r/NuclearRevenge HOW I BEAT MY DAD’S FAVOURITE CHILD! - Reddit Stories

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today we have a crazy Revenge story involving  twins we'll get into that in a bit but first   how I caused my coworker to get the most ghastly  breakout of her life a while ago I was offered a   job at an advertising firm in my state I was glad  because not only had I always wanted to work in   advertising The Firm was new when close to home  I'd always dreamed of having a big job and living   close to home but at some point it started to look  like my dream was just going to be that a dream I   was talking to my mom about relocating when the  firm called me one of my friends from college   worked at the firm's head office and suggested  me to their boss as one of the vital staff at   the new branch of the firm to be created in my  state they asked if I wanted to come over for   an interview and I agreed after ending the call I  fell to my knees that was a sign I thought that I   needn't move to a new state to find a different  job that I'd like on the agreed interview date I   looked my best as always and went in for the  interview the first person I met at the new   Branch was another lady who was just about my age  she looked good and I even complimented her curly   hair she didn't seem happy to see me though she  nodded quickly at my compliment and walked away   I barely even thought about her behavior until  after the interview I was just feeling grateful   to be considered later on I was invited into their  conference room where the same lady sat with three   other men one of the men introduced everyone  to me he said they all were sent down to start   the new Branch from the head company and that the  woman who was supposed to fill the role they were   interviewing me for abandoned ship at the last  minute we were all going to be working together   so the boss insisted that everyone was there to  meet their potential work colleague since they   were all there they were involved in the interview  process and all were able to see my resume I had   an impressive resume for someone my age I had lots  of experience in advertising from interning at   different firms while in uni and during the summer  I'd also briefly worked in different places after   college before I decided to move back home to be  close to my parents I noticed that the only lady   there the one I'd earlier met wasn't so happy  to see me she kept stealing glances at me and   her expression was not that of admiration it was  like she needed me to shut up and get out I also   noticed that after I answered the questions thrown  at me she would say something in French to their   boss I could tell from his accent that our boss  was a Frenchman and this lady spoke French too   after they asked all their questions she asked if  I could handle the workload in the office and went   on to tell me about how they usually got busy at  different times of the year I said I could wish   them all a nice day and left on the Friday of that  week I was contacted to ask when I could resume   work I resumed my position 2 weeks later it was a  small office The Firm was a known one so compared   to their head office the branch in my state  was quite small I had to share an office with   the lady who had interviewed me and as usual she  didn't seem pleased at all with the development I   figured you'd like to have an office to yourselves  as the only girls we have around here my boss had   said in his thick French accent his reason for  wanting us to share an office made sense except   that the pairing became my undoing in that office  first of all she was not happy to share her office   and she made it pretty clear in words and actions  before I came she had the office to herself one   that was separate from the boys and she liked it  that way when she first mentioned to me that she   hated that she now had to share I smiled Riley  and even apologized I honestly just didn't want   to offend her the office was divided into two  parts and it took her months to get her stuff   off of my side of the office I reminded her every  day about it until I got tired and started to live   with it one day I got very tired of the seeming  rivalry between us and tried to talk her out of   it I told her that I was a sweet person and asked  that she give me a chance before riding me off   she completely gaslighted me told me she didn't  understand what I was talking about and looked   at me like I was making things up her hostility  continued but rather than be the usual sweet girl   I completely ignored her I stopped saying hello  to her every morning and stayed out of her way we   only spoke at the regular staff meetings and when  we were meeting with clients and it was always   professional talk I'd laugh and banter with the  men but with her it had to be professional when   she noticed that I'd stopped trying to get her  to be on my side she started being friendly but   I ignored her still I was very cold towards her  even more so than she was when I started working   at The Firm I I guess she was mad that I was no  longer interested in being friendly and started   to plot how to take me down she started to find  loopholes in my suggestions at meetings and did   that so frequently that our boss had us both  stay behind after a meeting and warned us to   never allow a repeat of what had just happened she  putting my ideas down before a client the rule was   that we could tear one another's ideas down as  much as we wanted when it was an in-house meeting   but when clients are around we must never do that  the problem however was that my boss was attacking   us as though I was a part of the problem when his  anger should have been directed at her she was   the one who tore down my ideas and tried to make  me look stupid before our clients my boss gave   her preferential treatment and I assumed it was  because she spoke French anyway I started planning   my revenge when my boss almost sacked me for a lie  she told against me he suspended me it happened   that this young actress was trying to save  herself after a scandal that involved her family   she wanted to look good to the public and needed  professionals to clean up her reputation my firm   was all about appearance in putting people and  products in a good light so her people contacted   us she was skeptical about coming over to the firm  to avoid being seen so they requested that the   firm send staff over to her home my boss decided  that it made sense to send my lady colleague and   me to her home the next day we dressed nicely  and went to this client's home I'm a religious   person like many people in the country and many  of the actress's critics so I told her that I was   going to offer a perspective that represented  that of her critics it was important to know   just how to attack public opinion and tilt it in  her favor we talked about that for an hour while   my Petty colleague acted bored and tired she  probably wanted to spite me in my opinions and   since my boss wasn't there to caution her and our  client was a young actress she figured it didn't   matter after we were done with our meeting our  host had her Chef prepare lunch and all through   lunch my colleague went on and on about seeing  her shoe collections the actress had been in the   news on different occasions about her large shoe  Collections and my colleague was requesting to see   them it was of course Very unprofessional and even  when the actress looked uncomfortable my colleague   went on and on I think she was friendly to prove  to me that she knew how to carry on an informal   conversation or to show me that the actress liked  her the next day my boss was contacted and her   team said they were taking us off the situation  and would find someone else that day I'd called in   sick because I was tired and needed to rest when  they called my lady colleague panicked that the   reason the actress shut us out was because of how  unprofessional her behavior at the house was she   then lied that I criticized the actress told her  I was religious and Justified the actions of her   critics my boss was mad the next day he called me  me to his office and he was going to fire me after   a full hour of defending myself he suspended me  instead I was heated it was my word against hers   and I would have asked that we involve the actress  but that would have been very unprofessional too I   decided to accept my suspension in good faith  and spend the time out of work plotting my   revenge against my colleague at work from sharing  an office with her I knew she was very particular   about her beauty and that was probably why she  felt so threatened by me when I first resumed   work I was another pretty lady in the office who  looked just as good and carried herself well I   also noticed that after I resumed she did certain  Beauty rituals at work at different times too   for instance she had sunscreen that she reapplied  often at work different tubes of lip gloss and all   other stuff she would also tell anyone who cared  to listen about how her skin was sensitive and   whatever I remember her telling her mom about how  badly her skin reacted to any product with alcohol   she added that she never even used perfumes with  alcohol because her skin could never handle it I   went to the supermarket bought a small bottle of  methylated spirit and hid it in my work drawer   every day when she went out for lunch I would  shut the office door and pour the methylated   spirit inside her sunscreen bottle I would also  do the same to her lipstick tube and moisturizer   after about a week she had a very severe breakout  she looked so so bad it was as though she had been   in an accident that only involved her face and  neck it was also an important time of the year for   our business so we were all very busy at work it  was one of those times when one would look stupid   for wanting to take time off work for nearly a  month she went about looking ugly all through   that period her self-esteem took a nose dive at  that point I made even more effort to look better   than I usually did to work I also became way more  productive and it helped tremendously with my work   and how my boss and the boys saw me after her acne  and the spots cleared she knew never to mess with   me at work again I'm not sure if she knew I did it  but if something like that happens after you tried   to get someone fired then you should know they  did something so in a situation like this where op   very clearly does have an enemy here should they  have expected that this breakout was somehow the   cause of op or do you think that most people  in that kind of a situation and work enemies   or not would be pretty clueless to a cooworker  slipping stuff in their sunscreen and stuff like   that I'd like to know what you guys think also hi  I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy crazy stories of   Revenge it would be amazing if you left a like or  left a review if you're listening to my podcast   that said our next story is Bly calls me a [ __ ]  in school so I spread a worse rumor about him when   I 19-year-old female was a teenager I switched  schools countless times during my entire middle   school and high school years this was mostly  because my dad's job required him to travel   every few years we didn't have our own personal  house and the apartments we rented were mostly   paid off by the company he consulted for this  issue of changing schools affected me in lots of   ways I never had enough time to build meaningful  relationships with the people in my school anytime   I made a friend we never had time to properly  develop the necessary bond to consider ourselves   best friends and every time I left the school  that was usually the end of our relationship   it hurts me every time this happen happens when I  got to my fourth school I started to pull away I   just stopped making friends or trying to relate  with people because what's the use of forming   relationships that'll end in a year and I'll  have to start all over again I started to keep   to myself in the new schools but that only caused  more problems for me I became the weird kid of the   class and started to get picked on by bullies I  was the only child in my family and I didn't have   anyone to defend me I didn't even bother trying  to tell my parents because I didn't want them to   get all work about me this bullying continued for  the greater part of my high school till one day my   dad got home from work and announced that we had  to move again for the first time I was happy to   leave my school and go somewhere else I only hoped  that the next school would be better but it wasn't   my first week at the high school where I started  my junior year was worse than my fourth School   the students were even worse than the previous  ones everyone was mean to me no one respected   my privacy and it felt like I was being bullied  from all sides the teachers were nonchalant and   whenever I reported a case of being bullied to the  principal he always swept it under the carpet he   downplayed the bullying and made me feel like I  was overreacting and keen on causing trouble in   his Stellar School eventually I just decided to  give up on seeking help from people with higher   authority it was just for a year two Max we either  decide to move again or I'm going to graduate from   high school either way it's all going to end so I  just had to be patient a month into the new school   I finally made a friend I was sitting in my normal  booth at the far end of the cafeteria as usual and   she walked over to sit with me I was surprised  because nothing like that had ever happened most   people usually just avoid me I didn't say anything  though I just ate my food in silence and she spoke   first she called my apartment Street number and  asked me if I stayed there it was surprising for   her to have that information and I said yes she  said she lived in the same street too and she saw   mommy walking to school past her house one morning  she introduced herself as Megan 19-year-old female   and she said we had a few classes together I never  noticed because my face was always buried in my   notebooks anyways she didn't stand up to leave she  just kept talking and talking and didn't mind that   I wasn't putting in as much energy as she was I  only nodded and replied once in a while she wasn't   deterred At All by the end of the day she joined  me as I walked home she did that every day for   the rest of the school term I only started to open  up to her during the school break I told her about   my parents and how we don't stay in a place for  too long surprisingly she said that it's better   that I make the best of the time I had in school  and that I should stop focusing on the negatives   yes I had a problem of not being able to form  connections with people but at least I got to   meet many more people and experience what it was  like living in different countries with people   of different cultures than mine Megan was the  best friend I ever had she taught me to enjoy   the nomadic lifestyle which I'd always thought  of as a curse this was when I gradually started   to come out of my shell I joined the cheerleading  squad as I've always wanted to do and I gradually   started to get accepted into the school I started  to make friends outside Megan in her friend Circle   including my ex-boyfriend Chris 20-year-old  male Chris was one of the lacrosse jocks in   the school and he was quite popular I've known  him since I started schooling there he was one   of the guys who was just in your face every  time most of the lacrosse guys were bullies   some of them called me mean names while they took  lunch money from the boys he was friends with most   of these bullies and even though I never saw him  participate in the bullying he was always moving   with them one day after cheer practice I was  talking to some of the girls in the squad when   he approached me I was surprised but I kept my  cool and we talked he complimented my practice   and then asked if I'd like to go to the movies  with him during the weekend that was the first   time he was talking to me and the track record  I'd seen of him wasn't something I'd call good   even if he didn't participate in the bullying  himself he was there sometimes and didn't do   anything to stop it I wasn't going to go out with  someone like that so I declined it was evident on   his face that he was shocked at my response I  won't blame him something as good-looking as   him probably doesn't get rejected he asked why  and I told him all my reasons sparing no tiny   detail he got defensive and said that he had  never been involved in the bullying and that   there was nothing he could do when the guys set  their sights on a new prey yes he actually said   prey he was very arrogant and talking to him was  pissing me off so I left the next day though he   called me to a private class and apologized for  his behavior he explained that he had difficulty   relating with people he liked and that was why  he was nervous around me I said it was fine but   I still had no intention of going back to him he  didn't get mad like the previous day instead he   said it was fair but he wasn't going to to give up  he was going to do everything in his power to win   me over his confidence was impressive personally I  didn't think I'd fall for him but I wanted to see   him try after that day Chris became a perfect  gentleman he'd wait for me at the door of the   hallway to hand me a pack of chocolate sometimes  he'd go to my locker and drop a flower or a love   letter after a while I forgot about the fact that  he was a pompous jerk and saw him for what he was   pretending to be the perfect Prince Charming I  fell for him and by the time he asked me to go   out with him again I agreed we went to a movie  theater and after the movie we went to get ice   cream I was really enjoying Chris's company and I  let my guard down we left the ice cream shop late   in the evening and I wanted to call it a day Chris  refused and said that there was one more place he   wanted to show me we talked as we walked and I  didn't even pay attention to the turns we took   eventually we reached an abandoned Park Chris said  that it was his favorite part of the city he loved   its quietness and how it's always cleared out by  8:00 p.m. after that he moved close and took my   hand like I said I'd let my guard down and I  didn't think of this as anything but then he   pulled me closer and kissed me I was kind of  surprised but I went with it we'd been talking   for over a month and I was convinced that he liked  me but then his hands started sliding up and down   my body and all my warning lights were going  off I leaned away and told him to stop but he   wouldn't I was wearing a sundress and he tried to  put his hands underneath that was when I panicked   and shoved him off me he lost his patience and  yelled at me calling me insulting names that was   when it dawned on me that all he really wanted  for me was sex he never really liked me he was   just hoping that I was some easy target I left the  park and went straight home swearing to never talk   to Chris again but that was not the end the next  day when I got to school I noticed that everyone   was staring at me funny some were laughing while  some were making making comments and looking my   way I was curious as to what was happening but  I didn't have to wait long Megan came to meet me   and asked if it was true that I slept with Chris  in the park I had never been more shocked in my   entire life I literally felt my blood run cold as  she explained to me that he was telling everyone   about how he had hooked up with me in the park I  told her the true story and while Megan believed   me she said no one else would and she was right  by the end of the school day I'd been called   to [ __ ] over a hundred times some people even  went ahead to draw explicit images of genitalia   on pieces of paper and dropped them in my locker  this went on for a few more days and no matter   what I said I wasn't beating the allegations I  was branded a [ __ ] while Chris on the other   hand was looked at like some kind of hero it  hurts so much because I actually trusted him   I could never have figured out that this was his  plan all along and after I stopped feeling sorry   for myself I decided to get my revenge against him  I had Megan in my corner along with some girls in   the cheerleading squad and together we thought  of ways to get back at Chris for everything he   had done to me eventually Megan came up with  the idea for me to play along he had already   spread the rumor about me and trying to prove my  innocence without evidence was no use the only   way to get back at him is to own the rumor and  spread an even bigger one the next day when I   got to school I began telling people that I truly  slept with Chris but it wasn't fun because he had   a micro you know what my friends also helped tell  other people and soon enough the entire school   had heard Chris started to get laughed at instead  of me and no matter how he tried to say it wasn't   true he couldn't prove it because that would mean  he would have to flash the entire School the rumor   stayed alive for two whole weeks with girls and  guys alike making fun of him eventually he came   to me and apologized for starting the rumor about  me he literally went on his knees and begged me to   stop the rumors but I I told him he had the power  to stop it all he had to do was confess that he   was lying about sleeping with me and everything  would go back to normal his reputation in school   will be tarnished and he'll never be taken  seriously again but at least he won't be made   fun of again he agreed and publicly apologized to  me for starting the rumor some outraged students   reported him to the principal and he got a 2 we  suspension but that was the end of it is this the   same principle that at the beginning said Opie was  trying trying to tarnish their Stellar school and   refuse to do anything but this guy gets exposed  for lying about sleeping with another student   and all of a sudden he gets suspended from  the principal I'm just wondering what's the   line for that principal this next story is the  favored twin versus the rejected twin what are   your thoughts on twins identical twins I know most  people actually want twins for themselves and most   people are at times envious of the relationship  and the kind of closeness that twins possess but   I can tell you for a fact that being a twin is  by far the worst thing that has ever happened   to me and not because of any particular reason  but just because I was the younger twin which to   me made the littlest of all sense possible while  I was growing up myself and my twin male male 21   21 were both objects of our father's adoration and  profession he took pride especially in my twin who   was practically his golden child as unreasonable  as it may sound I was the least favorite child   even though we were both quite literally alike  in every single way except for the fact that we   both were just our own different persons and all I  could never figure out the exact reason as to why   this was so as I'd always thought that I was at  least entitled to some of the special treatments   that my twin was receiving but it later dawned on  me that even though we were twins my twin brother   let's call him Nathan was quite the concreted one  and it didn't just end at him hoarding all of our   parents' love care and affection he was concreted  so much so that he didn't want me to have quite   literally anything I wanted and he always was  there at every turn and Corner practically   taking everything that belonged to me or that I  wanted and eventually it got so overwhelming that   I had to retaliate and not withstanding the fact  that my parents were readily against the idea of   my doing so I still did it regardless and there's  nothing I regret absolutely nothing straight down   to the very beginning of it all my twin and I  were the only children of both my parents as   at some times my father always made sure that  I realized that of the both of us twins I was   the unexpected or rather to put it in his words  the unplanned one right from the moment where my   memory could have served me to the best of its  capabilities I realized that neither one of my   parents were really paying me the slightest bit of  attention as at some point the favoritism between   the both of us twins was as clear as day in most  cases of twins they both were more often the not   treated equally given the same opportunities  were given quite literally the same things in   all basically speaking most Twins were offered  the exact same thing whenever they were going to   receive something but mine wasn't the same as  my parents showed clear favoritism to my twin   brother and almost slightly disregarded me except  in some instances but this didn't really have such   an immediate effect on me as I was just happy to  have been with my family at the time however there   were some instant where it seemed like things were  getting too much and almost seemed like I couldn't   take it anymore for instance when we were both in  high school there was an incident where I'd set my   sights on a particular girl in my class we both  were taking all the art classes together as my   twin was different he was the gem of my parents  and thus he was in The Sciences since they were   already planning his entire life out for him  anyway this girl let's call her Eva so Eva and I   were offering quite a few courses together back in  high school and I was already starting to develop   quite the intense crush on her and all but I just  didn't know how to express myself and it seemed   like she even noticed too because there were some  instances where she would start encouraging me   out of nowhere telling me how she was readily  available to listen to whatever it was that I   had to say to her or tell her and eventually  I was finally able to express my feelings to   and for her and she openly accepted them she even  told me how fond of me she was and how she quite   literally enjoyed spending time with me and all  this was the first time I'd ever felt this happy   albeit the fact that I've been celebrated during  my birthdays which weren't mostly celebration of   the both of us twins but mostly the celebration  of my twin alone anyways things were really   going well for me at the time and it seemed like  there was nothing that could have stopped what   was happening which was true apparently not until  my twin brother got a wind of it apparently the   idea of myself getting into relationship didn't  really sit well and right with him as he had at   the time made it his sole mission to completely  disrupt everything that was going on with Eva   and myself I couldn't have imagined that he would  have done what he did honestly speaking but for   the fact that we both were twins Eva became so  disappointed and annoyed with me and also with   the fact that my twin had the audacity to approach  her and woo her in an uncomfortable Manner and all   according to her she felt really used and like  she was being played and by twins no less there   was quite literally no other way that I could have  explained myself where it wouldn't seem like she   was played quite literally by the both of us and  the worst part of the whole issue with Eva was the   fact that I honestly and truly liked her as she  was the only person I'd met that truly ever wanted   to listen to me and also understood me in the  process but apparently my twin brother couldn't   accept the fact that I was already getting happy  even just the lightest bit and he just came around   and quite literally ruined everything for me he  did this for two other girls by the way all in   the span of a few months but I thought there was  nothing I could do at the time since this has been   how things have always felt for me for as long as  I remember little did I know that the best thing   I could have done for myself all these years was  to stand up for myself and do what I thought was   right no matter the situation or instance but I  was still too weak-minded at the time and thus   just seemed like quite the impossible task anyways  fast forward a little bit to right after high   school as my parents were trying to get admission  slots for the both of us into the same College as   that was our Dream college and all but there was  just one little problem and this was the problem   of availability of slots we had applied quite late  when the window of opportunity for application was   almost over and they my parents were not able to  secure both slots as planned as my father had a   friend in the admission office and all and so he  was only able to secure just the one space this   was where I started having issues in and with so  apparently the idea of me going to college was   already seeming like such an unimportant idea  one so minuscule that they didn't even think   twice of the idea of letting my brother get the  spot and all there was nothing I could have done   as it seemed like they'd already decided that it  was my brother that was going to get the slot I   tried to voice out my concerns as to why he was  the only one given the opportunity and not me   seeing as we were both equally deserving of the  slot but my father immediately retaliated as he   made even more emphasis on the fact that I was the  insignificant one of the both of them he also made   me fully aware of the fact that my twin brother  apparently had more potential to become someone   great in the future compared to me this really hit  a sore spot as I could not even begin to imagine   how my parents truly viewed me in all manner of  life and reality compared to how they adored my   twin brother I had always wondered why we were  even twins in the first place if we were going   to be treated in contrasting ways conclusively  that was the height of it all and just when I   thought that this was the end of everything that  was going to be happening to me as relates to my   twin brother the worse was yet to come this  was just as my twin brother had left for the   College of his dreams I was left with the only  other option of going to community college and   don't get me wrong not like there was anything  particularly wrong with Community College or   anything but the fact that there was such a huge  difference in the way I was being treated and the   way my twin brother was being treated it just  didn't make any particular sense as to why this   was so but that was the situation of things and  there was nothing I could have particularly done   about it or so I had thought so following his  admission into college my twin brother was not   particularly as bright as my parents had thought  him to be as he most definitely had areas where   he was struggling greatly and this was evident  when he wasn't able to meet the crossing points   for the next session he was really scared of what  he thought our parents would think about him and   his poor performance in college and he was also  scared of the fact that our parents might not   treat him the same way they used to once they saw  his performance and so he resulted to taking some   not so subtle not so academically legal methods  and he was eventually able to scale through for   quite a while and obviously things were going  really well for him and I could say the same for   myself too as things weren't what I thought they  would be when I was in community college in fact   I'd gotten so good at my academics that I'd now  secured my spot amongst five students who had been   chosen by the school for a fully paid scholarship  program for the best of the students for once they   had graduated to any country of their choice for  study it was like everything I'd ever wanted was   being handed to me on a platter just not in the  way I wanted it and I was educationally apt and   sound so scaling through classes tests and exams  were quite literally a breeze and so when I came   home to break the news to my parents they were as  expected still uninterested in my achievements and   I must say at that point it really didn't bother  me again then upon going to my room I noticed an   unopened mail on my twin brother's system and  the details of this mail included some things   that could potentially expose my twin brother's  true results throughout his stay in college and it   could potentially change the way my parents viewed  him and probably give me the attention I'd been   craving for as long as I can remember I thought  long and hard about whether or not I should use   this opportunity that had presented itself and  you would think I would decide not to be Petty   in this instance but I was petty I took what I  found straight to our parents and I just left the   rest to unfold by itself dramatically of course  and after quite a few hours of back and forth   arguments he was withdrawn from the college by my  parents and they ultimately came to me for one of   the most sincerest apologies I have ever heard  from anyone but it wasn't what I wanted anymore   and so I rejected their apology and I stormed off  in the middle of the night just to clear my head   but one thing is for certain the feeling I was  feeling was one of Freedom achievement and peace   yeah after all that when their Golden Child is no  longer The Golden Child they tried to shape them   up to be they come crawling back for option number  two good on op for knowing that this is all just   fake you don't need their approval after all of  that and you let them suffer trying to figure out   how to actually support a kid that in their eyes  isn't the perfect little angel that they've always   tried to shape them into but with that being said  that's all the time we have for today now if you   want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
Channel: Storytime
Views: 10,045
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/nuclearrevenge, r/nuclear revenge, nuclear revenge, nuclearrevenge, reddit nuclear revenge, Storytime nuclear revenge, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash nuclearrevenge, nuclear revenge reddit, top posts reddit, nuclear revenge stories, nuclear revenge video, r/ nuclearrevenge, r/ nuclear revenge Storytime, Storytime r/nuclearrevenge, funny reddit stories, nuclearrevenge posts
Id: W2QdEqLe970
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 15 2024
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