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would a lifeguard at a pool be a jerk for refusing  to fetch a lost bracelet we'll get into that in a   bit but first am I the jerk for telling my friend  she's ruining her child's life with the name she   gave her so I 21-year-old female have been friends  with Loren 22-year-old female for 17 years now and   were're really close she recently gave birth to  her daughter and her and her husband recently told   us the name they decided to name their daughter  Juliet spelled ghi u l i ye TT and her middle name   is Maria I thought the spelling was a joke until  they told me they are serious I told her with that   spelling of a simple but beautiful name is just  going to ruin that little girl's life she got   mad and told me to stop ruining her mood and that  I'm being mean I'm completely honest the spelling   is just bad nothing else can explain it why ruin  such a beautiful name by including letters that   don't belong there I texted her yesterday and  told her that the little girl will try to change   her name or at least go by her middle name since  it's normal she told me to stop texting her that   I'm a bad friend and that I'm being the jerk  for making fun of the name I don't think I am   when I told her that the spelling is just bad  she went crazy she told me that I'm the worst   friend ever and that I would never be able to see  her daughter again after that her husband sent me   an email telling me to stop being so disrespectful  he thinks the spelling is cute and it just makes   her unique unique yes but that's just going  to make that little girl suffer and she will   probably be bullied for that spelling I haven't  replied and honestly I don't think I'm the jerk   here but I thought I'd ask Reddit since y'all are  the best to judge so am I the jerk for telling my   friend that the name she gave her daughter is  bad and will ruin her life so usually i' like   to think that I'm pretty good with pronouncing  names that are uncommon or I haven't seen very   much but even this spelling I can tell for most  people you are going to have a real a Aon problem   with substitute teachers or even regular teachers  until they get explained how the name is supposed   to be pronounced I can just imagine somebody  saying G Yeti is there a guul yet in this class   juli yet are you here honestly if anything I think  they should simplify that down to Juliet just to   save them the time of having to write their name  out if you have to spell Juliet with 12 letters   I feel like you've took a wrong turn somewhere  also hi I'm stepen and if you guys enjoy getting   to decide whether or not all of these people are  jerks why not hit those like And subscribe buttons   down below that said our next story is am I the  jerk for telling my daughter that this activity   is only for my biog grandkids and I'm not going  to change the tradition even if she wants to force   the step grandkids everywhere I will give some  background I am a pretty young grandmother my   daughter Jenny has two kids 9 and 13 my daughter  remarried to a man that has his own children so   I have step step grandkids 11 and 10 so a total  of four kids in the story I will refer to them   as bio and step grandkids to make it as clear as  possible the two bio and step grandkids don't get   along well watching from the outside it's easy  to see that the two parents are pushing them   together I have heard so many complaints and  informed the parents the forc bonding wasn't   helping they didn't take my advice and overall  all the kids have to do basically everything   together I've been teaching my bio grandkids how  to sew for a while every year we've been making a   blanket over a few months the two kids love it and  I enjoy the tradition I've informed the bio kids   will start soon on the project they seem excited  I got a call from my daughter asking me to include   the step grandkid the biog grandkids were talking  about the blanket and it made the other grandkids   upset they aren't invited so now my daughter  called me to include them I told her no that   this is something I just do with my bio grandkids  we have done this for years and I'm not changing   it I also informed her her that forcing them into  the tradition will not help the kids they already   dislike their step siblings she called me a jerk  and according to my other daughter it has caused   issues in her family I'm conflicted here and I  definitely think you're going to have a lot of   varying opinions based on people who feel should  grandparents unwaveringly accept step grandkids   personally considering the history here in  the bond with their bio grandkids it's hard   for me to say that op is outright The Jerk here  especially when it's such a forced thing but I   can definitely see how a number of people would  say op could be the jerk our next story is am I   the jerk for not enjoying my boyfriend surprise to  me while sick the past couple of weeks I've been   extremely sick and haven't felt like leaving  the house or doing anything this sucks for me   because nobody likes to be sick but I'm a busy  body and being bedridden is awful I also haven't   seen my female 19 boyfriend male 20 in a while  and he keeps asking me when I'll see him and I   tell him I wanted to wait until I'm at least not  running fevers because I wouldn't want to pass   anything to him especially because he has little  siblings and a baby sister and I would feel awful   if I got them sick he's very persistent though  and keeps saying how much he misses me and he   wants to see me he texts me multiple times a day  asking me to come over and I keep telling him not   yet especially because my fevers are up in the 104  range yesterday both my parents were at work so it   was just me at home I've been in and out of sleep  because I've been sick so I was sleeping most most   of the day yesterday mind you my boyfriend works  Monday to Friday so in no way did I expect this   around 2:00 p.m. I'm waking up to someone rubbing  my back before opening my eyes I think it's my   father home on his lunch nope it's my boyfriend  I'm very shocked at first and ask him what he's   doing here he said he couldn't stand being a part  and wanted to surprise me I then asked how he even   got in because my parents always lock the door  before leaving and he says he guessed the garage   combination because it's the the same digits as  my phone password which is what my family used   as a common password I'm a bit taken aback and  I tell him it wasn't cool to show up uninvited   he told me it seemed like I was ignoring him and  he wanted to come see what's up we went back and   forth about it for a while and me keeping my  point of it's rude to show up uninvited and   he just tells me I should be grateful to see him  and I need to stop whining after a while he left   mostly because I made a point to say my parents  don't know you're here and wouldn't be happy with   me having you over here without their permission  since yesterday he has not talked to me am I the   jerk thank you for all the feedback I'm trying to  read everything but there's a new comment every   time I refresh I'll give an update once I talk to  him I just don't know how I want to approach this   yet a lot of you are worried about my fevers sorry  for the exaggeration I've been sick for a couple   of weeks but my fever just started this week I've  not had high fevers for weeks started with just   congestion and a sore throat and recently just  turned into cough and fever and yes I've been to   the doctors thank you I mean in general if this  was like a shared space or maybe even a place of   her own where he had a key maybe you could argue  op's maybe the jerk but definitely not the jerk   here because the most creepy thing is he guessed  the garage passcode to let himself in when he was   never invited never given the code I mean what  the heck kind of reception are you expecting in   that case our next story is am I the jerk for  digging in my heels and refusing to invite my   estranged father and his wife to my wedding I'm  30-year-old female getting married this year and   the wedding is going to be smaller so those we  want to invite know when The wedding will take   place and are confirmed to be free invites will go  out in the summer but unofficially the people who   will be invited have been invited this was because  it was important to us to have those closest to us   present and we didn't want a hugely expensive  wedding this has become a problem because I   did invite my grandmother paternal and she has a  relationship with my as stranged father while I   do not background is needed here when my brother  and I were four we lost our mom our mom's twin   sister helped our dad out a lot after mom died we  actually lived with her for seven or eight months   while our dad was spiraling and losing control of  himself she was there for our first day of school   she fed us and clothed us and protected us a lot  during the period we lived with her and once Dad   pulled himself together and took us back she was  still the person taking care of us after school   and on Saturdays or Sundays when our dad would  work she was essential to us she and Mom were   orphans so it was just her for the maternal side  and dad's side were not close by and didn't play   much of a role in those earlier childhood memories  but our Aunt did then my dad got engaged and life   changed fast my dad's wife didn't want our Aunt  around anymore she wanted to become the mom and   she didn't feel like my Aunt would make that easy  on her so my dad and his wife fiance at the time   moved us out of state and we moved around a lot  so my aunt could not get any visitation rights   to us we didn't get to see or speak to her at all  after that I know she fought for us she did track   us down a couple of times and we moved again we  missed her like crazy and over the decade that   followed Dad tried to erase all traces of our aunt  and Mom and attempted to create a little nuclear   family with the four of us but we hated him and we  hated her and when we were teenagers we tracked on   our aunt and at 18 we moved out of our dad's house  and ended all contact with them my grandmother was   aware of all this and when we were kids she was  understanding Manning and did attempt to advocate   for us to see our aunt but once my dad found out  I was getting married through a person who wasn't   actually invited to the wedding but knew I was  engaged he was talking to my grandmother and he   told her how badly he and his wife want to come  and how sad they are that they've been removed   so completely from our lives now my grandmother  was saying they should be invited or at least my   father because he's still my father I told her  it would not happen and refused to compromise   with just him so she's unhappy and she said I'm  taking taking things too far and doing what they   did only I know how harmful it can be long term  am I the jerk Opie is definitely not the jerk   here and I don't think anybody who hasn't lived  directly what op has lived through has any real   say on whether or not op's right or wrong here  especially when it just comes down to who they   do and don't want at their wedding our next story  is am I the jerk when my husband doesn't tell me   what he's doing all the time am I the jerk when  I 34-year-old female get mad when my husband   35-year-old male does things without telling  me he owns his own office and the office closes   at 5:00 p.m. the house is about a 20-minute  drive away but he usually gets home between 5:   to 6:00 p.m. because he gets out late sometimes  this last situation he went out to eat dinner   with his brother and a business representative  to discuss business things the reason I got mad   was he got home at 6:00 p.m. and never told me  anything about his plans we usually eat after we   put the kids to bed about an hour later we were  getting our young kids to bed and after I ask if   he's planning on cooking potatoes for dinner he  says no but he could make me some because he ate   already I ask if he's joking that he ate already  and he tells me he went out to dinner I yelled   at him for not telling me he said that he didn't  need to tell me because he was still home around   the same time he always gets home and that I am  absurd for wanting him to tell me where he's at   not only am I mad because he didn't tell me but  the fact that he doesn't think he has to tell me   also mad because he doesn't do these things very  often and that once in a while is okay because   he doesn't do it every day am I the jerk I mean  I think if you're going out to dinner it's kind   of weird not to mention it to your partner that  you're married to it just seems like a bizarre   outof touch distance thing it's not even a why  are you not telling me where you are all the time   it's just a why are you not communicating the way  you should in a marriage especially when there's   an expectation that when you get home you'll  have dinner with your wife if you make make   a decision that's going to change that in any way  you probably should tell her right this next story   is am I the jerk for telling my sister-in-law  to find another provider because I'm not it my   sister-in-law has always called me a disgrace  and talked about how men are providers she has   repeatedly told me this and tried to shame me for  having a better education and job than my husband   my husband's family is Mexican immigrants and my  sister-in-law lives in Mexico and has a Mexican   husband she recently fled the house looking for  someone to stay with my in-laws live in another   state but my sister with her three children came  to us instead we live in a small house in San   Diego that was my grandma's my in-laws live close  to Houston my husband wasn't home when his sister   arrived and I sent her away when she showed up on  my doorstep I told her to go find another provider   because I'm not it my husband heard and came home  from work and I told him that he had to pay for   her hotel and plane tickets out of his money to  our in-law's place he and his family have been   ticked at me his sister has constantly bullied  me for over 10 10 years for dumb butt things   like not making my man a plate I've never liked  her or her ex I do not want her in my home and I   wasn't having it because she has no dang money  because of her own stupidity of being a wifey   I refused to support her and now my husband's  family is saying he should leave me and stay in   Houston I told him he can choose his sister over  me and if he's not back in 24 hours I'm throwing   his crap on the street and letting the homeless  take it I don't think Opie is the jerk here the   bottom line is they don't actually respect op and  the second op lets them in the more they're just   going to try to walk all over op and take whatever  they can from them while not respecting them I   mean I get it they're trying to get out of a bad  situation but even still that doesn't make it your   responsibility to make your living situation way  worse by helping out a person that doesn't respect   you our next story is am I the jerk for telling  my mom I'll move out versus paying $600 a month   rent I'm 25 years old was paying $60 a week rent  for a few years I recently started a new temp job   that pays pretty decent and they decided to keep  me with the company last week this morning my mom   texted me to say rent starts up again $150 a week  I just told her I'll move out I already pay for my   own meals I only have my small bedroom to call my  own in their house I can rent a studio apartment   three or four times the size of my room for a few  hundred more or could rent a room with friends for   less than my mom is trying to charge me it would  be one thing if they cooked and cleaned for me   every day and I was raking up their bills but  I do my own thing pay my own bills I never even   really cross paths with my parents besides when  I'm getting off work my mom's definitely ticked   that I said that I can tell but I'm also upset the  person who birthed me is trying to get me to pay   what I would pay a landlord for rent just to sleep  in her house even a hundred a week I would have   been more inclined to be okay with but 600 a month  just to be able to sleep at my parents house seems   a little high if I'm paying $600 a month I think  I would deserve my own spaces around the house   also as I would with the landlord it seems having  a landlord would be a better deal for me in this   case I mean if you're saying you don't want to pay  $600 you'd rather move out that doesn't make you   the jerk how would you be the jerk for saying you  know what that's too much money for me I'm just   going to try to find a better living situation  for me elsewhere I am actually struggling to find   a situation in this where you would be a jerk  I mean what op talking $800 $900 a month for a   nice place like that if you can swing that go for  it our next story is am I the jerk for taking the   dog out only twice a day I 18-year-old male was  talking to a previous cooworker of mine 40 to   50-year-old female about unrelated stuff when  I brought up how I need to go home to take out   the dog she asked if the dog had been taken out  already and I said no she doesn't go outside in   the mornings she got pretty angry and told me that  it is animal abuse and cruel to only take a dog   out that rarely the dog is taken out when I come  home from school 2: to 5:00 p.m. and at night 7:   to 10: p.m. when I come home from school she  isn't in a hurry to go outside 90% of the time   my dog is a 5-year-old West Siberian Leica when my  dog was younger she did have a few occasions where   she pooped inside when no one was home to take  her out but most of those times it was because   of diarrhea we got it checked out and the pooping  inside ended for more context I didn't want a dog   it was my mom who brought up the idea I told her  that if we get one I will not be taking care of   it since I already have three cats to take care of  my mom is usually the one taking her out at night   but she only takes her out in the mornings if it's  a vacation day or her work starts late I've been   convinced that the dog being taken out only twice  is all right since she seems to be happy but my   ex-coworker comment made me a bit paranoid about  it am I the jerk I think if you take your dog out   twice a day it wouldn't be a problem if you're  actually going out for a proper walk twice a   day if you're just talking about letting them  roam around the front yard or the backyard or   you know walking them up the street for 5 minutes  twice a day that's probably not going to be enough   for a dog that's a little bit more energetic I get  that like op is trying to avoid any responsibility   here but not having compassion for an animal that  has to go 14 hours between being able to relieve   themselves how can you know that and not be the  jerk for not just like in the morning letting   them out for 5 to 10 minutes our next story is  am I the jerk my boyfriend's roommate called me   racist my 22-year-old female spent a lot of  time in my boyfriend's 24-year-old male with   his roommate 27-year-old male both are Chinese  my boyfriend and I have had some issues due to   cultural differences but we always work them  out or come to some sort of compromise which   I love as we don't want to completely change the  other since we have very different cultures and we   should find a balance the roomie on the other hand  couldn't care less he and I have had some issues   in the past but I've always tried to understand  if it was a cultural thing or him just being a   jerk the most recent issue happened because of  the Chinese New Year I had seen my dad earlier   that day and he thought that it would be nice to  send me back to their house with cake in honor   of their new years's even though he only met my  boyfriend once and has never met the roomie this   is where I got ticked I arrived at their house  with the cake thinking they would be happy with   the little gift but only one was my boyfriend sent  my dad a text with a thanks but roomy just looked   at the cake and didn't say anything I thought he  was willing to taste it before saying anything but   the thank you never came later that night I told  my boyfriend that I was upset that he didn't say   anything boyfriend explain that in their culture  they don't say thanks very often but they will at   least acknowledge it and he admits that the roomy  was very rude to not say anything he told me to   just let it go as nothing was going to change  so I did until today roomy and I were having a   little conversation and I offered him a beer to  which he said thank you that ticked me off in a   calm voice I said said that it's interesting how  he doesn't say thank you for New Year's cake that   was a gift from my dad but he says thank you for  a beer he got mad and said that in his culture   they don't say thank you often I told him that  if we were in China surrounded by his culture   I would understand but right now we are in Canada  where we do say thank you a lot and I've been very   understanding of the cultural differences so far  but this one means a lot to me and he needs to   respect how I feel in the matter the same way I  would if I was in China he called me racist and   said that I was too narrow-minded to understand  and that I was the one being disrespectful not   him at this point my boyfriend stepped in saying  that he was wrong and that he was rude for not   even acknowledging the gift roomie just got even  more upset and said that I was being racist and on   top of that ruining a friendship so please tell me  Reddit am I the jerk in this situation for wanting   him to say thank you or was I just being rude  and racist I don't know I'm really conflicted   here because if it's like a real cultural thing  I guess I would understand but at the same time   like if you give a gift and you're like kind of  standing there if he's aware of the culture that   he's in it's not like it hurts to say thank you  it's not like it's disrespecting his culture to   say thank you I think maybe it's a bit of both  sides here I feel like op probably went a little   far in saying what they said you know the whole  you're not in China you're in Canada but at the   same time like he should have acknowledged the  gift right especially when they're aware enough   that people people in Canada who give gifts expect  some kind of acknowledgement our next story is am   I the jerk for screaming at my son's girlfriend's  mom to get out of my house my husband and I come   from a small religious town which we are strongly  religious we don't follow the same strict rules   as everyone else we are very open-minded our  oldest Sons 18 Jacob's girlfriend moved in with   us on her 18th birthday due to finding out that  she was pregnant and her parents were extremely   controlling we were shamed by everyone in our  town for the pregnancy itself but we never paid   a mind to it 3 weeks ago Jacob's girlfriend had  her baby she kept it a secret from her mother   but we're assuming someone at the hospital opened  their mouths two nights ago we had a banging at   my door and it was her mother demanding to come  in and see this secret baby my son's girlfriend   said I could let her in if she promised to calm  down in which I relayed the message and obliged   her mother was calm at first until she began  talking about how she'd pray for her daughter   Soul not to be danged and began loudly praying in  my living room I told her she needed to stop and   she began to calm down then tried telling my son's  girlfriend that they could fix this that the baby   is still young enough to be deeply wanted by an  adopting family my son's girlfriend started crying   and I told her it was time to leave she started  saying I was sugar coating things for these kids   and that they have no clue how to raise a baby and  they're too young she called my son rude names and   basically said he'd be working at the county for  for the rest of his life and I told her she needed   to get out of my house right now very loudly  in which she obliged later on I got a text on   Facebook from her saying I was a horrible role  model and shouldn't keep her from her daughter   and that everyone would know what goes on behind  my door I went grocery shopping yesterday and our   cashier who I know wouldn't talk to me and today  I was actually asked to leave my church that I've   been going to for the past 10 years by a deacon  I'm truly so upset by this am I the jerk I don't   think cop is the jerk here they're just trying  to support some kids who are going through a   very tough time in their lives sadly I think  this is just a consequence of living in some   kind of small town where everybody knows everybody  and especially one that seems to be pretty hyper   religious I guess op could play the gossip game  and try to share their perspective but sweet old   ma might be just too corrupting in the minds of  everybody else I mean they're all just ready to   Outcast you and dump you from the town our next  story is am I the jerk for refusing to retrieve   a bracelet for a guest at the pool I'm a lifeguard  at I work at a large pool in Florida that has an   artificial waterfall that guests can go behind  yesterday while I was on duty a woman came up   to me and said that she lost a bracelet directly  under the waterfall I was annoyed since we tell   people not to wear jewelry in the pool other than  well secured piercings but I said I'd try to grab   it swimming under the waterfall is quite difficult  because it's highpressure water you can't really   come up for air unless you swim past it which is  difficult if you're diving to the bottom because   it's about 8T deep despite this I attempted to  dive down there with no goggles as you might   expect I couldn't find the bracelet I came up  for air and was instantly waterboarded by the   waterfall I decided to go at it again and I still  couldn't find it after two attempts of diving down   to 8 ft and holding my breath the whole time I'd  had enough and told the guest I couldn't find her   bracelet she started started ranting at me about  how lazy this generation is and demanded to speak   to my manager I explained to her that we actually  empty the pool every night because it's fed by   a spring and that I would check the pool for it  tonight she wouldn't relent so I got the manager   and he explained the same thing and asked her to  leave her number so we'll call her if we find it   she then proceeded to get her belongings and leave  she didn't even return the key to the locker she   rented she didn't leave her number either we did  end up finding her bracelet but we don't have any   way to get it back to her so it's just sitting  and lost and found am I the jerk here should I   have tried harder to find it initially op is  definitely not the jerk here and from the way   they describe it it sounds actually dangerous so  having tried two times being waterboarded which is   like a horrible experience I don't blame op for  saying listen we're going to drain it at night   we'll find it then I already did more than enough  in trying to find it for you this next story is am   I the jerk for telling my girlfriend's mom that  lying has consequences so I 23-year-old male am   dating Kelly 25-year-old female Kelly has two  very nice mothers Gina 64-year-old female and   Stacy 71-year-old female that I get on with  quite well the problem relevant to this post   is that Stacy has a history of lying very often  about things both serious and not serious which   Kelly has complained to me about a few times while  the lying does bother me mainly because of hurts   Kelly's feelings and stresses her out Kelly says  she's trying to let it go and has just come to   accept it as part of her mother's personality  well I went to run errands with Stacy last week   and when she forgot her wallet I thought it was a  genuine mistake she's in her 70s She's forgetting   things it's no big deal I'll buy her the couple  of things she needs and she'll get it back to me   when she can it wasn't until later that day when  I was alone with Kelly and recounting my day that   she stopped me and asked if Stacy had me pay for  something I said yes and Kelly explained that this   is something she does to everybody if they agree  to go with her somewhere and she has or wants to   buy something she claims she forgot her wallet  asks you to pay promises to pay you back but   almost never follows through this was upsetting  to hear as I also don't like to be lied to and had   not experienced Stacy lying to me yet it's also  not even about money for Stacy as she has quite   a bit to her name no debt and Gina pays most of  the bills anyway yesterday Stacy asked me to come   with her again for errands because she needed to  pick up some things and they're too heavy for her   to handle I agreed and before he walked out the  door I said oh wait I forgot something and went   and grabbed my jacket I asked her if she was  sure that she also had everything she needed   specifically listing wallet keys and phone she  said yes I asked if she checked before we stepped   outside she said yes again so on we went and  after the initial errands we St stopped at the   drugstore and she ended up asking me to grab her  something while I was inside claiming she forgot   her wallet again the conversation went like this I  said I thought you had said you had everything you   needed before we left she said I did I guess I was  wrong I reply you said you checked she says I did   I reply so did you lie to me about having your  wallet or did you lie to me about checking for   it she replies I don't know what you're talking  about I say do you really not have it with you   or are you lying about that too she says why are  you having an attitude with me I reply why did   you lie to me she says it's not a big deal if you  don't want to help me then I'm going home I said I   don't have an attitude I'm just not going to deal  with you lying to me lying has consequences she   was ticked to say the least and gave me the cold  shoulder after this and Kelly says she hasn't come   out of her room since we got back from errands  yesterday did I go overboard here yeah there's   no way op went over overboard here op was lied to  they were told this in confidence and they proved   it for themselves and yeah it's a really crappy  thing to do to somebody they're just embarrassed   they got called out on it our next story is am I  the jerk for asking my daughter if she actually   washes her face I male 42 have a daughter 16 Joe  Joe is one of my kids with my ex-wife my ex has   a job that has her traveling a lot so Joe stays  with me the majority of the time within the last   year maybe year year and a half Joe has gotten bad  acne I've gotten her multiple types of face wash   and moisturizer but her acne hasn't cleared up so  I figured it was just part of her being a teenager   and maybe that she wasn't always washing her face  and that's why it hasn't cleared up well recently   Joe has been asking to go to a dermatologist  because Normal face wash and moisturizer don't   work for her I told her acne isn't that bad and  she probably just needs to wash her face more   often Joe then told me that she's self-conscious  about her her acne and that she would appreciate   going to the dermatologist and just seeing if  they could do something for her so I asked her   if she actually washes her face every day twice a  day or does she only do it when she feels like it   she started crying and ran up to her room less  than an hour later I got a call from my ex-wife   calling me a huge jerk for accusing Joe of not  washing her face and that's why she has acne and   that it could be hormones keeping her skin from  getting clear and she said she'll make sure Joe   gets to the Derm ologist when she's back in town  I didn't think I was the jerk but my ex-wife is   pretty ticked and called me a jerk multiple times  so am I well considering you bought her all of   this stuff and she comes to you in confidence  and says I want to see a dermatologist it's a   reasonable assumption that she's been trying to  do what she can to clear it up what does Opie   think is going on here that their kids coming  to them saying hey can I go to a dermatologist   because they don't feel like washing their face  and they just want some of that good good dermat   olist hookup stuff to clear it up for them instead  I think it's pretty clear op is the jerk but with   that being said that's all the time we have for  today now if you want to hear another absolutely   crazy am my The Jerk here story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 10,016
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: rQWq49BtUoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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