【Apple】My husband & MIL lied that it’s an overseas trip and abandoned wheelchair me in a foreign...

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are you working late again today yeah I've been a little busy by the way I need to talk to you about the trip a trip what do you mean I'm in a wheelchair and I don't want to slow you down actually we are going on a trip to Japan with my mom Japan that's great but I don't think I can make it what are you talking about we he can go to Japan because of you you're good at Japanese and I'd like to ask you to be our translator but are you sure you're okay with me going and is it okay with your mother as well she said it's fine mom wants to go with you too don't worry I'm glad to hear you say that but I'm kind of uncomfortable don't be you worry too much mom's looking forward to it she says she can't go without you so make sure you get ready yeah okay I'll get ready for it I'll make sure I don't slow you down that's the attitude you're making this trip a lot more fun for us I'm counting on you as a translator that's all you're supposed to do what does your mother really agree to go with me of course she does actually she planned this trip for you she wants to make sure you're doing doing well she said that as long as she has a perfect translator it will definitely be a fun trip so I'm just going with you guys as a translator don't say it like that look at the bright side don't you want to go to Japan I'm sorry I'm so glad you have travel plans in spite of my body like this right so you should be looking forward to it too thanks Todd I really appreciate it no problem by the way make sure you check the expiration date on your passport and take your credit card with you you'll need it okay I will you and your mother will take your cards too right yeah we'll bring it when we get to Japan we'll go to Tokyo then Kyoto and finally Osaka don't worry I've got lots of things planned for you to enjoy too that's great I'm not going to let let myself get in your way don't worry there's nothing for you to worry about anyway make sure you'll be ready to be a good translator and don't forget your credit card what nothing let's have a nice trip okay okay well I'll make sure everything is ready and please tell your mother I said thanks we'll do it takes time to do do everything for me since I'm in a wheelchair so we need to be sure to give ourselves extra time yeah well from here on out you're free to spend all the time you want huh what do you mean well by the way when I came back from the bathroom you and your mother weren't there are you shopping or something oh you finally came out huh yes I did I didn't mean to take so long mom and I got tired of waiting and moved on to the next tourist spot at first I thought we'd wait a little longer but you didn't come out so we thought it was a waste of time and took off I thought you'd be fine anyway what what do you mean mom and I talked it over and it's hard to go around with you since you in the wheelchair I suppose it's hard for you to keep up with us so we decided to leave leave you behind oh wait a minute you're kidding right are you serious you're going to be on your own you can manage without us right you speak Japanese and Japan is a tourist friendly country so I'm sure you'll be fine have a good time hey what are you talking about this is Japan and my bag I have my wallet and return ticket and everything in there what's the point of having a ticket if we're not together you're going to be separated from us anyway so those tickets would be more valid for us to use you're just going to have to figure it out on your own what are you talking about are you serious how am I supposed to go back to the US if I don't have my wallet and ticket I'd be in real trouble I'm sick of being stuck with you in a wheelchair I'm going to leave you in a foreign country for us it's easier without you why don't you spend some time in Japan you're good at Japanese right huh you know what did you really think we would take you on an overseas trip in a wheelchair what do you mean you're a real pain in the neck when we walk together I have to slow down to your pace and circumstances I want to walk around more freely why do you say that I didn't get into this wheelchair because I wanted to I didn't get into this situation because I wanted to shut up I don't like it when you're so negative you're always saying negative things about everything and it depresses me too you're terrible you're good at Japanese so you can handle it on your own well that's why we left without you I'm tired of being with you so so I talked it over with my mom and decided to leave you there I'll just take your wallet thank you very much no oh wow there's a lot of cash here you certainly do make a lot of money just come back please no I'm not going to go all the way back for you it's too much trouble I'm not even thinking about it oh and by the way I lied to you about all the hotels we were going to stay after today I didn't tell you my real plans you're going to have to find another hotel on your own what oh we're about to hit the next tourist spot I'm going to enjoy my twoe trip in Japan with my mom Todd you're in a foreign country and you're going to have to live on your own don't depend on us try to manage on your own enjoy your survival in a foreign country at best Amanda I'd like to ask you something oh hello Chelsea what is it I just got a text from Todd you are with him right yes we are together so you knew about it you agreed to such a terrible thing how could you go along with it it's obvious isn't it in the first place I was the one who asked Todd to leave you in Japan can what really I allowed you to be his wife because you're an educated woman I didn't expect you to end up in the wheelchair if this is the case I'll have to take care of you instead of you taking care of me when I get old there's nothing I can do about it I didn't choose to be in a wheelchair I had an accident and I had no choice oh my goodness don't talk to me like you're the victim here you're ruining my trip speaking of which are you okay without the translator I was supposed to be the translator you know oh that I just met a gentleman who would be our translator for a reasonable price huh so you're of no use to us I don't need you anymore because I have a gentleman to translate for me I appreciate you but you're no longer of any use to us are you sure about that can you really trust him it's dangerous to easily rely on a foreigner you don't know you could get into trouble you know oh my don't say that just because you want us to come pick you up trying to make us feel worried won't work at all that's not what I meant you're a really picky wife when I get back to the US I'll have you and Todd divorced as soon as possible then that's if you can make it back to the US of course this is something Todd is aware of well even if you do make it back you are going to be evicted from that house you're living huh I love that house because it's barrier-free I guess I should be thankful that you are in a wheelchair how can you say that you are really annoying excuse me we are about to leave what wait being accosted by a foreigner you don't know on your first trip abroad is a dangerous thing yes yes we just have to be careful don't we we can think and act properly on our own we don't need your advice wait a minute are you sure you're okay I think you should act more carefully I won't reply to you anymore I don't want to hear about your worries and we'll concentrate on having fun don't contact me again Amanda you'll regret it there's no way I will Chelsea where are you you're looking at this text right answer me don't tell me you're ignoring me don't tell me you're blocking it please just answer me yes yes what do you want Chelsea what the hell is wrong with you oh did you did you come back to the US yes I did I arrived home and then why can't I come in the house anymore why of course you can't go in the house I put the house on the market I don't want any more memories of you and decided to make a new start what you sold it yes I sold the house why did you sell it what the hell were you thinking that house is hours you can't do that why are you so surprised I mean you and your mother left me in a foreign land and that's a terrible thing to do isn't it leaving me there for your own convenience without any consideration for me that's a very selfish thing to do oh wait a minute I can't believe this is happening you're back in the States how the hell did you do that how in the world did you get back I have the strength to survive on my own you know 2 days after you left me there I was right back home I came back on my own from the place you abandoned me don't underestimate me how in the world did you oh well it's not that hard you seem to have forgotten all about it I told you I lived in Japan for 4 years when I was a teenager didn't I what oh I remember now I have a friend who lives about a half hour from where I was left behind he picked me up and helped me prepare for my return home luckily I had my phone credit card and passport with me what the yeah exactly oh I'm sorry we were talking about the house oh that that's the biggest problem right now you did a hell of a job you know that without my permission the owner of the house oh you're the owner of the house yes I am it's a handicap accessible place my mom loved it we lost some of our stuff in Japan and now this oh my I didn't know you lost some of your belongings there I thought I'd finally be able to settle in back home but come on listen I need you to calm down for a second the house was in my name remember I inherited that house and it's in my name so it's my right to decide what to do with it what I thought it was in my name why would you think that that was my parents' house to begin with wasn't it I inherited it when my parents moved out to the country I even paid for all the renovations to make it handicap accessible why in the world did you think it was in your name no that doesn't mean how could you do that it's not normal to sell without consulting me you should have asked my opinion too right I can't believe you would make such a move on your own well if you put it that way you're the one who decided to divorce me without consulting me right aren't you better at deciding things on your own terms we don't have a home right now oh that's okay I've contacted Amy what you mean my sister of course she's keeping you and your mother's stuff at her place what the hell she said she'll let you stay there temporarily so you better go there now wait I'm panicking yes Amy is a really good sister she always helps me out when I'm in trouble and this time I could really count on her you should be thankful too no way why is my sister involved oh no absolutely not I can't stand the thought of being with my sister how did this happen what's going on Chelsea you are such a cold woman don't you think you have gone too far with this now it's you I'm not surprised anymore you two are always doing things to annoy me well well what kind of unreasonable demands are you going to make on me this time we had a really hard time over there oh Todd mentioned something about losing your stuff or something did the gentleman who was a translator took it yes he did I thought he was very kind and did all kinds of things for me and I completely trusted him I left my stuff with him when I went to the bathroom when I came out he was already gone I told you I told you it was dangerous to be approached by a stranger on your first trip abroad he was a nice guy so it can't be helped oh I see I wonder what your husband would have thought if he heard that it doesn't matter now the house yes I want you to see the text messages I sent to Todd it's too much trouble to go through the same thing over and over again what what are you saying I can't believe you're talking to me like that you should know who you are all you have to do is shut up and listen to what we have to say oh my you're going to make me and Todd divorce aren't you then why don't you let me say everything I want to say without worrying about it anymore I won't have to listen to you anymore oh wait sorry I was wrong the divorce has already been finalized I forgot to tell you it is indeed such an important thing but I forgot to tell you what I came home one step ahead of you and looked at the mailbox I found a letter from a woman who claimed to be Todd's lover and divorce papers already filled out with Todd's own handwriting she even included a USB memory stick with a video of Todd filling out the form so I filled it out and gratefully submitted the divorce papers wait a a minute you think Todd was cheating on you did that really happen I can't believe my son would betray someone like that but there's no doubt about it she was like I'm the right wife for Todd you're not wanted here so get out of this house she said that to my face well I told her that the house was in my name and I also told her that you and Todd left me in Japan and took my wallet and everything then she said that's not what I heard I'm breaking up with him she paid the alimony I had demanded and quickly disappeared well what the hell happened while Todd and I were away in Japan well to summarize thanks for leaving me behind in Japan while you were there I found out a lot of things I was able to complete everything before you returned home no way the only thing that remains is to file a claim CL for alimony to Todd but don't worry I've already spoken to a lawyer I've asked him to visit Amy's home and make sure that all the necessary procedures are taken care of he cannot escape from this oh my that's what happened while you were in Japan no wait not at her place I knew you'd say that I think she's about to say hi to you right now huh I asked her to pick you up you should be thankful to her for picking you up Chelsea I'm so sorry I'm sorry please help me what can I do for you we're in real trouble we can't even get into the house we have no money from now on I'm going to change my mind and devote myself to you so please forgive us for everything we've done that's hard please Chelsea we are sorry I'm really sorry so please give me another chance when you guys left me behind in Japan I asked for the same help but you didn't do anything right you people abandon me I was wrong then I won't do that again please don't me naive it's too late I don't care about you people anymore you'll have to take take care of yourselves don't be so cold we're family shouldn't we help each other family you weren't family when you abandoned me besides I've already moved on with my life goodbye Chelsea wait please don't abandon us I can't talk to you I'm going to block you give my regards to your favorite mother and the woman you were cheating on me Chelsea don't say that Todd and his mother didn't like Amy Amy is a police officer and has a strong sense of justice and hates wrong things she lives in a remote place but she rushed to me as soon as she found out what happened to me she made sure that Todd would pay the alimony thanks to her he was forced to take responsibility instead of running away I don't know what would have happened if Amy hadn't been there for me since then she has kept a close watch on Todd and his mother thanks to her she made sure they don't cause any problems again I was able to start a new life with peace of mind I still have some mixed feelings about Todd and his mother but from now on I will do my best to become a strong woman like [Music] Amy I'm sorry to suddenly contact you Clara I'm sorry but who is it are you sure that you're talking to the right person of course I am you're are Clara right well that's my name who are you anyway oh I should have introduced myself first my name is violet I'm sorry I can't remember you do I know you no this is the first time have contacted you that's why I said I was sorry for texting you out of the blue oh yeah I remember that how can I help you then you are pregnant aren't you how did you find out about that if you were a salesperson for a company that sells baby related products I must say that I don't need them well for your information I'm not a salesperson then what do you want from me I don't know you and you just texted me out of the blue it's quite scary you know oh I'm sorry actually I'm Damian's ex-girlfriend seriously yes before you and Daman got together we were together for 3 years we had a pretty intense relationship oh I see I know it's not of my business but so what does an ex-girlfriend want from me I want to report something to you what is it I'm now Damian's current girlfriend surprising report right I don't get it I told you I'm daman's girlfriend now who else would it be well Damian is married to me so there must be some sort of misunderstanding here I know that you're married to Daman it's impossible for you to be his girlfriend then that's why I texted you I want you to divorce him huh I got back together with Daman so I want you out of our life he can't have two wives Daman doesn't love you anymore you know because he's crazy about me now what are you talking about we're going to have a baby soon are you trying to destroy our family since you got pregnant I heard you haven't taken care of Daman at all I feel sorry for him what do you mean who told you that you quit your job and just hanging around at home you don't even do the house chores Damian said that he's fed up with you he also said that he didn't find you attractive as a woman anymore that's when he met me again by chance he said that if he were to get married he would marry me instead of you I think it's because I'm very attractive did Damon tell you all that that's a lie isn't it I'm not lying Daman doesn't even want to talk to you anymore so he asked me to talk to you directly that's how I got your number I can't believe it it just doesn't make any any sense that demon refused to talk to me directly what's wrong are you mad at me you scare me I probably don't need to tell you this but I quit my job because the doctor told me that I need more rest for the sake of my baby of course Damian agreed to that for the baby's sake huh anything else that's why I couldn't do house chores I wasn't just hanging around the doctor told me not to move more than the bare minimum he said it will harm the baby Damian went to the hospital with me so he was there when the doctor explained about that I thought you knew that but pregnancy is not a disease you know the doctor might have told you not to move around too much but you just didn't want to work or do your chores didn't you you're being lazy how can you say such a thing when you're a woman to too who knows that you may end up in the same way too if I were you I would never skip housework just because I'm pregnant I will do my best for my husband even now I'm working hard taking care of the house in Daman too what do you mean by that oh I'm pregnant with his child too no kidding that's why I want you to divorce Damian as soon as possible I want to get officially married and give birth to the baby after that I'll live happily ever after in that big house with my baby and Damian that's just unbelievable anyway I understand what's going on that's all I have to say I'm glad that you finally understood it's natural for Damon to be disgusted by a selfish wife like you I can understand that then for his sake and for the sake of the child please file for divorce quickly I'm due to give birth next week and I'm not in a position to go through the formalities right now please wait a little longer until things settle down after my baby is born Well it can't be help you really are good at using pregnancy as an excuse aren't you Clara I think I'll use the same trick too and Skip work anyway I can't do it right right now I understand well then please take care of the procedure right after your baby is born I'll be waiting to hear from [Music] you Clara reply to [Music] me Clara are you there why don't you reply to [Music] me Violet I'm sorry for taking so long to reply I've been so busy will you at least reply right away do you know how many times I contacted you that's why I apologized taking care of a newborn baby is hard work are you really going to make excuses like that and not file for divorce you promised me that you would file the divorce after the baby was born didn't you yes I've decided to get a divorce I see then please file the divorce papers as soon as possible I can't wait any longer by the way just to confirm are you guys really dating each other are you doubting [Music] me this picture was taken the other day when we went to the local church together we prayed for a safe delivery for my baby together see now you know that I'm not not lying right I see the second one is a commemorative shot taken after we went for shopping for baby related Goods I was so happy that demon was so kind to me that day lovey Dy couple aren't we yes thanks for the definitive proof it's perfect proof what are you talking about proof of the affair that's what I wanted just saying that you're pregnant with Damon's child is enough but I need more proof when your baby is born we need to do a DNA test so until then I still have to wait for the proof why are you collecting proof did you think I was lying to you no I'm just trying to get alimon alimon isn't it obvious you were having an affair with my husband and that happened while I was pregnant we did didn't have an affair we just got back together I told you Damon was my ex-boyfriend didn't I are you nuts excuse me ex-girlfriend or not if you have a relationship with a married man it's adultery and adultery comes at a price really what's the price looks like you're an idiot that you don't even understand such a simple thing how rude of you I'm not not an idiot but I can't help it Damon's going to pay for the alimony he loves me so he won't let me pay what are you talking about you really don't get it do you what do you mean by that of course I'm going to charge you alimony too why isn't alimony only between husband and wife you can also claim alimony from the adulterous partner I thought you are well aware about that well I have no choice then if I can be with Daman by doing that I don't mind I didn't expect you would accept it easily alimon is nothing it's more beneficial for me if you divorce Damian are you kidding me of course not not only I'm able to get married to a talented person like Daman but I'll also be able to live in that big house oh I see then you can pay the alimony right yes I can so just hurry up and get a divorce I've finally made it this far so there's no way I'm going to give up I'm thrilled I understand then I'll go through the formalities since I was also able to obtain evidence of Damian's infidelity I decided to proceed with a divorce it seems that Violet is aiming for the big house that we are living in now however Violet doesn't seem to know the truth about this house and Daman from here on it's my turn to avenge [Music] Violet hey Clara claraa answer the phone come on gosh you again you finally replied to me you need to explain everything to me I have no idea what you are talking about the amount of alimony is there something wrong with it it's not right is it why is it so high $1 million for alimon is insane there's no way I can pay for that that's the standard fee for infidelity besides you said it's fine because the benefits of me getting a divorce with are greater right huh there's no way that this is the average amount for alimony why do you think so if you do a little research you'll find out I didn't break any stuff and you're demanding such a high amount you're trying to rob me aren't you I would never do such a thing it's really the average amount besides you destroyed my marriage that's if you don't agree let's go to court I don't mind at all if we do that the company will find out it can't be help I'll pay if I marry Damen even if I don't have any savings I'll have a high household income it won't be a problem I'll also have my own house so I'll be fine I mean if you are already divorced can't you just get the heck out of the house you know what you keep pestering me to get a divorce quickly but you haven't done any research have you what I'm not moving out of this house I think you misunderstood something that house is in Damian's name right it's only natural that you would leave if you get divorced did Damian say that he didn't say it clearly but he said that it's where he lives that means it's in his name right well we were a family so I'm sure it's his house too unfortunately it's not in Damian's name I don't trust you then whose house is that it's my parents house no kidding my parents retired and moved to the countryside to start their own Farm we live there to take care of the house since our house is quite big my relatives gather here during Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to celebrate so I can't let go of this house house no way I'm not telling a lie so are you telling me that I can't live in that big house with Daman and our child that's right I've sent daman's belongings to your house just now you two should find a new house together soon oh no but with daman's high income we can get ourselves a new house instead of just such a big old-fashioned house we'll build a nice modern house St iish house isn't it nice why do you think Damon has a high income huh because when we met again he was driving a very nice car and his business card said CEO as his title so he must have started a successful business right that's amazing did you look at that business card carefully what the name of the company his last name and so on comp name Damian's last name it wasn't his family name right didn't you realize that I don't remember but his last name seems different anyway I can't believe this looks like you noticed that at last Damian is the successor of my father's company is that so I didn't hear anything about that the car he was driving was mine it's my favorite car no you're lying my hobby is to drive a nice car so I had a sports car but after I got pregnant I came to the conclusion that a van will suit us better so I sold that sports car you sold it yes it is difficult to put a baby in a sports car I don't think I'll need it for a while from now on but even though you're divorced Daman is already the president then your father's company belongs to him besides you and him will be splitting the common property right give me half the money you've got from selling the sports car sorry Violet I must say that neither of them will be yours why the sports car was purchased when I was single so it isn't a joint property even if Damian is still the president more than a majority of the shares are owned by my father and his subordinates moreover Damien was voted out of his possession as the president at the meeting of the board of directors well he deserves that anyway I can't believe this is really happening and of course in this divorce I'm charging Damon for alimony and Child Support I'm sure he'll be paying them from now on which means as you can see Daman is broke and unemployed no we're going to have a baby soon I think it's good for both of you to cope with that together good luck Clara I'm sorry I didn't mean to do this I apologize so please don't ask me or Daman for alimon please I beg you please don't be so silly think about what kind of humiliation I've been through why should I help you when you and Daman were the ones who caused this huge problem but I don't have that much money and I won't be able to live from now on if I need to pay for alimony you just need to have Damon work harder and you will also have to work after the baby's born oh no I was supposed to be a happy housewife living in a big house welcome to reality Violet will you somehow forgive me impossible please go through a lawyer for the rest now if you'll excuse [Music] me thus Violet was no longer able to get a big house or a high income husband with an unemployed husband joining her she was forced to live in a small house Damian's new job doesn't go well that he's struggling to make ends meet Violet returned to her day job right after giving birth but it was not enough she has to work at night to earn money for living expenses in the alimon [Music] she is struggling every day while taking care of her newborn child she totally deserves [Music] that my name is Leila my parents are divorced and I live with my dad but a few years ago he remarried I wished for my dad's happiness however my stepmother Harriet often bullies me I tried my best not to worry my dad but the other day Harriet finally did something [Music] unbelievable Leila it looks like I have to pay for your textbooks next time can you bring me about $2,000 I can pay the school myself so you don't have to do that for me don't hesitate I know that you're busy with your studies I'll pay it on behalf of you I don't want you to worry about other things just leave it to me okay okay then I'll withdraw the money today make sure you pay the school on time thank you in [Music] advance Harriet I was called by a teacher at school today she said I have to pay $500 for the textbooks you told me that it was $2,000 my teacher told me that I'm the only one who hasn't paid it yet could you explain what happened what that can't be true are you telling me that you lied about the amount what about the payment then School often needs money unexpectedly you know that's why I decided to keep $1,500 in advance so you didn't pay for my textbooks after all I gave you the money a long time ago what's going on well I was going to do it tomorrow tomorrow you can't do it tomorrow it's long overdue I said I'll do it tomorrow I'll take care of it don't worry I can't trust you anymore you've been lying and trying to take advantage of me I don't want to worry my dad so I'm doing my best to keep my mouth shut I won't keep quiet if you're stealing my money too that's not true I love you Leila I'm just trying to support you okay this time it's my fault I'll be careful from now on so this will never happen Okay then please definitely pay tomorrow and give me back the other $1,500 if you don't I'll tell my dad it's a lot of money for me yes but your dad likes me and that's why we're together so it doesn't matter what you say to him since it won't make any change he always thanked me for taking Tak care of you he has a lot of faith in me anyway I worked very hard for school so please make sure you make the payment [Music] tomorrow hey you haven't paid yet come on I already paid for the textbooks myself so give me back the remaining money Leila I'm sorry I forgot that I was going on a trip today and couldn't pay you I need the money for my trip I'll be in trouble if I don't have the money can you just lend me $2,000 that's impossible that was your plan all along you lied about paying my textbooks that's disgusting I would never lend you any money just pay me back okay well you're a very inconsiderate girl all right then we're mother and daughter anyway I've always been good to you what did you say I know that you're not going to pay me back anyway forget it I don't care anymore I'll at least buy you some souvenirs well see you [Music] then Leila I got a notice that my credit card can't be used due to insufficient balance you stole $22,000 from my account without my permission right do you know what you're doing it's a crime to steal someone's money huh I explained everything to my dad and he took my side he said that you were probably splurging on credit cards during your vacation anyway he withdrew 2,000 from the account while you were gone and gave it back to me besides how dare you accuse me of stealing you were the one who stole from me you told your dad about everything I don't believe you stop stop lying because you're frustrated it seems like you've been spending all the money my dad gave you to pay for my tuition and other stuff you were just using me as some sort of ATM my dad knows that too and he's mad at you he apologized to me even though he didn't do anything wrong I feel sorry for him that's not true I was going to pay you back later it's just I forgot to tell you don't meet so mean to me Leila I'm sorry and I want you to convince your dad you don't work but you want to spend money you got from my dad and me that's disgusting I know that's the main reason why you got married to my dad dad said he's divorcing you he's going to ask for his money back in alimony well it's obvious anyway from now on you're going to have to work by yourself to pay back the money good luck with that Leila I just got a notice that my credit card can't be debited due to a low balance what am I supposed to do now I'm your mother you're not going to abandon me are you please help [Music] me after hearing my story my dad immediately did some research and apologized to me then he divorced Harriet Harriet still contact me to give her some money without telling my dad but I ignore her my dad told me that he loves me then he gave Harriet a hard lecture it seems that Harriet has no will to work she seems to want to live as a parasite but unfortunately she has no relatives who want to support [Music] her guess who I am yes who is this I don't accept advertising messages are you serious don't you get it how could you forget about me it's me poppy poppy is that you I remember now I didn't expect you to contact me how have you been I can't believe it took you so long to remember your memory is as bad as ever I can't believe you forgot the most beautiful girl in our grade no one has ever forgot about me before I remember you poppy how did you get my number well I know that you won't forget me are you surprised when you got a message from the most popular girl in school it's an honor right I mean it's an honor but it was so sudden by the way who gave you my contact information you're being unfriendly you should be more impressed or overwhelmed that I contacted you I'm impressed just just answer my question okay you're still a boring woman as ever I asked Sarah seems like you're still hanging out with the same old weees I'm not impressed Sarah yes we get along well I chose the person whom I want to get along with and it's none of your business so what do you want from me well don't rush me you should show me how glad you are to talk to me joy should be expressed to the fullest thank you poppy I'm glad you called yes just like that I have an important announcement to make we're having a reunion next week next week at this time of year oh let's not do that we're not supposed to go out right that only applies when you're attending unimportant events the reunion doesn't fall under that category it's an important event what I don't get it are you you out of your mind I'm the one who asked you to get together it's going to be an important Gathering after all I'm the most beautiful girl in our grade are you serious we're in a serious situation right now and you still want to have the reunion wow I'm amazed with your bravery looks like you haven't changed at all thank you for your compliment I love being praised I'm often told I'm amazing yeah I know that I don't think think what I just said to you was a compliment I understand that you're just too shy to admit that you just gave me a compliment don't be shy Marissa we're having a reunion next Sunday so you'll have to attend you can't tell me that you won't go I told you that we shouldn't gather now it's not a good timing to do that I know of course so this time we're having a reunion with just the five of us I had a hard time choosing the members that's not what I meant right now you need to keep a distance from people do you understand that of course it's common sense but it's not forbidden to have dinner with family members it won't be a problem if it's just for a few hours what are you talking about we're not family are we stop kidding me I think we are like a family because we've been together since high school right oh really I haven't heard from you since graduation has it been that long I'm sorry I made you feel lonely I won't leave you alone anymore if you missed me so much you should have told me sooner geez I don't think you understand about what I'm trying to tell you by the way why did you suddenly decide to have a reunion that's the thing listen to me I bumped into Edward the other day I realized that we were meant to be with each other what do you mean I don't think I understand what you're talking about he seemed busy that day but he told me to meet him next time I realized that he wanted a chance to meet me too well I think he was trying to be polite to you you're being too optimistic of course not Edward has been in love with me since high school I guess he thought I was too hard to get so he didn't confess his love to me you really are a silly girl in short are you telling me you want a reunion because you want to meet Edward no he's the one who wants to meet me I fail to get his contact information I'm having Sarah to contact him why did you invite me then I don't think it has anything to do with me I wonder why you can't understand such a simple thing without you I wouldn't stand out would I seriously you have always been my perfect foil a beautiful woman like me needs a friend like that right I can't believe that you're still a Brazen as ever I'm so impressed by your attitude I can't make it next week I'm sorry why not you can't just refuse my invitation like that you have no right to do that oh I get it you don't want to see me because you've gained so much weight haven't you that must be the main reason you're just a foil to me anyway you don't have to worry about that not oh you're right I may have gained weight awesome then you'll have to come promise me that you'll come I'm looking forward to it wait a minute I really can't since poppy wasn't replying to my message I asked Sarah to let her know that I'm not coming to the reunion and yet poppy sent me an outrageous message [Music] again finally well meet each other tomorrow I'm looking forward to it don't forget that you're my foil that's what you're good at hey didn't Sarah tell you about that I thought she told you I can't go did she I didn't know about that I really can't go tomorrow I just can't how is that possible I'm not going to let you refuse my invitation by the way what about the others can they come of course I'm the one who invited them how could they refuse oh I see wait a minute you don't want to attend because you've gained weight you don't have to worry about that yes I've gained weight but that's not the problem what's the difference you just don't want to attend because of your appearance no matter if you're fat or not you're not even pretty no one can change that fact and I feel sorry for you whatever I'm busy can we end this conversation now I don't have time to deal with you hey how many pounds have you gained I think I gained 17 lb no kidding I can't stop laughing then I want to see you even more I'll be on time tomorrow so don't be late I can't go you have to understand that I can't make it tomorrow no matter how hard I try you called me even after Sarah said I can't go didn't you I know that Sarah Oh that ined girl she's married and she's so cheeky I can't let her get ahead of me can I don't be rude poppy everyone deserves their own happiness Sarah got married to a wonderful guy she doesn't deserve to get married hold on a sec who do you think you are that you can just say whatever you want I'm Poppy the most popular girl at school I was also the most beautiful girl in my grade I deserve to get married with a nice guy and live a happy life I'm sorry I have to leave now wait a minute I'm not done talking yet if you don't show up tomorrow I'll cut ties with you I'm honestly exhausted from dealing with poppy since she's being so persistent Frankly Speaking it's a big nuisance for me I was in a state where I had to leave quickly so I just ignored her then as expected I was bombarded with messages every day [Music] are you kidding me I've been trying to reach you you should at least read my messages I'm sorry I'm busy I told you I don't have time to hang out with you what have you been doing for a week tell me you're sorry for not coming to the reunion I can't believe you didn't even give me a call you're such a pain in the ass poppy I'm going to cut ties with you I want you to stay out of my life you're being cocky huh don't you dare talk to me like that Marissa who the hell do you think you are me someone's wife someone's wife are you kidding me you don't even have a boyfriend I don't have a boyfriend I'm sure you don't you don't have to tell me that if you even manage to get a boyfriend I'm going to walk upside down really I love to see you doing that of course it's not true I mean it's just impossible for you to get a boyfriend you should apologize for what you said to me what didn't Sarah tell you I'm married I told you to stop joking didn't I stop saying lies you don't have to pretend about your life it's true why don't you believe me don't be silly you must apologize to me properly you aren't pretty and you also have put on extra 17 lb I think you finally lost your mind what a pity I think I have an average appearance you have no right to insult me poppy it's okay you don't have to argue about that I know that you're embarrassed with your appearance I mean I think it's important for a woman to look good if you're beautiful like me you'll get all the benefits unfortunately you're not as pretty as me I must say that God is unfair poor you I don't think so you just need to admit it Marissa we're all adults now you don't have to hide your thoughts I'm telling you the truth anyway huh what are you talking about you're just trying to look good in front of me aren't you I'm sorry about the reunion did Sarah tell you about that yes she said no one could make it I'm sorry to hear that that's because you didn't show up I've told you to come multiple times just because you're unhappy it doesn't give you the right to interfere with my happiness I don't think it's my fault I think you're mistaken about me being unhappy listen Poppy I don't know what you're thinking but you're married right did you know Edward is married too yes I'm married I don't think that matters are you trying to have an affair with Edward cheating I wouldn't do such a Barren thing Edward and I just married the wrong person we should just break up with our partners and start a new life together so you want to remarry let me ask you a very basic question question did Edward ever told you that he likes you he doesn't need to tell me that there's no man who wouldn't love a beautiful woman like me you are such a silly girl Marissa don't you think that you're just imagining things of course not how could it be it's just that right now the wheels of Fate are turning it's romantic isn't it romantic huh unlik you I've been through a lot I can feel it in my bones you've never experienced it so you have no idea about that well you've been married three times anyway I don't even want to know how did you find out oh well I don't care yes there were so many I couldn't choose just one So I Married them off one at a time to be fair it's tough being born as a beautiful woman I see that's great you're so dull did you just now realize how great I am of course not not I've known you for a long time you say it's fate or something but you're just being too confident are you making fun of me you're just jealous will you calm down and listen to me Edward is married to me that's the truth what are you stupid have you lost your mind you don't want to believe it do you that I'm Edward's wife I tried to tell you the other day but then you hung up on me without permission you're kidding right they're there must be some mistake are you trying to set me up are you jealous because I'm pretty no that's not true I can't believe you I told you it's true poppy you've been in love with Edward the whole time I don't believe you don't say weird things you're harassing me because you're jealous fine I'll ask Edward directly then give me his number I'll have to ask him I can't just tell you without his permission see I knew it you're lying okay I'll ask him when he comes home tonight I don't think he'll allow me to do that so don't get your hopes up I'll let you know tomorrow I won't forgive you if you're [Music] lying you're so late Marissa I've had enough you told me that you'll let me know good morning I didn't know that you're an early bird poppy I've been waiting for you since last night you couldn't call me because you lied me right it's heartbreaking isn't it it you and Edward I shutter in disgust just thinking about it I'm so busy in the morning I was going to call you later I told Edward about it but he said no I told you not to get your hopes up didn't I that's unbelievable I can't trust you you really are a Bren woman Edward asked me to go out with him how could I refuse you're such a liar I'm not lying what should I do to make you believe me then if you let me see him I'll believe leave you okay then just give me a minute I'll ask him sorry to keep you waiting but he said he can talk during his lunch break today well done you did a great job asking him that's exactly what I wanted you to do for me do you know where his company is I'll send you a map later thank you I can finally meet him I'm sure that he'll be happy oh I'm so excited I'm sorry that I'm the only one who's happy not you never mind you should talk to him directly I'm sure you'll understand everything thank you we need to talk about our future I've got to divorce that useless husband of mine I can't slow down don't be Hasty just think about that after you meet Edward what are you talking about I don't get it you know what they say the sooner the better I'm going to write the divorce papers and fall them right away maybe that's a little Hasty can you just stay out of my life life yeah okay I don't care what happens bye then my husband Edward decided to meet poppy soon after meeting with my husband I thought I would get a message from poppy but I didn't hear anything from her since then I got worried so I decided to contact her that [Music] evening did you meet with Edward I wonder if you understood the situation why I can't believe this is really happening he wasn't even happy when he saw me he said I was annoying he also told me that he has a baby now the only reason I couldn't go to the reunion was because I went into labor Sarah told me about you I didn't think you were really married was I being deceived I didn't deceive anyone all I've said was the truth I've written the divorce papers what should I do now you should take the responsibility of this that's your own responsibility I told you you were being too hasty I stopped you didn't I you didn't get it that way the way you said it was wrong my husband said he'd ask for alony what your husband but you didn't cheat on him did you I did twice when we were still married oh I guess you have no choice then you deserve that anyway I I want to contact my husband but I can't reach him what am I supposed to do now you will be happy and I'll be unhappy it's just too much to bear I can't take it anymore so you're saying that it's okay for people to be unhappy but you want yourself to be happy what a selfish woman you are yes as long as I'm happy that's all that matters if only you wouldn't exist I'd be happy I'm so shocked are you serious of course I am did it sound like a lie poppy you should really think about what you're doing do you realize how much you've hurt people well I don't think you do you've been hurting my feelings since a long time ago what's the point of saying that now I was hoping that one day you'd understand but it looks like I was just wasting my time dealing with you I'm sure your husband has been hurt a lot too I don't care about that I'm done with you I'll forgive you if you're truly sorry for what you did but I will consider suing you if you continue to behave like this I think you and your husband need to have a talk first sue me I haven't done anything wrong what you're doing is contempt both Edward and I are lawyers and we can get you set up in a minute contempt is that a crime what do you mean of course it's a crime for contempt you'll be in jail for less than 30 days wait am I going to get C are you kidding me I'm not oh by the way you've been writing all this stuff about me on social media haven't you I don't remember that don't play down with me you wrote things like I'm a woman who can't get married or that I'm stalking you because I'm too unpopular you wrote things on your timeline that weren't true and you even posted a picture of me on your timeline I'd rather sue you for defamation oh wait there's no need to be so angry it's just a joke I hate it when people can't take a joke you've gone too far it's not a joke defamation is punishable by imprisonment it's a bit excessive don't you think I'll erase them from my timeline that'll solve everything I've already got the evidence Edward is furious he says he'll never forgive you is that so oh my God what should I do I'm sorry do you think you can solve everything just by apologizing I'm going to delete everything in my timeline now please don't put me in prison I'm really sorry I don't know what's wrong with me but I apologize I'm terribly sorry you still don't get it do you I'm so disappointed defamation is punishable by up to 3 years in prison take some time to cool down you need to reflect on what you've done to yourself no please I'll do anything hey why won't you answer me help me please I won't do it again how can I get you to forgive me Marissa please do you want to be sued for violating the anti- neusance ordinance too please don't do [Music] that after that Poppy stopped contacting me she asked her ex-husband to unold a divorce but she was divorced because she was caught cheating on her ex-husband the previous divorces were all caused by her Affairs the amount of alamon was outrageous she thought it was impossible to pay it back by herself she tried to get married to a wealthy man but all of them didn't work out she ended up getting a night job to pay back the money I felt sorry for her so I decided not to sue her I'm living a happy life with my child and my kind husband I'm going to protect your happiness at all costs thanks for watching if you like this video give us a thumbs up hit subscribe and leave us a comment down below it means a lot to us see you next time
Channel: Max Texts
Views: 7,239
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: text, texts, texting, Funny, Couple, Romance, Relationship, Dating, Smartphone, relationships, iPhone, Apple, girlfriend, funny texts, text stories, text message, short story, funniest texts, txt story, texting stories, best friend, funny text story, funny text messages, gold digger, fresh apple texts, husband caught cheating, reddit, aita
Id: qIuD7-lElDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 57sec (4017 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2024
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