r/EntitledParents KIDS DESTROYED MY LAPTOP! - Reddit Stories

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I'm not sure whether this belong in  this subreddit or not. If it doesn't,   let me know and I'll repost  in the appropriate subreddit. My (26F) best friend, Nya's (28F) oldest sister,  Skylor (30F) has 2 kids with her husband,   Cole (30M); Jay (5M) and Leah (12F). Nya and I  have known each other for 12 years, since Freshman   year in high school, and are extremely close but  we are on completely different work schedules,   with her working Mon-Fri and me working Fri-Tue.  Because Nya has weekends off and I don't,   we rarely ever get to hang out, but when  we do, I always request PTO so we can,   since Nya's job doesn't offer PTO and her  paychecks are already immensely small as it is. At the end of April, Nya and I planned a  sleepover at her house so I requested my   PTO a month in advance (it's only supposed to be  2 weeks notice, but if I know sooner than 2 weeks,   a heads up with extra time to spare is  always nice). Now, for some extra context,   Nya's house is NOT Skylor's and Cole's  house, too. They have their own place   but come to visit Nya frequently. Now, onto  the main part of this story. Skylor and Cole   were over for a visit at Nya's place when I  arrived and that night, we all decided to play   Cards Against Humanity. When Skylor and Cole  allowed Leah to play too, I thought Leah had   already played this game and knew about all  of the inappropriate answers and questions. Boy, was I wrong. Cole was the first one to draw a  question card (I think the question was something   like, "Why can't I sleep at night?" Can't  quite remember but it wasn't an inappropriate   question). When we all picked our answers,  mine and Nya's answers inappropriate (all   I had were cards with inappropriate answers,  for clarification). When Cole read our answers,   he told Nya and I, "Know your audience. Don't  pick inappropriate cards". I explained to him   that A) all I have are inappropriate answers and  B) it's an adult game. Cole actually told me to   switch out my entire deck for a new one if every  card I had is inappropriate. But... I couldn't   look at the cards I was drawing, so there was  no avoiding getting more inappropriate cards. Not to mention, Leah is 12 years old.  She's been in school for at least 6 years,   I doubt she hasn't already heard about  half the inappropriate stuff mentioned   in the game and it was Skylor's and  Cole's choice to let her play. It   really put a damper on the game and  after an hour, Nya and I were done. If you're going to allow your child to play  an adult game, don't complain because it's too   inappropriate for them. That's like taking your  child to a strip club and then demanding that the   strippers cover up because your child is there and  "it's inappropriate for you to be barely dressed   around my child". I'm 27F, and I live in a rather  nice neighborhood near the middle. My neighbor,   who we'll call EM for entitled mother, has  a large dog and a rather destructive son,   who we'll call EK for entitled kid. I  have a pretty good financial situation,   and I live alone because the house was passed  down to me in the will. Its a pretty big yard,   compared to Karen's yard, which is almost half the  size. I have no gate for the yard, leaving it open   for any pets/animals to come right in. I work from  7am-5pm, so I'm gone for a long while during the   day. Karen is the type to do a lot of gardening,  so she doesn't like EK in the yard with all the   tools. One day, she asked me if I would allow her  son to play in my yard while I was as work... It   couldn't cause any harm, could it? I accepted, but  I did tell her that her son would have to be gone   by the time I was back, and all went well UNTIL...  I got my first cat. Keep in mind, EK would always   bring the dog over with him to play. I named my  new ginger cat... well... Ginger. Ginger loved   to bask out in the sun with the EK and dog, until  one day I found that she wasn't outside. INFACT,   SHE WAS INSIDE WITH A BITE MARK. I rushed her  to the vet immediately, where she was treated   and wore some sort of bandage wrap around her  waist for the next week or so. I checked the   cameras only to see EK trying to move Ginger out  of her general spot so that he could sit there,   and she swiped at him, scaring him off. It  seemed that EK's dog did not take kindly to this,   and the mark was not a bite mark, but a swipe  from the dog. I presented this info with Karen   who denied it and said "He's just a kid, and  Ginny is fine!" I reminded her that it was ginger,   then told her that neither her son or dog  were allowed on my property again. She threw   an ABSOLUTE TANTRUM and told me that they  should be entitled to the yard while I was   away because "After all, you can't just let it go  to waste!" I then reassured her of my decision,   to where she said word for word... "Ma'am, YOU  NEED TO LEAVE." IM SO CONFUSED! I'm considering   my options, and I think small claims court is  a bit to much for this. What am I supposed to   do... This story will be nothing unusual for  anyone working in education, as I was told.  I tutored most of my Highschool years  (10th-12th grade for me). In our school system,   kids from ages 11-18+ go to the same school,  which is how kids in lower grades got tutors.   There were also larger classes by teachers  after class hours or during longer breaks,   one-on-one tutoring was provided as an option  to, well, get cheap solo tutoring for kids   and for the seniors to make some money. I tutored multiple kids in math due to me   being a teen who really liked having some money  while also being good at math. Most of the time,   this wasn’t an issue, I only ever was in contact  with the parents for discussing how their child   was doing and for payment, the kids were as  cool as twelve- to thirteen-year-olds could be.  Until I got this one little girl in 6th  grade assigned to me. She was good at math,   just not exceptional, had a rough start in  math particularly but quickly got to a solid   upper-average territory. I often wondered why  she was assigned a tutor in the first place,   I was to find that out when I met her mother. The first time I spoke to her,   she questioned me about my whole life  and plans, fine, I got nothing to hide.  The next call was.. interesting, to say the  least. She called me to rant about the kid’s   former tutor, a guy I actually knew, on how bad  of a job he was doing, how the kid wasn’t able   to solve any of the mock exams correctly and  that they want to change to me asap because   he is too incompetent. Harsh to say that about a  16-year-old you pay 10€ an hour, but good enough.  The tutoring went well after that, she  didn’t actually need a lot of help.  A few times, her mum drove me home, which was  neat, but the entire car ride was spent with her   ranting about how bad her daughter was doing, how  she didn’t use any of the supplies they gave her,   how they didn’t know how to deal with this  anymore, how the school wasn’t helping her   and so on. All while the kid was in the same car.  During these car rides, she started pressuring   me into putting in more hours, tutoring her  in more subjects and it didn’t stop there.  Whenever an exam was approaching, she would  text me nonstop, pressuring me into giving up   hours on weekends to practise with her daughter  and cancelling my own plans to accommodate her   and her schedule. Let’s be clear, I was 17/18  preparing for my own final exams at the time,   you would also guess it is common knowledge teens  might have plans on weekends, but none of my,   admittedly not very stern, protest was enough  for her to stop and I started to give in every   time because I couldn’t deal with the constant  pressure of her guilting me into all these hours.  She would always tell me how reliant they were  on my help. Seriously, lady? Your daughter is   in 6th grade and I spent weekends, weeks  even, watching her just draw circles. You   don’t need a tutor to show your child how to  draw a circle. Anyhow, it didn’t stop there.  As my finals were approaching, I didn’t return to  school after spring break. The time after spring   break is full of final exams and we are meant to  prepare for that. Her daughter knew this because   I told them numerous times I wouldn’t be back  then and I advised them to seek other students   who would take over for me. Apparently, they  didn’t because the daughter asked me Sunday,   the last day of the break, how we were supposed  to continue with me being out of school. Thanks   to a certain global event, online lessons are a  thing now, and she was fine with that suggestion,   so I told her mother about our new arrangement. What followed was a two-minute voicemail,   later a call, where I was berated, and screamed  at with her crying; “You never told us you were   leaving after spring break, this was the only  reason why we chose you because you would be able   to stay on until summer” and “she isn’t going  to make it without you, you have deceived us,   she will not make the year now”. Basic bullcrap that I have been   listening to for about half a year at this point. For the first time ever, I told her she was   overstepping, I wouldn’t let anyone, including  her, talk to me this way. Out of courtesy,   I agreed to tutor her for the next week as well,  for the sole reason I felt sorry for the kid who   dealt with this on a daily basis. Of course, she then backpaddled,   telling me I misunderstood everything and  they never pressured me about her grades.  I couldn’t bring myself to explain to a woman  twice my age that 1. Sending someone a voice   message crying, screaming and guilt-tripping  them is, indeed, pressure. 2. She did pressure   me every time the kid brought in bad results  and 3. Never respected me or my time in any way.  I actually went to the school with this and  showed them all of our messages. The school   was so appalled at this that they banned her from  the tutoring service completely, as the other guy   who tutored her before also stepped forward  with the messages he received which were of   similar nature (to my request, hah). She is spamming him, pleading to   tutor her child again, to this day. I, on the other hand, wonder to this day   how my being out of school was any inconvenience  at all. Before she screamed at me, her daughter   and I rearranged our plans into me just.. driving  to the school twice a week. I never told her I   wouldn't be tutoring her kid anymore, me not being  in school anymore was just a small talk fun fact I   gave her. Logic suffered a lot that day. To recap,  I was placed in possession of a pair of kids (8f   and 5m) on turbo short notice over the weekend.  On Friday as soon as the parents left pandemonium   reigned, and I knew I needed to get the energy  out of the kids or I'd be dead by Sunday. So I had them collect bathing suits and we   all went to my gym which has  a guest policy and a pool. Got the kids signed in as my guests for the  evening and asked a bit uncomfortably what   the correct thing to do would be, given  I was in charge of a boy and a girl. The girl at the front desk laughed a  little at me, and said that the family   locker rooms were down the same hallway  as the women's locker rooms. It felt very,   very odd walking down the forbidden hallway,  but true to her word, there was two big doors,   One that said FAMILIES and one that said WOMEN. The boy kid really wanted to wander  into the women's locker room,   which got vetoed almost immediately. We get in there and there's stalls inside for  changing, basically a closet with a changing   room door on it. Me being hyper aware that  anything going even slightly wrong in relation   to someone else's naked child is a very very  bad place for misunderstandings decided that   we'd take turns. The girl would go first,  get out of her clothes, change into her suit,   and then come hang with me while  her brother did the same. And then   when it was my turn I BEST be seeing two  pairs of ankles under the door the whole   time or someone's getting left in the  locker room hung by their bathing suit. Happily enough nothing went  wrong. On our end anyway. Unfortunately while the girl was changing, a  mom and her son came into the family locker   room and looked confused. "Why are you and  your son just standing there?" Says she "Oh, I'm just watching the kids and his  sister is changing, they're not my children,   figured this was safest for everyone." Says  I, thinking oh god no. Please it's Friday. She rears back in shock, raises her  voice "They're not YOUR children?!" "Nope. I just borrowed them so their  mom could get some alone time with dad." At this point the lil dude is hiding behind me and   the clothing rustling from  the little girl has stopped. "Ma'am I'm just trying to get them changed and  into the pool. I can't take a little girl into   the men's locker room." Says I, thinking  I'm not precisely comfortable in there,   I can't imagine it would  go well with a little girl. "This is a FAMILY locker room! For FAMILIES!  Not for BABYSITTERS! AND WHO THOUGHT YOU WERE   MATURE ENOUGH TO WATCH TWO KIDS ON THEIR  OWN. I'M GETTING YOU REMOVED!" Says she,   and then yanks her child out behind her  to go yell at someone at the front desk. The boy tugged on my pants and looked  up at me, "I think that lady is crazy." I looked down at the lil dude and nodded but made   a shush sound and told the  girl to get changed pronto. The woman didn't come back in and the kids didn't  wander off while I was getting changed. We had a   great time in the pool and I didn't see the kid or  his mom while we were in the pool or after. Don't   know what happened, there was a different desk  attendant when we left. So for some background   I’m the eldest child. 1 of 3. For my father.  I have more siblings from my mother and by her   marriage. But for my father I was the eldest child  and the only daughter. And I’ve always hated it. He used to push and push for more and more  until I burnout and he said in his own words   ‘giving up on me’ in 11th grade or so. At  this point there was constant bs. Constant   it’s all in your head. Or I never said  that. Or that’s not how I intended that   at all and why are you twisting my words to  make me look like the villain? Literally on   freaking repeat this man says this bs. I used  to care. Key word. Used to. Now? I’m annoyed. Every time he tells me how I’ve not measured  up to his expectations of worth and how I’ve   failed as a mother I get more and more  ticked off. Like I already dislike you,   don’t need to really seal the deal lol. Like  this is the same man when I was mourning the 2   babies I’ve lost who told me ‘Maybe this is gods  way of punishing you for not being a good enough   mother’. As someone who doesn’t even freaking  believe in god. To someone who does. And he   still had the freaking nerve when confronted  to say the same bs lines about that sentence   as well. Oh well I never said or intended it  that way. Freaking lies. I’m tired of it jerk. So I went no contact. That didn’t end  well. I now have a second court date in   June for this jerks bs. I have to  take time off of work that I need   to make money for my child because  of your bs? Now I’m more annoyed. And no I can’t get any other family  to get him to back off. Their just   as freaking crazy and support his delusion  that they automatically have rights to my   child because ‘he’s the families grandson/  great-grandson’. I literally disowned them   all because I am 100% the fact they  will go behind my back if I say not   to do something and will do it anyway. And yes  that includes allowing him contact with my son. But he doesn’t know. I have time date stamped  video of him. That’ll prove him ignoring a   court order,after a dui. I mean within the  last 3 years too. Like you really wanted   to come and take my child thinking I wouldn’t  have evidence ready? Like I’ll prove not only   are you unsafe in generally but I’ve still  got every single text since the history of   forever. Guess your abuse not to delete my  text messages so you could go through them   really paid off now didn’t it? But I mean if  you had actually paid attention maybe someone   else would be soon sitting in that cell instead  of you. (He blamed me for me being groomed and   told me that could never happen)But  you freaked up. I’m fixing it all. If you see this? Remember how screamed in my  face ‘why can’t you just be normal?’ Guess   who found out she is autistic. So freak you.  I am normal. Your ‘pushing’ cough cough abuse   cough me was never gonna help. Because you were  wrong about what I am. Always have been. And I   promise you I will always be a better parent than  you because I know exactly what the freak I don’t   wanna be. And all yours messages about  regretting my decision? You better hope   I don’t find out where your buried…because I’ve  been planning for the past year all the ways to   pee on your gravestone. And it won’t be just  a one time thing. Well, I think it's fairly   safe to assume I've lost a couple friends  over this, but it wasn't me what did it. This weekend a friend of mine asked me to keep  an eye on her two kids while she and her hubby   went away for the weekend for some couple time.  Her mother was initially going to watch the kids   but fell through on short notice (She called me  at 3pm on Friday to come over in 3 hours), and   my friend knew I probably wasn't doing anything.  Which was both hurtful and accurate. I said sure. She's got two kids, a girl who is 8, and a boy  who is 5. They're good kids for the most part,   the boy has a little bit of a snitching problem  and the girl has a sharing problem, but it's   two days. So I show up Friday after work while my  friend gives me the rundown and her husband tells   the kids he will beat them with their sibling  if they're bad. The kids were unimpressed. The parents leave and it's just me  and the kids in the house, and it's   immediate pandemonium. The brother snitches  on his sister for taking an extra cookie,   the sister cries to me that her brother touched  her Switch, and I make the executive decision   that they've got too much energy and if  they're tuckered out they'll hopefully chill.   So I ask the kids to track down bathing suits  because we're going to my gym which has a pool   and a guest policy. I did let mom know what we  were up to before we left, and asked if it was   OK if I brought my dog over, he doesn't shed  and is house trained. She said that was fine. Operation pool was a great success, though the  locker room got a bit dicey. (That's a whooole   other story.) Once everyone was appropriately  tired, including me, we made a pit stop on the   way back to their house to grab my pooch.  He's extremely well behaved and loves kids,   and both kids were immediately all about the  Dexter, and the Dexter was all about the kids. Ground rules: No pulling on his fur,  and he goes where he wants. (Kids kinda   struggle with the notion that a dog is  not a toy. I obviously kept him out of   places where he wasn't supposed to  go but I'm a grown up. Allegedly.) Miraculously after the swim and chasing the dog  around the house left the kids too pooped to pop,   and both fell asleep watching a Disney film  on the TV. After the movie I woke the kids   up to trot off to bed and didn't make  them brush their teeth. For the record,   the son did indeed yeet me under a  bus when mommy called in the morning. I told the kiddos that if they left their doors  open Dexter might sneak in and give them cuddles.   I increased the likelihood of this by sleeping on  the couch and not leaving him a spot. He expressed   his displeasure with me by flouncing off and  going into the boy's room to sleep. Great success. Saturday we went for a hike  in the morning, had a nap,   and then played ball with the dog and generally  had a pretty chill day. Defused the sharing   issue by explaining to the girl that the pup  has feelings and wants just like any person,   and she can't control him that way. She  appeared thoughtful. And then immediately   started yelling at her brother for hogging the  dog again. At least she wasn't mad at the dog. I successfully heated up the casserole  mom had left me for dinner following her   carefully laid out instructions, admonished  the kids to not give him people food,   and was soundly ignored. I did draw the  line at a couple morsels from each kid,   and put my foot down. More than that and he's  gonna get the runs, and nobody wants that. That night I made sure sis got a turn by again  hogging the couch and also closing the boy's door,   since he got a turn already. The girl  was smug. The boy made me call his mom.   Mom wasn't happy that my dog was in  her kids beds. I reminded her that   he doesn't shed and can't smell worse  than the kids and her daughter might   burn the house down with us inside if she  doesn't get a turn. Mom accepted defeat. Saturday night was again relatively  peaceful, though tooth brushing did happen. Early Sunday morning I got woken up  by having my dog step on my testicles,   which is a thing he's really good at and he was  mad at me for not leaving any room. I made room.   Apparently the girl tried to do something  he didn't like and he noped out of there.   She wasn't happy about that, but was  appeased by my pain enough to go back to bed. This morning was relatively chill, some more  playing with the dog and some team tug of war,   and mom and dad got back around lunchtime  and thanked me for keeping their kids in   one piece. The kids said bye to  the pup and there were tears and   I loaded up myself and my dog and went back  home to enjoy the (relative) peace and quiet. Yeah, I wish it ended there. Maybe an hour after we got home I get a phone  call from a very frazzled sounding mom with   kids crying in the background.  She says they need my dog now. I'm sorry, what? You don't need  A dog, you need MY dog? Like,   I don't need to come back and  visit soon? You just want him? Well the kids got so attached and they  won't stop crying about missing the dog   and her and her husband don't have time  for two kids and a puppy and more guilt   inducing word vomit that was  having precisely zero affect on me. Abso-fluffing-lutely not. Click. Still getting texts about 'being reasonable'  and 'you have time to train a new dog' 48 hours of free babysitting isn't enough?  You want my dog too? Not in this lifetime. Dog tax:   https://www.reddit.com/r/rarepuppers/comments/s2v292/send_help_immediate/ Update/clarification: The parents offered to pay  me for my time over the weekend, but the rate for   2 full days of child care was kind of a lot and  they don't have a lot of disposable income. It   was an emergency and I had nothing better to  do with my time. Told them not to sweat it. My pup is chipped and is still  sleeping off his big weekend,   but he's going nowhere solo  and I do have cameras up. I also texted my friend's husband asking him  wtf happened and why does his wife want MY dog   this morning. He replied back with a lot of ????  Genuinely hoping sanity breaks out and we can move   past this, but ain't nobody is pup-napping my  dog. (This story is being written by my friend,   as he does not want to create an  account of his own due to anxiety.) This story consists of 6 characters; EB (Entitled   Boy), NG (Nice Girl), ESM  (Entitled Step Mom), Mom, and Dad. I am 22M, and am currently working out  a financial situation and rent a house   along with some roommates. My roommates Sarah  and Johnny will be on a camping trip all week,   so when ESM decided to request a family gathering  at the rented house, they hesitantly accepted.   Saturday evening, ESM, NG, EB, mom, dad and some  aunts and uncles come in. Entitled boy and Nice   Girl were my entitled step mother's children,  and they were twins, both around 7. A while back,   my parents had divorced and my dad decided to date  that lady, who we still have to call our mother,   even though she's not. I have one MacBook that  I use for all my school work, and I keep that   safe on my desk upstairs. As soon as the EB and  NG come in, they begin to explore the house,   and I tell them to go anywhere EXEPT upstairs.  After a while, we all begin having dinner,   assuming that the twins were playing with the toys  they brought. WRONG. About ten minutes into the   dinner, we hear footsteps running up the stairs,  followed with a loud shriek from NG "EB NOOOO,   DONT GO UP THERE!". Next from the EB "YOUR NOT THE  BOSS OF ME!". All the sudden, we hear a crash, a   shout, and NG begins to cry loudly. I ran upstairs  to see what had happened, while ESM stayed put as   if she didn't hear all the shouting and crying  from her kids. Here's what had happened: NG had   attempted to prevent EB from going upstairs,  but then he pushed her into the desk, where she   hit her shoulder and knocked it over, causing  her to cry. NG was fine, but just sad that her   brother would do that. The worst part was that the  MacBook had fallen into the corner or the desk,   pinned against the nightstand, and CRUSHED when  she had fallen. I brought the Laptop downstairs   and confronted my ESM, who denied it, saying that  "OH YOU! YOU PLANNED THIS ALL SO WE HAD TO BUY YOU   A NEW ONE! HOW DARE YOU!" I tried to reason with  her, but she insisted that since it was MY house,   it was my duty to control the kids. Slowly,  my family began to side with her just because   of the following reasons: "Their just kids!" "It  wasn't their fault!" "Your a grown man, get a new   one and stop whining!" WHAT DO I DO?! If this ever  gets read on youtube or something, I NEED ADVICE!
Channel: Storytime
Views: 10,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storytime, r/, r/entitledparents, r/entitled parents, entitled parents, reddit entitled parents, Storytime entitled parents, reddit stories, funny reddit, best of reddit, rslash entitledparents, entitled parents reddit, top posts reddit, entitled parents stories, entitled parents video, r/ entitledparents, r/ entitled parents Storytime, Storytime r/entitledparents, funny reddit stories, entitledparents posts
Id: oupEpx3eqhg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 27sec (1767 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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