Red River Valley (1941) ROY ROGERS

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we will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile for they say you are take in the sunshine that has brightened our pathway of wild come and sit by my side if you love me do not hasten to B me a do but remember the Red River Valley and the Cy that loves you so true as you go to your home by the river may you never forget those sweet hours that we spend in the Red River Valley and the love we exchang mid the flowers come and sit by my side if you love me do not H to be me a do but remember the Red River Valle and the cowboy that loves you so [Music] true where's the fire maybe they're just in a hurry to get to your party aren't you impressed sure but will your father be well maybe if you can refrain from setting off firecrackers under him you were always pretty rough on his dignity you know Roy but that was when I was knee high to a grasshopper besides I'm guest of honor now that's right we'd better hurry whyl light and evening star ending the day music when soft guitar begin to play then staright and moon beam we a golden ve then love begins at sunet [Music] [Applause] the [Music] take any H the straight boys come on we'll get the [Music] gun [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] get what's the matter can't you handle him uh $182,000 the payroll and just enough to finish the dam how do you know they took the money well I don't think they'd blow a safe just to get my Social Security number you know it's been a pretty expensive proposition putting on a Pioneer celebration and you're on a young fell $10 fine for an automobile in the street good fast car would have come in mighty handy just now sorry Sheriff whose ID was it anyhow yours yeah I guess wasn't that yeah you and your newspaper seems like we're splitting the blame Gabby maybe I shouldn't have come home at all yeah maybe you shouldn't zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zo zo oh get your mind off that bull fiddle notify the state police to be on the lookout in case they try to cash any of that money serial numbers will be published tomorrow I'm going to get a shave k no shave tonight not when there's news to be printed you started this Pioneer week and you're going to end it by taking my whiskers off you don't want to wait K I'll be glad to take you home oh I don't mind waiting for whom your father or the late guest of honor I near wake by I wish he'd never shown up you said that before yeah I know and I say it again if he hadn't come back we'd still have $182,000 curious coincidence isn't it h but of course it couldn't be any more than that after all no one can accuse a celebrity like Roy Rogers of uh being interested in money it's mighty nice of you to stick up for me that way Mr Allison especially when you're s Keen about money yourself what do you mean by that oh just that I hear you run the ceria gambling joint over across the state line where a man can really lose his shirt if he's got one to lose then perhaps you've heard that gambling is a respectable business in that state and besides I do have a ranch right here in this Valley well I'm not doubting your respectability Mr Allison I'm sure I'm just as anxious to defend your reputation as you seem to be to defend mine thanks see who stuffed this owl anyway greatest naturalist the is didn't do a very good job of it did he the eyes seem to be of different colored glass and the feathers are much too smooth [Laughter] well I guess I'll call it an evening I'll see you [Music] tomorrow what's going on anyway Gabby you wrote me something about the damn when I sent you power of attorney from a ranch why don't you wait and read the paper why do you even bother to publish a paper anybody can get more news out of your whiskers this is a mighty serious situation you know the Red River I ought to I SW in it when it was a creek it won't be long before it won't even be a creek government's cutting it right off right here at the source in the mountain get your finger out of my eye what for furnish Power and Light for what they call an essential industry I sort of figure it's essential to eat beef what we going to do for water you know if you didn't Gallivan around the country so much you'd know we're going to have a bypass Canal from the dam whose Dam well you see the government put up half the money a scraping the bottom of the barrel we managed to raise the other half to build the White Mountain Dam we was going to bring the water from up here down through the valley like this into the Old Red River get your fingers out of my mouth well that was a year ago since then things have happened accidental explosions careless Workman wrecking equipment well bu think it was done on purpose what's going to happen why don't you figure it out we've used up the government money and thanks to your Pioneer Day homecoming ours is stolen we're in a mighty bad Jam [Music] son as his lights give him the signal [Music] H your men have had a good job and a long job this shutdown isn't permanent just give me a week of so get things straightened out you'll all be back on the job that damn is going to be finished and you men are going to do the work now as soon as we're ready to go ahead moch he'll notify you this is payday how about our do Mr s's doing the best he can let eat him enough you'll get your money in a few days now break it up well boy stalling the payroll isn't going to do any good we can't even pay for the materials already ordered gentlemen I'm afraid we're lck we are unless we can do something about it how many cattle have we got among us that we can Market if you didn't spend so much time singing you'd know they're not fit for Market they're nothing but hideing horns they'll be worse without water and times getting short say Gabby how many cattle have we got in the valley well I over 2,000 head right in this room all right even at a forced sale that' give us over $50,000 well that's only half what they'd be worth 6 months from now and besides 50,000 is only a drop in the bucket we'll need four times that much I know Mr souland but it'll do for a starter and we can worry about raising a rest later it isn't practical Rogers I'm against sacrificing our cattle it isn't what we'll lose by selling our cattle ahead of time it's what we'll lose if we can't raise money enough to finish the dam the boy absolutely right he's got 300 head of his own if he's willing to let him go why ain't you well frankly I don't want to sell my cattle either but say if we only had the necessary collateral you mean you've thought of a way out Allison well yes and no you see uh I have several Partners in the casaro they're all wealthy men now I know they'd be glad to advance us the money if we could just offer them the proper security sayy how about our stock in the water company wouldn't that do you mean as security sure they ought to take that I'm afraid not because uh while I don't agree with them personally I happen to know that they feel this Dam has been mismanaged you know all those accidents and only by owning the stock outright could they have the full control it'd require to protect their investment you mean we'll have to sell them our stock for the time being yes when the dam is finished we could buy it back at a agreed price to cover interest and in the meantime these partners of yours will be controlling the water and that means controlling the valley you can count me out and me too what have you got to do with it you're a sheep man you're any kind of a businessman Rogers you'd realize that Allison here's in the same boat with the rest of us and besides certainly his own partners aren't going to make it harsh on him as I see it we have no choice yeah as I see it we're Mighty lucky to get out of a bad hole now if your partners will agree to this I'll collect that stock and turn it over to you tomorrow night well I'm against it and the Red River gazette's going to tell the world in the valley over the I'm his all and for him i' D and cirle she can beat the do a coin when it comes to Mountain W that Hill Bly sweetheart of mine I'm the L up hill Billy Bley and as pretty as a picture on the wall I the pride of SMY M and as pure as bubblin and she's going to stay that way as I recall She's mine all and there's nothing for that gal I wouldn't do there will never be no others I can have my brother that hly swe [Music] of hurry up and get me a shave I'm a bad man with a Raider today I'll take a chance what are you all steamed up about that meeting somebody is trying to pull a Hummer Tucker what I heard it' be a great thing for the valley you mean it' be a great thing for Allison well Allison knows what he's doing You Bet Your Life he does and as I see it he was just waiting for one of us to suggest selling our stock yeah and you wouldn't think anyone who could raise money that easily would be interested in Small Time stuff like this Ranch of his maybe Allison and these Partners will have bigger ideas once they get hold of our stock well I don't know much about business me neither but I wouldn't trust Allison his F he can throw a bull with a tail or you either what do you mean by that how about all them accidents been happening on the dam what's that got to do with me I wonder wouldn't surprise me any if you've been making some of them accidents happen on purpose what' you say you old windbag I don't chew my cabbage twice why you I got Gabby [Music] what do you have to butt in for I was just getting ready to level on him say how much of that stuff you were telling Murdoch can you prove I can't prove nothing you sure took in a lot of territory did not have something to go on I got plenty to go on what Murdoch and Allison are working together I can feel it right right in the end of my whiskers all right fellas get your instruments and load up we're leaving town hey you can't leave now as the thing's all snarled up like this we're heading for El Paso for some more broadcast we can't do any good here besides you can't convict a man by the feeling in the end of your whiskers I'd be glad to stay Gabby if I could help it Well you certainly can't help any bettering into a microphone in El Paso oh you write to me every morning and and I'll write to you every night Roy were you leaving without saying goodbye to me I was going to dedicate the first broadcast from El Paso to you I sing much better down there and besides that real Grandy Waters really swell for the pipes by the time you get back the dam will be finished and everybody will be happy it doesn't take much to make Red River Valley happy a little water and a little soft soap and they're all in the lather just so there's no hard feelings you can't win every fight you know well maybe this is only the first round hey P [Music] if this is the way to El Paso they must have moved it where are we going or is it confidential we're not going far but we're going to be awful quiet about it I didn't think you'd leave old Gabby in a spot like this you boys heard it all I don't know what he's actually got on murdog but it's probably enough to get his head blown off so we're stand in case you miss Gabby huh we're at least in till we find out what it's all about as soon as it gets dark we'll circle around back of my Ranch and we'll steal some horses from myself and Tim you drive this bandwagon to Hanks old sha you know where it is well I'm more of a musician than a Gman but it's your chamber [Music] music Carl get this [Applause] out [Music] hey Pat you better go flag her [Music] down [Music] Len we're going to stay in the valley for a certain reason but no one must know it particularly Gabby but I haven't any secrets from py and he hasn't any secrets from anyone else we've got to keep this [Music] quiet you're not going to get into any trouble are you well not if we can help it but we've got to do a little investigating all right I won't say a word all right close your eyes and cross your [Music] heart did you hear something too no py didn't you even hear a shutgun no did you let it off n that darn thing Let It [Music] Off hores I know they were something up fine Blood Hound you are come on [Music] I'll start [Music] snipping [Music] bad enough to have an editor suspicious but when you get an editor in a barber gabin it's no small talk don't let that worry you he can't prove anything after the stockholders meeting tomorrow we'll have everything under control you can start construction again and Rush the damn right through by the way you'd better pay off those gorillas of yours and get rid of them they know too [Music] [Music] much there's something crawling around here let's take a look in the garage [Music] what's the matter I heard somebody out there this gadget fits [Music] [Music] good get in the [Music] [Music] car [Music] [Music] I think we got enough now to convince even the sheriff let's go don't know what Rogers was looking for but whatever it was he can't prove anything not if he was counting on that car for [Music] evidence [Music] yeah what are you doing up in that tree man's got a right to hunt Edie not on private property what are you doing here I'm a stockholder show mine I want to see what's going on what more evidence do you want Sheriff but the car was wrecked that's right then you haven't got any evidence yeah but Bob and I saw where this thing came off of the car and we can swear to it I'll admit you've got some grounds for suspicion and I'll investigate it in the routine way then in the the meantime you'll postpone the meeting why of course not what for because Allison's the only one who can benefit with what Murdoch's been doing oh I see that's what's been sticking in your craw because you can't bulldoze us into doing what you want you're trying to involve Alison what you say about him is pure guess the only difference between Allison and Murdoch is Allison's just a little bit smarter I'll bet my horse against a burrow that Murdoch's working for ridiculous it's ridiculously simple when you fellas turn over the controlling interest of the water company to Allison you'll own the whole valley a week won't make any difference postpone the meeting until then if I'm wrong no Harm's been done and if I'm right you'll save yourself and everyone who's been stringing along with you you know um I don't mind you so much on the radio because I can always turn you off like that but when you stand in my own house and tell me how to run my business then you're actually going to turn over that stock if it's the last thing I ever do well boys I guess there's nothing more we can do well what Sheriff I hate to do this but until you change your mind we're going to have to keep you with us well listen yeah wait a minute coming along of course not you don't want to leave your father do you I certainly do so I can notify the police and save him okay I was hoping you'd see this my way are you forgetting that my father sees it directly opposite and that I'm his daughter hope you're right boy but until you prove it I'm afraid I'll have to string along with Dad and you're going to have to come along with him too I can't leave you here to break this up hey they know you got them they're going to be up here pretty soon and where will I be probably in jail they know they're gone but they don't know where let me do the worrying will you when you pass the food to the sheriff be carefully don't grab your wrist hey when I pass food to that guy it'll be on a shovel well how do you think you're going to like the penitentiary oh I understand it's right cozy I'll expect you to visit me the first Tuesday of every month I'll be delighted bring me a cake once in a while will you wouldn't you rather have some of Mrs B's hot cake now how are you going to hide a saw in a hot cake what makes you think I'd try to help you escape oh I don't know you seem to be more friendly today than you were yesterday maybe that's because Dad's mad enough for both of us anyway there wasn't any meeting today you know you haven't any proof against Mr Allison I guess you're right but if I ever catch him I'm going to pick him up by the heels and if I $182,000 falls out I'll know I'm right pretty slick Mount Mister oh you think you can do it well stand back and give me room and I'll sure try all right it's the outrage in 1941 it's the same gang that stole Roy's horses from AR Carell the Sher if Chinese cook says a leader was riding Roy's own Palamino horse oh I'd like to be there if Roy could catch him operator listen Sally I just got away they're holding us prisoner at Hank Bell Shack send somebody quick the rate to San Francisco is $22.70 for the first 3 minutes do you wish to place a call we're getting away from Hank's place in a hurry that won't do you any good your criminal career is over it never began you're going to have to be terribly right to prove it you know Whitaker I don't believe Rogers would have to look very far for his palomino horse that you saw stolen what do you mean he stole his own horse and kidnapped the sheriff and cage why you crazy the first place Roy in El Paso he wasn't last night he stole a car from the garage at the dam I saw him do it well wasn't Roy I know it wasn't why would he want to kill have the sheriff because he couldn't hypnotize the whole valley into his way of thinking he thought he could keep southernland out of our deal now isn't that reason enough well if he did it and that was a reason it's a good enough one for me besides we'll soon find out today is his day to broadcast from El Paso at 1:30 and he ain't missed yet I'll be listening come on boys we got enough here to make up a posi let's get started on that search take over will you pop hey fellas will you give me a shove to help me get this thing [Applause] started didn't you bring anybody nobody knows but me well that only proves you'll have to be more right than ever these friends of yours aren't going to thank you for leading them to jail is that what you think I'm doing well if you're not I'll be the first to congratulate you I'll remember that oh Hank lock him up again thanks pal oh don't thank me it's for Pat Allison claims he saw you at the dam last night but pap swears you're in El Paso you've got to broadcast this afternoon to prove it all right we'll do it from El Paso by telephone from my own kitchen we'll hook up with your switchboard can you get rid of Gabby it'll be a sense to talk too much he'll be home for lunch but I'll get rid of him some way well just 30 minutes the boys do the broadcast from El Paso Allison was here I'd make him meat the antenna but aren't you going back to work nope it's a holiday what holiday Gabby holiday but I've got to get back to work and you've just got time to drive me what's the matter with you thumb well you wouldn't want your daughter picked up on the highway would you i' rather have my daughter picked up on the highway than have anybody pick me out of this chair oh I'm ashamed of you I'm a little might shamed of myself but here I sit I get a darn excited my stomach's going around like a windmill I'll fix you here you are pop what is it burping soda he's sound asleep you think you'll wake up oh I hope so he just knocked off a sleeping potion that had Lull by an ox doesn't do any good to crank it better get me started downhill don't forget to give us a ring when you get us plugged in hello kexl Paso give me the master control hello Jim this is Roy we're coming in on these facilities with a plus4 level you ride the game stand by boys [Music] it's after 1:30 turn on at El Paso station there he is see maybe he's coming in by remote control come with B they say you are going we will your right eyes and for they say you are Tak the Sun that theway come and by my side you do not Hast to me a but remember the r River Valley you're coming in or a he hello wh just happened to be passing and remembered a call I had to make you mind if I use your phone sh killery what happened I got a terrible temper when I get a wrong number it sets me off M well thank you anyway welcome to use it you can fix it [Music] Valley it's lucky Gabby saw him coming they have followed us to the Hank Shore let's go did you find out anything yes I'm pretty sure they were there then why we leaving I didn't want them to know I suspected anything if I'm right we can see them leave from here whereabouts up in those Hills could those fellas be hiding out there a sheep h a shack up in the mountains only place I can think of hey Hank where are you if I have to ride a horse to too many of these concerts I'm going to trade this bull fiddle for a news heart why don't you put wheels on it hey hey come up behind that hot cake you're under arrest get him get off of those [Music] horses [Music] a I'm dressing up in style for in a little while I'm going to ride into town and every cowboy F I know will LIF his heing when roll around and so I'm feeling fine because there's lots of time until we're all homor B to work and S with cattle swe and swear and battle P rolls around what does a cowboy do when all of his work is through just what I'm going to do now with money to spend and jingle off into town to mingle with all my friends I allow now maybe my blueeyed gal will wait for this Bron pal and ride over the hot desert ground through heart and golden hair know that I'll soon be there when payday rolls around I'm justess up style for in a little while I'm going to ride [Music] I'm up style for in a little while I'm going to ride into town and every cowboy P I know will lift his he and thr roll which one of you guys is settling I'm sing what do you want I got a bill [Music] [Applause] come I got a of lumber for the dam cood take it out to the dam we'll take care of all the bills in the morning what do you got to do with it well this gentleman's going to finance our company after the meeting this evening at the cerio club we'll be in a position to pay cash for everything I was at the ceria club once and I ain't been able to pay cash for anything since this has got to be cash on the line or else I take it back to the lumber yard is Pat all right all I'm worried about Roy the young whipper snappers made an outlaw out of himself and he ain't fixed a Dar thing holding that meeting tonight wor the ceria that's all I need to know you shouldn't show up in town ain't going to do mighty good yes it is I've got a plan but after I get the boys out I'll need some fast transportation yeah Sheriff's holding your station wagon for evidence it's over to Steinberg's garage well that's all right get me the garage quick MH hello Steinberg's garage my name is Smith I had a wreck on the main Highway about 10 miles north of town I want you to come out and pick me up have you got another man to help yeah I got another man all right bring him come along we'll need both of you come on you see that Lumber truck out there yeah now here's what we'll [Music] do hey look oh let me at [Music] him [Music] you see I'm a special feature writer for the Red River Gazette and I need a story on the romance of trucking material to the White Mountain Dam listen lady there ain't any romance in that business or money either why whatever do you [Music] mean [Music] Dr it back to [Music] me I ain't got any more time to argue lady if you think there's any romance in this business you better try it [Music] yourself [Music] well well hurry up get going so now you're trying to steal it eh but what's the matter with you we didn't have anything to do with it so which one of you guys is going to put it [Music] back but it's a jailbreak [Music] what was that [Music] backfire [Music] why we're out of gas that's [Music] strange hey [Music] Roy backfire huh say Gabby what would you do if you had $182,000 in cash first I'd buy a new Barber chair then I'd lock the door and sit in it you certainly wouldn't put it in the bank would you not if I come by it the way Allison did and they know the serial numbers but if you own the gambling Club you might hide it out there someplace and spread it around chunk by chunk for the next few months as though it were winnings isn't that right well that sounds reasonable how you going to smoke him out the money is there that's exactly what we're going to do plenty of smoke and maybe a little fire well Aron's about the only crime we ain't tried this week you boys better tuck in a few more of those beans they say they're better than a bulletproof vest then we'll try our luck with a little honest robbery [Music] good evening gentlemen when the drinks are on me what do you have as the sheriff I'll have a glass of milk but as the president of the water company I'll have a shot of [Laughter] [Applause] Bulan when I give you the high sign start the smoke down below then light this bucket behind the orchestra stand and yell fire there they are now [Music] shall we go into the [Music] office I hope there's no misunderstanding about this Allison soon as we're able we'll buy back the stock the same price plus the necessary Bank interest rate of course [Music] yeah [Applause] don't move I'll take that you're under arrest again you're not helping yourself any this just means a longer term in the penitentiary I thought you had more sense Rogers after all we'll just cancel the check and issue new certificates I don't want the check Allison well what do you want just a little more time the place is burning down you can go with that sheriff again and we're getting awful tired [Music] of you're stand with me up [Music] there where you going there's no use letting nearly 200 Grand in paper burn hey what's he going back in there for the only thing that would make a high power Thief Risky's life $182,000 of the Water Company's money and it's my bet they'll come out with the money in the [Music] back [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] h what' you do hit him with an axe did you get the goods on Allison happy it's in the [Music] bag you know there's one good thing about this it'll keep you off the air oh but we can broadcast right here from the jail oh I'm glad I won't be here say uh you said you'd be the first to congratulate me and I am yes but uh that isn't enough what else we'll take care of that on the hay ride H wait a minute you've got to pay me for fixing that gas tank [Music] and now [Music] theang because it's on the rain today and the are they feeling G everything is Happy on the rain today thees are off together it's the weather that makes them water FEA their L over is blooming be just because it's spring on the rain today oh the sun came up this morning with a twinkle in his eyes and gave the world this morning that Summer's draw and nigh he gathered up the pearls of dew that sparkle on the Plains and filled the air with perfume rare out on the rolling rain and now the Cowboys are [Music] singing on the r today and now the roosters are crowing they're feeling gay everything is Happy on the r today the pr does are pairing off together it's the weather that makes them want to feather their loveing on the rain today l
Channel: PizzaFlix
Views: 163,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, Red River Valley, CLASSIC, Roy Rogers, COWBOYS, Sally Payne, #classicmovies, FREE, filmstruck, classic movie, classic movies, George 'Gabby' Hayes, MOVIES, western, SING
Id: _sY6nuQz0CM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 3sec (3183 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2013
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