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would you be the jerk for forcing your nephew to  stop and immediately apologize right in front of   his friends we'll get into that in a bit but  first am I the jerk for embarrassing my uncle   by asking him to leave my wedding I 34-year-old  male had my wedding yesterday with my wife Lisa   34-year-old female a lot of our relatives and  Friends attended including my uncle who's in   his mid 80s he's never cared about me since I was  born and has not checked in with me either he was   virtually non-existent throughout my life years  ago when we were homeless and required help we   reached out to him to lend us money and help us  find another house he's really rich and has a lot   of connections but he refused anything and never  bothered to ask what had become of us either I   didn't want to invite him to my wedding but my  parents said I had to and in the end I did he   came along with his family and before the wedding  ceremony he came to me and said congratulations   and then stated congratulations I've also brought  you an expensive present unlike your loser of a   father who couldn't give you much of anything I  wish shocked at the comment he was just smiling   at me but I lost my temper and said I don't want  anything from him I yelled at him and asked him   to freak off from the wedding Etc it resulted  in a huge scene and in the end he had to leave   along with his family who were also yelling at me  my other relatives present there were saying that   I reacted very badly Etc I'm wondering whether  I did the wrong thing now am I the jerk I don't   think op's out of line and to be honest even if  they didn't want somebody there for the smallest   of reason it's kind of their wedding and they kind  of have the power to make that decision regardless   I don't think op's the jerk also hi I'm Steven and  if you guys enjoy getting to decide whether or not   all of these people are jerks why not hit those  like And subscribe buttons down below that said   our next story is am I the jerk for sarcastically  telling my sister punishing her daughter for going   to a movie without her stepsister is sure to help  their family my sister Anna has a daughter Piper   16-year-old female Anna is married to Gavin and  has a stepdaughter Hazel 16-year-old female Anna   and Gavin have been together for 6 years and  married for four both girls live with Anna and   Gavin fulltime due to Piper's dad being deceased  and Hazel's mom being a deadbeat Hazel sees Piper   as her sister while Piper does not return the  sentiment and really doesn't seem to like her   very much she's fine with her but doesn't like to  hang out with her and always seems to be spending   time with hazel as a chore this could be in part  because ever since they moved in together and and   Gavin have decided they will do certain things  together every week and they do not get to say   no to it Hazel loves it but Piper hates it both  girls love The Hunger Games Piper has read all   the novels including the newest one Hazel is yet  to read the latest novel The Girls also love the   movies and so Anna and Gavin decided they would  see the new movie together Piper said she wanted   to go with her friends but Anna told her she would  go with her sister Piper went to see it with her   friends anyway and Anna found out she asked Piper  why why and Piper told her she wanted to go with   her friends she wanted to enjoy seeing the movie  and not be stuck with a burden while watching it   Anna decided to ground Piper and told her  she will learn to love and appreciate her   sister or she will end up grounded a lot until she  moves out an I was annoyed that instead of being   apologetic Piper just complied and has not shown  any appreciation for hazel since she was telling   me all this and I sarcastically told her that  it's sure to help their family punishing Piper   for going to the movie without Hazel when she  has been telling her for a while in different   ways that she doesn't like hazel I also made  a comment that forced proximity always makes   relationships so much better Anna told me I wasn't  a parent of teens so I didn't get it and it was   rude to sarcastically talk about her parenting am  I the jerk I mean maybe op's the jerk if they just   went continuously sarcastic without just being  straight up saying listen this forc proximity   thing is never going to work there's probably next  to no 16-year-old in the history of the world that   has particularly enjoyed hearing you're going to  spend time with your sibling every week and you're   not going to say no to it or you're punished our  next story is am I the jerk for not congratulating   my sister on her pregnancy I honestly don't  understand why everyone thinks I'm the jerk   here so I thought I would ask internet strangers  I 25-year-old female went back home to visit my   family before the holidays I'm going abroad for  a vacation during the actual holiday season so   this was the time that worked out the best for  me my sister and 22-year-old female is married   I'll call her husband Rick 23-year-old male an  and Rick came over for dinner to see me and Anne   announced that she was pregnant with their first  baby our parents knew I was the only one who   didn't I told her I was very happy and excited to  be an ant and I hugged both an and Rick I noticed   everyone was looking at me a bit strangely and  I was like what did I do and said I didn't say   congratulations I am absolutely weirded out by  this concept so I said I was happy what else am I   supposed to say here's where I may be the jerk  I said congratulations you got a baby in your   uterus an looked at me strangely and asked me what  the freak was wrong with me I was like what the   actual heck is wrong with you since wend is having  sex and getting knocked up get a congratulations   celebration sure but congratulations my parents  said they were disappointed in me and an said I   was a lost cause and wished my future wife a lot  of patience which is weird in itself was it such   a big deal did I mess up I'm feeling kind of both  sides here obviously they were just way out of it   expecting op to say literally congratulations and  give them the reaction that they were expecting   and wanting on the flip side I don't think op is  necessarily right with their triviality breakdown   of it I think op kind of got weird about it and  kind of poo pooed on it unnecessarily when it is   a pretty big thing for most people I mean I guess  at the end of the day though if they're coming out   out and saying hey I'm having a baby they are kind  of expecting an excited congratulatory reaction   our next story is am I the jerk for not buying my  son a car like I did for the rest of his siblings   I 49-year-old male have four kids twin boys both  27 one girl 25-year-old female and another son   21 this post is about my youngest son jack since  they were children I promised my kids two things   one I'll fully pay for all of their college  expenses housing tuition food Etc and two once   they graduate college I will buy them a car I kept  that promise for all my kids except with Jack and   now I want to know if I'm a jerk for that I paid  for Jack's College expenses but I am refusing to   buy him a car below is some of the reasons why  I co-signed my name on the lease for Jack's   room that he rents with a friend and I send Jack  his portion of the rent every month the friend   started taking advantage of my name being on the  lease and stopped paying for rent too knowing I   will cover the amount because I don't want missed  payments on my credit score I asked Jack multiple   times to ask his roommate to pay his portion but  the boy did not care to even respond to me and   I ended up paying for 6 months of his friend's  rent too until I finally solved the problem by   getting my name out of the lease Jack has a very  rude and entitled attitude he speaks to us like   we're his low performing employees the only time  he contacts us is when he wants money and goes   no contact otherwise and we don't know what we  ever did to him to treat us that way last year   when my wife had to be hospitalized all of my kids  flew back home to be there for their mother Jack   didn't want to but one of his siblings bought him  a ticket and talked him into flying out instead   of being glad to be beside his very sick mother  at the hospital he spent the entire visit making   everyone run errands for him his sister has to  cook a very specific type of meal for him slash   we had to drive him to the gym at a very specific  time he demands Etc and acted like it was one a   huge inconvenience for him to have to fly out  I even talked to my other kids about whether   we were bad parents that caused Jack to act this  way but all my other kids don't know why he ended   up so entitled and spoiled the rest of my kids  are extremely different from Jack we all get   along with each other and care about one another  for the rest of my kids I spent maybe $100,000   on each kid's total College expenses with Jack's  careless spending habits and unwillingness to save   us any money Jack's college Years ended up costing  me100 $80,000 so I refused to buy the promised car   Jack's upset and has gone to his grandparents  complaining about me my mother-in-law already   hates me and now is calling me a jerk saying I'm  playing favorites because I bought everyone a car   and not Jack I'm conflicted because I always  hear people say if you make a promise to your   kids you should always stick to it if there was a  staple kind of comment I saw all the time in am I   the jerk posts it was always that especially in  very similar situations before where some people   said I didn't pay for my kid's ex after college  because of this thing the comments were flooded   with you made that promise to them all those years  and said you would fulfill it and now you're not   but I think in this situation it's pretty clear  Opie's already gone pretty above and beyond what   a lot of parents can even do I mean if you really  want to be Petty go and by him like some Cheapo   junker that at least works if you want to be  ultimately Petty and sever your relationship go   buy them a hot Wheels our next story is am I the  jerk for telling my uncle that I would never be a   stepmom after seeing how his daughter treated my  aunt when I 20-year-old female was 7 years old I   lost my parents and was sent to live with my aunt  bio and her husband uncle and his daughter Kylie   Kylie was 10 when I moved in she lost her mom when  she was five or six and my aunt had been married   to my uncle for a little over a year so it was  a really difficult time for her but I remember   thinking Kylie might get what it was is like a  little but she was very clear from day one we were   not family one thing that always stuck out to me  was how Kylie really resented slash hated my aunt   my aunt couldn't ask Kylie to do anything without  being yelled at she couldn't do anything nice for   her without getting glared at she'd accuse her of  disrespecting her mom by trying to play mom she'd   accuse her of doing stuff that she had no right  to do she'd tell my aunt to know her place my   aunt always understood Kylie was grieving and she  pushed my uncle to make sure Kylie got enough time   with him but was also able to talk to him they had  her in therapy as well my aunt told me once when   I got upset on her behalf that some people kids or  adults can find it hard to see their living parent   move on and have a new relationship after they  lose the other parent and Kylie was struggling   a few months ago I saw Kylie for the first time in  12 years and she could not hide her still existing   hatred for my aunt the way she looked at her I  even heard her tell my uncle that my aunt was   nothing to her and all she did was attempt to  steal a dead woman's entire family it made me   realize just how strong that resentment can be  I also know from my uncle's sister that Kylie   is still Furious my aunt ever tried to ask her to  do anything or issued any kind of consequence for   her behavior when she was a kid the experience  of living with them always made me say I didn't   see myself ever wanting to date or marry someone  with kids but having seen her hatred for my aunt   at 30 knowing she still resents my aunt for even  daring to ask her to do something in the home it   made me realize that while it can work and some  people have amazing Blended families it's not for   me a few days ago I came back home for Christmas  staying until the 28th my uncle was talking about   my boyfriend and then he asked about this guy at  work who asked me out a couple of times and why   I never gave him a chance since I thought he was  cute Etc I told him it just wouldn't work but he   kept pushing and I told him it was because he  had kids he told me that was a strange reason   when I want kids and I said yeah but after seeing  how Kylie treated my aunt I've decided I would   never be a stepmom his uncle was upset about it  and told me I can't swear off men with kids for   that reason and said he was divorced and widower  parents deserve to find happiness again I said   they do and I would never say that they shouldn't  have that but I don't want to be that for them he   said it was rude for me to blame Kylie am I the  jerk I don't think Opie's the jerk I think you   can have any kind of preference you honestly want  if somebody having kids makes them a deal breaker   for you I don't even think that's too weird of a  thing to have as a deal breaker honestly I think   there's plenty of people out there that feel that  exact same way even without the added history that   op has that would influence them our next story  is am I the jerk for calling Christmas with my ex   co-parent Christmas instead of family Christmas my  ex 30-year-old male and I 26-year-old female are   still in the the midst of our divorce we split  after a few years of his mother making my life   heck in many miscarriages incidentally I found out  I was pregnant 2 weeks after we split he begged me   to get back together with him and even though I  still loved him I knew that we weren't going to   last I had our son this August and we've decided  to do Christmas together this year for him my ex   had also gone no contact with his family for  the role they played an our split so I don't   want him to be alone during the holidays you'll be  coming over to my mother's place on Christmas Eve   Eve and leaving on the 26th as is normal to do  in our family for Christmas as we open presents   on the Eve go to church on the day and then have  dinner together that evening my ex also gets along   really well with a lot of my male cousins and my  older brothers so it hopefully won't be awkward   naturally this situation has been giving me a  lot of stress my ex still wants us to work it out   we're in the midst of our divorce I'm suffering  from health problems from the birth Etc I've been   talking about this non sto with my therapist and  she coined the term co-parent Christmas I find the   term funny and I guess when I put it like that I  can effectively compartmentalize what is stressing   me out exactly between General holiday stress or  my ex being there I've started using the term with   friends and family too my ex came over yesterday  to drop his presents for my family members my mom   likes to get all the presents in her house when  she's hosting by the 22nd so she can organize them   properly we have a huge family and we discuss the  arrangements a little he comes over daily just to   see the baby too because he's still exclusively  breastfed I use the term co-parent Christmas and   he got a funny look on his face but never said  anything later on he called me to say that he   didn't like the term as it reminded him of his  failure as a husband and how it meant that he   didn't get to experience any sort of family  Christmas this year I felt absolutely awful   and I even teared up as I apologized I even  lost a little sleep over it and I spoke to my   older brother and he said I was a jerk for not  being mindful over how I spoke to my ex I want   an unbiased opinion too so I'm opening the floor  to Reddit am I the jerk I don't think op's the   jerk here especially considering their reaction I  don't think the term is too outlandish or anything   on its own and I think after apologizing and  correcting course op's especially not the jerk   I mean many would probably say considering how he  let his family treat you for years to get to this   point he's lucky that you'd even be this mindful  to him regardless our next story is am I the jerk   for confronting my daughter's teacher my daughter  is in sixth grade a few weeks ago one of her   teachers asked them to create a children's book  my daughter has a very good imagination she wants   to be a writer when she grows up and she's pretty  good at it her favorite books are the Goosebump   Series so when her teacher gave them this  assignment she decided to write a book similar to   the Goosebumps I'm not going to say it was perfect  because she's just a kid but but it was a decent   book and I was proud of her when I read it she  also found a notebook with a picture of a girl on   it and decided to write the story on that notebook  and chose the girl to be the main character in the   story well a week ago she came home crying her  eyes out apparently the teacher chewed her out   when she saw her story she basically told her  that her story is the worst one in their class   I comforted my daughter however it's been a  week and she hasn't been writing anything she   used to write a lot of stories but she's l lost  interest I was really angry so I decided to meet   the teacher and I told her she owes my daughter  an apology and needs to compliment her book she   said she will not be doing that as my daughter did  an awful job according to her my daughter should   have created a cover instead of using a notebook  and called her lazyy for not putting any effort   in it and also according to her a children's  book needs pictures and my daughter didn't do   that she told me that my daughter got a D in this  assignment and that she won't get an apology for   being lazy my daughter spent 2 weeks working on  that story and its details she is in no way lazy   I called the teacher a bench and told her she has  no right to talk about my child that way or treat   her like that she called me a jerk and asked me  to leave I think it's a bit of both sides here I   think op probably went a little further especially  calling them a bench than they really needed to   but at the same time I completely understand where  op's coming from when their kid worked hard on   that assignment and you saw them work hard on it  I mean if anything this just serves to potentially   stomp out any of this creative desire that their  kid has been putting forth I think that's the   biggest issue here I mean this kid went all out  on creating this book inspired by some of their   favorite stories and to have it just completely  ripped apart like that is What Hurts the Most I   think I would be asking for a more proper rubric  of this assignment if they had anything like that   written down or handed out I mean if there was  a custom cover required if there were pictures   in your book required then I can understand they  didn't exactly do the assignment our next story   is am I the jerk for putting my foot down and  not adding my husband to the deed background I   29-year-old female have known and been with my  husband 33-year-old male for the past 4 years   and married for 2 years I started working when I  was 21 right after my bachelor's degree after 2   years of working I bought myself a house nothing  fancy I bought the land and built the house it's   a three-bedroom two floor house I got to know  and date my husband in 2019 the construction of   my house finished by then he lived in a different  country so when he visited me I took him to show   my house I am very proud of it it is something I  build with my own money and I own it however small   after our wedding I moved to the country where he  was already staying we split our bills and rent   equally we both work in it and earn pretty good  so we're planning to buy a house we found a place   we liked and can afford we're putting both our  names to the deed because both of us are paying   for it together the problem arose when he said  he wanted his name added to the house I bought   by myself I am not comfortable doing that and I  said so he said it's unfair that I have two now   and he would have part on one I said it was his  bad plan for not buying a house before I bought   that house before I knew he existed and with my  own money since he had no contribution to it I am   not obligated to make him feel good by adding him  to the Deeds he then proceeded to call his family   while his sister and brother-in-law support me  his mom and dad said that it's not about money   but it's about the togetherness and whatever it  is should be for the both of us or none I said   I'm sorry but this is not happening he will never  be in the deed even if he pays his share which he   and his family thinks he should not because it's  ours not mine or his because I know how much I   struggle to have that house and make it happen  now his mom and dad are saying I disrespected   them by saying this am I the jerk not only do  I think Opie's probably not the jerk here him   turning around immediately and calling his family  to try to pressure op into adding him to the deed   is probably a clear enough sign that Opie really  isn't the jerk our next story is am I the jerk   for making my nephew apologize immediately  in front of his friends I 33-year-old male   am staying at my grandparents house for the  holidays my grandparents passed away and the   house was maintained by their children making it  into communal space for all family members to use   the rooms are usually saved for those who visit  from out of town like me I have a cousin Frank   34-year-old male who also visited but stayed  elsewhere we were close growing up Frank was   married to his high school sweetheart Kim for  less than 10 years with a six-year-old daughter   Kim passed in an accident just a little over a  year ago Frank was more than devastated what set   Frank apart from most guys I know was How Deeply  he loved his wife he was an exceptionally happy   married man his goodbye phrase to me private or  in public was see a miserable single loser dater   he was making fun of how I never had a longtime  girlfriend I always took it in good fun it was   nice to see a guy so devoted given that my parents  and more than half my aunts and uncles divorced   a few days after I stayed in my grandparents my  nephew Tom 17-year-old male showed up with a few   friends wanting to watch a movie Tom lives with  my sister nearby I ordered the boys some pizza and   join them a bit later Frank dropped by wanting  to catch up with me we stayed in the same room   and talked Frank seemed to be doing much better  since the last time I saw him a month after Kim's   funeral once the movie was finished Tom asked if  they could hang out in the room for a while and I   said yes Frank however excused himself saying he  needed to pick up his daughter we hugged goodbye   and Frank was about to leave when Tom said what  none of that miserable single loser stuff welcome   to the club guess now you're a miserable single  loser too I could see the colors drained from   Frank's face and he looked like he was going to  pass out I immediately turned to Tom and told   him to apologize and now Tom said why should he  apologize and I only raised my voice with now Tom   glared at me but finally looked away and softly  said sorry to Frank Frank just left Tom's friends   mumbled about how they had to go and quickly  cleaned up and left Tom leaving with them later   that night Tom's father called me from across the  country reprimanding me that I should not shame   Tom in front of his friends like that he said he  understood that Tom said was insensitive but being   scolded like a child in front of his friends was  not how I should handle this I could wait and have   Tom apologize later am I the jerk I can't blame op  especially if any of those friends have an inkling   of an idea of what Frank went through op did the  absolute right thing holding them accountable and   you know what having him get held accountable in  front of his friends might have a greater chance   of actually reinforcing that through that level  of Shame he experienced this next story is am I   the jerk for using money for my family's Christmas  presents on a trip for myself instead I'm a single   guy with a pretty decent job I hope to have a  family someday but for right now I'm just dating   and saving money for the last few years I've  been using my Christmas bonus to buy my parents   siblings and siblings cool Christmas gifts I'm  lucky enough to be earning much more than I need   and I have an excellent Nest Egg going for when  I'm ready my parents and my siblings aren't there   my folks were immigrants and while they own their  own home and as far as I know are debt-free they   do not have a huge retirement account my older  brother and sister each decided independently to   start their families while they were quite young  in my opinion so anyway like I said I've been   blowing my bonus on all of them for the last while  I paid for my parents to visit their home country   I bought both of my siblings families A PS5 when  they were hard to get my nephew started University   this fall I got him a new laptop last Christmas  as a graduation Christmas present I do not resent   spending this money I love my family and I do not  expect them to reciprocate I already bu myself   whatever I want however I noticed something  this year it was my 30th birthday and none of   them did anything for me so I asked my girlfriend  if she wanted to go to Asia for new years's she's   a student so I'm paying for everything we were  seeing our families for Christmas and leaving on   boxing day I got to my parents yesterday afternoon  and put my gifts for everyone under the tree I got   everyone a $50 gift card for the movies there are  12 of them so that's still $600 my sister-in-law   decided to sneak a peek at her gift she thought I  was snubbing her so she told everyone that I got   her a crap gift huge fight I just left and went  back to my hotel calls and texts nonstop I was   being greedy immature callous and a whole bunch  of other stuff I just blocked them I can spend the   next few days as a tourist in my hometown and then  leave I told my girlfriend what happened with my   family and she has my back I think they're acting  entitled in taking me for granted I don't think   that they're jerks but I don't think I am either  100% op is not the jerk I'm sorry op's gift for   you is not as lavish as you expect them to get you  our next story is am I the jerk for not putting a   stop to my stepdaughter correcting the food the  host made I 32-year-old female have been dating   a widower with my daughter Nara 12-year-old  female for a year we currently moved to a new   city because of my boyfriend's job promotion I  freelance and our in the middle of settling down   Nora and I get along very well Nora plays tennis  since the move she's been in the school team and   competed a bit the parents of her teammates often  organized some kind of get together and her father   and I tried our best to have her attend most of  them I would say Nara got along well with all of   her teammates and I thought the parents were  friendly last week the team Captain's parents   hosted a potluck party at their place Nara and I  brought over some brownies there really was a lot   of all kinds of food the team captains father  did most of the greeting telling us his wife   was preparing something special for us all once  everyone was at the party the wife came out of the   kitchen with a special dish a recipe of a specific  Country Now Nara looks white but her late mother   actually came from that very country the host then  began to serve everyone and share her recipe and   ingredients and how it was not that difficult once  you substitute the local ingredients and feel free   to ask her for tips at this point Nara spoke up  saying that the authentic recipes included such   and such and how their particular scent and taste  added to the whole experience of eating the dish   she said if so many substitutes were used they  may as well call the dish a different name the   wife host looked a little unsettled and told  Nara that she and her husband traveled a lot   in their youth and she had the dish many times  and knew what it was supposed to taste like and   the substituted ingredients worked just fine Nara  then said her mom was from the Dish's country of   origin and she understood that some ingredients  were hard to come by but substituting so much   turned the dish into something else altogether  during all this I mostly kept silent Nara was   not being rude just matter of fact and as this  was a matter of her Heritage I thought she could   speak up the host wife spluttered a bit before  saying everyone should just go ahead and enjoy   her dish no matter the name everyone tried  though nobody asked for seconds I personally   thought it was a little Bland and there was a lot  of leftovers nar's team captain later called her   thanking her for putting her annoying stepmom  in her place when my boyfriend came back from   his business trip and learned of this however he  thought I should have reprimanded Nara for being   rude to the host he also had a talk with Nara and  she seemed to be suking a bit though she was not   grounded or anything am I the jerk I mean I get  it it's their Heritage and they were upset about   it but I just feel like the whole thing was just  kind of unnecessary I mean just to bring it up in   public and rip it apart it's just weird I don't  think well they were just being matter of fact   is an excuse to just be kind of a jerk about the  way they made their food this next story is am I   the jerk for not thinking of dinner for my family  before I left I 30-year-old female had a funeral   to attend with my older son 12-year-old male of  his best friend's mom who is also one of my best   friends my husband 29-year-old male didn't want to  go I left work an hour sooner got the kid settled   and got myself ready so as soon as he got home  from work I was walking out the door as previously   planned I only decided to attend with my oldest  son and leave the other children 5-year-old male   6-year-old male 8-year-old female and 10-year-old  male home with my husband we left at 3:00 p.m. and   it lasted until 8:30 p.m. we were included in  the food after I didn't buy or bring food home   I assumed that if I was busy my husband could  handle it however I walked into kid starving and   my husband yelling at me I didn't buy him food on  the way home he didn't even ask so am I the jerk   for not preparing dinner or buying dinner yeah  op's definitely not the jerk here if they were   expecting this they should have communicated maybe  op could have asked ahead of time but like you   just kind of assume that as the adult watching the  kids they're going to be able to provide for said   kids right but with that being said that's all  the time we have for today now if you want to hear   another crazy am I the jerk here story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 6,892
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: Qix5Krkzk3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 32sec (1772 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2023
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