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My daughter (18) and I are visiting my mom for  2 weeks on Tuesday. She has a 3 bedroom house,   her room and 2 guest rooms.  When she booked our tickets,   she told us that I’ll get one room  and my daughter will get the other. Yesterday she called me and said my niece (18)  is staying with her so my daughter and I are   going to share a room. I asked why my niece can’t  stay at her own house half a mile away and my mom   said that my niece has to share her room with  her other grandma for 2 months and that grandma   snores. I told her that she or grandma could sleep  on the couch and I was promised 2 rooms when she   invited us but all she said is plans change  so we could either deal with it or not visit. I said if niece has to stay at my moms  house she should take the couch since   we were promised the rooms first but my mom  said no, we get a room and she gets a room   and she just wanted to be nice by giving me a  warning that the sleeping arrangements changed. My mom already has problems with favoring this  niece. She constantly goes out to eat with this   niece but is always too tired or wants to eat her  food when anyone else suggests it, I’ve caught   her slipping money to my niece, and I’ve seen my  niece wearing what looks like heirloom jewelry   that should be split between the kids equally.  She always insists that it’s fake and she got   it off eBay but I coincidentally haven’t seen  my mom wear those pieces/haven’t seen them at   all since my niece got her fakes. I also have a  feeling my mom is paying for my niece’s college   (40,000 per year after her scholarship) because  she said her scholarship covers half, she works 10   hours per week, she said she isn’t taking loans,  and I know her parents can’t afford to pay that   much. She gave each of my kids $1000 when they  graduated and doesn’t help with anything else. I told my mom if she wants to keep blatantly  favoring my niece by giving her what was   supposed to be my daughters room, we aren’t  going to visit. She said that’s my choice and   she knows where we stand. My older brother  says I’m being a spoiled jerk but my younger   brother agrees that my mom shouldn’t favor my  niece and I’m right by refusing to visit. AITA   for not visiting when she gave away my daughters  room? My brother Stephen is a truly bad person.   He’s been cruel and a manipulator for our entire  lives. Stephen was kicked out of school as a 4th   grader because the school couldn’t handle  him. He was let back in after a year but   kicked out of the district for good during  his 6th grade. By the time Stephen was 12,   it was an almost weekly occurrence for the  police to be at our door because Stephen   was caught shoplifting or committing  vandalism. He only got worse as he aged. I’m sure you’re questioning where our parents were  and what they were doing during all of this. The   answer is nothing: They refused to get psychiatric  help for Stephen or seek out any other resources.   They essentially stuck their heads in the sand  until he was 14. He ruined one of their cars,   at which point they farmed him out to an  uncle. He spent a year getting punted from   family member to family member until he had  lived with every family member once and none   were willing to take him anymore.Eventually, our  parents signed over guardianship to the state and   Stephen went into a form of foster care where  he only had very limited visitation with us. Stephen had been diagnosed with conduct disorder  at 15. But as an adult, he was diagnosed with   a personality disorder (antisocial.) He  refused therapy or medication. Currently,   Stephen is in prison and he will likely  never be released after the crap he’s done. Me and my other brother Dennis have very limited  contact with our parents. Dennis does not bring   his children around our parents at all. I keep  my son’s contact with my parents to an extreme   minimum. I have never left my son alone with  them. My parents have begged to let my son have   a grandparents sleepover at their house that  “every other kid” has had. I told my parents   they should consider themselves lucky that I  even let them have contact with my son at all. Recently, my parents tried to argue with  me after I let it slip that I have listed   family friends as the legal guardians for  my son rather than them. (My husband and I   are both in good health. We’re only being  cautious just in case something happens,   to make sure our son is taken care of.) I  snapped at my parents that I would entrust   these family friends with my son any day over  them because they have shown they are incapable   of actually taking care of a child. Dennis and  I were forced to grow up in constant chaos and   anxiety. They were barely around, constantly out  of the house or pretending as if Stephen’s issues   didn’t exist. I left but other family members  have been trying to message me things like “It   was as hard for your parents as it was for you.”  And that nothing could be done for Stephen after   a certain point and nobody signs up for a  child with antisocial personality disorder. But it doesn’t change that they hadn’t  supported us. They emotionally had checked   out and left me and Dennis with the mess.  But now people who usually support me have   said that I am being unfair to my parents and  that they are victims too. AITA? Some context,   My parents are divorced and I lived with my mom  for 19 years but visited my father a few times a   year. After a trip to see my father I was offered  an apprenticeship from one of my fathers friend.   I was offered to move in with my father and my  step mother so I could take the apprenticeship. My step mom and I have never gotten along. I  don’t know what her issues has been with me   but she seems to take all her frustration  out on me. It’s either calling me out in   a group chat for letting some dishes soak  and going around calling me fat and lazy.   To making me and me alone announce when  I’m home. I’ve tried talking to her about   treating me better but she blows up and  cries to my father saying I’m arguing.   Then theirs my father who enables her and  always tells me to try and keep the peace Now onto the reason I made the post, have  been sick the past two days from what seems   like the flu and have been using the downstairs  bathroom instead of the shared bathroom that my   step brother and I have access to. Well yesterday  I went downstairs to clean the bathroom since I   don’t want anyone to get sick. The problem with  this bathroom is that their three dogs use it as   a water bowl since my father and step mother  don’t put one out for them making the toilet   full of dog slobber and dirt. I already have to  clean it most of the time to use the bathroom.   Yesterday I was talking to my father and started  wiping the bathroom down the bathroom with Clorox   wipes and paper towels while we talked. During  the conversation we agreed I was to wipe it down   now and then use bleach to clean the bathroom  before bed. So I did like I was told and took   bleach to every surface of that bathroom,  toilet, sink, floor, door, everything. Next afternoon while at work I get a message  that I need to bleach and wipe down the entire   bathroom again because it hasn’t been properly  cleaned. So I messaged back that it was cleaned   and the dogs probably drank out of it.  This just set her off and started saying   it wasn’t cleaned yesterday or today and that  she couldn’t believe I was arguing over this. Once I got home I could hear my step mom  screaming to my father over the phone about   me disrespecting her. I later got a call from  my father asking why I had to argue and start   issues followed by “if you need me to teach  you how to clean a toilet correctly I will but   theirs no need to be an jerk.” He saw me clean  and wipe it down but won’t back me up on it. I left the house after that but am  worried that this wasn’t the worth   it to fight her on this so Reddit am I the jerk   for standing my ground over a toilet Alt  account because my Cousin knows my main. I (15f) have a box in the pantry where I keep  snacks, it's not explicitly labeled as mine but   when my cousin started staying with us I told  him it was mine. Every time I achieve something   (a good grade, a new job, etc) I'll put a snack  in it like some cookies or something like that.   My parents don't buy unhealthy food for us but  they don't mind if we use our allowance for it   as long as it's not excessive. Now I and my  brother have an agreement that he can take a   small snack from it once in a while and i get to  use his IPad when he's not using it. Because my   cousin saw my brother taking from the box  he apparently assumed i was joking when i   told him not to and took some too. I told him  again not to and explained why my brother gets   to. he did it again and when i confronted him  he said that since my parents don't buy any he   feels self-conscious about buying any for himself  I told him to just please not do it again. When i   caught him stealing from my box again i flipped  out and told him to buy his own freaking food.   I was driving home from work and a portable cat  carrier (tent material) blew into the road in   front of me off the sidewalk. I stopped, got  the cat, parked, and stood on the sidewalk.   No one was out. It’s not a good area so I didn’t  want to knock on random doors. I waited almost 7   minutes and then decided the cat was abandoned  and started to put it in my car. Then a lady   comes out wi the another cat and starts yelling.  I explained that the cat had almost got run over   being blown into the road and that I had waited  quite awhile before thinking it was abandoned. I   gave her back her cat but she just kept screaming  how inappropriate it was I tried to take a cat in   a carrier. I got mad and told her it was  inappropriate that she left the cat in a   position to be killed on a windy day im a carrier  like that and left. So I set an alarm every day   from 8.30 to 9 am in order to get up, reason is I  have difficulties waking up. I've been doing this   for years now but recently got a new neighbor  and he is the first to complain about my alarm. at first he complained about it I apologized and  said I would reduce the volume which I did and now   it's half the volume it used to be and I barely  hear it and makes it even harder for me to wake   up. a few days after he complained about it again  and honestly I have no idea what to do about it,   the volume is already super low and if I don't  set up an alarm I would end up waking up 10~11am. I believe the time I wake up is already  late anyways but since I study at home   or sometimes at a library so its just  fine, and offices start at 7 to 8 am. anyways, he also complained to us when  we had guests and our relatives had kids   which they were running around but  would be rude to tell the kid to sit   down in front of his parents and he came to  complain exactly when the guests were here.   on a note we have guests once or twice  a year since we are far from relatives I'm honestly sick of him complaining all the time  about things. another neighbor of us has kids and   uses a bike in the house. even tho it makes noises  we literally told them it was fine and shouldn't   worry about it and compared to them we literally  make 0 noises through the day I'm either studying   or gaming with a headphone and my brother  is on night shifts and sleeping through days so am i the jerk for setting an alarm from  8.30 to 9 and should do things differently,   or just ignore the guy Ever since my children  were small, our family (me&wife 45f&47f,   kids 17m&15f) has had a tradition where we  let each kid pick a restaurant to go to as an   "end of school year" celebration. They each pick  whatever restaurant they want for us all to go to,   and order what they want. Over the years this  has meant everything from "banana split for   dinner" to a steakhouse to omakase to  hand-pulled noodles. We've never put   restrictions on it except it has to  be within an hour's drive each way. Yesterday, my daughter came to us with her choice,  and I was caught completely off guard by her   selection. It's an *extremely* high end restaurant  that costs $315/person. That's a set tasting menu,   so there's no way to, e.g., let the kids order  something expensive and my wife and I order   the cheapest thing. (I checked whether they  had age restrictions and they permit guests   over 13.) With tax, tip, and parking, it'd be  north of $1500. This restaurant is an extreme   outlier for our city, which is why it caught  me so off-guard. Even the fancy steakhouses   here only run $100/person even if you order  a nice steak, an appetizer for the table,   and desserts. We've certainly let the kids pick  expensive restaurants before, but prior to this   the most expensive things they've ordered were a  $55 ribeye or a $60 omakase; we generally budget   around $1000 total for both meals, and anything  left over goes into the family vacation fund. My wife and I told her that it was out  of our budget, and she got very upset   and said that we had promised her "any  restaurant she wanted." Which is true,   we did say that. And she said I was going  back on my word. I said, quite honestly,   that it never occurred to me that she could *find*  a $300/head restaurant, let alone ask to go there,   so it didn't occur to me to tell her that  was off-limits. She got mad and said I was   implying that she was being greedy. I said, "I  don't think you're greedy. I do think you're   being unrealistic." She burst into tears  and said she couldn't trust us anymore. My wife and I are in agreement, but my sister  (who is very close with my daughter) called   to tell me that it's important to never break a  promise to a child. I asked her if she would have   anticipated being asked for dinner at the only  $300/person restaurant in a five hour radius,   and she said no, but that that's why  she'd just never make promises to her   children. She says I need to apologize  and either take her (we can, technically,   afford it if we make cuts to other "fun" budgets),  or apologize and find a way to make it up to her. I want to note that my daughter is not generally  a person who asks for expensive things. She has   never demanded lavish gifts, she's pretty  sensible about money generally speaking,   and she's always shown gratitude for the  advantages that we all have. I don't know   where this came from--I did ask, and she just  said that she wanted to try it and we promised. So, AITA for saying "no" here? Me (32F) and my  partner (37M) are in a disagreement. He thinks I'm   selfish for considering this. I don't think I am.  He suggested I post here to see what you all say. We have been together 12 years. My partner has two responsibilities in terms  of the house. He walks the dogs in the morning   and he goes to work full time (8-6). More often  than not, he falls asleep at 8pm. He works in IT. We have three children (7, 4, 2) and I am fully  responsible for their care, as well as every   household duty, laundry, cooking, cleaning.  I am a SAHM, but I am also self employed,   so after I look after the children all day, I  then work for a couple of hours on my laptop. My birthday is coming up. I asked  my partner what he would think if   I booked myself a vacation, for a week,  on my birthday and went on my own. If   he could use his PTO to take time off  to look after and spend the week with   our three children - taking them to  school and taking care of the house. He told me I was selfish. "It's selfish to want to   go on holiday for a week for  my birthday?" He said yes. My partner hasn't done a load of laundry in the  ten years. He cooks dinner 'occasionally' (2 x a   month). He doesn't hoover, mop, or mow lawns.  I get it, he's tired and he works full time,   but I work too, and I don't feel  appreciated. I just want a week   where I don't have to placate a crying child,  or stop the toddler from running into traffic,   or worry about everyone else's  good time while sacrificing my own. The last time I spent time away from the  children/house was when we went out for   dinner for his birthday in March (After they  were asleep. I organised the babysitter). Oh,   and my pap smear, which he tried to make me  take the children too even though he was home. The holiday would be paid for entirely by me. He gets 28 days of PTO, not  including bank holidays. Last year,   he lost 12 PTO days because he  didn't take them. (We're in the UK) AITA We live in an apartment with two bedrooms.  The big one we sleep in, the small one we use   as an office/gaming room. I have a huge desktop  computer which I use both for home office once a   week, while she hooks up her work laptop to the  screens and uses it for home office 2-3x a week. The home office has one big desktop computer.  This is my own personal computer I've bought   with my own money. I use it for work and for  gaming. She has her own work laptops. She does   not use my desktop computer. She connects her  work laptops to one of the monitors in there. Monday she worked there for home office. Tuesday I used it for home office, as  well as some gaming in the evening. Wednesday, again she used it for home office while  I went to the office. She said she also wanted to   use it in the evning to do more work, to which  I said I want to use it to game tonight for a   couple hours. Mind you, the past 3 weeks I've  spent all my time moving us into this house,   while she's been down due to medical  issues. Finally I have a little bit of   free time again and I haven't been able  to do any gaming for atleast 1,5 months. Heres how I see it:We both  had something we wanted to do. She wanted to do some extra work in the evening I wanted to do some gaming for 1-2 hours How could we best reach that goal for both  of us where both of us get what we want? She has a laptop, very easy to just  take that to the livingroom/bedroom   and I could get her monitor for her  so she could work anywhere she wants. For me to unplug the desktop, and  other accessories (keyboard, mouse,   headset) would be a lot of hassle, compared to the   little amount of work needed to set up her  laptop literally anywhere in the apartment. Keep in mind, moving in to this place has  drastically increased the standard of our living   situation, as we used to live in a tiny one room  aparment 310sqft for a year, and we both quite   enjoy having an office room. Usually she's the one  that uses the room the most during the week due to   home office, while I tend to use it for gaming.  It's been a little more gaming than usual for   me lately as I haven't been able to do it at  all for the past months due to life stresses. I ended up using it, and she got very  angry with me saying I'm a selfish jerk,   even though she was home in the room all  day, and I ended up playing for 1,5 hours. Am I the jerk? Hello, I (22f) am trying to  understand if I'm in the wrong for something   i do with my sons' toys. according  to my aunt (57) I am a major a**. So my son who i will call V, is just  under a year old. he is very curious   and always wants new and fun things to do, as  do many kids. when he was around 5 months i   came up with the idea of rotating his toys,  giving him a few, then about a week later,   changing them out for other ones. i have a 3  week rotation that i do so every 3 weeks he   gets the same toys but he thinks they are  new or at the very least is interested in   them. i like this because i don't have  to buy new toys as often and any of the   really annoying toys i only have to deal with  for a little while plus its easier to clean. V is obsessed with star wars, he loves to  watch it, loves the lightsabers and vaders   voice. recently i got him a vader doll that  when you pressed a button he said something   and his red lightsaber lit up and made the  noise, he loves it. Normally i wait to add   new toys to the rotation but sometimes  my excitement gets the better of me . My aunt recently visited and brought with her  one of the noise and light up firetrucks that   are about a foot tall. i told her how much  i love it and how much he would like it. i   immediately went to put it in my closet and she  stopped me and asked why i wasn't giving it to V. I explained to her what I said above, that  I rotate toys and i would give him this   next rotation because he already got a fun new  light up noises toy. she went OFF! she claimed   that i was a horrible mother for depriving my  son of toys and that children should choose   what to play with. when she said that I became  kind of snarky and said, when he can wipe his   own butt he can choose his own toys and  that might have made me kind of an a**. she ripped the firetruck from my hands and dropped  it Infront of my son saying that he will ALWAYS   have access to any toys she buys for him and  they were except from the rotation. I said no,   I'm not going to remember all the toys you bought  and I don't want him having a bunch of sound toys   at the same time because it overwhelms me and  him. she said if I don't exempt him she will   take back all the toys she got him and bring them  to her house so he can play. I told her to take   the truck and leave, she did but not without  calling me an abuser and a horrible b word and   mothers. AITA for "rotating" my sons toys? I  (25M) love my girlfriend (24F). She is chill,   funny, and kind. Recently we got into a bit  of a heated discussion because of something I   pointed out. When I first met her, I realized  she wasn’t very social. She likes alone time,   to spend nights alone (I understand  because she does work a lot) , and   isint very outgoing. She’s not anti  social though, just a bit reserved. But she doesn’t really have a big friend group.   Myself on the other hand, I have about  25 friends. 10 very close friends. She   only has two girl friends and the three of  them only hang out like every other week. Maybe it’s because I came from a small  town where everybody knows each other,   and comes from a more populated area.  I did think it was a red flag though at   first. Since I’ve had the same  friends since early childhood. Anyways, for her birthday last week, I tried to  put together a party and I asked who she wanted   to invite, and she only said those two friends.  For my party, I’m planning on having 25+ people. I said, “that’s it?” And mentioned casually when  we talked about growing up in my town that a girl   who went to high school with us got made fun of  for only having 1-2 friends. She said to me “So   it’s a problem I only have 2 friends? People  haven’t counted friends since high school “ I wasn’t counting friends. I was  just saying. Before I met her,   I was hanging out with my friends  very frequently. They go out for   dinner or have sleepovers every  other week. MAYBE once a week. Anyways, AITA? I didn’t mean to  make her feel bad. I just made an   observation. So I (22F) have a friend  (25M) who asked me to look after his   son (4M) for a couple hours. He said  he’ll pay me €10/hour so I accepted. While babysitting his son, his girlfriend(25F)  came over and was surprised to see me. She asked what I was doing here and I  told her I was here to watch his son. She then asked if it was like a last  minute thing because his mother cancelled. I said no, he asked me about a week ago but  I don’t know if he previously asked his mom She said that’s impossible  because not even two days   ago he told her his mother was watching his son So I was like well the only thing I  know is that he asked me to babysit,   said he’d pay me so I accepted. She got mad and asked if there was  something between him and me. I denied,   repeated that I’m only here  to babysit and that’s it. She said that since I knew he was in  a relationship, I should’ve declined. So I said like "listen, I’m sorry he lied  to you but I’m only here to get paid." She said that nobody accept to look over  somebody else’s kid only to get paid. I said   um yes, people who want to get paid do. She said that I was playing with her,that if  I was respectful of their relation I’d leave. I refused. I told her if she’s so mad  then she could call her bf and demand   an explanation but I was staying  here to do what I was paid to do. She left and I didn’t hear  from her again, until recently. She texted me saying that I would never  babysit for her boyfriend again and that   he agreed with her on it. I didn’t replied  because I really don’t care, I’m not even   that close to the guy and like I said, only  wanted to get paid. I was paid and that’s it. But when I talked about it to my mom and sister,  they said that I should’ve left when she asked me,   to avoid any drama between them. I said that’s  not my problem. I got asked to watch over a kid,   I accepted. If her boyfriend decided to  lie to her about it, it was not my fault. But now I’m not really sure and I just wanna know AITA for babysitting my friend’s kid and  refusing to leave when his gf asked me to?
Channel: Storytime
Views: 9,749
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Keywords: storytime, r/, r/aita, r/am i the a**hole, am i the a**hole, aita, reddit am i the a**hole, Storytime am i the a**hole, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash aita, am i the a**hole reddit, top posts reddit, am i the a**hole stories, am i the a**hole video, r/ aita, r/ am i the a**hole Storytime, Storytime r/aita, funny reddit stories, aita posts
Id: IC8CeQc7dek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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