daddy, hot topics, emma chamberlain, she rates dogs, rslash, r/slash
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 31sec (6271 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2024
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