Rainbow Friends VS The Most Secure Minecraft House!

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ah Rainey this house we built looks so nice uh Dash what is that over there and uh whoa wait what in the world is that I have no idea it looks so scary yeah I have no idea what that is but wait Randy we should go check it out okay let's go and wait rainy look there's like a door over here wait it's like a dash you see those things inside of there and uh yeah wait what the heck are those that thing is the sky what we do yeah but wait rainy it says Red's laboratory over here I'm kind of curious to see what's inside yeah I have no idea who Reds is so yeah we should definitely go check it out yeah let's go inside and whoa when you look at these things over here what even are these I have no idea and wait there's a sign this is the rainbow friends the rainbow friends I wonder what that means and uh wait Randy there's another room over here let's go check this one out okay and whoa wait who is that in there oh wait there's someone inside and wait rainy this must be that ready guy what if the world is wrong with his eyes so you two have finally found my laboratory and uh wait what is this guy talking about I have no idea yeah you both have 15 minutes until my Creations break down I completely destroy you wait what rainy did you hear about these things over here yeah dashboard there's just a couple doors right here why would you go beat them up oh yeah let's just go take this guy out and uh wait Randy there's no way to open these doors what in the world stuck inside of there your full thought would be that easy what the heck Randy this isn't good let's quickly run back to our house oh don't test what are we gonna do we just moved in here I don't know rinny but one thing is we are not gonna move again we have to stand our ground yeah we should definitely start Decking at our house and would they do Escape we can beat them up okay well ready what do you think we should build for the first draft for the first trap we could use these things called cage traps enough but go ahead and put this in the ground like this it's bought a pig it'll get stuck in the cage whoa really that is so Opie that's gonna be so good for stopping the creatures exactly and now we can just place a bunches around our field just to get them all trapped inside perfect I'll do the same over here and perfect assets looks great but this definitely isn't gonna be enough what else did we build and wait rainy what if we just build a big strong wall around our entire house that way they're never gonna be able to get inside oh wait that's actually a great idea Dash and yeah Randy we should build the wall out of obsidian so they won't even be able to break it well because that's like one of the strongest blocks of the game yep so let's just go ahead and build it like this and we can build that two blocks tall it's outside but I can beat you all the way around the house what no way I'm a way faster obsidian Placer here we go we go watch this Dash I'm already almost all the way around wait you're already all the way over oh wait no there's a tree in my way I need to get rid of this wait what is it not even grass here what the oh no come on come on I'm messing up oh there is so much stuff in our way oh wait I helped you build what and perfect I win wait no I finished first what no I obviously finished that first no shot how about we just leave it to the comments comment down below who you think finished the wall first okay whatever well anyways ready I think the next thing we should do is build a little interior wall just like this so that we can actually get up and look over the wall oh true that's super smart and you know what ready I'll race you around the house for this one as well let's go no way you can beat me I'm super fast come on come on and oh no I'm messing up come on and I'm already done Dash look at that and uh wait no ready you're not done yet come on what do you mean I finished and uh wait what in the world how did you do that so quick uh because it's not that difficult Dash you just gotta place the box down okay whatever and wait a minute rainy what about next we put some weapons on this wall some weapons wait what were you thinking Dash well if we just go ahead and grab some of these sentries and put them up on the wall it's gonna be super strong whoa these two look super strong yep and pretty much whenever these centuries see an enemy mob they're just gonna start shooting at it look at that that is so clutch this is definitely a Defender base yeah and we should just put a bunch of them around the front of our house and perfect rainy this looks so cool but wait now that we have this many of them let's test it out against the zombie pigman here we go oh look at that man hey you better not jump in our case trap and oh wait wait he's about to go into the cage traps and oh perfect he didn't go into one let's go but you see how strong those things were Dax that was insane yeah they absolutely destroyed that zombie pigman it does now that we have these centuries we should add something else that's super strong okay what are you thinking Dash what we can do is get a bunch of blocks of red so to add these things called lasers on top and whoa wait maybe this looks so powerful exactly and we can throw this all the way around our base and there's gonna be no way they can get inside with these and wait a minute we have to test this let me go ahead and spawn in another zombie pigman over here and oh my gosh it's doing so much damage wow I'm gonna go ahead and test out a pig just because I don't like pigs and oh my gosh I just killed that big in like two seconds let's go these lasers are definitely gonna protect our base yep and of course let's go ahead and put a bunch of these around our house and you know what Randy Let's Race for these as well you really think you can beat me Dash I'm super fast all right here we go and there's no way I am the fastest laser Placer in the world we'll see about that I'm already going all the way around this is too easy come on come on just a few more blocks I'm like halfway done halfway done how you haven't even placed your lasers yet yeah I have what are you talking about oh no I'm already almost all the way around but this is gonna be close come on come on here we go just a few more blocks am I close to the end and oh no it's already that far but you said you're almost halfway around that's not even close to halfway Dash what the heck okay whatever I guess you win this one well since you're so slow I guess I'll go ahead and help you a little bit okay whatever radio and anyways just like that our entire house is surrounded with lasers this looks so cool yeah there's definitely no way those stupid rainbow friends can get through now and uh wait rainy how are we supposed to get through oh gosh I didn't even think about that do you think we can just jump through the lasers and no there's no way to jump over these blocks uh wait rainy what if we use some fans oh fans wait that's a great idea yep so we can just go ahead and put them down over here and use them to blow us across the lasers whoa that is so clutch but wait how are we gonna get back over Dash oh well we can just go ahead and put some more fans over here and perfect let's go that is such a sport idea and perfect Dash now we have all this done what else can we build and uh wait wait did you see that I think that was lightning wait Dash even got a little bit darker outside and wait rainy it must have been those weird creatures inside of there oh no should we go check up on them again yeah let's go check it out all right and uh wait rainy is it just me or do they look bigger than before uh no dash they definitely look a lot bigger what's going on what the heck and wait let's go and get a closer look at them and what in the world they are definitely bigger what are we supposed to do about this I don't think our traps can stop these guys I don't no we're gonna have to build the more but wait we should go check on that laboratory guy again you only have 10 minutes left before my mom transformed into their final form wait what did you hear that ready he said we only have 10 minutes till the mobs transformed to their final form wait Dash what are we gonna do there's no way we can stop these guys I don't know rainy but one thing I do know is that we're gonna need bigger defenses so quick run back to the house wait Dad before we leave we should definitely leave something here wait leave something here what do you mean we can go ahead and grab something called a camera and we can place it here so we can check on the mobs any time oh wait that is actually such a good idea ready this way we can just check on them without actually having to come back here I'll go ahead and set one up over here as well and now rainy let's run back to the house perfect we should be set now all right and now let's go inside of the house and let's go ahead and check the cameras and whoa really this is so useful let's go we can see everything from over here yep so now we should probably go ahead and put these camera monitors inside of some chests so that we don't forget them or something okay so let's go ahead and each grab a chest like this and perfect we can just throw them inside perfect but anyways Dash what should we build next because honestly I'm kind of tired I just want to take a nap what no really have 10 minutes left you can't take a nap right now we have to build some defenses uh five what should we make then okay Rainey I think I actually have a really good idea just follow me over here okay all right Rainey so right over here in front of their laboratory why don't we build a falling floor trap falling floor trap queen that actually sounds kind of cool yep so I think the first thing we should do is let's go ahead and dig out a huge hole and we can make it like really big because we want to make sure to get all of them all right I'll go ahead and start building in this direction and now let's just go ahead and make this whole super deep and perfect now that we've got this huge hole we can go ahead and grab some of these spikes and just put a bunch of them down over here whoa these spikes look so cool okay I'm gonna go ahead and do the other side all right and basically whatever that creatures jump down on these spikes it's just gonna do a lot of damage and probably instantly one shot them and perfect this looks good yeah Dash but they're definitely too smart for this they're not just gonna fall straight to the hole oh well obviously yeah Randy we're not done yet the next thing we have to do is go ahead and grab some scaffolding some scaffolding what in the world is that you'll see in a second basically we just have to plan a bunch of it over here right underneath the grass and perfect now that we've got this entire row of scaffolding we can go ahead and just put some Pistons over here just like this well this is gonna be such a cool trap yep and basically whenever we power these Pistons all of this scaffolding is just gonna fall and now we can just go ahead and connect them all up with some Redstone and we can make it all lead to this lever right over here and perfect now that everything is hooked up if we go ahead and flick this lever they're all gonna fall and uh wait why did only like half of them fall wait Dash you can see the red stars running out right here we need a repeater oh yeah you're right let's just go ahead and add a repeater over here really quick and perfect let's just go ahead and put it over here and perfect rainy look at that and oh it looks like we need another one over here yeah there is so much Redstone here this is crazy yep but look at that rainy as soon as we flick the lever they're all gonna fall off but now we have to rebuild everything well at least we know it works now and now let's just go ahead and put a little bit of gravel and stand on top of it so that it looks natural but the gravel and sand is still gonna fall and perfect rainy this looks super good but wait Dash We're not gonna be able to run all the way out here we should definitely leave the lever inside of our house oh yeah good idea let's just go ahead and extend this Redstone signal and move it all the way inside of our house and perfect now we can go ahead and put a button right over here and whenever we hit it it should activate the Trap but of course right now it's not connected because we're just testing and this is awesome test what are we gonna build next and uh wait rainy did you see that again I think it was more lightning oh no what it got even darker oh no not again and wait rainy we should go check through the cameras Oh that's a great idea and oh my gosh Randy look we can see all of them and uh wait a minute what is that red guy doing wait he came out of his laboratory wait a second Dash he's standing in front of your camera uh yeah wait really I don't know what he's doing how did he even notice you guys think you're so smart with these cameras and oh wait wait he just broke my camera what wait a second he just broke my camera what in the world oh no rainy I thought we were gonna be able to outsmart him oh no what are we gonna do now I don't know but wait Randy since it struck lightning again I think that means we only have like five minutes left five minutes that's not enough time oh no we have to build some more traps wait a second Dash what do we get some dispensers and put dynamite in though oh wait that is such a perfect idea and wait we can build them on the roof of our house exactly so now we're gonna need some letters to get up to the second floor oh yeah good idea let's go ahead and grab some ladders and we can just go ahead and place them on our bed and now we can just go over here and put our dispensers down in front of our house perfect and this is gonna be so op and just to make sure we don't fall off and all the chaos I'm gonna make some pink fence around the top okay you know actually no I'm gonna make some purple fence because uh purple is obviously the better color what okay you know what whatever just keep your purple on your side I'll keep my pink on my side okay whatever well anyways now let's go ahead and grab some Redstone and a lever and we can just go ahead and connect up all of these dispensers and now when whenever we go ahead and hit one of these buttons it'll activate all of them at once let's go but wait what type of dynamite should we put in there I don't know there's a lot of different types of dynamite which one are you gonna go for let's see I think I'm gonna go ahead and grab these lightning dynamites wait Lightning Dynamite wait what did those even do look watch this I'm gonna go ahead and throw it in that direction oh wait I might have thrown it way too high and here we go and what's that wait so much lightning yep exactly so that was they get stuck in those cages we can just send the lightning at them oh perfect that is a great idea here I'll go grab some as well and then we can just put a bunch of them inside of all the dispensers and uh wait rainy I think I accidentally picked up this dispenser I don't even know how I did this let me just put it back off my side Dash oh oh sorry I forgot this was yours out of here I'll go on my side and perfect now that they're all filled do you want to take them for a test oh we definitely should all right let's hit the buttons in three two one fire whoa oh my gosh that was so much lightning and those landed perfectly they landed right on the cages that was awesome I can't wait to use those and wait rainy I think I know exactly what we should build next what should we build Dash what about some Archer Towers where we can go on and just try to shoot at the mobs whoa that sounds super super cool let's do it yeah so let's just go ahead and break a block on each one of our sides and we can build two on each one of our sides I'm gonna go ahead build my other pink concrete all right and I'll build mine out of purple because mine is gonna be better no wait Dash pink is way better you'll see okay well you'll see when my arrows go farther than yours that's not even how that works okay I mean we'll see about it anyways now let's just go ahead and make them a little bit taller and then we can build little platforms on them and I think I want to have a super fast way to go up here so I'm gonna build a water elevator and perfect this is so awesome but not ready I think we should put some like chests with bows and arrows so that we can actually shoot at the mobs oh yeah that's a great idea and wait a minute Randy why don't we go ahead and grab some of these super crazy tipped arrows whoa I'm grabbing these it was just so we can take them out basically instantly okay and here I'm gonna go ahead and grab some of these poison ones in dash next time I think we need some sort of guards wait guards how are we gonna have that we're gonna build little fences on our corners and put some iron golems in there oh wait that's such a good idea and then we can just release them when it's time to fight all right let me just go ahead and build one over here on my side and uh wait why didn't it work wait you know how to build an iron golem Dash oh wait wait no I know how to build it I'm pretty sure I just have to build it sideways like this and yeah perfect it works out I don't know he's taking damage quick get out of the blocks and perfect I think I'm gonna go ahead and name mine too Dash just to make them feel extra special ooh okay I think I'm gonna go ahead and name mine as well and I'm gonna name mine Bob Bob I name mine pink because I'm on the pink side and uh wait wait you can't name him after a color that doesn't make sense yes I can I just did what are you gonna do about it all right whatever well you know what comment down which name you think is better Bob or pink but Josh we don't have any type of armor so I feel like we should also build an Armory room oh yeah that's a good idea just in case we actually have to get down and fight them ourselves exactly so I'm gonna go ahead and build God right behind the house all right and I'll build my side out of some purple concrete of course and now in the middle we can go ahead and throw a couple armor stands down and then we can end our dispensers oh perfect it is a good idea and then on each one of these dispensers we can put a piece of gear that we're gonna need for the fight and urini what armor are you gonna go for I think I'm gonna go with some basic chain Mill Harbor chain armor that's so weak I'm gonna go with the netherite armor netherite armor that's even weaker Netherland is like the strongest armor in the game what are you talking about we'll see and urani what type of Sword are you gonna go for I'm gonna go with this super strong wooden sword wait rainy what insert is that's like the weakest sword in the game I'm gonna go with hmm let me see what about this laser sword look at this laser sword whoa that looks so cool yeah this thing is awesome and wait a minute I actually want to test it out really quick let me just go ahead and spawn another Pig cause I know you hate them and yeah let's attack him and oh my gosh ready it just one shot at him what in the world that was so strong yeah Randy I think you should swap out your wooden sword with one of these laser swords it's much more powerful ah these are junk I'm taking with my wooden sword okay well at least don't throw it off I'ma put these in my dispenser it's after next dispenser we should go ahead and add some golden apples oh good idea I'll grab some enchanted golden apples and perfect and then for the last one I'm gonna go ahead and just throw in some Shield so we're all secure oh good idea these shields are gonna be super useful and of course let's also go ahead and grab some pressure plates and put them in front of the dispenser so that we can quickly get our stuff and perfect Dash I don't think we need anything else that's for so deck and uh wait rainy it was lightning again dude it just turned dark what oh my gosh not again Vinnie I think they're about to come attack us but wait Dash it looks like they haven't escaped yet I think we have time to build an escape route oh wait an Escape Route that is such a good idea let's build that now and perfect now that we've got these little staircases going up rainy we should have some sort of elytra getaway oh that's the perfect idea yep so we can just go ahead and grab some dispensers and we can go ahead and put two of them right over here and in this one we can put some electros and then in the other on we can put some fireworks together oh my gosh we can't put fireworks on the dispenser oh yeah you're right they're just gonna shoot off I guess we can use droppers instead then here we go I'll fill this one up with some elytraz and then I'll go ahead and smack some pressure plates on top perfect and now whenever we walk over it we'll instantly get our elytraz and fireworks this is so awesome oh wait Dash if we're gonna Escape we should have some type of self-destruct button oh yeah you're definitely right because if we're gonna Escape then we're probably not gonna be caring about our house exactly and here we go rainy I'll go ahead and put two command blocks over here and whenever these are activated they're just gonna blow everything up let's go and let's just go ahead and expand this platform so that we don't accidentally fall off and perfect and uh wait rainy I think they're escaping and what in the world are those wait those look like greens why are they so big oh my gosh Randy I don't know but quick let's go ahead and grab all of our gear come on I don't gotta grab all my chain armor that's gonna be the strongest and oh wait I'm gonna go ahead and grab a few extra golden apples and perfect there we go I've got a stack of them now let's go wait rainy quick let's go down there and start fighting them go go go oh true come on come on and now I hit the lasers oh wait don't wait you gotta be careful don't hit our own traps and oh no Randy it looks like they're coming quick pull out your weapons and start fighting oh gosh they're way too strong but my sword is super powerful wait rainy it looks like the cage traps are working for some of them look at this one guy we got trapped such a noob let's go and whoa everything's just exploding what is happening already I got stuck in the game trap let me out let me out oh gosh wait I don't have a big ass Dash I need to punch in oh no we have to break out of here okay and perfect look we got that guy trapped as well and oh wait no Randy they blew up our Redstone oh no that isn't good that trap is gone for oh no wait here imma quickly go try activating it go go go come on quick I'm fighting them but wait this one's about to blow up all right you're ready I'm about to hit the button and there we go I hit it did it work uh nothing worked I think everything's broken down oh no and wait what that one oh my gosh that's there's so many out here what the heck but wait look the cage traps are working let's go but I think we should release the lightning TNT if they're all stuck inside oh yeah good idea but wait rainy before we do that I'm gonna try activating this trap manually oh manly how are you gonna do that here we go let me just get rid of all of these guys in here I'm just gonna go and break all of the scaffolding and oh no they're doing so much damage oh gosh I'm just gonna back up to the house all right here you go do that and I'll try breaking all of these and oh my gosh they are just doing so much damage here we go here we go and perfect the Trap is all triggered and I think we got a few of them with that wait Dash hurry up I'm gonna light the Cannons get inside I'm coming I'm coming here we go and all right here I'm almost here let's go let's go hurry up and wait they're breaking in dash hurry wait how are they bring it wait they know how to use the fans what the heck wait okay Randy we gotta fire it in three two one fire let's go oh my gosh that was so old people wait wait I think they're multiplying how is there more spawning in what the heck what in the what is going on and why are they so strong I don't know and oh let's go our centuries look like they're doing a lot of damage then wait rainy I think all the ones in the cages are gone oh my gosh that's wait they broke all of our turrets and wait what how did they even do that oh no and wait rainy they're destroying our Iron Golems what oh gosh we forgot to let them out the cage oh no wait rainy here I'm gonna try to go down there and let mine out come on come on and oh no he's doing way too much damage I'm out of here Jazz quick get back up here we can light up another TNT I'm running I'm running and oh my gosh there's so many of them and uh wait rainy I'm trapped with the iron golem your Iron Golem's attacking me wait what hurry up and get in here Dad stop messing around you're doing so much damage I'm trying my hardest come on I'm coming to help you and oh gosh I can't even see okay ready run run run we have to get to the Archer Towers quick quick quick all right I got my arrows and oh my gosh Manny there is just too many of them I don't think I'm even doing anything why are there so many of them Dash I don't think we can hold these guys I don't know but wait it looks like the Iron Golems are doing pretty good but come we just gotta help them wait it looks like your iron goal is about to lose and wait a minute why is this guy flying he knows how to use the fan get out of here what in the world come on come on come on we can hold this off definitely and oh no ready our house is getting so blown up there is way too many deaths there is no chance we can hold them off wait wait let's go ahead and hit this button and uh yeah ready that barely did anything anyway and even supercharged some of them what the heck oh let's go that actually worked pretty well yeah but wait a minute Randy look there's a supercharged one over there what the heck oh gosh take them out before he gets too close quick quick shoot him with the arrows and there we go we got him and here we go ready it looks like there's only a few of them left we can take this out easily let's go this is too easy here we go only two of them left and perfect that was way too easy rainy let's go that means we won Dash yeah and our house didn't even get destroyed it Up Wait Dash turn around uh wait and what the heck oh my gosh it's that red guy what the heck how did he even know we were here what in the world oh gosh he broke through all our lasers taxes and this guy does so much damage no way I'm running I'm too scared for this oh you thought you could take up my Army but you'll never take me out what the heck crazy oh no this is really bad what are you so he's gonna do Dash I'm getting out of here I'm getting my elitro fireworks and leaving oh no okay yeah I'm coming after you there's only one way we can defeat this come on come on I'm hopping it by a lighter it Dash you can light it off I'm out of here and oh my gosh Randy he's still attacking me back here let me put on the elytra and all right ready I think it's time goodbye our beautiful house go let's go I'm landing on top of their lap and we can watch everything get destroyed and oh my gosh Brady did you see that uh yeah Dash everything stopped moving oh no rainy I think everything is lagging what is going on oh my gosh Dash I'm stuck in all of it wait no ready get out fly out with your elytra and oh my gosh look at what just happened everything just got completely destroyed what but wait ready you know what else got destroyed all of them got destroyed in their stupid lab let's go but uh Rainey I don't think we can live here anymore I think we're gonna have to move again yeah I agree if you enjoyed that video make sure to hit like And subscribe and click on one of the videos on the 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Channel: Dash
Views: 78,912
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, rainey, dash and rainey, rainey and dash, dash minecraft, dash and rainey minecraft, minecraft, minecraft build challenge, family friendly, no cursing, no cussing, no bad words, cash, nico, cash and nico, minecraft mods, minecraft funny, maizen, sunny, sunny and melon, jamesy, jamesy minecraft, omz, Rainbow Friends VS The Most Secure Minecraft House!
Id: FlNdwluMJjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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