NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a ZOLPHIUS Build Challenge!

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today we're doing a zolpheus build challenge but I'm secretly gonna be using hacks to troll my friend for example if I do slash paste I can instantly spawn in this huge selfies and little does my friend know I'm Gonna Fill the entire build with traps to break him hey Rainey hey Dash what are we doing today today we are doing a zolpheus build challenge whoa that sounds so fun yep we've each got 15 minutes so good luck well anyways guys now that we're over here on our side and rainy can't hear us anymore let's go ahead and run the command slash slash pace and just like that we get this ginormous olfiest build this thing looks absolutely insane but now it's time to fill it up with a bunch of traps and for our first trap we're gonna build a fake entrance let's go ahead and build the fake entrance right over here and over here inside of this pink room we can go ahead and put an iron door with a pressure plate except we're only gonna put a pressure plate on the outside so once rainy is in he's not gonna be able to get out next let's go ahead and put a dispenser right over here and on top of of it we can put down a sign saying free candy except what rainy doesn't know is that we are not gonna put free candy in this instead we're gonna go ahead and fill it up with one of these blue TNTs and these blue TNTs over here do five times the normal amount of damage let's go ahead and put a lever over here and perfect the fake entrance is now done anyways now we can go over here on our actual build and we can start building the real entrance but before we start building this let's go over on rainy's side and check out what he's doing let's go ahead over here and break through the wall and wait a minute guys there's rainy and perfect my Sofia's build is looking so good let me just add on a few other touches and perfect that looks great and wait a minute guys does really really think this build is gonna win this build looks so bad wait a minute guys I have a perfect idea let's quickly go ahead and grab one of these dynamites and we can just go ahead and toss it at rainy's build wait what did my build just blow up oh no this isn't good because we only have like 12 minutes left and wait what we only have 12 min it's left oh no let's quickly fill in the wall and we have to get back to building anyways we're gonna go ahead and build the real entrance right over here first let's go ahead and add in some stairs so that you can get up just like that next let's go ahead and put a few signs over here to block out all of the lava and next we can go ahead and fill up this entire room with a bunch of fake lava basically if you don't know what fake lava is it looks like normal lava but if I go into survival mode and go for a little dip it does no damage and we're just gonna go ahead and build a little swimming pool out of fake lava and perfect this looks good and if rainy's going to want to get to the next level then he's gonna have to swim through all of this fake lava oh man rainey's reaction is gonna be so funny so make sure to stick around anyways we can go ahead and build our next trap right over here so let's go ahead and build a little hallway perfect and now inside of this hallway we're gonna go ahead and fill it up with a bunch of deadly traps like these spikes and also these super op laser blocks oh yeah there is no way rainey's gonna be to get past all this over here let's also go ahead and put down a few of these Diamond fans there we go and over here on the ceiling right above the fans we can go ahead and put some netherrite spikes basically whenever rainy walks over the fans he's gonna be blown into the ceiling and he's gonna hit these spikes let's go ahead and spawn in a zombie to test it out and oh my gosh this thing is so perfect let's also go ahead and add a few fans over here on the wall just like that and of course we can also go ahead and put some spikes on the other side and perfect it looks like our hallway of death is now complete there is no way rainey's gonna be able to get past all this but if he does we can go ahead and put down a command block over here and also a button which will take rainy on to his next challenge which is gonna be an ice boat race so let's go ahead and put down a chest over here and inside of it we can fill it up with a bunch of boats and now using some of this blue ice we can go ahead and make ourselves a little track just like this since we want this icebow race to be super difficult we're even gonna go ahead and take it outside let's go ahead and make it do a full loop around our build there we go this looks pretty good rainy's gonna have to ride that boat all the way around this entire build and since this ice is extremely slippery there is no way rainey's gonna be able to do this first try except hmm a normal iceboat race is a little bit too easy I think we should go ahead and add a few of these ice spikes ham there's no way Randy's getting through this now perfect this looks so much better but it still does look a little bit easy so let's just go ahead and add in a few lasers haha Minnie's gonna have to try to dodge all of these ice spikes and all of these lasers this is gonna be so funny to make sure that rainy doesn't cheat by just jumping from over here to the Finish Line let's go ahead and add some barrier blocks in between this way if he tries to jump then he's just gonna hit the barriers and fall down into the first level but anyways if rainy actually does make it over here to the end then he's gonna be taken to the next challenge which is gonna be a trident challenge so let's just go ahead and make a little pool of water over here and let's also go ahead and put down a chest with a trident inside whenever you're inside of water if you use a trident then it can shoot you way up in the air just like that and we're just gonna go ahead and make a few water platforms for rainy to land on and basically rainy's gonna have to use the Trident to go from this water platform all the way up to this other water platform which we're gonna build right over here and then from this one he's gonna have to go over here and perfect our Trident course is looking good Randy's gonna have to use this trident to go from here to here and then all the way to here and wait a minute guys for our next trap I have a perfect idea of what we can build but before we do that let's go over onto rainey's side and check out what he's up to again and perfect guys now that we're invisible we can go to rainy side and whoa he really upgraded his build but wait a minute there he is let's see what he's doing okay let me just go ahead and build this lava mode it's gonna be impossible for Dash to make it through and when a minute what is rainy building a lava mode oh no this thing looks super scary let me just go ahead and build this around the entire build and wait a minute guys this gives me an idea while rainy is at the back of his build over there we can go ahead and switch all of this normal lava with fake lava so let's just go ahead and grab some fake lava buckets and quick let's just go and replace all of it let's go let's go come on come on we have to do this before rainy gets back and perfect guys there we go the entire thing is almost filled up with lava and wait Randy's right there wait a minute where did this lava come I don't remember placing it here and wait a minute guys treaties onto US oh no well I guess it's just free lava so it's okay and perfect guys it looks like rainy doesn't notice let's quickly go ahead and replace the rest of this with some fake lava well anyways we only have like eight minutes left so I guess I'm gonna go ahead and build the rest of my traps and wait a minute we only have eight minutes left okay we have to build our traps as well but before we go using some commands let's just go ahead and replace all of rainey's white Wool with some of this super awesome looking purple wool wait what in the world happened to my build oh no why did it all turn into purple well I guess I have to fix all of this quick let's get back over to our side and perfect we're back over here on our side well Rainey said we only have eight minutes left so we have to quickly get to building our traps anyways if rainy can beat the Trident course over here then he'll be taken into a room and inside of this room over here we're gonna go ahead and build a few walls that are gonna have super tiny holes just like this which rainy is gonna have to end or Purl through except the further he gets the smaller the holes are gonna get yeah so for this one we can just go ahead and put down a slab and look at that Minnie's gonna have to Purl through half a block let's go ahead and add one final wall and for this one we're gonna go ahead and put down a stair just like that and rainy is gonna have to throw an ender pearl through this super tiny hole and wait a minute is this even possible let's try it out let's just throw it ender pearl and whoa that was so cool let's go ahead and add one more wall except for this wall the hole is gonna be completely invisible because it's gonna be a ghost block and basically if you don't know what ghost blocks are they look like normal blocks but you can actually go right through them so rainy is just gonna have to throw his ender pearl at the wall and hope for the best anyways if Freddy can get through this build then we can go ahead and put down another command block which will teleport into his next challenge which is gonna be a fighting arena first let's go ahead and build a little floor just like this perfect this looks good next we can go ahead and put a chest over here and another one on the other side of the the arena and then we can go ahead and put some armor and swords inside of the chest and for this challenge Rainey is gonna have to fight me and only if he beats me is he gonna be able to move on to his next challenge comment below who you think is gonna win anyways if rainy beats me in the fight then he can move on to his next challenge which we're gonna build right out here and this next challenge over here is gonna be an elytra course let's go ahead and put down a chest with an elytra and some fireworks and now we have to actually build the course itself so right over here we can go ahead and start building some rings that rainy is gonna have to fly through and of course we're gonna build them out of purple wool because purple is obviously the best color comment down which color you think is better purple or pink anyways now that we've got this first ring built using commands we can go ahead and paste in a bunch more just like that and perfect this looks pretty good but hmm these rings are pretty big and I think they're kind of easy to fly through so let's go ahead and surround them with some spikes perfect this looks much better while rainy is trying to fly through if he just hits one of these spikes then it's gonna be over so now let's go ahead and put some spikes on every other ring and perfect now this is starting to look like a real challenge we can go ahead and build a Finish Line right over here and now we can go ahead and start building our next challenge but wait a minute before we build this let's go check on Rainey again and perfect guys here we are on rainy's side again and we're completely invisible so we can't even see us and wait a minute it looks like he got rid of all that purple well that we put around this build whatever well anyways I think I see rainey's name tag right over there so let's quickly go ahead and break in and let's see what he's up to and perfect this parkour is complete there's no way Dash is gonna beat this it would have been it guys it really just filled parkour and wait a minute what the heck is that thing over there that looks so difficult we definitely have to do something about this so let's quickly go ahead and fill in the wall and hmm how should we fix this parkour and wait a minute guys I know you think somebody are your blocks we can just go ahead and connect all of the jumps just like this so now instead of doing parkour we can just go ahead and walk oh yeah there's no way rainey's gonna suspect a thing and wait a second is this a floating barrier block Dash is that you are you invisible and wait a minute guys oh no it looks like rainy noticed us uh yeah rainy it's me Dash what are you doing you gotta get back to your side there's only like two minutes left wait what there's only two minutes okay I have to get back over to my side see you ready and perfect we're back over here on our side but wait guys Randy said we only have two minutes left so let's quickly grab some milk and we have to get back to buildings anyways after the elytra course for this next trap we're gonna build a mining challenge so first let's go ahead and build a little floor next let's go ahead and build a huge chunk of stone there we go and now somewhere randomly inside of this big chunk of stone let's go ahead and hide a diamond ore and rainy's gonna have to try to mine into this chunk of stone to find that diamond ore and if he can find it in under 60 seconds then and he can move on to the next level which is gonna be a boss fight with zolpheus so now let's just go ahead and spawn in zolpheus and oh my gosh look at that this guy is so massive it's almost as big as our build well yeah this guy looks super big and scary and rainy's definitely gonna need some gear to fight him so let's just go ahead and put down a secret chest right over here and we can go ahead and fill it up with some of this op God Armor this gear is the most powerful stuff in the game just look at this sword it does a hundred thousand damage and if rainy's gonna want to use it then he's gonna have to look around for this hidden chest that's gonna be right over here but anyways guys we've only got like one minute left so we have to build our next trap which is gonna be a trivia room so let's just go ahead and break into the wall and over here using some signs on these parkour jumps we can go ahead and put down a question for example what game is zolpheus from we can go ahead and put Garden of Ben bin and over here on the right side can go ahead and put the wrong answer which is gonna be Minecraft and rainy's gonna have to jump on whichever side he thinks is right except the trick is that we're gonna go ahead and replace this block over here with the wrong answer with a ghost block this way if rainy chooses the wrong answer and jumps on it he's just gonna fall through so now we can go ahead and repeat this with a few more questions and perfect this trivia parkour looks good but over here if rainy makes it to the very end we're gonna add one more trap and that's gonna be a water bucket clutch Brady's gonna have to jump all the way down here and down here we can go ahead and put two things of water just like that except one of these holes with the water is gonna go all the way down into the void and to make sure rainey's not gonna be able to tell which one is which let's just go ahead and cover this side up with some ghost blocks and perfect our build is now done Dash are you done yet yep my build is just finished and it is looking super cool whose side do you want to see first well let's see mine looks super we're super good so we should definitely check out mine first it's gonna be way better okay whatever we can check out yours first I'm coming over to your side all right rainy I'm coming over and whoa your belt actually looks pretty cool oh duh Dash what does it not look good well I mean it doesn't even look nearly as good as my side but yeah it's all right yeah I definitely doubt that but anyways I built a bunch of challenges inside you can start right at these doors but wait a minute how am I supposed to get across with this lava mode I mean if you're really good you could just make it inside easily oh you're right you're right I can just swim across let's go wait what desk how are you alive well I mean that lava was pretty nice it was like a hot tub a hot tub what I can't do that sure you can't just go in for a dip okay um I guess I'll see in wait what oh I must have used the wrong bucket whatever well which one of these doors do I go through well Dash you're just gonna have to choose between them okay well since purple is the best color I'm gonna go through the purple door let's go and whoa the chest over here let's open it up and wait a minute wait was that a trap haha Dash is so dumb why would I ever let you pick purple oh whatever that was so messed up did you really have to have a void trap well I mean it was obvious wasn't it why would I ever give you the purple side whatever well how do I get through this door well Dash in order to get through this next door everyone that's watching us to subscribe in the next three seconds wait guys if you want to help me get through this door then make sure to subscribe I'll give you three seconds three two one thanks and whoa everyone just subscribe let's go and wait a minute rainy how do I get past this level those are just a few spikes you can definitely get through those right okay yeah you know it's just a few spikes should be pretty easy and oh my gosh I actually hit those ones that one hurt good job Dash you're still waking it through and let's go that was pretty good but wait a minute what in the world is this this next room is just a fan Challenge and if you get pushed up you're gonna go right to these spikes up here but wait a minute since there's a bunch of fans on the floor and spikes on the ceiling how am I supposed to get through well Dash there is a way okay hmm and wait a minute why are some of the blocks on the ceiling a different color wait a minute do those mean that these are fake fans and oh my gosh they do oh my gosh what how did you figure it out so quick I am just super smart let's go that was too easy oh whatever Dash well the next challenge isn't gonna be as easy all right and wait a minute what do I have to do here in this next challenge you're gonna have to use the bow inside of this chest and complete the ice boat race whoa okay well I'm an expert at ice spell racist so watch this video I'm not gonna fall a single time I doubt that I bet you're gonna follow up right about now and wait what you're still alive come on come on come on I am so good at icebo races this is too easy what you're so good at this and let's go first try oh you must have just got really really lucky Dash and wait a minute ready what the heck is this this next group is an extreme parkour room and if you mess up you're gonna die okay I gotta be super careful just gotta make a jump over here and wait a minute is this next one even possible uh yeah it's possible Dad it's really not that hard all right here we go here we go just gotta get warmed up and let's go I actually made it you're doing pretty good okay and now we just gotta do the fence jumps and whoa these ones are much harder yeah but if you're really good you could do it right away and whoa rainy these next jumps look super difficult but I'm pretty sure if I just warm up and go for it I can make it let's go oh good job Dash here we go just a few more left and let's go but wait a minute rainy what the heck are these next jumps well Dash these next ups are made with spikes and they also have these ice blocks so it's gonna be super slippery and oh no I have to be super careful okay but this first one looks pretty easy if I just go like that let's go and now for the second one I just gotta run and there we go and now there's only one left come on come on come on and let's go that was too easy what Dash how'd you get so good at this like I said I am an expert at parkour and you can just now climb through this ladder to go to the next level and wait a minute rainy what is that well dash for this next challenge you're gonna have three rounds of mob fights in each round they get more and more difficult wait what they get more difficult how am I supposed to fight them with no armor oh there's armor just look at the chest oh okay and wait a minute is this leather armor what I mean are you not good enough or something uh no it's fine I am an expert so this leather armor is perfectly fine perfected are you ready yep I am spawning the mobs go go go a minute are these jumbo Josh's what the heck haha you're definitely going down oh no oh no these guys are so big and scary what the heck I gotta run gotta run gotta run they're doing so much damage come on dash come on you got this oh no and let's go I actually won with only two hearts remaining what okay I really thought you're gonna fail the first level but I guess you could move through now let's go but wait a minute what's this next level gonna be are you ready for this next level Dash I am but first you're gonna need some upgraded armor so you might want to go into the chest and whoa wait wait this armor looks super cool yep and it should help you win this fight all right all right Randy these are guards and you're definitely going down what the heck so much damage they even have shields haha Das there's no way you win this come on come on come on I can definitely win this and oh no they do so much damage since you're so weak Dash I'm gonna give you a strength potion oh let's go this is gonna help so much come to your cards you guys are going down and oh my gosh I just one shot at them let's go Dash you can do this there's only one left and ggs that strength potion really came in clutch yeah that's really the only reason you want but I guess you could move through now and whoa what's this last round gonna be well you might want to get the arm out of the chest let's just say that all right and whoa this armor looks super yeah and you're definitely gonna need it oh okay well spun him in and wait a minute what the acronis is a mutant zombie I guess it is Dash there's no way you can beat this thing what the heck that's pretty powerful well if I hit it enough times let's go we actually got it oh it's gonna get back up don't you worry and what did you say penny I'm just too strong that ax must be super super op but I guess you can move through now let's go we'll dash for this deck Josh you're gonna have to find the button and place it right here on this command block oh find the button I'm an expert at these let me just look around is it in this chest come on it's not in the chest maybe it's over here in the furnace and wait I found a piece of paper that says not in here okay oh Dash it looks like having a really tough time come on come on surely it's somewhere around here maybe there's a hidden chest or something maybe Dash I don't know come on come on come on and wait a minute ready why is there a chest on that tree over there is it inside of there maybe it is that's why don't you go over there and find out wait how am I supposed to get up there there's no way to make this jump this jump is impossible well Dash maybe try looking around a little bit okay well maybe if I go out here behind the house maybe there's something over here and wait a minute ready I on some barrier blocks this must be the way to go let's go and perfect I made it to the chest and there was a button inside let's go that was too easy I don't think it was too easy but sure and whoa rainy is this another parkour room yes it is but this one is 10 times harder than the other one 10 times harder okay we'll see about that just watch I am an expert at parkour oh you actually doing pretty good Dash well I'm actually doing pretty good so far I have not fallen off a single time okay Dash whatever but wait a minute ready how do I do these next few jumps what is this there's like anvils on the walls I don't know Dash you gotta figure it out okay maybe if I just jump on it and oh my gosh look I can't believe that actually worked good job Dash and now I can just climb the wall just like this and perfect good job and now you can move on through and whoa wait a minute ready what's this this is your final challenge you're gonna have to pick the right pool to jump in all right here we go well since right is wrong I'm gonna go on the left side let's go and let's go I was right what you actually got it right I am too good oh whatever Dash well anyways your build was pretty cool I think I'll rate it a solid 8 out of ten do you want to go check out my side though one eight out of 10 yeah there's no way you're gonna win with a score like that let's go check it out all right dash let me come check this out it oh my gosh you built this in 15 minutes yes I did what you're such a good Builder Dash yep I am an expert well I think this thing deserves a solid wait wait wait rainy you can't rate my build yeah you haven't even seen the inside oh I forget you do build challenges too where do I start well you can start either over here at the lava entrance or on the pink entrance over here uh I mean I don't know why I would go into lava so I'm just gonna go into the pink side all right well I'm just gonna stand out here you enjoy that side okay and wait is this free candy whoa it went downstairs wait what just tricked me Dash already that was the fake entrance why would I ever make the pink side the real one wait but there's lava over here how am I supposed to get through this well you're just gonna have to figure it out uh let me see is there another entrance somewhere no I'm not seeing any fake blocks Dash what am I supposed to do well Randy you're just gonna have to figure it out I guess what you can't even give me one hint I will give you one hint you will have to do some swimming some swimming wait is there water inside of here well there isn't any water rainy but here I'll give you a little hint there you go wait wait I'm getting healed why is the lava burning me Dash Brady this is fake lava what oh that's so awesome yep but anyways good job on making it past the first challenge but there's a lot more to come oh no this looks so difficult and whoa wait Dash what do I have to do here already over here you just have to jump past all of these obstacles oh no this looks so hard okay come on I can do this and let's go jump in whoa I barely avoid the laser yep you do not want to hit this laser because that would be very bad for you okay let me put my head down like that and perfect I made it through good job now you just have to jump over a few of these spikes okay let me whoa ow ow wait are we have like half a heart oh wait you only have half a heart here I'll Splash you with some healing potions just because I'm feeling nice oh let's go okay let me jump over this one and oh I keep missing already you are so close there okay let me try jumping straight ahead and I took a lot of damage but I'm still alive you just have one more Spike jump to go come on come on in let's go good job and wait Dash are these fans yes they are and you're gonna have to somehow avoid them and avoid hitting the spikes okay what if I just run through and let's go out wait those ones are out those ones hurt I mean you gotta be more careful okay let me just try running straight through everything come on come on come on in already you are so close you made it past the second one ah all right I'm gonna run through again come on three two one let's do this let's do this and boob I made it whoa I was not expecting you to actually make that I thought it was going to be impossible but since you did make it you can hit this button over here to move on let's go and wait Dash what is this room this is just a little ice boat race you can go ahead and grab a boat out of this chest and you're gonna have to ride it all the way around by zolpheus okay this should be pretty easy and wait a minute ready no no you can't be standing up there get down wait what why can't I stand up there Superior walls oh okay well I guess I'm gonna start the course oh this is so difficult though I hate icebo races come on Randy you just fell at the beginning of the course you gotta do better than that okay let me just go a little slower and wait whoa this course is too small maybe this course is definitely possible you just gotta do better okay wait a second let me go super slow like this and whoa really good job you avoided the laser I'm bad come on I can do this whoa I'm gonna fall oh and you're about halfway done and wait a minute why are you going backwards oh I got stuck oh these ice spikes are so annoying and whoa the Laser's right there oh you almost hit that laser good job on dodging it okay just a few more turns come on come on oh and it looks like you're actually doing pretty good you're really close to the end oh come on avoid the laser wait I can't even fit through here Dash oh you know what I'll break this ice back for you uh let's go and perfect I made it through let's go good job hey wait what am I supposed to do now well ready for this next challenge you can go ahead and grab the Trident out of this chest and you're gonna have to use it to launch yourself on each of these Landing spots whoa this looks super fun I can do this come on let's go and whoa waiting you actually did that first one pretty well you only have to do one more come on let me just do this and perfect let's go and wait what's in this chest some ender pearls yep because rainy for this next challenge you're gonna have to throw those ender pearls through the holes in the wall all right this should be super easy let me just throw one right here and perfect oh good job but rainy the holes get smaller each time so you're gonna have to be more and more careful wait what this is like impossible oh well you're actually getting pretty close you just gotta throw it through the whole and wait did you just run out of Ender Pearls uh no because you said you're gonna give me a stack more ah fine I never said that but here you go all right watch this Dash and there you go you actually made it Yep this is too easy and now for this next one this hole is super small and whoa you really just did that first try good job yep I'm a pro but wait there's nothing else in here all ready for this next room the hole is invisible wait invisible then how am I supposed to figure it out well you're just gonna have to throw an ender pearl and hope for the best hmm okay let me just do this no not really seeing anything oh wait I made it through oh and wait I can't believe you actually did that so quick good job I don't know how I did it but let's go and you can hit this command block to move on and whoa Dash what is this this next room is a fighting room we're gonna have to do a fight and whoever wins gets to move on oh let's go who am I fighting you're gonna be fighting me wait you that's too easy are you sure about that well it's gonna be first of three wins and good luck oh let's go let's go and here we go ready you are going down there is no way you are winning this oh come on come on oh no no and wait a minute did you just throw an ender pearl and let's go that was too easy okay I'm not taking the easy on you anymore Dash well anyways Randy that sets the score to 1-0 for me and whoever gets the three wins first gets to move on go go go wait what did you start early what that's not fair and let's go too easy uh whatever I guess that sets the score to 1-1 let's move on to the next round all right let's go come on come on you are definitely going down this round and let's go wait what you're cheating no I wasn't I'm just better no you're not Dash YouTube that's the only reason I lost well anyways now the score is 2-1 for me so let's move on to the next round here we go all right come on come on come on come on you are definitely going down this time let's go oh this is too easy and let's go what our death score is now two to two so whoever wins this next round wins come here Rainey you're going down and wait oh I just juked you come on come on come on just a few more hits you're definitely going down and no oh that was way too easy I'm just way better at PVP oh whatever Brady you just got lucky well as you can tell I collected three of your heads so that's an easy dub oh whatever well let's just move on to the next round and wait what is this supposed to be well ready for this next challenge it's an elytra course and you have to fly with an elytra through all of these Rings oh this is super easy I'm a pro now watch this oh but be careful because if you hit one of these spikes then it's over oh don't worry I won't Dash oh and wait you're actually doing pretty good I was not expecting you to do this well let's go and wait where do I go from here well there's a Finish Line right over here that you can land on oh perfect come on let's go and whoa you actually did a pretty good job at that yeah I know I'm a pro well anyways ready for your next challenge do you see this big stone wall over here uh yeah well you're gonna have to mine into it and try to find a diamond ore you've got 60 seconds go go go oh wait this is super easy I can do this are you sure about that this is a pretty big chunk of stone yeah just watch oh and rainy you've only got 30 seconds left oh no come on I can do this there is no way you're gonna find it 20 seconds left Brady come on come on 10 seconds left and I found it let's go wait you actually found it okay well good job you can move on let's go I'm the best and here you go I'll put down some ladders to take you to the next level perfect wait a second is that zolpheus yes it is rainy and you better have that armor from earlier oh no come on come on I can take him out yep you're gonna have to fight Sophia's and wait a minute why isn't he attacking you back because cause he's super scared of me obviously what what this come on you gotta start fighting back and go oh whatever well that was what you're gonna win okay let's see what game is Sofia's from Minecraft or garden of ban ban well I mean he's not a Minecraft character obviously so he's gonna be kind of bad bad all right all right well you got the first question right about the next few are gonna be much harder this build is better okay on this side you have Dash and over here you have rainy oh Dash you just misspelled this silly up uh wait your sign fell off let me just get another one here we go like this and wait a minute are you changing the signs that's not fair no I said rainy the whole time look at that oh whatever I guess you can move on yeah bite is just way better who is bigger zolpheus or jumbo Josh well I mean jumbo Josh has jumbo in the name Dash it's pretty obvious it's gonna be jumbo wait what and already that was incorrect Sophia's is actually bigger okay fine I guess I'll pick Sophia's then and there you go good job you almost beat my course you only have one challenge left wait what's the last challenge you have to jump in the correct water hole except this is a little bit too easy so I'm just gonna go ahead and make them a little bit smaller wait what that's cheating good luck come on come on and no I fell through the floor hi Randy you chose the wrong side come on come on come on and let's go good job you now beat My Level oh that was way too easy to ask I think I'm gonna give this build a solid 9 out of ten let's go that means I win the Build Challenge oh wait what I completely forgot well good job Dash if you enjoyed that video make sure to hit like And subscribe and click on one of the videos on the screen if you want to watch more
Channel: Dash
Views: 355,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dash, rainey, dash and rainey, jamesy, Jamesie, Jamesy Minecraft, Jamesy, Minecraft roleplay, Minecraft building, Build battle, Minecraft mutant mobs, Minecrafft theme park, Nico and cash, Cash, Nico, maizen, maizen build battle, Wiederdude, MongoTv, pro vs noob, JJ and Mikey, House Build challange, Maize, Aphmau, NOOB vs HACKER: I Cheated in a ZOLPHIUS Build Challenge!
Id: J8KWs3u2vT8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 3sec (1923 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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