r/ProRevenge BRITISH TEA REVENGE?! - Reddit Stories

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Posted by u/nalorin  10 hours ago Don't do your job so I have to work loads  of unplanned overtime, then you refuse my   day off? Have fun filling my shoes! TL;DR: i was working several hours of   unplanned overtime each week due to my boss'  incompetence, and asked for a day off a week   in advance. He refused to reschedule my service  tickets (part of his job), so I quit on the spot. Full story: I worked for the fastest-growing home security  & automation company in Canada/USA a few years   ago (it starts with V and ends with int). It was a  job I loved (and I regret quitting, to this day). After spending a summer as an install tech,  in which I had half the service tickets of   the next-best person in the office (and 90% of  my tickets were the result of one incompetent   coworker who frequently "helped" me), I got a  permanent position as a service tech. This was   a job I loved, was great at, and was reasonably  fast despite providing exceptional first-time-fix   rates, customer service, and upsales. Service  was almost identical to being an install tech,   except 90% of my work was fixing or removing  systems, instead of installing them. Enter my manager; I'll call  him Vinny (not his real name): Vinny had been with the company 3 or 4 years  longer than me. He hired me for the permanent   position, after a recommendation from my summer  manager. The only problem: the new manager was a   classic fulfilment of The Peter Principle (he had  been promoted beyond his level of competence). My first 3 weeks were "training," and Vinny  put me with my team lead (TL), who happened   to be a guy I grew up with. By day 2, I  had already learned all the service tech   software tools that install techs didn't  have access to, and was ready to be on my   own. (I literally didn't learn anything  new for the rest of the three weeks.)   They problem was that Vinny had not set up my  employee profile yet. Fair enough. I'll wait. On day 3, my TL and I went to a customer's  home to remove their system. TL just wanted   to rip it out and go home. I listened to the  customer and it sounded like she didn't feel   the system protected her the way she wanted.  So I upsold her $1800 worth of equipment,   which we installed immediately. That's a  $600 commission! The problem: this ticket,   which should have been mine, was not "mine"  because my profile was not set up yet. TL   took the credit and got the $600 commission  and "treated" me to MCDONALD'S as a reward. Three weeks pass, and Vinny STILL hasn't  set up my employee profile. So I start   hounding him. Finally, on Friday, he says  he'll get it set up by the next Monday (4   weeks from hire). He calls me 2 hours later  to say that it's done and I'll be on my own,   taking my own tickets on Monday. GREAT NEWS! So Monday comes and I'm on my own (finally!). NEW PROBLEM: none of the software tools are  working for me. I end up having to call in   to the software support centre on almost EVERY  F***ING TICKET! This, of course, makes me take   more time to complete everything from then on.  So, for 4-5 days each week, I end up working 1-4   hours of overtime, when I should've been getting  home EARLY 90% of the time, based on my workload. 5 months into this sh**show, my church (which  was the same faith as Vinny's and TL's) holds   a major regional activity for singles in  my age group, with about 2 weeks notice,   on a Friday. For the first week after the  announcement, I'm so busy with work that   I completely forget to ask to get the day  of the event off. So, at lunch on Friday,   a week before the event, I email Vinny to make  the request (so that I wouldn't forget again). Vinny calls me at the end of day on MONDAY, saying  I need to reassign or reschedule all of my tickets   for that day (which is actually Vinny's job), and  then I can have the day off. But there's a catch:   one ticket CANNOT be rescheduled (I had  visited that consumer the week before,   the last ticket of the day: she had had a huge  clusterf*** of problems with her system for 3   months and, with my software tools STILL not  working, it would take me around 2 FULL DAYS   of work to resolve all of those issues, even  after the 4 hours I had already spent there). Despite it not being my job to do so, I  managed to reschedule most of my tickets   for the following week. But I called  everyone in my office (including my TL),   and nobody would take that one ticket. I called  Vinny twice that week to tell him that nobody   would take the ticket (I even offered to pay  my co-workers $50 out of my own pocket (on top   of their regular pay)). I found out that one  of my co-workers had rescheduled that ticket,   week is why it ended up on my plate. With  each phone call, Vinny kept saying "it's   your responsibility to find someone to take  that ticket and you CANNOT reschedule it." So, Thursday night, at 8 pm, having been  unsuccessful in finding anyone to take the ticket,   I left a voicemail on Vinny's phone that  I would NOT be coming into work the next   morning and would, in fact, not be coming  in at all. Vinny called 20 minutes later,   saying he rescheduled the ticket, I could have  the day off, and begged me to at least finish   out the two weeks. I told him that I'd only  finish out the two weeks if I could rescind   my notice. He refused, so I said, "then  we have nothing else to discuss" click. 6 weeks later, he got fired. (F*** him.)  I heard from former co-workers that he   had basically been quiet quitting: he  had been building a house in another   city an hour away and was basically just  collecting paycheques as long as he could. And as for my TL (that got MY $600  commission): he refused to give me   a reference, despite me being a phenomenal  employee in spite of Vinny's bullst. (F* him,   too.) I heard he quit and moved to England  to go to Oxford, it didn't pan out,   and he got divorced and is working some crap  entry-level job now (hahaha), back here in Canada. To this day, I regret quitting (I have a friend  who worked the same role in another office. He   eventually got stationed in Hawaii, for 5 years  (!), and loved every minute of it...). That job   would've been a great career option for me, had  Vinny not been such a selfish, incompetent a**hat. Posted by  u/Prosymnos 20 hours ago Try to give me revenge cookies?  Jokes on you I'm into that crap!  The reason this person wanted to get 'revenge'  on me was super dumb and would take too much time   to fully explain, so I'll try to summarize it as  quickly as possible. To make a really convoluted   story short, my friends and I were all in our  young 20s, my ADHD/possibly autistic butt was way   worse at picking up on social cues than I am now,  and these two friends of mine had an unrequited   love thing going on. The object of affection was a  good friend of mine, knew about the other person's   feelings, but was too much of a people pleaser  to ask her to stop hitting on her. The person   who liked her was just unbelievably petty and dumb  in that way that only overdramatic 20-somethings   can be, and was jealous of my friendship with her  crush, even though I'm very openly gay and clearly   had no interest in her. That didn't stop her from  wanting to get 'revenge,' so she baked chocolate   chili cookies and gave them to me as a present,  saying that she just felt like doing something   nice. Me, loving spicy food (which she didn't  know), was super happy with this and gladly ate   them all. It wasn't until a day or so later that  my friend told me that they were actually supposed   to be revenge cookies, and the creepy stalker was  silently fuming the entire time I was obliviously   scarfing down her delicious and spicy revenge. I  still have a taste for spicy cookies to this day. Posted by u/disappointed_shrew_  1 day ago Getting a creepy man fired after his first day This guy was a cretin; a disgusting,   creepy man. He dug his own grave by saying the  things that he said, but I was the one that   pushed him into it. Not for the crapy things  he said though, but for what he did to me... At the time, I was working as a door-to-door  salesman. The day would start with everyone   going to the office, then everyone getting  into a car to drive to a different suburb. This was his first day, and he was assigned  to my car. His vibe was off-putting from the   start. Every word out of his mouth was about  women and sex. He started commenting on all of   the female employees that he literally only just  met, how "hot" they are, which ones he'd "bang",   just gross stuff like that. I was glad none of  them were in the car to hear it, but at the same   time I wished one of them was. Perhaps with a  girl in the car, he would have behaved himself. He then asked me about the women that  work in our other branch in another city,   since I used to work there. I was not comfortable  objectifying them in that way, so I said "I'm not   going to answer that question". His reaction  was disgraceful. I saw it in the review mirror;   he whispered something to another guy, then  did a hand gesture. I confirmed with the guy   afterwards what the creep said, and he said "he  asked me if you were gay". If you're wondering,   the hand gesture was the stereotypical hand  flip thing that people do to mock gay people. In case you're thinking that being  called gay is what I got revenge for,   don't. Being called gay isn't an issue  for me, but on that topic, what was so   freaked up about that accusation was that in  this creep's mind, not wanting to objectify   women means you're gay. To him, objectifying  women was a requirement for heterosexuality. No, what I wanted revenge for  was more a bit more petty. At this point, we took a quick pit stop so  we could get one last bite to eat before we   reached the destination. He went to get his  bag, which he left in my car boot. He went   to the boot and tried to open the door.  He met resistance. Now, for most people,   what I call "smart" people, if  they try to open a door but can't,   they reach the conclusion that it's locked. This,  however, was not a smart person. In his mind,   the reason why the boot wasn't opening is because  he wasn't pushing the button hard enough. So what   did he do? He pushed the button harder. He  pushed the button so hard, that he pushed it   up into the door. He broke my car boot. I was  so freaking ticked. For the rest of the day,   if any one of us needed to get stuff from the  boot, we had to go through the rear seats. He denied doing it, but I saw him do it. I  was in the driver's seat, watching him in   the review mirror try to open the boot. I saw the  moment it happened, I saw the panic in his eyes. Whatever though, we had a job to do,  so I decided to sort it out later. I dropped everyone off at their  individual streets, and we got to work. After stewing on it I decided  I was going to get him fired,   I just needed to figure out how.  Luckily, he would dig his own grave... At the end of the day, I drove around  town to collect everyone. I picked up   the creep last. He got in the car, and he  said "I just met the sexiest hottie with   the biggest chest you've ever seen, freak what  I would do to her. I started flirting with her,   then her mum came to the door.  Turns out the girl was 14 though,   so I couldn't sell to her and the mum wasn't  interested, but dang, I wish I could go back   there". What in the absolute freak. The  whole car went silent when he said that. I get that some people look older than they are.  However, if you're a 30 year old man and you're   flirting with someone, the minute you find out  they're 14 you shut the freak up. You've made a   mistake, now pretend like it never happened.  Don't double down on it and repeat the story   to people as if you've done nothing wrong.  However, this is all I needed. It was like a   gift from creepy heaven. This guy loaded the  gun, all I had to do was pull the trigger. I told the boss the next morning, I told him  everything. He said "I'll have a chat with   him". This was not the reaction I was hoping  for, so I said "no, you're going to fire him,   or I walk". I really didn't want to play  that card but I was one of the top salesmen,   and I knew he wouldn't want to risk losing me. I  was bluffing, but luckily he didn't call me on it. He did fire him that morning. The  moment he walked into the office,   the boss pulled him aside. Shortly after  that, the creep left and never came back.   People asked what happened, so I let them know.  The other guys in the car backed up my stories,   and everyone agreed it was the right decision. The only guilt I felt was that it  took him breaking my car to make   me want him to get fired. He should have  been fired for any one of the things he   did. A better man would have reported  him, regardless of the car incident. Posted by  u/Embarrassed-Air-2936 1 day ago Soap stealer!  Well, this is super petty. I (56f) love  going for a walk/jog in the evenings. I   sit at a desk for a good part of my day, so I  exercise in the morning, and walk/jog at night. After I get home I love to relax in my  jetted tub. After I relax for a bit,   I wash and get out. Here comes my issue. My  husband (62m) takes the soap from my tub to   use at his sink. This wouldn’t be an issue if his  sink wasn’t 15 feet away from the tub and he would   put it back. We keep a soap dispenser beside  our sinks, but I guess he likes the bar kind. I have asked him not to do this  at least 10 times as we keep the   extra bar soap under HIS sink and  he could easily just grab a new one. So, I notice that he did it again, but this  time I noticed before I got in the tub. I   have now gone around and collected all the bar  soap (11 brand new) and 2 used and hid them. Stupid? Yes, but I’m going to have a great  giggle tonight when he starts looking for soap. Posted by u/ihav2p00p  3 days ago Steal my money and gaslight me? Have fun  explaining your "DVD" collection to your GF.  Hi again! Since a few of you wanted me to  post again, I figured I would give it a   go. This one doesn't have quite the same bang  for my buck as the last story involving Mack. This one was a few years before Mack  got into hard drugs so he was still a   bit more reasonable of a person but still  treated everyone like crap. I believe this   instance happened 5 years before my  last post but that's not important to   this story. For the sake of keeping the story  flowing, let's just say I was 13 years old. I'm getting to the age where I'm picking up  lawn mowing to earn a few bucks but without   much success. Lo and behold, I finally  made my first $50 bill in my life that   wasn't given to me for Christmas  or my birthday. I EARNED it. Heck,   I would've been lucky to get that much for  Christmas or a birthday. My great aunt, one of   the few people in my life that I felt actually  listened and cared about what I had to say,   said I could mow her lawn for $30. She gave me a  $20 tip because she didn't have change. At least,   that's what she told me. I didn't  care. It was FIFTY WHOLE DOLLARS! I go about my day feeling just like Bart  Simpson in the episode with the same story   line. I was ready to find my Quickie Mart, buy  the most potent Squishee money could get me,   all the candy I could eat, and then wander on over   to my local strip mall to buy a Gamecube  game to play. Alas, this all had to wait. 13yo me had to wait until I could go to the strip  mall. The following morning, my mom broke the   news that I had to stay at Mack's place for the  weekend as no one else would be around due to a   family emergency... Great. I'm stuck with my  jerk brother. What kind of nightmare would I   have to endure in what was going to likely be  a toxic waste dump zoned as an apartment... To my pleasant surprise, it wasn't all that bad.  His GF kept the place tidy and things organized.   He let me play his Xbox 360 to keep me occupied.  I was having a decent time with Mack. He wasn't   being a jerk to me as he always was. I thought  maybe he was finally going to be decent to me. That evening he saw the $50 hanging out of my  pocket and managed to talk me into loaning it   to him. Said he would be able to give it  back to me by Sunday morning... my naive,   13-year-old self believed him. He buttered  me up with video games, random snacks,   and a bit of soda, then off to fill his gas  tank with my 50. I now know he most likely   used it to buy weed. Sunday morning rolled  around and before I went home I asked for   the money. Mack said, "I need a bit longer  but I promise I'll pay ya back this week." The same excuse was meaninglessly said that  week... and the next week.. and then the   next. Almost a month later he said to me "I  already paid you, I have no idea why you're   still asking me." and then hung up the phone.  It was clear I was never getting the money. Of course, believing the best in my dad at  the time I said to him "He is stealing my   money. He never paid me and he's telling  everyone he already did." He calls Mack,   who then tells my Dad that I was already paid,  spent the money on McDonald's or a video game,   and forgot I spent it. The realization I was never  getting my money back sunk even deeper into my   gut. I decided to move on with my life, not that  I have a choice. There's nothing I can do to get   it back. I'm 13. He's twice my size and has a  car. I have a bike and he lives 10 miles away. More time passes, I forget how  long, before mom says "We're going   away again and you're staying at your  brother's apartment for the night. OP,   we'll pick you up before church tomorrow."  Great. I'm stuck with him. Still angry that I   even had to see him again and now I'm trapped  in his apartment for the next 12-24 hours. This time Mack is much less accommodating.  No video games. Nothing fun. The jerk even   makes me cook his dinner for him by  promising me xbox time if I did. To   which he immediately goes back on. He  tells me "Instead, just pick a good   movie to watch." I start rifling through the  DVDs while Mack and GF sit down on the couch   behind me to eat the food they just tricked  me into making for them. I. Am. FURIOUS. I decided to make the best of it and pick out  an R-rated action movie I wouldn't be able to   watch at home. I open one case and I don't know  what it is. It's a movie I had never heard of,   I wish I could remember what I saw on that  DVD. Oh well, I know mack doesn't ever put   movies back in their original cases. I'll  check another. So I reach to open another   I might like. Same thing. Another strange DVD  with a weird name and I can't find the proper   case! How annoying. I pick up one more DVD case  and find one labeled "Mommy wants hard salami" I   finally think "GROSS!!! I've been rifling  through his porn!" Then I search through   a couple more DVD cases that have the wrong  DVDs but they are movies I have heard of...   Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Mack had  strategically formed a spank bank in all of   the movie cases that GF would never watch.  He never counted on me going through it. I go back a few cases and grab the  spicy DVD. I put it in the tray,   then with a deep breath and a "here we go"...  I hit play. I look up at the tv and say "Mack,   I think something is wrong with your movie.  This doesn't look like the normal men-"   *loud porn music starts to play along  with all of the accompanying images* His GF screams "OP! WHAT THE FREAK? DID YOU  SERIOUSLY BRING PORN AND EXPECT US TO WATCH   IT WITH YOU?" I reply "I thought  this was *movie title*! Mack has   all of the cases mixed up and I didn't  look at the DVD before I put it in!" The looks on their faces and the following silence  between the two was worth every cent of that $50   he stole from me. They disappeared outside to  one of their cars for a bit. When they came   back inside they told me that something  had come up and they were bringing me to   my cousin's instead. The whole car ride was  more silence between the two. I sat in back,   staring out the window, heart racing, hoping  he wouldn't realize what I just did to him.   Mack drove and his GF stared out the window  with a look of frustration and sheer rage   buried beneath it the entire time. She was the  insecure, jealous, attention seeking type and   I knew this was going to blow up between  them the moment I got out of the car. I'd like to say I learned more about what happened   after that but we never spoke of that  day again. I did everything I could to   avoid ever going back to Mack's. To this  day he doesn't know I did it on purpose. Posted by  u/_Nurse_Joy_ 3 days ago Ye, I know IATA but still it karmic. The  time I showed a GW employee a mispriced item.  I am having such good luck this week! A few days ago I stopped by my local GW. While  shopping I found a dress NWT that was selling   for $30. Out of pure curiosity I looked up the  exact dress direct from the brand and it was   on clearance selling for $10. I pointed this  out to an employee hoping she would consider   repricing it but she just shrugged me off and  said flippantly, “That is what they sell for.” So I moved on. I was supposed to meet a guy  for brunch in an hour so I decided to try and   find a cute pair of earrings to match the  $9.99 dress I found. Instead what I found   was a solid 14k gold LeVian ring with a  2 carat natural sapphire and 18 genuine   diamonds for $2.99. I went through every  piece of jewelry hanging on the wall and   when I saw that one the lizard part of my brain  immediately went, “That looks like real gold.” I am sure they checked the cameras after I left  and I must have looked like a crazy person to   them, walking back and forth for five minutes  with this ring an inch from my face. As soon   as I calmed enough to form real thoughts  again I made a beeline to the check out,   where I played it cucumber cool  with shaking hands as I paid for it. Then I saw the employee that I had talked  to about the dress. I couldn’t help but   beam as I showed her my find with a gleeful,  “See there are still treasures hidden here!”   She immediately tried to accuse me of  switching the tags. I looked at her   incredulously and said solidly, “Nope!  Nice try.” Then she switched tactics   and said an employee must have mistagged  it and she needed to reprice it for me. When I produced my receipt,   proving I had already purchased it, she  deflated in front of me like a balloon. Posted by  u/Neena6298 3 days ago I finally had enough…. A while back before I moved,   I worked downtown in a major city as a paralegal  at a defense firm. Every day when it was time to   go home everyone would have to go to end of  this street and merge left to get on an up   ramp that leads to the interstate. It was a  two lane street that turned into a one lane   a block before going up the ramp. Every day  there were people who didn’t want to get in   the one lane and would drive to the beginning  of the line and cut people off to get onto the   interstate instead of waiting their turn  in line. It would make my blood boil. So one day my car was in the shop and  I was driving a rental car and had   opted for rental insurance. Well, I was  the car in front and I saw this large,   shiny new black pickup truck coming up on my  right trying to cut me off. All of a sudden   it hit me that I was in the rental car and just  drove the car straight and didn’t let the truck   over. My car just crunched into the truck’s driver  and passenger doors. It was a really big dent. So a man jumped out of the truck and started  yelling at me saying that he was an attorney   and was going to sue me for everything I had. I  recognized his name and remembered that he was   a plaintiff attorney in a two man law office and  represented a couple of plaintiffs in a huge class   action case that the attorney (a partner in a two  hundred attorney law firm) I worked for defended. So I started laughing which ticked him off even  more. He asked what was so funny and I told him   the attorney that I was a paralegal for and  you should have seen his face drop lol. He   kind of laughed and said he would file  it with his own insurance and then left.   I guess he thought he could intimidate me  with the yelling and saying he was a lawyer   even though he was in the wrong. There were  cars behind me that witnessed the accident   and were laughing so hard because the same  thing happened to them and said that they   would testify in my defense. The feeling of  driving into his truck felt so good though. 😂 Posted by u/Moskavo  3 days ago Heck hath no fury… This happened to my   best friend a while back but seeing as  he’s not a Redditor its mine to share. So my friend (we’ll call him Bob) has been in a  relationship with a girl (we’ll call her Bell) for   about two years at this point, when he moved away  to start university. Seeing as the journey to see   each other is only roughly an hour or so, they  decided to stay together and make things work. Cue temptation. One of his classmates takes  a romantic interest in Bob, and begins the   courting rituals of suggestive snaps and late  night studying. I’m sure you know the rest but,   in Bobs defence, he did manage to resist  that temptation for a good few months. Anyway it turns out Bob didn’t have the  stomach for adultery and upon completion   of the scandalous act he almost immediately  started sobbing and with guilt racing through   his constricting veins he promptly called Bell  and unleashed a brutally honest full confession. The next day Bell arrived at his university  halls, ready for the inevitable grovelling.   After hours of being berated, Bob announced  his dire need of a cigarette and took 5 minutes   outside. After sucking all possible nicotine  from his cigarette he had a sudden realisation,   that he had just left an enraged and scorned  woman unattended in his flat. Racing back up   the stairs with the expectation of ripped  clothes and condiments on the walls he   was pleasantly surprised to find Bell simply  pacing back and forth in an untouched flat. After breaking up, Bell left and Bob was  alone with his guilt and regrets. Now the   important context here is that the stereotypes  are true, us Brits love our tea. It is the fuel   that sustains us, a hug in a mug, liquid love.  We especially use tea in times of distress,   specifically an extra sweet cup of tea  for something really harrowing. This is   why Bob’s next involuntary action was to flick  the kettle on, grab a tea bag and chuck it in   his favourite mug. Already the anticipation of  his brew started to soothe his angst. As the   boiling water engulfed the tea bag and hues  of orange and brown swelled to fill the mug,   Bob noticed something deeply unsettling.  His tea bag had ripped, black spots of   tea floating menacingly on the surface. With  anger rising Bob threw the mockery of a brew   down the sink and restarted the process. Again,  black spots of inedible tea permeates the golden   nectar. After trying to make a third cuppa, Bob  finally decided to check his box of tea bags,   it was then he made the shocking discovery,  that Bell had cut holes in every single tea bag. Anyway, Bell and Bob got back together like a  month later and have been happily together for   nearly 8 years now. They live together, and  have had no more teabag related incidents.
Channel: Storytime
Views: 7,424
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/prorevenge, r/pro revenge, pro revenge, reddit pro revenge, Storytime pro revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash prorevenge, pro revenge reddit, top posts reddit, pro revenge stories, pro revenge video, r/ prorevenge, r/ prorevenge Storytime, Storytime r/prorevenge, funny reddit stories, prorevenge posts
Id: NpBPpcq4lJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 29sec (1709 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 23 2023
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